Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1919, p. 1

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forty fourth year no 4h acton ontarhvthursday mohning may 20 1910 siogld new advertisements the methodist church acton union ocnvicco 1 ii in in uw 1 re iljyli riun oliurc 30 j m sun lay thool 1 p in in in methodist hutj hav j c wilson oa will preach you alt nvitli i omh- foh gale wanted ijyo ilcna uitii chickens lbs ariil over 26c per lb t cati it new summer apparel e new is girls wanted rk on fine underwear nlgo rk heat wases good board n apply for particulars vcil knitting mills ltd alton jt 15 a picasuro for us to offer the display now on exhibition in the various fashion departments ot this big store we have never seen fashion j that were better calculated to enhance feminine beauty nor have we scon styles that were so cleverly designed or o artistically made you ate 3urc to be pleased with any selections you may make from them prices as always on a wide scalp suiting everybodys purse all the cloth suits at big reductions models suitable for women and young women big shces of the original prices have been cut away qnd your choice is extensive for every cloth suit in our regular stock is included in the pricecutting reg 3000 suits reduced to s2a00 reg 3500 suits reduced to 2500 keg 4250 suita reduced to 3000 and all the higher priced suits including the ex uusivc new york models are reduced in similar proportions blue serge suits for pro spective bridegrooms a magnificent showing of high grade all wool serge suits for men and young men qualities of dye and texture that can be depended upon absolutely prices all the way from 3500 to 55j0 specially attractive values m standard ies at 4000 4500 and 5000 macdonald bros ltd guelpjets leading and largest store wyndham macdonnel and carden streets guelph ont court of revision notice la hereby given that uio tlntt meeting of the court of ue vision tor the villains of acton yrfll bo hold in tho council chamber on monday june 2 1010 t eight lua to hear all complaints against the assessment i to 1 1 for 1913 all ici jona ha vine business in tha said court am roqueatod to attend at the some tlmo und place t un ralluut clerk dated at acton this ssail day of may 19w 47 2 wfmooney of guelph lias opend a store on main h tract acton where ho will conduct a tin- ami tli and ah cot metal bualncau onlcm for hot air furna and plumbing will receive special atten tion shaws summer schools toronto appeal to ambitious oiu- denta yiho do not carp t lose to or hreo man ha tln yu may enter uny dny und conuuuo i i rfuduatiuii iuo h good position rco itooklcl wrlto w h qhaw president w philp lobar of pi no violin and other qtrtna inlument auso jii1 owjan will vull acton on tuusday of each week until further notice juplla pr pared for conservatory lxumliiutloun mcnjnicii left of acton fkksj iuwu oftlio will rcjoivo prompt attention wall paper sale browns drug store has the biggest display of wall paper ever shown in acton and special reductions tare being given on bankrupt slodc of paper received this month call today and take a run through our i sample rooks no need to go to or order from tho city wo cap sovc you money drugs and stationery mux street acton wonderland friday may 30 treprussiaricuf by if a 1 u hint hit luwohitu cuptuln llnrirt vun lor ooll confessed herman spy 1rjnm uro of elumlc ut h mil und tin invisible inilhuiity of oennany loft behind by ambassador vtn lltinstorrr the couirdy cump liii out with kulty arbutklc mtmle by munoii on hinlru admlusiou 23a uml 16c war la hatuhday may 31 nuukhiy nnuthty with lnij jlennrtt u two part itltf v iojii edy nml urn canadian iteglmciili tucqday junk j llio hint eplitodn of a klfiht mlllloiin tlui nrt nltto o uf tin circuit nu gitegoky dry goods russells groceries it is cuuy enough f y tore to praise it own pier cliandisc it is not wiat a gtore jayq tw but w t uoca that outq yqu cant build a foundation on talk you must produce the goods a little investigation on your part will convince you that yot can spend your money to tho best advantage at this store russells special value in dry goods groceries l1u1ji 1 muhi ins ci j hi ain muhi imh uinuuaum iltlnltj dltl it till kh uaui1 h huilmlll iinij1 it w1au cimidhinh 4ummlh ii nil rnvvi ah ubn s hummllt undlit wlau iomaio lunri lh owih 1 i anlh t all kin 1 ijl ali i 1 i iufiu ul i liticii f3jxj- okanl iowatol lit umhieh4 hanaa 1 to clear 50 iaira tennjn shoeef at ict than coat b y of tdcvtt i uonest values km ivuijij jtilib 4 dealing mill stitket acton ont btort cio ojo xct friday and 0turdy returned soldiers are banqueted tho young iadica of the inter mediate red cross are tho charming hostesses at quccno 01rthday danquet ijuit hat unlay nvnntnir the quooi hlrthrtay wm dellfchtrully calebrattl by 11 banquet tcnilord tu all tho avail til lo returned no idlers in town ant their luillfu by tho yours tadtc of the ihtnrnirdluto it d roou an tho tucnta tntirel tho town hall thty wirt wi iromo i by a rroptln c inmittm the hall wan attractively d lumtd vvlth linn buntinr bannom und 1 nnc inoltnc i wblla carnnuoi m an 1 t 1 doorutml ii j tables in pro fun i on at c 30 tho com puny numbering about 100 out down to tho tallica whli li hu 1 u moot atiixllzlnit nnncar unco a vtry excellent menu wna i rovldcd and uio nervine xvujt oplcndld- ly urrlfl out by a ncore of the younff uiillcu of the lud croon attired in white they were well orcanlutd and uttciittml lavluhly to tho wants of their iumn rvirynu of whotn avo ample ai prt elation of uio provulon made for lliolr untortuinmont hurlnir tho count of tho meal a varied programme of oicellent graf onola numbers wim rondorod by mr spcieht which addod to uio j uuiitin of all at h conclunlun of tla menu itev i m m lynr the cliulrmon ashed tlic nun to join l of tho war tlmo nlni niifci which thoy did htirtlly hu an n npkc wordo of wolcomo to lit titldlcnt on bulmir of tho tied crosu w u ty lie oald i havo ten hon- orc i t nuvlit by tljo young ladles of tin hi i lidm and tutnem h a hlph honor to bo chairman at this banquet to tlui vi t rantf amotik tli mo who nro with ui to night nro many who marto ijrcjt uaci ulcti and worked hard in our bcl nlf i am auro tluil miny times when you wuro in the ilnctf or in omp or billets you enjoyed tho parcel i head you iiu f hi d lea went you wo are slad 0 h you hire an i nrry all the boy an not i homo wo uilnk of thosi wliu nri to con o as wf ii an of thoso wliii nlp in plunder a plelda thuri n u aonu in tho heart of tho lad tliut a buck a uo ni thoush ho known it not hut ii lujtlica liu chrtk nod brlshuna hi lye an ho nlunilu on the old homo npot i or ha joyo in tho pcaca he haa heled to win 11m 1 glad am glad that i went and i cd bo 11 if in tho heart of tho boy fought 10 buck iiliuttcrod and maim ho ivcuco vro have he played hla part twau tho go tor which ho aimed jiu can liold up liu head an no coward can tim contl well it counts na nought 1 or tho ioiht in uio heart of tho boy la thlu 1 um jlad mil slud that i fouflhu hut wim l of the lad who will never come bwckt methluku wu cun cjtch tlirouflh uio mlat tliut t irclvo tho homo of internal ioaco thlu triumph nunc if wo list i loft my homo for wy country ake i fought for u freedom denied through the path i trod was victory won i um uud am gud that i died w purpuso to ulffht npt to talk uihiui the war forget tho nufferinsa and tho hurilahlim tho ladles wish you to huvu a real happy froe und tmuy time w all uptrcuito the upun lid imii ut wo upprccialo your imirvlti your loyalty you havo come lm k to uu wo want to do the best wo cuii for you wo read about wbut tho ovrnniont is solnjf to do for uiose rotunicl mon who wimt u bo farmlnk w wutit to know wbut thoy are ffolne to do for tho men who dun t wont to 1 on tho faro mr moyer was in a very happy mood an 1 tlua spirit appeared to be 1 1 11 l fill an lxcellcnt programme of musical un 1 literary numbers followed mr w towdy onus tcmplemon a o er vomur leep mcasra wlldffunt ajid mann tho duct uxcouior and mrs a t hrown read irof leacock a my i inuuclul urotr u1m mae ilobert- ui n nave a no i runo nolo when you imm bonio itndnbc vwcalbiu preaent joined in tliut itjimlar chorus wo 11 nov r let tho old 1 las i all in whlci all joined in tho chorua mcaara mr c luro wlldsust mann and bmlth saruj u pluntutlou melody und miss itertlo hniith ouo 1 icotlng- hour with vlo hit and cello obllicuto by mus lotuc mmuni und mr j c mutthowa mijm uly aldorson aalis uellcs ot ht- mmyn ijveft numtwr was well ren d nd und liluhly approcluted und ro irtvi 1 vt tlfcrous appluu mlos daur- ottu iruy mrs bouiuinl wordcn und mluu muy wllduust wore uio euim pufi lata mr c c hiielkht uuu con trlbuted u ouplo of excellent orofon iilu nrlktloilil at tho conclusion of uio programme tieo w colts voiced tho thanks of th nnti in i resolution of upprtdu hon iln uald you havo lost your holiday in our behalf but wo appro uutu vucy highly what you havo duno fir us t uood not cnlurtio cn vll the hcil cruaif luis mccmilnhid tho pual nyo ymr tu nl0ht thoy biivf lx tiled ihcpiilvro- lte j i hcjirruw in seconding tho txolullou said the s tillers havo hud luuiiy nloofs of the very valuable work of tho qudleu of the lul cross we vc t njnyed oursolvts immensely to night tho rtooutiuu was carried by h stun hug vote and uiroo chwrs given un only soldiers know huw to cbwr lugbt over the top mlsu cluiu 1 mooio i rsldont uf tlii intvnuudlutu hud i rws replied in ihihulf uf her unsoclutcu they felt it ii ninrht plvusute tho ri tui ntd soldiers and hetr ludlea iii all uillr uiuvltps itxvy had gutdly uiiiu what limy could fooling that it tnut duo to uio boys who tuid so to ugounly fouthl for un all woio thoii invite 1 to take their plunn ui tht tublts ugulu and l i renin and ita were tiocvod 1 ho u 1 llirs all upoak in hlghasf liuii f tho lullmlilful ovenlmt i tmv e0id1e a uiil rnoci y sltmik won being uuhl yrr under tim hammer und ii eluded h aumuwliut eager assenil lago wus u matt who iud journeyed full of hopo frtim the far end of un ity iimuitloiitly ha waited while tu i loin uf pipeclay caudles bilking an 1 u in till ik sodu wclo sold tie blurto 1 uu hey uui tluiiuer when mo ye guuu uio pit up uio edlhlcnt v ay icspoinud unit tritlcniii i i lu till wo i ijlst huo mniiet hviig hi thul hint john jtninl s up iuc iian k ta n uimry sjs1 f news of local import whin tha fsult li i nrnnu si ould u luutlouu uli ulvlna tholr chlldron p nnlnnum sluy out it school ivery ilny uul u day jf st to tho school work tl runnr truki tup tiny will noun brjliln i nnd want to stop school find fa lilt with the teacher say she partial ec when all tho time tho purrnt id to bhimo hanover iuut womens inatltuts nsxt wsdnasday a micclnl mooting of tho womc institute will bo hold in tlin oun ciinmlm r wediioaduy juno 4 ut 2 ii in minu duncan of toronto who iiaa juot flnlnhel a yeura courtto in icvt york will udilrens un mrn a t j 1 row n will jiivn us tho ixjnl word by vun dyke fur particulars mm pdntcnt i verybo ly wnlcunu the old msn snd the dullonas ix ur mr udltor tho item by the old mun of tho clock- tower ro bull gincs carried mo buck to ihcfl wjion i ituw thn rlrol one tho old gal rattled like a box of domltimji i toll i tho drtvtrn worn iuo little kings i rem lui tier one in tartlcular who worn a tall white heaver hat tin loco motives wore called hullglnes then t lunton union oarvjcea nsxt sundsy hamilton lonferem o i f tho m thod 1st church in in uefwion in kitchener hi weuk luv i m moyer in in nttondan o un 1 will bo there over hun day union serviced huvo thenfnro ixmin tirtahbd b iwtwii tho i rimliy tcriuti xn 1 metiipdlat congixgutlouu for next hunday tho methodluts will worship with tho pruabytorluns ut knox church ut ib o clock in tho morn lnff and tho ircnbytcrlann will attend tho methodist church at 7 o clock in tho evening hev j c wilson n a will preach at both services miss luelis raid s gold msdshst am ont tho twenty four graduate nurses at tho western ituupltui tor onto last week was miss iuc1lu mary hell daughter ot mr and mrs j ii held acton miss hold has had a moat auceasful course bha won the gold mudal given by tho ladles board of tho hospital for general proflriency in obstetrics mr and mrs held wcra ut tho graduating exorcises ut tbo western hospital last thursday and hud tbo picasuro of seeing irof john ferguson make uio presentation of tho gold medil to their talented duughtor junior doll tm ornanlxsd at a meeting in the council cham ber on wodnesilay evening of lust woek acton junior ibtsoball teum was ru orkunlxed for tho season of 1019 with tho following omcers hon ires v a bloroy ircnldotiu w arnold vlco hrculdont itobt hcott hecrolury treaauror hoy lirpwn managtrw noll mcnubb lrunk mcintosh und loo hynd jr tho hecrctury fa in com mun lea t ton with junior clubs in hock wood hrampton and c tort o town wiui a viow to forming a icaguo with tbeso uirea towns an exhibition gunie be iwvon acton un i tho tlcorgotown vet cruns will bo played in tho park on saturday afternoon und u lively neunan in this una uport is looked forwurd to by tho local funs two young man arrestsd hars on hunduy uftcriioon two young mon in khikl drove into town frm lrln tticy hud not traversed tho length of mill btret before chief uwaiiii und coustujlo held hud tiictn in charge a tolcphona i few minutes looktiut for t and bujry si stohcn tho oi ifusago hud ixtcij imrnt before from luelph to mtt noldlurs with a horse it was alleged they hud tut it seems tliut on huturuay night two youiu men from loudon went into ir wllloughby n livery titubla ut tluolph and hlrod a horse stating that thoy wanted ty drlvo uround tho city thoy did not rnturn tt tho hour promlnsl und tho police wore notlqed it wus hnally lejirned thut uioy had driven to l in and from thtro started for acton thoy were lot ked up hero until tho arrival of tho ouolph constable they wem brought before m at lo train wutt ut luelph on munduy and fined 0 and voi s inch or 10 days in jull intareatlng sarvloaa t st albsn a connrmutlon was administered ot yn albans church on huuduy evening lunt by the right hev w 1l clark itlshop of tho dloccso of niagara 1 ight cuiidldutcn worn presuntcd und reealvod tho upon to lie rlto uf tho lay lug on uf bunds in tils aumioii tlt imsliop draw tho coiigrigullon s utteti tton lo tho fact that it wus no nowly invented service but wub practiced by tho apostles n the flrut years of the church s oxtstctieo ho urged those present wild especluhy tho nowly con firmed mombors of the cottar gullon to utrlva for tho highest hjaslble do voloptnuiit of their liven in every way muklutr full use if the in ijmi thut cot ban unpoliiiid such us prayer lilhlu rcudlng holy coinuiunlon und the sen- vices of llio thureh hi rvlco will bo held in ht albun church this even inv it ijl othtk t butug asiciislou day viaitsd dirthplsqa aftar 35 yaara jusl wuok mr john m i boo of tor onto found within him u lunging to sou the pluio of bis liltth und d elded to aieiid tho twenty fourth in tils iiutul town liy tho first eloctrh cur on queens illrthduy morning- ho and mn mel hco uiuded in acton uke many other foruior residonls who rvueli town hy this route for the rtrnt tlmo ha wu i eomplutery tinned u round and found 1 uiliioslblu lo reeogiilsif any fuiutllrir litudmnik in oidui te uirrot hla lutl tudo he eikiulrvd the wuy lo tho unii 1 trunk hlutuu mil was ublo frt n that tuln of vuntaio i i discern plueos tahiulw lit is iwrrhood duya it wan tho plcuuuru of tho idltor lo wol uino mr and mrs mothee the to ii 1 ihiliita of in mt 1 hoe is the sou of tli luto jihn mrllnte ono of tho nit puhlh u hool tcueln rs in at ion uu tu until in tho nrot ulul huunu now otcupiud by m h i m c m itugli- un oumntii hlreel w was the rirst luuchof in tho prestut school building mr john mi 1 hco wua hot u ut hun n lekhuru in u little houao which stood on tho fuuith hue oil tbo luto job hinlon tultn opposite tho huuiu of tl luto tlulh maun where hlr loiial matin hu1 his hlithplueo mr m iheos kluudfsulei the luto alex ut 1 hco iivd1 foi many yours on main htract where mis ikjiihm meioiuild iiuw its i ies mm mel hoa daushttr of thn luto vulontlno uyues who lived on tho town lino lielow dublin iurlng tho duy thuy vlnltud inuiiy pliiuii fumlllsr n tho early duyt and met nunibi ru f rltlsens with whom thoy wun then ucpmlnted mr 1iheo was twuelkjhnprrinrd willy the pstiant woman of tho horn if th wi hiun who utuyn at homo i gota the tntulu und mends tho oo i ml wunhon tho i it lien tho dluhca i un flo rn got tho youiiicutcrn off school n lime nils tho collar fc irtuorv n and tloei a hundred other john in u fourteen hour work day if she ihould dcel lo to strike good night llrantfortl i xposltor chinas qamblars st guelph tho fifteen co lea t la la who were caught in a raid mado hy uio local ihilico a woek ago kurulay were an leroro maclatrata watt monday morn ing and their caaca disposed uf ono wus dismissed a few were fined 3 nuid ousts and others 1 and costs their humbling apparatus whs ordered con nucuuml hut their moiity was returned to them hcruld 512jx par brrl far northsrn qplaa ono of the fruit dealers on tho tor onto market received a genuine sur prise last week when a farmer from watardown drove in with two burro in of upplen and stated that ho had twelve mnru ilko thorn at home thoy were hplca of largo nlxo and high color and when ho dollvcrcd uio fourteen bo ro ceived for them ijoh or 12 per barrol tho fruit wua ttrm and good and was eleured out of the fruit merchant a warehouse ut an ddvunco on the prlco iuld hi iffow hours rev o a wsikar for gualph tho official board of iuhlln htroct methotllst church guelph iiaai ex tended an invitation to itav i a wulk r it a of toronto to nil tho un expired term or itev ii ii christie a i jistontti mr walker b membr of the hamilton conference but has been out of uio active work for u year owing to iii health ho has previously hold pastorates at waterdown walkcrton nndlreston and has been very highly recommended to the dublin street con s gai i 1 ho preceded hev c d diapr at ireon ep worth league fraternsl visit alxut sixty mcmlicra of acton ip worth icfleuo motorol to goorcotown i n monday to visit icorretown lea fiu un invitation huvlng been extend e 1 for this fraternal outing tbo tiiornotown young people extended a cordial welcome the acton leagucrs provldod a programme which was much enjoyed a further evidence of georgetown o hospitality was given wiien dainty refreshments worn served ut tho clone of tho programme tho acton m mbcrs wen greatly approclu tlvo of tho kindness of tho fifteen tho trip nuhctl thclt cjci prsmrvatbo of tha christian osbbsth itov j f wlbton of toronto ro preucntlng tho ird s ijay alliance of cm mil a upoko forcefully in knox church f mt bunday morning and in tho mothid lot church in tho ovonlnjc on tho rnl need for tho preservation of tho christian huhbath ho em phuslxd lbs fsct that the habbatll was instituted by cod at the cqmpleuon of tho creation and re established as tho ioril s ijay at tho tlmo of tho redomp tlon of mankind by tho atonement of jesus christ tho importance of the work of tho lord a day auulnco was presented and uio great necessity for ltd ugrnsalvo lnfluonco at this period of rsomixlructum w4 mjioledjout nurui graduation at gualph the annual grudaatlon exercises in co 11 11 h tlon willi till guelph jeiicral himipltit took place last friday even ing ul the hosi ital the grnduatlns class this year wus tho largest for sevurl1 yarn numbering fifteen there was a large number uf cltlxejis in at tendance and un excellent musical pro grummo wus carried out following are uio nainui of tho graduates itoch uli h hpcors jwon buund hthel m lby gudpb ironcbi ii mann mor rut tun huxel m taylor harnla antta l h eniiell rlortt mary ul smith hetiiwler uary 1- hugdou guelph mutel a itowcn iurt 1 igtn mary i- wilhohn hunovtr kathurlno cralk mtuinley win nlf red uaclxiiii hurt llgin uthol j mecullough guelph lllu m lyaaur campbell villa alum w mem lug i ju to wol mlrtuni uw- son midland miss bonnctl of flora won the general proficiency pilto enjoy no nsturs attractions if over nature holds forth invitation to man it in now in these wurto apring duyu when budding trees and shrub tho gruuiy wnt from lust ulgtita rain the soft lincu tlm whlstlo of iho lurk the buoyant lilt of the robins melody and every asteet of tho greut outdors is un iniplrutlon und a premium across tho sky float thu greit elouds urgoalos t f ruin bunt up from hi aoutbland to refresh tho northern qolda hatween shines a sky of uiich bluo as it inter sun wukea to life tbo uilutu that have slumbered uli tho weary months f winter through itlvuiotn trickle ulonj tho little gulllea after every shower to join the trecks un 1 uvorytliluu lve evldtjh o of tho great treutlvo fort cj ui rum into vlttl ncthui jgrtlli sturtln u new round of tha cytlo of exlati nr birth giowth dtcay und death a halk jut to the cemetery u stroll alone tho ntreul or tietter still u rldo into the eouulry will give tho weary inuu r wmiun ti lollvf found hxlotirs nuluro usks you out of d kirn tlicwi piemiulng tiaya bkt la ilimiili k her now lili unl would like to i avo you wuteh hi alio deeka hi reolf in flnty that booh wjl ilimiio tha utmost pro teiibo of man 1 o d e lmplr day concrt the linplrt iuy etiuourl held in the town liull on ylduy eyonlng may 33 pmved piio of tho best yet hold tliq hull was woit filled with tiarouts and frlen la of mtiuul pupils taking part ud tli ipmxl j iiil rtllulin ui lultruuie- by thn s hoi i lotl b mir i leading by mus htcltl miijiui 111 lnjplrv pay luntru inentul duut by misses jiuy ant htul ker uulo by miss turtle huiltb un u i hi 1 us by un girls und btiyti mad u vmy utertuhilug list t f uumlxri tho nr hsstru t uavuul soloeiloil itov mr muuiutoll wus clmtniiun t thu ov nilng 1 orhups uio chief in uiul utuihtd to tho event won i rtudlug of thn eaauya on tho uitlo ubj uuul 1 mi 1 by th junto guelph murderer to be hanged jamcn giovanrzo found guilty of the murder of alex- dutld sentenced dy chief ju0tice mulock ioat thursday afternoon chief jus lice mulock handed out the sen ten co on james glovanxxo cliarscd with uio murder of alex dulki at quel ph and also on tha othor men implicated in the roblory of on old man which led up to tho hliootlng jlmmlo oiovanxxr foumd guilty of murder was sentenced to bo hanged on friday august allowing plenty of tlmo for tho trial of tho appeal with reference to the advleablilty of the dying iiunii atato incnts last npriig tho i runnor as rarnrd 1 owovcr not to build his hopes on escaping uio gallows after glaxjinxxq had stated ha had nothing to aay uio chief justice ad monlshed the prisoner that tliomiwu no provocation of circumstance ofvany kind which extenuates your crime or takes from its gravity i boo no ro deeming circumstance it was tho onion of an evening begun in crime und i mention those matters now in order lo prevent you thinking uiat tho sentence will be modified tho power lo commute a sentence rests with otber nuiliorlty tlian mine and when they nine to consider tho clrcumstnccs of your case thoy will not nnd anything that is likely to secure mercy there fore between tho present tlmo and tho day axed for yuur exocuuon i would implore you to devote yourself to pre poring for tho futuje stiff sentences were also handed out to john nasadlck and tom mal- loll gtovanzxoa partner in crime in tho robbery which preceded the mur der nasadlck wag under a charge of murder too but the judge held there was no evidence to show that he par tlcipatod in the ohoouruf he was however charged with robbery with vlolenco along with mai lot who it wua claimed plannetl tho robbery which immediately led to the murder and from whose house those concerned in tho robbery and tragedy wont on tho ulglit they took place nasadlck pleaded guilty and was given u seven year sentence while msllot after trial was found guilty by tho jury and got ten years in military news rn is expected to reach c a cordial wo loom pto fcjwl hro home thin wee awaits him herut- w j gould went to toronto for the twenty fourth to meet his furnmln of tho soui katlallon who reached home that day itn william dobble arrived jjomo from ov mens last week ho is quite well un i tppreclutcd the welcome ac corded nlm unnor 1wcrt archer of the heavy artillery urriied here last week from ituncn uid is u laying with his brother mr 1- nn it archer young htreet ite john watson who recently re turned from overseas was hero for a brief vdilt during the week ho was aicompxnled from toronto by his friend 1 ti wnt ford berl b rnrit wilson who returned from overseas a couple of woeka ago was hero renewing acquaintances dur ing tho week hergt wilson lo a kluoc iiicui gra lua to who had made good in tho went before the war il il q uergt brflwln mad dock or the 11th canudlan lx v reached homt on bun lay evening and was given a right royal welcome he was over scan for more ttan four years airs mad i j cum 1 from manitoba to meet film her members of tbo reception committee an t a number of friends welcomed pte jumcs lllib upon his arrival homo from vrteb by tho afternoon train on muiiitiy i to glbb left acton in 19m for tho scene of war lie escaped uuy uoi i ius injury and rturnod homo in excetl ill health h cjjioo over tha trjnsiiort minncknhda a ton quoin- inmemoriam hlv hathih fciwaui walhh the quo bet- chronicle of may 31 tlv hi tlcuhiru of tho death of itov kutlier llward wulsle formerly par uli priest of ht josephs church father wauh died suddenly mlihuela llartoh lresbytery at ui on the soth inst ho wus 1 of mr and mrs itobert wauti and hud been suffering for a eouple of years from rheumatism outlier wuluh was nrst oilucsted ut ht iulrlrk b tk iiool quebec he thru en luiwl hi ijiurent cultegc montreal tj aiudy for uiu priesthood ijiter ho entcntd uio qucimh ocmldary where ha ntudle i for llirw yearn ho was or duinetl u i r eat in 1904 for tbo diocese of hum ton he succeeded itev father feen in aeton und wan bene for a ouplo ur ycurn when ha was fraiu frrrod to wt mlehaols lurtsh montreal win ro ho bus been for tho laat nine yeuru luuldcs lila father and mother futlur wulali la aurvivctl by 0110 slater und four brothers hla rrlendtf and foriiirrirlsliluiei imro will greatly r tret hi sudden death of father wuuli or uuu etat mnj win hi iumii 1 jul it uf 1 uleniio llalton eounty wbo died hi april loft 3u 334 lneludl ig debts i- 3tl mortgages j1z 33u ufa imunuito so 3s1 securities for im ney tu 370 easb in bank 174 ouier hmwiiil property 1 3 00 and residence in iulurmt tlouo liy his will rmnjo out muy su 1ss3 his mtata goes u mliuilo nmiibell duugtaer tn wlniil- licg bjid muy mutlieson of toronto u loptvd ilaughtei th 0od00 orphans ur h w tayl li at flarbia of thn chrutlun oott uf cuiiudu bimiku metlthllst hurcli last uunduy t 11 i made a mclul uiipcill 1 lor tho orphans of ucrbla ii in willi rrlluf work fur tho vlellma of the war which 1 rtod on by tho above irgunl a louerous offorlng was eon kjinprr aton a tnuny liiiirovctrtonls fest iln thlllki it in 11 at towns in cauuda now until of th uritu y tho third und fourth books ni drawing of the ttug giudea hideudld esauys were wi 1 1 ha hu ouful jmnig uuthors w mutlo iiiits and titcphcu guest 1 ourth uook hern ire hold and leslie martin third uook florence 11 rr and joe hrovoat ilet oud imxik harold held i irsl llotik leonu waller senior ii limirr geoigoutll lrimary tho books whit h wrre handnutne ropli were urea nted by tho hog ont mrs m alueimmum iho judge niiyn hev i m muyer muuunbll hud mm annie road he isuayn there numbel of thm queens visitc many of otj and i ate ano otherqllrvl rja miss ulu m5a1c toronto mhm jean wluni toronto mrs a a huuscll vlnltcj toronto hist week mian una kenncy ofj home for tho holidays uuu haiol mason ependj with friends in toronto miss lottie a moore i wan homo for tho holiday mr john m wurrcn anil toronto visited acton fries mrs i dura ton and dl guelph vlolted acton relatfl mr and mm victor guntfl onto were here for tho boj misses ettio and myrtle 1 home from toronto over theb mr angus kenned spent tho holidays with ti mr apd mrs david i onto were hero for the i vlsltff ck isr albert brown who bjui ml id may for some time 1 the holiday mrs w t stone and miss warren of toronto wore hr tho week end mr und mrs a w m spent the aveck end atj mr h h hussell mr e j moore and joccft onto and mrs jnhu morrut htrsua were guests ut moorecroft mum margaret vundunen onto hikcnt the hoiida at 44 of mr j j kennedy alnhtreetj mrs hugh wallace whosj weeks with her son and montreal returned homo last 1 mrs herton and miss nell genovlve of toronto apent 1 days at the homo of mrn itev james ljttle ii hev mr xjttlr f itock iuec i ncad a pleasant hev u ityer ifjnded the dijccso of hist woek mrs charles selwood and of calgary are at mr bower avunuo and will ape time at tho parental ux hev und mrs i m messra j h penny and h are attending the annual ncsalqj hamilton conference at hit erf mis william ikihblc of hitch visited acluu friends lust week is very glad tu liavo her boys from tho wur uguin safe and wcj itev ii w avlsoii j a wclluud has been ougujm 1 lrl church lumlui 1 inonth 1 f august hi mr an 1 mrs juiues kt rihclbourno und mr and hannuwiii uf georgetown spent til hollduy ut the home of mr mofrat mr and mrs a tecs left uibi on a visit to tho old home at deen hco t land they wair for a cuutilo of niuntnot mr father died last haoiiul mr wm iuetik wlio lias been in tbv lnivlnco of quo bee for seven or eight weeks on business returned home j a few daya on 1 rlday lie fouisj iiass exceptionally good mrs jauioa uuy of has been in poor heult spent u month ur w v mrs ioliiluij j returned week fcjllng iiiuui butter it j mich t i albert e lsin qsls hlfjh poaitjon albitl u idling of muplo htreel iiua been elected riuorllluiudeut oi ho vermont antl jiu loon lugu to suiiccd hev t llffonl ii tiniitlt mr hiulth bun rendered ertlclent eervlee for eight yean und has resigned to accept a cull tu supply tha congrega tluuul church at ludlow mr lalng bus i teen engaged in temperance work foi tha past ten years nnd has been itrly every pulpit in tho he has won many friends tho 1 uune ills selection for this inlble imisitlon is a most happy well deserved promotion mr lulng wbm tawmeol ydutts nlculson t tucmlay wlth frion is 1 uth mrs niloioou a o if have ben in juelpli genci pltal for tieatiuunt for suverah mr john clarke jr who iho orthnpedli llospllui nve or six wuoku ft r an operaff ticutinenl ruturned hume or niutti 1 1111 roved uul hopes i iiulto r uvuro 1 mosaru a i luunlniuro aul don llcurtltunru huvu boon at ten eheiulatry eoiiveitluii ut atluntil tho imm wick mm a o t 1 mure uccompaulo 1 in r husband t ikipular watering plate ilc lloyd honk of sc csth who recently r turned rrorfj i pent sevciui days during uyb rnm

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