Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1919, p. 2

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u arfam 3frwjrba tiiurhday may keep a lauqh dehino it when disappointment strikes a blow llo calm and bravely bear 1l there a something better rarther on mateo up your tnlnil to share it tho world la full or light and had 6 if darkness falls don t mind it a clou a mm let tho sunshine through juirt kep a laugh behind it though fortune la a fickle rieno and uomotlmca brine disaster a cheerful heart and merry laugh will often prove her muter fllto ma ken a tanglo of your life tim ami la to unwind it then oet your brain to steady work and keep a laugh behind it tbo ilia of ufo art had enough itoplnlng makcfl them double lot laughter lumlnote your tears and iihlnc through all your trouble leek health and wealth and happiness tleek what 1b beat and find tt work out the problem of your life and koep a laugh behind it lonta wilson smith tatj n n a d 130 1b0 aoaanaaaagg n a a a a a a partnership faithfouy earned dy frederick e purnham nnnnnnndd bo f o yo boys havo a notion thet it would be bout tho proper caper to work tho form on a sort o partnership baato eh r queried jonas coleman addressing bis two grandson rather try your hand at farmln thet way than havo mo pay yo ten dollars a month an your keep ten per cent o the pro ota eh maybe thar wouldnt be much com in to yo at tho end o tho year after your keep la triggered out how bout thet boyst we ore willing to try it out for a year that way replied tho boys wall boys 1 11 think tt over de clared mr coleman 1 11 glvo yo an answer coma the fust o the month i want to also ye up a bit afore t make any oech agreement with ye this is a big farm as farms go bout her 2 wouldnt make no sech dicker with strangers o course but ye bem- my grandsons an need in a helpln hand jest now ill consider il a month previous henry and walter coleman had lost their father and they had gone to live with their grand father their mother beln dead and with tho passing of their father the home broke up they were city boys henry seventeen years of age and walter a year his junior strong and ambitious it was not strange that they favored their grandfathcra tenta tive suggestion of working tho farm on a partnership 0 course boys u i decide to let yo try thet plan out it wont do to atart it afore the fust o november remarked mr coleman that evening picking up the old farmers almanac the most o tho work on this seasons crops has been done by tho hired man an me ye not comln until oout the middle o august however thara conslderblo comln through the winter from the cows an chickens an pigs i pcrnumo yed get nough out on it to nettle your keep an buy your clothes 111 think it over as i said before an give ye on answer the fust o septem ber then if x do decide to tako ye in as partners yo can work two months at ten dollar a month an your keep bor half an hour or more the old man sat and studied tahe fwif the boys had retired and mr coleman presently looking up from bis reading chuckled i wish the weather ould be thick tomorrow afternoon long bout throe clock he muttered talking to him self i d like to see how them boya auld act down on the mash thsra a mash tide comln an that salt hay has got to be poled up out of reach on it- r coleman a wish was undoubted ly to be gratified for the ensuing morning the wind was east and heavy mist rolled in from tho a shortly after breakfast he told henry and walter that ho wanted hnm to go down on the marsh and pole bay to tho upland to have got a long job ahead on ye boys he said as they started off but if ye work smart i guess yo can it all poled afore tho tide drives ye off thatll bo a mash tide late this afternoon cordln to the almanac 111 bring ye down your dinner so ye wont lose no time the boya reached the marsh in due tlmo and went to work with a will for the tumorous cocks of hay prom ised a long hard days work at their grandfather came down with their dinner and while ho praised them for thelrapparent industry ha warned them again of the coming marsh tide tho ude s turned boys he said as he was about to return to the house te have got bout four hours ahead on ye afore ye ii be drlv off stick right to it- we dont want to havo none o them cocks o hay carried off tho boya ate their dinner hurriedly and went to work again my but what a thick mist this 1st exclaimed waiter about two o clock glancing uboul i guess it la going to rain replied his brother it has been growing darker the last fifteen minutes a few minutes later walter remark ed tho unusual darkness again the while looking uneasily toward the up land i never saw anything like this be fore ho tried haifpost two and it looks as though night was coming its a lucky thing that these hay cocks are close together said llehrj we wo u li have a good job finding them if thay wero scattered very much tho darkness increased tho boya hoard the distant cry of a screech just an tlioy slipped tho polos undrx a cork of hay what doco it mean grandfather questioned henry meant means thet llmrn a total ecllpeo o tho sun boyn laughed tho old mnn was yo scared i well yea wo were replied henry maybe ye thought thet tbo world was comln to an end nht that ts just what wcthought con fessed walter hut ken on polln bay ehr well you sec grandfather tho tide was coming said henry ye was iuro o thot chuckled mr coleman irccnty it grew gradually lighter and within half un hour it wan possible to see tho edge of tho upland from tho ma rali whero tho remainder of the hay was located mr coleman and thn hired roan tiad brought poloa willi htm uriil it wan not long before oil tho bay wan out of reach of the ad vanclng tide ii y tho tlmo the boys had reached home tho ecllpae was i touted wall boys i sure liked the way yo acted tills afternoon remarked their grandfather that evening although yo sort o flggerod thet tho world was comln to anend yo wasnt sure on it so ye hep at work thet s a sen sible way to look at things keep peg- gm ancy at your work no matter what hapma lots o folks are joat failures caujo they spend a good share o life worryin tout what might hap pen negloclln important work thet ougbt to be done now i was to 111 n yo last night thet i d glvo yo an an swer bout thet partnership idee come tho fust o the month said thet i wanted to size yo up a bit fust wall x aln t goln to wait till the rust o the month im tellln yo right now thet ye an mo la goln to be partners from now on but grandfather how about the crops exclaimed henry wo haven t helped much of any about them chimed in walter dont make no difference boys declared the old mnn ive talked it over with our granin other an she thinks jest as x do bout it wo are partners from now on i aint forgot thet your father was a good son to me an i guess if martha an mo wants to mako yo a little present to start with thars nobody thet 41 have any- thin to say again it- you you don t suppose its the end of the world r stammered walter it tt might be earning no i guess not replied his brother i knowono thing though tho tld ts coming and wo vo got to bustle to get uits hay aikvotf in tlmo ilut but suppose it la tho end or of the world faltered walter picking up his end of the long hay poles which they had slipped under a big cock of hay well if it is it will find us work ing answered henry very soberly 1 m scored declared waller i wish wo were up to the house i am scared too a little bit ssld his brother llut grandfather told us to get this hay off and well stick to it as long as wo can see anything at all vor half an hour or more it con stantly grow darker until the boys could see nothing oyer fifty feet dls tatit hllent and awe stricken they plodded across tho marsh with tho cocksy of hay presently they heard voloca and a moment later a cheery laugh it was their grandfather and t4o hired man wall whar bo ye boys shouted tho old man j llfiro wo are grandfather cried walter ills voice breaking htltkln right to it i see exclaim d mr coleman coming up to the of deer wine and drunkenness a desperate attempt la being made to convince the poo pie of this contin ent that beer and wine aro not in toxicating drinks or ir they are that it la only to a very small extent and we are told that it our people do not knowmuch about beer and wine an j cannot imagine that men would dare to mako tho strong statements that aro made by the beer and wine cham pions if there were no facts to back them up it is just possible that noma well meaning people may actually be persuaded to vote for boor and wine fn order to promote the cause of tem perance this possibility wo cannot afford to ignore the first fact which should strike even the most careless observer in regard to this matter is the character of the men who are advancing the plea for beer and wine with very few exceptions they aro the very men who havo fought tho temperance hoots at every step during the great campaign against drunkenness the brewers the wine merchants the bar owners and tho men who have been producing or conniving at drunkenness for a gen eration or more are all lined up with this newtomperanee party this in itself should indicate to most men where tho temperance man should take his stand ho certainly does not belong to that crowd another fact well brought out by cora v stoddard in the reoently re vised pamphlet on beer and wine la this that the drunkenness of long ago was largely beer and wine drunken rm as the art of distilling spirits is not yet one thousand years old the drunkenness against which tho pro phets of israel launched their thunder bolts was wine drunkenness tho drunkenness of belshazxars house was wine drunkenness the drunkenness which helped to bring decadont home to its cnl was wine drunkenness and in view of all ancient history it ts hard to contend that beer and wine do not produce drunkenness another fact which miss stoddard emphasises is that beer and wine do after all contain a not inappreciable amount of alcohol if we tako a half pint of light wine containing only 8 per cent of alcohol and put alongside of it a plot of 4 per cent beer and alongside of that place a glass con talnlng about 3 tab 1 spoonfuls of whiskey containing about 43 per cent or alcohol the three drinks will con tain tho tame amount or alcohol just about twothirds or an ounce this means that tho man who takes the hairptnt of wine tho man who talcs pint or boor and tho man who takes tho glass of whiskey have each taken nbout the name quantity of cohol and ir alcohol taken regularly tends to produce the alcohol habit then evory one of the drinkers la li danger and the tests with beer and wlno show clearly that ovao comparatively small quantities or thoso drinks li efbcleticy reduco muiculu- ability and perceptibly impair mental power el 1 flak of the life extension i stltute says very wisely alcohol alcohol ther in whiskey or beer is nonsence to claim that beer is hygienic drink it la drunk chiefly for us alcoholic effect and if the alcoholic erfct is produced the danger of alco hol exists furthermore heavy beer drinking as in the case of brewery employee adds tho danger of exoes slvo fluid intake entirely apart from alcohol tho heavy mortality of brew ery employee la sufndent evidence that boor ao far as its effect on masses of men is concerned not a hygleulc drink ono of tho greatest curat a which over visited germany was tho beer habit of which they boasted and of whose brutallslng effect they seem not yet to have become aware cormjny and fctance aro sufoclentty startling examples that national beer drinking or national wine drinking are not tho way to national sobriety or permanent national greatness and those who toll us ao glibly and so positively that beer and wlno aro really tentperanco drinks havo cither noma motive for deluding um or also they are woefully ignorant of tho matters of which thoy apeak whatever tho plcia for beer and wine may bo there is no tensblo plea on tho ground tliat tboy aro temperance drinks tho ouardlau the sunday school lesson for ounday may 25 1010 hy jlduju i iiukluut ileikntance jonah 3 13 15 acts 2 3d 33 itom 2 4 additional material for tcarhftre iuko 9 1 14 c 3133 11 3 it 7 10 acta 17 30 ii james 4 10 1 john 1 9 common ocrlpturo piiuq 1 and tho word of jnhovali came unto jonah tho socond time saying 3 arise go unto n that great city and preach unto it tho preaching that i bid theo 3 tio jonah arose and went unto nino veil according to tho word of jehovah notv nine vcb was an ex ceodtntr ltcut city of three days jour ney 4 and jonah began to enter into the city a day s journey and ho rlod and said yot forty days and nineveh sliall no overthrown c and the people of nlaeveh be i loved ood and they proclaimed a fast ami put on sackcloth from the greatest of them evon to tho leant or them 0 and tho tidings reached tho king of nineveh and ho arose from bin throne and laid his robe from h m and covered him with sackcloth und sat in ashes 7 and ho made proclamation and published through nineveh by the do creo of the king and hla nobles saying lot neither man nor beast herd nor flock taste anything let them not feed nor drink water s but let them be covered with sackcloth both man and beast and let them cry mightily unto ood yea let them turn every ono from his evil was and from tho violence that la in bis 1 now there wero some present at that very season who told him of tho aaluasana whose blood pilate had mlnglos with their sacrifices 3 and he answered and said unto them think yo that these dallicans were sinners above all tho aaluasans because they have suffered these things 3 i tell you nay but except yo repent yo shall all in llko manner perish 4 or thooe eighteen upon whom tbo tower in si loam fell and killed them think yo that they were offenders abovo all tho men that dwell in jeru aalom 6 1 toll you nay but except yo repent ye shall all likewise perlffh 3b let all the house of israel there fore know assuredly that ood hath made him both lord and christ this jesus whum yo crucified 37 now when thoy heard thin they were pricked in their heart and said unto peter and the rest of the apos tles brethren what shall we do js and peter said unto them re pent ye and be baptised every one of you in the name of jesus christ unt tho remission of your slns and ye shall recclvo tho gift of tho holy spirit 4 or uesplaest thou tbo riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering ont knowing that tho goodness of qod leadeth thee to re pen tan co 7 qolden text tho times of ignor ance therefore cod cvrlojlcd but now he common doth moo that tboy should all everywhere repent acts 17 cheerful optimist the irixo for opumlwii is awarded to a loai t of -oto-e- rraldl tricts f wales- ao tho story goes an old uia n was sitting on tho roof of hu houso during e coot watching the waters flow past when u nolgh ikir who possessed a boat rowed across to tilm halloa tod ho said halloa iavr ropllod tho other ah your raw in washed away thla morning tedt yes hut tho ducks can swim apple trees and all tltat gone too oht well they said tho crops would be a rallura anyhow 1 see the water has reached above your wittjows now that all right dave tho win dows needed washlti badly detroit free irea 30 dopartmsntal topics snd rafsrsnoes primary toplo tho heavenly leather is always ilcady to forgive luke is 11 34 mempry verso for thou lord art good and ready to forgive paa so a junior toplo the people of a wick ed city repent- jonah 3 1 i memory vcrso paa sz 1 intermediate and senior topti turning from sin to god young people and adult topic tho nature and fruits of itepontanco blackboard a true repentance toxins fitom sin a true ilepentance confes se3 sin a true repentance seeks god a true repentance oreys ood lesson thoughts the dlblo has much to say about repentance as to the conditions of sal vatlon from sin- all thooldtestamen prophets prcachod repentance john the uaptlst said repent jesus christ throughout his ministry proclaimed the duty or repentance let us con alder what is embraced in a truo re pentance 1 its first and greatest element is a sincere turning from aln borne per sons think that they have not repented until they have been torn with atony over their own guilt others imagine that thuy havo repented when thoy have wept and mourned and groaned with emotional foe lings roth may be mtstakon for tepentanco is not rocru feeling badly about sin it ts stopping the doing of wrong and beginning do right 2 with a truo repentanoo there a confejlon of aln he who has ltod a godless ufo must acknowlodgo him self a sinner before ood tho soul that would llnd ood roust gu to god humbly confessing bis sins if bo would bo for 3 ho who has truly repented will seek qod it is not a complete repent anco until a slnnor has to mod to ood aousbt forgiveness and oblaiiiud 4 tho toot of a trua ropentanca la an attter ufa of ubodlonco to qod and right hying ho who has sincerely repented of hla alas will show it by earnest audouvor to ploaao ood in ovei y art of his life if ho lias been prayer less he will now bo prycxful if ho has neglected ood a house ha will now rroquont il if he hau found hts cam- iianloiis among tho evil ho will now soek theni among tho good tbo now nature will reveal itself in now fruits of conduct roadfnua for nxt waak monday what lvltli in and what t poos heb ii 1 10 tuesday isxamptea of laltb hob 11 1132 wed lesday jixauiples of lsjtti hob 11 33 40 thursday tho cnturion s faith matt s 613 friday christ developing faith mark b 14 30 baturdjy ualvutloti by kaith horn 3 30 31 hunday purlflud by laiui acta 15 on the fence it in ortm unld of the man who tnk io d 1 i d poult i m for or uftnlnat nuitor that ho in on tho fnnce iclllirnutii irt nrrefinary but no all u ilduliii un i tho raculty of rnpld lrr iion le becoming more and morn iinnry tho man on tho fori loon no good unlrno ho gets off and oeii to work tho world will aii ilm mime tlmo to deliberate but vlll not i vn him all tho tlmo on thn great questions of life on linn t r main on tho fenro ho mui hi li bin ilffiniiin rink mistaken an i n lit lay hn no use for th nui oi uio finco 1 at and went whq am i t lunt imp year 1 did not wish to rmbaraim my leat girl by lotting her propoao to mo aaya tho editor of tho orungovlllo fhm so i asked her to bo my wife but she uald ahe would murh rather lx exruncd so i foolishly ex ruuel her but i got oven with hor bocauno i married her mother and then thn flrl liecam my daughter aii when my father marrlod my daughter ho becamo my son when my father married her oho became my mother if my father is my son and my da ugh trr in my mother then who un t my mothers mother who is my wlfo must be my grandmother and i being my grandmothers husband must bo mv own grandfather attacked by asthma the first fear ful nentitlon ts of suffocation which hour by hour becomes more desperate and hopetsss to such a case tbo re iter nffirdcd by dr j d kelloggn asthma remedy ncema nothing loos than miraculous its help is quickly apparent ind noon tho dreadful attack is maatored the asthmatic who has found out tho dependability of this slorllng remedy will never bo without it t in uoltl everywhere jims character sketch yes jim s promised to boo to it for it ii be fixed all right then you mny lut depend on it the motorman and the conductor worn havl ig a uttlo confab while the car wan waiting on tho switch for one from up town wonderful how that boys got along tho motorman turned over hla glovou thoughtfully why when they pufilm on that iako avonus lino lldn t any of un follows think hod hoi i tho plaro any tlmo at all that a right tbo conductor nod ded with enthusiasm but hasnt ho dona it thought and hes so good- natured you never see him any differ ent yes jim s all right you can count on that there wis tho clang and rumble v of a pasting car but an wo sped city word tho character sketch of jim s faithfully drawn by these hla fellow workmen was otlll before us thera sotmed to bo an inspiration in tho thought of bis kindliness and relia bility which by tbelr brightening faces his friends longed to imitate while for ourselves tbo morning was mad brighter our faith in human nature strengthened by this glimpse of so cheery unsalosh a ufo and that a strangers wborever that character sketch ap i worn silently and unwittingly jur la pmachlng tho gospel of optimism of faithful tcrvlce and many who may never ctoa hla face will find their heartu beat wl h nobler impulses bocauao of that likeness it is a liver pill many of tho all men to that man has to contend with havo their origin in a disordered liver which is a delicate organ peculiarly susceptible to tho disturbances that come from irregular habits or loci of cam in mating and d this ao counts for tho great many liver regu lators now pressed on the attention of suffereru of these there la nono sup erior to larmoleo a vegetable pllli their opo ration though gentle to effec tive vnj tho most do ilea lo can uno language and life words stand for things whatever ran ho put into language can bo put into ufo sometimes you hear people say that certain ideals are all ytiry well to talk about the implication being that such dreams cannot bo real lxod but the words wero made to cxprcaj thtriks all the beautiful in spiring thoughts which ran bo put into language can bo put into life jmsmiismsmssbj the farmers financial friend we have large resources and the vast expenence of 87 years to draw upon to serve you but we have something even more important we have the earnest desire to do so we cuh your produce and pcnocul chequet collect your drfu ad by mail if required and ajdly 8yc you impartial advice on any financial or business matter the bank of nova scotia iisab vncapud 4500000 emm pbjui 13 0oo00o jtsaoaxots imxx 000 w k opaiiah atft uiuia lis assam quality gives it that rich flavor sold only in sealed paclcaseo rjoft corns are dlfflcult to oradlcato but holloways corn cure will draw them out pajnfnnly aits you wide awakc t ict it be inula known that buslneun tin no n a business way in tho miilu fui tor lu our lives and no other medium can compare with advert utmg the wldn awake bualness man will havo his natno before ttio public while tho other follow will keap his behind the board fence which in a very poor sample of cftlriomy in gray matter if a man says woli 1 havo nothing to soll what is tho man in business fori if ho tuts nothing to sell ho u bettor te put the ecreons on it and keep it under a bushel and sloop with it- iet it be known further that tho people in this community havo open ed their eyes to the better way of bui lng la by perusing tho ads in thq paper whefo they con boo what thoy require and when thoy want it and junt how much it la going to cont them excessive acidity it at the bottom of moat rmiqids for indigestion afford plead ing and prompt relief from tho distre oi oridrypp made dy bcott a dowrffi makers of acotts ekutslol cannouncement electric starting and lighting consisting of generator starting motor and storage battery aneinc3ybtr3nmxudeforfordcani by the ford motor company of ca in their own factory built into the ford motor which has been rodesignecl fox the purpose controlled from a complete instru ment board on the cowl standard equipment on serjans and coupes all elauj model now havo electric starting snd lighting ylrmmpntfnhtq what money cannot dlty ttiun is no more serious mistake tlmr to 4uppos0 that money ran buy overy thing it cannot purchase i good night s sleep nor an appetite mnny n mllllonsre is a sufferer from dyiiprpiln and insomnia money cap not buy friendship nor pesce of mind n r a irannull conscience the best things in life may be had by the poorest bought without mohsy and without rice the colonclo father a slot y that casts an interesting tight on tho o rnpletenoss with which tho ixitlsb nation threw itself into- th i ntrugglo with fjermany sppeafg in mr j nana marco tm h th iluslnass of war 1 was talking one day ut tlw tx mmari line ofllrer of t isrgesf bass- wupujy depot in vrwlnt says the sultor vhn un crem whits haired man wear lng tl e mingle tar of s subaltsrn cmtnt up aaliifod snd gavr a miro if l roilno military fashion when it w through ho dialled his reels together diluted again i nd with a thank you sir rnnde ft do ou knenv who that offlcer la tho riltnol ask j m no i rspllsd ho is my fattier tho fotlur waa svntyon years ld un1 u ro tired country squire but llko many of his countrymen be flt that ho had to bo doing something and to had replaced a younger man h il o amy dermic- cori- opsdas- ohovsls- 17o digging fri 10 a0 ixq si 71 omsll diguing fork tm 35 s143 1x0 un 1 11x0 malleable nks 40c 40o mul ej curmkm gurl rsl- coc csc 7ic gue j pskss 00c 1j tl 10 1120 osrdsn cultivator ft 1t ajid 110 oood steal iio9 o0c ho toc coc 70c cc lwn hsksa u0 doot lawn flakst 0c j1o0 wirm lawn hsksa 1x 1 10 osrdan trowals 1jc li j 25c vj ha i a tafr afj vaiiniuir nit wny unjo ij we havfi what you want tha bond hagdwabk co ua jhn 1012 guclph making thinoo caov having an easy time is synonymous with being useless if that is your am bition weed it out of your heart no ono ever miccoeded in having an easy time and being helpful you cannot stmngthei tte wruk and encourage tho disheartened and do your share of iho work tl nt aands waiting to bo torn in this busy world and at lh same tlmo tako it easy do not be ambitious lo escape burden bearing ejtrlvo instead to be strong enough for all you have to do saturday treat try our now chocolate crisps hu perl or to patter kris p reff doo lb saturday apoclal 40o other c0o chocolates for 39o cocoa lluds better thart mario uuda lb 60o our ice cream parlor is again oplm wlti much better ice cream and the same good service nulk ico cream pint 30o hrlck ice cream each so any quantity delivered spring hardware 4mb flco 1xs 17c 4100 115 l0 l05 bjii savage co euubhshsd 143 wvndham ot guelph watchcs diamonds jewellery library oeok beto fine china cut ola co silverware otlk umbrellas fountain pens bpeclallsts in wadding and birthday gifts fxpcrt watch and jewellery itcdalrerw ford sedan 1175 ford conpe j975 peed closed m win for a time tako the entire producrtaa or starting and lighting s- tly june 1st however ford touring cars and roadsters will be supplied with start log and lighting as optional ttv rnf at an extra charge um hjtt at all f a coxe dealer acton ontario free press ads bring results high grade furnishings qhiht0 in ull th nuw luilornn uiul 1 t i nuiiuiiir wr underwear ii full i antiti itf nttiy i ilmt ihhuth hv1 iidtru knit pyjauaq a now rungo in vury otrlkiriil colors hoqicry olove8 neckwear etc iho beat value in tho trado tent us and see re nelson phon 40 nut post offie ouelph acton flour and feed store bui ly ar tllwoil khovvnarandioftlnut choice narvsl and national flour othlng botur rolled oat3 hed clovlh ohort0 aloika oat chop timothy hal lii llitnli 2qq n mima or umiill uantlty if u ind jim t ial i ini in ciucuicn riisp uivl our caij mual a trial jjomkutic holi15d oath till i1lc3t iiada ifood lioard license no 66 robert noble limited hsnbv awrev manager t i v

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