Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1919, p. 2

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v ble acton iflree xsbh tlitiltillay may ic 1019 wht i 1 h wcakcnq kluln ma one day or nhovrs liia chair nwy rack from the table nnil says he you re kind of hi it seems to ran to nil no to a ulnhbeiin no a 1051 ml your mother don t you know a friction nhouldn i bo a show it sort of r he pens lorn i say to liavo u alius on display icaslwlne j vtan brought up that way j lint then my sister flouted in and rubbed him underneath iho chli antl wrinkled up hl face and akin lkiwrcn her liandn and then sh dlrs and nmrik him one right on the lips and tin n nlio ierks htm two or three up whern his trip knot used to bo anil l a ho grins just like a eat and gives her hand apoony pat and uyn ii y george i tell you wliat appreciation hot pa a lot it hlln mo in a tender spot nx3xxirzixr3x m an attack of smallpox dy burton el otsvsnson ccz2 x ezn x e2 x i m 44-w- get yo a clean haodker- h chief aald my aunt mary aa ahe whisked out of the uncle bice looked after her with the llgnt of terror in his eyes the empty doorway through which she had disappeared mtmed to fascinate mm then suddenly ho thought of flight hut it waa too late aunt mary had appeared again on the threshold ahljah ahe demanded whatve you done with all your handkerchiefs uncle blge uw uiat the moment of reckoning had arrived and sank into a chair you ooe mary ha ocean tremu lously i was reading tother month what a hard tlmo these poor cramp fellers have keepln clean especially in winter and i thought to myself that if i was a tramp i wouldnt so much mind my clothes betas dirty if only i had a clean oandaerrber to blow my nose on so i klnxf got in the way of carry in an extra handkercher round vith me to rlvti but aunt mary stopped him with a sudden vigorous restore mot another word abuabt cried in a tragic voice i cant stand it the idea of all those good hand- chiefs travelling round the country is the pockets of good for nothing loaf ers not your hemstitched ones abi jahtt undo rigo could not answer ir words but his downcast h nodded oaacnt well ail ive got to say is that you ro a fool atnjafa cheney thai what you air and then she relented suddenly at sight of his conscience stricken face ilowsomcver there a worse things than being a fool youve a good heart abhah ill go to town and get some more mary said uncle bigo meekly no you wont youll use some of my extra ones let mo see tou can have that blue bandanna sister jane gave me for my birthday six year ago undo bige got out of his chair i guess 1 11 go dpwn to the lower held ho said and see bow the bt are getting along with that ditch come on ham he added to me wo left the bouse and started across the barnyard when a sodden call from aunt mary stopped us the handkerchief she cried trom the porch come back sam and ret 1l i went back obediently and got the handkerchief on unusually gorgeous one of deepest blue i gave it to uncle blge who stuffed it into his hip poc ket pears like aunt marys getting kind of flighty he observed as we started on again he let down the bars and we came into the field where the men were dig ging a ditch we stood and watched them a while they dldnt seem to need any bossing so uncle big said that be would work a little himself taking off bio coat be climbed flown into the ditch and picked up a mat toclc now unclo iilge lanl exactly built for that kind of work tor he weighs considerably more than two hundred pounds pretty soon be bad to atop to blow a little and to wipe the sweat off and i saw the men winking at one another behind bis back in a minute be went on again wllb the sweat standing out on his face like rain on a pane of gloss but be kept wiping it off and worked tight steady ever since ho bad that attack of heart disease that fctoctor bprlgg told hjm waa only hts suspender buckle hes been touchy about people d laughing at him fclo he kept digging away fur sumo time then he stopped and i saw him feeling his cheeks f3ai ho says to me in a low vole- my face feels mighty hot and stingy docs it look all right r when i took a good look at it my heart jumped right up into my throat for all along bis cheeks and down his neck ho was a deep purple i was ro scared i couldnt say any thing hut he saw from my face that something pretty serious was the mat tor and he sat down on the edge o the ditch with a little groan it a come ho said i know it it a what i get for talk in to that scabbyfaced tramp i its just nine days slnco he stopped me down there on the river road my last bandker- char tool olt away from me damt tho muu had dropped their tools and come crowding round but unclo ulge waved them back she grit up to the door whom in t of the chair and went ankcd lookln out they took hlin over to the ild abed hn uatd you inlflht csrh it if he kldillentlrkn iu10 had her txn off tho nail and the medicine ci open lrfore i could turn round 1 saddle the gray morn and rot doctor llprtgg vim said llurryl it was hard work getting that bridle on with tny hands shaking aa it it wo ten degree below wro but i finally did get it on and wan off ilkety spilt that old mare had the uharp ret lx kbone i ever slruddled and i win t until the next day that i liad time to think olmut tliat tlin doctor 11 veil only about two miles off and ho win just coming out to hut gig when i clattered up hello jtamr ho called what a tho matter uncle higes got the smallpox aunc uary nays you ro to come right hmallpox ii- dldn t believe mo the emallpoxt t looked on where d ore e none if he 10 get round her- lie waa talking to a scabby faoed tramp- nine days ago i said ho a mighty had the doctor atood looking at mo for a minute longer then bo shut bis llpa tight together and went ltack and got bis little medicine case x3et off he commanded and climb into the gig tho marell cum- homo herself in a minute we wcro racing toward now tell me all about it aald tho doctor hrlakly when was he takei alekr in the field about an hour ago what did ho dor ile turned all purple down hi neck ilubf hounds more like apoplexy than smallpox ive told htm a hun dred times to atop eating so- much just keeled over senseless heyt no i said ho could talk a right he ooum heyt the doctor stored at mo in astonish men yes sir he walked over to the covr shed with william ijrlcgs but ho wan mighty weak i added walked well that beats mol thats the queerest thing i ever hearj wed better drive tight tho abed i guess we could see the men standing all round it and ope of them came and let down the bars for us how is het aaked the doctor mighty low air said tho man cant hardly hold up his head the doctor grapped his little case jumped out and hurried into the ehetl followed him the doctor had said that be did not think it was smallpox and anyway i wanted to see what color unclo blgo had turned by this time it was pretty dark in the abed and for a minute i couldnt see anything then i mode out uncle blgo lying on n pile of fodder and aunt mary hold ing hla head ard wiping the cold arrest off his face with hla handkerchief it wasnt till i got real close that i saw how much worse he was then i fairly jumped for hla face had turned purple all over he turned up his eyes at tho doctor and groaned tho doctor stared down at him for a while the he set down hla medicine case knelt down and felt uncle biges wrist and looked at his tongue and touched him on the cheek then ho stared at him some more and felt his wrut the sunday school lesson fqr ounday may 10 1019 by jnilhl- i iiuitmlut jeaus 131g thee can you talk abuaht ho aakod bo you hear what i sayt oh yea groaned unclo blgo it the smallpox doctor no snapped the doctor it ian t the small pox it dm t anything that ever heard of he stopped and stared at uncle big a while longer and at aunt uary wlp lng off the sweat uncle biges face kept getting pnrpler and purplcrj and the doctor kept staring at hlnx then of a sudden he gave a snort whipped out a piece of cotton and dipped it in tho pan of water aunt mary brought along hold still ahuab he aald and rubbed the cotton back and fortb toss uncle blgea forehead tou ought to have seen the way that purple came off on the cottc the doctor looked at it for a minute and then snorted again all you need abljah la to waah your face he said and the time you buy cotton handkerchiefs dont buy blue ones they always run he picked up hla medicine case and went out and for a little while i thought uncle blgo would die of shame it wns more than a month before he dared to go to meeting again hid violin the elderly violinist was speaking lovingly of bis stringed treasures i was offered two hundred tor one of them last week but i refused it- i have refused three hundred but x dont lose anything by holding on to that old violin it grows more valuable with age every year udda to its value that m a singular thing about violins isnt ltr remarked one of his listen till- havlnd cjllat i- of oi rpb 3 4 10 tltun z 1 1 i additional material for teacheru iaa b 11 john 1 la 17 rtn 0 24 1 torn 3 23 34 f 20 21 1 tor 1c 10 2 c or 8 b lleb 4 10 juitica 0 common oorlpture paaae 4 but clod being rich in mercy fur hlagircat love wherewith ho loved c even rfhen wo were dead thrtmgli our t res passes made us alive together with christ by gruco have yo beal saved i and raised ua up with him and made us to sit wltti him in the itoavoti ly places in christ jesus 7 that in tho ages to como bo might show the exceeding riches of his gruco in kindness toward us in christ jeau4 8 for by graco have yo been tkivod through faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of cod 9 not of works that no man should glory 10 for we are his workmanship created in christ jcaus for rood work- which ood ufore prepared uiat wo nhoul 1 walk in thorn ii for the graco of clod hath up pea red bringing salvation to all me 1 12 last rue ting us to the intent that denying ungodliness and worldly lasts we should hvo soberly and righteously and godly in this present world 13 looking far the b leaned hope and appearing of tho glory of the great god and our saviour jesus christ 14 who gave himself for ua that hi might redeem us from all lnqulty and purify unto himself a people for his own pojftaalon xealous of good works golden text by grace have ye boon jsaved through faith eph 3 sa departmental topics and reference primary topic tho child baved from danger malt 2 1023 memory verso what time afraid i will put my trust 1 iaa it 3 junior topto obedience in imeaslnb- to ood ocn 0 914 23 7 16 13 19 memory verso qen c 23 intertnedlato and henlor toplo tho challenge of god s ooodncaa young people and adult toplo th qraco of ood our bauatlon blackboard a ouacious god lxvti hin nb1ul a gracious god seeks hln- neita a gracious ood redeems sin nerh a gitacious god jronaivls sinners lesson thoughts our loot lesson left humanity all the world in the depths of sin plung ed in a gulf of dark despair but into this darkened hopeless world beam the graco of god a ray that illumines tho shadows graco la the attitude of god toward his guilty children what docs gods graco do for sinful men i in bis infinite grace god loves innera no matter how far her eon has strayed hla mother loves him and strives to bring him homo again ood loves even the deepest dyed sinner for god alono noes to what heights of glory that man may rise if ho can only be cleansed of hla sin tho miner digs into the rock becaueo gold la hiddi within it so god seeks and strives after guilty men 2 the grace of god not only but seeks sinners ho places around them motives to turn from sin righteous ways ho son da his spirit to plead with men he gives them noodod discipline not punishment but correction training that through suf fering they may learn the danr of evil and the blessedness of goou all the dealings of ood with men in t ltfo are in grace not in wrath out of love not out of hate 3 the grace of god bos redeemed alnnera bo great is god a love for sinful men that be gavo bis own son to win them by hla death no gold could purchase mans salvation lamb was pure enough for an offering except the lamb of god ho gave him eel c and his father gave him to 41o for ua 4 the- grace of ood has provided forgiveness for sinners jesus christ has broken down tho wall has torn asunder tho yell and has enabled mon oven though sinners to come into tho presence of a holy god w hoover ap prooches tho throno in christ a name and aaks for pardon may receive it and stand accepted in tho presence of our father rsadinos for next week monday repentance jonah 3 110 tuesday results of impenitence luke 13 i 9 wednesday necessity of repent ance paa ci 1 17 thursday davids repentance psa gl 11 34 friday the prodigal 1 to pen lance luke ie 1134 saturday john preaching repent ance luke 3 114 sunday paul iroachlng repentance acts 17 2231 hc fooled hla pnicndu when the united states troopn drove tlin cermauo ouj of tho bt mlhcl unllrut tho job waa done ma quickly and rli verly tlmt a lot of booty fell into their hands there was nno i rtvntn ut thlaurourt who took a r ha nee but lio could not resist tho 4nnptatlon when his males first saw ihlm they were uiirertaln whether he waa the kulaer or tho crown prince as they rushed forward to make the capture hi wan riding a german officers horse ho had on a german officers helmet and on hla chest was pinned the iron cross 11 left by german officers in their rush to safety the wjuad of americana bent upon making ar im portant capture were tremendously disgusted to nnd that it was only lrl vato jones of the infantry dont como near die boys i groaned i ve gut the email pox they did not need to be tuld twice ttiy utood back and stared at him with tholr eyes pupping out 1 vo had it william briggo said aflur u minute let mo git ye hom sir no i cant go home and undo blgo knunod again that a the wurst of it mjrya never had it- take mo over to the old cow house wll thatil jkus w as any i in i reckon sam you d better go and break it o mary willuiu took hlui under the arms and they tottered off toward tho cow shod while 1 ran home 1 reckon 1 must have looked pretty frightened for aunt mary simply keeled over into a chair when alio saw me oouiliuf flood irrietuus sammy she began undo blgea got the smallpox i gasped i utwiys knew tltat aunt mary was u rentrkabla woman it seems that it just liikeo bouiethlng unusual to bring her out she s a good deal liko a ruud horao we hud once that horse was no luay by nature that ho wouldnt make over live miles an hour no mat tcr how hard yuu whipped htiu but juat let ilm bear another horse 00m lug up behind rluppeityclup and liej waa on like a atroak aunt alary waa alwuyn just that way this time ha gulped hard once or twbito and tlieu yes the old violin makers had some secret that ian t fully understood by thai manufacturers of to day of course o know the long long pro para t ion the trees were subject to be fore they were made to yield their wood for the violins of long ago the modern less expensive vlollln la put together in a hurry compared to the long careful preparation that given to the early instruments indeed i wouldnt tako four hundred for my old violin i vo loved it fur too many years and it means too much j to mevlts like an old friend ilia eyes grew a bit wistful and the were more than a bit loving in fact they wore something of the look of t fond parent speaking of his child and the curious thing about tin violin he added after a moment i its used with any regularity it im proves continually with age but i must be used if i were to put my oh instrument away and not touch it or nix months there would bo an appro ciable loss in its tone values it would take lime to bring it back to its beat fact i ive proved this myself and other viol lusts will tell yuu the same things he was giving a somewhat tochul cal explanation of the causes of tlila into sight and 1 had to coins away without hearing the rest but i lied heard enough to take away with me a bit of a lesson tb violin whose music is often called the nearest of all forma of muslo to he human voice seems to show at almost human attribute in this does it not isnt constant practice noedod to keep cur best qualities up to tho markt unselfishness promptness sweetness under disappointments kind ly though tfulncss towards others truth fulness mil accurracy and whatover other virtues and gratos wo may name do need continual exervlse constant prat j ice if tboy are not to deteriorate or grow weak o of us can afford nut to koej in practice day by day year by year tho beat that la in ua and if wo do thin won t tho years bring now beauties add new graced make us like the vlo lln improve with aget flowcktt and chickcnq clurkrna and fliisrrr gardens have long been considered an impossible comhlnnl ion but for several yearn i have been able to combine tho two in a morn profitable manner tlio yard where i keep my coops of bens with baby chickens lias llttlo or no una do having a few dahlli roots tlul i do not need in my flower garden i i li ited a row in this chicken yard twclio yrara ago this soli wai very rich the plants made rapid growth nnd tlio baby chicks did not disturb them each time i gave the fowls frah vatcr i threw the ntah water from tho chickens drinking re ccptnclca m the plants this addod thlng o my work r the growing chickens were kept in 1i0 yard all summer and always nought the shade- of the dahlias during tho heat of the day as the blooms faded i picked them off and threw them on the ground where the chicks dovored them greedily since dahlia tube rn are used for food in rertaln localities i knew the blooms could not harm the fowls in fart i believe they are nourishing and beneficial th ncit year i increased my dahlia planting saving nil of tho tubers tt a first fall and buying some now ones in the spring tho result is that this chicken yard that formerly had been far frorn attractive is now one of the show places on the premises passers by stop to look at it- so many stopped and asked for bouquets that i put out a sign during the summer freih eggs and flowers 5 cents a dozen part of the money made from the sale of tho flowers two years ago was used to buy eggs from blooded poul try and choice varieties of dahlias lost year i sold every blossom from tho new varieties of dahlias which were of immense slae and had exquisite coloring this whole chicken yard is annually a fcrert of flowers tho tubers are dug each fall and stored the same aa potatoes i no longer keep all the more common varieties for planting these are sorted separately and fed to tho laying bens throughout the winter aa the chickens grow they eat some of the lower branches of tho dahlias but their scratching in no way disturbs ho plants foi they become sturdy long before the blrk grow strong enough to barm them the worker not the placc it is not so much the placa that makes success as tho person who alls tho place tho country town where one youth will vegetate with scarcely more aspiration than the cabbogo bo raises la the field where another wins prosperity and perhaps dlsctlnctlon the big city where thousands drop in a complete insignificance gives tho noedod lnoentlvo to tho one whose brains and pluck are above the aver- ago do not grumble about your place in the world any place la good enough to win success in if the right worker ills it what she wanted mrs newrieh in store z want a piece of music for my little girl who la learntnf lo play the- plnno clerk yea madam hero is twi light for tvrenty five cents- hew would that suit mra newrich oh olios further ad van cetl nan tliat why last week oho played a piece that coot fifty cents haven t you got something for about a dollar t comes but once youth comes but once in a lifetime therefore let ua so enjoy it as to be st 11 young wen we are old when i compare my sensations and enjoyment now with what tbey were ten years ago the comparison is vastly in favor of the present much of the fever and fret fulness of life is over the world and i look each other more calmly in the face my mind is more self pos sensed it hag dono me good to be some what parched by the heat and drenched b the rain of life long fellow you want to more than 90 of the worlds suc cessful men began poor but they learned early to save saving made them thrifty and thrift builds character selfdenial and the will to succeed build for success by opening your savings account here today and add to ir regularly interest paid every six months the bank of nova scotia krirrvr luiul ilkjulxx llrwuitf io 000 o00 allotinq ofldens undcr cana oian cncdito iho fllowlnjr ticvrti rondlttonn have i on uduptr 1 by tho canadian trade oininlu ilon in ottawa for thn ruui truilo irrouu ormilxatit of nuini rdri ulrr iho cn nuil ian credltn c11 y man u fact uri rr undir ei ilth nit must in ivo an pixir r sharing in h huflllhtui oil 1 terms then 1 bttall ik 11 intlnn in favor of or against jrturer bei ause he lit a mom nun member 0 f uny organ ry nuinufacturt it desiring i tlin iiuulncan mi 1st at tho pre full weight of tea in every package tiejlis good tea sold only in oealed pnehngea yon just try nr for that indigestion get your organs of di gestion assimilation and elimination working in harmony and watch your trouble disappear nr does it or money back ji nt tltm bo actually engaged in man fm turltij or ouulppod to manufuctuni 1 i linllur i una of goods as tliat for whl h uu order is nollcltcd 2 if in tl opinion of tho exerutlv t f mihixirt organisation promulgated through the president or vice prcnl nt uny manufacturer desiring t ulmiu in uiti bualilol under allot men in not in a position to manufoctun un 1 product a satisfactory artlclo tin xitutlvo will tto justified in refusing to ri comment such manufacturer to iro hi the order 4 if for uny reason o manufacttu to whom an order has been allotted la mm hi or unwilling to com p idle sai im ulutll not im permitted to arrauro fi r its niumif icruru eliowhere ill allotments should if possible im unanimously ugroed to but if ihit 1 nun t iki dont- tho executive throm u11 preulilunt or vice president may niuk u ruling und if such ruling ui not ucjtatjlo u any parties concern d oiuro shall ha tho right of appeal to thn commission c no allotments are to be consld ro i ua final until confirmed by tho oinmliuiioii and orders forwarded in 7 in tho case of flroiu not speedily onformlng to the standard ot products r uulrod unices must be surrendered tii tho commission for allotment to other firms able to accept saturday treat try our new chocolate crisps hu parlor lo pattorkrisp reg coc lb halurday apodal 40o other 0c chocolates for s3o cocou isuds better than maplo bpdu lb 6o0 our i co cream parlor is ngnln open with much better ice cream and tho same good sorvlce bulk ice cream pint 30e hrlck ico cream each 10 any quantity delivered harold wiles food board lloenes no s1ss33 mill street acton spring hardware opaline 140 1j10 1x5 1 70 bhovftl fi 00 140 3150 1c5 nnd 175 diautno forka150 1x0 1c5 1 71 gmull oiauina forke135 jm5 1 co un 1 91 co mallasblo rskos 40c 45c nnd oor curoks gtoel haks 00c g5c 7nc dtel paksa 00c 100 91 10 120 ordon cultivators 51 15 und itjso qood otcel hoes 60c hon 50c coc 75c egc lawn flakes 100 douit lawn ilakas 00c 100 wire lawn rakoa 100 1 10 cardan trowels 15c rnil 25c qtop laddors a v r 1 pi t lul vnluo in a boltt il 1 i i ii r it 25c p r fmit iouitiy win ijwii linn uwn jit- we have what you want the bond hardware co ltd phowe 1012 quclph savage co established 1040 i wvndham 0t quclph watch co diamonds dewellery lidrary desk 0ct0 fine china cut glass silverware silk umbrellas fountain pens hpcclatlsls in weddlng and itlrthday elf ta ixpert watch and jewallory repairera- one days test proves nr best prompt relief for the mdadlatreased agoamefc try two oar three after seals dissolve mm th tongue keep yotcr atomach sweet try klld tsk mw aid la digestion the stomach only partly dlccsts the food we est tho prnecu is nnlahcd in tho intestines where tho food la mixed with bile from tho liver it must be plain to any sensible per- an taho realises this that tho stomach liver and bowels must work in liaruiony if digest ivo troubles are to be avoldod or m tills fact also explains why suiterem from indices tl n also suffer nwre or less from head aches biliousness and cooatlpa- uon if you are one of tho many un fortunate persona who cannot eat without suffering afterward if you are constipated bnvo bilious spalls hoadselics coated tongue bad breath variable appetite are nervous losing energy and feci your health slipping away tao this advice and get a box of nature remedy nr tablets light today and start taking it give it a trial for a week or two and just see how much bolter you feci too how quickly your sluggish bowels will becomo as regular aa clock work bow your coated t outrun clears up and your good old tlmo ap pell to returns lea how splendidly your food will digest and bow your lergy pep and clnirer re just try i you take no rhuc whatever for natures remedy nit lubtuls is only vto a box cuowh t hut twenty five dayn and it must help and ben on t you to your entire satisfaction r money returned five million boxes are used overy year ono million nit tablets arc taken by ailing people every dav tliats tho beat proof of its merits natures remedy la tha best and fot thing you can tako for bllloj b j hassakd free press ads bring results stopping the oil leak here is a trick worth knowing ac cording to c ii wlljey in the coun try oentlenxan for those who are bothered with an oil leak that is wast lng oil round the shaft near tbo crank case good engine oil costs no much that it well worth saving on my auto trutk engine i noticed a considerable drip of oil round shaft where it comes through tho crank case and connects with tho iluiih opened up tho tiand hole plato of tlio caae and j found tlinl the oil was vury loir i bad experienced this loss of olt before but i had uevor full that enough could leak out to cause such a drop in tho oil height i got u light and examined close to tha end bearing aha t tloawjcttnattho clearanceroftho casing bolo round tbo shaft wnu good sixteenth of an inch j my first plan fur stopping this leak age was lo tie u pleco of felt rounl the eliafl but after exklinientlng i hli upon the idea of cutting a atrln f celt to tie omul tha auft holding it in phicu with n collet dprtng tho siring cauues it to lull tlb all th t me ihua work ing the folt packing up agah st the enl f tb 1 crank caso and cluslui thn look he spring was obtained by cutting ff a length of one 11 ko those used to lose screen doors in summer unit tluil uteosured on tho outside diameter thruo eighths of an inch serious dear teacher please excuse mary r being uboeiit yesterday hj10 got cauftfil lu tho lain und gut wit in tlm llnd had a bud idll in tho pin mrs q miumawimimimtm1ihfli9mmmmlmimilm1lmi youjel adlvertise to get results your advertihement in uu- acton free press will bring results be aubi- of our wide general circulation clean ad vertising columns and a dependable repu tation which have been won only through honesty helpful advertising service and a conscientious desire to give our patrons 100 per cent value received lor every dou lar invested in our column phone for our service for any line of advertising yontdesirelfuni al our office we will be glad to assist you the acton free press phone 11 acton ontario am8uiianiatagisitgrafflatwggb robed noble limited hcniv awrcy manaqer

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