Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1919, p. 3

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if e asian 3toe 1rbb tillhhday may it 11 our nclqhdons to lo r nolghtmr en yourseir la wn it hi i j xx llook prclem to lay your liatred on the shelf and llilnk all peoplo peaches to urli j tic l lit wo do not boot surh precepts were defying wo ilo nut luvo tho folks next door and waste no effort trying thoy htvo nt nuny grievous fault that love could neer abate them anil ordinary uniuift ha i la when wed d numerate tlicmt their alnn are measured by the yard ilnlr vices are obntruslve afialnal nuch folk ire are on uiril we havo to be exrluslve worealways looking for the sins of thooo who live around ua wo nay they bruise our mortal shlnm and worry t nd corfound us to all tholr vlrtura are blind while of helr faults wn re ncrtamlnc wo seldom look about to and their qualities redeeming ife wn would train ourselves to look for good in tother fellow and not ossunve a roans a crook until he allows up y allow wed eeo our neighbor growing wings wo d and them folk to cherish anil eavy and such evil things rrorn tlila old world would perish walt mason the young milkman at the mill wilfred carroll n ouok clernjmaii on hi vay to a ltabtalli appointment lost hla train ut a station in the wmi tim town wlitm in preach watt twelve in ilea dlntnnt wan a colli wlmly wi nlng with win iv i the air nut it wm llatur ul tho minister wan ynuiij ami net off ncron country how wecd3 afte op bead in hla ntruxcle against farmer la more likely to be successful in hla efforts if he understands dearly how weeds sain an entrance on to the farm in the first instance and how those already there spread from one part of the farm to another weed may coin entrance to the farm or be dispersed over a wider area la one of the following- wayn 1 aa impurities in the moot uomples of agricultural seeds contain weed seeds la great r or less amount which axe oown wltb the use ful aeeda and thus the weeds may quite unknown to tho farmer coin on en iron co on to this land the steed oown should be absolutely free fxcna weeds if all kinds condition of things which is seldom realised 2 by tho dreacr of thresh i ng- ma chines tho threshing- machine should be thoroujjhly cleaned before it is al lowed to besin operations on the farm 3 in stable manure and feeding stuffs liny and feeding atuffa often contain weed needs some of which are liable to and their way into the manure heap and eventually on to the land somo seeds can pass through tho bodies of animals and afterwards germinate ily tho action of tho wind many aeeda nuih as those of dandelion and thistle ore furnished with a tuft of hairs which enables them to float tn tho air for lone distancea in othar cases tho seeds or even the whole plant raiy be blown over the fro surface of the now g dy the agency of animals the seeds or those porta of plants which contain the seeds as in the case of bine qur and burdock are provided with hooks by mfin of which they become attached to the wool of abeep or the clothing of workers on the farm and in this way may be carried into fields where formerly they did not exist j ily cultivation in some plant i especially those with creeping under ground atoms such as quack crass the broken pieces may be carried all over the field by farm implements- and thus dtaocmedqrer a much wider area t the parent plants originally plod cheating in examinations it looks ugly that word cheating wherever it la used because it is ao ugly schoolboys like to employ a sub- otltute to designate tho deceit that they frequently practice in exainina- tlona ton will often hear a boy apeak of cribbing- in ntamt nations you will seldom hear him apeak of cfaeatias in examinations cribbing anssesta on act leas depraved more adrentur- oua and lighthearted a prank rather than a crime how is it that boya otherwise hon orahje are so often ready to adopt dis honest methods in tho examination of a storm day nlou and ptue on foot it was n at lipid blunder mlalng the train no of those cases of csrrlrss in attention for which a naturally ener getic wide awake nun la apt to re- iimacn hlmsell without mercy wll- rred carroll did that as bis ratlgue frtw and tlie wind lakhod his face ho told ilmsclf tluat it was no more than hla heedlessness deserved when thn snowfall ueffan tho wolhlnt was hard er ho was urcauilrsm aa he mounted a ions hill uid looked down at a little villaxe ilefljilnx in tho valley thi was only one ifsbt in the village ao far as tie coula see and numbod wll the cold so made his way toward 1l the nlxht watchman at thn mill ftrrrrfrx glyd t fe him and w hi irm seat by the stove the former youne scarcely more than a boy and ha talked freely about himself the minister learned that ho came from a christian home but since bo cut low as he expressed it he had had little to do with churches or re- llslous people for all that it woo apparently a welcome relief from the loncllnosa of his vlsll to have theoe old bono memories revived and he spoke of his father and mother and sister with a hint of unsteadiness in his younx voice and described with almost rhlldlsh frankness the appear nee of tho vlllare church which ho used to attend and how hlsh the old- fashioned pulpit looked from the pew where ha sat the minister stayed in the warm basement of the mill until dawn beaan to show in the east then bade his new acquaintance aoodbye and finished hla journey weeks hod passed and the incident had a lip pod out of carrolls m when he received a letter from the formex- nlsnt watchman which told him far more than the niaht conversation had done the youns man had drifted farther front hla careful homo tralninc than be- admitted at tho time not only hod be clvcn up churcnxolnc but be frequented questionable places amusement drank a little rambled a nod deal and that aaooe winter evenlnt had lost qfty dollars at cards to some boon companions in the very room where he- and the minister talk ed the debt was unpaid ao for the matter of that were sever other smaller one and when he heard tho tramp of bis visitors feet outside he had wellnlxh decided upon a means of raising the money which would have made him a common criminal 1 the eyes of the law the visit of the minister had bee more than a welccxno relief from lonr- llneaa it had called up memories of a past hewas sadly in dancer of for and rebuked silently hla prea ent manner of life as ho left his wateb at daybreak he knew that the thirty he had contemplated possible low and d that the surest way to break with his bod as sociations here was to resign his position xnd seek employment elae where lie had given a notaofhand to the tavern persons he owod and was tislmr every spare dollar of his present wnsos to liquidate tho foolish indebtedness he added in a quaintly wordsd postscript 1 have learned again bow the lnsldo of a church lookc and i dont intend to let myself for- tt if i hod not missed that train the minister mused speaklnx half aloud to the unresponsive books on hla study shelves if i had not missed the train or if i had decided to atoy the njjrht at hampton or if the weather had boen fine i should never have known that a youns life was drift na to ruin al- nost within reach of ray hand x cone or to shelby by rail or todged where i was left i should never hae seen the light in the basement of the milt and if the night had been pleasant t abould never have thought of turning aside for rest and warmth in what unsuspected ways god opens to us uw unoookejfor opportunity thi old man op tin mg xocktoweft 1 room and to scheme and connive ta order to carry off a successful cheat no doubt it is because they have will lngiy acquiesced in the falsa tradition that a jute of hostility between the teacher and pupil inevitably exists that lho teacher is always tryinjt to get the better of the pupil and that the pupil la therefore justified in doing anything he can to circumvent the teacher schoolboys seem to tax it for granted that they ore entitled to certain exceptions from the normal code of ethics at least that there are some ipp that it is all right to do as long- as yo arc not found out tho boy who cribs u on examination and holds in a foot ball garao is perhaps a reasonably hon est and straightforward person he does what he knows other good fel lows have done and so his conscience does not trouble him yet tvhon a system of cheating in a school or a college is uuddenly brought to light the boys whi tightly joked among themselves about the cribbing ore ashamed and mortlfled the school or tho college la hurt tn the public esteem there appears little of the pranksomo and jocular to extenuate tho shabblnesa of the demonstrated fact and somehow all the easy justi dent ions fall to the ground there is only one standard of honor and it la not to be revised by schoolboys the easy wav there is an instinct in most of us which ursis us to choose the cosy way often telling tho truth means dlfnculty unpleasant explanations possibly cen- oure ul of which could be avoided by a little equivocation half of the un truths ire told not because the speak i r prufer fuhu hoods but beeuuse they ere looking for the easy way and find it through the gateway of prevarlca hon thoie who are seeking the easy way cannot afford principles the easy way mcana agreeing with everybody floating wl h the current a ufa regu lated by principle has little to do with compromise principle necessitate uiitagontuxn sometlmea resistance ways una whoa life is controlled by tho word ought must be prepared for conflict tliare is no question but that it la coaler to slip and slide along throujili life agreeing compromising yloljlotf irlnclples are not for those who are leeklng the my way 11 ut the cosy way of living does not bring die vaults we deal re xone who novcr puji hla muscles to hard use canitarv trouqho a near sanitary drinking cup for the exclusive use of cows is now the market and its advantages ore numerous first it is claimed that it will torn many an unprofitable cow into a profitable ono by increasing her milk supply it is obviously also a preventive of disease and as a labor aver for the farmer there is no doubt oonccrntttg 1l the cow actually contiols the supply of water hy lifting or cloning the lid of the fountain herself when the lid la raised the supply valve is opened and the drain outlet is closed while lowering rtr closing the lid closes jho supply valvo and opens the drain let no water remains in tho cup as it la at ill times empty except when the co is actually drinking from it each fountain is attached to the water pipe just the same as on oral nary cock or other plumbing fixture and no teperato or boat tank quired the cover also keeps hay and trash out at the water experiments have shown that a cow will reuse water that is stale on 1 filthy with the miscellaneous debris of the barn tn if and therefore her milk supply suffers this fountain is a stimulant for her to drink large quantities of fresh clean water the modern dairyman cannot fall to appreciate the advantage of this cup and desire to have it installed in his no ap todato dairyman can afford to let hi animals or business lifter for the sake of saving the original outlay in an investment which will prove tore a int more profitable aj tlma coeu oiuf kesbltt tn illustrated world a week ogo tueadoy evenlnc it accmed to me to be tho first real out burst of feeling tor our returned men alnce november 11th of last year w had hid receptions and they liavn all been tip top but tueoday ovmlnf n war veterans parade seemed to put the real spirit of tho thing into every one when i heard tho unit tnvr oou of the bugto band it accmed to mtite mo think thcro was morn tlmn prj lleo on then i watched our 1 o ronin ma rehire down thr ntrcct a wing around lho corner at the bona of tho pinnacle ily jingo they werent mn men that i see hurrying in and out of lho post oftlce and on their way to work every day true they had their uniforms on and were changej that way but the strut and tho carriage of them was different- tho i there wan an unusual crowd on the streets of that bunch of vctcrann everyone in town seemed proud and out to see them march down thr streets i waited for these onlookers to give a rousing choc as they passed by but they were truo to acton crowds they felt their appreciation but seem ed to keep it pent up for the final out burst at lho climax of tho function that climax seemed to bo reached in the meeting in tho town hall folio win- tho parade hero the loyalty to those veterans was promised tliatarcally counts and acton will come up to tho full mcaauru in ever rrapoct who lupport n solicited by them if matters continue aa expectations seem to anticipate tho bowling greens on 1 lower avenue are going to bo fair- ly lively this summer i havo no ob jectlon to the ladles joining with ua in our fun of bowling and in fact think it will bo one and i am going to tell you why i enjoy having club privileges opened to them bomn of ua who should be busier at other matters of more importance spend a lot of our time on tho greens naturally the women folks think this foollah on our part but when they gef into tho gnmo and eee the fun we have guiding our brilliant ahot to the kitty x can ima gine they will let us continue in the sport quite unperturbed and smllo wisely but i never look for the women folk to take tho gnmo real serious i may miss my guess in this but what i look for la that they will play for a season or so and it will then develop into a social aide of tho club that will be attended to by the ladles and right hero is where i bclievo they will play their most important port as members of tho bowling club mow ladies dont for a minute think tliat we dont want you to join in tho gamo with us i know that lsnt the wish of a single member what i think is that once you try the game you will der at all our enthusiasm and why we like it- just the same as if you knew what took us out to lodge in all kinds of weathcaa you would he fled i believe curiosity is starting the ladies at the game but will it las it i hope ao and now ladles it is up to you to fool me and stick right with the gome you will notice one of my other predictions did not mature w are bowling on bower avenue greens instead of church street as i antic pa tod shop what is now a chinese laundry wan for many yrarn oecuplod by oco ilnvlll an a tin and move shop itolidl creerh bulll ure occu- llrd hy c c ilpclghts hardware fur n hum in shop later jlirx liecanl had n grocery ami crockery ntora and wmi follmcd by ueorge ciarlrp wll hum comflem and nt tiers mr willlair williams finally bought tho premises anil still owns it and the store when ho oiiluito his boo and ahoe bust nean the adjoining property has a nolpd hlatnry jr mefarvln built bis real lmro urcro when ha camo to actoi nix ty- two years ago he also built tho atora now occupied by ha wiles as a confectionery for a jrug ntore hem for years lie conducted a drug store ant had a consulting room dr morrow now or ourlph followed in the urac profession and dr korstrr o toronto was later an oceupanl john tlecord had a hard ware alore there and for noma years it won also a bartkt shop tho agnew nd fleorge btovol conducted boot and hoe businesses there the small atono atom between that and hynda jewel ry store was first used aa a ahoe repair nhopt later a j macklnnun conduct ed his legal business there mr hynda has been for thirty years tn hla present premises ills store was built for a bakery by david calloway but mr ilynds has greatly improved lha pro perty slnco be became lis owner i guess this is enough concerning this lock for this week my old eyes are cutting tired and my readers may not re luili a surfeit of this ancient locnl history ive enough more ntuff i on tap in my thick old head concerning tho remainder of this block to make a good fat column i the olj0 man uncompnomiqinq honor hie kill win tnllit thn truth 1111111 it will uilmrniiil hi i or tin ymim mliii who in hoiniil until he j tn in u tlj lit plmi n in u limr miumiiui i f hoiii th nuny 1 11 i lllhuu ivlll dii by i iikiiu t irilhi i m 1 omans nerves hit h l i vhlti nf nu ulnit tl whi whut prndh rurrit t in to to th i t i it wo 11 ihl orai lf no the mony t in ti which iiithii ihllgis ie 1 nelv a 1 1111 ul n utar would t i luke ot tol hi ill wan n t iholru tin aero m nulut iii ul hid thc reason ilt el wrnu lho ill- li just one word about another matter i noted the councils action regarding the separate account of the funds of fajrviow cemetery voicing tho seiitl- mont of almost every one i beiicvo this action was highly appreciated article number two an mill streetfol lows if you know of anything import ant i have missed just jot a line about it jo mo and i will try to remedy lt- now watch mo closely the druq haoit izdltor fsxs pnxaa iiea- sir the now york police have opened war on the illicit drug vendors and gathered in hundreds of drug ad dicts ta wring evidence from theni tho prevalence or the drug habit in that city is said to be appalling similar stories come from london and other kuropean centres of population o lobe of april 19 1j5 aays besplte free access of berth sexes to the bars in the motherland wome have recently resorted to the use of methylated spirits many coses have arisen where women have gone to oil and paint shops with the plea that tho spirit was intended for mixing paint seven times stronger than ordinary whiskey and containing a number of ingredients considered oufflclcnt tc utop any desire to drink it the liver pool licensing justices assert that it use as a beverage is increasing effect tuts been shown as terrible a frantic state while under its influent gradually giving place to insanity a favorite argument or the itnuor dealers iias been that if nlcohollo liquors were prohibted people would take to dings but it has been shown over and over again that where tin moat aicohobjwas consumed there has been found tho greatest number ot drug fiends the number who have begun by taking morphine and other drugs na medicine are very few aa n general rule a man becomes on alcohol fiend first and after a time finds that he must have something stronger to satisfy his craving tho french began on wine from that tboy went to brandy and then to alcohol which was called the spirit of wine but even that failed to give relief and absinthe was invented on account pf its terrible effects it hfs boon clled knockout rapo when a person begins this course nothing a mlraola will save him wo m tst kill alcohol before we con conquer tho drug habit- il arnott itsx department of social service may b 1919 making thing happbn somo young folks aro mad when the rlsht thing hxppsns others make tho thing happen it is not very sofo to wait for luck to help you out a ready mado fortune j not as likely to fit as ono that you fashion for your self waste no lime waiting for thing- to happat go to work and make them happen record i hy jm imtiliiflolphlu iul 1h lclll t durlni n mllltiiry mvh w ut aider nhot hint iiuiiii altuthcu hud u ntiin m ulld oftlll ho rull advance in uo nlm lie treat in just din riwcnio because air replied th when a llrltuih uoldler tlon it only nouda u uliiilt r th for h i mi if nlioiiuii hy uuklni rlill n rtlinnl jm 11 infant y nlll el that ynur lnifjl whlh he a hugln whore but it tnkeii to make him retlra bin i hrujiu ituni by lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound winona minn i nuflercd formnro than u year from norvoiinriln i imd vrui do bud x could not rout nt nifht would uo nwuk u and rot so ncrvnuu i would hnvo to ivt upanuwnlk around and in tlio morn in jj would bo all tired oul i mad about lydjnh imkhnmii vorotnhlo cm pound and thought i would try il uy ncrvounncca uood loft nw i nli p well and feci fine in tho tnnrnlnr and ablo to do my work i madly r com mend lydia k pinkhum ii vljuublo compound tn mrika wrnlr ncrvwj dtronff mrs alht3it sliltzi coj olmntcatl jjl winona winn how often da wo bear tlio oxpreanion tunonpwamen i amnontrvotu i enn- not bleop or it bcemo na uioujli i should fly euch womi n nliould profit by mrn 8oltroa oxpcrllnci and jivo tuln famous root and lirb rim dy lydia e iinkhama vceotablc com pound a trial porforty years it hon been overcom ing such oonouii condition i nn dupliico- ments inflammation ulceration irn i- ularltlaa periodic palnoiykncljo d- slncai gnd nervous prostration of women and is now consiuorid tho titan- dsrd remedy for such oilmen la children ory for fletchers castoria children cry for fletchers castqili tbo kinfl yoa havo always bought and which baa been in uso for over thirty yeaxo has borno lho blganturo of land haa been modo tmder hla pcr- euaal vnpervislon olnco ita infantry allow no ono to tjeceivo you in thia all connterfeita imitations and juotasgood ore but ejaimonta that triflo with and endanger tho health of infanta and children experienco opaln experiment r what is casforia co5tona la a harmless oubstltuto tor castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it la pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic eubstance ito ago la its guarantee for mora than thirty years it haa been in constant uso for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverlshnesa arising therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels olds the asgimilatloa of food giving healthy and natural dleep tho chfldrcno panacea- the mother fjiendi genuine castoria always bcars tho signature of m lit use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought rxhwmiam awmmmsff mummie economical light weightt you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep seat3 of thib model ninety look at its ampler legroom look at it3 spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped it has big car performance combined with small car handinesa and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for mmrimm service and convenience the motor is 32horsepower the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting nnd lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finesttype come in and see thia model 90 let ua demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent geoegbtown ontahio willysoverland limited hod office nnd weeks weat toxonto touring car model 90 136000 touring car model 83 51495x0 for porucalaxb apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon acton free press ads bring results if you look for the dest frxini hard thinking and harxl mental work is little better than a cool to chooso tlio usy way morally means u contempt tola character ufo la hard activity of any sort is hard and 1a that hardness thcro la health an in- vltforntloii it is death uid decor that are easy tiubpicion awakens all that la worst in human nature it is impossible that a ctalld should grow into a it of truth ut he is continually beins aociised of cslsehood if we discover that our friend a 144 poet us of dls loyalty the incentive to loyalty u u mod lately waaavtied the pcojile wlio look on tho werli through narrowed oyca aiilifujmunr anfalrnesa unklndneos trrsrhcry and inajratltude nrjj likely jo end their career with a bad opinion of ufo them is nothing li iulii an altitude to awaken love and loyalty tf you allow yourself to a row susnlcloua you wilt probably dud plenty to notify your suspicion if you look for tho best from utoso with wbotu you are aaao listed yo w u g thebr best baby without oihthday a baby wllbuut s blrthdayl lu time to win vhcn you imvo failed once ft is tho unio to so in and win we know the woaknnaa that was odv untlotna before we see the mistakes whlh we need to avoid if we iiave the right matejisl tn us our determination will be much ntrensthenod nut weakenod by our tsperlolire o should never accept n failure us an excuse for not tryina lunger but make it a reason for try ing again and trying harder slble as it sounds it lucrplexlng fart in the ufa of ietcr llcbrock now four months and a half old lotcr wi bom on the chinese nuil liner nan king on her decani r trip tho ah was crossing tho 110th marldan the day before had been leocinbcr 34 ieter in tho natural course of events would have been a christmas baby but there waa 110 december on tlio nanking iecember was followod immediately by dcicmbcr ss its a wellknown fact that a day is loot lu rroealns the pacific oceau to tho west that lost day apparently was ietcrm birthday ills parents are ur anj afrs krnest f ley brook new york as i look down mill street from its intersection at main where tho silent policeman now stands on suord day night numberless memories longago days crowd upon roe my orel racolloctlon of the two c ners are when mrs barah augiuu heconl came to acton with her three young sons john krod and iercy near ly sixty years ago urn soconl wua a woman of many excellencies bhj tuul the advantage of a sood educa tlon and a remarkable ability for busl ncas this estoemed family settled in a urge store and residence on the cor ner where the woodhall mckay store in now situated a few yours later thia property was destroyed by fire nothing daunted this cue recti o lady proceeded at once with tho oreo- tlon of a better store and reslilenoo on tlte opposite aide of mill titreet whom coopers tailoring store now atandsi this was a commodious frame build ing neatly constructed and luilnled while adjoining on the lot which u still vacant excepting where tho wonder land theatre was f mrs bfxoiij had one of the finest flower and fruit gardens in townr tibo had tho faculty of securing rare plants and shrubs many a horoe wua benefitted by the bouquets generously bestowod front this attractive plot i remember forty yoara ago passing the foss ilucul oalce in early spring and observing tho lira bouquet of tho season of crocuses snowdrops etc gracing lho editorial desk after mrs hccord s retirement froin business about thirty years tufu tills toro was occupied tor 1 tltnu by wurd howell vrtio csioo here from joraoy vlllo lis is now head of tlio allk do liartmeut in murruy kay n twxjihu during the occupancy of a later toituiit tbo urupcrty waa destruyod by flrn tho amaller storo norf on tho situ luo been the pcono of a suoccoarul tailoring bualnesa by cuucr akliuv ruj now w m cooper in the mcautimo tho a turn on tiiu uptkmilte curiur was rebuilt on a luiii le and for yoara was occupied by hecord llrua an a departmental slura aiargx fafuslnes wmstlono until hoir retirement mucceoalvo bus louses fol lowed such as hughes urlma dry goods ami general atono w ii cjrimn donald kerguson of htm i ford ran branch store bore for some tlnio clymon tl campbell had a liardwura uturv sneoordod by ypj whltu iliu took was finally dlapcrood and wmd- hall a ukay bakois and kiwn the pi esc ut tutwiita tho section occupied by tho mikucm cooer and mortons barber shop wm the bonie of j i mrkeon drug store prior to hls removal to luolph thun followed ll ll uwacklutimro 1 lothlug store henry hlicmuia and tlmn joorco wallace inado tlio aturt for his flour- isliiiuc buslncau which ho uuiuvcil to uualph nvo ycjim ago tlio hjiiuii tino lu lho block uw a number of buui ileuses located there juttii artliuis partr ido s micikty aids to prorisisi john 1u hlo hud itores ami for a time it vraa a barbei

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