Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1919, p. 6

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o iitruia marriages and death rnro now charged for at the following rates lilrllui tor marrlaeo too doathn coi memorial cards 0 10c per lino cirn for potliu oonn i oilmti it at htratfi muy 20 1013 dford on tuwiilay r an i mm i j ic 1 rcdcrick charles iltljtii h ott- ilay may id markuy chsi 1010 lutli w molvln m uuah toronti dicd ii mlllon r on hutur- llov w m und daughter ijcotl to llaur i a1 uu may 11 1013 movefwlfn f clpul f mil ton ckcami 11 at tuesday liny creamer sou 1 bert 1 ljnma j oi luhci hun day idcrklrk ilua irln iin 11 j n j on 13 1d1t ite km mr and mm oil in his 24th year hawjoui at tho homo r her daughter mm victor anderson lot ib ran nassagaweya on tucn day may o 1di3 juno melcmdry widow ot tha into william crawford in her hlh year olje arton 3to pbh thuiihday may brief local items -hk- tho lilacs are blooming apple bloasom time is hero again uaturday in a public holiday for old queen a birthday r oood saturday there u bo nanny lioine comers for the holiday and hun day will tha twenty fourth bo potato planting day as usual t the maples are in leaf a couple of weeks later thau usual brampton will upend j so 000 in street lmprovcmcnta this year advcrtialng u now recorded as a necessity to successful mercantile bual hlora hoard of education axe con sidering plana for a new 60 000 school bulldjng oahawa iloard of trado haa ap pointed a committee to advertise the town numbers of gardens in town now have abundance of plants ohd shrubs in bloom tho services in the baptist church will hereafter bo held on daylight bav luff time william norrlsh guelph was fined isoo and coots tost friday on a charge of selling liquor the la ten eon of tho aprlng season bos interfered considerably with the seodlmr operational there hi a great appearance of fruit blossoms and the prospects for apples is cry food new motor cars are coming into acton and vicinity every week to tho treat pleasure of the owners acton lawn bowling and tennis club will hold a euchre and dance in tho town ball on thursday juno s tramps have been llvlng ouelphs smallpox hospital for some time lately and holding- high carniral penalties of 2100 and costs were paid by kitchener men last week for infractions of tho ontario temperance acf tho farmern are hoping for tho fulfilment of the old adage plenty of rain in may assures an abundance of hay tho roads are rot una smoothed down again tho split log- drag could he profitably used just now on many of our roods too ontario department of agrl- culturo announces from reports re celved that this is tho most backward spring in fifteen yearm in comrurwoiftktho board or trado has issued lxryuefon to cltitcna to rylo with uicwf for the improvement tvthe town fsiv meeting of those interested in ballon childrens aid society will bo held in the council chamber next hon day evening at 7 30 o clock tho members of tho upworth lea ttuo have been invited to visit oeorce town league and provide tho prd- gramme next monday evening mr speedy of tho upper canada tract society preached very interest ing and a bio sermons in knojt cnurch last sunday morning and eveolug tho guelph junction railway tlon of the c i it iulb just given cuelph city another fine quarterly divl dend of 0 amounting to 111 476 the express companies announce that after juno 1 collection and do livery of parcels will be confined to tho hours between s ajn and t pm tucitlay rain again retarded tlu farming operations these froqueut rains of tho lust month liavo interfered seriously wltb preparing the und and getting in tho seed mr a e nlcklln who haa just returned from tho western provinces reports that tho crops are more prom ising tluin they havo been at this tune of the year for some time monday evening will be observed aspaiit masters night in walker lodge hi tifsam all chairs will be occu pied by vaal masters a full alteiuj anco of membor is anticipated mr i w lujc l recently iui ciuumki iulvor ijuko tho thurousli bred clydesdale stallion has put him on tlii will ft 1 nervier kiura hu fluo podlxrco rood results are expoclod a tow venturesome younjc man liavo commenced riding on tho liavo meuts ujtuln thoy are apt to run up asroliimt the muiilupoj ofllcer or soma other authority n the fariiiers are staudiiig togctlier slrotitz adrcsui on saturday lvcn- inc ly mr mormon secretary of the u p o will nominate par li am en tary candidates a lurcu f utlirrliii f furincrn as sembled in tbo town hull 011 llulurday evening to liiur tin uddrjui of ilncru tary ilorrlsoti of tlio united i uimnni of ontario mr it n iliown inl dent of acton iurmrrn club occu pled the chair mr morrison defined in vory inur eat ins terms the position occuqlcil by tho farmers of the country thoy arc bo said iho ktsoruaora of tlio hulk of tbo asscssahlo prajxirtj of tho country and lay the ereater nliaro of tho taxcu yet when it caino to tho election of reprrsentntlvcs to tlm lcslnloturra of the provinces am tho parliament of canada very few farmers aro put in nomination the time lias come ho declared when formers art to repre sent their in to renin in parliament i this end farmers will te nominated in every constituency poonlhlo f r tho forth romlnr olectlonu in tho rnittir of hanlljnc tho far mors stock on the markets the j 1 o liad undertaken enoctlve measures to liandle rattle pics and nlicep direct ioui at toinin ind monrcat uy ll 1 rethotl of mauuig tliolr shipment tindci tho supervision of their own officers and effecting nalcs in tho union ntock yards without tlio medium of middle men they were able to ocruro a nioro uniform markot they would not hero after ho tt tho mercy of tho iiackln houses and cold aforaco companies numerous olhcr matteru of inter cot to the farmers wero referred to and the audienco appreciated vory highly the address ilalton continues her iiidepeiichiiee provided for our heroes dtpcn- dentfj daring uie war and will continue until all our men are home ut thr thl without dm rci t pi nt provhlr 1 liilopeiulrritly o tin i und this f i ik lil nuil nxi t in 11 1 ul it 1 dlti ntrlh it i ikiuun i atrlol r hi dlntrl tl ll y mid li rii not boon f ri il- 1 11 1010 j30 001 ml fr li little where to gpcnd your vacation visit the many attractive resorts the hiahlands of ontario aro you plannlnir a vacation thin j ear in tho beautiful highlands ontario you could choooo no bettor recion in which to spend a boll lay lohlns boating bathlns rnd 1 olhni can be enjoyed under idea conditions there is tho widest ranee of accammo datlon from cumfortnbk hotolu larco and small to rnodeat form ho unco tho whole of tho wonderful hffih binds of ontario rcslon has been opened up to travcllera by tho grand trunk itoilway bystem and tliero la excellent train service any occnt of tho railway will cladly assist you to map out your tour and will supply you with list of hotels rates etc and 11 lustra ted booklets descriptive of tho districts of tho resorts in tho ilichlands of ontario tho beat known aro probably the musltoka lakes this famous dis trict is reached through muakokd wharf station 112 miles north of toronto and to thlo point run tho through muakoka trains connoctl with these trains are tho n team boa lu which serve all the resorts on tho three lovely lakes muakoka itosaeau and joseph which are known as the three graces just noi th of tho mm koka lakes tho lovely lake of bays huntsvliie 140 miles north of toronto is the cate way to tho region this territory la surpassingly beautiful comprlslift some of u10 loveliest wot r stretches in this country of lakes tho grand trunk connects with a flotilla of lake steamboats acrvlnx all tho territory the aleonquln park of ontario is a great reserve of 1 700 uoo acres it la on tbo very ridge of tho i i fan lands its altitude above oca lo avaroes 1 700 feet while some of tbo bikes in tho park pro i000 feet above tho oca tho park makes an especially ntronsr appeal to the floherraan and canoeist there are more than i coo lakes in the park and tho excellence of tho sport draws anglers from ovory part of tho continent in tho aleonquln iark tho grand trunk owns and oper ates bo highland inn und also it e cabin camp hotels tho abronuuln pak is about zoo miles north of tor onto and is also easily readied through ottawa being 1cj miles west of tbo capital city tho tlmngainl region la reached through tlmnimnl stntlon 300 mllca north of toronto it is ono of tho great canadian reserves that havo beeu sot aside for all time as play grounds for the people in tho centre of this territory is wonderful 1 rl o tlmagaml wiuj its ohoro lino of 1 132 miles while there aro hundrvds of other likes to invite tho anglor un 1 canoe hi this l tawa at lout meetlnic f tho county council luat w k tlui follow loir letter from ulr hirbert amm honnrnry llcrretary of tho unu jnn patriotic 1 und to ualtonu fje relary w i ulrk county crown attonuy was uuliniltted canadian patriotic i und 1j6- vlttorlu street ottawa may 7th 1310 w i pick ini r ijear hlr during tho war ilalton county han very j i tiorounly imb n rtbul to the uiiudlaii 1 atrlotlc lund with out 11s luui lmmi i10 cuiio with other liram lieu drawing n uu for unnluliu co tho war is over now and wo find tjat wo havo on hand 11 considerable 1 ir plus nuitlelint wo bellovo to meet id needs of all our branches through tho repatriation and demnblllx ittnn r lod in view of your pruvloun coi trl buttons nhould you dtnlro to draw for current necda on our lliuil oftleo i un i wo should bo moat willlar to hone r your dcniandu provldi d alwuyn that tho same method was followed by you in rujpcct of allowances und dlschnrg en as by tho regular branches organisation that in man in discharged from tho c l his family in not entitled to furtli patriotic i und ana to la n neighborhood news- town and country items ol interest from various local i tiss covsrod by tho free press cflewgonfj cornero 1 friondu i am clura i ami ofi m mljert ar unw ll nd tuabel iiulx i luy at mr james of tho iorri u llupcr tho hj mur vlll bo admltiliil ixt mun lay mr and mrs w vunnorman unil hlldren guelph uiont tho week ond vlth friondu ero mr and mrs axciujlurrio and dill irun of aetoii wero week cud visitors it mr o graham o rim unrlug fain is showing up ih oly now tho leuvlif uro burotlng in i tho fruit irt on commencing to it inonv mukhig tbo ountry beautiful ilnpr xn you 1 njn xly iiekiililt h amla honorary secretary by direction of tho council a loiter was sen to ulr herbort atnou thank ing him and tho ottawa commit too for tholr tencrous offer and adding tint ilalton would prefer to continue own uystem until ull of her men havo returned no dernuu i would bo miula on tlm canadian patriotic 1 un 1 mil nomo emergency uhould orlsu later getting ready for referendum prohibition forces rally at big convention in toronto keep the province drv dhtouiuilon of programmes for tho rallying of tho prohibition forces for tho fight in connection with tho ro fercndim to bo taken in this province and tho expressed dct rm illation to leave no ntono unturnod in an en deavor to pcrpetuato tho existing torn porary dry measures wero outotand inff featuten opening of tho provincial prohibition convention which poned in mausoy hall toronto on tuesday delegates to tho number of novcrul hundred ar prenent from all porta of tho j rovlncc tho provincial gathering will ho fol lowed by a world prohibitu n coi ferenco and on iriduy by mornlni and aftoniooi cfiiaion of tho domini u council tho utter meetings will bi held in ht- jimcs parish hall in welcoming tho doltiits ireul dent charles fc htoolo alluded to the changed condltlonn under which urn convention is mooting vvhcn our convontlin laat mot tho war cloud dark and foreboding hunt ttku u pall over tho wholo clvlllfd world wordu fall us to day in expressing our di gratltudu to almighty oti for having removod tho dark nluidouu of war and bringing us out into tho ounllghl of peace erin ntatlven or tho councils of nshlp and village met in tho irln on tueadny evening to map out a program for a reception t r tut nc 1 iioldlorfi to bo hold here on luiuiuy july 1 when thn whole si roundliik ouutry la expected to atto thorn will bo a program of niortn the park in tho afternoon after purado fly tho soldiers and u concert in tho drill hall which will bo properly jeatid ct nigh when some of tho li talent 1 roriirahlo will lake part one or thu best brans bands to bo had will lo tngitgori for tho day and every thing will bo free to tho soldlero i is hoped that tho wholo township wi fall in lino and make it a day which will not loon bo forgotten by cither noldlers or eltltenn advocate nf sj- -l- jctj what your bollair will buy at nockwooo mr robert itoyro is out again aflei hlu lojig and serious illness mr l it guild attended tho me tho dint district mooting at llora last week muis catmlo mm 1th bn for an ex tended period tho i uthcr und hon banqu et ro cntiy hold wi a a great nucct on it was n f rushing to u on 1u f ft the n and sous 1 it dowi tog ether at a social gu iph district mooting recommend oil at llw mooting at llora tho ro or raugement of the hockwood circuit of tho mothodlst church fjlloan near acton crowaonn corners rdon milln und invert 011 aro to bo discontinued and hockwood tha btono church and tlethel are to form tho new itojcwood i rumosa circuit contlt kith fur 11 tin rcferoiiilum ho urged u united rally of all friends of tho cauiwi through tlio mpdlum of tho ballot box in support of a dry ontario tho common ol joet declared shoul 1 be that this couu try may bo mado tho oaf oat place for young manhood and yount wiiraiui hood in tho world military newb the other wav out borao peoplellvo in constant foar beins found out thoy aro novcr ablo to lose sight of the fuct lliat thoy havo a great many things to conceal and if they are not successful in so doing the fat will all bo lu tho fire naturally this is oomowtiut nerve racking andtho people who aro l ways trying to bide uomolhliii bet lo tiave u rather worrod hunuuud dn meutior tho simpler way when you stop lo think of it is to bo whut you want uthers to believe you to have nothing lu conceal is uuy amount easier tluni to 1 coiulnually straining every ncrvo to hide wluit you do not wlsii others to know w it crit us and waltur iim bert luivo purcluiaed a now thrcshlni outfit thoy would llko to i10v0 a renewal of their old cuatumcrs patruu- age am well us others ihls season they guarantee eutlra satisfaction it looks as if soni ut poison to kill doitn t had put iwnv j aklno in in khaki uuli id la now on guard ut no 3 hut kupuskaslng out ito h w cuslck who haa just re turned to ilia homo in moffat uftct four years ovurueuo npnnt a couple ol days wltb his sister mru w j hell main blrxol bcrgt m murryday of glonwilliamu was prcsenlod with a moritorloun tier vlco modal by tho governor general of canada at a dlutrlbutl in of war medals at queens park toronto lost week ito bort taylor who on ho toil li northwest ro turned from ovcruous lust wack und is skudlut a week 01 with hla ulster mru mcgregor glenwllllamn bert vlultod a frloniu un tiunduy lieut ifurbt rl mrkcuui of lloyul air 1 orco arrived in town from uviniuiii this witk und in npoiulltig u few days with his grandfather thu hon david llotuurnon und otlui acton friends prior tn leaving for his home in winnipeg ticrgl lerry corp harold bavlll and corp itaad wright reached homo from overseas laut week thoy wero accorded u rousing woli omu milton limn l galloway has sol i his 33 o farm near milton to geo km it at u good figure ho milton citizens band has or iod to hold their annual garden party ut tho fair grounds on tho even lug of july 1 john m mackenxle went to durham yesterday summoned on account tbo critical condition or his fatbe who ha 1 11 a tccond luirulj tin atroki mru christopher currlo has boon ai pointed matron of tho children a bholtor a twitter aelcctlon could not jiavo been mucin tho youngatera will faro well under mrs currio s care during the service lu grace church on hmliy i oming last a brasa jnom orlui tablet wan dedicated in memory if tin luto mhui maria deldrlclia car ti r who wuu for several years the organist of this church and took an ictlvo narf i 1 iho work of the church champion 1 pair ladiej pure silk giovcu tho kay cr hnnid m black or white 2 dome fastener double tip lingers s7e i 1o s one tnr quality special it pair si 00 2 pair lodicm italian silk hose in black brown or white size- h 9 r and 10 an extra fuoti value at 2 pair for 100 2 pair iiovh heavy ribbed hose sizca 7 v 8 h 0and 10 special at 2 pair for 5100 2 pair mena black caahmcxc sociijj mens all wool cashmere socks sizes 101 only good value at 75c special at 2 pair for 100 3 pairs mens merino socks in ray and fawn shades a sock that will give good wear special at 3 pair for 100 a yards single fold gingham ti113 gingham we have in pink and blue checks very suitable for childrens dresses a special at j yards for 100 i yards double mold gingham this extra wide double told gingham in pink check and tripi 13 wortli 50c yard a jpccnil ut yard for 100 1 yardi crash towelling natural oliadc crah towulirif utchcti wkc worth to day 35c yard special at 1 yards for 100 j yards oxford shirting oxford shirt mg 27 inches wide fast colore in fancy utripc wortli to day 40c yard special at 3 yard for l0o 2 yardh heavy feather ticking this heavy weight a c a i calhcr ticking 33 inches wide rljular price 00c yard a special at 2 yurdi for 100 curtain jtei at 100 yard we give you your choice of four different patterns in curtain net 51 inches wide in cream white and ecru regular price 1 25 a special at per yard 100 grocery specials 150 lbs choice prunes b 17c 200 pkgb i lb seeded raisins pkg 17c 2 pkgs gloss laundry starch 25c 200 cans drudge for cleaning can 5c choice no i cheese lb 31c granulated sugar u going to be scarce buy now oranges bananas and lemons stoke opln all day wldnbsday 21st closed saturday may 24th cleaiini mills mux stoeet we cell for cash wc sell for lego acton dc 3d hr oeoroetown ixckoy lias purchased m chalmeru house on mcnahh kl tho n- mil nu of mrs ihey nelson unm who diod in vancouver on may wero interred in toronto mr un 1 mm 1 a harlcy havo just turned homo ufter spending a fow yu in ibiladolphla un 1 new york hurry goldham 11 many friends li wn uro pleoucd to see him tiack a u old place in iuttcrsoiu meat mar the trout ponds mr w a i trot brook tntertalned a party of gi ntlcmen ut tho iummnr homo hero during urn wuok amoiil them wun major jumiii huckl who went overseas uu i private with tho artillery in 101c thlo young uol dicr bus uiparontly hd u cluirmixl llo in hts adventures with tbo c i i tho post four yearn w f mooney of guelph has op nod u utoru on main htreut acton where ho will conduit u tin smith and uhoot metal buslneuu onlcro for hot air funiureo and plumbing will recolvo uloc1u ulten oon castor sa for infanta and children fln usoforover30 years always bears signature of spies ibnciloot3tw3t trrdfrro canatsx corp wright olty bride lvhu lulllg lllulll at homo with friondu of 1 idler husband i to k u jurdun leal corjs arrlvod nd lu f tho army uu1 tucuday from thu of hlu these days i btreeu tho dust on mill ami mali is becoming tiiuro uuj more u as tho warmer dryer weathef appruadi es the ubsenco of tho usual spring scrap tug unj ouioi lug is now bcliuc keenly folc the mom choir of twenty voic conducud tho ocrvlo o pralso li motbodlst churcji last sun lay very successfully iho solos by messrs n v moore and noil mcdonald wero much enjoyed iniprovtniciitn haw imcii in pro gress at the own bull tho past week or two tlio t ounul l lioinbcr haa been fur b uh id up considerably and iho electricians room has been daintily decorated and papered among the graduates at tho com- nienccnint crcloes at tho methodist national training hi hool at toronto on tuesday wa mlos iluth nelson acton ulss nebtou has boon taking tit course in missions ts li last week hldnuy uarti had both his dog and his cut poisoned iuttliig out poison lo u criminal of fence puulshublo vlth heavy poiuolles tho tlnoodu club of alton ga a dance in tho town hall lust ltlday evening which was uiruuly uttondc from uutsldo kiluts manun m o relics tra of acton furulnhctl guod muni througluiut tho ovenltig lrln advo mr j tl matkensio visited lh coal mining riitn4a lu is last wool with a vlow to tho shipment anthruillo puvs ho says ihn auujily u la much under whut tu no hered innsylvanln furllltatitu ai tun in tho kvllng tli ihrth lay tho grrono uro now in god con lltlou und havo u rtuo ourfuco of turf ah tho members ikith ludlcs und tinlleihon are rwimtci to bo in no lit and onjoy the inauguiatli i day s mort cato mr jiii l camplmill h year old tolt get out t it th oral we kw ago it go unti tlnii tiou was received lust it was down in toronto low the lako shore mr cam duw i and brought it t ack fad 1 thr sister mm dr luwuuii i to jordan went pvcrsous in 191c hu comcti homo wol and has u vory lntvrvstlii uihkjrliniiit if war ivllia he wi jlvcu a rouplng wdicuiuu homo 1ti w i lurlih if tho 47th llatt who baa just returned from overseuu aiaiit u loujito f days lust waek ut tlto motbudlst i uramiuld with itov uud mrj moyor it vj 1 to lurlcb in his capacity as stretcher hcorei who carried cori hhchuni voyur off thu hold whoii h was so ooriously wound d fust ottithn ihu great kind hiss u ito 1urlih in c iiildl to acton from montreal tosiu mr and mm moy crmul b i vliii tin in tlist hand luforitui tlou is mm h ai iiroclutid ito lurloh ki t mm jumci c wathcruld announces tho imtmernint of her daughter jouophlno jurmy to cliarlcs i ten no tt hodt sou of mr robert ii hodg son of j10 crown landa dopt toronto tho marriage will ako placo early in juno in toronto a mooting of tho cxocutlvo of t io dnimmirn snack club was held at ilotjl mcjibbon on jrrldjy ovenlog lutit an 1 urrangemonts tnado for tho big unnui outing to bo held in george town muli r tho uusploes of tho o v v a on liday and saturday july un 1 6 j- heiald oakville l i imtriiii on has been commence barn this ii mujiir u iton s flno ncw will replace tl o ono burned in tho j 1 mudih n bus uol 1 1 hi beautiful r ul nnui m ii uduu ktree t to a tor opt lu itll mil who will ako possiui nil ii iii u ul ort line r 1 tl tolt has purcl ascd tho lot 111 by 3 ho a jlbton text to mrs imiik lu und will build u m odtrn housu this suintno r f r which bo has tho ix it v ale x i ortor of omogb bus sold h s r io two hundred aero fum but tlhis not give ioojmusioii until iiott mur h j l miller of verio charles streets toronto qet the dest it payo in nnt i through lit ituida foi hlih gradu buiilncss oil uca tlou a croat demand for u ruduutcu open ull year jntor mrw write for catalogue w j elliott principal strong healthy plants ready now ianslca 20o do iluloi 10o u tt 7o dot hwcol williams loo 75o canterbury luills 10c soo i ox lloves 15c ux curnutlons 15o 1jx latell early and late caodacr cauliflower tomatoes celery early and late flowers annuals different vsrlotus a h bishop gardener ordsrs dookd phono 04 fairview ave actot nfty nrty kti u will be be u tl i nurdu oer iway cummlssluu is asking to paint aberdeen brldto tlm road on tha llula oust tlio coat would ho boruo with the commission lunh aunlvtrsary servicer i un undajr 1uy 2e when or for the occasion will ho j 1 ruuuu of iummmisjo n church toronto star ttillui iili hlu ho ourlwoton ut uiiuhtutu n y near hyrui i rtowia m tnntmucnnuiaif ittirmy ar i 1 hllllpmes und in mule istcd with tho cujul11juis lu so ii i war the cou council last weeh passed a by law which ad in to hut tors good roadn uystria tbo road bo twern nelson and inttuljmr fn in nun las mtreot to the mllti n ruud uluo thr road running south fioin tlm rutoiilo hamilton highway ui thu lukoftunl manufactured milk japanese aro i i distinguish 1 rtlilo thin artlfulul tho nuju srntly tl i o tho ihu tin loll 1 lu ulir o llimld turns white uutar ihonpliulu nf ihu mh lu i ropi r ttlim are ddc 1 uml tho liollliig uid until u aubiitoiili thn thli k f niiiliihufi lo olvuilnu 1 rhlrt itvreni n is vuiy uciurulely t iy ioidiuniil milk and wlicj 1 add 1 taiinot bo toll fiom milk memorial committee en u juirk und a mom it liun bi un uuncatod that u union k ivui uiiinit bu f i ruled in hurllntton un i inuko uu early uppcal to thn iloctuiu a vi i y tulet wedding was uolemnlxu i ut ht lukus hurth un wixlnuaduy moy 3 oapt j t ohurch m t win iinltod in holy matrimony to miss luilllo hurl only daughter of luto c hurd of minneapolis ml a y ry liniortant n oeling uf juhupl tlootlons nos 3 4 e 0 un f ni in in townnhln ill le hold lu tho town i tip boll ntlsun thursday ma ut 7 30 fur tho discussion of thi ctiaoldutli u of the schools lu thes shaw summer schools toronto upikuil to umbltlouu utu dents wlio dirinit rare to lnao two or thruu months tlmu yi u may cuter uuy iluy uud iaiiiiiuuo i giuduatuo into a lxh ihjjuiuii 1 roe boiklol wrlto w h shaw iduldulit heio lookshoe sale r how about your motor oil gasoline engine oil machine oil beparntor oil cup grease axle grease wire pence stock now on hand washing maehines power or hand all kinds of farm machinery and repairs auction sale of shoes on i1uoay evening conic and kt ioftlc burainb sec what you can do ut the imilcmlnt waklkoomb mill street acton charles e parker mill stueet acton ontahio meats aix the besr cuts ol 11est quaijtv a1ways avaltaklu nu iuomitly dejjvuied a fresh lot ol saij110n tltoutwhj slu whole oi halt mceoery sc evsyms liconso nu 0 lb2 main street acton ontario the ut c ii 1 f i- chi c8 mudo ian i lu 1ont klatulx w iuiik lu irft u uu 1 th roiuuludei llvl 1 1 oiuully uni n g left an ootatc ip xhlotly of farm o ilia son chas uuost of i 000 or tho s 13 istuto is audchll on tin oil d i vtr the ho f lot f lb st nturms uf tho it day lust tlm o vi ry hhh and w philp hr uf piano violin and othai otrlnu imtumtnt aiso 1 ii 1 ou 1 ui 11 rciu1 1 xauiluutu us acnin 1iiijj 1 uuu pionil t uttutitlon nd u ft ut vlll lucilvo ill ot tho fo i jf ljiont uttout uaaatto real estate if you liavo a housu for aula if you want to buy a housu in acton ask r j kerr auctioneer sjid real catats doalsr 1 hon i j 311 young struct acton ont acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream iaiu tist and i 01 t vhmaction cuailanteio iiikiiit maitklt ilth 1 kit huttut iat will lttctlvo any aiuohnt of cream you irhur in ayy ijumility o new lid i gut iurcliused 15c doi tliia wccu ooii jljoiulay ihuibtluy und saturday lvtninjp until 10 pjil acton creamery co wiilow bullt oppuoite govcrntiieiit liuilding jueadquautiils for wkddino and wkthp 1r1sit3 hogtirii 1u47 ijllvirwnii r ivlilviu 1 i rkn mi i id i u i uiuai tut ihinii ii y hlna wo curry tlm mo it mi li to btor in rnttii marniaoe liccndco loqucd geoynds actor ontanio co p clean lug lrcoalng llopairing your clotlic thoroughly cleaned in snnitury workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen we can make that old suit look like new try us ailace ontahio choice gioceries and provisions mrs jennie mcdougall m ikcu a mikrlalfy of n pcltk tho heat uooihi aviillubli i r ih ond itellablo prices reasonable your wants will bo cari fully uup lliol home dakinq on friday and saturday mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont kellys meat market corner mill and elgin streets acton i rarry a full line of meats au i have had man years oxporifiii o it i my aim to bring heforo my cuiitomcru ho very choicest mtata nt a rrjuionablo pric will you give mi unity to show im oipof wkelly acton ont notice to ladies in town and country ur win u you arc di m with your ho uu u liaultik rail up j rton olriorj llnmt- 55 llox cl i will luuruutlu good satla faction and prompt utti ntlon alex gilboord box 201 acton ont phono 55 church st 3rd door from willow buy your coal now ii ui 1 u i in ii huiilnl n in it luitivl vs pub llnlii 1 in ll i nt ol i audi 1 i tl i ill t 1 k in u f jo p u 1 l tutilic i now i tho tlm to order prico lor muy uolivury siooo turiiim cuth un qui i vary loava ordr with narnmn mclsod cr ut cooioiit on hand a iull ci o lumbar lalli nd uhln at nor yard j b mackenzie glohgliown acton tooth paste tin wmtlrful i ilium fueling kluw ilvu to til illlluth lu uko li itiunilil tuli lv ii iblldroii bruuli tin ir t tli iciularl win u you tlvu tin m kluii0 exclusive quelph aqent8 ckee 9 tho roksii druo store guelph ont

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