Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1919, p. 4

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tum mrez proas rmjitildav may 22 l19 nettol nitlothn0ilt4u fmfia incta in publlnhod every thursday 1 in only n cjr lluta liana building mill strecl acton said tho nubncriplion price in u0 per year in iilotec tvr loulueo 1 charged additions to ofuoaa to tim lnhyd utcn tbo date to which aubocrlpudna are paid 1 nxt tfitlj uti tbo addrcafl labol ajmoira lih jtatla j transient ailvcrtiacmbnta 10 o ii ii f okafn measurement for flret insertion and x n i i iimi llnn r aubsoqurnl insertion contract rerttweidunui tor 100 incnen or moro per urnum inch each inaertlon advertisements without only iloinciujw there irectlono will bo inserted uu forbid and cliaxgod nlcli th on camo were off t and wo u- ii i uooiu jalltor and iubllaher juj ilditualuciia offlco 11 lib at last the fiery iflwdcfyinc country of mexico is tnking action to curb the evils of the drink rafllc president cairanza ih considerinn a pl submitted by the national lionfll of healtror the enactment of legislation that will gradually result in the com plete abolition of the alcoholic liquor tramc in mexico he recently signed n decree increasing from 25 to 50 per cent the tax on pulquo and other alco holic beverages in mexico oty the constitution according to the official of the board of health gives that body power to dictate health regulation that will result in the abolition of tho liquor traffic editorial ythc president of the ontario medical council dr bert fctgugon takes a strong position against promiscuous issuing of liquor prescriptions by yxians ho tells offenders that the medical lril is in duty bound to suspend or cancel the of doctors who ore convicted in the courts i 5 w cjcacriptions irregularly in one city in fre ti- a doctors issued 260 prescriptions i p f -r- ontario medical council wijl iremicrflnd some means of compelling respect for its prntsl on tnc p members who for a big ltoiijlcc of financial gain prostitute these principles nmhubijolate the spirit of the law wcqll mr v patrick- ithc wish of every patriotic parent that his w child ahull stand in the front raaks of the business j world to get this result the teacher the parent and j the child must work together open mutiny with w the school means hindrance to the child to attain this anniij standing there should be closo unity consult taken n on theso subjects which will largely determine urging tilcjfarc of the future of tho child if ho is not cent nll5 veil in school it is your duty to see the teacher tho by nc devise plans which will remedy the evil e pour your wrath on tho teacher at the supper rjr table in the presence of the children it only means jjjmrfyour children will reap what you sow for them they will have no confidence in the teacher cause a trouble in the school and lose interest in learning exchange v campv e many oldtime liberals were rather non- josstjd when d p mackenzie the temporary leader fthfc opposition in tho commons intimated on tho or of the house a few days ago that while not a gh protectionist he gave cretiit to protection for ng some good things for canada the statement the surface looks more straightforward than uitic while there may not be many liberals w eolute free traders as dr michael clark the bulk uiifldiv rank and file believe in that doctrine it may sold tiat by his declaration at this time the new leader ho 7 artfully hope to induce a stiffening of the back owr the protectionist in the union government a ba less reduction in tbo taxi ffjuj the forth- provming budget and therefore a better chance fr tthc liberal convention in august to make a strong ao appeal to tho people t mar i cvri speaking before the trade convention in st louis recently a w douglas statistician of tho chamber cuof commerce of the united states said high prices dent 5 without the slightest reason under the sun bein try has beea a decline in some commodities and seen ntr supply and demand were given freedom apixsarjpcration the decline would continue until a nor- ota level was reached he says that there will be momorc wheat for export than our ship3 can carry that wnififi ash fowl meats and fruits are in cold storage quljn quantities greater than ever before that the sur- plu3 grain crops this year will mean a large increase th in live stock and that all in all there is every reason jjhy prices should go down except for the greed of in k the artiflcally in dated tho country vhlt congress to deal with domestic tct such legislation as will give relief pg powers that are piling up ons unjustly nwbe feeling is growing that the matter of medical nflstwv of thc p the public schools in open a lajtfler towns and rural districts is just a3 im- tho dutf lhc citlcs th minister of education ouppoiinfjcntly of this opinion and has appointed dr mnt ttjmckcnnzie smith of gravenhurst dr e j bf snrs of nassagawcya miss etliel campbell of ottawa and miss e j jamicson of toronto as doc- i tors and nurses to handle the medical survey of children in ontarios schools as provided for by accent legislation because most of tho cities and c towns have their own medical and dental in- spections thc work of tho appointees will be chiefly i in small towns and rural districts tbo inspection to be mado will no doubt result in necessary treat ment for adenoids enlarged tonsils better care and earlier treatment of the teeth and other chiklrens ailments which arc often neglected because there has been n in and the parents ore unaware urtstttttsc troubles exist 7 arabia has never been regarded as a country hav ing much concern respecting tho morals of the people yet hussam tho new ruler of that lond who was placed in power through the revolt against thc sul tan has prohibited all alcoholic liquors throughout his domain by order of the government the outhori ties of djeddah seized and destroyed thousands of bottles of alcoholic liquors he also requested thc representatives of tho various european govern ments to notify the merchants of their respective countries that from thodatc of the order the arabian government would not permit any intoxicants to enter its borders thrift stamps effcctwely and profitably teach the desirable virtue of saving all persons who buy war savings or thrift stamps should set a 50 dominion government bond as their first objective this may now be bad for 40 and a few cents re deemable on january 1 1924 at 50 such an objec tive makes saving worth while for one thing it will be a strong incentive to continued saving then it is very profitable tho return being 4j4 per cent compounded halfyearly which is practically 5 per cent- the purchase of a 50 bond will also be 61 material assistance to tho govofiment in meeting its heavy aftcrthewar responsibilities the dominion dairy commissioner stated before the committee on agriculture at ottawa one day lost week that the excessively high price of butter has never been justified the prices had been put up he said by scare headlines in the newspapers which cause many people to buy in largo quantities deal ing with tbo general question of the effect of cold storage on thc cost to the consumer he further stated that generally speaking the result is to equal ize prices which are increased during the period of flush production but kept down during the periods of nonproduction more production will have thc surest effect of reducing butter prices a townplanning institute for canada has been formed and one of its immediate objects is to pro mote educational courses in tbwnplanningand rural development in thc universities thomas adams bousing and townplanning adviser for canada is choirman and about 100 architects engineers and surveyors bavo been nominated for membership representatives will attend the conference of the townpianning institute of america at niagara falls next week it3 a pity this townplonnjng educational campaign was not organized half a century ago its better now than never but townplanning in the older sections of canada at this date will be expensive tho great strike in winnipeg is a most serious issue there is no doubt a strong influence has grown up in canada from the indiscriminate admis sion to our shores of that class of agitators which thrive in some sections of europe we are now pay ing the price of this tho sympathetic strike may be justified on some occasions but on others it is nothing but war on the community sometimes it may be as dangerous to british liberty to allow a group of men the powerto incite general strikes as it is to have a mob rising and a ta3to of regular bolshevism canadas political leaders have gravely erred in the past in allowing irresponsible agitators to inflamo men who would naturally keep aloof from tbis spirit canadas status as a signatory to the peace treaty is that of an equal nation but within tho british empire said sir robert borden in london on saturday discussing tho dominions position at paris tho premier mado it clear that canada had stood firm on the status of a selfgoverning nation which it has proved itself to be during the war and that status has been acknowledged during thc fram ing of peace and the establishment of the league of nations he regarded the empire itself as a league of nations as regards tho german indemnity can ada would share in proportion to its expenditures on pensions and such other heads as came under the treaty provisions tho dominions shipping losses would also be replaced proportionately milton and burlington are taking advanced posi tions in the matter of providing educational oppor tunities for tho young people of their respective com munities bylaws were passed at thc last meeting of the county council providing for the establish ment of high schools in these towns- acton will therefore be tho only town in halton county that has not u high school wrnle our excellent continuation school has done exceptionally satisfactory work and has generally g n inr p 0 fttu donts than thc high schools of the county in thc departments up to which thc curriculum extends it has been felt for some time that thc whole high school course should bo undertaken here this would require a larger teaching staff and an extension iof the laboratory work on the other hind it would j proyide not only that none of our students would necessarily require to go out of town for any part of their high school course it would attract outside students who would prefer to come to acton than go to schools farther from home and it would com mand higher government and county grants and larger school fees thc matter is worthy of careful and immediate consideration by our board of educa tion acton has always taken a high position in educational matters we must maintain our rcputa hon and ta fair to our young people turkeys days are evidently numbered as a nation tho prospect of making a treaty of peace appears to bo growing less and less the disembarkation of allied naval forces at smyrna means tho end of the turkish empire according to tho french ndwspapers thc role which the united states will- play in the near east is severely criticized by editorial writers who complain that france has lost in tho orient a vast and important field in which she bas always played a leading part there appears to be a general assumption in french diplomatic circles that the united states will administer constantinople and thc adjacent regions and armenia as thc mandatory for tho league of nations wo must remember that thc united states is now really the banker of central europe own to youn miotake it la no mo aerlotja ft thlnr to raaka a mistake an it i to try to cover it up nnd to prtiand that it wm not a mis take at all horn youri people ahow a foolish loyalty to their blunder iri- aleoi of repudiating- them they make n mthoilo effort to atand by ttlem aa if liavlna unco committed tbem tlioy wcro in duty tfound to declare them ilclit and no the orllaul mlatake bo- curaoa a twin when you majta a roia- lnko ackiiowledso it frankly ouvor- wlnn ou imvo mado twd would risk it money carrlea crrma my dear littil i miut avo aomo money dor lured tho bride you remember wo took a ohanc on klaalnn iouu- vlue courier journal the country doyo creed 1 bellove that tho country which clod mado ia moil beautiful than the city wnlch man made that llfo outof doom and in touch wltb tho tarth a tho natural llfo of man i bftlevc that work la work wherever i nnd it but that work with nature isf more tnrrplr lnff than work with tho moot intricate machinery i ballevo tliat tho dlonlty of labor drpendn not on what you da but on how you do it ttnt opportunlt cornea to a boy on tho farm aa often oa to a boy in tbo city tluit life u lamer and frrr and liiirpln on turm than in thc town dial my a cejto doicnda not upon my location but upon mynelf not upon my droanui but uro what i bcluilly do not upon tuck but upon uluck i bellovo in worblna wnen you work nnd ulaylne when you play and in el and demanding a aquare deal in avery uct of life ilwln oaffood orovir whenyou travel even in canada carry your funds in travollcro choquco toued by tho merchants bank porsonal cheques an often rofouci money may bo lost or stolon travellers cheques on tho othor hand aro cashed by hanks hotels transportation companies and stores at their faco values and onablo yon to raiso ready money whorovcryounappcntobe if lost thoyora of no valuo to tho finder if btolen or des troyed thay wlu bo replaced without extra cluuvo uo them for your next journey safety deposit loxes in youe own bank v a aerlob of thirty four safety deposit boxea in threo size has bocn installed in the vault of the merchants bank of canada acton these boxes arc bursbtr proof have double locka and secure to each leasee absolutely secure protection from fife or meddlers tou havo your own key the rsntal u very arrtatl and the boxes are commodious see the manager and secure one for your documents and valuables head office moatreh actortf branch georgetown branch of camwda etubllthod 1004 l b shore y manager c w grandy mtnugcr pavinq time tho habit of aavlnic to a alcairtcatit trademark upon any young- mans life and tho habit of vla time la more important than the habit of savinir money assembly herald as m carpet cleaner bran slightly dampened is excellent helppulneoa that qoeo far there 1 a vast difference between ti1n helpful and be in a om clous iend a hand to those who need it butdo not inauit on miniglnc tticlr ajtalrs rrady to counsel those who are trou bled and penlexed but do not oro your advice at your friends the moment ihoy come within ranee in tiey wbjb cot m in jua wsj3 coat mas takslror and yoa can arrest it in eecaritka ed amfe and pr a as any held by cap- twttfy twentyfive eenu saved each weeh can be to earn 4 interest by a very sxmplo plan thrift stamp eovt twentyva cents each sixteen of these when exchang ed for a war savings stamp become a 4vs interertbearmff security for which ibe g wid pay yoa 500 in 1924 in other words if yoa lend the govern ment the hjoo d yon ham saved by uus easy rnrrtm the government will pay it back to yoa with an addi tional dollar five years from now and yoa be an investor in the aaf- est of all securities government bond deeds the small savmffo of her people to finance tho wotit of recon struction malic your savings serve yea wj serve yonr country fcrett tbesa ia war saving stampi strwilliamhcarat ontario v p ts evidentiy wcll satisfied with thc effective character of the ontario temperance act i am moro confident to day after the experience of three years than ever that we interpreted correctly public opinion in acting as we did in 1010 declared tho prime minister when thc matter of the referendum waa before tho house i was confident in 1010 tho o t a would conrvc our financiaratreiigth incrcaso our efficiency and pro ductive power aid thrift and economy and general add to our fighting power in tho great struggle for liberty in which we wcro engaged now 1 no longi believe but i know after nearly threo years of trial that it haa done all and more in tho direction named tfiaif p hoped for tho prime minister said he had an overwhelming flood of testimony oa his lllca from all classes endorsing the measure as one which had been a source of strength to tho stato if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost ress read these articles with care they may present umethirjg you hadnt thought of before patronize the people whose ads axe here they are your ndghbors y and will treat you bight the money you spend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood you will always find it profttoua to consult us when 5iirlne pry goods cloth in p itoots and shoos unooleutna ollciotha and qroccrlas our aim is to anticipate your dcalraa in acton mclean a mills our aim la to you dry floods wfna kurnlalima ojd crocfirlcn tho quality and prico of which will kocp your money in acton wo can compete with anyone anywhere and atronply urjre com parison d c russell the penalar qtor ia criterion kor purity and whoiwomonwui in patent formulas we carry as well cholco prrumery toilet articles vlctrolis our kprlnfi wau paper halo is now on and very apeclal bor eal ns are offered a t drown consult ua first when buying hardware wo carry a complete block ot ah sir and tirov hardware silverware cutlery g rani to ware etc and can convince tho most critical our prices and quality aro rlfihl jameq symon order your coal now delay under present conditions invariably moans an advance in the price nut stove and kurnace coal now on hand we carry groceries os well j c hill never duy furniture from o catalogue it all looks cood in pictures when buying from us you too tho article before you buy and our best advice and service in yuuiu tlndettaktns lit connection johnstone aco msks up that order for groceries ilrlnjc it to us we con cdmpeu in eervlce quality and price with anyone anywhpre we carry as well a full line of dry goods nelson a co w hsve said it defer and wo say it again you con buy to better advantage in acton than in toronto bee ua when you require nnythlnjr in general alerchandiao wo will not beundcrsold l otarkman new that warm weather is approaching you will roqulro refreshment our drinks are ice- old and invigorating our ice cream is delicious our candies freah and wholesome h wiles you should be as loyal to your community as to your name cutrla ousl cenneetton in acton is amnio proof that our a cuts vegetables and provlslona ara ot tho beat iualtty we sell on close margins and solicit the privilege ot 3 ymf jiquie moenlry iivana contemplating building t if so let ua paliniato on ynur re tirements we prepare plans make eatlmatev and take contracts tor any hind of building we uould suggest ordering next winters coal now j d maokcnzic fair rjesllnj nj low prices ara building up our buslnoas wo tarry a full hue of groceries and ivpvlalufn anil our in tecs will re lieve the ncieaalty uf further aeon h our quality uud price wll olanu ofnparlaun mho j mcdouoall the acton concerns listed here conscious of the fact that thousands of dollars aro being sent out of ths territory for merchandise that can be bought at home have launched a campaign in tho hope that it will create a stronger feeling of community interest a sentiment most vital for the prosperity of the entire community in bold type therefore read tho slogan that they propose to popularize buy in your home it is tho purpose of the progressive concerns whoso names appear on this page to present arguments of such convincing nature that the people of this community will respond thereto wjth the result that they will mako a solemn pledgo to first endeavor to get what they need from home merchants before sending their monoy out of town thc time for consideration of this question could not bo more opportune than the present preparedness the watch word of canada should begin at homo and can bo cxcmplilicd in no moro farreaching manner than by real cooperation in this vitally important buy at home movement it is thought that should be taken to heart and given consideration by cvcry person who earn their living in or owe their success to this community tilts campaign is launched in tho llnn belief that the people of this community will follow thc dictates of their good sense and bring the buy at home campaign to un actuality that shall be of great benefit to the entire community this movement is uo selfish propaganda of theso progres sive concerns who havo combined in cooperativo community appeal they urga that you read the brief message thoy will give you each week through the columns of tho free press tncyinviteyou to give careful consideration of thc facts which will be presented to talk this matter over with your friends and neighbors results arc sure to follow thc llnn tcmjivc to buy at homewiu uot only help tho retail merchants but tbo manufacturer and jobber thc farmers adjacent to our town and it will also help m every line of business it will cither directly or indirectly bcncllt every individual in this section we osl in at kinds of krcsh and cured meats and it id our desire to secure and hold your patronage by fair prices and honest dcalliuj we endorse this cmnpjleo buy in ac ton it payo w- landsoorouqh my greatest difficulty is in repairing cheap mall order ehoes that are made to sell not to wear shoes bought locally give utlstactlon see coo for gents iurnlablngs smallwaxen etc e k cpok when you duy ohoes from us you are sure of secur ing the best selection in acton our prices ore much lower than city prices our guarnjiteo la behind everything we sell kenney dros our bread is baked lugbt hero in acton and wo guar antee ha w holesomeneoo wo solicit as well your patronage for horao- mado cakes pastry etc wo aim to satisfy m edwards co this campslfin moets with our approval ajul haa our hearty endoroation- oearpmotte a co ur personal interests aro centred in acton this movo- nent is deserving of success and we indorse same ryocr a mo wat qlovc co i am local distributor ki- tho iurd autatooblle and can supply you with genuine itbrd parts at rcaoiiabjo prices a complete atuck of tires alwuys on hand let your naxt car be a voru h a coxe i manufacture and rapair all kinds of furniture let nw estimate ror you on the making over mid repairing of your furniture which rchmlrca attention i guarantee my work the kurnlturo uospltaj w j otuckey ws do merchant tailoring our ntoca ot imported and domes tic woollens tor spring and summer ia complete we atsjid behind our output and guarantor satisfaction w m cooper nevsr- uuy jewellery from catalog all jowcllaiy looks uoj in cutu when buying from mo you seo tho article and as well you have the itvnvllt of my service advice and per sonal sua ran tee geo hyndo t time vou require lloota shoes uubben etc lot mo eiidnuvor to moot your retiulremonto my ntoclf is complete my qusllty is of tho beatmy prices are lrlzt- itriutlrttig done w wiluau3 i duy and ssll lar jroduro or all kinds ln- 1 ludlng stock on commission i turry u mmpleto hits of yrocerlos and i um ikki lvoducta ood can nictt any una anywlicre lu prlce- che8ter plank consult me first- whoit you reoulro fartu luiplo- nicnts of any kind i aai local agent for lutarnatlonal maclilnery and cn gu hunted you katlafactlun and ser- vkr i tarry buoln and shoes aa well chao e parks business directory tho0 gray m d- c m mcqill r jl c i imllnlmrgti i il k i a is glasgow member itrltlith jdodu cal association etc omce itrodcrlck iool a ton out dr j a mcnivcn phyaician srwf gurifoon offlco and itrsldenro tijrni r llowcr avenue ajid llgln htm la the rcald- enco formerly occupied by 1 m lloii- derwon acton ont veterinary john lawoon r veterinary ourbsen acton ont graduate of onurio votorlnory col- lego 1u0 offlce arthurs iluxlc kealdonce liul ntreet colts day or jilcht prompt ly attended to leqal phono no sb i o iix i3c hakold nash parmeic bla- dsrrutsr dolicitor notary public convenyancer etc perryuan dlock acton ont monjy to uun conveyancing hours 3 p tn to i p in ot luildiiuco r h wanqdrough lake avenue acton ontsri dr j m dell d d o l- d o dentist honor graduato of toronto univer sity tho u tests anciitltetla used if deaired on eo at residence corner mill and frederick streets miscellaneous uarniage licenses h p moor issuer mamsae licj prtvate offlce no witnesses re quired issued at residence lu avonlng- fkxz piwso ofllco acton ont francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals or every descrip tion carefully bound itullng neatly and promptly done wyndham street guolpb out over williams store r j kerr licen auctioneer par the counties of halton welling ton peel and dufterln and the city of guelpb acton ontario rn may bo arranged by mall of at residence at acton or at tho froe preas omce acton tho atercury ooloe ouelph the nowtilsoord lergus or with w j gordon harness maker uulaburg bales entrusted to it j kerr rr- oelvo attention from ilato of listing to date of nnlf xjat your uka with mo residence young street acton phone 88 acton call at my elxpenee j e cheevers book binder qusbeo st east gualph ont douks and inanlncii bound i liandsomo and tjubstantial covom names lettered in you on lllblc llyrnn books and other books all work promptly executed d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer survoya 6ubdl visions itana llo- ports liescriptlons ulucprlnta qtc certlocatca for purchajwru and mortgagees surveyu for archlutta sulldecspnd afqtilrlpal iuiiclls draltiago iteports lilllmatcu etc mo lean buildinq doualss st gueipil 1iwiio 10ci ont auctioneer l1vi3 stock kiai- lspatu and atl-llchanuisl- consolldsted phofw erin b r r- 3 acton crandruni1 the double track route ilutwluun montreal toronto detroit chicago ullelllid uullllg iir ljilio tuuaplng iji lilu hulli pur lor la on prinlul day m kull inrurniatlon fioul any trunk tltket niml or 1- ii lilotrtt paaseitbur anl tonui 0 a holmes agent acton ont p tho old anil noiiablo granite and marble doalors c wfo ore manufacture id dlro unnortara of all kinds of mniiummtul snd headstone work wo wit direct our customorm ul wlioloaalo l s vnvluk our liuiimiiunj 4u ikr wo luiva tlio beat uppllanots and tlio ally meclianlcs in the iomlnloii who can operatb pnoumatlo tools proimrly we cap tve referoiucs frxun hudl- of our tiutluokn in tortnto and ouwr places where uuiers liave to havo law suits tn order o collect we havo tho largest and best block of urtuute jn the iximlnloi or morp than any uuee dealers in the west wo aro lcgltl mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest oualomora by sending out ignorant agents solicit ing orders we etnpluy only uiechanhw and defy competition hamilton sons cor norwich woolwich lim oilalph

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