Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1919, p. 6

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0 lira tliomuu h akinc of oualnb vlnltod acton frlondu thlu vrvolc tho rncrctianta will toko their drat wodnyklay half iiollday next week fjunday uth inut will bo moumra day in tho fhurchca and gundny btllioola tho ward iluehner concert com pany at tho town hall to night will be a musical treat- motorlatu am now roqulrcd by law to refrain from running their corn with the cut outa open ilr carr of mcmnator university toronto preached in the hap tint church last sunday acton a rartnero cluh ahlppod two earn of ntock yesterday it busy day on the otreetn there wan quite a nnow atorra last thursday the anow and the low tem perature did not loot ions mr xoo ilolmoa haj tho founda tlona in tor a lino now veranda at hln residence on llowor avenue mr john kenney tiaa sold hln houoo and lot at tho corner of del and affiles street to tlr it tlng sacramental aervlcea will be held in tho methodist church next sunday there will also bo a reception of row ffiembcrs tho ouelph housing commission hon elected c i dunbar chairman 73 if xianson vicechairman and wm ten p la man oecretary at the aco of s5 exsenator chauncoy depew bellevea the most important rule for younc men to learn la not to endomo no tea lonjon a dry ffooda etocery and jewel cry merchants are expected to adopt nix o clock closing on saturday evenings in the m mediate future tho toronto suburban hallway added extra evenlns cam for sunday east and west on til further notice leaving toronto at s1e and guelnb at 31 s lflas minnie bennett teacher of the entrance department at tho pub ho school has been unablo to teach this week owlnff to a severe aore throat tho hal ion farmcra association havine decided to contest both the federal house and the iedslature will hold a convention in mil ton on way n to select candldatea tho ontario federation of barber meeting in lla fourth annual conven tlon at ouelph this week adopted a resolution setting the uniform mini mam price for haircut ting at 60c mr ambrose mccann baa sold the brick house and one lot on park avenue which he purchased last fall from mr john walters to mr d h undsay of the electric chopijlng mill mr wm uaberwood erin left at this office on saturday two delaware potatoes which weighed 2 pound they were as fresh as if they had just been brought from tho potato fields mr thomas marshall baa sold his brick house and lota at tho corner of mill and wellington streets to mr decue mr marshall has purchased tho mckeown property on agnes street dome warden khy owen sound has mode a determined effort to wipe oat tho illegal shooting of muskrats in that district with tho result that ik persons nave been fined f50 und costs for tho offence tho post office staff has been un usually busy the post week hundreds of registered letters containing cheques for the first instalment of interest on tho last victory honda were received entered and the signature or their owners taken neighborhood news- town and country items of inurttt from various locslt tlaa covarvd by tho fro press churchill j4r john m intyn broken iminjti ww kn the frloi rill in lit f iojl in lln rosy cuiktiruliii hl ii rlola in that elty hi pcrauinj unit ulcl irolvod a fnw ilnju uj hln nrphow hero ii lxin in tho unlltxl l monthn nd therefore cor fro n tho mutiny r ly durliur the which mi pimij a a letter rn however by rtji tlmt iu hit i oakvtlle houucu lit rent are ul u i rcinlum li oakvlllo oakvlllo moroliail la aro adopting lio co operative delivery nynt m lit judo u vnitry incrcuucd tho j tors nalary to 2 000 at tho ijintc mcctliiir yx chief hwt anil urn hweet bav drdih 1 to go itack to trenton to innuo their homo homo uwcot homo lust night foi iltrct- abhlo wfllcu aftrr iui ahiianco o four yturn und eight mtaithji duiilan lt ttot o 10 of the oldest tlior oughfarea tiirough ha i ion county wil be mado a provincial highway la ul likelihood w b davis has disponed or wlhlum orlcen stock form of 100 acres to mr leslie of norvftl thla la un excelloi t farm with good bulldlnga wm wall of california vloltod with tho family of hln hrothcr tho late sam well recently mr wall loft oakvlllo aomo twenty yearn ago und luut boon in tho woot ever einco crew0on0 corncrb miss haxel dcmlfl la irltlng frlcndu in ouelph ulna bault of hoopolor vlnltod ut mr m crowoon u lust wool mr w dei nia und mjuri kathueu npent tho week end with acton trlcndu mr and mrs m crewaon und dill dren vlaltod friend a ut campbellvlllu on sunday miss jcaalo andemon arton i miss 1mlly vciung via it ml at mr a murray a last week tho annual district mcotlntf of tho quolnh district will be held in ljnru methodist church on mn is and it mr and mrs rred crewson actnn oad miss itoaxell hulaburg npenl icaster sunday at mr m crowoon o- tho sacrament of the lord a supper will bo observed in the methodist church hero on sunday may 11 quarterly board moating will be hold in 1 lock wood u week from monday night burlington in order to promote that flno aport for which hts native country in england is famous pigeon flying sam carter m i 1 has offered a very handsome shield for competition to the ouelph homer pigeon club ouelpt mercury the public school hoard han asked for 111 000 for corrent expenses for the year tho town will collect uahca from cltiaens homes und ulillxo them on th i roads joxo 1 1 e campbell alton uhlpped to tor onto this week u car of hugu at u record prico of f0 co per cwt mechanic charles sturgcaa at the itoyal air ilylng service returned home from overtteau on saturday last tho houae formerly owned by tho late lieut col koma on water street is belie overhauled and will be opened as a a wayaid inn memorial will bo erected in su luke a church in memory of tho mem hens of tho church who made tho supreme oaerinco in tho war mlaa florence smith youngest daughter of mr w a- smith alder shot sailed lost thursday from van couver bc for japan enrouta l china where she will teach in a mlfl sio nary school at koebc cnlno lr 1irl vlnn lit tntiit tho wm with frloinln tit ic ron to mru jnlin jollifto vhn uii vi rouplo i f in ut ui i l lulldlj vulrm lll mr ih jmtiiimr urtir who w alnhutnu i ui iii ii 1 1 hi in i m k ho n irty th i rmlii llolhi hit 1 tlmt o to unythlrii tht i njth ii rcnl h jllh nnl vlf or htniki from all it olloi iur ijiitcrtldi 1 i ink lullil wm l i vi ii u ouulno uuriil whoi wuii iruontd ly hnv ann 1 uvol out i li t u imtnilf of tlm lit j il jitlri hot li ly with u hruutlful i rinieo ni f ir llfn tuvlnr nultubly iicruvn 1 will lx n mom bored hint krdnk rcurue 1 mauler wlllunl smith liliit july win iiluuiat druwncd in tlm imnj illv i ullutiu alji of iml iilthrliii tin of publii w ith will hln tlhlhlthlk tlm i on tho nltlu mrfl ulku i of to mr j awthroup lift i nit ilunfilo wlien ht will rnldo iluuulihr tlm hy 1 or vxi rt un wuj ti to 1 onfortd 11 i hill vuitr i hor 1 uixntu mr uiillln 1 ituniilin mm ltowun utitl llttlo tluiiilitur i clnvluii ohio an htro on a vlii t ti her mother mm j wilson und u rlattvt mr und mrn j d iltrh nlu let liiunu on monday from u pltutuuiit win tura visit with tliflr da uc liter hi llrlt ish colu nbl it cout tho vllldlrn hit for tho in jurlcii sustained by mrn muud mllloy when nhn tripped on u pu which wui luui vn main struct ite lairl lllciiton who i bixi i nvi to lvanco with u lluttullin from cul rury wuu hero on a vlult u hiu fatlior mr w lllnnton tlurlni the week mr 1 l walker who luiu ihjoi manager of thtfc local branch of tin union sunk for tho puut six ytmru huu imon tranaforrod to hugernvlllo the price of buttot a hulton frmor wifo wtnu tht manufacturers profiu qtstod in youtcrduy a uloho a i unuur i wlft of hulton county uptly iliowi the turmoru uldo of hlth prutulu tin following utrlklng latlur to tho idltor of tho tho llubo you ask in suturduy a issin whui uhout huttcrr i would ask whut ubaut clothing t tuko boots i shoes for lnstuico it takou m butter to pay for a pair of hoots now thun it did five ycani ago hideo ore very llttlo if any higher why doeu tho prtco of cottons keep soaring tokos more butter to pay for u yard of cotton than it did five youni ago tho name with all kinds of clothing lust season tho furtneru jiolil their wool from 8a to 7bc per pound cunudlun wheeling yarn mado from the cow ratio of woo with tho addition of from one quarter to ono half shoddy noils from t- 25 to j2 iso por pound oh tho greedy furmero tho city pupcro uppcur tn think that if thoy howl at tho rurmnru they will koop thn public from thinking about thtf munufa turcrs and other profit o whom ho oovti union t in holplng rob the people tho oloho tnkts credit to itaolf for ticvotjoc one luge u woolc to tho form era alout ull tliut in in it lu tit uhow tho onomiuuu profltu tho farm era urr making why not for u change toll of tho pronto tlio manufurtururti uru making t a 1 allsiulh w1tl hulton onl qeobqetown dr w i mcpbcrson of leltoy n spent tho woek end with dr and mrn mccoll iteeve grant attended tho ontario educational association at toronti last week tho pupils of george town publi school have purcliaaed over 100 worth of thrift stamps mr nell hunter la ablo to bo around again after his roccnt operation his speedy recovery is hoped for commencing may 1 our storcu and business places will bo closed each thursday afternoon during may juno july august and september mrs john appleby formorly of georgetown la quite seriously ul at her home in buffalo iteeve grunt loft on wednesday to visit mrs appelbe miss warren can secretory oren fell mission will nlvo a picture talk on labrador and it a people in the methodist sunday school this ovonlnj the girls guild of st george f church will hold an entcrtalnmont and supper in tho sunday school room on tho evening of may c chicken puttlm will be a specialty of tho oupper herald nas3aoaweya ctorm a canadian cow valued at 30000 a 23yearold ftmncr id oxford county owns this valuable champion refused buffalo mano offer j 11 ilonuier the 3 year old dairy man or jjunh norwich lu tho county of oxford bus boon orterul30 000 for his world cluunplon butffr cow itollo mercedes lokol tho offer coma from john cabana jr of liuffulo turuugb two of his representatives who visited tho hunmtr furm butt thursday cat o tn th championship before being dethroned by tho oxford holateln in tho official teat ending a woek or so ago mr ilanmer reruaod tho offer the owner bus entered her with tour others at tlio big national oalo of holstclua to pe held lu lhlludulpltla in june j ii humnur huu been in the hoi stoln business for three yours aft or attending tho oa c ouelph ho pur dhased the mother of itollo mercedes dekfll ut his fathers olspernul solo for 330 since thun ho tios been building up gradually und now has tjuurtorvd in his cattle burns uno of tlio greatest and most notable llulstuln herds in america ucsldos owning tho worlds champion he also hua tho lomlulon junior champion livu stuffortl wliose bg la throj years pual f miss amy kennedy is vuhlnt 1 onto friends mr joe fvunk u utidur cure at present r wm cockhuni etitertuluetl hlu friends und nolghboro very enjoyubly lust friday evoulug mra christie of ouelph spent lao tor at the homo of her puronta mr und mru- james darrugji tho misses annie and idu crawford of ouelph spent tho hollduyu with friends here miss juesslo anderson of ounlpi pent ltntcr ut her homo here mrs thos tsylor und oh i id run of ouolph spent the weak und with friends bore a box social was hold lu tho uthool house o he no 7 loot wcdncihluy evening a upland id prugrumino wn provided and tho prtx oeds amounted to 8a 00 an in turout int item on tlm programme woo u uolo by ulao junu itonk the llttlo four your old duuili tor of mr william lvunk oall1nafad correcting the old mans dreams mr ldltor icur sir ii lu not often thul 1 troublo lou with urtichji in tho llua lucm but after rxudlng un urtlclo two weeks ucu from tlio old man of tho clock tovvtr i writo to correct a fuw atutumtnts uboul our flrnt blind i like to read his vlnlonw very woll i woo ono of ulje of tho boyu who cun uaaed tho vlllufeo for uubocrlptlonti to ruluo money to buy a uct of bund in utrurncntu tho liumui of tlio man were john hill james nlcltlin juki domjumy jumcu hill und two otheru all that ilofeuaor davey hud to do with it wui tliut h tiiutht u bund in geortoiown und ho cumo to oeo if wo would got up a hand hcru und ugruod to teach us for u suited uum ho know whece wo could tot u uocond baud uot of instruntentu for tho sum of j1cg 00 cuuh ho uulil und wo rummlmilflnuj him to got them for uu ho u commit too was uppolntod und went to work and eortvuiumid the village und organised thu bund iich of tlio mninberu hud to put hp olfcht dolluru to pay tho bulunco on thu liiatrumunto i thought tho old uun wrote llttlo duiparuglithlv i of iuvy und our oocontl hand hrnu i hold no brlof f itr thu irofcuoor but it wus uuld by thun ono that wo eould not have ot a better ituin to teuch tho rudl f bum inuule until u exrtuln point wus reached when wo wejo ejimlng from 1 laying ut niuuoguwliu uhow tlio tlnit youi i wus unf rtunutu unomh to bo uiiwuiii iui ono of two to glvo him tho j ii und ho took it vtry unkiii lly a fow of tho instruments wor 0 i und uumo of them wuro now aftur ijuvoy wo onguxed mr vulo ofuuulpli u nillltury bandmuutor from 1 ntf land unit uftir ha left wo uiiguuod 1 slmlh of guulpll from tho oumo roklment as mr vulo i don t think tho old uaiii hiur lug wuj very otkil ut uiut tinio it ho wuuld put hlu uur to tho grouti 1 thcaa dyo he might hour uuch uouudu ua this pausing ul ng on tho toloplioiia llullol who um i speuklug to yos flxod our profits but tho root or you this tu hid mvfuahcuiihud oh wo hua you iiro raising your t rloeu 1 uuppouu wo nuy us well tuo uuk htm to try tho npmfi military ncvvo unit a a ilollll formerly manager liimk of novu ittdluhrre wan in town thin w t u mr llolllc rntiirnrtl from iki ii uboul thrtn wcnltu ugo hn in n w itiiipylng u pouttlon with tn ii u 1 f 1 imilnm m toronto i ti itlplliij i uittr urrlvetl ut acton a hi intli int without notice hut when ho itft on mi utluy morning for hln h mi ut mnylo dc ho was given u n y il 1 1 n 1 off by hln numcroua friends hen he i uw much wcrvlco durii g the war hlu at ton frlondii wish him tjvi ry uu t f no lu hln fnr western homo i to jon kennedy rcaclifd homo from 1 ruixn hint thunnlay uf t r four yearn ntruiiunuu in rvlco ho went over with tho mluslnuuugu 11 or no und wns in the i irnt cutiuilliiii imvlnun he wan bad ly wountltd in tho ilommo engage mi nlu but corncu homo in very good c niiutlon i to kennedy wan among tho iriif ninn in tho army of occupa tion to march into germany ho wan uct ortlt d u grout welcome when r i hoi in hint week all thu cuiiudluns uro not finding tlxlr lrl lei in lngund llout oold win jr4itry i hn of w d orcgory who wuti tho 1 llcrul cun d ldn to in the luut fetlr oletioii found ilia uoul niulu lii llolglum in the historic city f moiiii ho inuirled on liobruary 1 ir n duughter of monalour und mo tluino alfred srlhuy thoy nailed on tho maiirotuniu on tucuday of last wtu for now ytrrk and will likely son t ht iph hwuckhumor tho third lit ii uf ox iteeve swuckliamor to reach homo from ovenieuo arrived homo on wi iliicotliy vcnlng lust sergt swpck haint f wuii one of the rroot uoeful men win titillated hiro hlu aptitude for military roiiutromentu in eovcrul brunehcu of tho service brought him into prominence ourly in his career hoth ut omhii llorden and at hamilton ho win mi lnnlructor and in the camps in uiittluiul ho won continued in thla uorvlct much to his pcrnoyjjl regret un ho tlcnlrod devoutly to go with the cunuilluu uolillcru tu do his bit in 1 rnnco und trek with them into ger roach oakvlllo tlilo week ito jumoa ilobertoon ono of our uoldlora who wont overseas early in tho war arrived homo on thursday a number of hlu acton friends met him in toronto to wolcomo him tho jlo- option ommlttce and numbers of i tin r clticons mot him ut tlio citation hern mill i uvo him u rousing reception jlinmlo hutl u wldo experience in tho wur hi wus cwioo wounded but has returmd homo in splendid health ho mart lie i with tho cuiiudluns into ger many ho lu utuylug with his old tlmo friends mr and mrs alex mokenxlo wellington ktrtuit surge john wllderspln of the 4th iluttullon cl1 spent the past week ut tho homo of mr wm ululr lake avenue sorgt wildorspln enlisted with tho hullon illfles from norval shortly after tho outbreak of the war and null d from valcartlcr with tbo lot cunudlan dlvlalon in september 1914 und huu aeon four years of active rvlco in france he was present at tho hiavy anagomentu of tho second buttle of ypreu and was through iea tubort tho sommo vlmy pjdgo ji1u 70 cumbrul und was stationed at iusuclienduolo whon tho armuitico wus ii ik no tl ho was recommended for tho military modal ut liourlon wood in octobir 1q1h usxinnrched with tho urmy of occupation to tho cologno brldioloud on tho ithlne germany althuuili wounded twlco und goasud ho la llttlo tho worso of his thrilling t xporloncca tshun 1 attention don t wo oomotlmos tool an wo pass them by that thoy re not tho eamo standard uv you und i don t wo feel sometimes wo havo paid tho hill lly tho cash wo gavo and tho dollars wo wiht t atop to think of tho tlmo thoy i j llwm ij tzltfiki ft pays t shop at this store heacsquiirfteirs for corsets hosj- iery and gloves l cobicts wc jjivc our customers their choice of the best tnttken in the trade to day cromptons c a a la grace and the d st a the new models for spring aro now in ltock and wc would he pleased to have you call and look them over cromplona mijji medium and low bust c c la grace ranro in price from 1 00 to s3 50 pair ix a corseth in all the new models ask to r lint 2c8 at 1j0 i tno 220 at 3150 line 415 at 5200 line 44b at sz25 line 540 at x25 line 024 at 325 these arc all ood lints and you will and the price much lower than the largo city stores ladiea hose in black brown white fibre silk with lijc top special 75c and si 00 girls 11 iubbed lloac tladium make in black only sim 5 and 6 48c size g oy and 7 50c size 8 goc pair boys iubbed hooo at 4ge cor g5cv c0e and 75c pair ladlco silk gloves kayaer make silk gloves in binck white gray anil sand shades one star quality at per pair 100 two star quality at per pair 125 a bargain in mens block casirmcrc hoie jut 10 dozen in this lot sac ioj2 only all wool cashmere regular price 75c on sale at 55c curtain materials bungalow net in a largo range of patterns scrims in white ecru and arab with fancy borders 4 yards xinnlcum at per running yard 5x0 grocery speclsils 5 bars puritan sonp good 03 comfort 25c comrort lye z cans 25c quart jar black strap 15c quart jar olives choice i t tin pink salmon 5 pkgs handy ammonia 11 or size 15c 20c 25c extra special pbices on oranges bananas lemons etc mclean mills mill street we sell for cash we sell for less acton headquarters foe wedding and birthday presents iusrr 147 hllvrrvrr krihra 1 orttn nnil 1 kim kanry cut tllanm 1 tincy chlrui wo rarry tlia nmnt cumplcto htur in tcwn manrtlagc liccnocs issued geohynds acton ontanio couldnt hear them ton arts you deaf to my p incnt iva i am- tom but wjinl if i wore to you a illumanil rlnet i vt oh 1 m not tituna doaf 1m lo awuy from tliclr bom no und what it hua meant aurrender ull that thoy held moat dear lflori porhupu and a tils curoort don t ucoff at nucli tliousbtji for it a thoua lihiikl n you arid it i not arrayo that tin y wuni li ruluo to bn over uli ol brtuis han da l broth call of ood tholr all for has it u comruduahlp t with a umllo and i vhu itnawonid tin esquesing council grants 20 to soldiers georgetown fall fair is granted 50 what about a grant to acton fair 7 mail carriers duoov damag ed i ordered repaired al ho april muotluu of luquculni rwnnhlli coqurll u by law wan iojia d to i ruvhlo iiruntu to otlcerij and in n ruiihli ntii of thu municipality who iuvh r turned from ucllvo aorvleo von uuii with tho nuvul und military rttio ut tho itrllioh empire tbo runt wuii ilxct ut f20 por man ibo followluc uepounut were ordurod 1 u i all a wllloubtiby wlru funclnff oreakino it oentlv a woll drcaachl eintlenutn ayn tbo ilcrllnor illuutrlrtu zcltunir wt upon u ixinch in a park und lruiind buck to enjoy tho mfrojihliik nuramir air not far away u boy out on tbo ktiiyj watcb- ine blm intently lrvaantly tho man npoko to tho lad why uriin t you otr playtnif with tho other loyur oh i don t want to jual now ho unavrcred hut a chap your aco uujcht to llko to play with tbo other tnllowu lln coins to noon roplltnl tlio boy i j ant wan tod to ueo you whon you sol up thoy painted that bcncli you uro ulttlns on thla morning i birds decreaqino a bird cciuiim in uoutliorn illlnou uhowu thut with fow uiroptloiui tbo liatlvo blrda luivo ercutly decrauaod in numtmr tlirco iipotlcu havo dlaap iwaixd altobftthor ularkblrdu crown bluojayu and robliui liavo j uot about hold their own aroorik tho cuuwii uf thlu dccrtiuu ltiillca uhootlnt ho djirayln0 of orctiardn lu tuild to havo had itu wftoct tho 1 nullah uparrowu uro lmriuiint rcducjuu tho tinxl nup ply of other upoutu kellys meat market corim mill and elgin gtrt acton i carry a full linn of meats an t havo hinl ituiny years axprlrriro it 1 my aim to brine befuro my rumu mtra thn very cliolrtmt uuu at u raonahi irlr will ou nivo mo an oppor tunity to alw you cajii iaii 1 oi ill ttint and jtg w kelly acton ont ibaurfgayins this week 9 iba xvhlto sucar 9 ibo rirown hiujar ibo whlto itcan taplco lb khjl watnuta tb iso 7so frh lattuca tomatou radtshas nd oraan oniqm for thura- day and saturday home dakinq on friday and saturday mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont- vjivoid cxjughi nndcoughean what home means to them to tlio hmall hoy tho norvlco at iiupply to tho vourur lady tho thcutr to tho younc uui iiradjuarteru for expeditionary forcea to tlrundmu a rout oottor to tlio black bhotp an awkward lulknl to tbo maid n aunt no mun a land to mother tbo bono houiltal urtl futu depot um jimp cinniiiltmary to 1 atbor hcauquuilcm dlahuniliuf illlcq and ujjuiitei of lulmn i i u um n011lma mr nl mn ho dry tod toronto on wotlncatluy mr an 1 mm john htuwurt w ljutar vlnltoia at mr john un luuy u mr drun of oaprlnaa lu vukoihi itb mr itrod lluuslna fur tbo uiu ior oftloonhotuwii frloti im on hutui day mlaa jemtlo lllnnlo boa aecurvj jkaltloii 111 mr carutun orllllti u otori isrin tho furntora aru plouue 1 lu aoo tbca brbjfht day a und aro inmy tttiriij tbi mr and mra hendry wiru thu sueatii of mr und mia j wllluutfhby on itunday mr hubtrt colo of ucoricatowu hua rented mr john ltuuilru houao und will uiovo very uoon ijuit hatunlay wbllo mr jamea l campball liad hlu burn dooia uiin to tako lik a load of bay ibo door wm tukon oft by tho ntrouk wind fullliitf on two of bid boyu luu un 1 jobnnlo hurui a han a haim und 1 rculuii john nlb lag in throa plaxoo vouzhvual looks funny do 1 i il hub tlpt ihiiii kcfuriu auu lutliiu hua iiu liuo fur tho uyutuin kuu lstu 1 by mr i uriiijilt bul u ivixjit uyatt111 i uued upon tbo loubllnu o uiilhliilni of lotlero mir wlllluj aniuuy told tho ibltlah uaoclutloii re un lly thul uuy ono uli lookud ut th txniuii llu yurdi v ltutlulki puttfim in oul- vi rt lot 7 town lino uo nulowii huruld prlntlnjt iuii tulvphonu o fimtf oto lly iro 1 leetrle ono until s ltlrkiutruk lirljjo iroiw a hurieaa eulvovt lot 27 ittlh llnu und nilliiit in a 1 uro mfuiul dug tax and utututo lulu it thiuiu nun uaucaaor i coninlaalinur tnahii kail kulr a move 1 tluit tbo 127 to 3 co wmj 6 h uq go 40 00 to ao following property lindaay collector h3 j lmltttluo iyatt1 old i m oil lu inlu houth bo ud ml i tod thut anno of nlu lookid ulriii it whon upoll 1 now way uuuul for limtmieo b rhod ruueltunt to takl pllaburl in the little thinqo lu t luko l mut thill u f llfu if yu your ir with ut ao u b if you i volllhlk nit cji li ntu t o iuvo u tin for y ur futur tu i i nul j y t llfo do h i o itn m i im luoi lu it i ouiitl ull llttlo tlucu tlauail wo tuku 1 1 uul tionirn ii tho i y luui ilrtn ii lolni 11 mo idiil w 1 luua 1 u lay d uu lu jtf are ho uiinti lift triad john mccarthy fz j33 jiivoi by w j i uatjipalllro wn undid ly jut lclllotl tlmt d itobort uun bi u i oliitud pathmaatar lu tlvl ul n n luatuuil of v honicrvulu tliu 1 und wuuy murray in imvl ulou nrf lu i ua toad of v i watulnu null d uric i movtml ly john hlllott uocoulod ti w 1 h nm uou thut puthnuuitori inpovvorod lo ivo orler through thr iltrk it iii for uutriuieoa to projiorty nniliiii uui li by tvuqou of road ttutkl drv ooods man has last uuqh i um nun llnif bark ban outu y lot nm b ivo on upprovu 1 ol iturviuy uho told tho inutiuir un lly i hi that hon i of thun rrl y t i 1 boil with u icru 1 uul ui llll uh tilled uu i of ibo plai iiu t o b ii 1 1 oinlla no blandly thai ltd vhon uh rxtol viil u llltlo pun 1 ui d u lolt willi h rood mulu i wo ar rut u ibo p1 of iflvo mil ibo hyn n k will youmnu ertutly left in j ihmkn of ono ol tho e hits wl h i i 1 i nt minn i i ion advoeulo mi aix thu best cuts of best quality always available and pkomptly delivebed a firesh lot of fialmon tboinvwill sfxl whole oh half mceirtery evsluls ftlaln slret afton ontario o cleaning procaine itapalrjng your aothes thorougbly denned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired tiy expert workmen wo can make that old suit look like new try us geowallace guelph ontario i acoau 3661 03 uatuoko st vvbn- ttouomto canada no instruction needed i um particularly llablo tu ucuuluc- nn uuld u yuuu naval rocrult to o officer in ehurse ould you ttll a what to do in cttno of an uttueltr tain t notmuury my imy rupllo o ufficur you 11 do it practical religion eaai rarm eargams immediate sale of 500 down givis immediate possession to 100 acue fahai iv miles fuom acton ki wmiji rl i u ud iaat uic uull clay luum t liar lunk bam soxtft ood r m atutu driving aliod hen o j570 wrrlu i t rniii ii ii ol to noot mi i iv rtltlrlal imilutlvo i t oxteud tbtinitlu i ge i drlvliur uonn a llttlo ixy in tl hit i t llttlo uluer aiul 1 nptutlon to ticttlo th ho ntuod it un lopif uu iiu i iou dotll uon a fcvv poultry dontti nut thluli hut iood obljjlia if iuo1 fromjuior otuuu t ortot thul tril lu tho h t a hrooly inn ut fcrtllo rira t foritot t ur attinj fortot thut lu 1 ii ubuorb had fluv ta pfueod hear thcuj don t think uo1il 1 food kyliibhoua und atlll huo 41 1 eutu ionl food imiultry it irriti ijou t ttp u itiub ir i ot liitonld foi lruouiij ix11 t bluuiu u10 intubate uuhtii wb 11 iho brwullntf 1 vitality lou t full t mi th i 11 wil dry un i ounllaty vi acre at hounby village 1 uu 1 tution 1 ut 1 loo uo j rnonia kuuii collar ijatcni fir hd lilvliitf iiuum mill iuo rwhm1 si mile church 4 hi tcklniiin itico j2ji0a cauli your coal now why 50 acltes 01 hu1lding and ftlouuhng sand txu sale on 100 aciu ialtm i mile illom limehouse 2 ftuis i rom acton 1 pnc la th lowaat lrj april and advancea 10o pr month 2 you aro auro of firat olaaa quality now m w ir buying d tract from tho la hi oh coal co- who hva tninad and aotd coal alnca 1o20 3 to buy your coal now will tialp to kop tha mirwra buay and halp prtvanl a ahortaga nxt wlnur 4 in th win tar whan tha damand a haavy th poorar quahtiaa of coal will flood th markot 6 if you naad an atra ton in tha winur wo will have it in atock for you u w intand to tore 000 tona of nut coal voure truly j b mackenzie church stitcct acton iloubio i wit i utubllnu fr h 1 i null ui i tlmhi atan lluli ui d truntura z hjx onjuird 11 nun iy iimiii ciroil wukr 1 well and 3 iimiiiiu tlth iuuil eullar llauk burn 7040 11 with htv t tiuuw 011 tup luuao tabic t tuhitot lb iloa 1 hunii 1 h ml loo ik 9iatxkl lanua urruuirj 18 aches v miles fkoaf fctamboilo nu woikublu buuu kill uundy louti uprii urket buraioniiitf rricw 4 7oa biwh hardwood und counr z hum wuti r 1 wcll luucrcte houao with rubi funn la ejiwuiliy udnptnl for willoughby farm agency qcouqltown free press adsbring results cash carry grocery fuccials i tljlim iuhuuch 1 j hi1u1 llrutilici iiitirii luil loitup lu exttta special muiil si 1 tjt iu j mnplo ityiup parmerq commission ofplce chester plank main 8thcet acton ont i rfr i rri

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