Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1919, p. 6

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ill rt lis mftrrinftcm und deaths aro now charged for nt tlio foliowintf ratifl lllithu gor mnrrlnrrn cor icnlhii co memorial conlu 0 10c per lino extra fur imomn yoiio at llin fan klnru in i hill 77th aiii im at april 27 1019 tit tho luto jo 7 years in day wldqvr ailed neighborhood news town and country items of interest from various local tlas covril by tha frea praaa chewgono corncro altliom h tin and into tlir fit ixrhood imi u 1 in many years at in liln nolch the trout pond0 en mooiu- in mcmoriam mlir niio lovlnir memory lohn l moore cq2333 n nt vlmy itldsp may jiiwl in pence with kindred an he of tlin noble and the true hands thut not failed their nun hearts that timor baseness knew i at1ilk a motiint wei artott wtst pregd thuiihday may 8 1310 brief local items will noon bo open vad nur pltnlu ami lately rclu id und mian alice i irsl la 1 nod n woehonil party returned oniccra una ulx en of tiinnilu military hou- siirulnit illnr mao itoccrn iirrt from nvimcau tht oiiod by mm w a 1 irut- mnj j w oeun at thn dudlin minn hazol llhtabeth ii to wart eld- at dauchtcr of mr james tuewnrt of he necotid hue and mr john a i-cs- lc of lsgurslnir wero married at kluii 1ark iroihj u it in churvli toronto by j ii tunbull ka last wcdncti day april 30 tho conurn dilutions of community aro extonded to tl la esteemed young coupl qconactown i lit tu mr it athini fry on i turn innton uki ihilhnr hiin cm ond of hlri ic on main fltr i t to mr doi id irilj inn oakville tl uo ilurliur tho hi ibm of tho j w v thn noiilor di purtriniiii liool bint hern cloned during tho wont owing o the llhicuu of irlnrlput green jvorjlmitly wan plcustd to sen the nmllliii- faco uf uffu john llallantlnu n lip itrpml mm tin trim on tutur day exoulnir on hlii riturn fioni ov r a choral iiitirl will tin u m lr tho im nbytrrhin dumb on itldiiv evening may ii th by tho tiolr of tli hurch amlutcd by members of ill other town cliqlm nun itf hluttr i ivlin tlimnp nt ilnugliur of our cole i m d townutnui mr win thompson who linn 1 o serving with tho aniorluui itcd ci jon in rcdnce arrlvcil ik mo on krltay lain and win slvnn n iirnrt vruomo ly rplutlvia and numwouit frioiula lior aid wool ncaiian i ho prepared for tho sanitary in opctor vlsll clcftn up colllntrwood hiui a rate of 40 mlllu on tho dollar otaln thin year do not blnmo u ifjiamca of your cucflla didnt appear ficnil in thoir nam co do your nharo to beautify actor trim up your lawn nod boulovarj plant ilowrrn mr william mcnobb ban bold hl brick houno on itowcr avenue to mr itted denny flsiraral trout flflhrrmon report bucccsji at their favorite pontlmc lne tho weckj coin ftnhln to day vrau tho verniro dchool ijby a interrocatjoi hla followa on saturday now that tho weather tni r settled eardonlnit operatloiwt will forward more rapidly mr adam cook hoo rornmencoj hla roundn cathtxinceram for tho mil ton crjaro and nutter co tho oeortfiown preabyterlan guild paid knox church guild a fraternal tlalt op monday ovcnlrur now tho iawtu are looking moot attractive the lown mowem oxo com ink into committal on acrain it rained tho ilrat flvo day a c may gardenlnn opcratlona havo nfc essarily been conaldcrably retarded mothcrn day will bo obaerved i tho methodlat church next sunday with a special ocrvice havln mother ob the theme in tho even me tho new time table of the q wtilch comns n to effect very ohortly does not affect thin division ind no new foldern aim iwlnc leaucd mm john denny haa purchased tho hoiuo on bower avenue purthoao1 i fewweeko ajro from mr gordon hay- word by mr leonard warden mm ajbort fimith hrtn ftroncht tho kinai vmzm the larcest heno cg wo havo seen for nomo time on saturday it measured ci x shi inchca tho hamilton conference summer school which has been held at milton tho past two yearn will bo held at gait thin nummcr june 38 to july 4 jait celebrated may day bv plnnt- irur mnplo trecn on tlto boulevards and in tho parka to cdmmemorato the names of noldlera killed in tho war mothera day next sunday wear a flower for her soka if olios llvinir wrjto her a letter today so that oholl havo it to ponder over day guelph bulldfnc permits for adtii took a lino jump and slves evidence that tho expected building boom la this city this year will material hnud tho sympathy of tho community is felt for mr and mrs james macklc church street in tho death of their deor little eight weeks old baby ctrl lost thursday the xjeensa inspector of water loo county oclxed 31 barrels of whiskey labelled iixar in a farmers bam near breajau on saturday tho liquor is valued at about 92 000 a lettor from j 3 coleman writ ten on april n ny very bjry sd lne dylujht tavimr without law imasine me worklnc six horses in at outfl and harrowing forty acres por day itev o p davidson formerly rec- tar of st oeorces cliurch gaolph and archdeacon of wellington and ilalton has been made canon of tho cathedral and rural dean of resins wbene be is now located j j morrison toronto sccre- united farmers 6f ontario will ad dress the public at a meeting in the town ball on saturday evening at 9 oclock under the ausplees of acton farmers club i gueph city council has received j a recuest from the finance committee of tho borad of llucatloo ssklnsr for tho issuance of debentures for iso 000 for the bulldimr of a new eightroom school la sl davjda ward soma person either with careless or mischievous intent lias been scat tetinjr horse shoe nails on tho at reels several motorists have picked thcru up on their tires the past week thu is an offence punishable by law all donations or money towards tho furnish lne of tho children s belter at milton will be gratefully received by the treasurer mr c jl stuart bank of hamilton union as early as convenient the society is anxious to open too home in june tho streets committee will do praiseworthy work if they will now mothers tho o w v a wilt hold a blc concert in victoria hall on thursday evenlmj may 8 llno array of talon oftltvll liana will be p loaned to learn that mrs harrison has returned fro i the south and lu preiuirlnir for tho opcnlnff of the vllhujo inn in a couple of weeks or sooner copt harry s ityrlo has boon or his farm here this week and calling o i many friends afttr belnir in thi war zone over two jcarn mr and mra jas ryrlo uro occuplns their beautl ful lakoido residence for tho aummor star rock wood mr l ii guild our noted poultry man has a busy place these dayd bhlpm nts of dayold chicks and effca for halchtnfc nrexolng out dolly some shipments co to distant points tho o t tl atatlun woo burglarised last saturday mornlnff j mtsaim am on the nlglit aeent left at threo o clock in tho morning when mr squires tho day acent arrived in tho momlnr ho found tho station door open and evidences that it hail been forced tho barslars secured j13 0o li cash and rumaged over things sen crawly limchouoe tho dayltuht saving time has been adopted for tho presbyterian churc ocrvicea the annual meeting of tho bannock burn woman n institute will bo held at mro albert merediths on thnroduy afternoon may lri mr und mra w t mills motored from to on to on saturday and spent a day or no with mra mills mother mrs lo poidovin margaret stewart wife of geo re e w mliio of tho rdxth line died very sud denly last thursday of pneumonia she xtjji taken ill die prevloua sun day the ruiicrol was held on satur day afternoon to q jon wl llama ceme tery mrs mlno was in her osth year general sympathy is felt for tho bereft family churchill mrs john denny has purchased a homo in acton and will bo settled comfortably there aliortly peter murray has been appointed a road overseer for erin town una jobn mclean and wcaloy warno for tho fourth line henry near and w b hxtton for tho third line mr joseph ryder of hamilton who m a specialty or supplying the largo hotels and principal mark with watercress was hero lout week on hla first trip far a uupply tho waters adjacent to tho big spring on tho fourth line afford him a good supply during iho season ho also gathers from 3treanio at slmcoo and other points jako is a hustler ho tuts a flooding contract with tho king ud word hotel toronto and often sells 3000 bundles on hamilton market milton goo houston has pure honed tho residence of tho lato 12- o paige on mill street k b graham has bought tho brick house und grounds of the lato mrs jqhn stewart corner of mju and james fatrcets on saturday dr geo methcrcll was released on ball on his personal chociuo for 17000 to appear for trial at th autumn asslx l crupper electrician has bought a lot off thomas street from john lawson and will build a houso on it this summer pte harold peacock la again in employ of the bank of toronto as ho was before enlistment and sergt char 11 a roper will return to it next week champion the schools roll of horor report of examinations in april lp high and public school showino of pupilo tftandinq nth t let high school departmcnt middlu hcuool class ijohn waldle dun wilson class 11 jcnalo mount hlsto blow- art viulut smith class iii c lantx nell olbbons annlo endcr luenu campboll slolli mclam george anderson ltoy ajtnovf willie itoas ix wei t bchool fori ii isabel ll- class illna ji class iiwlllio s hot class iii max boll james tulman hasel macdonald fan i jean orr j jack sristow level up with broken stoue and tan la tho places on the macadam road bods on mill and church tt tree in where they were cut through for sower- pipes a couplo of yean ago mr w r mullln who has boen making a survey of oxford county us an officer of tli department uf agricul ture tho past month arrived home lust thursday the work was completed in oxfoul county isr multln motoio1 to hollovltld till friday mrs mullln is visiting friends fn the old home there v tho uannotkbuni woman a insti tuto will hqlit their otuiual meeting nt the home of mrs albert meredith jumebouso n thursday afternoon may ie at 3 o clock a full attend ance is requested a the officers for tho yoar nro to ho npiwlntcd all tho ladles are cordially invited tu attend mr w ihltp of auolph toachor of music will visit acton every tues day until further notice tho follow ing tostlnionlnl is from n pupil mr phflp has 1kii my only ttueher on tho pipe orgun i havo hold my present position for ihlrtkcn years mrv ja clark organist and directress of the choir church of tho redeemer tor onto etldcuco 170 wllcor ave tor onto erin mrs d bold of gait is tho fcueut of her sisterinlaw mrs john iteld 8 th line mrs j a mclaren lias returned o her borne ut belfountalu axtep spend ing tho winter in toronto mrs jlowiu and two children of toronto have been hero on a vlult to r iiarents mr and mrs j d leltch mrs j if gttmon and children ro turned home last woek from a ery pleasant visit to friends at hamilton the hlllehurg dramatic club wero greeted with a full house when they presented the play the dust of the earth tho township of erin annual sprli a horse bhow wuo held ut hlllsburg on tuesday april 22 and was a docidod succpoa tho exhibit of homes was nry good mure entries than lost year before leaving for hla new position lost week the citlreus uf erin and vicinity presented frank walker muii- ager of tho union hank wltli u com pllmcntary otiilrens and u beautiful leather cub twu und uult caio ad vocate class i george taylor jcanlo munn mary clarrldgo mary gibbons jcssl bjiasell violet davln clana ii helen andorson sahrn nelson isabel mcnlvcn harold wuns- boro ida bcswlck alice james mar tha orr clans iii jack robertson prancen liufit ethel starkman margaret mc- habb charllo mann j c lindsay elnlo iappin ioarl wallace inalwl watklns v h stewart ivlnclpal i z linker aaulstant public school senior fourth jeorgo ijlnhop 29i vera llur 372 jiaaio anderson 3c7 total 4 junior fourth iarl cooptr 3h i loyd forlwu 25 laird macdoimld 27 total g0 m j uonnott toaiiwr nor tlilrd dirlu hcarrow h 0 total 100 junior third helen macdonald 79 willie hollo- way cc albert wlldgunt t tot il 100 j m mclaod teacher oenlor second ollvo cooper 282 wlllroso rwld 280 helen coxe 273 total 300 junior second gwcn mnddock 28g violet waller 270 jessie masters 278 tutal 300 m ii rioury teacher junior second charllo landsborouih 331 john glbbena c0c elalo lauby c4g annlo dunn ctg total cg0 snioe first edna green 073 iottjo holmes cs3 ivy uttloy 441 total 72g isabal anderson teacher oenior first gordon smith 104 albert hall 131 arthur henderson 131 total 00 junior first ireno dunn 133 lit utrico mellon a pliyllls cook 1gc total 200 daisy i hi tor teacher senior primary a class marjorlo munn doris lantx doris ljrislow li hen mt ivor ii class prank cook isabella ijintx an smith v class dorothy cumplwll gordon currie gordon iteld olla armatrontf teach ei junior primary class cilntord precious donald mann phyllis limby ii chvaa cortt white kathleen kelly hotel com a class clifford prociouu doual 1 vnnn lhyllls las y l myrtle iloyec toacher another letter ilyoin siheria cnpl arthur kcnncy writes an inlcrcilinjf cphiuo to the home poiiui inbtdcntq in that country mm it k i iimy ha klhdly per- inlthd thn piuji 1 in i o opy tlio fiil- lowing l ttr 1 rn in lir soii copt dr arthur ktnih v i t th o ranudlan pndillonury 1 nr lfl tit slbuila ixur mother lmir loiuii t lutll roaihrd me in thh fur rr lu nd wii ihiii nil sorts of milium thut i will ln on our wa iiinui n xt mo nt i hut 111 wait undoes after uiiiliig no fur i would ilka townu uno of ho n mn ilry in fore rctlirnlnii i urn iiiirprl ul to lb ut thut fnru licru uro fur hum x iidmi than in canada tiiih nin n 1 1 ij tun rnso in tho in- vo far f the lnrdy clasn up time is hers clean up all rus and bono a sticks und stones old boots and salmon unn old broken bottles cupu and plates old kettlts und tin puns old liuts und mats und broken glass ashes and dirty trash umbrella frames and trujn und stuff thrown in among tho ash all orange pov baiiunu ukltia grupo fruit ani lcmou hides tobacco tins und old bye tubes aud chewing gum in nil m bake tho inultnether pile them and when tho buthcrer calls help hm to sweep them ull uwuy with every bit hut falls oui altornato lil days but no i oxioot wo latter than wo mint next month i found sonu little 1 1 how flower i iimonit thn in along thn ohorv jru little beriuin us tho ground in fruem i tjriujfht thetn homo an 1 put ihotn in want und thin niotnliwr thiy wero uh ut twlm tho dto was in town tlio ntlur day an i saw a fow nioro lnliisti m nooks und cojv ncrs t visited the niurguo thoro muiit huvn ticeit over a hundieir bodies lying nuktd in u hejp an tho floor must of them hud bco i murdered or killed in some rammer they told tro thin wuii kttji than throowoekn collect ion they have u bljr pit und hum hem up with ihcmkuln overy unco lu u while i lulled a chlneuo theatre it vas a very odd porfnrmitnae novor hoaid nuih queor iiiuhlo an they j lay we v- lij woul lafflc grass fires tho pait wook ono was ubout a quur tor iiillo huhliid tho barracka hoveral buildings wero burned the flfo da- linrtmont cumu out from vladlvoatook 1 ho uro a ucroain tho first thing tiny did on nnivlnir won to jako off their boots and warm tin lr foot thy havo mufiiliiflriit bruits hulmots but vt r po r unlfui ma und no rubber ioihliii whatever nt oven booh i tliolr apfurutuu was u joke llltl i hugboini with wat r ti nks ami haul puiuph rly lino u llttlo boll fasten i id on c bok and luddir truck whirl uouiulu llku a wuitu a uhei pskln tout und sheepskin hut anotlu r nttiiuii nils besldo him with a llttlo horn tlio hoso is about two indus in diameter they junt buildings burn m roommate who is a young modi 1 olllcer from winnipeg and whose hnby hoy was born tho day loforo ho ullod received i lottcryeuterday say- rif- thn ktti r fellow hod dlod when ikh duyu nhl i w ilkcl up to tho korean villuo uiiu aft i rnoou it was very dull there i took u oupfx of pictures which po will turn out all ruhl there nothir big building burning just bark of uu to nljht hope iu uro all well nr- rjcv ely arthur li 2 1010 auction sale of bankrupt stock mens ladies and childrens boots and shoes at acton thursday night friday attuinoon night come and 0t somn first ola shoes at your own price s vld at c e parkers implemont wareroams mill street tooth paste lilcou tivii u monilnt i bruuh tin lr to tho kill teeth i mouth in like lven elilldrou n feulurly when you liv tin j in mini xu exclusive guelph aqcnts mckees the raxall orua store ouelph ont headquarters for corsets hos iery and gloves coitritth wo givo our customers their cholco of ilio beat mnkca in iho trade to- dny ckompions c c a la gracc nnd tho d a the ntw niodcla for opriiifi nru now in utock nnd wcwould bg plcorcd tu have you call and look them over cromptonh iilfil medium and low bunt cc ia grace mnuo in price from si 00 to 3 60 polr d a corhclu in all tho new ntodclrt ask to bco lino 20h nt it0 lino 220 nt 510 lino 405 at 200 lino 448 nt 625 lino 540 nt 325 line 021 at s32g tiicsc nro all good lines nnd you will find the pricc3 much lower than tho large city stores ladles hoflcln black brown white fibra silk with liolo top special 75c and 100 glrbv 11 kfbbrrl itrmc irdilim alflkc in black only bizt 5 and r 48c size 0 0 and 50c sioh 00c pair iloyn ribbed houc ut ific 50c 55c coc and 75c pair lndlcn ttllk gloves kay tier make silk gloves in black white gray and sand shades ono nfnr quality nt per pair ql00 tvo star quality at per pair 125 a uarjrnfn in mctvn block cashmere hose just 10 dozen in thia lot sire i0j only all wool cashmere regular price 75c on sale nt 55c curtain materials bungalow net m a large range of pattcrno scrims in white ecru and arab with fancy bordcrn j 4 yards llnolcumt per running yard 560 5 bars puritan soap good aa comfort 25c comfort lye 2 cans 25c quart jar black strap i5c qunrt jar olives choice i lb tin pink salmon 5 pkga handy ammonia 11 02 size 15c 20c 25c extra special prices on oranges bananas lesions etc s mill street we oell for cabh we oell for lesb acton to learn the art of printing and receive instructions in composition in machine typesetting on the linotype applicant must have passed high school entrance exu- mutations and be prepared to sign agreement endorsed by parent or guardian to serve a term of years aa apprentice apply to free prss office acton r or pi strin no violin and other instalments iso ihk ougan li 1 r iunl for coniierati nation i mi sagcj left luia ihiu otnee will rec uttliitlon 5void cought and coijgherif aurlinoton mrs geo allen bus returned lunl from uu oxtejidcd visit with relatlvts irr the utatcs- arratiguiueiits uro under wuy to hoi 1 u luiiehiuu to uriuulro a luiard of trade hero tlio behool hoard hold u speilal meeting wn lvuiuy evening lust wtiei tho plana for tlio now sehool ut tin oast and wero submitted by art jilt net linissi on tuesday campbell alton uii ped u car uf euttlu to loronto und u ment of hogs the sum of j313 8t was cf of tioga to ilomlltoi in tho ship paid for three of tho hogs tsarguajit george 1ugu formerly o the both m a ilattullon now of tin 1st canadian motor michlm quu itil glide lias been awarded the itelglan croix de qucrro hy tlio king of lie i j glum 14 ul il il hare who enlisted for overstus with tho luth ilattullon whllo district keprearututlvo hero urrluid homo from ifverucos and will resume his position in die office hero about tho middle ot may i j nut hare la ut present hollduylngr with his wlf and llttlo daughter at uraftun adiotto acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream faik t1st and tull satisfaction gua11antuo all the best cuts of best quality always available and phos1ptly delivered fresh lot of salmon trout will sell whole or half mceiiery evans main street aclon ontario in your car do you wish to stop tilem 30 djcort-xriopj- covaw tialf teip rparrmrtgrn ueadqijatmitm for wedding and birthday presents i i i itf u i vmi y ut ij n i i m in xv f nirr ii il t n i i to mc tn tw maiifiratx licnroco iooued geohyimds o p mo cleaning iroslr e ite pairing your clothes thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop prc4ed and repaired by expert workmen we can make that old ouit look like newj try ua heo wa llace guelph ontario choice groceries and provisions mrs jennie mcdougall ujkr u opeel ilt of securing tlin it available insl und ielubut priceo reasonable yjr wjnth will l jrfully up pile home baking on friday and saturday mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont cash carry grocery specials flilmon toinalucj tu hnmitiji iruniils lanuni jnj i imp dluu i toilet soap extra special llnunli sftd i 11 toes ltji 3 muplu l farmers commission office chester plank main street acton ont highest market price tor butter fat inecerrenramrrantoferraray any quantity of new laid eggs purcliayed 42c doz i hla wecu we arc starting a rig on the road for collecting cream anyone desiring us to call for cream phone or notify us by mall acton creamery co willow street i oppomte government building open wednesday and thursday evenings until 10 pjn then put a set of our spring covers on your cc at once una is the only proper way to lubrieutc your apnugu dry rusty springs break very asy spring covers protcet the ipringb from road dirt and water and the spring workj with u coating of oil on tho leaves ut ull time mclauglilui models chevrolet haby grand chevrolet 190 ford cara mt set 31000 per act 800 pcr wet 5 500 per act 5 300 alhrift kellys meat market corner mill and elgin streets acton i cjjrn a full lino of meats as 1 luivu bad many years xperleacn it m niy aim to bring brforo mj n mini tho very choicest mluis ut a reaonablo prlcj will lou ik me an oppo- tuulti iu iihuir lou oatii laio loh uuttljt am uioa w kelly acton ont covers for other niukt of cui ut corrcoponding pricti our covers are made lo lit the prinb und uro constructed of hrt class materia properly lined lo hold iho oil they completely envelop the spring assuring perfect protection from ull grit etc place your order now your kiqu1ri mln1s will lit at1lndld to al oncl oshawa brass foundry phone 111 ullaon bond oshmva onl t5he acton bakery m edwards co- canada 1 ood hoard license no t 01s mill atreet acton wliit- brrad ijrown br bobton bread tea biscuits 15c doz buns sohti7 i notice to ladies in town and country 1 uiu olkelli i 114u uii i uub- uii ut i nil kuid f junk whii sou in- ion with iur ti uu t 1 iitilii eall uli iiiumij 1 in ivo ttt ho 2el fit lion und prompt ultt iitlou alex gilboord bqx 201 acton out phoke 55 church st 3nl door rvm wlluw free press ads bring results isedoz 15edozr cookies 15odoz caks 10c 15c 20c 30c wcddhur cakea a specially m edwards sl co acton ontario stole ched l cry niht but tri- dny nnd saturday at b jo oclock buy your coal now now is th tims to orjoi prico for may delivery 910u terms ch ort delivery laave order with norman mclaod cr of cement on hmod a full line of lumur lstli nd qhinglea at our yard j b mackenzie qcorqctdwn acton imddkjlk i itttjt v 4j tixhanirjfjnammk ivimir gfsfffgp sv eim v mmmmmm 1tsstiteeikssaa

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