Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1919, p. 1

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s rortyfourlh year no 15 r acton ontario thursday morning may 8 1010 single cbpico tivc cents new advertisements the methodist chuitch acton ncv i m mover pator paran willow ol mothcrq day in i m chum met tlm 11 a in tin minim r 3tf j m sunday 1 t lio 7 iunuliil out mollnm cpoi1 muiia by tha choir you ar1 invjt1 iv com i wanted uvd henri und chltkeun ibn and over cc per tt t catiit n luttiiim ii st an near exhibition groundii safe for sale a rnmmntllnu natty lit rood condition 21x21x12 inaldn incanurcmrnl com bination lock will mil at u barnaln for prompt oalo i htaltlcman 42tf mill htrct acton wanted a kood cook fur private hnuuo at oak villi- lt u renrcu r uulrcd apply 100 naspderry shoots z2j0o cuthbart jjy oxprem curt fully jiuckoil whip pwd nu euifully unj wh re ask ior venn table ilunt prloo hut iiikoluh 1 auws 1 rultlund ontario 28 nlacora dlutrlct learn to mesmerize and hypnotise by the nhorirnt method known complotornull counto how to mourner ue and hypnotist apply chaj h coopnit 3 oukvllle oni motor tail l1qht lost loot in tho vicinity of acton in april a motor tail ufiht with rod whlto and errcn tenicu and marker no him pindcr will ho rewarded hv leaving at inxc piusli ofllco or with pitld llypuit town line churchill halton cream and buttee co milton wo have commenced to gather cream for our factory and out waj onn will call on our patron 3 regularly us in tho paat mr adam cook will hao rhnrfio of our wajson in tho district nurroundlnir wo thank our many cuotomcro for their past putroimju and truiit for a etralimiatton and wllituwnyu ciideavur to eivo full uutlnfuctlon john irving msnjor 15fl milton ontario mail coiytract bualhd tendeits uddreoacd to tho pewtmaatrr general will bo re ceived at ottawa until noon on jyiday the flth judo j51j for tho conveyance of ilia majesty a alalia on a proponed contract for four yearn nt tlmca per week on tho routo olen william it1l 1 trom tho lot october 1913 next printed notices containing further information no to conditions of pro- potted contract may ito uecn und blank forma of tender may bo obtained at tho post offlcei of clou william and at the omco of tho pont oihco in epector toronto pont oihco innpcctoru offlce tor onto april 2gui 1010 a hutiiiitlant il3 poat oihco inspector wifmooneyofguelph j i an opened a nloro on main iitrect acton wheru ho hill tomluit u tin smith and aim l miul buttliuiiii ordcro for hot air purnuccaniul plum blnj w rccdvo opcclul atten tion meeting under the auspices of acton farmer3 clud will lo held in tho town hull acton saturday may 10 at 3 pin alton tlmo annai ss iiy j j morrison toronto sacytrea united farmers of ontario nrlght hplrltd procrummn by local lalont all farmera und tho publl invited iadlea um ettieclully invited aduwion 1 ill 1 n drown t moffat prculdt nt lnt vtto irtj w lamb kec und livo block tihlpplinf atont ffed yong a charlea 0trcu toronto get the best it pays la noted lbiouhmil cunudu fu hleh sruda hunlnuui education ffrcat demund for our cruduvtu oikii all ytur lnu r now wrlto for cutaioiue w j elliott principal wonderland friday may 0 tithecfreatlovo jly jj ii lllltli with piu tlcully tho biiino cal ou tuiw in i leartn of t ha u orld- i lm bherlfl with llnjiui ailnkulo hprclul niuwlti adliitattlon 3n und 16 war lux ctru baturoay may 10 tho oliout mount with mury ilckford imiry hlimin comtdy tho canadian u tluiiiita nhuw imk the 4u infantry lutt tuesday may u llelio mo mitipp with waltam ueid ipliodo u u a i islt for mllhurih r l gregory exaggeration iv call ordinary the reputation of this 3torc for oftcring the hnet apparel vnlucs in thib vicinity is amply sustained by the 3plendid fiarmcnti which wo are now showing it is im possible to duplicate them at the prices we have not confined our stock to any one class or style of garments wo have endeavored to include something for everybody in our assortments for tho woman who wants a plain little suit cpat or dress that she can wear in all kinds of weather for shopping walking and general service we have a variety of trim look ing inexpensive garments that will flt into her requirements fo a niccity tor her more fastidious neighbor who is seeking something elegant and effective for dressy occasions wc have a number of choice designs in rich fabrics that suggest exclusive origin for all we have satisfying values d e ftfacdonald bros ltd guelpits leading and largest stoke wyndham moedonne and carden streets gaelph ont wall paper sale browns drug store has the biggest display of wall paper ever shown in acton and special eductions ore being- given on bankrupt stock of paper received this month call today and take a run through our sample books no need to go to or order from the city wc can save you money a t brown druga and stationery mill street acton dry goods russells groceries this week we featube new spbing goods a few of the many lines wc mentiqn below the goods the new uud up to date and prices right dry goods rjillhh mtjhiimj piau ulnchamh ciilck uinoua1ih mtrsa uouny plain lain iiohiiuy uuclc und coloru naimjooiw india linln itlltuonh olov1 j ah klmln lohs1 ct 1anc i coat i inimtjh 1ancy uliuaa hiikh i hllaaljj hi at i jjttm1 ailku ouihli chiitain muhi1ns plain cuhta1n muhlind climonnks wlhtud1uun1 cuuton- nla for comfortera tutd tlo uowna 30 luchra wldu 1 ini- st auliucan cotton llajrrino full uuo for yullt or tuiiifurtur i imnni iiritl j uihutinos ctottonatil ulnimh groceries our mm la to keep the best our tremendous output ktcpt our tock frcwii ut uu tunes und our prices uro the lowcjt quality considered butter and logs wanted cash or tradl d c russell mill street acton ont store cloaaa 030 acpt friday and saturday great war veteraiib absociation formed splendid meeting of citizens ad dressed by major niven und secxctnry turley support and co operation 10 assured a mpii mild imilii wun hi id in um town hull on 1 u ii luy vrnltii win n tho ineil for und tho almn of tbi orrot vvur vittrjn i anwn lutn wrru pro iirntf i in mini liiurrtitliift und elter tlvi ui itrim nt mujur mvrn dho nn i bur m c of tho irlnre w patrlcl h i im u ivld um lnti rtfltlnit riciutl f ii ittrt minim i x rlrncn of our cuiuk 1 ih tii in tl ir n rvlco over rji in uml mr turloy icrotury of th crrut war vuti rami aiiaoclatlon pointed out tho limn uclomplinlicd re for nn uud fiuiiro puinn of thin orcanl xatlou tho urkf uodltiico wan detply lm pronaod with thn irfocllvnilna of the votttunii aunoclauon and tho wiilo uropo of itit optratlunn ui tuln torr inco ucardmoro occu pu i tlm chair after nolccllono by tho orrlii itra anil a nplrndld nunibci ly mni hurnld nlrlilin who nunc tlm mildlir or iinplro und renponded tn an i 1 1 euro with u iilcoiui well rendered m t i una ho hrlully utatrd tho objccln ut tlio iuwkk lutliin uud uol lei tod tlm nympithy und help of th pcoplo hi ruittmntii tin lntoruiitn tho votcraim liavn l vh w mujor nlvon tlm only urlclnnl oin r of thn prliiriui 1utrliiu now llv- inj matin a tnoftt vriuthij nod in ntruttlve ad drum ho ald ho hud wort no mcduui for makiiid nucrchen ho crtnlnl won the uudltncn wlui hbi uddrr ui hy hiu julet pn iu ntutlon of tho lt uilui of uctlvo utrvlco of uie iinlillir on tho marrh in tho trenchcu la hi ml vun cc i to ibjoctlvcj and hlfl itncrtil conduct urfd jpinulno worth thn mjr thrilled hla heurcrn with the oxpcrliucen ho rcrlti d or hut men und liimik if oifk chilly in tlu cjirly daya wliin uiey flnit ooterod tho trenches hi it ltlum on junuury 1 191g tho crnn inn furod tlitm in trenchco 30 to l0 lanhj in front tholr own trtnclicii uiru hulf flllrd with mud and water 1 hen wot no ind hasu and no perl i cope i the hunuililpa to omlccru ani mi ii wri muny iiilcrrutlnc partlcu- larn it transportation of troopn of miiiiliiona of rnllutui ut tho front of inplnr up rojdu and of tho imraoiuk- trullu who vividly imrtniycd tim uilthotli if oirjtlnc a birano were i ivi u in mout liittnntlur detail mr turley proved himself nn elo tpit ut unit fort oful mnukur ho wai j1 ul to toi inrti u iniijinklcrut jmthcr iic itsenii timimliuil to support their returned men ho explalnod with t otiildtnihlo detuil tho object- mil aim j of tho cixot war vcterann ajhh i itlou under tho hcadlnm lot wli wt urt 2nd what wo ure and 3rtl what wo hopi to do tho men mnni imck from tho war utranscru in u ntruui0 land thoy withered into i roul u utj from thojo email beeln- iiihim lhf or jnlxjitlon ircw it wu vlvdly u that it wan necoonary to iiulilf thu iiiun unllidlj to bring mat ti rn r iuliiitn actum before tho pcoph und in fi fo tho iv rnmtnl of canada iho triilo miltcl of tho widow und dcprii i iiim of tho man who had falter uuil t f tjn ni n who wcro dmabt 1 u n irly fut thin organisation will prunt ht iihauierul utturmath which h iu b a uecn following other wars i er to ixi 0n in canada ho out lint- f wluit luid hern uccomphnhod in um lx 1inncnt of tho canadian pon ii ion hcuio tho houtliiif ufheme tho inutuni ulliwuncei iho llmlnatloti nf tlm prlvitu employment bureau und uthur liupt rtunt mumrn canada will lw iritiful ho conelu lod tctuuoo vvt- im kolni to put into ut lion forte a wliuh will m fewer prollut for tin ft w men uml imiru prollu for the nuuiy our uinn huu fulth hop and cluylty thoy art not irrulljrouu tin v will uvu in tlvll ufu in canada juhi ia loyal orrico hji thoy dhl ovcrsouu in the war llrl t uunueu of appreciation mid phdjit f nupport followul hyutlm lt mr hmlu ilov j c wllaon und h 1 mooro mr harold wudcuut und utet hlii1 major llnuu luurtaluod tho uudli nt with mptrlclatoa uoloa un 1 ufu r thmiui by tlm chalrmun to nil who hud tulim imit uio audience roso ml nil juiij tici nutlouul antlx in hi fori tho iiitctlnk iho lorjtl vetcr- una to tho numb i of uthiut forty in unlfoim pirudtd tho principal ulreut it i l tlm luiy hioutii iltml t orp a j ituuiiur plo a taylor 1te ilrown and it l thutchtr of u iph wm print nt a larbo con- lluiiut t outlph iiirn ujcimctid to bo pnui ill but tiny wire it lullioj owlnt lo iirtiuunry comilf tltui of urruici iimiitu ftk tlidr vlt tory stre t shown iu ho hojul t ity lo bo held from tlm llh to ho 17th lnatn undtr tho mil lilitn f tlm urn u tl r- reliance shoe company not ready to occupy new building for a year council will take immediate action lo have a reliable mnnufactunnj concern take poascjaion at the earliest possible dale the womens institute officers e ice tod at tho annual mwlma hld lt thursday afternoon i lie mim nlct nlli anlluul lilt- oil 111 of tin aton womiiiu imjutuui wan hold n irhliy ufliiiinoii may i ut tli htm of ja allitrl uu wart ldoik avoum an hilt ri itlui aildniui wiui blvc by tho lrt ildt nt mm lm iluvlh in thl ii uho not only kuvo un outline u tlm tvorh at 1 1 mpliuhid tut poko ii api rtt latlim of thn immilon wiiiiiil uiun to roopriito to tlm work li tloolnt- tfi uld iibn had hild tlm olllt of iltwidunt for hvo yuni und hopt d tho intmhtra would dot m 11 wlao tt uli i a moru couiputunt priliidont foi tho iiulnu yur tho inomluro how i vi r in appri lutlun of tho ejilt ndhl uiivlijii riulciul havu utaln elucti d lux to thlu thief oltuu of tho aw loty 1 bit olh r dirieru uppoliittl urn un filjowb lut vlco i rtnhleiu mrw w v t ol litr vlt i 14 val lm un it luijiujtiaucul mx 14 liaa mlii i 1 ua i lthtk dint tun mm al s hull miu jm iloluimrti n 1 moore mm w ii uu ullli dlttiltl ijindoi mrn tleorilb h amow a lull um i miu h p uiwrn mul mm 1 lloll t ouetior of m lal villllllllei jjrr iv ii hui r of mtmlijil lomniltuo mm hm u 1 m 4ui1uoii duihut iho h i it tuuiithu eiidlliu wl tho ulbiiliik f lh uimlntho luut no etubtr the inntltliui tiiuulj for p irloll woita ll rht innlltulo 1 oi udoj utl a 1ioii uiphau il wm auiljrl tin i it tlo o in i mil iho houpitnllty if mm u wtirl thlrt nnuuil iu wan tutnli a pi l la ted owners of dogs whx rixiuire to have them tagged mo kltlol llu nr tin ruuinli t rvi nlnr wltli holl mid ia inh hrovo in the rhalr the iiumthiii or ciix i lent ham brouj hi up nt huil iouiu ii incitlnft re iho payment on nltlewallirt ih imntiireii hud bun hiiulnd into h municipal omrr he lil und lm hud rntlnlird mr ntnthum that ho wan piyinr tho pro nr amount of mm on tho puemcni fmntlni- hlu propertj tlm nltte i lm id tin lr ninth reiiurt uud rcrnnituuii twi pnynit nt of tho followlm un airnui qenaral account a m su wujt kful cxm nin 3100 oo atrron lh43 11titi advorthilni a bo tho municipal world lli j105 01 hydro account tailmau hruiin a metal on ji2 25 canadian ncrul 1 it ctrlc h2 0h s3j 33 a deb j ition of hidh i n pr dkiltluk iho 1 it i t wnlul upon tl 1 oun- ell an 1 rt 11 u i tlut th count 11 ihcohii thilr ffirtu in rtuli charity work ik y wuki dolnr in j rtnn tin thi ir funjt rihitl for ibln purpouo wero ub tut flit lolled the ounrll thoulht that uu thui orj- tnluttluti waa undi noralnutlonal tho heut manner won to plueo tho mum y in tin lr lunula for dtntrlbutlun moilil by j it lcuihman nccouded by j iu 11 and renolvi that tlu couu el tlouuto tho uum of ico 00 to tlie daujrliti ni if tho i mplre to ho npent on ch irlty ua they imo fit carried a chiquo for j20 from tlm united clrrux compajiy wuu received with tit cl p la ant ion it willi thought that ida wun po utjbty in puyincut of mr l j huiuiard n cllurette ilcenuo fio and tbo ctirk wut ttuitructed to interview mr hauiiunl and if audi wan tho couo luauo tho uuuul llccmic a comrnunicutlon roiucaujir that utu council iuy u mcmberahlp tlo to tho annotation of mutilclpa iilcetrlcal injtiiwni i i reeihid but no action wait tnkcit on tho matter anotlur i ttr frpm tlm vlllafo of ijuttnn renin attne information on tho main to nan co of rondo ill acton wan received and tho itoovi will iiiiuwi r tlm quentlonn reijucittd tho b law reianllnii tin isiulnj of ptrmltn for all bullrimrii or ullerutluuu in ai tun had bet n pri ltl1 by tlm clerk and wnn plui d u foro tho coun cll ivit tho required numur of hud iuru und panied tim municipal oii1 cer will iwuo tho ixnnitn and act uji hulldhiir hiiipietor riio ovcrnmunt llounlnj uchemo tliip ej44tle up for cfiuald rablo dui- t uuaion but ua none of tlm council hod ticcn tin at t a nil wt ra not fully ucquulnt i with ttu eoi dltluna action liad to bt defemd the cicru wu i instruct til to procure u oupy tif tho art with ull umcndmt utu iho matter of cltunlns ami koepluu mill stmt diit nan thn brought up it wu t thoujht odvluahlo to purehuuo a iccond linnd iitrecl uwteper but no d luito ot pa to thlu end wcru taken ilowuvcr connulor hell chulrnutn or he strttn und walka coinmitleo re portid that mill htn ct will bo thoroughly uwept uud inlncil und in duo tlim any net cjur n pilra will w made tho follnwluf motion miu llvu to mill sluot tlunlui wuu tlno pil movhi by j i i litardnior nuj t u uum carrhd ct mt ti ry by law won luld t foro tlm council councillor iliurtlmoro conutiu nd thut a aepuruto uctount of trio rcfclpth and ciimiitllturi i of lulriw ctmi ttry should bo lupt ullhouili thcro wui ilothlm in tho oiijlnul by luw ovt rliu thlii point tlm matter of tbo now fuuco that inuut bt erelol bt- twten the crtiicliiy and j it itam ihaw h proplrty kiui dlucucuuil und tin municipal ollli it 11 1hc ndixl by j nut ivd thut w oik very wovk t fllim i mill hlrto ut uuit meltlnir tl itlu of ltliul 4 uld i m uvt 1 t y a o t u ardmor and 11 co itl 1 1 j 1ui1 on i r aolvl unit tlm ch rk bo 1 nnt rue t wt lo knp u uipurut l lcouilt f ull nioniui d rlvt 1 fro j i tho r mi ury and that uuy iuoi1 it j ltr 1 rinn lh all ceil oliiy u1uu t bo miidcl for any ulkui etery pun kumj i an lmprovlu tho um ct rrl jl st ri t i la oil teia if of the nut war v t una angela lion r ui tlu1 tb 1 linn 11 4 rant thi or ulta tlon fr- j 1 u ut tlm tow it hall for tin it tut ulay t vmilnt public imttlnr tlm cou nil truutvtl thlu c iiuildcrutlt u 11 u 1 r of liuvhu all jujii unitl wa ilu i4immti ll waa toiuhh tit thut thlu wo u 11 ouitbu tht m uiilcliarolili t to j u4 ti t lux for v ry doj i id do twu 1th any undulr tbua llutt wt n not ihl trod worthy u tu u 11 1 tho tux dm t t mal ik pult to net un tho mnvil by a o 1 luartlmuie iuc- iimlttl hy j it ixluhiiiuii und nolvcl thut tht claik ihi liuitrui ted lo r puro u iiluw und priuent it ut tho next outnil umdlui fnbouim tho ullow liiit ptdnli u lliut all doit i in tin mould illt inn t i ukli ibat if tin alunliilml olllt r llul u dote whh h ia not tun i htt ho hub tlm r ik lit to tl utroy it utu i 4 luiuni if lulu jl uo i itllr and if doi ut lain iharit1 w j lipid i ll lul tluou iln tl in dinpouo 1 lit ultl u tjil irte luul l ri haiad by fun ia rub 1 i y that hi i in an i in o itlliu up tin li attain lilt be ililxual of tlm cuuntll toiuitltiul it nlvlaaht 11 th mw lirttul all hit ualal o pmilhh jiii 1 pun hum 1 thlu fur f fl ui un- aumailiul in ly 5cu iho t ouiuiltii apilnud lo lut w tbt lathtiuo hlkk i ompuiiy tut bat thl i ompuiiy had luftiu at lb uld at tin n u ua hut i ami lak over hit illl of thin twmiiny with iho lllui of acton iho t oi uudtli tfh uud tht i ii tit bulldluir liy t ru ft u i social and personal k ml htrtln hixii ht lulled frlondt mr c wllllamu of huult hto murjo liillid hhi pirt itn hero thi- week iv klnnitjin or lxeter vlulted lim i it r mni ilnrold mcltjin hint week herjt john wild ruuln hi fipeuitlliitc ft w daj i with frh nln in owen round mint alice u monday wurt w imhil it to vlnolun ju iph noutlj 11 atvlnnln allnn left huit week end u few weekti wltli imr brotlicr wen sound i wm ilrown and bin brother k of iuueuhr vhiltcd acton rclu- durinu tho week galium und two children of iiiuh ai uie methodhit iur saturday uir mcnibb naa returned mian stevt nit w npent tho winter vlth frlendii in ht ieterdburu i hi- turiod homo ant week ir and mm iiirmer and duut litei if trnkvult ar led hotnt from their ojouru ut hcrmuitu lant week major nlvun li ii o who tho cueat tf hi iil mra torrunco hoard nore ilurkir hi ntny in town mr william arnold of tlm canadil glovo worka wan laid up with a bad jd or uuirtnil dayi but la uround kiln all riclit mr llllam miller hiwct avonuo ho lean been in poo- health lor aom time- went to ouolph hoapltul laal week mn h hal v u ieiidltiu a few wltsl it wan ir eln coltbr ooko ont i 1 r lie it t her tnollior mru uu m j i wu rrer mt i id a ni a i- in xi rt to cavd in a v wo r to u l vliil to thci r old h nm i 1 x la n i mr loo a fat hot li d ilu ouu y la i a ok mr uml mtt thomun fcitattiam nr rlvi d b iino lat week ulu r i pending vtn muntliii with frlcnda hi milwuu 1 et nuluth und chicago mihi innbcl mcmven of acton nlti of blr ihorami white vlnltrd over tho weekend with her friend mlua dor olhy hjeru mkvlllo htar mr it h wamilnoujli wun ut 1 crfcui over sunday vloltlm hla bro iher who w en operated on for up pon dlelta ho in reiovcrlnt nlucoly mru r lllldonhrand hi rcmovlna t ma wi u o kllchentr acton t egret h find ii i ttilu taitet mod family who havo rt tided lure for a quarter of h inn tury uh rlit irint ofsulbury wan n itui fit it mr john it iveiinctlyu thtu wick mm lr lnt who lion been her fir a in ii r uu n iri ti limno with lilm on uon i ii mr imeit pulp of vhmlund came up on saturday and remain d ut tlm union xj u until motal y mm culp who httn niov ttd from tier recent op t ration returned homo with him m i lm tuir li hltr in i mm i re urrk i un rath r u i mt ha ui imro william n ucott nco tho nnjffxtirment o lam liter churlutto u ituith hurlincton th k ilacu thlu mruth t n rvcclvcd from mr hay telllnj of their i u land tho voytcse nprlni u in rd tht old n try m hmlth to chlcaj0 on htinduy to nu ol hlu niothcr whu wu i ure utu from california thoy urrlvod homo on tutduy ovcnluir mm muilth lo rielliij pr tty well ton ullrrlut ht r lotu undudlouu journey in i 1 r reeetlt lllileao 1 lm melford sank moon bh lutriitliii- nptxl of tin flmt me h id by of hi huwkt timltli ulnrn hpr murtlal wua u moat ujoyuhlo ooclul ov i u i i i ui i ultondei mm hawku tho iuuiau t of mi und mm tunitli of wluulimtf fonnorly of ilun mm fcmllti won prvaeni lo iljt tlm brldo in thlu important lodge of instruction important ma guolph thn nio oathonna t aday may 1 au ut tuouty lileuibem of wither unit i k a a m utu nded tho iridic of liiutriu tlon for urn s v nth muiuxili nittrt at lu 1 hint ilium daj ufteriioou uml evonlnt it wad i till lily huitmuiful event lh vurlouu icjtaloni were lull hi the mupoliu idlipli un qutibei utreit 1 ho jr jiti ci of tho day of m ut w i in ii wun rope ratul muater of the trand i i e of l inuda in the llovhu of ontario and hi wol pro w m liuii te hamilton oiautl utmtuiy uiil ul unatly to tho ilignltj und i le i uro of tht on mlmi und tin li pr t- won aly att i i ir dtt uftiiiioou on by isj of wat i loo wulkir jo no illhi ra or llicvio tu work in un xi lb i tily mm vol llltt- 1 dtjiea nt n of 1 no il of a clou rim loli tu 1 ut on hi m injl- rjiujwu le i by tlm lliunt lotltr ik or lll1ed lalph id no uly uutlnfut ory ilth fllowud lm id tlm irkin hint tulth a t utu x f tho i nine tjl jn i lu i r niutioji to rupd kiuiti lviujrti of a viy huuditoiiui uterllnj illvrt iiuhlubrum thu tclfl or t hro 111 hh lodkk u eed taull mil uerly in in nor of il leclli u- tin iill lieit tltho hi thu it if i uiitoniy in o uario uid to tli fu hut ho hi a rinmr ourlph boj 1 iltlioi wui nud by wor luo t in it hint muotri or upvcd lodtfc news of local import coitly to atlminutrato law yoursalf iju1 nuiniik r jc crelf or n nlnj in i tll i udtd arthur human it oi hind iiil t x k aomn puni lluiiuin dr d ui him with u nhotttun ind hit him 1 i nov nil pluiea unvcral kralno of tihot o il i not ho cxtraotod judj t livhiiititou huii iwiri ed j 200 dumnroi to niir on the round thut i lor uud no ri h lo nlioot rally djy for roturnod ooldjera war1 no 1 kiinm nltw will ho hnlly iliv on june ihth in itotx rtix inrk in ir iliny lt hool when tho tumid od hem of tin ward will bo prnuuiu d with wat lira uml ehnlnn thn ufu rnoon will tin voted to oporto und iiddrinatn ninl uftor nupper a cr ind cur rt uud hi u u duneo shartar hour qamo wages ni xt week mcmmi hcartlmorn co and lie at on tannine company will adopt ihoru r bourn for llmir workmen ho will reef ivo tho uimo puy nu form erly they will i o lo work at 7 o dock in tho monilnr und quit work at ti 1c p m every day tinlll haturdny wlicn tho wu k will he completed at ono o clock thin will civo a u2 hour week all do mutt wor t tht rn wtro 7e d oil it on tho auncna nn nt roll hint year thn doi tax wan doubhd and ovldcntly tutd tlm effect if mducliij- tlm numb r of uocn hy oik half at leuul bo amrunor found only 37 ttihi yur tho council a ucuoti in luuialiir u by law rchlulrliiff nil dona to txi tuj lod may or iu ty not mill further i dun the 11 be shlppna export potatoes acton itan been qulto an important uhlpplnir imlnt for potaloea tho piuit mujion un wtll ua turnlpa over 1000 liuufl of potatocn tiuvo been shipped hero of last oration u crop by tho differ cut iihlppern tho bulk of them havo ucn nhlpped ly p m barry they havo one to new york buffalo jjoi ton and other unlud htatca ptilnto how to catch tho motor speeder tho ikiiico commhmlonera of preston havp adopted un intonloua method of cutchlni tho auto npeeders they havo luid ererted on klilff tjtreot uio main thoroughfare u number of pootu cco fret ufiart uud nil autoa will bo timed by thn police hy tlicao poaui no no auto un lawfully gti footer than otw- ttulf nihiutt from mint to poat over 1 2 oo in fin ii wuu collected lout year in that own couldnt do without local paper tho thidford tribune iiloppcd pub lliatlon ii car uto owlnir to lock of pitronaj th hunlnt ia mm of tin own fet mm ttiat tho pluco wuji 4rout- ly hanllripptd aa u reault of havlnr no lot il pilr have no kot tofietber uecur 1 u i ici o utlvcrtlulnn putronao anil u iid nulmirlptlon lint and uak tl the ownri of thn plant to reuumo pub urutlun ou never mlua tho water till tht well runu dry an lmpe3ii f h i la it r communion service u rttrly communion aer- l inference year wot held in he mi it lut chucb loot bunduy nvouliif notwlihntandint7 tins heavy ruin thtrtrwuno kood atlendonco ilov mr m x i rtnc cd an hnpretuilvo at 1 v ry riopit pi int wmioii from i pott- 7 lino ou hi rofiro which bollcvo i j prx 1 on tho cum mu i din in chid it hltdni of tho sunday school from oitht y uro and upwordo to vot eiitni litulhu il of ovir olihty thrcc i juttu un i llvu children foi the culecu mt n t lain vi ru received annual neporta ol methodist church thn nu hi uarlerly meothiit of the omeui i urd of the mothotli it chi rch waj lull in the mtniujcra eutry on mon 1 1 veidiu tho reportu fron tht uriotit d 1 ai imtiita of tho church tlm w i iikrul proirttii tlicro woi a in i i a mane of thirty li tho men t ixhlp tim nmuicct ahowrtl con ihhrild inijeiu e3pcially in miu lo ury 1 duillonul und lxjclul uer- hu and i uncllnitl fcivlnsra tlo mliilutr i ualary which waa incrcaued to jl u lual year will bo tully mot iho llnanelal ycur doca not coao until m il uiid ti atuwunin tuivo u hum bcr r tncmbcra lo cull upon bef oi u thu duto wlipjo orrrinib will enable tho hoard to meet ull oblliiatlonu at tho election of olllcom meoara w ii stewart a 1 ilrown fcronk annible n i mclaun j cheater mat the wit n p monro und il n urown won olecttl to comihiuo tho ofllclul uourd for iho next confcrcimo year prui put htowurt who had boon uocordlnp utuwur1 for ui vera yearn uaked to ho nil vi d of that duty mr j c mot tluiwn wu i lected to tlm ulllco h i mooru win ul t ted ilelcjjatu to lh uluirlrt meelhii whlth will bo hold li iluru noxt week j c maltliowu la tho ultimate und j ii denny la tho r pr i uulativu to tbo laymen a aaito union will h numn tlurini tho cou- khiihi ihiuilou- at k itch oner may 2h the ward ouchngr co concert tho hojf fcnaiulh certainly provided i toiieil oi lilgh rlonj lutruclor for tho edillcatlon of tlm pooplo of uib omiuuulty when thoy uiitucd tin wurd huchnct conceit co for loot iliumday vunlutc ljry member lliu conipitue ullllled tliu oxpcolatli i f thu uiiuhiio and uvtry number v tutored und fieely rtupondod to ttio i tai of tin luuriciu of urtiota wua i i n ut mi i tula ward huchiiut ho iiumtrtiuu iiumberu on thu violin wor nil ibaiiiiliu her rolici lolro watt vci mitllo in i iiilhiu etl itoth olnuulitl ull lopular at lo tlouu her tuehuhiuo un ulill u xiutlou wuu luuivulloun he plalhik uhtwu uu undeiilublo lovo fo her in ilium lit and a rum ability i akin it iu 1 1 mix alio uio 1 mr wu ably ui poind bv ttf hor company 6 ull hialttiwalte iitilt ii y rid rmpmno vole nt luulkv in imr ui k ii tavoilto utiiua e uu fium tlm vurloub iv hit thu id wuiuily apiluu ut mr 1 hoa j mit cliiltte h blind plulllut iu u i ll urt i ltii of uxteptuiuil talent und oomo hlu own tomiiobitlont foimcd iuirt o ida pi ii rmnui b- pluyluif i of many mot iu dainty dellcutt o thi lvi hai m uflt i u lonlnhhui by uu hrlmun y an i vlt llltv pluyw h ui ik 1 it pin in uji 1 1 mint no conviction was registered the evidence of a case following a charge ly inspector harvey thl 0cnch failld to agiice imipe tor hnrvy l nil rt in ii o iltdrt tt frai tl in or hi i onltt i hlu li i t niy i ll il warn on tho net out tn- li nip rancii liitti hut in i u iii of in i ruhi from ly lie heard it urronlly r i i u i hint william huttiuun iiuil ixtii in an lutuxicud d cpndttfoii in lb o iilmi mi monday and ltuiiday or hint w i k mil hud been ejt etod from oovi r i buidm nu ilaccu hi i into or bolntt rotui induct uiul bud lam ua in hlu invi ili utlouu ttio iiuipt tor in cured thn roliuwlujr tloc- laratiou acton ma 3 1d10 i the undi nilrtii l do nob mnly do- oluro tint i i iw willi un ii unman jn acton on i ticiiduy a ril 3th uio in a public pu in m intoxicated con dition and t imillovo thlu iitatcmont to ho true hlrtwd i j uraujpla wltncaa a woodii innpcctor harvty laid an in oration a rill nnt huttmuu oi iliiuliiy lcforo ii p moon jp rhuri tin tilm ltl violation of ucc t5 uul ate 1 of tlio ontario lunperumo e i by ihiiuk in- loxlrnted in u publh plat c tbo uuiu tamo up fdl tfcerlnr boforo it p moore jp und 1 on o hynda jp in tlm council hiuiihc on tuca day mornlnf at ulno o clock innpcctor ilurv y m tt i nu prooo- cutor ijarrlnter got le tu guolph up- peured for tho itccuuod when tho information wuu read ha coun uol pleaded in heliulf of iluitniaii not iullty h j utauffer wiut the- tlrnt wltnci for tho prouecutlon ho nwor- teii fol- lowa on monday or i ucuday april 2blh or 0th in tlm uf tt moon oonm- wturo in tw n tlo liourit of four und nix o clock i think m tr tix i did not look ut the timi 11 u 17m a il camo unto my pluco ho waa dohu wonm uveur- inn and i told lilm- ho would havo to nliut up or tct out- jio went out and came buck in ntout liulf ixn hour and wanted ii meal 1 told him i would not eervo him ho naked what i waa polnit to do alout it i told him 1 did not care what ho did he koi talklnff loud and i told him lm would havo to rot oul ht njiid in would not eo i took hold of him and put him out i do not know if ho w i i tho worm of liquor tlo not know i uld nut nay ut leant i could not awi ir to it i thought he wan lutoxli uu 1 but i could not iweur to it i thouiibt hi my own mind ho waa inloxh it d but i could tt crttcnod j j btaiii per thumau mt i ton nwom oald whllam huffman wan in my nhop on tin ulay 9th april 101j between thrc anil four o clot l i told him i b ani ho liu 1 btou drluklm und for hoodncuu auka to kc p uwuy from my uho i would not want tu naj ho wan intoxlcnt tl jio nlilii hao had ono or ho mltht havo had u dozen drlnka i uio uk ht lm had oomo but coald not auy ho waa drunk lo mr oootx prom hlu npcuranco i could not bay ho waa drunk i could tell ho hud a drink i told him i hoard ho won drlnklnj but onked him to leavo tho ahop lot becauun i thoucht ho wui drunk but hud hi aril ho had boor drlnklni- hlcned thos a moiltidn hlu couniul then put tho accuacd in the box ho uwon uu follows j live in at ton i rem- mter monday uud luliday apt 11 2sth and 2dth quite will i liud ono drink on monday and one drink on tin 1 i it wun whis key ttiut iu all i hud 1 won not in un intoxicated condition ou cither of thouo dayu lo mr llirie i waa not intoxicated i won not drunk to mr goota- i wua not iu uu intoxicated ondltton it waa a iood alzcd drink i hud it win iut of a quart bottlo of whliikoy i drunk about uu much bpinntiif with hln thumb und linger ubout threit- liuhiji tho occuimd it couini 1 contended tlmrti w tu not uvldtiico aufllolcnt tj warrant a i unlt tlou tho iutipoctoi contended that tlm evidence allowed a clear cajio of lolutiou of uio ontario tempi raiico act tho bench dluujrced mablatrate mourn waa uattifhi tlial thu evidence wun umplo for conviction mr llynthj j 1 in id tin oppoulto opinion 1 ho cuuo wun tlmroforo dtnmtauod military news i ho llua 1 iuut rtculvcd u nolo laa 1 hurt day ft on pu ltn it li purr wrlttiu ui vi tdlvoiitoi k hujotu on april cti ho tiayti juut u lino aa u allulll icniellitirriiuc i rctlvo tho 1iuj lltsji nutto rvtulurli und it ouroly u il moil wulciuuo ltiltur i em plcaaed to liuar no many of our 1b uro or rlvl iu i omo from uverucuj gucaa lay turn will coum tkfur lot i ilfo in thlu i on n try la not uu bad and thu tdthtti utu wll worth net tut 1 have tried to l t to otiuuik but ih fur tmu nut milledel i hope to bforo lorff lelud iejailn tt all a letli- fropi caul w i u lcciinoy rroiit culro 14 ypt oain ho xinjctu to rxach homo utiiuutlmo in juno the rnitostln am now b it t icmohltlcd iho lnt oinplulo unit of iho coii- udlon mlberlun 1 xp ditlomiry faron uitued ut viuiumiw on tucnday ihure- wero co ollh ni anil i oc mon uboaid i hiu will ik ft mowed by two in ri trui i i rtu thu 1 in n et of japan un i tbo i miu ui or flu i jilt which will biliii tli icmalndi f tlm t uuudlaiui to cm id i s o inu tlm rt foro expect our ai ou mt ii col wiirrt n captain ktiiin y und wit hair homo very himtl a fot me r nu 1 mo t on i utbn arlilio ha lain and i i ic in uii ithuul ht i t f um ituff of ut hit hi mi hov ul n u hlcaui u ii mt in thn am rdo tho 14 li end be uib h llo tali i led yo i ni ru of reiuutl ahl ability hul tliiu ttiu ull rntorod mini 1 uji tin an in 1 tbt audi no tipellbound linlnr ki i- iltrluj of um little llur m i aullno johnnou mlua 1j ii ora toubhlln thu ut t oni unhit piovtd hinelf inliiii- iif ihn plunu un 1 u i to hit ii luir if tho nut them b li i tndcrvd 111 thi urtlut for whom oho playod mti in i ik in tu i i and jumcw ailurom uttiiuhd a dulliihtful ru- iinltmntthtrttomc ofitr r htaclc- 1 it k cm iph itu ul n tiaweyu loot lliday mi hlatkuxl u a ml liud juot rotuinid from ov i m an a pit aaliijr tvenl of tlm ovonlii u piiciedlnk wua ttio pivtmiitulloil to ttm otlllwr lion of puruo by tho otlu i me in bunt if thu fumlly contiiltilnt u mini tuulvuleut to what woul 1 hum ix4u bl i tu nil nun had lm nit tnliultd un t uiint ttireo or foiii yi int in tlu i h o of hlu couu- l hat tl it chin li i mi iii mu him hun h nt ih n i f tlm lnt i ivul hiaiu frbm uuum t ou i uudav in liulnn iho ltt pin it t uimulltu- uiti him ot um 111 ih ti ulii tin hik i nnliululill mu ui 1 i tvun mob ii l 1 omt t li ti i it oku well ia it i n ii k hi upl t i tin ti- wheit lm hit h mi and mu 11 i i ilh ntuueioua hot umiuuuiiie tu wlthou u tilltcjl mfxml

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