Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1919, p. 4

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if arfcm 3fttw prae tjiuwiday may i lua acton 1 nan insoi in published oyery thursday mornlul nt tho lltta iiuvui bulldlnff mill htrou acton ontario tho subscription price in 31 lq per your in advunrn i on lure in rharifod additional to ohlcoa in the united mlatrui i ho into to which aubscriiitions aro paid in i till lea ted on tho uddrcnn label aijvi kliuinu ltatjj transient a lvortlsomontn renin jit llnu an as mronurement fur first insertion anil 6 ci nla dor lliu fur each nuliao juont insertion contract dliiltluy udvi rtlncmcnlfi for 100 inchna or more por annum id co n la per inch each insertion advertisements without mcino dlrcctlsinii will ho inserted uu forbid and charged accordingly ir i mooite editor and publisher tlluihom i iblllorlal an uu kealdoncq 1 1 noun omco 111 editorial mirny of tho newspapers of tho united states are tnkmjj the question of teachers no an en in cur nest n cnthustmtic journal in dallas texas oayo tfvrichest country in the world with its bonatcd publicflchool nyatcm ita splendid school houses hi leadership in educational work ought to pay jts teachers at least as much as an ordinary coal digger can moke which ia 0 00 per day it will be very ngrccablo to the general public to learmtiartrio posragcroirlettenrforcnnndn nnd the united states not weighing over ono ounce is to be reduced to the pre war rate pf 2c on and after the 1st of july next thu3 dominion day 1019 will again be noted for a ntefnornblc event a salvation army campaign to take over saloon leases and fix t urea in prohibition days converting the deserted saloon into working mens clubs has been inaugurated in thc states the plan contemplates retention of tho lunch counter but instead of selling liquor as the saloons havo done the salvation army clubs will handle coffeo soft drinks and the ddughnut made famous by tho organization during the war some such scheme should bo in augurated in every town in canada where prohibition comes into force the working mon deserve and should have their clubs criticisms that returned soldiers and oft mica re turned soldier farmers arc not looking favorably upon farming for their future receive an effective repulse from tho director of information of the sol dier settlement board at ottawa who says an in vestigntion of tho facts reveals that up to the first of march th federal soldier settlement board hud approved loans amounting to 1008105 to 1218 re turned mon who had taken up homestead lands ap plicants must of course either bo experienced farm- era vjio arc physically fit to undertake or if other wise qualified but havo not had sufficient agricultural experience they must undergo a course of training in practical farm work the soldier settlement scheme has mado an excellent start and thousands more soldiers will through it bo directed to farming as their future vocation muotc in our ocmoolo r tho discontinuance of tho conferring of knight hood on canadians residing in canada was decided upon as advisablo by the special committee of the house of commons dealing with tho matter tho committee also concurred in the recommendation favoring the abolition of hereditary titles which now exist in canada this country is aiming to establish a true democracy and wilt oventually accomplish it mr herbert hoover food controller of tho united states has recommended that great britain go dry it seems that ho strenuously resists tho use by tho brewers and distillers of england of grain imported from the united stares and declares that if such use is to bo made of it ho will stop supplies the london morning advertiser states that england could go dry as the states had tho advertiser 13 the organ of tho liquor trado and waxes warm in indignation because of an outsider attempting to meddle with british affairs but tho advertiser had as well keep cool for there can be no justification of the use of grain or brewing and distilling when a large portion of the world goes hungry every day and the advertiser had as well face the fact that ere long england will put the ban on drink us the united states has done richmond advocate quebec appears to be in tho experimental stage so far as the hquor traffic is concerned and its recent vote gave no hope that general solo of intoxicating liquor will bo permitted in that province the montreal star says the socalled liquor interests will be fooltsfi in the extreme if they misunderstand or misinterpret the verdict of the people on wine and beer quebec has not voted in favor of hard stuff and the more clearly tho anti prohibition element realizes this ihe better for it quebec has voted for an experiment in moderation may day was a great day for canadians who in vested in victory bond3 lost november on that day the government of canada paid them by cheque 18000000 the interest due for tho first six months this is only ono of tho numerous sources of interest from the government canadians will draw over 70000 000 in war bonds interest thi3 year will the 1000000 holders of victory bonds in the dom inion become systematic savers thus helping them selves and tho country wo suggest that every yopng man and woman set aside this money as j nucleus of a savings account if they have not ajreadj opened a bank account or invest it in war savings stamps at the neaiest post office the need for increased food production continues to 4e a pressing problem from present indications farm help continues very scarce many women and girls will go out again this summer to help on farms and fruit gardens last year 2400 women and girls were placed in situations of this kind in ontario by the provincial government bureaux their work generally proved satisfactory both to the employers and to the employees wages it is stated will be somewhat higher this year and crop prospects are cn- conraging in order to secure good conditions for the women sent out in groups district secretaries are appointed who investigate labor conditions se cure a contract from the fanner and supervise the work of the girls throughout their term of service house mothers and chaperons are also arranged for jn securing trade orders under canadian credits abroad the canadian trade commission reports that certain industries have taken a predominant place and that other classes equally important have done ijttlc to obtain an allocation as tho main idea in establishing credits was to enable dominion indus- tries as s whole to carry oa over a difficult period aqd to enable a larger entry to be made into the export field the attention of business men in all in dustries is called to the conditions it s thought advisable to spread the credit over unused factory capacity without confining the benefits to a few line and thus prevent unemployment where possible present conditions offer to golden opportunities of entering the permanent export markets which may not again recur and the commission impresses on trades which may never have exported before ths striking advantages of group endeavor for nearly two years certain politicians havo in dulged in whofffstflc slander of that section of tl o liberal press which favored the format ou of a union government with a policy positively stated as calculated to enable canada more effectively to assist to win the war in the briefest possible time mr lemicux member for gaspe reiterated these aland ers in tho house of commons last week ho was promptly brought to book by hon n w rowel and others the globe on monday said mr lemicux alieltcfodinuiftillbokof parliamentaryprivilege makes another attack on tho liberal press or on that portion of it which by its support of compulsory military service and the formation of a union gov ernment at a timo of national crisis put principle and conviction above party solidarity the liberal press can be proud of the part played ih shaping tho policy of the country during the war the attack upon it by men of the typo of mr lemicux whoso canard may bo believed by some credulous persons is one of tho penalties it is paying for its moral cour- ago but canadians who bcllcvethat party is a means to an end and not an end in itself should pray that cniadan newspapers wih- continue to servo canada as faithfully as they served h jin tho emergency of 1017 the returned soldiers are evidently determined to have all citizens qf canada occupy the same positions in relation to responsibilities of citizenship as they have themselves been under the great war vet erans association has requested tho dominion gov ernment to permit them to bring an action against tho crown in order to havo it declared that nny arrangement mado by the government with the hut ten tea in 1018 whereby it purports to exempt them from military service be declared unconstitutional null and void the veterans demand that all exemp tion privileges to members of the mennonite and hutteritc bodies be annulled and want those now out of canada to be kept out of tho country until they sign a declaration of their intention to assume full responsibility of canadian citizenship including the privileges of military service inbuilt military authority lian quoted ns nny inn hit munlo competitor in army lite an a for fatlsuo nn 1 depression m rural orhool courno tho otnln mimic with itn noticeable effort ho moralo f tho pupil testifies nco 1 of thin art tho word moralo la defined km that mental ntuto whlih random a man cltpsble of hljlli caurao nnd endurance cully for thin tnantal uallly nplloa equally d tho boy und irlrln enrolled in our schools well an to tho vol dlern if tho uovcninicnt found that or nntilxei ifroup n limine in tho arm wan essential on a menu not only o rvcrantlon but necessary aim ai means of dlurlptlnc why not urgo tho nyntcmullo ntudy of muilo for similar reasons in our rural schools t tho study of music u not urged as u xmalblo future moan of livelihood for tho imj lla for few will bo found to havo unusual voice or unusual musi cal blfu however there or few who can tuk part in the sronj lnln uthwlthatandlnir tho poueislon of only ordinary vocal povsct ovi1oy nnd nlrl nhould havo tho advantage of that drill in order to develop not only tho nlnolntr volco but tho apeak- inir volco as woll another reason for unlwr tho simula tlmo drills dovlned by t 10 teacher in tho lack of rhythmic aonno i i many of tho children ti inability to kooit step a dofot whloh aarvos later to mako thom awkward and uolf conncloua there havo lieon ffood natioi tho lack of interest in mualc bit that pliaao of our country l ant slipping by our boys vana in military camps an thoy novcr had nuns all their younc lives and when thoy havc all come homo we shall wako up to tho fact that we ara a olnslnff nation hut ono book tho teachern tho blackboard and tho right kind of a equipment hence tho school room pitch plpo will furnish tho necessary nhould not bo deprived of tho anllven- lmr inhuonce of nans and aa children run not flivo voluntary attention to a oub j cot for any considerable length of time i nut ruction ahould not be confined to tho so called practical utudlcti orowlna bnyn and fflrls have feollncn and emotions which find ro icaac thruubh tho joy of aonn whon thla fact is readied tho need of munlo in our schools will no lorujer be in dcinq an cditoh moat any mnn run lo an edltot all tho rdltt r hui tn to in o nit nt a drnk nix dayn h work four weeks it inmlli and twelve inontlm it u your nnd edit wucti ritult an thin kirn jo net of lm tun crock t rnn opener nllp hint wrik und cut he nelf in ha untry ji a dim ii in bod i iho ri f f bin i olian hint week lookli for u leak und foil iniidlnif on his i ark porch while ilurnld clreen wan encar hub minn violet winn from tho hurr aoulnl lunt matuiduyjinjh a ntivaon do a nttui kod thcrn and bit mr jrocn on tho publlo oquaro mr frnnif while hnrnrnatna- n broncho hnturday won klokoil junt south of hi corn crib what they were worried with preauilhir in ono of tho htntn rail lain ain australian blnhop noticed li hi co nt reaction a strange face tho following hunday tho same individual appeared and later in tho week ho btnhop mat him in tho etret tho bishop ntind i in ooiaialultd hlni upon hln uttondunce at the cathedrnl and added you don t llvo hero do you jo nnld thr nirnnsei i live vfny back mentioning tho iiama of tho place havo jou uny iplbcniinllana in tlwt plarot in lulred iho bluhoji no nlr wun tho reply what we are monly worrlc 1 with in rabbits gtcadineq0 of purpoog attending nteadlly t one ploco of work lit it in done la u high road to peaco of mind if there were no olhr bonentn to havo half a doxen unfin ished plecca of work hanging raggedly about is chaotic und distracting the mind in pulled nix different wa and hnfl no special forco in any ono of them there la a npocles of mental juggling with work keeping several balls in the air that a good many poople try t do fur tho antonlshment of belnldon but the trlrk is very wearing and uftor all doean t a mo to much flolocted in the prosecution of ben h spence on the charge of violation of the censors order banning arthur mees book the parasite a conviction was secured last week and a penalty of 500 and costs imposed many people who havo followed thjs caso will agree with the globe in characterizing magistrate kings- fords conviction a gross miscamogo of justice the parasite was written in england was a strong arraignment of the liquor traffic it made no reflec tions on our soldiers but pointed out the evils of the liquor temptations they were forced to face it was circulated in england by tens of thousands and was banned by no censor there it is quite apparent from what quarter the influence for action in canada came the prosecution was clearly a persecution with a sinister purpose there are strong hopes that in the appeal which has been entered the magistrates decision will be reversed no one can misunderstand tho farmers movement among the fighting organizations tho farmer is now one of the first he has quit considering himself the underdog hi proposes to go on top ho says the manufacturer and the traffic ite and the recon structionist are out against him as though he were menace he is determined to fight compromise is not in hts dictionary he is an absolute last- ditcher pown with tho tariff once mqre the farmers movement ignores party politics not only on the prairies but in parliament which is n very different matter when a protest becomes a party and a party rapidly organizing as a tilrect class interest from coast to coast it is time for the old parties to take notice timo for tho old leaders to conclude that what tho labor party is in britain the farmers party is in canada tho party of radical measures like it or not there it is and we shall have some lively politics yet out of this protest that became a party canadian courier the people of acton havo manifested a very sym pathetic attitude toward our returned soldiers in their movement for tho formation of a strong branch of the grcjrt war veterans for the district the usefulness of this association cannot bo measured in dollars and cents nor by its internal administration alone the principle upon which it is founded forms its greatest claim to tho respect and support of tho people of canada and places it in tho very forefront as a national institution worthy of every consider ation and assistance believing canada to be under an unpayable obligation to fifty thousand of her tons yho sfeep m heroes graves beyond tho seas to thousands of men who must go through life maimt i by tho cruelties and sufferings of war and to many more who nro returning to tako up the thread of clvtlirn life after many monthsof unpaid service add hardships and most sacred of alt to tho widows orphans and dependents of their brothersin ar wh gavethelnhfttho grcattfar vctcranatsmciatlou has taken upon itself tho responsibility of enforcing strict accountability upon canada in return the association accepts tbo principle of its own account ability to this country and tho perpetuation at home of the services rendered in tho field the member ship is now nearly 100000 besides procuring em ployment for thousands of ox servtco men establish ing clubs and generally caring for and looking after the interests of those whj havo served and the donen dents of tho fallen between two and three million dollars havo been recovered on behalf of such in matters of pay pensions post discharge pay separ ation allowances patriotic fund monies and va ous financial departments affected through thia splciil 1 organization our debt to the onion kill tbo onion and you lcavo a gap i the universe eald a famous doctor kill anything else and there in a sub stltutc tho potato in akin to the cereal cabbago nnd turnip and caull or are of tho sarno family beans are elongated peas the lemon u pesalmlitlc orange watermelon the survivor of the cucumber and bo on nut tho onion la eui gonerls alone unique triumphant h is a special creation to tempt tho palate or a weary world man in his wisdom might havj cucaood everything elao under the sun but ho never would have guessed an onion bclenco may deduce a new star iwfora it beoomefl visible or radium beforo its discovery but the onion would have gone unlnvented for ever had not its own insinuating yet riot bashful quality forced itself into tear brimmed eyes and upon liquescent anticipatory lips with what a mix turo of rmutudo and awo ahould wo vlow tho npoftaclo of nature turning her energy to tho transmuting of more clay into vegetable with an artlatln temperament i might call it adout even dr hamuol schwab claims that tho old en t nod ntory in tho one about the boy who left tho farm and got a jab in die city ho wrote a letter to his brother who hud elected to stick by the farm tolling of tho joys of city life in which ho uald thursday we uuto d out to the country club und wo golfed until dark then we trolley ed hack to town and danced until dawn then wo motored to tho beach and krldaycd there tho brother on tho farm wrote back yenterdny wo buggled o town and biiseballcd all afternoon then we went to nod a and pokered till morn ing to day we muled out to the corn field und geo hawed till sundown then we nuppered and then wo piped for awhile after that wo staircased up to our room and bed a leaded ui the clock fived the result of advertising tlio averatte texas farmer buy cannorf and dried frultn likewise can ned und dried goods lie get up at the alarm of a connecticut clock fast ens his chicago suspenders to his detroit overall washes his face with cincinnati soap in a philadelphia wash pan nltn down to a grand raplda table and eats indlanna hominy friend in st joseph lard with bacon from kansas city and flour from tennessee baked on a bl ijouib ntove then he puts a bl loula bridle on a missouri mule and plown a furm covered with an ohio mortttuffo when bedltlmo oorneo ho rcadu a chapter from a ijlble print ed in chicago says a prayer that was wrtttan in joruialom and cruwla under a blanket made in now jersey only to bo kept awako by a texas doff which is about tbo only home rained product on tho place texas journal no use a email boy announced bin intention of never going to school and gave bis reasons i can t rind he said and ran t unite or d arithmetic oa 1 wouldn t bo of any imb in nchool the young people who refuse to aid in the activities of tho church because they would be ot no rear help are about an logical a thla small boy one of the reaonn for hoi ping in to loam to help the 8trayinq turkky8 mrs urown had a una nock of tur keys one day half the nock strayed away but ten of them returned the next day half the flock strayed and only four relumod the next day half of what was left want uway and but ono ruturnod mrs ilrown found aho had only thirteen turkeys left how many hud oho at first t hid expcricnce in church john x ilucketoller jr tolls a ntory bout u miner who expjulitod ono day o a blahop why he nover wont to church tntmco ninh u a ilkclhla th miner said the first time i went to church they threw water in my face and the nocond time i went they tied mo to a woman 1 ve had to keep ever nlnce tho bishop nmllod qrtmly and the third time you ro he said they ii throw dirt on you climdinq teot reveals a need a recent tent for pllrants desiring positions in u fire department proved o strong argument in favor or practical phyelral trolnlii young tho ltst dnmandod that much ui ill cant rlliit llvo runga of u ladder in hand over hand man tier only oc uniy four out of lu who look tho tost autieedol in limbing the full numki of runjn and only ten went beyond the specinod number inrvr i limn lining for tin hut much ut pll he ohoulpnt mind two irishmen met at a country fair and held tho following- conversa tlon ah pat sure is it your yls an its boon a long time nlnco wo met what s the nowo h a married i jm and i have a llttlo boy who looks just like mo tho ithr surveyed him crlucally for it moment and then replioi consolingly well i nhouldn t mlnj so long as hon healthy dlack and green an old colored man wu burning dead cria when a wise guy stopped you re foolish to do lhal undo eb it whi make tho meadow as blade a ponded grow 01 l worry bout dut sah res undo 1 b dut groan will t an bo aa en en ai you u an instrument of precision dlbba i5o you bellevo that thero in renlly uomothluc which can invarl ubly tell when a man ui lylngt hlggo 1 know it dlbba ah i prrhapu ou have seen ono of tho liistrtimoptat illgga tscn ono i married ono castor for infants and children in uso for over 30 years always pear the bjcuunre of wfe notice to farmers l 000 head tut hens and chlclt- cno wanted up to soo a pound and will also buy apples all kinds of hides and skins and second hand thing and all kinds f junk bought we ore paying highest cash price patronlxo your neighbor moll or phono orders will receive prompt attention illghteat cash pricea paid for kffga alex gilboord box 201 acton ont phono oo corner church and willow bu saturday treat try our new chocolato crlnpn superior to i attorkrlnp lleg t0c lb tjuturduy special 40a other 60a chocolate for 39a cocoa uuds better than mai lo iludn lb mo our ico cream pur lor in agulu open with much better loo cream and tho wmo good norvloo ilulk ico cream pint 30a urlak ico cream each 30 any quantity delivered haroldwiles canad food danl llonm no s uth hill 8tiieet acton big bargains m falaukmans iho following low rrcu for ihiliittiil hh mm uu 1 li ton hodn eivo kood indlutlluna of uur prices through tho a took ladies boots and shoea 4 00 to sg0o per pair mena boots xs0 to 5700 per pair roys and girls shoos at 250 to 3js0 per pair drxss goods in latkst shades pique 15c per yard poplin 65c per yurd l st arkman mill street acton war bond interest coupons and cheques cashed free tho merchants bank will cuh all war loan coupons or intorcot cheques when due on prcacntauon without joaalclnff any chargo whntovor for tho ccrvico it you havo not a saving account why not uho your fntercot monoy to open ono vrltl thin bank 7 safety deposit boxes in youb own bank a eric of uilrty four matety 1tkalt taxr in ttir lz h9 tn inatameri in tio vault of tlio merctiant luink of canada acton thm boxes dre burfflfr proof havo double lock and cure to each fed absolutely cure protection from fire or meddler tou nara your own key tbo rental la very amall and tho boxee are pommodloua 0oe tba manager and aerura one for your document and valuala th merchants bank of canada buhincbb directory mcdical th00 ariay m d m wcqilu 1 ii o i llinimnn l u v v ti ts osmmktrw mombor urltult medi cal ammfflatui tr omc wedorlrfi st text firttni oct on j a ft fiivcn phytjelsn tni tturgaon otlicm and ilnldr r omr ikiwer avnu and t igln rttrrels tl n rrald nco formerly occtijld by i if hen d arson acton ont vntcnifjanv john lawoofj vetsrlnary ourgton acton ont gradual of ontario voierlnarr col- lege wo offlre rarthjirn j kclc hcaldencm ui1i otreet calls da or nljfht prompt ly atunded to lcqal head oftutot montitit acton cranci1 geougetown d ranch utflghd 154- l d ciiorer msonetn c w c randy i wbat will yoa do with the interest when you cashin those victory bond coupons on may 1st exchange them for their par value in war savings stumps your country needs this money in these days of readjustment and recon struction the purchase of war sav ings stamps is an easy way for you to save as well as a patriotic duty pboro no 22 i i x 33s habold nash farmfk sl a oarriaur gelicitor notary poblo coftwnyartcw et pcrrvmam dlock acton ont iiovcr to lxa conveyancing llourm 3 p m to s p m at rcaldencel m h vyanodrouch lalu avenua actn ontmru or j h oell d d o 1 d o danuai honor onuluafa of toronto unlver- alty tba uteata aneatbetlc uaad u dcairad otbea al rcaldance corner aim axus rredartcjc btraeta ar safiiigs stamps the easiest method of saving oannouncement electric starting and lighting consisting of generator startxaf motor arxd storage battery an electric system mode or ford cars by the ford mottrt company of canada in thar own factory boqt into the ford motor which has been redesigned for the purpose controlled from a complete instru ment board on the cowl standard equipment on sedans and coupes all cuj mtm aow bav electric statttoc ford sedan 1175 fond coepe 975 ford closed model wiu for m time talcs the entire production of starting and lighting qystcma oy juno 1st bowevcr ford tooriaj cars and roadsters wiu be tuppued frith start ing and lighting as optini ennrfsastw a an extra charge ra mm m amtuut ai wi im or mrjwiin w mum mt ht mu u nn ou mnmiaanwii 104 h a coxe dealer acton ontario acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream eaintbst and fuli 3axiaeactid highest mabket pr1cu txk buttkk fat will hecelve any amount of cream you bring in any quanuty of new laid eggs purchased we are starting a ria on the road for collecting cream anyone derirlng ua to coll for cream phone or notify ua by m acton creamery co opposite government building willow strfcel miscellaneous uannage licengeo h p moora faswar uamao lica a ntas pkxtv osrs francis nun an baokbtndar account vr of all unila mado to order pvrlotucala of every tlecrlp- tioa c boosd iinlinj nnuy and procapuy ocf gcejivn onl fi x kerh tas peel aa irrli crd tbo actou ontario qa3cs sxar be amrjei by inall ox a ttmcocm ma jltrrrrs ex xl tba pyaf prcan occ juk3 tfcbb jcjsrt7 osica- gcui2i tine 2kn- lcecmi yes or wha xt ckardaa ilarracas maaex a2iciaa foi ci f hnc to sana of aa-ie- ltt ywj kules nlin roc j e cheevers book b1ndeh qtntbac st ei cualph oct t- and maeaxtaes bound in iitr lettered in ctld on clhlca llyrsln coolcs anal cther bools all wnric protnptly ejtcclttsd d alex niven ontario land surveyor and cvl enoncr surreya subdlvlslns i lana ita porta descriptions illuc rlnts ctd certlqcatos for rurchascra and mortga suiya fur architects aqulldera and municipal councils dralnagm itcprut lsltniataej etc mclean ouiloing dauolan 8l gueiph fhno lot1 oni roy hindley auctioneer 1jvj- btolk itlal itatf and mlhcllanuisl consolidatsd phomj erin 4t 1 1 ii h 3 acton grand truni the double track route ultwl ln montreal toronto detroit chicaqo unexcelled dlnlm ir im u aicoi lua imvu uu iilkm iralnu ij purl r cum un i rli rluul ijy tiaii a lill infurjnutu n frtiji uny tliui j trunli ticket tuliit or t itumliiy dlntrli t i iiaatiifir ajc t 1 it il a holmes atcnt acton ont phon 13 thohid4noeimbio graniu and marble doalors w are nianuru turtrn unl direct importers of all kinds f momimontal and ileadstuno work v a ii ill rot t to our cuntotnorn t w1m1cjiu1 t rloon than wivlnk our cuntuiiury 4u i r iuu w have uin bent uiplliiniu uud tlm mily mcchanlrjj hi tliu iloniluuin vrlio can oicrato puouiuhtlc tixila pruimrly wo can tlva refoicm ri fn in tun inxtn of our cualamirt in ttlrihiti and t tlicr pucos whore otherrr huyo to i aw low nulls in order to toilet- w 1 uvo ttia lantmt and bst stock or tjrunlto in the dominion or more hiui uuy throe dealers in tho wrt wo or loaltj mate doalcru uixl ompl y no ugontn and do not annoy or eat uutumnrn hy aondlnjc uut uncrunl i joll it ing ordor wo emnltiy only tnucltanlcn ami defy cnnideptloit hamilton sons cox norwich a wool wt oh uta uualph

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