Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1919, p. 5

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iff jkrtmt 3xet press tiiuuhday may i rout i didnt think lined t let hit poor old mother go tarty in ilin wooil llhn wn just rt park home for til n- to l1 thourlit of hrliiain water from tlio bjrint down by till lane or of holplit lirr to gather in tho rlon before tho rnln lot dor krop uwnlllii on him though her baric was ifrliln 110 t wain t cause he li1lit love hor he junt dldn t think you know then he wont away unit married inft he llvln thn it lot jour courno bin wll didnt wunt her find jteopln of lirr own anil ho curried in tho klndlln and ho built thn llreo too and to loll llm truth i ilunnn whai there wan hn didn t do had to hunt id now i tell youl got to thlnkln too at inst tlial ho might of iweil a ii i tin ml to morn thoughtful in tho past after vhllo tho other put iter i weary i hur iriib utl away and he wrnt and heard tho preacher pralnn her poor old soul una day and i ntood and looked down at her when they pushed tho lid aside ioor old hands i dldn t wonder that her hoy oat there and rrled just an if ho couldnt benr 11 junt an if hin hourtd break ho had kind of not to vein what nhod ouffered for bbi nake i thefvo a lot or hinds of alnln that tho good book tells about bins concern in which a body neednt over to in doubt itut theres ono ln that i reckon many a mun who doesnt uunk will be hold to utrlct account for whan bo goes across the brink lvr fho wronc thata done a person by anothers want of thought ilurtii ax much an though the injured wan tho victim of a plot pacific ensign an american view of the boaotcno the duty oosstful dliohlrs the minneapolis bsllmnn term them itomn of ho canadian newspapers after ttulterlug in nllenco tlie ttnastlnn of certain americans over the part performed in tho war not by them selves hut their country nro begin tiinc to resent it and many articles llve recently npitoared h ituls which thow cxaspar revival of u proverbial nntlonal bail habit which wan trniporstty chocked during die war but now seems from the canadian standpoint at leant ti huvo broken out ufrenh and with re hcwiki and exabrernlrd intensity cunsldrrmg tho looses suffered ant tho natrlflcen made by the canadian during the pant five yearn their li dlgnatlon at thin tendency to brag la wholly juatiflablo the ftamloyant njmeehfa in ado by nomo of tho ameri can ae latont and representatives are not audi an would conduce to inter national good feeling at a time when it in moat essential to tho peace of the world that friendly and cordial re lations ihould be cultivate especially ixjtwii ouch near neighbors aa tho canadians and americana wlir twenty yearo ago from the issue of tii free prs of thursday may 11 1sm the frnlt troca are abloom asain i say cm nnmueawoya la nupply- inf georgetown council with codar vhxnka at 14 pnr 1000 new lirurluili prints rcsular 13 ccnta for 9c lurncy co a 1a wn tennbi club la tho latent organization to secure iuartera in the iubllc 1ark a ncliemo la or foot for the crectlor of a combined now ticket ofllcc and net of dreoalns roonu at the park entrance tho park committee and iactosso club will so into tho matter jointly mr a l kitchen of wlarton ban been engaged to eucceed mr w it iteynolda oa electrician and enslneer in charge of the corporation electric llsht pljwt the uccnso conuninaloncra have taken their final action in reference to the tavern of the county for the preacnt year and have cut off ten per cent icavlnc only twenty they have been reduced from sixty to twenty in the laflt twentynvo yoara mlaa laird librarian of the free library in presenting her report for april elvea a total membership of iso booka token out sis and total finances s3 10 the last of a serlea of six nature study evenlnss was neld in the baptist church on friday evening tho nub- jecl was our itlrds tho building commit too for tho new ilaptlat church have dccldod to em- ploy the services of mr j pranclfl itrown architect toronto chanq1nq seed many farmers still think it advisable to charure their seed era in every two or three years in the light of tin work done by tho vnrloua experimental frms n canada thin practice ban nothlnff to recommend it while the contrary it haa been shown thnt there are distinct advantages in nut cnanstnk seed jjy the jiao of a fjoou fanning mill it la quite possible to brow tho name irraln year after year on the same farm and maintain its pro ductivity provided that tho eralti 1 seeded early each season on well- drained fertile aoll tho occd ahould not bo blamed for poor farm ins which is most frequently tho cauae of tho farracrn dlarat is faction many of those who favor a chance of seed have possibly baaed their be- llcf on faulty observationa an error that la often made la that of com paring- the results of one season with the results of the next if tho seed has been chanced between times and the second season in unusually favor able it la assumed immediately that the chance of seed has brought the in creased yield tho weather conditions in different seasons may alone make a difference in yield of from twenty to forty bushels per acre depending on tho kind of rrajn again tbe use of different holds may glvo rise to the same error of judgment also dir fcrences in the da ten of needing when tho ctiango of seed is made with a nrlchbor it la u gamble whether ono gota anything that la superior to their own or not tho variety usually doubtful uid tho labor coot and inconvenience have to be constd ercd as well while thero is always a possibility of introducing uo mo noxious thtire la one cliango of seed tliat every unnw wlio lias been following this practice should make- ho uhouhl change to tho best variety of wiiatove kind of gialn he is growing and otic to it if be la not satisfied with hhi seed ho cliould discard it and bu seed of a wellknown and proved variety its purity and productivity can be naliiiiued ly the combined udb of the seed plot and the fannlng- mlll and a change of socd is unneces sary iicrlnicntal 1 arms note a cure for rhumstm a painful and persistent form of rheumatism lu caused by impurities in tho blood tho result of dcfectlvo action of tho liver and kidneys tho blood bocomm tainted by the fiilroductlun of uric acid which caiutcs much pain in tli tissues anil in the joints lunnulee s vcbetoblolliui urn known to liuvo uf fee ted muiiy rciiwrkjtlilo cure nnl their uoo la uiruncly ruommondud a trial of unm will outline anyone of their value celcuhitieo hlartu the thu his lira body ui this i at the du ul wlohcl ai11 iuh id prvaerved in uplrltu quest tlidusth u singular tin is not without priltdrtit til 1109 ijjnl uurton muda a ulinllur requtut uud iiiik voarirrsttici rtip smrairciun r ltuto onhrcd that his heart should lm convoed to thu mount of ollvca ti r burial ill la wu dunu by his wl low robert hrum enjoined u shulllar duty on his ntulncr tknulnh whu may or ttm not imvo ntetded to the ddinaud luilllrvn in art iu tiuppomd to have btvn yu hi bi i rul twney durhig the cremation of the iet but there is in suitltuut cvhloiild on tho point david llvlujlatono a irody reutw in went- mlniirrabbcy but itlu heart ltr uiuur a tro lu afrits and tlio exact spot is iusi hod by u lull obelisk surmount til by n i n tail rulucd by tho hoy til otorruiihliil hocloty w wiltti on the immlii la that triiubloh muiiy luillt corn curo vlll tiiiiiiv without pulu dlflnmreilklit hfiiitivy i he lemlslin m lent mr champ clark peaker of the houbq of itepresenta- iven in quoted as saying that the jlku tjmulil foe profound gratitude- o the united htatea becauoo wo llck- 1 tlyi germans for uem it natur ally aggravates tho canadians who huvo not forgotten tliat this samo gentleman in 1011 when reciprocity relations iwitween the two countries wcreunjrr discussion mode a state mont about annexing canada to tin united utalcs which still rankles al thdugh it was only intended as a bit of bucolic wit designed to please the constilutenlo of jjowllng green pike county missouri and to go no farther howevar when international affairs are under discussion mr clark can always bo relied upon to say tho in judicious word in season his compre hension of such relations being strictly urol tod to those existing between na tions like arkanaaa and missouri tho dlscunolon on who won the war now flourishing in tho ameri can prvas does not contribute much to cementing kind relations between canada and tho united staiaa thq irrepressible and tumultuous mr bam lllythe who flowcra- only thank- i leave n in lho haturday evening post and who so far aa known haa fought only with hla valiant and induotrlouj pen during this great struggle lends hlu shire to tho exasperation of tho canadians when ho says the groat ou talon ding of course mr blythe would say outstanding success of our part of tho war indeed of the war itself was tho american buck private lie won it the reason ger many quit won not any other reason than tho american soldier tho pri vate kven if tills were so which it ts not such a statement would come with exceeding bad grace from an american oource l that exceedingly modeht journal the chicago tribune which only makes the unassuming claim that it la the world s greatest newspaper recently held tnat great britain should by right hove tho most powerful navy with tho united states a close second and pointed out as an excuse for this sur prising willingness that if britain should on tho strength of such per mitted naval supremacy over forget i tho respect duo to tho predominant merits of tho united htatca canada j utj lw quickly and easily overrun and would thereafter cease to bo british dominion at least this is tho canadian version of a tribune editorial on the kreodam of tho beast and course tho nuggestlon that canada could be thus conrmered and annexod coming from the worlds greatest newspaper by iqelf thus depicted does not strike canada aa a happy friendly thought at this particular time a philadelphia newspaper recently made tho statement that uio cana dian corps had made the best showing of all the allied armies this eman ating from um american journal wouli have been most gratifying to canada and would have had a reassuring effect had not ho editor modestly added the astonishing information that tho reason for thin preeminence won that u very largo proportion of tho canadian army was in reality com- loed of americans a correspondent of tha hellman who resides n winnipeg and is a very earnest and consistent advocato of friendlier relations between the two countries lit sending an article from local paper on this subject entitled too proud to boost asks if something cannot bo done to muxxle the injudi cious jingoes who are thus vowing the seeds of hatred end jealousy on ground hat has been cleansed and purified of old prejudices by mutual sacrifices in a ootamon great cause and whhh other wise might bo expected to briiui forth a csop of kindliness and good feeling ho says this tall of winning tho war either by your country or ours ts plfho tho war was won by the more or less united team play of the allien and o for as one can see they all had a very honorablo part in it we on our part did our utmost and contributed our full share toward win nlng tho war and wo feel that your country did the some so cannot thing be dono to keep us as united lit peace as o were in wart the british umpire is by far the largest ind most inipotiiu customer the unit ed blatce ever had or ever will have and now is a very good time to stop this sort of stuff unfortunately tha bellman can sei no way by winch this disgusting an humlllitliig strutting and brugglnj cm be stopped unless it be for the self respecting people of both countries uritcslly to protest against it and unmistakably to oliow their con temp of the agencies through which it is made manifest the canadians notloe only the american side of it as the americana get only the reflection of a similar unlovely spirt on the other side of tha bountjary line for canada has her plnhead politicians who desire to foment distrust of the united states and their jour mils and journalists of thoughtless and injudicious procltvl- md think if nt all afterwanln jver when the ante homo anil getn an opportunity prcas hltnnelf the boiuitrrn and carts will ho allcnrcd it la not tho men who huvt tho nrtunl fighting who are i fug in tills sort of boinbutitlr aa usual it jo the bold c ivilln remained safely in washington yallaut journalist whona nun w pen ami whona ammunition wuu in an inkntumf whoiinw prodnln exults aincilcan lr detract front the iut of hor ulllen it iri hardly necessary to nay thu plained of by the canadians nro i source of mtir mortification an i humiliation to rlifhtthlukjng aiuciri runs famljjar iwitli the facta of tho war while they are proud of what tlmlr soldiers and sailors did to help thoy nre profoundly ashamtyl and chagrined that any one rlalmlng to bo an amtrl ran with tho soul of an american should he so do vol 0041 nornw of do- and the hnea of things 00 lacking in goncroun appreciation uf tlio sacrifices and achievements of tha al lies and so lont to tho very ryjlmciltl ofcourieous consideration for others proper ifatjonni uelfrcapcct to blat and boast ubout them me ntill to make inviuioi pa rim no wholly uti justified by tlio llnfoitunntely the pollttca and jour nalistic blighter with tho mutant ton gue or tho urea puna i bio pen la omni present no country haa a monopoly of him lie abldcii and doea his con- ptlblo work everywhere and lu to be borne as a universal aftllctloit and thorn in the flesh by self- respecting and decently rctlcienl people of all nations ijo should be mussled but ho is irresponsible especially in uo- alled free countries minneapolis bellman quotation fob mothcno day mother in ii j1 and vlllhtm tike the if you huvo n grny haired mother lho old home far uwuy rltn lho 1 day to nit wult until her wt ury ntepi liayi- murly tale tt how hor thut you think of her before it in too late iiiirio i tan croft urimti i think it must be written tliat thn turn of mothtrn nlall le vlnlted on tin ir rhlldren no well un tho ltna ot futherv charles dlckonn tin ro lu 1 hr nkn thut nol buck to nuethlng in ulcknens that tho pride of manhood tlio heart and brlngi ilinga of infancy whr the explanation nature placed the growthpro moting vitamins in the oil of the codfish tills explains why is so definite in iu help to a child of any aoc latterday science reveals that the vitamini arc needful for normal growth saottm emufnai wilt aop any oitittb cppomt ocottttbownetwronlit out l ip 1 railway time tables at acton grsnd trunh hallway oy torn no no z7 jl ool ci wol h i 0 13 n ij a no no ni 33 ibs 37 u p j p 1- p fn no no no no j 32 3l go r ilini u t- ai in roll t 00 wst v nt nt in is n in 1 11 1 cll at tlci hansltilo mid well balanced tcopla in both oliittrlcs should not allow thoiuihlvcs to bo influenced lit tho ulll hllnt by those aliallow and lrrea ponalhlu nlschlcfmukers as a who i the itepulo of tlo united btulesfully ond luniplutcli iclusiilu what ca mid ludoid tho entire british umpire tutu iluim during the war and would thi auhuimd to boast over tha achlevu- incntu of their own ounfy lu coin- piliuou with those of their uulos fiincriil 1crahlng attd admiral mlttui who may with i onfldeugo be accepted us teproseutinti tha feeling of thn amcriiun onuy und navy jiuvp ccr tuliliy bee iriorou topoke silii7rako of thi llritoh forces llespoiutlblu auturlcun stiitsstnsit und the must ru liutabln if ann rjijiu nswlaperii und tuaguiii iiilx glvrn ilia jry tlahcet 1 red it to tho allies and especially to tho british urmy and navy canadas hi rul l part lit tho wur is fully rccog- niied by all clusscs in tlte unite tltutls kurcly thu attitude uf tho amrrkau soldier abroad has tiut been iuntful hlu humble mhldchlucus and his readluesu to jirulne tho valor of tho british troops especially tha curia- duiuu w t ro moot fuvurubly toirimuiilcd uihiit by the ingilah press 1 ho caundlatin should titccii such uuautuuuj us tho opit salon of am erican netilliuent oil til ubjo t rnlliei ban uio exceptional evldouten 1 the uiilniry niturdci uy a fow olnpttup vuililian wind jmnmcrs and by jour- uallnta whu wilto flrnt and furiously planting roots for oeeo as the time for planting mangclu i and carrots for seed la at hanj fow recommendations relative to planting may be opiortune in he oral place anyone who haa saved m ime roots for tho purpose talsjng from them what seed ho will i need for next years needing nhaullj ly tho very best roots it la course evident tlmcf tho most with factory results are to be obtained tho roots to bo used for steed production must be perfectly sound otherwise tho need grower runs tho risk of going to tho troublo of planting only to find that after a while tho stand of tl seed crop becomes thin and dlsrepu able looking bm tho diseased roots rot j in the ground- the roots used for seed production should furthermore be an uniform possible in respect to general type that is to say they should bo of the same color and of tha same general shape it is of minor importance that small roots produce about as muclt oeed as largo ones and that tho quality of the seed produced by small roots la just as good as the quality of the seoj produced by large ones the roots chosen for seed raisins i should bo planted in rows anywhere from 2i to 3 feet apart so as to make it possible to horse cul 11 vato between the raws mangels and awedo turnip should in orjlcr to be given a chance to branch out freely bo spaced any where from two to three feet apart in tha rows in tho case of carrots the roots may be planted clone r togethe aay from iv4 to 3 feet apart in tl if only a small number of roots aro bo set out tho planting may lm iluno with a spade this melbod of planting is vry simple holes aro thn iruoof distances auhlclcnlly deep to allow tho roots placed therein to b just nicely covered with earth who tho rood are placed in jho holes the i soil should be packed around them tho planting is done properly if tlio tops of the roots are just a little bo low the surface of tho ground if a large area is to bo planted it la especially if help is scarce more nomlcal fa plant with a plow imrrowa are made and tho rootsare placed re dining on the slanting aide of tlio fur row at tho proper distance apart in such a way that the soil turned 1 by tho plow in tho next round will ju cover tho tops then u third furrow i la ploughed and no roots ure planted in it- to be injef the rooti mhoi bo planted in every third fun placed in ouch a manner that t barely covers them with soil if tho tops are left uncovered they may dry out if the weather turns hot but if on tho other hand the roots are burled too doop uio need stalks nproutini from them mny have aomo difficulty to break through especially ir tlte roots are small no matter what methods aro follow ed in tho planting uf tho roots it la essential that tho roota be sot ly as it is possible to go on the land i for according to experience tho curly planting brings tho heaviest seed yields ilxpoiimental larms note thut has languished even in advanced lltc in ulcknesu and despondency who tliat huu pined ou a wwtry bod inlho f a foreign 1 hut has ujqusht on tho tnothi t looked upon tils childhood tin kitlnd hin pillow and administered 1 in hclplraanosst washington li mothim hugo toronto ouburbsn lloctno railway go in j west 0 17 a m ftully xitpt monday 332 p m inlly exiupt muiiday 8 os p m itully xi 1 i luudny 11 d2 a- in ini my only 6 33 p m inidny only 0 sb p nt huuday utily coma cast 7t3 nm ually un ft lunday 3 03 pin dully anpt tunday 0 18pm dally email llunday iclam munday only hi p m sunday only 8 go ji m hundny only freight and cxprcoq hxprenn enrrli d on nil 11 11 1 role lit delivorod dully by npi rial nxprena freight ixpriiu or i r jj jit picltodup at any addmuti in lorontu a it adni v ai 1 nt acton war and millionaires it hardly seems iced by a ro prose 11 iullv floor of congress recentry that uf tho i 30 000 millionaires at prcntut in tha united h talcs 33000 became such du ing tha war and yet muro remark ablo things have eventuated in this land of lldorado tho utlontlun congress is respectfully directed t this urmy of 33 000 who marclio bravely forth into the clad in gold armor using tha uhlald uf the american dollar flashing sword of shurii business and giving no quarter to tho enemy h was a en itut tic made posalblo by tho imiraneous war for world s frotdoi wherein hundreds ot thousands of am ericas best left oftlce und ahop an store to glvo thumsolves und ull the possessed if tisyd be for ultimate vie lory question to theso z3 000 a lotto do their molla of w bcl0nst northwestern christian bobby hlord hui father that her mo titer who was ml vii r u tumtluih stnlo atul nlio iitunt li o o her nt uiioe bobby lntmodluta fur blu geogiuphy and looked dill liently for somo time llirougti it 1 inally ho brouglit it t hlu tuttx and said kathcr i hod tho state of omaloeo in llor will judge they not only dtlvn worms from tho nysteut but lopuli thb thimuke- that worths cause and uo invigorate thu constitution thut it vuy speedily rucovcrs from tho dluoidtiu of tho dlgeutlou uwl tho work of tueap imroitlo lutru ihcy do their work tlsurnujchly etrcngth m edwajidsov co aqton ontario

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