Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1919, p. 4

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qtff attan 3faw tem i 1iwhhda1 a 15 1j3 1 111 tub actum iliul thtju a i ubtlaliotl ovary thursday rulnn ut ttio laen i bxau hulidlnir mill htroet acton turlu 1 iio nubncrlj tt on price la l go prr year in kniur lvatuko l hariteil additional to office in tlia lit- titii llio dale to whlur nubocrjptlons are wild la t t 11 tliu uddruia label admlltihiml rati h tratinlcnt a ivcrtlsemonla 10 wnl mi lino ujuxto tncasurcmani for flmt insertion and 6 vnla iwr hiu fur oach subsequent insertion contract 0lapla a ivurtlnmitciita for 100 inch en or more par annum it tiiu kit imh each inorrtlon advertisements without aivmlflo dilutions will bo inserted til forbid and cbarcd oinuncli ii 1 mooiuh ldllor and tubllaber tul1 1 hom1 it has probably been a surprise to many to recognize that lie itigtunc of the armistice did not rrtcan the normal resumption of trade m van oil european count net nnd thot mitcnd o period of economic transition should set in which would pre sent it3 own complex problems an opt american statement quoted by tho canadian trade commission editorial thi government s policy on prohibition lias at last been announced by the publication ot a resolution mandinr in he name jf bir thomas while which will be introduced in the house and on which a measure will be baod the resolution provides for the rati fication and continuation by porlimcnt of the order in council of february 24 1910 prohibiting the im portation manufacture and transportation of intoxt eating liquor canada is now recognized as a notion an immcdl nte result of this status wilt be the appointment of a permanent ambassador to washington the honor wilt of coarse be on added expense on the public treasury of at least s5q000 but canada will gradu ally come to her own in importance and her interests will be promptly and carefully be conserved in all dealings with tho united states the haoit of dc no on t1mc i uiirtuullli in larfly a iktiillnrlty i f ii p in ilvl luu w all kn vr thai train may lio delayed that el rlrlity rabies i trull brlnj illtf lllrrcl urn i u ulni dntll hut wo um hot not ti at a t crtntii laan t i n lp n m il lu toavo tllcm nirl lent liny i tu 1 jui inliia a train lioca ho 1 y urn ccltxl tu look up ij now time tablo 1 i o ixirn 1 wl in al iixyii n tlmo in nnt any in urn lucky haii most of io i- ilu lo lion mado it a habit to ti punr ual nnd iiaa aluu f c rmi 1 tlio iiullt of overcoming bauo that would bo nu co to hinder uter the court has declared that daylight saving time is standard time a case in london ontario n which time was an element required reference to the observatory at greenwich england tho reply was received this week to the effect that the greenwich observatory is operating on daylight saving time the law of this province prescribes that standard time is five hours in advance of greenwich obser vatory it 13 therefore contended that when england adopted the summer time the province of ontario was automatically forced to follow suit if legal time 13 to prevail the market in europe for canadian foodstuffj wilt to all appearances bo vefy good for some con sfderabto time to come h b thompson late food controller says canada hoa a great opportunity for getting trade in canadian bacon dovelopcd ns public opinion seems to bo against dried salt amen can bacon canadian eggs and poultry arc also in high favor the british government has decided not to purchase the exportable surplus of canadian cheese for the season of 1010 and thcro is an open market for the commodity waiting fon ccrtainticq tho a o who rcfuflfa to lake any rlnkji will not aclilovo anything importance in thin world ocrtnintle am q whatever wo undertake wo muitt recocnlxo tho possibility or fait ur uii well an ha probability uf uuo iu if wo wall for corlihitk 11 wn arm likely to wait iii yur c hull ecu havo j loqical wioh on tho outjiklrtn of 1 jillndoli hla in im admiral in utork fna ono ilay innt niimmit nimn o r rhlldrrli worn permitted to 1 1 ovr thin farm an 1 when tholr iruiiirotli 11 wan dnnr t mill f thcru wuu ivon a kn m f milk tho milk wan rxrrllriit wrll lmyi how 1 y u llkn 117 tho farmer uakrd when tin y hud ilralu p 1 their slaanco klnc nald una llttla fll mv thnn nftr a paiuio hi ad 1xl i wlnlit our milkman kf 1 t a row juuri al uf tho aninrlran medual aaaoclatlon thc worldo qncatcot tclf trcopc 11 intcrcntlng lint of tho worl i a erf ft to t toloirojcn recently appearc 1 in tho mcltitino american which that tho urgent working ohjrctlva la hat jf th ycr tea phi afltory in wl t nnnln bnvcrnl rrrat reflrrtora ar under counti m i rn fir obai rvudi n in ituiulln hiuth africa jtuc an 1 tin tjnln i states a iflootor of novmity two inrhaf lu itclnb liiado for tho iomlnl m obacrvalory if ttmirta the business men of acton should receive some protection against the transient traders coming in unloading bankrupt stocks upon the community and then leaving the town without paying taxes or fees of any kind for the privilege our merchants pay taxes and are under other heavy expenses in the municipality they have a jost daitn for protection if the existing transient traders by law 13 de fective as 15 alleged then it is clearly the duty of the municipal government to enact a by law which will cover the points at issue the unfairness of present conditions is very manifest the people of canada are soon to have another opportunity to manifest their loyalty to this country a domestic loan similar to the victory loan of a year ago but not so large wilt be floated by the govern ment probably in september the loan is in con nection with the 350000000 war appropriation to bo voted by parliment this session canada his done well with all the war loans in subscribing fc them as will be tho cose with the new loan proposed the loyalty of the people is amply recognized in the splra did investment afforded at a satisfactory rate of in t crest the frco press has great pleasure in passing on this splendid compliment to our soldiers respecting their thoughtful courtesy and kindness to children and civilians in franco in france tho kindness of tho canadians to children will be a tradition for long years to come none who saw the way in which thoy gave their food to the starving civilians in denain valenciennes and the surrounding villages tuill ervcr forget it their gentleness lias made them great it is an innate and natural courtesy that helped no less than the sterner qualities to mako them heroes in the cause of righteousness against evil in high places y m cxa manhood do your banking by r f the present campaign for the sale of thrift stamps will undoubtedly accomplish more than the matter of securing funds to aid the government in its abnormal expenditures which have been thrust upon it through the war it will instil a spirit of thrift and saving upon tho rising generation which have very salutary results one who has not learned to save by tho time he has come to the legal age of twentyone will never acquire the art except by a strenuous struggle the habit of living up to the limit of ones wages is hard to shake off no matter how little a young man or a young woman earns a part of it should bo saved our banks ore safe depositaries our governments thrift stamps are easily available it is of infinite value to our future that we acquire the habit of saving during the past two years the term wargardens hu3 been very current they were well named effec tive in production and helped materially to lessen the worlds shortage of food these special gardens are still needful and should be cultivated planted and cared for just as assiduously this year of 1919 as during the two previous years when war was waging but a happier name for them has been introduced victory gardens they are now to be and their success will make pcaco all the more real the lesson of the war impressed by the needs of the time on amateur gardeners is not soon to be forgotten and the home garden and the outside garden plots will no doubt bo almost as popular this year as lost in these days of high prices the garden crops will be a factor of no small importance to many of our homes the observance of mothers day so generally as it was last sunday is commendible evidence that the hearts of the people arc thoughtfully inclined to the important place of motherhood and the debt of love and tender consideration due to our mothers verily the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world and more and more the world is coming to ac knowledge this and to give the mothers their rightful place to doj no man need be ashamed to wear a flower on mothers day out of re spect and esteem and love for her who bore him the- influence of the observance of this mother honor ing anniversary must be widespread and salutary to many hearts and homes the wearing of thcvcama tion on this day typifies mother love emphatically its flower standing for beauty its lasting qualities for faithfulness its fragrance for love and ta wide growth for chanty tj10 pence treaty was handed to tho german emis saries at versailles france last wednesday briefly the terms hold germany fully responsible for the wars damage she must pay civilian loss must re store ships ton for ton germany is shorn of her colonics loses one fifth of her territory in europe and is reduced so that alio may never again become a naval or military power premier clemen ecu u s words us preluding ofllccr of tho peace congress spcokiqg lo the german plenipotentiaries will always be preserved us historic he aaid it is unnecessary to express needless words vou havo before you the plenipotentiaries of tho small and great powers united in this most cru war which was impos upon them iho hour has arrived for a heavy settlement of tho accounr von brockdroft rontzau as he receive copies of tho treaty said we declare that wo do not deny tho extent of our defeat wc know the power of the german armies is broken he was unublo to admit that germany was solely culp ablo and demanded that tho allies mukc peace accord ing to president wilson s points some of the leaders ul the allied countries declare tho attitude of tho german delegates an intolerable insult to tho al lies the treaty is regarded in diplomatic quarters as the most impressive and valuable international ex prcssion in the unnuls of mankind it is the heaviest ond most crushing blow ever delivered to militarism and puves the way for eventual international dirarma ment the leaders of the liberal party arc moving lo effect a strong reorgan tzation to this end a not tonal liberal convention is to be held at ottawa during the first week in august the following state cut has been sent out pursuant to the announce ment made by sir wilfrid launer in november 1918 and in conformity with a resolution adopted by the liberal members of the senate and of the house of commons of canada a convention of the liberal party is hereby called to take place in tho city of ottawa on august 5 6 and 7 next the purpose of the convention will be 1 to draft discuss and adopt the platform of the liberal party of canadt 2 to deal with the question of party organization 3 to select a leader in succession to sir wilfrid launer it looks very much as if the exkaiser is soon to be brought to his reckoning the allies arc de manding that he bo banded over to tho allied and associated powers that they may decide upon the punishment he is to undergo the dutch govern ment declares they are ready to hand him over a week of mourning has been decreed by the german government to express sorrow and depression over the announcement or the peacctenns the week be gan on sunday the decree provides that public friv olity must be stopped for eight days its provisions affect theatres and cabarets dancing horse racing and gambling will bo suppressed this unhappy country will probably need another week of mourn ing when the pcaco conference gets through with william hohenxollern a large portion of the canadian public has not yet realized how important a factor foreign credits havo been in continuing good ties sir thomas white re cently said in parliament supposing the dominion government had said no money for credit in can a da what would have happeneed our wheat flour beef manufactured goods cheese and salmon could nothavc been sold abroad and tho export business of this country would practically come to a standstill from whom has tho government received the money that has enabled it to grant these credits from the people who have loaned it if foreign credits arc to be continued and sir thomas says that they must be for while then tho people must continue to lend their money to tho government war saving and thnft stamps mako this easy besides they pay well to invest in them is good imsincss both for tho in dividual and tho country canada is proving a magnet for amcncun iiiiini grants and american dollars in the east american dollars are helping to build up manufacturing mluo tries and in tho west amcncap immigrants u- taking up immense tracts of land this mvusioii is gaining in strength daily reports issued by the various western provinces show a constant increase in thr nm of amrncpn 8r pcoplcuu ally come with a fair amount of money and arc spoken of as good citizens their dollars are wet come and their ngrressivencss is a source of inspir ation there is however one phase of the american activity that is not healthy from a purely canadian standpoint this ja where the control of canadian enterprises passes from canadians tri americans who resido in the united states there arc many cases of this kind now in existence during the war it was shown that canada should havo retained control of her ore bodies it was shown that tho products of canadian mines were shipped in raw state to other countries where the process of refining was carried on instead of jn canada tho dominion is starting to guard against repetitions of this kind at least to a certain extent bradatreots mako tho mail your messenger andcavo yourself tho long- rides to town deposits may bo mado buttor and cheese chequc3 cashed money withdrawn juot in nanlly nndoafely by majlnihirrcnjonr write tho manager to tell you all about this convonicnt plan of banking by mail orcalllnondbvoitccplained tho next umo you are town safety deposit boxes in youriown bank a mrlc at tlilrty four safety deposit i oxen in ihroo mixcm iiob imoii installed lu tho vault of t lo merchants llanfc uf canada acton thoao boxes oro burcur proof havo doultlo lockn nnd aocuro to each loasoe absolutely secure protection from flro or meddlers you havo your own key tho rental is very small and tho boxes aro commodious goo tho manager and oecuro ono for your documents and valuable th mcrchants bank hold officii- montreal of canada acton branch georgetown diucnch established 1844 u b shorey manager c w g1undy mnsr opportunity for retail merchants nphe noxtfow years will xmnrk a tremendous chanco in the business of retailing motor transportation now reduced to a lowcost bonis gives rctailcra a great opportunity for busi ness growth becauoo it widens their trading area tho ford ono ton trn available this opportunity it ia motor transportation at low cost low first coet low man- tenanc cost low operat ing coat a amau outlay will motorka 7so lt40mt your deliveries mnd open to yoa tb opportunity tor bustaeo expansion complete tracks two standnrd bodies oralnuy hultuff and durory work can bo best odspled to two standard types the statu body juid tho impress body theso two body type ru kept in tiock ready tor innaeal- ato delivery tbiy insure th maximum cfllrkn cy txom tho pord truck tlotb trpm ban tk e csb with ilm t wovar whxtahwd wttcs pw tli drlw prop protection lrm to jr hi iff fard lujlm s a coxe acton ontario advertise regularly and then watch for results ie dusines ntitlei the free press has felt for a long time that tile home merchant and busi ness should invariably be favored with the custom of the people of the community where their wages or salaries are earned aud paid this feeling is always intensified when it is learned that every spring and fall acton and vicinity are flooded with thousands of copies of catalogues for the big mail order houses of the cities with a view to presenting to the community facts and figures emphasizing the inequity and often unprofitableness of the mail order scheme the free press is entering into a campaign with our leading merchants manufacturers and business men of acton in which a series of wholesome articles appealing for loyalty to the home town will be presented there are a thousand good reasons why you should buy every possible article of goods from your home merchants while there is not one good reason why you should sacrifice your home interests to build up a part of the country thaj has absolutely no interest in you apart from the cabh it is able to extract from your pocket no constant patron of a big city catalogue btore escapes being sometimes dis appointed in one way or another and it is a peculiar paradox of human nature that people will stand from strangers what they would not tolerate for an instant from the business man of their own community the permanent prosperity and progressive development of your home com munity is in this instance the great essential asset which true economy embodies and lacking which your home community will cut a sorry figure in the countrys great onward march by being loyal to the business institu lions of your home community you are beng loyal to yourself and your family we all know it is the business men of the community who keep the ball rolling they lead as thelaekers of every good movement for the town thousands of people in this country have been helped over the tough places in their-uves-by-tlie- leniency and accommodation of the lotalmerchant fortunately for all the cash system is rapidly replacing the credit system but the cash system to accomplish its true debtiny to growth and economy must be one that circulates a communitys cash within the community to the extent of every pos sible dollar let us as citizens he loyal to our home enterprises in this important and growing town of acton ii p moore editor and publisher itlfliiich directory fttoo oha 1a d c ti flcoill t i i i ii i ik t it i i 4 11 lilunri m v rm r i tii i ij li i v on j a i n v f fjulf hi 1 foil i i wnr ioft ir i i ixl fit ii f rlnerjy t i llil 1 vetehiwahv john lawoon vtrnary ourgaon actun ont onuttiau ol onljirl vmh hri c i ifjis 18b0 oh aril ur ii k n 11 iimi htreet ralla lay r ui t 1 1 in ly uttittitlod to iiabold nash iaumi i m a omrrltlar solicitor n try public permvman plock acton ont momi y 1 1 t conveyancing hours 3 1 m lo 8 i m u r l in tea r h wanqdrough lico avanu acton onlri or j m dell d o 8 l d o 0ntjst honor iraduata if toroul ij ivor lly tho utstj ancflthotlo iummi if desired ofllco at rcsltlenca corner mill and lyedericlc streets misccllancouo li marriage licenqcb h p moors issusr marriaqa prlvat onicfl no witmnnhm ro- qalrod luued at residence in ovaiilnf itnxx ptcxu ootro acton ont francis nun an dookbiodar account book of all kinds mado to order periodicals of ovcry dacrlp hon carefully bound itulli fc neatly and promptly done wyndham street quolpli ont over wulianu fctoro r j kerr llcrtmd auctioneer for tho counties of hal ton wollin ton peel anil ijultrrlji an i tho city of ouojtjii acton ontario sales may bo arrange 1 by mull oj at real den co at acton or at tho free prcaa offlce acton tlia mercury ofllco duelph the now hocon i crrun or will w j ooruiii iluniraa maker lllluburs sales entrusted to it j tr ru ulvo aitoiitcin fr in 11 f 1 hi t to oalo of aalo i 1st your iiuu wltb ma naldnc vou no street acton phono 30 acton call al ray j xpuiiao j e cheeveks book oinder quabso st- east gualph ont uooujs and nxnjajlnm boun 1 li ilandsomo anil tjubotmitial covers names loitered in pld on lilblcs hymn liook and other books am work promptly cxocutod d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil enaiiwur survoya faubdlvlulon i lum r ports descriptiiina hluirinui u cortiricatca for j unlu ni ami drainao itapcrui luuinutm to molean duiud1nq d 8t auluh ihouo ioc nt roy hindsey auctioneer ljvx stock uia1 i 1atl and uchchanuih1 conaoljdsud phono cnn it 1 i r r 3 acton grandtrunkss the double track route iirjwi l n montreal toronto detroit chicago 4 looping i4rt on ntlit liulm ttti lurl r cut j on j ill l t il i i lull inf irmutluu in i y i trunk tiikut i krnt i u 1 dlotil t 1 dun ni i aj iii it 11 s holml aint acton ont i ln 13 tho old and roliublo granite and marble dealurs wo aro nmuuim tur in un i ilu important of all klula f m i n tu and lloadatouo w irk wo anil lln t to our cue torn cm at whou julu id j thus hvvtntrttur cuntmuru 40 hi t we havo uia boat mipllaml un 1 ho nly mechanic in tho liynilulou who can oporuta punimmuo toob niwrly wo can bvo rvforom cm f rt m hui ii lu of our cuotomim hi lomuo ui i utln c plarm tvhero othurn havo t liuo law nulls in ortur to coiiim l v huv la lartost find best titocit of llrut it in ilia dominion or iuuib thun any ilmu dealers in tho wast wi urw ium mate dvulm and umploy no imunij and do not annoy or pent uut uuum hy nendlimt out ijpiomiit uiutj null it in orders wmpl y only miuiajiliu ond dofy conipolition hamilton sons cor norwich a woolwtrh lit- juolph

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