Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1919, p. 3

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qup acton 3xw in0o tjiuiuiijay may b 1d19 riohing a barn foot tty with on iilitrr nolo a nllhlliir pore 1 1 in tlio flnhln holoj a perfect day in tbo etadnomo oprulfff anil a thrunli that mauca tho welkin rlnit while tuurt r boy rom urn la aa f rco ao lloirt of thilnh wllh hlu molody and tho idler on tho brltfjro in truth ktramn iijtnii of luijijiy daya of youth 3w tutllo in tho lvworth herald a qirla folly the folio wine a a ffcnulno itmcl from u letter written by a wmicth uaelier whlln travelling- in huropa a year or two aj i tliero tiro nix of us all toochcra wo joined a party of touriata oj wo arc forcou to count tho rarthinea close- ly noiid of uo liavu boon abroad ho- foro nr ever expect to go acaln and wo liavo but four wceka on thla aide wo bcjrrudgo every minute in caccrncan to boo and hear and to store up invaluable memories for tho futuro wo oro crcoly hndtrel and annoy ed by a younc drl who with her mother bonsa to tho party she la a commonplace peroom with nelth beauty nor talent noi charm ilut alio la posaeaaod with on insatiable do nlro to show off i try not to oeo her but it la lm pooaiblo to bo blind or deaf to her or to ignore her wo went to bt pctcra to hear tho creat q core ian chants which iiro sung by tho choir of tho vatican but anoo a year ulu blank kept up a aurlll whhtpr d urine the on tiro service i went u ino jlttlo circular chamber whero tho apollc hclvfdero stand ojouq to ntudy thla hhtnest expression of tho ngan coroopjon of divinity and there before lta white awful beauty stood miss 1 j lank- podia and klssllnjr for uio benefit or two oon- temptuoua italian ofucera wo drove through tho vast aolltuda of tho campoffna with its rulna and torn be peopled by the ghosts of ancient rtomc and she talked of the cown and hat sho wore slmperln and chattering to compel our admiration there nothing in the world ao beautiful ao subumo as to make her forget for ono moment her silly little self wo copy these severe comments be cause miss blank a offence la unfor tunately too common among even aen- alble girls it is not always due to vanity but to an eager almost pathe tic hunger for admiration and lovej such glrla are sometimes quiet andl natural in their manner at home but at the cq trance of a stranger become affected klgglo and talk shrilly tike 111 trained actors on the stage if a lrl has merit or charm appre ciation will surely comexo her let her wait tor them to bo eought and found out a wise old scotchman say atn your wares are good dlrma cry them in tho market too loudly or you cheapen them the out man or the big clock towir heforo i write on anything olno thin week lot mo tell you rid now i ji roc la to nuremnr n correction in last week a pner not bcltm an fumlllui with tho drat band a internal work lne a notxinuo wui 1 ijaturnlli omit ted aovcrul dctalla which ho lai brought to light and i am ouro tlilii will be of in t crept to cluienu yonerally i woe not awaro that i npokn llchtly of acton s flmt ban 1 if i did i ajvolo glxo but i admit i did not have much use for t rofoonar duvny aa to hie musical ttu uuww very little the fault i refer to woe uo doubt tho om for which noromir and tlm otlioi gentleman gave him tho q h for ii the first year dl oreojutauon an t ray hearing and tho telephone con versa t ion those days i mutt admit u nonmia that 1 nover could under stand conversation on tho telephono ii those da o now nlther and thla conversation ha saya i might hear li aa much a pusxlo to mo an all otl can vernations over the wire n everyono watch mo cloaoly while dlvulgo what i know and do not know about hill btreet the house wonderful children i am going to tell you btory yes a true atory about a house tho most wonderful palace in the world this house is not made of atone or brick or wood and it ls queer in another way too for it can move about just ilko the turtles house only this house can beccrao a palace beautiful njjd tho turtle n house always stays just the turtles lit use you have a palace house and i hao ono so lias mother father bister and brother and all your playmates and friends in act evcyona whom you know only soma halo prettier and stronger palace houses than others and there la a reason why too borao pa j co houses ktcnd up straight and loo it as if they would topple at any mlnuto can you ueai what the pal ace house is well it is your dody your body la your little house in which you live and you can make it a perfect palace which is good and beautiful to look at if you know how to take core of evy pat in it on ihe other hand if you do not tako careof every part ot tho houso wonderful it becomes uty sickly and badly cared for it 1 not a palaoe at all every boy or girl wants his or her bouse i know then remember that bouse to become a beautiruj palace it needs just a little care each day xk not form bad habits which wl 1 destroy your health and character overcome habits of carelessness anl instil habits of clean bands and face well brushed holey clean teeth aa well as habit ot eelr control and mental uplift- jl j a bit v t jfal doesnt pay to grouch just because your employer point out tho defect in your work don t develop a geodaixed grouch and a bunch that ho is down on you because a man worth whllo having la worth whllo correcting and no bod j wants to tnko tho time to ougseet im provements to the fellow who isnt worth it don t resent criticism for the reason that it is directed at you in a spirit of help ins youand your work your employer thinks too much of you simply to are you because you haven t come up to the efficiency test ho feels that tho material in you is ixd and well worth bis time patience and money to develop in the expect hon that iomo day you will have lm proved no much thai you 11 need no correction bervice burden of taxation though the owners of expensive bouses won t agree the provincial government s scheme of partially ex- emptlns- the ordinary man m homo hit many good polnto naturally lcau say this for i live in one of them if simply follows that the wealthy are go trie to havo to shell out more here after on everything they own or hire while the ordinary fellow will bavp it leas strenuous wo wont reach that etage all at once mind you but events are ton dine in that direction and its time they dfd in regard to taxation however it will liavo to bo made up somehow ao if wo take it off one source it will have to go on another in this particular coso it is evident that tho land must bear the burden that and a higher tax rate one way or another the taxes havo to bo got it a simply a case of distribution dundu utar prophets of evil leave prophecy of evil to those who have uo till rig better to do itavenw may croak but wily any human bela ahould be content to pose as a prophet of ovll it is hard to sa tjl phocy orlmruiiiiua repeated often enough helps to reallxe itself tho croakers who all tho time are predlct- inff disaster either bring to peas tho misfortune thy prophesy or add a now difficulty tor tho determined to overcome if you cannot foretell rood keep silent it waqnt needed uobby h4d been taustit to remem brr all his relatives when he amid hla prayers one night aa he knell a his mother knee he did nut mention the liomo of a favorite aunt why hobby said ths mother you dldn t say cod bless aunt beatrice and make liar happy well mother replied the little bpj i don t havo to say that any tnoret aunt 11 tuit ho a ongaged l when j decided to wrlto a short essay on each street in town tho big neaa of tho thing had hardly dawned on me rirot of all tho ntroela lot mo go at tho one on which my observa tion point faces mill htrcet one of the oldest atreeta in town history must be given a place in tho atory of this street which received lta noma from tho flour mill altaatod at tho westerly limit of the town like tho first name af our town adomsvillo it received its muao from kovs exru and zcnas artnma and mr hufua adams who settled here in 1828 at that tlmo our breaont fairy lake waa purling trout brook which by ths purchase of oomo throe hundred acres and tho dam ml tie up of tho stream converted it into a water power sum cicnt to operate tho rnlll let mo just mention here a few of tho bulldlnss that havo been on this busy uloroughfore and what now graces these sites so mo of them 1 may forget to mention but please re member i am writing from my mem- ory and what i have gleaned from other men who handed these historical bits down to me there was acton a first bakery that stood near when itomsha ws blacksmith shop la i was conducted by william ilunnal who afterwards occupied tho bulldlpg of the tsuoton property opposite at kinsona livery the fcliivntion army barracks followed on tho bakery built by hugh ryder in the palmy days of that worttjy body and when ho was nn active worker somo years after henry qrindell pwjjht tho pro perty for a machine suhov it woj destroyed uy flro anr ho then croctod the present brick orlop another landmark la tho build lmj owned by tho aavil btoroy estate hullt for the heme oftho lato hcnj w nleklln thy nlckiins owned tho mill and farrri adjoining for many years tho alto of the born for this property la now entranced by the residence j a murray and half a do ion othci the hhjtory or tho corner of mill and main streets is extremely inter esting on this site simoon andcmoi commenced tho erection of a commod ious otono hotel over 00 years ago hi had occupied a tug hotel where th ilyder a mowot ojovo factory now stands ho dledliuddinty before th building was completed ir mcuar vln and james cameron his executors completed the building tho first ten ant was john wallace who afterward moved to milton und built ha wallaco house now the hotel mcolblxm 11a had numerous successors and it almost aa many names lzllas clark called it the 1 loyal exchange jam- cumplell the campbell house o c clark the clark house and after being gutted by fire a i loach rebuilt it and called it tho acton when the local op tlon campaign wuju on uio property was again destroyed by ore noll ist torso n subsequently purchased ti and now the lank of nova scotia und mcknery h vans meat shop grace the alto of this old tlmo hostelry across tho otrcet there was a vacant lot for many years here tho circuses travelling shows und itinerant photo graph vari of half a cinlury ago pitch ed their tents and interested tho chll dren and their grandfa thorn of that day tho nlckiins built tho brick shop and residence thirty yearn ajto or so and here they conducted tho icxcelslor bakery later thomas c mooro ji bon and a l hernstreet run grocery and crockery stores there i guess tills will o uiti co foi this week mill street has bo much of locul history that i could go on reciting incident which occurred in litis first block fur hours but a block a week and mill street will koop tho old folks busy thinking of tho days of uuld lain yno i see people in all directions making flower bedh planting flowiru and gou erally octfutifylng- their homo aur roundlnga this la fine icvurybody enjoy a flowers and neatly trimmed lawns when i look down from lofty tower nearer mmo i think wliat a beauty spot tliat plot between tho government building atc und perhapn tho aieu on the wllloftr tllruit ido mlkht be made won t the 1 cultural socloty undortaka to bouutlty these places with flowers for this sum mer i have faith in the children in town and believe thoy would tfruutly udmlro and never molest such bcuut spots try it pleiuso for my uuke ai 1 the sood old towun nako now don t anyone get up on their ear und any i have lusultod tho government the government building pr unyosi nected with it waq juot viqitinq jfvi lilit llrmlnlareiion of tlio frnntlfik iithir thu ida i cmlfcdm xa u tl union plok tn huiniiiy that ihrlt 1 mniidlne konernln were vn lent linimirtapt military informa irah out contlnuoun cjdiungo o tobacco for eoffeo waa gong on bo tween yanka und johnnies also much exchanging of nownpnp ra wliei the rlvpr was so deep that tlm mil ill on could not wade h croon they rlggc jnliiluturo boats and rafts ii aded with whatnvnr they wlahotl to trado and sent tlum ovir ns tho brecio favored tho ronnlgnrea on both aides acrupu lounly reaper tod these small argoalcn and always oont hark a fair eijulvalcnl tho men not only conversed arroso tho river hut visited hack and forth tmou huur or two ut u time tho oitircrb began to fcurthat tliey mlsh becomo too friendly to fight with tho proper oneriry and at last lanorai leo instructed iciicrnl oordon to put a stop to it mounting his hnrao tlio snnc el started xt rldo along tho river fro it and almost immodlatcly came upon a confederuto sutioat wliert- ills ru 1 don appeoranco seetn fd to create uh unusual ogroo of urltomcnt und stir what a iculng ii heret dcmanjo 1 tho general nothing at all slrl cried ono if tempted to explain uiat tho confusion tlio soldiers cacorly whllo uiiother i t was owing to thoir liusto to preut it arms to him goneral oordon was sathiriod t at this wun a ibterfuge but ho coud nee nothing amiss and ha 1 turned to rl lo away wliou ho suw soma tatt woods an tiio river bank begin to ehako whuts in thoiw weeds r ho oskwl wheell ir his hoiao nothlne at all slrl cried a chorun of voices break down tho woods i very reluctantly ono of tho men did no and vthcro lay a large red headed yank in purls naturallbus having evidently but that mlnuto swum acrosj tho river where do you belongt tho general asked him severely over yonder general replied tho yankee with a wavn of hla arm across tho river and an lnscutablo grimace what are you doing heret jest a little friendly visit to tho boys general donh you know that there s a war raging in this countryt yea air but taint ragin to day vfui tho quaint reply and tho ring of listening johnnies ffrlnned broadly something bad to bo dono to preserve dignity and to enforce orders havo you anythlns to say why should not have you shot as a spy demanded the general sternly la that your uniform wal general its tbo uniform my mother gavo mo came from tlio weeds in a drawl eo irresistible that tho johnnies shouted quickly perceiving that this was coso where it was necessary to treat tho matter as a joko or else to mete out extreme severity general qordoi ciooe tho f ruaer alt mtlhc look hery said ho if i let back to your own lin you it was unnecessary to finish tho sen to nee with a sprigs to his feet tho yek dived off tjtte river bank lm mediately hut rod head was aeon part ltt the water rapidly in the direction of the other nhorc youths compan ion propenly 0u1lt diro hougc many bird liourirn tluit urn attractive in iiiixnruiaii full to entice tho urdu mid umuy that lire inliiilltnl ono urn qui the r uioii in mt die will mrunliiff mnk n i full to provide for ventilation win n hot weather tomes tho hlrdn that n ro mi fort u rift to onoiigli to have chiinnii ihmirly tnu lo houses find them o ivtii and their hrooln nearly over uiihi with the licut tho next year they look elsewhere for tumlnk places a little thought on tiio part of the bull irr will irovont that error und will rnako conditio in pernmnoitly inltt it in u a ifo plan ulunyu to opy natu und onn i nature o txot bulldero omii tho hhdn in tin wool acker icvrry yrar it makes a new neat for itself but ulno every year lui deserted house le cotnitt tho dwolllnir bouao of other birds the created flycatcher tho blm bird tin i tlm ucreech owl readily tal thu vnrant house tho woodpecker cuts its nratlng place from a decayed punt of thil tree where tho jnilterlal is no ft and tho lining mo lot and cool iteeause of that tho free albumen in the okk doru not dry up in warm weather und the tender skin of uio llttlo ones does not utlck to tho shell when they arc ready to como out win n you make your bird houso uiiu a cylinder of soft porous wood for tlm corn in which tho neat la to ha built and leave an air apaco between the coro and the ulda walls if you can uso cedar or sassafras for tl o floor celling and walls do much tho better for thcao woods are not onfy poor conductors of heat but because of their spicy smell and tasto are insect proof illrds that neat in a properly madn houso find llfo so agreeable that thoy will becomo aatlafled tenants t ii rent that they pay is twofold pleasure for yourself and protection for your garden against harmful inset in and the fiucccoqful farm oale farm mil i that hi i nnny furtorn i iicrnn oralll dikh only in tli s iino nirunuro ron ualo i rinlly hel 1 ilnfuetory for whli h you go ilila time will lead kindly light this profoundly beautiful hymn hud lta cradle in tlio blue wateru of the mediterranean tho author has dcu crlbcd the tlmo and circumstances under which thp verses were written in hla apologia in tho year 1832 dr newman jour neyed with his great flend itoude to the south of kuropc newman was needing real and proud o waa ordered change of air and scone after a aerloui illness but tho warmer ell ma to only exhausted him and ho died peacefully before tiioy reached sicily dr new man hud to travel alone and whllo n italy caught malarial fover which laid him low far somo weeks alono and iii in tho land of atranaem ha longed for homo and suffered lerrilily from depression but no boa is were icavtnj and week after woek went by i was aching to get home ho wrote yet for want of b vessel i was kept at palermo for three weeks at last i got off in an orango boat bound for marseilles then it was that i wrote tho lines lead kindly light which have since becomo well known wo were becalm cd a whole week unublo to discern their position in tho tog which liud closed upon them i lid kncwlnjr it waa a laiieruua cnint wo ste how descrlptlvo it was of his environment it was tho prayer of wwlldored vtvajror c yltic out f guidance in the mist lead kindly lltht amid the ei circling gloom lead thou me on the nubt is drk nj i am far fro load thou mo on lxcliange a du0ine0s mano prayer teach mo that sixty minutes make no hour sixteen ounces ono pound and ono hundred cents ono dollar helo mo to uvo oo that i can uo down at night with a clear conscience without a cun under my pillow und unhauntcd hy the faces of tlioao to whom i havo ught pain i rant that i may earn my mooj ju kot on tho square and that in earning it i may not stick uio guff where it does not belong deaf on mo to tho jingle of tain tod uionuy blind me to tho faults of tho other fellow but reveal to me mlno guide me ao that each night when i look across tho dinner tubja at my wife who haa been a blessing to me 1 nholl liavo nothing- to conceal keep moybung enough to laugh with my children and when cornea tho nmoll of flaw- em and tho tread of soft etcpo and tho crunching of wheels out in front make tho ceremony short and tho oi ituph simple hero lies a man sidestepping and uijn said angelica pausing yes and then r sold carol no ex pectanlly ho asked mo if i had ever been kissed before caroline gavo a gasp of compassion oh you poor darling she cried how awkwurd of course you sail ixar caroline said angelica rala iiie her uoultul eyes to thouo of her friend don t you know that truth is my one virtue that i utihor u liar yen cur i know whispered car dine ho uliut did you aayt i ould replied angelica piously pressing her frlond s hand oh i lay uiiiiid how can you usk mo such qutjitlonr idirnon weekly trolluli wnn particularly in li purt i thunk til of t no thing i urn now convinced- billboard advertising iu not eanentlu i had only to i uslerii prlnto 1 am moot of thiuo woro not posted i ifn ponded on a well dluphiyod advertise ment in tho local paper while a well 1 rln ted ilrrulur wan sent to every tnu tlio itry knilwii tin v j u any cattle wun uhtulnod from tho on rotary of lho littal aasocldtlon find was scut aeali d ao aa tu lnnijro the lotti ro bilng oi en cd another experiment i tried wau sell lug tho obviouo cullo ainoni tho cattle to tho butcher bo faro the nolo culls seldom brlmr their beef value in a nolo anyway while their prwionco dotrnrlu from tho good cuttle 1ho herd wan tuheroitlntebtod three duyn b fort tho nulo thua making oaslbln u iiuar unty of tho health of tlio offering all of tho machinery was put in as toed repair an pons 1 1 lo und grmtpod no it could bo examined easily brfhr tho nalo i mad i oure well in advance of ti lienl auctioneer in uio country o man who ha 1 u la run local following who know u largo number of tho men present by uielr first noiiwjr mn un popular auctioneer or one notjhcfiualn ted with tho peculiarities bf lila crowd works under u ureal handicap the total exicnno of tho uulo was on about 7g which i consider rousonabli for a 13 goo auto tho auctioneer wan a rapid workor and finished tho nnli ocek new ru0ine00 r i ho mri hunt or mnnufiti tureil who in not conptiintly nfter new buatnrnn in playliifc a innliik imnie for unit in now i itrtiiume comni in through tho cunt door c iiiutuiitly i rofltu niter out thrtuu li tlio hack wlndown huulntnn like oveyuilnff etne in thlu wort i in in u etatn of hul tin ro la nothing nioro true than tin iitutniiieiit that the bualiiian that in left to its own dovh o i dinn in take ionic to dn p out t tlio i rocennlon jt is only through vi rluntlnic wntchfulncua uiul that nful hoi able tuln their posltloi in molirn hunlnrnu in 101 n inik lullnt be hrout to th on tho iiomlno that tlio unru t i in tuktil to tho people mont pcrsonu fi how the lines of leant rcalataiica in huytnir thing rlng or ooiidlnir thoir ordt rii to thoao companloa and those addn mien that havo leen ntamped on their thin in by ono meimn or anotlior here in win re the advortlucd blisl uln lti ntuifo me l lltt t houi i mado it clear at tlio otart tliat nothing would bo protected every thing woo lot co whether it brought full vuluo or not a crowd of uhrowu farmers la quick to do toe t any price manipulating on tho aide and will otop bidding with the result that uio cloao of tho aula will noe a lot of junk left on tho owners hands in only ono in stance did i buy an article a nearly now cream separator upon which thor i was u bid or only 15 to provont audi a sacrifice 1 openly announced my own reasonable bid of 2z after mv aale wnn concluded scttlo mants made t nd lho results found to exceed ray expectations i felt thut u utile arcount ef how the sulo was pm pared might add jo tho success of some nales thut would lo held in tho futuro by readers of our local paper w a i deauty all about uo there ls beauty all about us wo i oed not to travel to find it it may bo tho curvo of a child a choek a ouiisat cloud or the silhouette of a leaf against tho bluo or u dandelion guidon dlnkj it la u prlvllego to vhtlt yosemlta or tho grand canon or canadian ilockko to see tho exquisite face of ona of ituph a i a madonuas to look upon tho uuow crowned peaks of the alpn but wo need not envy those j liavo feasted their eyoo on th forms of beauty for right about us is re of tho beautiful than we ure likely discover in u llfo time hay wore you among the crowd tho town hall lust thursduy nluhl that was lambasted by the uumigcnns no era times and by uiaphuio soloist um for not keeping- bood order luillu mo i oujoy real nood tuunle und waa good tliat night but i felt ilko getting- up und leaving tho hall when the reicated doues of scolding tauia uj 1 ii bet my bottom penny this truvol nnjr ooiupauy nover liud u better bo havod uudlente anywhere nor more evidence of genuine uppruclutlou of meritorious musk tho artists wtra justs out of sorts because they liadu t up houso and thoy poured out their spleen on the pooplo who weie really there to bo loyal to the hoy bcouu jae of thin thoy won t tot a lookin if thoy over oomo this way agalu to make an engagement it tempted inspection i have a friend in hast africa who writes from a remote villas o tliat ho was much puzalod recenuy by lho marked interest in himself shown by the nati en first uio mayor in u much worn dress coat and a fanc red waistcoat worn outside tho coat arrived and walked round and round lho lngllahman at a spot where won a uperl intending the erection of u wlrclcua ijjtur tho native gentleman requt ed thut in uio afternoon ho might bring his friends which he did to tho number of a doxou und thoy ilko he ti roc coded lo walk round the soldier peering curiously into his fuco iu tho tvinlui ihey returned with food offer ings and tho reason of this flat tor hijf atteuuun turned out lo be a gold toot i which ilioy lmajtliied mic have troi hi my friend a mouth pail mall guxette the broader vision nurniwnass of vlawiolnt lias nothluir to do with living in a small place llreu 1th of vision means looking out from one n uolf to others from ones i ernoual interest to tho welfare of tho who lo you may uiunt ono in u city with a pot ulutlou of u million und be dwurflngly narrow and you niay live on a ranch twontymvo miles from a railroad und havo tho breadui ot vision oasenual to tlio highest service intelligence and usolflehneoa nut iocs tlon inuko tho dlfforeuco between ur rowuean und broadui bthikl while the irons hot oliver cromwell iu said to liuvo ob served wry lutpleutly it is u jood thing to strike when tho iron is hot but it is a bettor uiln to nuikj the iron hot by sinking tlio successful man la ho who to a lrcat extent rro a tea his own occasions und instead of walling for thin- to turn up turns things up while hp waits selottcd what mc wanted till 1 ho i o t onto buck hero liack in this trench and stay he ro ordered uuil lo jackson bcuao me boas hut jen to lta uol ah dono promised niuh wife to git her ouo o duni spiked n ah uolta k got it ah don till- ul1 man i dare go homo without it- no sahl no performance i ittlo marian had boon taught nov ul pieces which she was culled upon to speak on various occaslona there came a time however when tho worm turned and on hoi off requested to apeak for a visitor ono day aha ub nolutcly refused tho assembled family coaxed but in vuln and finally the visitor said i don t believe marian can apeak a upon uiia marian took her flugor out of her mouth and said solemnly mrs woblnson i can but i aln t qet a smile on the world s not half an had an most pooplo make out thorn arc ten things for which you ought to be thankful for the ono about which you whine is your liver bad bo thank ful you havo any and keep tho bent aide up have you rhoumauca con gratulate yourself that you aro not where tho c lima to la loo warm for aliments of this kind havo you drop ped a llttlo monot quit whining and thank god that you are given a chanco to do a llttlo hard work iiuvo your friends gone back on yout stop cavil ling and show yourself worthy of friendship if you but open your oyca you will find doxena of pooplo who have more right to growl than you havo just meet pain reverses hard ships and mis und era tun ding with a putlout and pleasant fiiceand you will llvo in a aunshlno thai will muko mis fortune u ministering nplrit mont of our trouble is with oursolveu with o right attitude towards outward clr cutnstancoa our uvea may bo an aar ono as a morning in juno women uf tjio present day are too buijj to miro tlmo- nearehlnh for a place tit iptnd thoir m uoy the place thut puts lta goodn and lta name an 1 l uldiiui twcre thrno btiyero in thr uiont dlr cl forceful and in teres tlnji wuv nets thoh patrouueo ou can t got uwuy from thlu fact and thu inoi t direct forceful und lutorcstltnr way t odo thin la to do good news paper ndverllnlt c answered mrs hughes wife of the auatra llan premier in very fond of children and has a fund of anccuotcn concern lnu thorn j ono alia iu fond of tolling concerns ovlult aim puld to a certain olemontary school in molbourno iihortly before starting for cnsland among the quest ions put by tho mlii irons to her llttlo pupils was the following suppoolng we had boarded a ahlp last night and n teamed a hundred miles duo southwest where should wo be now tho correct unswor being of courno off the coast of tasmania there wua a moment of breathleai iillenci and thon a tiny girl in thi front row who had juat recently it transpired roturnod from a rather rough und stormy sea trip piped shrilly in the cabin mu am dick wecpino stove pipes weeping stovo pipes from the joint of which a tarllko liquid leaks out la t fton a dlftlcult trouble to remedy it is duo to insufficient draft tho smoke moving slowly through tho pipes con douses and the liquid so formed oorea out ot tho joints of tho pipes somo times having tho pipes on an incline upwards towardi ho chimney vlll it crease tho draft somo find that a llttlo opening in tho pipe noxt the chimney with a sliding cover in rrouucu lho draft up to tho chimney whon open und so causes tho smoko to pass out quickly it all comes tp this increase tho draft and tho heat of tho pijics and so cause tho smoke to putt ogt n quickly that it cannot cool i 1 1 eondonno in tho pipes prodadly suited his wife good mornlnc good morning you remember hut t ousu you sold mo last week certainly well i had my wlfo up to soo 1 yesterday and nov i w tint to dull 1 buck to you uguln hut you said you udmlrod the house i did what fuult do you find with 1 it has un echo in it thut doeon l hurt it yea it docs in what wuyt when my wlfo molilu mo f nff out lato the blumtd oil h epoat it atx or ooven times a ow i do liato nagging as the doys come home i u ml era und that you u number of rcturtud lo work here on tho farm sure i did i needed help n u patriotic thing to do hour in the achemu working out i inp i havo my son blow u bugl ti o clock ovory morning and th glrlu dress up as kid crous nuruea am vmed every rock and stump in ihu freall ground ever thurv uflor som gorman general idler ljja t dont prod your liver to action nd ovwvonmt dill ceastiae- tioo olok hasdsohe quiekly no or i plug or palo quar d tl o ursans of dlsostlon osshnila- tl n un i elimination the stomaeti liver ai u bowola am closely allied hi 1 tl d proper action of any of uicaa jreuns la isrcely depondent upon ho lutrgrt funiironlnc of all tho others wlilt int your liver into action with rul i i1 or forcing your bowels with irritating laxatives or strong call antes la atrreat mistake a bet ter iifer plan la strengthening and ion tc tho whole dlgcstlvo and ellmlna- tlvo nynlcra with natures reynedy m lablats which not only brings i m m od u to relief hut genuine and last- li ir benefit it acta on ills stomach lucr bowels and kidneys improves dlrootlon and assimilation ovcroonua i lllo uncia corrects conjtlpatloa and jnl lily relieves sick headache out your nystem thoroughly cleansed ut 1 pur i nod for onco tomach liver und bowola working togolhrr in vlg ooin harmony and you will not have t ijuo medicine every day juat tafcs ono nit i ablet occasionally lo keep ur iilcm in good oandjuon and al io fid your best ltenieaiber it is cutler ard cheaper to loop well than it la to gat well ct a 2r box and try it wha tho understanding that it must gtvo you cc iter rtlhr and benefit than any wcl or llvar medicine you aver used tr to pay nature a rmdy nit tablnta u sold guaranteed and recommended by your drugs ul z i hassard acton ont better than pills i get a for liver ills i 25c box imimimialmtmimimlmimtimimlakmlmtlmlmmtlmi wkmbsfsxsmtiwsmfxbsjmki garage carriage works georgetown ontario hcmtquortcro for liuyglca wugjjono donipcruta etc all lunda of curnugc uo- nlrln dono jvymjitly dcalor iu dodge brothers auiomobilca ford automobiles ford ion trucks und i ordson trnttora a first clou garaic jn connection well equipped tu give- up to dutc service afcjent for mccormick cock3liutt und ploury form machinery louden litter cur s ricrs hayfork und sling outfits john decro tluylouder und side delivery hukcs a share of y0uk patuonagt w1u hl allhlciarud j n oneill georgetown t i gegmtoisms tp you buy an inferior point you pay twtca onco jl when you buy the paint and aain when you are ooljcd either to repaint or to puller the loss al detcrlo ration in your house if your paint blutcrs acalea oit crocks or check youjiaytvkx if your vamuh or floor finish turns white ijloom is brlttje if it tiiowa heel niarka and soratchca white you pay twice if your paint turns dork and muddy you wy t iwoo if your aldnelo taln does not have a creojo to base ad the thlnles consequently aoonjuarpand tho roof leaks you pay twtoo insist upon bavins for your boo or bam a point with a lona and honorable biatory buy bh paint uo common sense and bcsafol they are sold herr c c speight acton ont model 90 eay to handle economical light weight you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at it3 spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped it has big car performance combined with small car handiness and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32horsepower the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there i3 the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see thi3 model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontalmo wlllyoveiund limited httul offlos mad worits west toronto ontario touring car touring cor i model 90 sl3ca00 model 85 119500 or paruculnib apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon acton mew machine shop fred ul0w machinist is niovinj to the ncwly urtan cd prcimc the roj bowl ing alley ud mum strxct where he will bi prcporcd to handlo all repairs of machinery promptly mid atibtuctunly motor uxpairs a silcialty having expertanco with ull mukes of mulou repairs will be cfllciently oxecutqd vulcanizing t1ucs having installed a vulcanizing ouolt jutifmtory repjua will bo made to outer cabi us vcll us inncrubca i hi- ucp u t ment is managed by mr d kuai qrng all yout u iaiifs hi ul mala street acton t iu1 ilow

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