Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1919, p. 2

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fflljp arion 3tor pwbh t11uiihiay may 8 1010 ouii motherfl miooion iinnm mis whoso presence dlaiwla uur every fcart whum volro in always mrwt tho amiwt r who wolnimca un when wo homo ward the nqnwrr omo ou mother whose hrnrt 1 it tliat laves us best wiidu orm will fold to a loving breast in whoso irewnre love wo to rest my answer jo our mother who was it taught us how to pray and cut sled our footsteps in the way that lead u on to endless day wo all will answer mother novah ultton karmtngton uo the pledge of the poop oy id alexander m whc little old father seemed t j very dear to margaret who wu yr at chine him aa he wrote hla records rapidly in hi email cram pod hand it wu all or nearly all that he wrote lone a he had given up hope of the book which waa to have bees his lifework and buried it deep beneath a country physician a responslblllile margaret had always resented this what right had these people to hi lire who just oearoclj accorded him a living father aho said uddenly what axe you writing lie iu d too pado with hli forenngr lb he met her gray cyca with a pat startling ly like them then be ami led and two wrinkles disappeared from hs forehead and two appeared about hli mouth just vial lb dear to pay and be paid for bo answered there are many more of the first than of the last areni therot why surely he smiled aa ho aald it but mar caret did not atnllc 80 it had always been ao it would always h four to pay and ona to be paid for and they needed many things no one know that better thflk margaret much responsibility devolved on her the little halfinvalid mother must not know the children could not the father did not but margaret bad a complete understanding of the lease of life accorded boyish boots of the wants wishes and needs of era wine girls she thought with hot impatience of her fathers coat how g it ntc looked in yesterdays blaxe of sun light how green it would look in tbj sunlight of how- many to- morrows it was not hsit it was not fair she hod a acroe impulse to hide hlpa away from others and himself to make him take hla rightful place in the world to lighten his path with the success her lore and ambition craved he spent nlmself freely on those who rare not agnlri lie threw hla love his learning his very life into a battle which was not to the strong margaret laid down the scarcely touched sewing the offer of assist once trembled on her lips but before she had time to speak a knock sounded margaret knew that knock hurried oatxioui impatient that would not be denied the old door bad echoed to many score of just sues knocks 0 dear she said her father star ted as soon as abe knocks like that the call to arms of the physician soun ded through bis deepest slumbers he was transformed in the twinkling of an eye the wearied old man was the alert physician confident carer eyed the light of battle on bis face mar garets heart thrilled as abe looked st him in a moment be was back ixe turn ed to marcarec half- laughing its mrs barrs baby the health iest little mite quite likely 1c is merely a pin sticking blm but ill hare to go and set her mind at rest but youre so tired why doot yon let her wait till moral nat why siargrel by norning i shoo id bare two patien on my hands- toa dont know these young mothers i know they havent mocb con- si deration now margaret that lant like you- how can we expect her to think of anything bui ber utile sick child f as be fitvn n physician bad been throwing things into a little black nag lie shut it now with a sharp click its quite pobabls theres nothing much the mattrr with the baby if not 111 be hock tonight if i should be detained though i may have to take the train instead of coming on i thoucbt the convention was next week it is but im leaving two days ph of time theres a case iarker wants to talk over with me margaret flushed with pride st the hoor so simply stated- after oil there were some who appreciated him- hut what about the bills you were going to make out father tou so the girls winter things have to come when i haf n waited ml for hlir jacks shoes snd roberts and i know them all my little troubled mar tha but i cant delay to-night- couldn t i make them out even a day makea a difference why to be sure yju could it would be a help to ma he picked up the book and rapidly turned the page marking here a rut there a cross ho passed the book u margaret get out those i itovo marked llsn a good girl margaret and youll soon liava in what yuu need then with u busty good bye he was so ne in the rnomlug ho had not returned and marco ret sat ions with tho little leather- covered book in her liand idly turning the pages tho places marked with u cross were nut many uhe had counted and recounted the ones which were reasonably sure to puy the sum total was pitifully inadequate kvfn if every i he ha m paid in full and ut once there was an 1 ing deficit there was nothing sho could do hut suddenly as that thought come to bar putxlod brain another followed there was something she could do something that would set things straight for the present and leave a little margin for tho encroaching future in a moment the impotent lea dior covered book had assumed the proportions of tho purse of ftirtuna tu there were dosens and dozens of yislts with no check after them- her father had not intended to send thorn- out but if she did and the reluctant bill were safely paid who could bo unythlng but glad about it ome decided sho wroto rapidly in her large firm hand o different from her fathers thetablo was soon lit tered with hills on those of longest standing she wrote please remit the widtlrit wmi not long thai evening there mino n tlmll hmiltal log- km k on tlm door wlicrn a pre emptory aummoini on often noinidod margaret throw h wide or a mo ment nhn did 1 it know he woman wh stood bofuro her a shawl thrown ovw hor hear hut oho knew tlio voire its mrs llnllornn mlna marearni my dear i vo lirung the money tell mo is it nlrk the doctor lat why no 1 uthcr la gull but in it er mother womor thh no innworcd mnrcurot what madn you thin in ur won t ye toll mo what a wrong my dcarr pcrntnted tho woman ilur i knowed there wruw some thin whin i came tho bill marked piano remit my dannlo read it to mo bays he in trouble the little doctor till out i noes un sells tho cow an hero tho money mlaa marnaret thlrtyflv dollar it leaves five owln but dan nie ii soon raise i hut an 1 ii run up wld it if lwsr thirty ave hundred i d not begrudge it fur what hes done hhe undid the knot in an c dana handkerchief and brought to llsht tho pieces of olilnitirr sold her face eeamod and marked by cam her wvrkwurn hands appealed to mar garet hhe apoke impulsively putting tho rold back in tho old handkerchief mrs hn moron i want you to take this money an buy your cow again the noed is not eo pressing a wni has 00 mo elnco that hill was sent that makes it unnecessary for us to take 1l tho relief waa plain on tho woman o face sho protested but feebly whllo ber old hand hovered over tho coin it is not lightly that ono relinquishes the means of livelihood hho patte 1 marsjagret a hand yero yer fathers own daughter my dear i couldnt speak a finer word about ye ilea a kood man the best i ever knowed that merciful to tho poor ye wouldnt believe hed be doln much better in a better neigh borhood hut tho blessln of tho poor i think that goes for somethln marxaret raxed her aircastles o unclean foundations to the around ii the momlnj after she had made hei mother comfortable and sent the chll dren to school ahe took the old hor art snd cart and atarud out on her round of visit and just as the angel once spared tho houses markod so margaret dealt mercifully with the ones which were not she collected the disturb ing little slips of paper reading a lesson in many a poverty stricken place in some tho money was ready id some it waa pot but no one bad blamed the doctor margaret waa slad of that to each she gave tho same excuso the bill j hnd bedn sent out by mistake she did not feel tho words an untruth shr sighed as sho drove homeward so far things hnd turned out well tut the hardest port was to come it would be difficult to explain to her father to feel his disappointment in her yet inconsistently she longed for his re turn she drove to tho station to moot hlin ail the way homo she pondered how to tell him while they talked trivial thlnos nd jtt it happened quite simply at last just a questloi any of ni jiatltnta been up mar gare and thin it was out blunderingly tutnbllncly sparing not herself mak ing no excuses margaret told her tale hardly daring to meet her fathers eyes he did not speak for a moment when ho did it was very tenderly my little girl ho said as ho stroked her shining head it was seldom he called his toll daughter that tho words the tone assured a peifect understanding and then in a voice that had helped with many a burden grievous to be borne the father talked and the height of a calling that could reach to the depths came to margaret the beaujy of his life thrilled her to the soul the love that gave all asking nothing and yet was returned four fold the learning that succored the bumble and threw a bulwark of pro tection round the weary and heavy- laden the tenderness the patience the simple following in the great physi cians steps she would never belittle them ngnin he read it as sho turned her glowing face to him she was her fathers own daughter hence forth and forever there would bo fwmc- thlng to sweeten the little sacriaces of everyday life tiie sunday school lesson ounday may 11 1010 to what are we coming t the secular press carried a story recently that new york was howling against the immodesty of the evening gown for 191 new yorks protest has found an echo in juondon a london moth in dis tho very danger ous situation of young women going out into the public scarcely half dress ed says i saw very scant garments nt a so called quiet dance last week when i went to a dressmaker to buy my two girls pretty gowns for their coming out she showed me skirts that were mere fringes to bide the limbs from the knees downward vapor gauge she described them and that describes the thickness of these lru- modes dance garments shown as suit able for girls of eighteen and nine teen the craxe will probably hit this section soon it must be pretty bad when new york and london are so shocked hut there will bo no lacking fool mothers who will dress their silly daughters in tho vapor gauxe and send them out to private and public dances men know that this 1 worse than fqlly so mo of the women wl i rind it out alabama christian ad vocate i1y jluh1 u huumlut iiin and 11 h conhi quicnci tlmii hancw 11imon lon 3 1 zt horn 1 lk23 jnl g 7 u additional niulcrinl for teat hers ion 0 g h horn 3 010 1 ju 1 a 10 common qorlptur paesaa 1 now tho serpent was more subtle than any boant of tho hold which jo- hovoh god had made and ho aald unto the woman cu hath clod nald yo shall not eat of nny treo of tho urden 2 aih tuo woman uall unto tin pent of tho fruit of tho trees ol garden we may eat 3 ltut of tho fruit of ho tree whioi is tn the midst of the garden god hath said ye shall not eat of neither shall yo touch it lent yo d o 4 and tho serpent aald unto the voman yo shall not surely die c tor aod doth know that in thi day yo eat thereof then your yea shall he opened and ye ohah bo as ooil knowlnrr good and evil s and when tho woman suw that the tree was good for food and that it was a dollght to the eyes utid that tho iron was to b irulixl to 1 altr one wise alio took of tho fruit tin roof and did oat and ohn javo also unto her husband with hor and he did cat 7 and tho oycu of them both were opened and they know that they wore naked and they sowed rigleavca to gether anil made therrtiolven aprons and they heard tho voice of jo- hovah owl walking in tho garden in tho cool of the lay ami the man and hla wife hid thomeolvea from tho proa enco jf jehovah god amongst tho trees of tho garden d and jehovah god called unto the man and said unto him where- art thou 10 and he said i heard thy vol o in tho garden and i was afraid be cause i was naked and i bid myself 11 and ho said who bunt told thee that thou wast naked hast thou eaten of tho treo whereof i command ed thee that thou a ho u it cut nut eat 12 and tho man ojild tho woman whom thou caveat to bo with me she gave mo of thoi tree and i did oat 13 and jehovah god said unto tho woman what la thin thou host done and tho woman said tho serpent be guiled mo and i did cat 7 lie not deceived god in not mock ed for whatsoever a man oowoth that shall he also reap 8 for ho that so wo th unto the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption bui he that soweth unto tho spirit shall of the spirit reap eternal life golden text tho wages of sin are death but tho free gift of god la eternal life in christ jeaua our lord horn c 23 departmental topics and references primary topic the htory of the garden of eden memory verso porgivo us our slna luke 11 junior topics disobedience separ ttteo us from god gen 3 1 14 memory verses prov 3 1 2 intermediate and senior topic tho destructive power of tln young people and adult topic tho nature and ilea u its of bin lsuon thomflht one fact there la in this world that cannot bo blotted out no matter bow much we try to shut our eyes to it tho terrible fact of atn let us ace what our bible unchea un about sin 1 wo learn that sin is worldwide it is a poisonous weed that grows in evesy land nay in every homo and in every heart every soul needs to have its sin purged away 2 but what is sin there are de grees of wickedness for the pettlah- nesa of a child is very different from the crimes of a redhanded murderer yet all sine come alike under ono definition sin is lawlessness tho element of righteousness is obedience the essence of sin is selfwill 3 there la ono effect of sin that h universal it brings guilt a sin may b so concealed that human law does not notice it that no man savo tho himself knows of it- yet its stain invariably comes upon the sinner consciousness of guilt- every wrongdoing or neglected duty brings it defilement n crjmnon spot that no water on this earth can wash away sin has its final effect in death o is a deeper death than that of the bidy tho death of tho spiritual aturo an etsrnal separellon from god 81nbulld a barrier between god and man it makes us onomlee to god and aliens from hs companionship olsckboird sin is worldwide sin is lawlessness sin brings quilt bin ends in death readings for next week monday the grace of ood titus 115 tuesday oraco through christ john 018 wednesday saved by arnco epl s 110 thursday arnco of christ manifest the mothcflo hand there ill 1 tlltrtruili nl eltcctlv il or cloi not a oc8erter he was very dlsrcputablo looking uncared fbr like srd ho wo before the court what 1 the charge asked tlio learned judge desertion said tho prosecutor solemnly i aint a deserter protested the prisoner vehemently at tho same tlmo removing a bandage from a black oyc and displaying wolts all over hi head 1 m a efugee i doing oooo to cach other few of u appreciate our surround ing odvantagss and friends wo may not sea it new but sometimes wo will look batk and sov where wo were bettered by having boon intlmutoly associated with eonis true noble friend it u a duty lliut f doing good to each uttier tl at w postorm alniuul tftiaonsuuusly lluv pleasant tu live in tills beautiful world with ao many ltlatiisj sj y m think wo havo nothing to livo for but how desperately would wo cling to life were wo culled to part with ttl speld of earthquakes the most unstable bolt in tho worl i is thal encircling tho puilflc ocean where jnoe than iwlf of tlio earth quake shocks have occurrod this in cludes many of u10 1aclfla laluiuls jspan the hoiilti american eurtyuak region and owu p inc those whacks travel at varying rates of speed dopendhm on the kind of rock or coniikmltlon f earth through which tho ahctnor passes in japan they travel from 6 loo to 8 000 foot a second while other records made in italy show tho rate only 050 foot u soond n bo compared the human hand lenses after every nlhcp appliance has exhausted its utll ity receive their finishing polish from tho liifnc piano frames niter havlilfi been filled and sand papen flouted with varnish recelvo their final polish from tho hand in tho family tho mother hand is tho greut polisher it keep uttlo tiuna am hands clean it koops llttlo drcaaca and knickerbockers clean closes holes over knee and toes fills hungry mouths yflth wholesomo 11ml iialatahlo food it tucks in tho iileopltig children nt night and keeps out tho cold it soothes woary limb to rest and presses aching heads gent ly till they forget to ache it binds up cut and burned and brulsod angers it holds tho cooling draught to fevered lips it gently closes the eye that look uion tho sun no more in a inure tho mothers hand polish es tho minds and characters of her children her ftngor ikilnts out tho letters on tho blocks in tho primer tho pago in history tho noble ideal to bo attained the far off goal to bo reached tho rockj to he shunned tho mael stroms to be u voided a youth during the war lay very sick- in a hospltkl ills mother had boon sen for and came at midnight tho lights wore turned low said she beggej that alio might take the nurses place ut his bodsldo promising to keep per fectly quiet as any excitement might bo fatal to her son he moved 1 pnln and she laid hor hand silently on hla forehead to soothe him to rest at that touch he started up and ex- clulmed tuin up thp lights let me seo who this is that hand must be my mothgrsl ah how many a bravo man in that terrible struggle longed in vain to feel bis mothers hand laid on him aa in childhood tho gontlo loving hand of tho mother how it restrains and curbs and guides and that restraint is felt not but more when the wrist is part ed from tho hand that caressed and corrected tho growing child said an lady my mother influences me more now than ever as to my con sclousness of her influence as 1 go back and forth over my life nil my hrances of her in my childhood girlhood womanhood and mature life what she was comes out dourer and more cljar and i find myself growl n t into her likeness and image i re member wliat sho told roo of her knottier and her household ways and so 1 go ulxmt my house attending to this thing and that thing i say to myself thus did my mother thus did my grandmother and the couplet sings itself through my head wo are travelling home to god in the way our mothers trod spalding sporting goods ifusuhall mlt fl00 to sic iluacinunn mitts 200 to sio rioldern lliv 30c to poo colilur mitt 1100 to 1b llawjljiill llunlia jmj2i to ift ijasetiill huts 10o to 2jm 11 iso to 12x30 llasabtll uniforms io00 to 1750 luy prjtr tors- 300 to 12 soccer oall uniforms soccer shirts 2jm xo 25 kotur lull 0 0 7jq hocrr icnh kers 75c to 125 pluy ground luills- 7bo 100 2jxx lhcs 7x0 end 0 cd cor sib friday abol i u saturday gi 1 10 sunday orvo hurtle 1 10 id 1 tig grace 2 cor co at work 3 cor could hardly writes ono man buffering hrough dr llvs for asthma who after years of nd complete relief kellogg s asthma itemed y now ho knows how noud- uss has boon hla suffering this matchless remody gives sure help to all afflicted with asthma inhaled aa sinoko or vapor it brings tho help so long neodsd livery dealer has it or can gut it for you from his whole s tiler the wise use of mistakes u u not tho chipping off of jio diamond a nuriuco that polishes tho diamond but it is by tho wise use f diamond dust oj- hipping in tlio hands of a skilled lupldury that the diamonds polish 1 finally eoiured it not tho making of mistakes that mokes a man but it is tho wise uao of mistakes that enables u man to be mado to become u polished man iii hie best aphere whenever wo soo tho light and glow of u beautiful chur uitcr we may know hat its illumin utlng ikiwcr umuc- through its slow polishing by its own diamond dust at ltfttndi f gra iadldury ll clay trumbull its unwise to pat estf ts4aye doty until to- if yssx gtvmach la rim0id5 tlmmw aid to dlgwrticsa cosaiort todmy- a plessasit relief tinm um oismort trf sldtspepsls max dy ttxrtt at dowkb maocita or ooom bmnjaon im i3bb to do your duty during- these trying tunes your health should oe your first consideration these two women tell how they found health hoiiam pm i took iydla b plnkhamb v etabl compound for female troubles and a diii- placcment i felt nm dawn and woatory weak x had been treated by a phjucian without results bo docided to giro xjdla e pink hams vegetable compound ft trial and felt bettor riant away i am keeping houso fdaott last april and doing all my housework whero bufbro i was nnablo to do any work xydia e plnkhams vcgo- tabif oompemnd la certainly tho beat mmlclnoa woman can takswhanlnthljconditlon igltrayonperralsalontopabuah this letter mrje b cntriaxiho b no 1 hellam pa loiroll mich- i enffered from oranpa and drabginp down pain waa irregular and had female weakneaa and htplawimopt x beffan to toko lydla b pinklutmo vege table compound which gara me relief at onco and restored my health irunldllkotorocommend lydla e plphliamo remodlea to all rrafforing women who are troubled in a rdml- lar wy mr5eijaenxritilno o boxeajjowellhlcb why not try egeli4blj compound lyoia epwkhan mcoicmtcco vmmmaso size doebiil do thib a twoinch single column card in the newbjiaper may be made to attract more notice than an ad as big ab a letter head if your advertibe- meiit ibnt attractive it ibnt read and if it ibnt read no matter if it hm ten mil lion circulation it ibnt worth a postage try an adv in the free press it will pay phone lib and we will help you design an attractive tradepulling ad the creltara of sunderland taylor bate of the village of acton tn tho county of ha una tanner who died or about tho 11th day of june 1913 required on or before the 2cth day of may 11 to send to the under signed solicitor for the administra trix of the estate of the aald deceased tholr christian and surname addre tn4 descriptions nd lb full parti culars of thalr e talma and after the aald seto day of slay 191 the said administratrix will pro ceed to distribute the assets of tho said deceased among the parties en titled by law and aha wllunot be rea kinslble for any claims of which ahe shall no have received not loo at the time fixed for such distribution dated at acton this uh day or april a d 11 kuth hannah taylqlt a dmlnia tratr ix lly harold n farmer her sollcltur 43 3 actoo qnl 0imauwrl4nwrnatwtofthrr cholcb narva notice to creditors n th mttr f tk estsits at john allan lata of th villa of aeten in th county hatten rstlrsd parmer dtceased not loo is horeby given pursuant tu hcrilun 60 of the trustee aot 1lso 1014 chap 191 that all creditors and 1 1 horn having rtnun against tho estat of the aald john allan who died on dr about the 1st fay of ai ril a ix 1010 at tho village of acton aforesaid aro roqulred iui or before the 1st day of june ad 1919 to send by post pro- paid or dollvor to chsru l dunbar 32 ikiuglas utrect ouelph the botlcltor foi- alotander mcculg of tho township of lrhi in the county of wellington i armor lxocutor of tho lost will and testament uf the sold deceased their christian and surname addreropa and description the full particulars in wri uccount and the nature of tho seourly if any held by them and take not loo that after euoh last mentioned date tho said tcxeeuuu- will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then hao notice and that the said tsxeeutor will not be liable- for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whosochums notloo shall not havo been received by him at the ttrao of such distribution all parties owing any accounts to tho said deceased are requested to pay the aame forthwith to the said exe cutor dated at ouelph the 17th day of april ad lilt ciiaitxjqb u dunualt 2 douglas btreet guelfth aollcltor for fa e said aleatander 43d mccalg fhe executor j no one tell only thoio is only one uuro way to know huyo your cycg cxnmlued if tho tlanae are not needed we will loll you i aim aid ihey ho needed you liave the bcnoht of our elghtoso ycttra ex port 11 re illonl 1x17 allointmlnt acton fjour and feed store ufply of un- fullu the welfk l kpq nothtna betur holled oatfl red clover ohort9 al0ike oat chop timothy tlalt in llnrrvla 200 lb quantity if deslnd wtga or bplcial ijn1j in chicuisn itlclei g1v1c oult cal1- mbal a trial uomlitlc lioiij u oath tiiiatulst canada lnuod ilour1 1 icenso no uo robert noble limited henry awrcy manaqef j

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