Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1919, p. 6

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illrthn mnrflssea and detha m now churned for at tha following rnlen ulrtlia goc marrlagcm boo doattin goi mrmorlal carclfl c0 10c jxjr una extra fir ponnn died mrcllli noil at u n rnmlly homenlenil lot 27 t in 7 nnnutriwfiyn on lrl tiny may 0 101 uuntnn mcorebor in hu mint year in mcmqfllam wai iaci- in lovlnit memory of hucli wttllmns who lc parted thin llo mnyl3 1018 qonn o bo with clirlal which in tar heller in i rt l by hln wlfo urul family quieartmtjtrwpwaa thu1ujpay may brief local items oroat varloucn of wild flowern are now in bloom in tho woods doug found on thn dtrcou without license lutta aro to ho dcatroyod v a matin of tho oranjjovlllo post liaa nold bin bualneaii thoro thrift htamp mako thrifty chll tire ii lncourae them to buy them laturday may 3411 will bo loyally observed as a public holiday in acton tho fall wheat and the meadow now pratnnt a moat proralalnc appcar- atlcc butter tii in woolc to 43c neighborhood news town and country itama of ntarat from varloua looall tla covarad by th lr pnn oannockdurn thn flnhcn itreni it thli i who i avo hn i ncrtluit tlm it ha i inurh on th at iw dhow vho hud lila loa b roll on tho rlioi pliifc mill o ho ulxiut otiilii weakii huvii i for tholr iuim n mr w mi tl in l ohrunry ii acton la lib i thouuli atlll iftino f tho twiuy flvu arrou on uio nulli lino jftrt of it t thirty jjnlonclnb to tho rntnta f thn into michael lamb will to uffnrod for uulo by auction at acton on jjnturduy has dropped to 47a in town ind osbb ttavo jumped bade tho crowing cropn aro certainly not ouftorinc j tint now for lack moisture tlio spring brain u tthowlng up tilcoly on many of the farmers flolda hereabout mr ambroaa mccann la taking out foundations for a now brick reaiaonca on park avenuo tlu almonte times after 37 yearn voynco of a troublous pajtsaute has ccaaoo publication w kolly la erecting a slaughter houso on tho wallers property to m el i la to his moat business j a wilson itoad superintendent soya last winter was exceptionally hard on helton s cood roads nav dr ijlolr of ouclph wil lec ture at iho younff people a guild in knox church next monday evening mr itobl looby is the new man- a0cr of the beard ra ore farm he moved to the rcsldonco there last week sunday will be observed as mens day n tho methodist church a mens choir will lead the service of pralso cobours school board according to tho sentinel star is buying three quarter lump steam coal far 6 45 f0 b co burg tho farmers of hal ton will meet in milton on tuesday afternoon 57th lnat to select a candidate for the next i action a w how and fred plaaky of rainy luvor were each fined 10 00 and coats for wiling cigarettes to minors last week john a patterson kc of tor tin to cave a stirring address on the forward movement in knox church last sunday evening it lo reported that robert noble limited have disposed of their mill property and business interests messrs campbell co toronto ouclph district meetin will be held this evening and to morrow in clora methodist church iter l m- moyer and h p moore expect to at tend from acton a number of bottles and other class have been broken on the pave tnents lately evidently by thoughtless children tho balrnlcs will bo opt to suffer when barefoot tlmo comet lcoucq conncno ulos llva pearen went to wellai on monday to upond a couplo of weeks at the homo of mr chnrlefl harris tho symathy of tho community hero la folt for mian jnno mrtrfp whouo only i rot her mr duncan mcorcgor nasugawoyn died lust friday mcsurs lcallo pearen purchaood last week from tho ooo amoo herd at moffat four tine shorthorn animals two imported ilooo mary cow and heifer and a wimple cow and a crim son flower oakville atout tliroo 1 sons of oakvllle at tho father at in victoria hall undred fathers dnd enjoyed a tood ti d hon banquet held friday evening h davis occupied the chair thero was a record attendanco n tho masonic lodge on tuesday even intr when il w uro judge oould ddom paid hut official vloil mrs- c f doty returned from otta wa on uaturduy alter spending threo weeks with mrs broco hmlth tho council has purchased the abram fish houoo on church street for 1 500 00 for a home for tho fire briirade star lowville a very pleasant evont occurred at lowvillo on tuesday may 13 when mr n 1 mrs ooo ilamahaw celebrated tholr ilftlath wedding anniversary many friends and relatives of tho couple ffahorod from near and distant points to ronsratulalo them upon their long and happy life and to wish them many further years of health and hap piness 8u liable sifts from the im mediate family and from friends testi fied to tho ffrcat esteem in which they are held mr and mrs jauicu ratn- ahaw aid family miss ijulo ram ahaw and mr david henderson of acton attended the fbxs paxss buyat noroe campaiirn in cooperation with our merchants and manufacturers will commence in earnest in next weeks lasao potatoes aro on the up erode acsin they are selliur to day for double the price paid last fall borne an aslclne ii 76 per bac for them here this weelc wra c blackwood of toronto has been appointed professor of physics at the ontario agricultural collesre ho will sjeceod prof w h day who resigned recently it was almost worth three days of damp dark dismal rainy weather to have them followed by such a perfect bright warm sunshiny sprlns day as tuesday proved to be contractor mackenzie is construct lnjc two commodious residences in tin second story of the patterson block arer the bank of nova scotia aj mckncry evans meat store and now the price of the bamboo flshin- rods has cone up out of sight the small boy with the limb of a tree tor it rod ilways could catch mors flsh any liow than the sport with a fancy rod say i don t croak leave that to froxs in stagnant pools a few croak crs thoujh seem to bo necessary d every community to measure the rate ol procress at which live men are ad- rancinjr the maiden speech of dr k k- jvndcrson m v for halton in the house of commons in march in reply to tho qovernor oenerals speech has been distributed to the electors of the county this week t mayor w 1l ourney of wlnsiuuit boa been elected vice chairman of tho newly foxned organization of the as soclated municipalities of northwest ern onarlo which is seeking the de valopmcnt of hydro power in that section versus wll havo at least two dozen houses greeted under tho now houslnx act if all sues well this aummer messrs ueatty bros alone ave cons id erlnjf pulling up ten on kitchener avenue for tholr workmen news- reoord theotm j phtowshtoouel lle nopkwood rs black aihtalr hush black tended ho sruduatlon exercises last wednesday miss lillian black has comdlotod hor training at victoria honpltal london and graduated lust week at mr william swannono tlie liflht nine badly u hat to red tho interior of tho born tour horses were blinded for several days from the shock during the thunder storm last week two fino barns wcro struck by lightning in this- vicinity fortunately neither of them was destroyed by flro but the telephone proved its valuo and hundred neighbors assembled in a few minutes and tho flro was subdued tho cement alio wau cracked from top to bottom by the lightning but the loss from tho flro was slight the annual meeting under the aui- plces of tho women s institute will bo held in the frionds church hero an tuesday 17th june miss b- duncan of toronto will bo the npeakor hor subjects ore conditions as wo find them and what to do to lmprovo them women s responsibilities when your girl loaves school op portunities where tho housawlfe s time goes dunllngton riu muy wil mr john i iriik btirflnrr a ucrnt tit u oturnr i fru tayii r 1 in nol 1 to it iniriiilndri s jiamuiutid l i un c hlii unclr mr w tiiid 1rgt jlujiiiniiiul toronto in 10 1c un 1 tncn august ixollo kill kll oullnti 1 milton lhl li rlriin up week i milton tho relume 1 nohllurn i hi nil i tn i rol ylcrlun church jii m il ly in trig j 1- millar if creetm u bus hi u alex lortcro 200 uro farm omugh tho passing of tliomjuon housing by law a being doluyod fi the nnl tlon of tho members if tho housing coiniuirinlon tho annuul convention of tho trafal gar uutulay bchool asnoclutluu will bo hold in tho anglican church at i uli mo on monday may 10 clea cowling hail nold hln frui dwelling on mill street to nirmni ijrown who nold ida farm noar 1 oru lnn fall mi howling has bought til c il jones brink houso on murtli atroot cliampl m tho funeral of mm jamou ooodrlck who was killed on tho c p it noar tho works jf the milton irtsaed brick co by a passing train when waultig from tho brlclt- works to milton was held on monday to lvcrgreen c mo- lory crin mr and mrs ldgar i lneo and family have moved to toronto mr sol davidson has nold hla farm on tho town lino to mr hum long street tho ladieu aid of the methodist church intmd hi mind u i uiden 1 art on juno nd dr and mrs raid of mpokano form orly of lrln wore hero on a visit lust woek to his mother mrs john hel 1 3th unt pte archie arnett who was on tlio tranaport service in tho am or lean army in franco returned home on saturday uvenlng last and looks well mr c e mcmillan who some tlmo ago purchased the brick rcsldonco formerly owned by mrs c walker has moved to town and taken up hlu rcsldsnco hero flo 3eo saunders at ono time an apprentice at tho advocate oftlco and returned from franco loft here last woek for calgary where ho holds n good position on the times in tho summer services of mootlngn to bo held by tho women u institute a meeting will be held at mrs j 13 steels home on juno 11th meetings will alao bo hold at conlngnby on tho 10th and at mrs james delavcys brisbane on tho 12th of juno tho annual mooting of the quo rt oily board of tha methodist church was very encouraging ah reports were satlsfacory showing a healthy i crease rev mr jewott received unanimous invitation to return for another year 1 i he rin n fi ru itiolph an l ftl oliui uro nltm tit dilly to ho a n 10 1 inhn f the irand ltlvor th lyn mliuf anulo mtcutohcon was lu lit ikfjiit ti iiiltnrlutn whero ilia iii jil i i nltl n for u brlof vlalt woman a innttuti ting of th hel 1 her i in on monday 0th jun iiiiitditt of toronto will ut in i of rautlial value ot wcathtr imi kojit tho roadn a 1 con lltlon i ooplo who tra iiui on 1 lino much will bo glad lie towtiulilp council gets fulfil tholr i lodges to have put into uol coildltl naooaqaweya riu rains huvo hindered tho in lulling tholr aecdlng funnel ti pi rati mim mr and mm c a darby of knatch hull mil mi util mm o lamb o hud m ilaltod filonds in dundas ui sun lay on thut ftlnv april 34 a v ry inttr estlng ovent look placo in st david churrh cutnpbollvlllo it was a sent off it tho rev w v miller and his bride minn l howard daughter of mr win howard mrs miller had boon a scholar in the sunday school in mm itobt monzles class and at a very uarly ni bad decided to give hei self to inloulonmy work and by hei xlmnot unuldud efforts paid hor way 1 1 rough collego it was whllo attend ing ollogo in cincinnati tliat she mot mr mllle- i returned mlurlonary from jai an thoy will shortly return to japan to engage in missionary work tho annual congregatlonuu mooting of tho lbunezor church was held last wednesday ovonlng reports from tho itlrturcnt departments of tho church uhowod ovurythlng to be in a satis fuctory condition the re organization of tho hunduy school preceded tlie meotlng mr chas darby was elected superlntdiidont to succeed mr john marshall who la retiring after 37 yuar of faithful and cfllclont service as suporlntondent a hearty vote of thanks was tendered mr marshall by the congregation tho annual convention of tho nob sagawoya township sunday school association will be bold at corwhln methodist church on wednesday after noon and evening may 21 an excel lent programmo will bo carried out tho addresses will bo given by rev mr booth county secretary and rev t halpenijy on the challenge of tho ago to sunday schools and laying j uundutlona rev o i step he riser will l vo an address on tho supremo objoctlvo of tho sunday school crewsons corners osprinqe mr roy hlndley took a short bust ness trip to toronto tho first of tho week mr fred bap tic accompanied by mr j king apent sunday with frionds in orton congratulations to mr ind mrs lws- ue webb on tho arrival of a llttlo daughter mr and mrs martin of tho third line spent sunday with relatives lu rock wood misses mary ond edith robertson of cleveland ohio aro spending tholr holidays with their patents mr and mrs dougald robertson building operations are brisk in th i locality from crs aro working at mr dan mclean new barn and mr a young is finishing a tine new driving 0pey6ide elded at a meeting held saturday appoint a housing commission under the ontario housing act and reeve h d v cameron john r watson and ox reeve george mcintosh as com missioners thank goodness the motor law has been so amended that motorists are in utura prohibited from using cut outs we are going to report the next crazy guy we hear going up and down talbot street and pnxttcularlv whon band concerts are in progress aylroer ltx press tle depressions where newer were cut tnrough tho roadway on mill street have been filled wflh splendid broken utotie a llttlo isrvln ooatlnr would bind them similar treatment on churoi street where the roadway wag cut out woold bo beneficial to that muchused highway tho roy r- mcdorraont ma o lucan lias accepted the cull to boato church kaucnlni his induction wil take place to day may 16 this hamlet has become qui to u ren dezvous for acton motorcyclists thoy run down here and rent a few minutes then return to town they find section of th road through hero itctter oidltlon than in many other places clarence wluneld was homo for sunday from glenwllllams and lit tho evening ran up to acton in the ford when he reached tho electric railway tracks on main street the evening cat trom ouelph was gliding noiselessly into the station ho did not see nor hear it and there was a colllsluu tho llttlo ford auffer d some cruel knocks but was aoon utile to nuvlguto uguln the railway will bo given a olianco to pay the bill mr wm millar lu uoriously 111 with erysipelas mrs j hansen hamilton lu vlult ing frionds hero s mr and mrs walter lamb acton visited frionds horo last week mlm dorothy rurnsldo was here from ball 1 naiad lost week renewing acq u si n ton ceo on account of tho very wet weather an sunday tho celebration of tho sacrament of tho lords supper was postponed until sunday may 25 mr john williamson burlington mr and mrs d williamson mr john and master david williamson acton visited at mr w a murray n last flreck a visit to tho oil ami gaa wells ru hespelcr shows that tho drillers of whom morgan crowson is one down 2 875 foot one thousand foct more of cable has been ordered thu drlllcra are new in the crystal uand stone formation and expect to atrlks oil very shortly last friday as murray and jt hn kingsbury wuro driving into tho lane at their homo hero thoy had a rather spectacular runaway murray had driven into the inno from tho barn yard with a team attached to a roller and john was following with horses and wagon and whllo ho was clout rg tho gate behind him his horses begin to run away murray left his team to stop tho other one when his hpruoo becoming frightened at tho noise started to run tho iron goto at tho road was clouod but they broke it down and ran at a turriflr rate along the town lino towards tho corners when opposite mr james gambles a dog ran barking in front of them an thoy turned there tho gato being open they ran into tho lane crashed into an apple tree whera thoy broki away from tho roller and continued on tholr mad career up tho luno mr gamblo was in tho yard at tho tlmo a lid caught thorn tho roller and tho harness wcro badly broken w f mooney of guelph hm opened a ntoro on main street acton whore ho will conduct a un smith and shoot metal business orders for hot air furnace and plurablnn will recolvo special atten tion farmers convention a convu tlon f the i armeni of hal- ton will bo 1 id in tho town hall milton on tuesday may 27 at one p m standard tjme i or tho purpose of delecting a caudl date for thu noxt election a- l mcnaiiq secretary halton i nrmcni association de shaws summer schools toronto appeal to ambitious stu dents who do not caro to lose two or thrtu monthu tlmo you may eiiltr any day and coutmuo i lraduutloii into i good poaltlo i 1roo booklet write w h show president j33 rkhucwdst vast tjoromc canada georgetown tho prcsbyttirluu choir concert will be held on 1 rlday evening aay 30 nell hunter who was lire chief for over twenty years resigned last wick the couiitll gavo him un honorarium of 110 00 the council has appt lut d l mo caunali and l l 1 look is tjisnibcril of tlie housing commission with a icoqo victory bond and vor 3 000 of aaurpluu lluurgetown hydro users aro entitled lo a reduction lu rates mr and airs john l leslie and family have movwl to town and are now o i ntlri i it their home on guelph fatroot pte vnrman i pelght of tho mochan ical trniitpurt ono of tho old origin als sailel for home on may 3 ho u accom anlod vy his wta and child tha brick building in college view formerly occup d by tho qluss oar den builders has been purchased by a toronto firm thoy inlonrt putting tn a plant for tho manufacture of electrical appliances on turadsy morning the flro alarm was sounded for a fire lu caunolllor coo s house the brigade responded promptly but fortunately the blszo which started in tho kltonen was ex tinguished before their arrival the clerk has hen instructed to writs to tha department of highways king that a competent onglneer be sent to georgetown to dlaouss and ad- visa the round i as to tho best pro ceeding with tho main street pave inent herald j cadesky the wellknown eyesight specialist of toronto will be at dr lawsons office mill street acton on monday may 19 office hours 0 30 a m to 5 p ni lvcninj by appoint ment only any ono suffering from hcudachca eyestrain or defects of vision should not nut3 tins opportunity of cotbiilting this eyesight specialist consultation tree i jc3 ar wi the big store 1 pair ijxdich pure hllk olovei tho kayset brand in black or white 2 dome fasteners double tip infers sics li to 8 one star juahty special at pair 81 jo 2 pair ladlra italian hllk hone in black brown or white sizes tiy 0 f and 10 an extra jood valuo at 2 pair for 51 00 2 pair itoyo heavy klbbcd hose stze- 7 v 8 bj 0 and 10 special at 2 pair for 100 2 pair mens black caflhmcro kocuj men s all wool cashmcro socks strco 10j only good value at 75c special at 2 pair for 9100 3 pairs mens merino hoclw in fjray and fawn ahades a sock that will give rood wear special at 3 pair for 100 4 yards sinsflj fold ginghnm- this gingham wo have n pink and blue checkfl very suitable for childrens dresses a special atm yards for lj00 3 yard jtoublc ilokl llnghm this extra wide double fold glnrliam in pink check and stripes ti worth 0c yard a apceial at 3 yards for 1x0 1 yitrdfl crath towelllnff natural shade crash towelling m inches wide worth to day 35c yard special at a yards tor 8100 3 yardu oxford hhjriln oxford shirt ing 27 inches wide fast colors m fancy stripe worth to day 40e yard special at j yarjs for l0o 2 yordj lletvy feather ticjddr this heavy weight a c a feather ticking s3 inches wide kcgulfir price coc yard a special at 2 yards for j loo curtain isclfl nt 9100 yard we give you your choice of four different patterns in curtain net 54 inches wide in cream white and ecru regular price 125 a special at per yard 1x0 t 150 lbs choice prunc3 tt 17c 200 pkgo i lb seeded raisins pkg 17c 2 pkgs gloss laundry starch 25c 200 cans drudge for cleaning can gc choice no i cheese lb 31c granulated sugar is going to be scarce buy nov oranges bananas and lemons store open all day wednesday 21st closed saturday may 2h acton le mill street we oell for cash we scll- for less o 3d la if ay cost s44 lo juna wsjs cost ujos war sarin stamp can boajht u-ar- w thu miga u 4iptjrmd canada fouowing the example of other allied conntrics has made it possible tor waffo camera coen and women to invest in safe securities without effort these gecctztiea are called war savings stamps- the cost now 404 bat by compoimdr- ing interest the 404 yon invest now will be worth 500 m 1924 there is no other security in which yon can in vest frrrh a ip u fr jg mi gafs and that bears so high a rate of interest- or yoa can start with 25 cents by bay ing a thrjft stamp when you have sixteen thrift stamps you can exchange them for a war savings stamp yon take no risks the government of canada guarantees to pay yoa ba your money with interest at any time daring the five years or to pay you in 1924 500 for every 400 and a fraction you invest now make your savings serve yon and serve your country invest them in war savings stamps r of p violin and othar strina instuments alio pipfc oiu3an i ui ili rrjarcd lor conservatory i xu initiations ueaufea left at vctun tlixh pinrsa ufllca will rrccho prumpt uttcntlon e if you havo a houso for ssis if you want tn buy sv houss in acton oak r j kerr auctiortasr and raal eststs dsstar piionb sb young street acton ont qvoid cougrlt antv ooughert w aiyuifs 30 dbcrjtdw ooucivr btlrjmi rbramkreb meats all the best cuts ok best quality always available and lkomptly delivered ot a fresh lot salmon tuput will sell whole oil half mcenery evans main stxtet lltln uh 9 4u acton ontario acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream t kvnsi amunfiltahantrjj highest makkltr vtticv ixk uuttut fat will ileccho any amount of cream yuu itrlnjr in any quantity of new laid hgga rurcliajicd lie dux thia week open monday thursday and saturday lvcnlnga until 10 pju acton creamery co willow street opposite government building thqttteclfammlmoimofnambdmallary thotrxatko hit ouuto mukch tajoc vmli taln mydwuipiua auy mutimipt stamvflmnai thtvu nlnjulurmhvmjlharry- heaimjuarttkas for wedding am iirrtniday raraiitb ir 1 j i i vr t tl tlj al ii ll lo 111 rt il irn manntaoc licrrjoca toauco geottynds scroti ontahio co p cleaning ircssli a lujmlrinjr your clothes thoruujjily cleaned in aamtjry workshop preiscd and kepaircd by expert workmen we can moke that old suit look like new try us guelph choice groceries and provisions mrs jennie mcdougall mikt u mxculty i t kreurlntc the lt cooub avuiul i rinh un it liable prices reasonable your muni utll ik jix fully nu iuol home daking on fridav and oatllrdav mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont cash c carry grocery specials salrauii tonutihj ti a iitm uruuhta lihirn nd iitnu olaoo a tulu t soap extra special mjiicij sa l ouiihj ilii mjplo uynjrj farmers commission office chesiter psank main gtreet acton ont kellys meat market corner mill and elqiri streets acton i carry u full lino or meats vu i iiuvo had nun y j tjirw cspvrli iici ll 1 ii y jlni to brtiik tkfuro my u i iiiltu tho vnr choicest ii utu ut u ruuimjuultv prio will ion itv n o hl otk tunity to ah w on cafah i aid 1x1u hutt1 it am ijs wkelly acton ont notice to ladies in town and countiiv i un ii hi i lliiii i 1 ll lb l rn un 1 ull ll 1 f ju ik wi i j n u 1 t with y if olllxi nt i h ix i ik i ill i will iujraiit ii 1 ujlli fuctlun und jiuioit ulliulloi alex gilboordh tkx 241 acton onl phono 66 church st- 3rd door rum willow tooth paste ii u wuildorful aol outtji fcrellim kl imi uivcs to uiu mouth is ilko i inuii injt tmiii lvsn cblldren bl ioj 1 suirly when exclusive guelph aoentfl mckee s th iujuii oru 8a ouelph nt buy your coal now u 1 iiy i u i n ii li v hurriiikl i i in aw ll ilul 1 lu tl u 1 t ii vi ll 2 l txill tj i ull 1 2 80 ion i j it i 1 ae i iliii t tl i t ill w mi ilarilii u u t i il i if i i i ut luluf uuylnr htt must ire 1 ir- lfll til illl i iii f llyuli tmibla iirnum i i j t wusin 1 0 lit i h t ii1 i rutu co ilnlu ti i 1 i ll i 76 riita ui in ntllv li itcuio ro mttu in lr i i ii i thco incituacu w urtulii now la tio tiina t ordo phco fur may oolivary 1ux0 trmi caah on dolivory lov ordtr with nurmmi mtluj car of ccmcnl un hani a full lino of lumber lath j sk nulca at ou yard j b mackenzie georgetown acton sk-

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