Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1919, p. 1

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r iorty fourth year no 40 acton ontario thursday morning may 15 1910 sinelc copica- i ivc cents new advertisements the methodist church acton ntv i m moyctl pastor parmoniq willow gt men a day 10 a in clunu mietlitc 11 nm iubjixt jumtn tho iord n hrothcr 20 din mumluy s iihi 7 pm cub 1 tin story of a tlhip wreck peel muoli l u holr of muli vol yen you ahl invilii comi- motoncvcle for sale 1 izxcelnlor motorcyt lo in coo1 n line onl r apply ja k malttin wanted ijvo hono and chitkena horn c ib and over 2o pur ih t catill kathleen ft uuolph ont near inhibition grounds 33 tf furnished rooms if yourjtriiiiilietl room a ou uenlr able uiat in will umwul lo tho tenant who ii lnokinr fur aome thing letter advcrtiac fn tub i en iliftih safe fob sale rmouloui fiafc in gpotl condition will noil at a bargain 21x21x13 in bl nation lock for prompt no 42lf girls wanted to work on fine umlcrwcur nlrt rlean work ihjil wajcu good txurd ing tmutph apply for particular ijcavln kmttino mills ltd 46 4 alton property for sale dave tho fartu about uial property you want to aell imon given fully and repeatedly to tlm readera of thin newx paper try tim rna ikeho learn to mesmerize and hypnotise uy tho shortest method known a com pic to mall roureo how to m earner lxo and hypnotise apply nias h coopir 453 oakvlllo ont cauliflower plants genuine larly snowball to for 4gc postpaid hhlppod uuccoiafully evory- where auk f r priro lint of cabliapo celery and other vegetable plants lienor d a paiims frultlond ontario s niagara district house for gale in flock wood a prai ally now ncven roomed two otory framo iouhi next to public school iroperty on guelph street hock wood newly painted lust all mer good garden cherry plum and imiall rrult a eholco place for a home lot ggxj12 feet apply to j k pearen it it ino 3 arlo i or aiokgi h prallkv c- rock wood ont dogs must de tagged in compliance with tho iiylaw gov erning- doga notice to hereby given that nil own cm of dogu or bitches must apply at onco for tara doe a found in the municipality without a log will bo destroyed jiy order w j luid municipal ojocor acton may lh 1019 h alton cream and butter co- milton wo have commenced to gather cream for our factory and our vrueonn will call on our patrons resularly uu lu the paat mr adam cook will have chorgo of our wjuu in uio ulatrict aurroundlng acton wo thank our many cuatotnern foi their past putrouagu and trust fur a continuation and will always endeavor to givo full autlsf action john irving mnioor 4s- milton ontario mail contract skaliid tcndciis uddreaood to tho puotmaater general will lie re calved nt ottawa until noon on iyltbty tho 6th june 1910 for tho conveyance of ilbj majesty malls on a propoaed contract for four yearn eix tlmea per week on tho route glen wllllaxna ilil 1 from tho lat october 1910 next printed notleca containing further information uu to conditions of pro ioaod contract may bo seen and blank forma of tender may bo obtained ut tho ioat oitlcca of gln wllllama and at tho onlco of tho pont oolco in n pec tor toronto iwt oiilco inapectoro oloce tor onto april istti 191 a buthkhland 44 3 post oftlco inn pec tor iluott yono a- charu st root toronto oet the oest it pays fa noted throuahout canada for hlb ktaxio burtlniiui tdurutluu a kreat demnnd for ur uraduutoa open all year lnlcr nuw writ for catalogue w j elliott principal wonderland friday may 10 ithe sunset trail with vivian martin uiul a two lart liljf v t mmdy saturday may 17 1 111 1 i me lift k to von a cecil 11 ik mill production tlif canadian luiftmi nta lit irunco ahuwhiii tho 10th canadian in faiitrv comply in inio loin ity ooah tueqdavmay 20 a ifcillu lloum ullli 1 ii rci uumiii n 13 of a a 1 uilit fur millions wuil tlm uuiial wra cdy mi coming hu li man lo til wiui mail u i uu tulk call this store of macdonalds a store of specialized departmeets and you but nail fairly and njunrcly on the head tlil jack of all trades and good at none idea never got any store very for ahead wc would rather do a few things a little better than many things only moderately well applying experience to merchandise both you and wc have found that the distinctive mark of a person or 3torc is specialization welcome to this different store- youll find it worth while to take a little trip out of town to a store of specialized departments wnllpaper house ftonishlnga mens clothing and womens fashions and staples some of our noted and specialized departments special news of unusual economy this week in that am the womens suits are reduced savings ranging from round the 25 per cent mark former prices having been from 34 00 to 100 00 wonder ful values wonderfully smart styles d macdonald eros lid guelp1ts leading and labgest store wyndham macdonnel and cartel godph ont wall paper sale browns drug store has the biggest display of wall paper ever shown in acton and special beductions ore being given on bankrupt stock of paper received this month call today and take a run through our sample books no need to go to or order from the dty we can save you money t at drugs and stationery mux street acton drygoffds russells groceries this weck we feature new spring goods a few of the many lines wc mention below the goods the new and uptodate and prices right dry goods ihuhm mouunh plald a i no hams l1i1xu oinuhamh dltlim uoouu ilalii a itosipity lilack and col nainhooh india linln jtlluionh ulovich all kind colfflltjl kancy coat lininctl iancy dhlfuj hilku hplcial in luat it x h1lku colouli ctjittain muhiins llain ciiiitain muslinh cuutonnlu uuriioialanu ciutton- nlil for lotnrortora mid tlu downa 30 lnchoa wlda unlht amluican cotton 11attino full also for quilt or iomrortr kla nnl llttlu hlllittinuh corrorji wii dln1mu r l gregory groceries our aim is to keep the best our tremendous output lccpt our stack fresh at all times und our prices arc the lowest quality considered butter and eggs wanted cash ok trade d c russell ton mill street act ont star ciom 030 xtpt friday and uaturay news of local import tha comma entranca cxaminationa the ilaud for thn cntranoe rxamli ntlonn whlcli havn licen finally l re i tied upon tn later than loat yearu they ara to ihi telil on tho tliroo dayn of july 1 mi i 4 llirmvu lant year they wrni ov r uy juno 13 mother a day in tha churchaa mlthi r u itny wuti loyally olmcrvrd in the bun hn und iunday ttclioalu luiit sunday in knox liurch and tho mi tliixllfit chiirrh tho ncrvlt- 11 wern i iv n a nkriul ctiarartcr in recognition or tlm day with upproprlata addrriuii mid uplil munlr cvop hotal lcanaoa in halton in t r hurviy delivered tho lie n to tho blaniurd holnbi of hulton ijiit wruk tlirni uic now onl elovon hoti la lu tho county boldltm ntuliilanl llrotuwu uji fnllowa ilurliiiff ton 3 oamplmllvllln i fliorr town 2 lonwtiliini 1 milton 2 und jakvillo knttsj 00 pair gocka dunns war tho mitchell artyocato nay a an w iu pi uji mm william htuart hl oiori ti street la ucrlounly ill and nt iiiicii irn ntcrtalncil for her recovery jhui vi itrabln old lady in 87 yearn of i and did u noblo work in knlttinc ou vun hundred palru uf soclui durlnc farm cm club maatlng poatponad tlm intelinj to lo bold under thi uutijilcln of tin i artnem club woa piiiitiwintml nwfnc the roln until sjturilay ovenlnfr ncil mr morrtaon tccrt tary of uio upitod 1 armera of t0tario will then dullvrr hia addr a abort mualcol proeratnmo will bo 11 veil emplro day i o d e entartaln ma nt tbo diubbu ni df tlio lmplru will hold a inlque entertainment on lmplrt day in jio town hall them will bo a musical droenunmo and a acrlea of cuauya by puplla of tho public school will to read prlxca will bo awarded for tho giuuiya judced to have won plaeci of merit reception and danquit to soldlara tho young ladleu of uio intermediate hod cron aro uuiulnir invitations to all returned uoldicrn or ac ton and their indlni tu u ttanguct to bo given in tho town hall on halunlay evenlnc may 7 at c30 oelork it will bo a very enjoyable function and leln hold on tho unu birthday will have u queena dirthday will be cdaaarvad a mn tinir of uur mcrchanta an 1 ihi tint u men waa hold on monday rvnnlni lo ronnldor the matter of oil i rrvlui tho twci ly fourth no a publit holiday aoeln llmt it falln thin yenr on fwiturday it wua decldtd to drop tho vrdnurfuy lialf holiday nttxt week 21t inut ktjilnr pm all day uu i to otuitrvo haturday 24ui m a holiday another recaption to returned men a lvi rwi ptlon to tbo mikiit m who have ixlurncil home the plat two tu thrv w uit will bo held in tho town luill ihij evenlnc our cltlwmo will nt uluul turn out en moajie to auuuru he ixturutul lu mm n rounlns wol nm and to hear hon c thins ot tho oicltlnr d lnlirr3tit rxicrintca tbrourh whlcli thoy pajuted overueaa und at tbo htbtlnir line ploaao look and see if your label lelli uial your oubutlp tton to thin paper h expiretl plnano rem w wlthitut further delay thcro hi liurlly unythlnc wi duilko uo much au co tati the name of n liuliacribor off our liut but if you uo not renew we tuku it to mean joil do not deuiro to uo no and tliat you cxicct ui not to iiend your paper ufur uo time runs out ucnow today to improve fairviaw ctmaury 1 irvluw celintcry liau many natural attr ltlitii und tho tftortw of uio puut havo imjutlllfd it in many reapocu ic uimi pi ui could bo uevtacd ao that jii plot ownra would arrarujo that thtlr plotu im tared for contlnuoualy the ut tract ion of thu xlod a acre would 1m mui b ruliuncod tho cuno ti ry conimlttoo may do all noc canary work hi kocplivic walka und drlvco in i otulltl in trimmiiik trlco and plantlns uiul irudlui but if aomo plota tn ul lowid to lu without rjira by ho own ru ihtt 11 m ml efftx t lu trcutly mar d halton countys iiifatitnte work ten meetings in summer scnei to bo addressed by miss duncan toronto annual meeting on june 10 lor inuny ytarfi tho wiimiiiu iiwiti tyto meelhiiru lbrou imut the t oupty havn im on an liitemitllii und keenly limikid for feature of tho year li work thin iiurnmir urriui affijnl tho mim orn of tbo inntltulcn und their fulendn un opiort unify of luarliik utldrt unen by expert iplakim on pra ileal every duy toplru tho mertlnkji creuto how liictiitlvea for uie actlyijjiktln tbo local lnuiltute i in their uvorydny eitorta und they aftniil it upleii lid oportuiilty for i ocli i inlcrrounso ut it uullnlltfuf tlmiv of the yeaf tlm luutituto meellnm lu halton thiu ye will iki luld un fullowa burlington monlay may 0 trufalrur tucmluy may 27 omaiah wednuidiiy may la palermo thurnday may 20 hjjru nine rvihy may 30 oeorcetownsutunhiy may 31 llalllnarad monday juno 2 i tan nock bun i tuenday june 2 acton wednenday juno 4 nunuiliiuwcya thurodny juno g mlna ii dutlcui of toronto will bo tho tovcmmont nneukor ut theno hie lpca which will bo held at each placo ot 2 30 p in mini imi i in o loplt live j wide raruo tiid all nre intcrtntlnt tliej nro commit uu on we i ind tlum worn mi n ileiimuuilblllllci ivliiin your girl uuvru 4711001 oppor tunltlen und where um houuowlfo timn lorn mm xfl gorman district ircal dent mi w ii 1anterbrook vice proaltlent und mm geo havlll du- trlct jecx larj will eueji attand norno of tho tbivo inotinin tho annual illtitrict mtetins will to held in milton on thuroduy juno 13 tit two u clock n tho milton mothodhit fthool itnom tea will take tho form of a plcnlo in tho uamo place tho county iloard of aurlculturo will auto meet at mltton that day permits quebec to import wine amendment to sir tliomas whites resolution on irohibitipn provincial laws to govern uaptiat church hai new pastor mr a ii carr who liaa been up ittimtotl pautor of tho ilapliut church t omtnomcd bin miiilntry lant sunday tho uorviteu of that church will bo held both mumlun and ovenlntf by uio old time until furtlior notice hunduy next the habbuth school i bo rranuod and will bo hold ovury tuuduy ut 3 otlock old time th pautor will bo vury fcud tu uoo all who did ittu id thu huuduy twbool und i otlinu who aro nul in tho habit of utluidliuj- any sunday school to ui thu jiublit otrvuta of tho t hurh ull ntrumfru will bo heartily welouiuku educational campalun on loyalty tim lt lurtmeiit f 1ducatluu haa tipprooil of il lucturo campalifn n tho udiooli of ontario ou tint button f tho k u wiir ulunlrulliik by nplcu did tunirrn iplto tbo work of tht army uid iuvy i or thla purpue at ion lu lmjou iiiacwl under tho dire lion tt vi iiolwya ililmaud munl- ciivl 1liuath nal hct diary of tor unto shu lam m imed mlua ltoul ton a ill i lury to inludo acton nn will l n it on itlday to jivo her ilim it t tun 1 he ui holuru and tuat tiertl of th i himilii will lo fuvorvd with a aptirlal xhlbltlui at 3 o t lotk in tho afttiinimin ut the lown bull motor car colhdaa with clectro car on huuday vrninu an tho nix o clot k i uroutihtj urban lcttri t or fruin the wen ewanrtp proa titnir aettm unraoir cutveiico v infield waa driving from hia limnu on bo eetoud lino into ai ton up muin throut and tho two ramn t tiothtr with txmnlilerable liniiact about the moire of ih ntrtet tho little lout utruik tho obf clettrli car ut th utepm in tho luilm of iho car brcukliui iff the taotlnt 1 ho motion uf tho oletiilc iiir lurnud the autuuuiblln iniu thu ditch ita radiator lainpt and ono fender w ro miiuehrd und a iummr of inliioi lujurlen auatainetl with thu thurattrillf of tho kortf it niimmidui ii iank un i throttlo lm nutllutcly ufui btiinjc puuhatl uii from the uli i uu i uall1 itmdly up hill t tin murviil hiiruii- mr wlullol 1 bun put lu n ml of duiiiufceo to the lor tiiitu subiubun c mpuiiy utlcglntt thai thi whittle win iiil blown fu main utixi t i luuului every citizen a subscriber too poor to take n homo paper well uat la a dbjtrcnnful eondllion an ohftervant nuluerlbor advlacn thla way toll ituch to buy a hen feed tier rrumbii and wuato from tho kit chen und nh will luy eggt tu pay for a ycaro nuljocrlption then work her uli into hit plo und uhn will my onit cout so the paper will lo char profit itepoat hia proct wi year after ytjtr miauwhilo learn wlndom and coaoa to mj poor i will fill a pulpit in now york uov j c v ituou u a luui btitin enirajfed to occupy tho pulpit of ono of tho leading peab turiou church a in lew ork for lh next two hundayn- i rlonda there who know mr wllaon and hia ubllltltui well arranged liui niipplj mi wllnot will much enjoy lilu vialt tu tlio motropoliti of america prior to icavlnj hbi llourd of muliuceru bunded him u imlintanllal ehequo tt c4iirr bu cxiunaeu mr ouorito hpcody of tho cupper cjiudu iublo socit ty will preach next sunday and itov dr iachcttr of uiw lordd day alllunco la txpectcu for tho followiiii sunday col dthop making moaey faat ijtul col w a itiahop of owen hound premier hvtnt airman in the llritjuh war ucrvice lu mukliik 130 00u it month or thercahoutii in the united ttatea nt tho pruuont time wait alatod jn the i uo ir oinmtiiui monday by tnorul mowburn uilnlutor of inllltu the rudnifuu uimu uu durlui thu diu lhurrn of the bill to en uio un ulr imtard in t unudu when hon mr lainli ui uuiaututed thut co lllahop be uccoruod a placo on tho board oon mow burn huld ill conulderutlon uf uio fact mentioned above that bo did not thluk there wua enough monuy in uio militia departmonl to induce llilly to act on uio board now but probably ho oulu bo uvullablo latir a dry v wat debau ijut rrltlay tivenlr the scparuh- school at thorp vllle on tho liora jtoud wuu crowded to tho doom on tho occunlon of an inter lownuhlp dobulo between rcprejicntullvcu from luullnel und n lchot tho favorite topic of din cuaaiiii prohibition waa tho auhjert of lttuti tho iiuciitiou blni iteuolved llmt tho uale lmiortutlon and mauu furturo f intoxicjittni liquor uu a 1ovorujo uhould e prohibited tho uunnullvo wuu taken by the nlchol rvpreim ntutlvuu llov mr guild und mtia llryduii while c w cmwlny uiul o l lluoh umik tho wet uldo of tho hutatlon for puollnch iho deltutcr wefo alljwed half an hour for urtu incut und tlio judfccu after muth do liberation awardod tho declaim to th pntblbluonlalu uuclpb mercury why 911 to t2 far coal rtiwt tho price dtmuiidod for uuil in u riutl of thu iota dtuluro for tlj name itfurcn provull oiilurlo ovut th urlacu naiurally why jlini not tiiiii y uioutha uli tlrro wmi uiioukii t oul till noil lu cull uda aiil tho lnite1 fcaatci to kttp ul mua nllctl und wo hud t onnumpllun oharply rouululutl by thu govt rnmcul vvo nvtn hud llfchtlcuj and heat icon duyu then tho prico wuu chaaii than it hi lo tl iv now il hupimj in tliat hi outht u i ui lit uhioud for the our plua of 100 000 uu0 tuna of coul atom lu the unltol tituttu it miut bo dlu poncd if or thu mini iu luliiml bo kept luay moil of thu inluviu hold to a four 1 ty u wtok tlio whole sublet t irt hltfhly lull rihlhu lho luimumi lliiilu it haid o fathom why hi hua pay lho i rovulllnt pi u o fur u ton t tout win i a hutt uuilu exltitu ut hi i illlriii ti tpnjllon urumjj i to tl 00 t miir raally only hall an hour dilforenoe ituvluua to 1u4 our cullvi wotketl uu uun tlniu tfo culhtt atuu lurd hun wuu tht ii udoptt d ut tho luntuiku t lr hai ford 1 uiuliik tbo cinliunl can udlun rullwuy vtikineti- who lutlucu th leuta uula ottuwu muy 13 aftor a nurpriu lucly hrlof dlncutuiloti on the reuolu tioti wlilcb in lho fororunner of lho hill to keep the order in council pro hlliltlni tho imimirtatlon trtuuiporta tlon nml munufocturo of in toxica tin bovtiniiu in uiwrutlnit in a rnodlflel form for a year from lho ofmuui do duration of tho end of tho war it wan adopted in tho com ran na to duy dur- inir tho dinruaalon hir thoman whltn ounccd that tho government wd wlllink to uccept an amendment prrmlltlur the importation into i province of wine of a claoa whlcli could ims lejtlly aold there- tho renolutloi nil it win introduced cave effort to th principle that tho uumlnlon iarlla uiont iiliultl allow tho manufacture und lmortatlou in u province of llfutrii which tho tirovlnclal lawn pcrr milted to lm ijrld no provision how- evtr as made for relaxation of tho prihlhltl- i of importation into any pnivlnco from another provinco or from a foreign country under uio rcaolu tlon tho importation uf wine irjto quo- b o would huvo been illegal althousb lho people of que boo voted in fuvor or the oalo of light wlnea under tho propo tod amendment quoloc people will ho nblo to import krench or on- tarlu wlnd provided they can procure bovcnc5a wilch in alcoholic atrenirth comply with tie provincial taw tho lelmto to day woji a curloua one only ono apaech in aupport of uio nnoimion thalwof air thomoa white wan delivered umj to ezpreaulon of opinion whatever wtu heard from tho oiipoalilou uldo of the houao oppoal- tion mombera apparently were rcaerv- lnc timlr nro for a later atasn in uio legialatlvo proceaa of converting the rcjhjlutipn ivito a atatuto sir thomoa white ua actlnar prime mlnlater in- t rod u cud the reaolution and cxplainod tho rcxauna which had compelled the gnvernmjnt to paaa the orderin coun cil now to be validated he explained that tho prcaenl year woa a war year luuamuch ua heavy ex pond it urea had to bo mado to meet the coat of de mobilisation and of ro construcuon uctlvltlmc hence meaaurca to pro- moio thrift and efficiency among tho people worn juat aa noccuaory now an durluic tho yearn of actual hoatlllues wlmn lho houoo went into oomm4l- too on hir thomoa whltoo reaoluuon on prunll ition un artlnu iremlor uoid thu object of tho leclalutloo won o ratify urd confirm certain orderoln council which had been poascd by uio iment during tho war under tho authority of the war mouaurca acl tar rcntrictlns during tho war and for twelve mantha after it uio manufac ture tru inportxttion und nalo of in liatlne liquoru ho naid in reply mr il c hlcliaruaan that tho after tho wur prohlblllon erlod would ox- tend from tbo olllclul declaration of le end of tho war mr cronyn then moved an amond- uiit tu lho rtmtoiutlon under clauao of tho resolution trunopurtauon of loxicotlnif utuor into any prohibited urea la prohibited but uio prohlbtuou ixtcnd to tho oendinjr taking trunuportlng or deuvcrlnir of nftuvo wtnea iu ue province or ontario mr mn n moved luit tho exception lu vor of ontario nauvo wlnco bo ruck oul sir thomoa white replied that uio prlnclihi underlying tho revolution wan rt cognition of provincial rlthla ii i roiatilxi d thut the pro v in oca had the rlcjit lo onat l ouih icglatotlon within ihelr own jurltli hon uu ihljt t to uicm in u pioptr sir hm hulun thuulit thut any keliilatitin luutacd by tho 1 oderul lur- ihimi nt uhuuld upply etiuully to ull pruvliiceu ho wanted to know whether un ontuilo manufacturer would bo al lowed to manufacture beer for export to qucbco if tho alcoholic content al lowed in quebec wan creatcr titan tliat lu ontario bir thomoa white replied that ho would ntit if thiu resolution carried social and personal mm allro mclheraoi nto frlenda loot week pte huberl vlalled tor potato planting should go on now better results from hilling than from level cultivation x use good sized potatoes 1itniijlvo experliuental work under ordinary condition blia ahown thut it in a tottl plan to tins good alacd aeotl mitutooa und lu cut them intu pluqca of from uno tu two ounce lu weight und luivlng two three or tux oyca in cucil i iceo it lo an excellent plah t uiruw freohly cut plocea in onuly irouud laud pluatcr oi gypaum and to plant tho aeta lunnodlotoly after c tint iho beat returns have been tulucil by puntlntf uio ita in ix about luchoa aitart and lea v in a uiu aolu uiiibly from 13 to lit luc iqa miurt lu tho tuwe in uio nvoruiil of aovou yuara oxiierlmentu it wuu found li planting tho pot a toco ono throe qv und uoveu luchua deep uial thu hlghcu uvurugo reoulbt wnro ubtaluetl fron planting throe incbua und tho ocean d hliahuat frdm planting flvo inchea tlitpth linder uverago coudllloua la uuually wlojj to plant about four int lieu but tho tlttpth or planting would of uiui uv dutend con i durably uhi i he tjnullty und the condition of tbi uoll if tho aoll lu u handy loam thu luplb of planting muy be deeper than lu tht vuao of a heavy damp uoll lu i xpcrlmeptu oxtundlug over u pcrlotl of ten lean it tiaa been fount thut uboul four buuhclu pur bud lu i leaao hua boeu ohtulued from htultu lho ihjtatiko in comjiarlaou with luvol iilllvuiluii pi c a zavit a k c mm w ioudnlitirough and churllt vfuitttl ttronto frlonda during lho week hlef iiwnon haii imhjii laid up wllh a painful attack of lumbago tho pant ira peter mcdonald and mlaa mr ihuittld aro vlaltlng at mra crofto at durh im itnv and mm i m mayer apent a day or uo luiit wock with frlcntla 1 mm ilobt hhuw and mrk cunton mwackhuincr vlnlted toronto frlonda luot woek mr und mrn gordon hay word of toronto apent a couple of dayu loir week wiui acton frlendn dr iarmer of oakvlllo who recent ly returned homo from itcrrnudo waa here on irlday vlaltlng jilo aon mr ii v iarmer i la it later mrn andernon of iluffalo n y returned homo laut wock after upending oevcrnl woeku with her porenta mr and mrn bpenccr huabond willow rtreel mru a t drown liaa been at nia gara pulla thhi week attending uio convovlon of tho hamilton conferenco iiranch of uio woman a mbwlonary society stewart 1owrle of tho fifth uno who ran a pitch fork into hht foot a couplo uf wceka ago h getting about again the wound wao very painful for a few day a nuralng slater hello mclachuui of cincinnati ohio who waa avornoaa wlut tho amorlcan troopa and recently- returned home wob uio gueat uurt week of mra thomoa somervlllo mill street mr thomoa hurd and mr and mrs purbuah has movod from pbltadelphl lo newark n j mr rurbuahe father la now nuikcrlntondent of a large con corn there mlaa hurd in writing uuya tho iuo piuaw given much newa to ua of tho old homo town ijttlo mlaa audrey mcleod of to ronto who huu apent uie past four years with her aunt mlaa emma haw thornc whllo her father waa overaeaa in tho army returned home on salur day llcr father reached home that day audrey la quite a favorite here in memoriam duncan mcoiltxioil at lho ripo ago of eighty ono yearn duncan mcgregor panned away on tho furm on which ho woa born olghty- oue ycura ago on it day laol mr mcgregor hod not boon well all winter und gruduully declined until bis aplrlt peacefully left tho tired body ho iraa tho only atu uf tho loto donald mc gregor who camo from perthahlrc scotland about eighty tlvo years ago and nettled on lot 27 in uio novonui oncejiiin of nannivgaweia aftor lending twenty llvo years in canada ho fathnr died ohd tho mother woven ocn yearx after in 11s0 donald mc gregor wan a man of otcrllns char- uttcr und jived all hia life in thla ommunlty enjoying tho eatocm of all who kn iw llni on january 2b 1s7i ho inarritml marjorlc daughter or tho lute aluxuudur mann of tho aecona line mar at ton all hia llfo ho uvod on tho homeutcud wh era ho wiu born they liad nlno children two died in infancy hut uio mother and tho fol lowing no rut und daughtcra survlvo donald j uuclph alexander and john on fun no lu naoaagaweya and icaale urslt mary and william at home mr mtgrcgui had nlno latere mra alex waldic mnj william waldle of klllanicy man mra john mcj lardy toronto mru itobl kennedy mra johu mccillun and mra ilobt ahlolt wliulum mra jumea clow oregon mra thoa wnuh it c and mbta jane who ilvti in i rln townahlp of theao mm alxu wuldlo mm ilobl ken nudy und mr thoa wulah prodocoai- cl tholr brother mr mcgrebor waa u niumber of he preohyterum church lor ytarj hlu memherahlp wan with knox church acton but twenty yeara ui or mora ho transferred to uio nuuaauwcyu church tho funeral ou mou im lo lahvlow cemetery acton wjia larinly iltindrd by frloida and uuluhlhira who gathered to allow tho lout reupecu to tho memory of a good man and a kind neighbor uu iph m k riimoiua i i t uuiuuii titilfea niuea uiul ruiiaualoacccp the dovlcu known aa tltaiulanl tiint ho divided lhu clr uinfolenco of th uurth into t until luirta uno purt fur uui h hour within ah tf theaa 24 purtu uu uicilllun ti true limn of lho itiitre of it wuu uitiptd tut tho time for the whole utou in m far ua ai i in la couceruou elnce lssl we huvo ul viy bet n 30 minute t hind luctldlm or uun timo whu t ur clock ntruek 1 ntuliluitl tltue it jiun ulwuyu been 30 by tin oil uun mark on lho aim um or window uill uljtn wo uiuvetl mir tlo kn ftiwuid ono hour to coii fount luyllunt ili k unit wi uiu i itiihinlxi ihul tit l only 1- 30 inoltuil if uun i i lot k by thu tril ut tut rldul lliuo in ulliir wi iuj the leul dt via ion lnuur ilujijtjlit aa vlni in alton 1 ulily jl uiluuti ii lunti nil of un tiuui ua imwil puuplu uio ltd lo thlllf wool prices lookvoood one uf uie god looking ftuturva uf tiie tuurkal ut tbo prcocut umu la ihu wuy tho ii ado huu bt on taking hold uf tho ti tl wool clip which la aeamiu uhly ahead uf our own what proiu- luotl tu to u olublfinh licuuuii hau duvul uued wliut lu tics rlbod aa tht moat acllvti uiaikut in u dxuilc unit it la ixptle1 that few t hi a will bo oonl taut fot uulo lu ontario tho tiudu lu now quoting uliwuahutl ut lilt to im poi lb antl thu to jpeiatlvu at hi niu in ua two ymni t f trull hua tilwuyo btxiuibt more than iho coiiiiueitlu ufturu of tlealeru 1 lim d in no teuton lu hleht wfiy the i otn ttlve ixlltni of ihu lint itrulh of woo it itiit uhoul i not be pn ii uhly m v jf d j 1 unucrii uun ho i o d h havo arranged with m aa houlton uf toronto to glvo her jecturo on tho great war llluatratlng tbo work of tho army und navy wiui beautiful lantern alldea lu tho town ball on ixttfay tth inati a aeoa will ihi held for ull puplla and teacher of thu bchoobt ut uiroe o clock tho mloolouuiy commlttoo of tho ip worth iouguo coucludod tholr nerltwt of uurvlccu in tho programme tontutttn with u review of lho oxptirl eticco of a homo mlaaiouury and hut family umonic tho jtuthcnlana in htjt kutchewan ou monday evening a very effective loaaon woi tau4fht tho t ic ulnae 11 co factory la now upciullug tin the nine hour day plun toiumeiiclng on monday of tht wuuk work ulatta ut 7 am und cloaca ut l p in thu moil tutvlng tlocldott by vulo ti ihtao bourn for tho aummcr luuiitliii tho john c mundoll cu adopted uio nlno hour duy on may 1 1loru icxiircua tho funeral of die lata iut singu lar lho woll knowu proprietor of the wetoru iiolol guulph whoao dcaul u t urtmd on monday afternoon follow ing a long ulueaa look place wedaeo duy afternoon many of tho turntoia uiul utlmra of thla auction know mr uiitguluktuf vt0- llouiiycuatlo dale tho well known uuiurullat la the author or a eploodld urllclo jiilitlud tho drupplng off 1 lu ti in llod uud gun for may thla wh lt tjumo outdoor nmgualtio la replete wltli aloilt9 articltvi and apeclal de pin imniitu diullug wltli couadun wild llfo uul miure hod and gun lo pub untlld liy w j taylor limited wood- altw k t of all ijunlncao men lho bulchota inbuilt huvo tho wtirat of it in theno luyu ltlton of ull klnda uf meat live o theno 1 totitlnuu lu mount and ul th nih lho butcher a pruflt la cut cloue he hi lookitl upon with uunult ion nud mlauiilt i un a pointed 1 liu tiuth loubtltui la thut butchora novur foul d it un el m vui k to nuiku onda limit ua thoy do tu day canadian trade and futureprosperity farmers manufacturers mines fores is mast produce larjcly to exploit exports the adver0l dalance of trade in lho vur itt forn tin uui canada iiad u net null irwl dt bt uf j33k 000 000 to tluy it iu uihiui jl on oou out the intnrrat on iimiiii will ittulro tliul urn domliilon do ulniiii jlooooo- ooomoro t rutin mill yt ir lo lit ep ui in relatively tho numo phu o tin it waa in 1914 our t on im rdi for uu lunl fow yearn lo imwii u th following liuron t othe neuretit nflllun dull iru trado imimirtii 1 ximi in itulanro mlllltinj million mlluorm 1313 c t ujt atlvt rile 314 1014 c1m zz atl vc nto 1hc lolq toh 711 i iv ora bio 332 hub 303 i slo 1 uvorabu c77 12 monuiti ended kcb 1019 33- 1 ic i nvorahlu 234 1313 zq t wo muiit go tut k to ptaco trade but on u war limn aculo to do uila wn mum pluro uur fac tory and field pmduttlon on a new and enlarged plant wti umnt utloft the moat uli to datu mothottu wo mut ca ojierato in a broutl untl nlluhlcnctl policy wo jnuul do a huntlrttl thlngx nor cqnoclveil oven u ft w montlm ago by tho moat for not lug wo muat not huvo an udvcraa bal ance of trado our furiorleu intuit run for u full day u work for llfty two wceka in lho year our farmer muat conunuo to protlui o uu tluy dltt loot year the bint ptuuilbln ounni from tholr holding wo muat t xploit our mineral and other rcoourceii lo the utmoat capacity theae aro lho thini n which lho can adian trado cora in im i on wbihca to impreaa on fcvery man antl woman oven on every child in the dominion for thoy uri go int to form for jcaru to come the crux of our well being military news a aocond party of 400 german 1 t- ned prlaonern bullm from harwich on sunday nljht fir gt niwn th r were a numbo of young m n nmuiikiil u o party und ot irul bt aitlml mlddln aged men all ltmik remarkably well a atrlklng contraat to tlm hrltlnh pria otiora returnlni frtim ctitiiiany har wicli england nonunun tho burks i allu amu nuju borgt loonord armalrong returned homo from ovordcoo loat week ami family and frlenda vere rejolct d to utloomo htm bato homo galn afttr many thrllllnil cxpcrltnceji at tho front ourlng the paat two yearn leonard went overaeaa with the iflund in tho autumn of 1010 and aomo of uio irout int rn uiu lettoro which have appeared lu tho artovj- under heading lottcm from over- noun wro written by him korgt armstrong wui fumii rl u rcildcnl of acton mr gllltert crtunier ric tvod tho fol lowing meiuuuu on tut nday camp dlx now jt nicy may i3lh 1013 i deeply regit t to inform you that ydur aon pte i rid creamer tiled at thla hoaplul elovtn twenty thin morn ing body will bo prepared for burial and ahlpped govt rinnnni expenue wire ero and tu uliom tody lu tu be shipped 11 a huhscy adjl happiness la l happhi mouulc eoinpoaed of luimy umullor otonca ii i uio uttl in i i of kintlnoou tho lltllo tourttiilcti tho illiipiiiluon to ltt uccommotlatitig lo bt lit ipful to bo aympathetlc lu imj un lelfl ui to be careful not to wound thu ftilincii not lo expoo uiu ouro upotit to bo churl labia of tho wcukntuoci of olhcra to bo considerate- these urn tho thing u which added up at night aro found to tm tho secret or a huppy day how much greater are ull tht ic tluiii ono great ict of noteworthy gouuncoa onco a year our uvea aro mudo up of trinea ejnorgoncley rarely occur utth thing inliuportai t uvcini cxikiritucc no omul ua it trccly to leuvo it true lichlnd tnako up tbo mm total tr lllo and tho ono great thing in llfo la t uo a little good to uvcry one wo mool iteauy aympathi u nulck t und u llttlo tact art all tluil la niedtv itr llanleu unu titi 1 huvo mad it a rulo never lo bo with u peroou ten mlnutcu without trying to moke him happier it wan i rt mark uf dr dwlght uiat ono who make i a child happier for half un hour u a follow worker wit l god a biy a d to 111 i liiothei i ctiuldil t nake llttlo nltiu r happl uohow i coultl fix il hut i malo mutlf huppy try ing to make her huppy i muko jim huppy and he boy apoaflng- of hij liiuud brouicr id another rouicr iiaply uiul i and tliat maui laugh how baauuful would out homo llfo bo if every child at tho bedllmo hour could look into lho fulu of lh older ouca and way wo v hud uuch a a wool time to tluy tu 1 v and to kj lovtl tiuyu slihuy hnilth ul tho greatcal liupplueao uf txiiitincc a handy man about the camp in the civil wur it wu ualtl that tbo ounlctr regi in ntu from both north und houth iiluht 1 men of every concclvublu tm iiiputlou und walk of life ua that no eiiicit m y muld urlao ut tlm front with wlileh there wo niay tuku un li nudy lo hum if i liltiut r port tl in blum uul stilpe u u tji itul lho now amurieaii inuy l i miiu up u exuetly tho uuuiu atuff con inioiio rui thin anked an engineer captain of i ti oiiipuny tolii ing to utiv lot itlvo with thllk j a thrtulilng i mum i tun uli ciul u huuky pri vate i vu llrtid un twenty uoven rall- ruutla 1 vo imjaii llrtml fitun uevun i vo workod tin every kind of locumouvo tho huh win wuiku over thought of mid i iu1 run tnilhlim with four wheeui thut kill can bull 1 ill havo thla hoby lulkliu i ngtluh iu o hour oelicvinq in yourself it lu hcitir l l ll vo lu youniolf when nv ry uim iimi iltmhlu i iu than to pouaeau lho uiillnillfl t onll it nto of othora und doubt ynuiw if lho faith of filenui cujinol innii bolulti up uno who la wiuktutl by lo t ndenco in hlmulf and n tht othtr liuiul hlutory in full of ahlnlliie ojv utupleu of ihtum who lt li vul 111 them- dolvea win n hit u 1 v i i uiulnat them un 1 trluiiii huilly vlutllutod tholr faith 1 l it l ul hulloii lu tlio umfldemw if ihu ii but nn of tho wuiliu kitaltut iiui v dhl ptmitud with thut uul fulled to imitlo hlu inir

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