Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1919, p. 3

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qf artmt 3xm tena iltljltiljay may 23 1019 that typtviutcn it nil y uni wrlli ii and wrltos in ii v labor sl it in wurklnc vi in iiuul improvi tuent vi i velty plulo u iiuiiwj ii vi ii ydu find you o iturk r rini tho uiotrr ml irust to luckckr vi ry us my all it tin ii jttttqt on turth u that oolont the futunc of thc omall town urn mmi idv ml under uy ink mill pent canadian citizcnohip a irilli in which hitd boon long con- rniiilul cuuudu anil which it lion been tin ulm of nil ilia nuvcrnmiinu iomln- lun mill irovlik lul fur the post quarter of u century uml miim to solve jian been how to nrrlltvi und retain popu lation lovcrnnitnta in the past have unfortunately oo voted mre attention and spent mure money lo endeavoring to secure popnlutiou winn uocured anil mnto lutrtlculurly to retatnlng in cun- udu our own canadian bone w tli vnonnoun unsettled tracts of land only awulng wtyewenl to bo- omi prudu tlvc nml wraith producing tho ixmiiijon government adopted n free itotnesteud xlcy created a moat extensive immigration departm and spent millions in advertising and other propaganda to induce peoplo ull countries to come to canada for yearn thesn efforts mot with little suc ceaa und tho recurring- decennial ceo nuaea revealed tho fact that canada wu not cvn retaining its own natural growth in population naturally but nevertheless unwuo- ly covemmonw at ottawa and in some of tho provinces both ijbcral and conservative in their efforts to secure immigrants neglected to exercise caro in tho matter of quality of now cana dian cltlxens and do voted their energies to various sects and groups of people and conferring upon them exempuons from thj discharge of national dutlei which all british and canadian born subjects wore called upon to fulfill litomptlun from mlltlary service was granted tipoclul privilege in rcsard to languagu education and peculiar so- tlgioua be 1 in fa und other national cus toms woro freely given and tho tight to llvo in isolated communities apart from other cltlyens was not only ad mit tod but oven encouraged as a result of theoo policies canada lias received thousands of people who claim and havo a legal and treaty right to claim special right and prt local uervlrn r vh- tho future of the nmitll to logo ui innriuiruhlo from tho prosperity of their retull mcrchuutn if tho retail merchant cwii it will not lie long be fore the doctor lawyer hanker news paper hotelman and others follow syt and with tho pusulng of tho local conlro iho fnrmor would quickly illn- covcr lit hid uuntalned a lotto tho valurt of which he hud itot fully appreciated ntll lair vllccu which urodcnlixt to canadian born citlsena ivcn before the great war thoughtful canadlana anxlotja about uio future welfare of their country were lecomlnff acrlounly al armed over the resultant situation and it only took tho great war wltli all it demanded of patriotism aacrl- fleo and nervlro on the port of canada and itu peoplo to uroum tho whole nation to the dunger which threatened ita future if thcaa ikjiicjco were peruut- tod in and canada become the homo of numerous and even increasing crouna of unaoalmllated race ndberine strictly to tho lancuofe cuotoma posaiona and prejudices they hroujrht vtth them from forehjn landa it la no uo merely lamenting over tho mistake of lho past at the time theoo policlcu were adopted and put into effect thoy were approved by jar liaxnent and a majority of the canadian people nor la it rhjht to blaxno tbeao nofr british porn peoplo canada in vited them t come here and of her own re will fronted them apccial rlfihto and prlvllccea in the event of their coming aa a nation we must honorably llvo up to the ajrrcementa wo then made and tho pledrea nt pave but ull nucti agreement and under taklncu ahould be terminated forthwith and ohuuld not apply lo any future immlsrutlon tu this country prom this time onward canadas policy ahould be ubuolutoly attains t gran tine special prlvllcicea or confcrxlne special rich to on any individual or claa of in dtvlduals kpcclnl prlvllesea to nono must bo our watchword all canadian cltlzenu ahould enjoy equal ruzbta and equal privlloecb and ahould be called upon to assume equal responsibilities there ahould be no exceptions fur thermore all residents of canada should while they are residents of this country bo canadians pure and simple and nothntc else without special prl- vllccca exemptions or favors of any kind livery resident of canada whether ho bo canadian or british born or of alien birth uhoqld bo expected and required to render full and loyal ser vice to canada at all times in the cmonjency or war an well as during tho happy tlmus of pcaca at tho aomo time all present alien resident who are loyal and sympathetic to canada and lawabldlns citizens should be treated as canadlana because of tnlf nationality thoy should not be treated harshly or unjustly and tho loya nympathetlo luwabldlne am on- these people runutltutc without question uio vast majority of their number but those who are disloyal whether aliens or brit btli und canadian born should be deportod or forcod lo be lawabid ing n nlki canada uho is unwilling on entry to take an oath lliat be subscribes without reservation to all tho obligations of canadian cl user ship us thoy may be determined from tlmo to time by tho projicr authorities and that ho auks for no special con sideration by reason of his lajueuajrp his religious faith or his national cus toms or who entertains any belief or renders alleslanco to any foreign po tentute or ortcanlzatlon or is bound to any manner wliatsoever u disregard tho law of canada should be dsnlsd admission to canada canada still i ceds and must hav iopulatloii we need quantity it is truo but above all we must have qual ity and if wo cannot have quality with quantity then quuutlty must be sacri ficed canada can better afford to walt than mako tho mistake of nlumz up bur unsettled areas with people who are not wlllliitf to becumo real out and out canadians canadian chhunshlp must be a prlzu to uttuln und value nut ooinolhliitf to b kiven awny at bargain iuiit6r ouia in order to so euro 1mm titration tho mistakes of to past nust never bo ropestod caqilv td why is it when wo say that easily led we invariably moai ftu utie rf sluts the appeals of t mcillur duircsurds their vry oft futhoil u udvlcv and noes against such helpful influenees that one wonivru she has tho net unjtary reslstanee lk many people bovo tried to load her in tho right ill roc ho n and have made a fall uro of it that it seems absurd tu say that she is easily led whutliur you thooso he wronp wiy or the rluht way you will have to re ual somnthlnu if you follow tho iwth in with h your fath rs and motbors ore trying to jeud you it will be necessary to resist temptation and harmfuf in nuoncom and if you uj led by soluo of your thoujflitleua oiuiianliins you must nslst tho uuthoilty of your fatlur und tho tender love of your mother uitd all the good influences that have eluatarod u round you sluoa you wore born liko nvery other mattrr there ore two sides to tills question and it hi in uio interests or all that both hides should bo ntudlod tho local town an 1 the local merchant have certain re sponsibilities towards the fiumeru of tholr district and tho farmers have a certain duty towards these towns an tsttort should be made to determine what these duties are und to dlscdrge first of all tho town should be mudi a real cammunity centre and tho nern aary facilities provided to make it an attractive meeting place for the farm era of tho iiurroundlnc district and theh wives and families too frequently it is to bo feared farmers are rather given the impression that all tho town cores about them is tho money they have to ipond on tho other hand tho farmer is apt to compare tho lower prices quoted by the city houses with tho local merchants prices wluiout giving heed to anything else wbsn the- farmer buys from a city house ho is compelled to pay cash in advance nor has he tho privilege t first inspecting the goods ha purchases whon ho buys from tho local town merchxnt he thoroughly examines tho goods in advance of purchase and fro quently buys on credit and would resent being asked to pay cos it- yet is a well known fact that goods not be sold as cheaply on credit as for cash tho local merchant la immediately hand for every small purchase and all emergencies the city house 14 far away the average fanner ejt poets and rocelvoa accommodauor from the local merchant when he needs it and relies on him to take certain or his produce in exchange for goods but ho would never think of asking the city house- for similar accommoda uon and assistance and would not get it if he did ask for it this situation has existed for yearn yet the farmer la educated to cash payment to tho city houses why therefore should the local merchant not adopt tho same method and an one writer puts it say mr farmer ive been on tills spot serving you for years ive given you many favor out you make your most important purchases by mall pay cash in od vance now nureiy it la only fair that you pay me cash in advance also for tho small purchases you now make here kvery ume i pay cash tho job ber gives mo a discount of 2 to per cent iach year ho allows mo also 9 per cent for prepayment of my bills you pay me cash and ill turn this advantage over to you both of us will be better off and tho discrep ancy between city house prices those of the local merchants would largely disappear the local town or village should d its part it should identify itself mora with tho lives of tho farmers upon those whose trade its uxlta it should provide an attracuvo rest room where the farmers wlfo and babies can gather out of the cold or wet or hot sun for an hour or two thoy i town it ahould be equipped so that tho mother can care for uio children and tidy 4ip and refresh herself after a long drivo in the wind and dust wet and cold it ahould have facilities where iho can mako a cup of tea or coffee and some books or mogaxlnes to read farmers und their families should be welcomed and encouraged to take on active part in the social ufa of tho town in a word the formers and their families should be made to fee that they aro welcomo for them selves and qui to opart from the monoj they have to spend the community aspect of tho prob i cm of tho small town la easily the most important aspect vero iho city houses called upon to support every public enterprise in all the towns in which thoy sell goods as all the re tollers do and aro expected to do a considerable hole would be made in their profits and their increased over head expenses would result in in creased selllntf prices what the locil merchant docs for his community in these days should not be overlooked the more the city house is patron ised tho more dliucult it will be to build up a bright attractive prosper ous local ommunlty tho more tho town merchants are patronized the better oervlco thoy will oe ablo to ha greater variety and volume of stocks thoy can tarry the closer they can moke thotr prices because the- overhead charges of ercuctlns the ore would be leas in proportiui e volume of business done this is on age of cooperation and former and town merchant shou make it practice to loyally co operat the una with tho other both hav every tli ins u gain and nothing to lose by such action the old man of the big clock towkk vi ftfs bmj j v j i ib frffsftls1 wmmm r tlssssssh jsmssasah iff win lg3j iastxhu rods y- evening- found ni i the soldiers re option in thi town always enjoy tin mi ultuiru but i cnslonully thnro uro thlnjcu which think rqlght mukn luy iilhd i hi ginwow houno i ompitiiy with hum hi of inulimm n nn hmrur mm k in tlin kuuii duulr ind juniri hyiuoii b jii lit tin fit nil it my fytr bit i ull flth mr of mr hull hidwai mi iihj h 1 tipfliid uk nr t i hulf urillm hrh rnutd boj of unit iilinl the hilt ho ii blue yd a t a darinq deed d unfiniqhcd huins jkr- htiehi ini mlfxhd w muni j uml r im for on ixi ililo thf very i bug ayiiiit netlng but utiythhi in my of the om ill particular fur uilu lithorlty tt mi trol the prufesssor of juris prude uce in western university was lecturing lo hundred embryo lawyers lis asked whothor anyone in america could uv property one fellow auswarod is a criminal can t own proierty but tlie professor said hupposo man owns a ranch gets into trouble with his nolghbor assaults him jiwu put into iteultoutlary does ha still own the ranch tho elass was unanimous thut hu did if ho did not onllnuu to own it went on tho professor what would ixxuiiia of i1t thut wunaupixiucd to nutllu tha dln- cussloii hut ono txy culled out tha lawyer would get it there vjn a hearty lauuh of cuumo und tho rofojuor added w iciru two thulgs from that apt remark be a lawver and not u trim ul hclic of the romans there in a ohowcuso in the british museum that is proving vtry interest ing to soldiers who uro walling for their discharge certificates it is a esse in the ltomaii british see lion von tuliiiuf tho dlschargu certificates given to soldier in britain in the time of the ito nuns tho rouso certificates are quaintly worked and record tho fnet uiat the holders dl horgod hou- oruhly iftir rti yearn of service uro grunted ltomuit eltlcnshlp if not al ready held and the i eeuuulthui of tholr marrluge with hiwi who uro ttiult r 111 ease of unmarried any ives thay may uubsequfiitly marry provided thoy the last nentomv the khaki visitors ly hu liu tendency at rough houiio it growing at fralned from i hqo that ttiey i am not blaming toe or any one ii seeming lurk of i uio audience but unless a strong hand la taken it tho matter these functions will not retain the dignity and propriety beootnlnj thrtn think it over and act accord lagiy whon you attend and help uocp these galharlngti up to the ptundurd in the matter of order hixeihcu also socm to havn had their duy ut tho fn ceptlons und the singing booiiui to going to take its place i bellovn thin is well tho boys who return ulwuyu seem real flintored on reception night and unable to toll uu tlie many things they had ii inn nod to mention and our cltlsenu who have carrlod tho burlen jokiiic nteechefl imem to huvu run of malrrla and would und it h relief to havo lho duty chunged ti oomethlng that ull might toko part in tho presentation by lho junior i o i 12 or a beautiful rlug tu lho twn sow the culmination of ono of rny favorite drcjrns i have biwn droiid lug tho twenty fourth eomlm with no new flag lo i race lho n wn hull towor now we shall see minx thing worthy tho name float front thu mast ikuii i dont know how tho young ludli i raised the funds but it does r to mo thoy called upon public support to any great extent and then tho fine address accompanying and lh public preoontauon tj tho town of tho lag at the roeptlorv just put uie cup on thd whole thing i found out on trilng howovir ttui i dldn t know until that night tha hoovo huun t been reading my effusions at uny rate he evidently urun i owure that the town was in need of u now hoc fijr tho town hall and i ui my readers bod that pololcl out quite emphatically a few nnha ago i hud always hoped ho sxadu reudlni tlii i column us numerous things i liuvu uuggoit j j will necesinrtly huv lo o in to him for conuldi rutloq howovm this has nothing lo do wth iho iiov flog i for ono tivo my hcurty thank for this mhloni thut will uhow on town loyalty one of thouo nlco wurni duyu luut week i took u stroll out the mill pond road and on my way out i uotliod tho club house building und strolled ov r to inspect it jimmlny chrlulmus what a wreck b lul it doosn t seem to me mora tluin u few years ulu tnls neat uttlo ntructuro v and secrnnd to run along in w llourlnh- ing condition i can well remember of many very enjoyable aftuiru belnit pulled ult there ajid tho nno m bemhlp list it once boasted of tha ecrcno future that tieemod iirontluod fur it- ntcrest in tho club laggnt the membership uecmod to diminish it was finally clone d uml ull thu lows ueeurely bourdod ut and thu doors lockud 11 might luivo ed there in fairly good repair number of ycaru but acton hu dais as other townu have tho tourdu liove bocji ton oft tho windows tl doors are burst open i don t belie there is on whole uino of glutu in tl place and tho interior is mora ttiun wrecked 1 can hardly bring myself to think uuit any grown person in hi none mind would lomnilt thu duprcdu tlons done here neither ton i think thnt iuei deutrucllun could bu wroeghl by timall boys au some of these ucts seena post their at rent th who did t ido not know but it would make u itriklnn examiilo if t ulprlts wum fountl out nnd prounculotl tlmo und time again i havo wutehod vutunt buildings go through this sluto of des truction thoy mani to roenlvo holti from some source lanes of glass do not drop out of their own uceord i hoj3 wo ever had uny storms of sev erity sufficient to break windows yt t almost overy vacant building is minus the window punts lrouocutloii i the only remedy to my mind and tho sooner it is earrtod out and tho culprits inuilo lo re uil r tho dunuegu donu the sooner uucli tloiis will coa bscrvo orofully my imtln torleul skef h of mill blrott and don t forgot to rviulnd luu of any oudusionu iimi rest of you old dultors t oppolt lour on i f il mr v htnrt a u diiyl 1 jlmmli 1 ijeeotf nn ly vl1 with by mrs byrni m work wan do hli 1 lmro inon hn th ioiiii irodutn tho moiil uttrui live ri- iuht in lh ir ixln of flowtni in ta72 lho hunonn buslnouji wus iurhud by i l hrlntlo uml dvjd ileiidrrioii ut milton und continued in tho family with occasional changiti for is yrum during that tlmo varloun firm numfii prevailed clirlutlo hen derson nelson mt itao ai vi llrnilcr uon a mtjuwi und henderson co wikii mill hlrttt was wldoned a doxei yifirn uo the mrnsra lloniloruon re hulll uml improved tho promises i wun tutted by flri from burning rub bbih in the yurd four y ars ago an ujuln rebuilt two years ago conwu mtljun purchusod tho bun in can a iulkh irlt vihiiili rd 1uliiil i uu l niv t llmbml xltof the jr wuy i ii rruino the ljut 1 utuiluu hour to f nr tin brok but hi bruvu f how ii nnn nt luif i iw tin lllolt idlii rlilil llmlr ihln no ithn f vtth bio ctut i liikhuitlt rur lir i 1 ill- i bin llfi by mrmllni th in th t iho t xpiodini uhrupik i hud iitrli in li tovir of th ulrnhlp ao id ir ci nil mr con ai etlr d mr chun mills took his lot d mtits m i i nn mills aro dplug uirlvlnir huiiiiuiiu in this old esla lluhnd utoro the bullllug uroiii tho utrt et w iictod by iho uttn james w mai u foruii r lurk of tho symonii i idu oln thi foi i follow in r of yt urn und llioti midph vuriouu buuhiejoj d und thun tho lutr j bought the pnprty ami imtirtivod it he w in followed by johnstone u co und later morris huxn op nod u store unrii had u flin uml then veneered urn building with brick aoveral jow inh iilurn kr perw ulno did business hero a couph of years ago the itobert roblo estate purehusiid the property will 1 uin driving up mill streot rutin r tiluwly but nully when i got tliliiklun of lho old luy grtunr or iton lnurlaneo ihl it loots uu if it muy tukn n month or two to b up to thu gi trunk lullwuy wlnm i hi old voklburnlnj bullglneii crossing mill btrwot on tllp uewiy completed lino ovt r sixty yeurs ufc halurss rmnrfiy is o attar and osfar than cslaoul claans out oystsm wlthewt ohpiag stop ate haadaebo ousts ntcd bilious attacks constipation sick headache etc are in lho great ms jortty of rases duo to dlennllva troulila ond no reasonable pcrnon can oaptkt to obtain roaj or too ting benefit until tho rauni is corrected natures remedy nit tablots u a vegetable compound that a ts on tha stomach uvor bowels and kidneys die purpose being to bring about healthy and harmonious action of all tho organs of dlrcaclon ami urn na tion it arts promptly und tliorbujrhly nlldty ond genlly uiat tliors ttllchtcat griping or dls- n i i into ruliii wllhoiit v r lu inbii xl urn typlm of m i or liuiuui ruhltf piiph i life wttiout i vnr flub hln worth while momo of ti i the lux in th house ifilr htrvlro on u high ik uli tin blloun to do ll it tlilnr t world but ihfiin hi y i thun inudo u ul irt tin y i iliioortcmtut thut duuiili in nn r umu djllleulii umji lukra uii liinuxrubh or ulrnply luc itiurnt th liv thut havo lurrlid to urn u ful fuldllnuiit tho purpoiio with whli ii thy ntuited urn in tho minority rhcrti is somt thing sail in the ilidu of any ruin wo iiluml bi fore aiv- old lioinift crumbling to iliuy uml try to i1 turn th llf that w nt on uni r thut ulliig hhir lixeu lookid ihriui h uu brikfiit wlndowpuiuu und nulled a wolroine ly frlenlu wjio sine uji the path once nrtu crucklod on thu old hearth that tangle of w du wuu a lurdou whoro lloworn blosuomoi but if an atmosphere of audmiui miv iojk a ruined homo there is dignity 1 desolation onco it sheltmrcri u hi hold it played its part ujul rutn d jtir or buildlllh nfinluhod i c5 mforu liut that la not nil nstures rsmed nit tablets hov a benm- elal effect upon tho entire body uy tmprov ing tho process of digestion snd assimilation th nourishment la dertvod froni fcvxl uio blood quality is enriched vitality in increased and lho whnlo system strengthened onro you got your body in this cijuiitlon you neod not dtlin nvcry day just taku un nit tali lot occasloaally when indigestion biliousness and ronatlpailon threatens and yoi can always fel your beat ilemember keeping well is oanlcr and cheaper than getting well t ot a 25o box of nsturas remedy ml tabiu and try it it is sold nrantecd and recommended by your upon it nrter it had fulnllet tho ruin of un u no nuch dignity it is futile contnu tlble because it repreocnln not uuo- fulness ut an end hut onn thing thu never wuu of uno the life whli h inn not accomplished its purpom whit i u tun ils for incompleted on hi id uouu thing rontemptlhlt in its trugody kllck to your purpom io not m iuo un umbltlouii tturt uni thin itv up ouard agalnnt vacillation und iiide lalon itu film to bullbl by illlll- ments it in to our our llfo work fullu in i in rlululnxl by uu utlng nliu for infanta and childr mothers know genuine cast always bears the signature of exact copy ot wrapper thirty yeai astorin free press ads bring resu ivucoedlng up mill mtrtot the othtr day i wus rxmliuled of un lot iduiit that thoroughfare of itvurly ilfty yti ugo in those duya tho locul doctors weru tha dentists fur the community us far as tho aching molars wore con cerncd ho only treatment given wui to extract them on tho oecuslon in question u lod who u now ono of tin prominent clllxeiui of acton eullod upon dr mcoarvln at bis drug to have an aching tooth out it u dull afternoon and tho dr took thu lad to the open door tho bettor to oo which tooth tho ore eps were placed and with u mighty yank tho buy stand ing there was- relieved of tho molar and an agonised yell simultaneously tbroo or four lads across tho street looking on declured it was os good as a elrcus for thorn in tho pluio where dovcrti und rcsldoneo now nlundu thei iu in whli h mrs wilds und ho ro boys 11 veil on lluturduys jin id tleoigu hud wot h1 to llii and o lursu it was easier to eut it with th hor follows to belj ono day thu had al nloklln ooo llynda usury ore and wanl llghlheurt hvlpl h uio wood it was baking du mrs wilds and in tho middle fun mum ihw lulvb vt ntityo h-mt- breail eume fioiu hn oven uusly this mother who uuduruixiod boys m walt cut u now loaf into gou erous slices buttered it with gilt edge dairy butter and distributed 1 among tho lads in u trice wanl ugh t hearts hirtloii hud dluappoai e1 he sidled lp tu tho iioii kitchen und exclaimed mrs wilds thut now broad und butter was bully i bollo otild cut anotliur ploeo neudlcas say another uupply wus iiromptly furthiomlng for ull the lot now occuplod by mluuii 1 mills gun rul sloro and bojier rt trm el y 1 provision uton was orltlnully liought fnmi the adams outate by mr nuxle he built u store on the toruei it warehouse wjleru tho mpt i nturu in thoau duys the nturts kept both dry goods und wot goods many i bur ml of old- urn w whbikuy wont into tha cellar uf wludwiu di thooo ui ly your advertisement in the acton free pkess will bring rebults because of our wide general circulation clean ad vertising columns and a dependable repu tation which have been won only through honesty helpful advertising service and a conscientious desire to give our patrons 100 per cent value received for every dol lar invested in our columns phone for ourjservice for any line oil advertising you desire or call at our office we will be glad to assist you e acton free irress i imione ii ctoioitkio mfficraifciymsfflffifffiffdwttvm v khv w l

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