Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1919, p. 5

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if e ivrtnn strtt iua uluhhday may 23 1310 nextto the oldeot nxl to tho ohtst shook iter head 1m only u comn between child i uahl llnli c wnn flruu uml nlicin big and tall tin luby han hurdly leurned to rrowl nxl to lhoyoii a running elf aluipil n luby mill iiuroolf one hint lilfr enough ono a mile ono m thn cute ac three just rlfchl ii in lrl little olrl baby woo homuhpw there inn t a plnrn for mo nxl to- the oldest wiui wlstfulnyod 1 m only u oruibelwoon girl oho nlrhid tlmri camo a loiter ttom tjncln dan wore oft in our automobile it ran and wo hnvo a piece of a urat to spare i or iino of your llttla lassies thcro not too big and not too small hull uii the tnliltlllua wit uilld or ft t tvhroln hew anil the clear tin tlio n u nd m1 tllu kay ung oldent ro ly sweet cod ilka a ball in her cony seat tlio nky wan no blue ami tha world at wide 1m clad i m u comobolwoen child ulio rltd nuney uyru turnei twenty veano ago from the utua of the froa prase tr thursday may 25 1bw iremicr hardy hobaonlred a llttlo berlin jui id the olher evening wlmii presents with a bouquet of ronca ot n biff iohtltl meeting tint alex jtocord hud u tieautlful night b looming cur tun in flower last week ir w ii denny has wild tho brick hauao on church btroet belonging to patrick kelly of ilufialo to mr ilutuu worilcn ot georgetown for j0o0 has nmono aeon a potato bus thin spring an icrln gardener of noma promlnonco la pleased to reiort their abnonco anil ventures tho opinion thai tlio severe cold ot ianwintor probably nnnlliutod them mr david henderson m p has taken a very commondablo step in urging the government to taki mediate t cent nllvcr roins tlio business romt generally find then tho ninth an all all tho twenty low in circulation unity and the public a nuisance convention of tho eaquesltg township hunday school association was hold at uftiwcwood lat prlday married suttonoim at tho rcnldenco of tho brldo a mother on wednesday evening may 17 by tho ilev u 1 crawford mr mark sutton to kate daughter of mra orr all of acton died campbell in acton on monday may 23 archibald campbell aged sb yearn 1 8aved dy a pe an 1 mi tan co of tho influence of good cookery in prolonging life waa found in tho cose of marquis do ikchwnol a famous epicure in tho days of tho old monarchy in iranee iicchinwd achieved the din unction of having a sauce which survives to thin day namtd after him it waa said thit his marriage to valentino dc itochomont waa duo- to tho fact tjm aho wnn i wcndorful cook ard pos sessed an extraordinary appetite this night acorn to bo an insufficient ban la for u happy marriage but it proved quito cnousti in thla caae tho marqulu and marchoncsa cooked and ato tosother for fifty ycara in perfect accord und health on tho occnalon or tholr colden wod- ins tliey had a famous fcaat lor many yeara in anticipation of thta event tho marqula had boon saving a bottlo of prlcolcna tonutonct wlno from the capo of oood hopo and ovory cucflt waa to livo a drop or two of ll at thin celebration a dramatic inci dent occurred just oa tho bottlo waa being brought out the marchjoneaj do dochamol nunk to the qoor it waa ooon at onco that alio wiia dead hho appcarud ulmply to havo reached tho term of her existence and her death at auch a fcstlvar waa regarded aa a moat beautiful and touching ono tho bottlo of famous conatanco wlno wna put jway unopened tho mar qula was inconsolable before long ho fell apparently hopelessly 111 in tills emcreimcy jila physician informed him that hla 2nd waa surely near tho marqula called for tho bottlo of con- atance vthon i moet my valantino on tlio other aide aaid ho aho will ajtk wluit viumo in that my dear which i dolccv 7 and i shall an swer it t- conatanco wlno my valnutlne thai wo had saved for our golden wadding bechamel drank of tho wlno and his head fell back on tho pillow all supposed hat ho wan dead but as a matter f fact ho had merely fifllcn aolep an hour liter ho called hla nepbtw and sent hfm with a key to oiv a inivrcr in a occrotry and bring fivo rt a box lso dutiful nephew made nu liaate auivalug ilial tho bitx rnljjht contain tho uariula will or soma other docu mont tlitt ho dplrd to lcn or tnodlfy before hlu dcth to hlj uttor uiiluxctiiktit thorefuro tho box wait founil to emitotu u iol and it wm a woidirful pie iorl honl plo in u nd wilh irulllm of saj lat tlio mu iula alo irrly of it und again uank back on the pillow til i hit t wja thought that the old cptlemaii wug n rtalnly done fn i hear tho dnth ruttl in lit a throut auid tho ilortnr it will uoou lo ovoi but tho dnth rattle proved to bo a it lorot tho mriuli wn anlocp and thourh ho waa then uoventy nvo yearn old ho llvd rlftii yean longer und invent 1 1 tovcrnl moo firou duliio txforo ho went to join hla beloved valentine tho oil of powor it u not claimed for dr thoinau lclcitrli oil tliat it will cure iviry 111 but ita uucs are bo viu inui that it may bo too in d upon us a iiiicrul pulu killer it luta uliuov ctl tltat treat ii cum for lino if and all kriipui to ourjuji it havo failed it txtrllenc lniwi t all who luu tcnltl its virtues and louint by ex peliirt i in mcmoriam dlt an1jon buck ialenno an jr buck waa a prominent public man in tho county for mom than lialf a century and withal native of this county wn havo much pleasure in oilnc tho following co nprehonalvfl urtlcotit appirtlatlon reapectlrg hia ibuc work dh anbon buck many wore tho cxprcaslona of high appreciation of tho ufo and work of dr anuon buck at hla funeral from his old homeutead at palermo for on many yearn ho waa tho life and contro of district township and cou activities that nearly every ono of tho largo concourse of frlonda had had homo parti rular aueoclatlon with th revered doctor the cluld born under the doctora caro waa tho grown man of today and many of these wore now beyond tho actlvo ntage of life others had boon brought through ouch an illness that llfo waa so near the breaking point another had hod worldly aa- alalanco and advice indeed it waa a gathering mado up of those who owed much to the departed one kor ao tnany yearn ho guarded tho public weal that not a single person could fall to feel a tlnglo of thankful- ncaa tho funeral service wan touching and lmprcs4lve itov bolomon cleaver dd of toronto a native of nelson and a closa friend made a lining re- trenco to tho interest dr buck hod manifested in mankind in publlo wel fare and in every good cause ills reference to tho doc tor a aympathetlo interest in ovory person of hla day wbi feelingly endorsed in the minds of almont every hearer and the march to tho cemetery thcro waa a reverence about orrery ntcp and as ono neighbor bald und ho only been living and actlvo today what great good ho would accomplish another said ho did ho much without oven looking for pay and at a time when money was bo scarce ho really rned bo much more than he ever received- m finally tho casket waa lowered old friend said goodbye to old friend nod each went homo with a uollhs that dr buck had led an exceptionally use ful llfo had been a remarkable man in oo many ways and so full of force and power of mind uev e p colon the ujniattr now in charge ot tho circuit for which dr buck had dono so much had cborgo of the aervlco while the members it the township council successors to hla worthy man acted ao pall heaxers thoy were iteevo morden deputy rcovo johnstone councillors wold- brook morlatt and btephenson and w il speora a very close friend tho honorary bearers were judge ullott warden uttlo iteevo ileadhead at nelson mayor davln iteevo hlll- mer and commissioner marlatt or oakvlllo anaon buck waa born at palermo on april 17th 1833 fifth son of philip buck who wan born in uncoln que bec in tho year 1780 of united empire loyal lat stock the father came to trafalgar in 1807 and settled on lot 27 dundas street then a wilderness the doctors mother waa born in lunca- shlro county pennsylvania- anson buck received his education at the palermo grammar school tho first school of the kind in upper can ada taught by andrew ilall in hla school dayn ho exhibited easy concop- tlvenoss and studious habits at tho age of sixteen he commenced the study or medlcinein dr rolphs jchool tor onto whore he attendfl 1 winters and ono summer in 1851 ho entered jeff on medical college philadelphia gloduatlug on march cth 185 in tho nutumn ot that year ho vlolt ed london eng- where ho walked guys hospital aud attended the winter course or lectures by an ablo ntaff of physicians and nursoons on m lath 18e3 ho passed tho boyal college or burgeons with hojwiro- shortly after ho sailed from portsmouth to now york being thirtyone days on tho ocean landing back at his old home ho on may 17 tli 18s3 at tho ago or nineteen years and nine months commenced with his chosen profession the boy phyulalan rapidly gained tho confidence of tho people and ho soon had a largo lucrutlvo practice which ho continued for forty flvo years or until ho auffer- id a paralytic stroke in november 130s nding an active career wlthpul parallel lu this portion of ontario lir ten yearn ho waa confined to hia robm nd conatantiy in charge of a mtrao but manifesting an interest in public afrulru had tho a lobe read to him dally und when tho war broke out ho uaked that a 1k bo hung outaido hlu window and whore hu could no u about u jcur ucp ho wan removed to term and affection seldom bestowed uiwin a public official tho hall won filled with tab ion and people of all c i noses surrounded them whllo the ladles assisted in serving ujioectiea wero made by associates tn munlclpul work and many others ills associate testified to his usofulnoss in council whllo others spoke t tho happiness brought to many lomes when ho on tared uiem professionally of his life long interest in temperance of hla charitable arts and his intense inter ajt in all mankind tho people presented tho doctor with about the most handsomo gold watch and chain tliat money could buy at tho tlmo on tho watch waa on graved presented to dr a buck in recogni tion of his forty yearn of faithful uor vlrn in trafalgar municipality jan lsth 1008 dr buck in his npeerh referred to tlio careful guarding of the clergy ro servo and railway bonus monies and declared not a single dollar tiad been lost he cohcludod by saying 1 would rather dlo poor than be despised by the people among whom i havo lived and labored and i appreciate thd fooling of tlio people more than silver and gold i am glad a kind jtovldfnc lias blessed mo with health and strength tn live so long among you american army ouroaon in 1800 dr buck with tho late dr ive e man j of milton visited the north ern american army as a volunteer sur geon to get ex peri en co in military sur gery ho accompanied tlio ambulance and was at burksvllle held hospital when lee surrendered twenty miles away returning ho won in washing ton thn morning of lincolns death qtrona tampo ranee advocate along with hla municipal activities dr buck was a mast ardent temper a n co advocate and in dayn when it cost something to dq so for many years he won high in tho councils of the bona of temperance and there was hardly over an influential depu tatlon waiting on tho mowat and hoot governments but tho doctor was a member ot it likewise in hla own municipality ho was earnestly at work and trafalgar adopted local option when that act was first introduced and largely through tho doctors active in fluence while paralyzed and speechless the wartime victory of prohibition won oommunlcated to him and ho was abl to indicate his real dollght at tho ion- immatlon of his ideal parliamentary candidate 1bss noted for his municipal work dr buck was equally or bettor known for ardent advocacy of tho liberal doctrine from boyhood ho was a mainstay or liberalism in trafalgar nd in haltou tic globe was his dally companion and he was an inti mate friend of sir oliver mowat sir geo w boas and alt the provincial leaders in 1886 he contested hal ton in th i liberal interests ha vice the late col wm kerns oa his opponent in this effort he was not successful but he tinued to gtvo the strongest sup port to every candidate of his party in this way he was responsible for trafalgar remaining long in the lib era i column at the banquet tendered him in 190b tho doctor told of his pleasure at noth ing that tho strong division qn party lines was gradually dying away tho intense party feeling of many years i happily on the wane and a better feeling existed portrait in township hatl at tost mondays meeting of the trafalgar council an enlarged photo t ht buck was hung in tho council chamber tho likeness is remarkable aud mrs colin il campbell hla sur viving daughter will place a small brass tablet on the frame tho doctors gold watch has been handed down to his grandson colin campbell and will bo highly prlted as a coveted family hcirloem the doctor announced at the 1s0b banquet that ho would make that disposition of tho handsome memorial from the burs tribute in 1003 tho star of february 7th 1008 con tained the following referenco to dr bucks municipal career tho many good things lately spoken and written about dr buck and praise of his long services for trafalgar are after all really more to be desired thnn inld or ponltlon il lil yrt a vlff oriim tinui nfli r a public n cord with out i jual in utiadun hhilnry und th ptiplu are luudlnr hlu mk nod con stant inltmt hlu iwnhtoti wun mil attained without many nn hour of futltpia and nlihl of worry it lu eua mow to tulk ot lort yeail that uri pant but it irqulrrd a man to bo cu dowd wllh lriul di termination und em n y a iniuvirumn that known n inilhu ami un iron i umitllumun to ut tn in unto tho dor tor ii prrucnt poa tlmi lho mom you think ovc hli nmtunf thn irmtrr o ocrvh o ren- d p ura add to thn count il moetlnrn ull tho com m hi iloit work and utorlni trlpn lori- onuiiltutlonn with contractors lho iituilyvof thn durability of materials und win ro to obtain thrm thn imit dniigmi to aifpt securing workmen financial the towntihlp and it must bo admitted thut i ven t nergy brains an 1 continuity could never master all llmm drliiltn uiihus u man a wholn heart wuii in tin work thin lu thn morn evident when it lu known that for thiry yoiru hire iv in no iy ul nil fur rommlusloli work it would bo too much to expert tho in in ii o dr buck a u access ru a modal public qarvant uniirr thin heading thn ulobo of monday january 2 let 1duk editorially nfuni t dr buck unmlluwa iir lliirk of tho llttlo village of l ah nm in tiio ouut of ilalton has mod 1 i hint i if u i cord of which any c adiaii miuit bo proud ho had oructlncd tncdlclnn t ontlnuoualy for ifty four yeuru 1 or forty of tlieuo he wn u nir nur of th- township count 1 of trufulcar and dur g tluil i intel bo wan ubscnt from u y ono ihrctini lor twi nty four yearn ho wan a rjn tnber of tho county council und lu tlutt tlmo did not mlas a single m tinr of tliat council ho waa ol- wuyn i von n clouo and intelligent per no nut attention to thn carrying out of locul public works and to tlio pro motion of public education dr buck han always imm u stalwart lllxral in tollthi but ho lion bed tlio iood nenao und the public uptrit to noo tliat in tho inunlcltiul urunu it la possible to re n ill r t thn community uervlocii far ociehtiric value ot lciqure it win ah by jlumholtx on hit iiiqiitlctli birthday urcordliu to rahmn luu i lu nil nddn nn printed lu lni o n w iork that a great mu had liiir ioriii to itiiti when wan at bin h k nor when bo wun tlr d but unit illy when li wan walking i tlio i iimn i hi ilnn t othrr thlmi dr luak luih on t- tlm lent hit imint tinvc inlnuro t thluu over ttm problimu which offr und ho must hlivi a certain ulncrlmli utlnii in order to dliittnguuih betwoei the lliliirn which urn worth doing and those which nro not to do this ro qulren a t rtiilu delay hi action li orili r tliut plans mny bo matured th lodlvlduil who cminot lo happy unhm ii h ut work ut full power ull tho tlm in uiu- rnn hkrly to uccompllnh nut rem tul oclentlllo work than i in wh will not rotiimriirs a rosea rch untl lui iiuu i utlnflon hlninclf tliat it 1 wortli dolni it lu not to be denli thut in our piciwnt day inlruslvo il lug thl i uu ntlil qualineuuon o iirhntl 1 llru lu too froqueutly rcgurd cd with corn by busy uellnllllo work ijnlrnn wurmn be ex im lied from lho njnltin no hlld can bo healthy mother graven worm ilxterminatur in tho iwnt ineoh in i xtnnt to dentroj worma utile thu clthci tl or npy uvuly dli t lift ion tin iiuch nn worktni quietly and crfoe r thulr awn municlpalltjca uielr uelf sacrtnclng patriot lam thin provluco would iiavo had a bhiiory very different from tho ono t han nuuio for ltnolf it would bo welt for tin lr nrlrlibora to do aa ir buck h noli hbom did tlio other day wbrn they i uve him a complimentary ban tjunt nntl a tdindaomo teotlmonlal at the banquet which waa uttended by rulwp lyi re from ull over tlio elpoilty rtfertnecs wrro made by tho different npcakcra to tho doctors mafiy nldnd qualltieu as a profm nlonal man ho has been eminently auc cliuiful having- pratlccd ovci ofty foui yearn an un ngrlculturlnt ho han ai ull round i xperiensp tliat enables him to itpeuk with authority on all form mntum au u llfo long temicraiic advocutf ho bun had much to do wit lho it runic ttincruiic3 unit linen t ol tho township in which thcra iu ab- solutt prt blhltlon an a politician he hiui bieii un uttlvo liberal conteatlnil lho county in thu liberal interest li 1s8c notwltlutojullng ills ntrong poll lical oplnloiiii hu has been supported municii ally by both political parti no place for willie then willie iaw wlitre uru ull lho u-lk- ing machine mudot iaw they am not mado my bo i faomu of uicm nro lorn muw willie youot to lied a tw0fold duty many thoughtful mothers first ghe then- children scotts emulsion regularly and then take it themselves it is a tonicfood that contains elements as needful to an adult as to a child build up your strength try scotfs qcatl si nm ttaceota out 194 a bakery at the creamery a ruv ller through a dairy dlnlrlrt who wuii imprcusod with itio great irofrm l iut tlio crcujnery liulustry him mud during tho pout thirty yearn and the vast amount of iatior thu crrunverlcn nave farm jtomun hoi liech prompted to nuguciit a new idea it la the uhjuon of a co opernuvo bakery at oath creamery no that when a farm er brought his crvam to tho creamery ho could iilke bruud homo or receive it from tho cream wuioit it would ho urn i nuvn fann worn on n trcut ileal of wiirm hard work und uuve the fanm r fuel which havo becoma im ikirtunt factum in econonilqo also if llrbi did not i to to bake farm life would b i no uttrucllvo to tin m und they would nm iln then an iiltlt tint would buko 120 big leaven every liour with tho equivalent of tho heal of two kltchrm utoves would bo nmplo for a en nmery tho first coat of thn baking machinery woiljd 1m about tho aamo au tliat of the oreamry machinery und two per ooiui could run it thu baking ma chim ry would requlru a room 10x10 foct nervous prostration i be overcome by lydia jpinkhams vefretahle compound this let prov it irtiiwclpma pa dnrinetho hteara i have been married i have been in hod health and had several at tacks of nervous jirostratioo until it seemed os if tho orjrana in my wholo body wero worn oul 1 waa finally persuaded to try iivdlak pink ham s voffotablo com pound and it mado a well woman of mo i can now do all my housework all ailing women to try pinjthamb veffo table com- i will puaraatootboy will lt benefit froni it mm tneuald 25 n 4jat btroot t nadelpbia fa t aro tboaannda of wanes erery- n airs ntzeralds condition k from aervouness backache joa and other symptoms of a lal deronpument it was a j spirit for ileal th restored which o write this letter so that other tnay bencfi t from her experi i health as aho has done ffeauonainrefmrdtoyoar con- tolydiae pinkbom ilediclnei a mass tho result of their experience is at your acrvice lonv ilut west tin where suffer hcada functl rrstel fed hoi wornei end til tor ditlonj co i 40yoa in 1s4 he married mlas lt a howoll daughter of j t howoll or trufalfcur and aho poaaed away in 1300 liavlng ulvmyu beeil a cheerful helpmate fifty vors in publlo lifs dr lluak a first start in publi wua lu 1s8 whi school truateo and until 1807 k r forty continued us auch medicinal valul of fuitq i dlhlo frullii uu l rori dlreel inedli lull rftecto lui tliuy oncuurui0 ho nnturnl itubcnaru hy which the netrln nrerrnxjued orunjtis flgu ptuiea mulberrlea dlllvs mil nrtarlncs ore luxutlves cm ii berries bluckbonlcs dowber tiis lojibirrlca ltlliicea pears wild chen i n nml barberrhs are astringent oropui peaches tiucklelierrlca and blftcli ourronta are diuretics poodjbtrrlcn currants pumpkins and molono nro rufrlgt rati to ho nro lemons ilmes and apples and these lost are auo otomach aidativco apple lire collective and useful in 1 ajaca wlio and exporlonctd mothers know wiiou tholr children aie troubled with worms and loso no ttine in applying millars worm rowdrra tlio most eff ective viyinlcuuo thut can bo used it is uhaoluto in t tearing tho uyqlun of wnrma and rejilorliig thoao healthy cinidtttniia without whirh there can be uu comfort fur the t hlld or hopo of robust growth lt lu tho most trust worthy of worm exterminators mccutlvo years ho wa- rrafulgar council li lsti7 hu was elected councilor am held tliat olttco unui 1874 when in waa proniolud to second ijopuvy iluoe in mxi ho wun ctiouou first deputy lucvo und in 1831 ho became lloevo which ottlco he retained until the oloao of 1307 oevoulceii ycarn the most reniarkuhlo feature of thai hi i n louqie of oftloe wns uiat ho only nilasid ono meet lg of tho township ou mil nod tliat was when he nttc cd his ulateis luoeial in c ilaago thlu wua illiowlso un evidence of good hiulth coiatancy and duep in teres t ufl wilv t pi of wmllr easy to handle economical light weigns you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to aave money look iiito the wide deep geata of thio model ninety look at its ample legroom look at ita spaciou3 tonneau note iow inviting and beautiful every thing ianothing skimped nothing cramped it has big car performance combined with small car handiness and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for ita control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for mntimnm service and convenience the motor is 32horsepower the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the fnmoua autolite sysl for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see thi3 model 90 let u3 demonstrate its many advantages t x speight agent georgetown ontaiuo wiflyaovctland limited hood of fico and works west toroto ontario n uy only liiiiduy only uundny only golrto cast 7 48 a m bally mn pi hunday ially oxupt hunday 8 18pm dally except hunday usb a m buuilay only e 48 p m hunday only 8 co v m hunday only freight and expreoo llxrucss carried on all eaut i r ight delivered dally by ap cinl oxpreaa freight kxprcsa or i reiuht picked up at any address in toronto it aqnirw agent acton touring car toarinu car model 90 model 85 for particulars apply to t j speight jas symon a 5v5co0o 51495j10 georgetown cton railway time tables at acton 0 rand trunk railway oyittm qolno waat no 9 h 13 a m 31 ij u a in no 33 2 13pm l t3 p in ai nm i no esat 0 28 a m 3 2b p m fl 15 p m h 12 p m pass throukh acton 3 10 o- ni and cant at unday train going went at 7 00pm toronto suburban electric hallway going waat iuly mhjii unday ipt hunday 0 17 am 3 33 p m 8 0 p m 11 03 a- m 8 32 p m 910 im dally dully o i i hunday eggs poultry bring oyt youk eggs and poultry highest cash price paid r milligan comer younn and mill sta acton or to p o dox 341 uptodate gocds at c c steigrtts silverware in tableware fino varioty also fine cutlery hardware tinware and grnnitc- woro big assortment pandora stoves and kaiije3 famous heaters small stoves oilstovcs every article 10 of excep- tional value c c speig mill street acion adv ertise regularly and then watch for results or cjrcunintance dr huck spent twenty four yearn in tin haltou county council and in lsil wal ehooon as wurdfii tho hii1i bt iiiuilclpal olllco in tlio gift of the people during this long period he iiuver nilasod a meeting lie was out of tho county council during tho tlmo thu county wan divided into divisions from isod to loofl in 1907 ho- mite rod agalh tor u yenr prior to hla re lire lilanl during iijs lone tenure of utfice dr huck wua uaually returned by accu luutlon but when opposition urao ho had largo malorltioa showing the ap preciation of his services by tho rato payers dsnqut and oald watch on january 16th 190a immediately after his retirement he people of trafubrnr tendered the doctor 0 com pllmentary bamjuot at tho township hall whit h was un event lung to bo remembered in tlio annals of tho town ship it vldenord uu outburst ot es- spring have vou received your otininq footwear yet t if not co to kenney bros and maio your election from tholr stock 1 tho ntylca for ada ari lux golaa bali oxforda with a rewhj pumiis yvo luivo also a nlco lino or ladlou high cut dais witli fawn und iat vamps which gtvo a very ntyllan sppuranco our jdonn lines f fn and htavy ibiu ro cmiploti with il u aliases und child o t ruiaonablo prlcej wo will ubio have i tomplote llnu of whlli olu your hapalrirtq attondod 1 enney main strett bros aetuii ont acton bakery m edwards co canada ihmi llounl lluiim nti 013 mill btllllt acton whiu- linad brown bread boston brral tea jiiicuib liirilaz buns ifinloz seonei 1 5c doz cookies 15c do cakes 10c 15c 20c 3k wedding cauta a bpeclalty m edwards co acton ontaiuo v btorc cloacd lvcry niht but i n- duy and suturduy ut 0 iu ovluik

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