Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1919, p. 2

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jfeei 00 rnd lay down i kldo of the tluit were fooling or parent hae j their way down lifes ihd road i slip away and tana j load and for- others wed i each mile be thankful last once tjeauoa weekly laanno km mm modesty of hre langlois fradarlek c burnham ranon d d d a a a mm mm on rock point near ufh of hampatead lurer fcplerralangloj french 14- flahennaa and gun- spring and summer i bia trawls off the j he neglect business la order i youngster a good time l genius at rnaatng kltea and pern the number of kltea be and gave away to his rlends in a i in fact it how be fnf tine end attend to bis trawl i left of plows cabin t a railqoff shore wmi masou woe vis- this redge was cor- the tide wax hjgji there had been wrecked t to time it was considered mt dangerous reef and the gov- at had been appealed to for a bquae hot una- far little or no nlamlwlj been made along tune pleana cabin was a long igr bar which extended ptseaward in the general bassctta woe the up this box was a m of per- lan eight of a mus from the i ledge at low water one could he entire length of the spit but me it was waa at all roach it became i most bolsteromi spots for between the end of the ftto shore warn d water dwb durnlns tonight the captain of the ton afternoon to into the french- xhuhanda this 1 hard night for the though it was going ntevw pot nobody ever knew just bow it cams to happen there might have been t pot in the cannon or possibly excitement an extra heavy of powder was used when sawaa flred there waj hlon which knocked down trul fortunately tton t aerlously hurt hut when flicked thensolves up they found ion in ragmen l t full minut t s ataiinir ptecea andhorztlooatnatkar there waa not one who did not pierre stood taxing at the l the rigging bis eyes bulging ily he turned so that he faced fcln i tank da win heem eheeft he ah tank ah geet a una out roena do you mean demanded aptaln of the patrol win heem aheeft aoueas the frenchman ah tank ah dame mens line from send da ah try you stay here i was off running like a fox f swiftly made his wsy siong the presently disappearing from t around i bend of the beech at his cabin he climbed llftto ta loft and two minute later down again carrying a big jjtlte a kite fully five feet carried a stick u great quaa- in bis httoe asm short time before tho patrol saw pierre running along thn sritt ho aeemod to be almost flying for holding tho big kite in front or him it acted as a aall at tunes it looked as tliough his feet scarcely touched tbo ground they aaw him kneel for a moment when he reached the up end of tho vplt aaw him bending over tho kite and a moment later they saw tho big kite rhe swiftly an ho aroao to hla feet and ran a few atoits with the atrtng up up it went sailing out across thfwaler until it waa directly over the wrecked vessel ah tank alt send heem kite a mes sage muttered pierre taking oft hla straw hat anil ripping a small hole in the crown of eufqclent six to admit tho pasalog through of the aurlc of twine 1j an instant inter the straw hat waa on its way toward the kite the wind catching it it waa driven swiftly along the cord ah tank you no fly so high now sold pierre noting with aatlsfacuon that the kite had dropped decidedly suddenly the kite waa seen to des cend rapidly it waa a mystery to those on the shore but none to tbo iyenchman for when he had knelt on the sand he had attached to the klte- atrlng some twenty feet from the kite a mntartjhuo of stout tamt fully- two hundred feet long and tied to the end of this string was a spike he had picked up in tho cabin this trailer one of the sailors hod seised when it came within reach palling in on unul he had bands op the kite itself kuklng off hla shoes and slipping off fcoat and vest pierre tied tho end kite string around his body and ng into the ley waters struck out for the shore aided by tho tide which was now on the flood and car ried forward by the tremendous seas which were sweeping in from the ocean he made rapid progress with bated breath the men on the shore htm as he bobbed along on the ahore saw him as he bobbed along tha crest of a wave as they watched and as he neared the shore they saw following him rolling higher and high cr each instant a solid wall of black water with no crest joining bands the patrol advanced to meet the swim mar they saw that mighty wall of water now less than three rods behind ths frenchman saw that it towered fully twenty feet but they did not hesitate step by step advanced the captain of tho patrol until the water surged about his shoulders at last he got a grip on pierres hand wad tug running stumbling they gained tho shore loss than twenty feet advance of that giant wave take da streeng- said pierre whip ping out his jackkntfe geet da wha yoo say hawser ills teeth chattering pierre stood about while tho line which was to carry use hawser wan being drawn out to toe wreck when he saw it safely aboard the vessel be started on the run for hla c there tbreejuartcra of an hour later the first of tha rescued bailors foad htm before a rousing ore with a big pocoftjol coffee on the stove- one by one they arrived and anally the patrol itself the whole of them fllllng the cabin until there was uule more than standing room how did you come to think of such a ptant asked the captain of the patrol gripping pierres hand i say masof est long time to hot aamrner replied pierre gr ah tank ah play ah lettle boy an fly kite way high when da win heem blow so bard pierre heem no etan good ah tank maybe da cannon heem blow op bang an mak pierre wha many years have passed since that memorable day pierro still lives his cabin on rocky point he still goes uv and gunning there be finds it no waste time to make kltea for tho boys who happen that way he delights to tell them about the aero day la winter when the wind blowing a gale he flew a big kite off the up of the spit ha tells of the way the kite tugged and how it flew far oat over 3assetts woe but there he stops no boy has ever heard from bis lips the story of bis straggle in tho ley waters or about the crew of tho vessel be waa the means of rescuing ah tank maybe ah forged replies pierro when pressed by some young star in regard to tho whole story the full story of that day having been told him at home ah tank pierro was erase oa win heem blow so beeg heem mak pierre one lettle boy the habit of qood manners it isnt natural for me to be polite wayjohn and so saying ho flings himself into the easiest chair in the room props hla feet and begins to whistle doubtless reflecting in a com forting fashion that the world will not bo so y as to expect good manners from one to whom politeness is not natural but john will find out by and by that the world does expect good rain nera in him and so it ought to be for if after john had lived among educated people all his life and among the best edu cational opportunities that the couu try affords he could neither read nor write would the world pity hlmt or if johns grammar waa as faulty as his manners would the fault be con- oonedt yet tba truth la john did not find the nmt steps in reading and writing at all naturar and in hla earliest ut teranoes were strikingly wanting in grammatical precision he has sine- aoqalred tho habit of study and or fairly correct speech but he haa not so much aa tried to acquire the habit of good manner it la a rolaake to suppose that tha fine perfect courtesy that wo see end admire n rare natures la altogether an inborn gift it la rather a habit the result of years of care taking and of constant deference to iho needs and wtahea of others selected manners in 186 borne people affect to think that nice table manners are of recent invention and that our grand fathers were unac qualnted with dainty conduct tx abow such people bow wrong they are allow us to quote from a treasured work inquire within or 3700 facta foi the people publlahed in phila delphia in ii m if poaalble the knife ahould tvovr be put in the mouth at all but if it la let tho edge be turned out aruu the teeth ahould be picked a litt aa poaalble and never with the fnrk carefully abstain from linalntt the mouth or pitting while at table when napkins are provided they are to be unfolded and laid on the knees use the napkin to wipe the mouth or the anger never as a hand kerchief or to mop the brow cleve land plain tjealer anowino oarden seed religion and die home if reunion in to uo- kept alive in the nation it muflt tlvo ii thn homes of the people for it la tho hvme m re utan any other institution that determines t in moral life of the nation here men and women receive tliolr drat and deepest impressions llore la given the flnit i w traction in the things of lifelta precepts and rules its manners and ideals ifcro tho strongeat and tendcrcat affectlona ero born our homes have changed as all institutions have changed in recent years ufe is more socialized than it used to be wo form leagues and clubs and nasoclatlons we combine for business and politics we work and play to gether individual action la discounted the lone furrow la tho mark of a misanthrope or a genlua the homo has felt this tendency its boundaries have been narrowed its functions have been loasenod the fathers go to work during the day and to their clubs and aaeocla- tlono at night the mothers have interests out- sldo tho home that oro never dreamed of thirty years ago the boj i and girls are grouped in many ways for nport andbcisl enjoyment with out regard to family ttea all this weakens the intimate and integral ufe of tho homo and makes dimcuk if not impoaalble the usages of former days but this does not mean that tho home la lost or that its vital importance is superseded and no question la more urgent and dimcult than how to make the home a centre and source of religion for the individual and tho nation ubt ns make horn i ufa reverent true unael- fub wholesome and national littt will be sound the following suggestions ahould be helpful h the oldle in your home a place a bbl ip your ham atvo it a central place let it be a good family bible well bound wellllluatrated in every way a book of good workmanship a farmer did a quaint thing when moving from his old boose to the new he formed a procession of bis family father mother two sons and two daugh ters and walked from the old to the new hlm self leading with the family bible is hla arms and ao ha took possession one boy went out from that homo in later years to give hla life to the ministry b each on should own a bible see that every member of your home has a bible of bis own as soon a ho can read this may well be one of the first and best gifts for birthday or for christmas one of the first girts received by tho writer when a small boy waa a penknife as often as it was broken or lost another would replace it soon tho penknlto cams to be re garded as an indispensable thing and he has never been without one since it la possible to make the bible eeem qui to u indispensable for personal equipment by giving it and repeatlng the gift as the need arises it la quite true that the bible must be read the leeaons and truths of this book are indis pensable for personal and national welfare where that conviction exlata the bible will be both read and studied christian morality and christian faith do not come by the instinct of nature any more than a knowledge of geometry or history tou make definite plana for your boys and glrla to study these and other subjects surely a time for the study of this best of all textbooks on christian truth should be made in every home if tho home refused to co operate with tbo school what chance would there be for an education t in the order of the home some reasonable place ahould be found for the regular moral and religious instruction which la the right of every child in a christian some families read the bible together every day at such time as is most convenient some parents direct their children at an early age to read one chapter each day or so many a week this method of quoting verses from selected parts of the bible excite a good deal of interest in the young and gives a varied acquaintance with the book borne fathers spend a good deal of each sunday telling their little children the stories of the bible the important thing is to bring the truths and lessons of thla book from day to day and week to week to the mind and heart of the members of tho family d memorize ut schpturea one way in which the h can contribute vitally to the religious nurture of the children is by encour aging the memo fixing of scripture passages no literature has the power to quicken tho wiu and awaken tho spiritual sense comparable to the bible for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword piercing even to the dividing- asunder of soul and spirit joints and marrow and is a dls- cerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart for this reason every child should b familiar with tbo bible from babyhood if be la taught to joemoruo the nobler passages be will not only have his intelligence enriched and his literary taste cuiuvaled but be will gain a truer christian point of view than from any adults religious opinions that may be taught blm llhymns and oinqinq in the home next in importance is the membrlalns and singing of hymns if good hymns are committed to memory in youth they will expand in meaning as age and experience increase one of the artnest anchors of the soul is the hymn of childhood if only the noblest hymns are used the child will be vaeclnated against the in fluence of the cheap and immoral songs too often used because they aro lively it 1 a mistake to suppose they prefer these lighter songs in an investigation madeeoms time ago from which 47 answers were received the favorite among children were in order of pref erence onward christian soldiers nearer my god to thee i love to tell tho story abldo with ale stand up btand up for jesus holy ho jlqly lord god almighty jesus lover of my rjout upk pf agea xcad kindly xlabl i was a wgnflerjug bheep o little town ot bethlehem arte fldele- what n friend wo havo in jpbub hl prayer in the home a religion pryr aa wii as bible ritas loo tbo earliest and the deepest religious im pressions are made through prayer the prayers of childhood will be remembered when all other religious instruction is forgotten as the child tlevelopa prayer as a habit of hla ufe the christian religion cannot depart from illm a dlaungulahed jurist once said that through all his life ho had said tho prayer he had learned aa a chud now x lay me down to sleep b the family altar for the tnculcauaa of the spirit of reverence one of the chief oxer- else of the home is family worship about this important matter it is difficult to speak dog certainly it la one or the good custom pf our fathers for whtch many of their too bugy ehlldren think hy hye np time we all need to pray dear lord aul ftuher of mankind forgive our feverish wy we are mostly uarthn to day cumbered with much serving nni we nerd remaniher that tho way of mary la tho best even in the busiest home some dally roooghitlon of qod is pbaslble aa the giver of all cood at least the custom of having a quaker grace at table at which all bow their head silently for a moment can be introduced occasionally a aong might be sung after breakfast or supper and ail join in the lord a prayer anywhere the daily bread can be made a sacrament by moment of devout silence anywhere tho meal can be transformed into a simple festival anywhere tho combined love and commonsense can create a garden of health and happiness and how impoaalble to eallmate the influenoe of the earnest prayers that rise frum the family altar a young mastoid me that when he wu seeking ooj in a horns of hi- own he heard hmrnaprbtarbrtagratjriri nu boyhood if tho uaflge of christian homes and the ulne af vlal religion agree in urging that tho family join for prayer and worship nf least ouoo a day let uianks be gyen i the able for food lei qod blessing ja apught at- ho family altar a each tay brings its dulls or close its tasks ivthe christian 0pihit in the home in some homes a card with those words u seen in this home christ la the guest at every meal and tho unseen partner in all its affalra these words suggest that religion a more than lublercadlng and more than prayer though these are essential religion in the homo reveals a spirit in the ho ma it mcaus integrity and honor- unselfishness and cheerfulness loyalty to christ and to tho kingdom of uod on the earth it means a alandard for conduct and conversation and demeanor faultfinding nagging partiality harshness of speech and temper meanness and muroseneaa create an atmosphere that la fatal to religion there are some home frum which children are glad to escape if only for aa hour while tbere are other of which the children say home la the happiest snd best place of all this is tha spirit whtch is beyond all prur for uio making of happy homes and the promoting of real religion btsutgellani and hoctal service mw uht imwihi mf mh1i1 hiiihn jhtll if ri m tltl f lltthtllll iihtllltlll rfllllllll lirlttllimilhullltallll1iuiiiiufulll jll rii imtuii courteous service from the moment you have opened your account with us we look upon you as a friend of the bank- to be served in every way possible at every turn it is this spirit of friendly service that has been largely res ponsible for this banks solid steady 87 years of progress we will appreciate your accounx the bankof nqva scotia iai4up cij s 6 00000 btkm 1uoj 12 000 000 ilokntcci iso 000 000 w k ghaiiau actio uftasao fresh rich fullflavored tea the same every time redrose sold only in sealed packnses ewry wage larier an iiwester cott j tnjtaio vv- cost uas sr 5raaoa he beetgf tatmr tki tga i cfissjayeef kvery waffo earner can bo u taveotor in cluvcdgod securities bearinff a hlfih rata of interest without bacxifloo car worry tjo plan la so simple and secure that 11 commends itself to everybody all of us spend a portion of our earnings ukoughucsnly it la hnmpn nature vet most of us would bo giad if someone would tako tha money wo fritter away and aav2u for us because we find it di to save u ourselves make your cxnploycr do it by m- of war ravings stamps say to bim i want you to talto flvta per cent of the money in my pay envelope each week and bay met thrill stamps then with oach tmujo word of thrift stamp buy me a war barings btaxnn when you have bought each xvhr savlojp fcjtamp put it in my envelope go on doing that fox- a year that la au your mnd is free you wfil not mlsa that 75 cents or that uouar which i you havo hitherto squandered oh trifles hut at the cod of the year you will have a little package of wsx barings stamps each bcarlxur thn tu0 mark but which bare cost you but a few cents over aao0 each these fwpalw will redeem in lftat ma yorxt saving serre yon and genre yonr cpnqtn invest thera n war saying stomps bb children cry for fletchers cast0ria iho kind yoq hnyo always bong bw been in two far over turty yoara iuui porno tho slrnnturo p and ima xen puma untfer bs per rjf sjjvjh eonnl onncrvwoo eloco ita infancy iasyx jucj4t may no ono to dccclvo yoo in thb au counterfeits imitations ana juotnsgood are bat bxperlmenta that txioo with and endancer the health of infanta and children experience against experiment what is castor a cataria la a h subfitltuto for castor 0u paregoric drops and soothing syrups it la pleasant it containa nrith opium morphine nor other narcotic euhatance ita ago la its guarantee for marts than thirty years it haa bocaldlccdatant ueo foxtjiojrellei of conipatlan flatul wind colic aaa dliirrhooifallayiitjj fowihhnec arlasg therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels alda tho assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sloop tho childrens panacea tho mothers friend genuine castoria always pbctua tho signature of ijffjcucte in use for over 30 years the kind you havo always bought ress ads brlirig results whcn qavino o ceo hun a lo0o uauy furmrr througlout tho coun try urn not erecting neceeaary build turn because price or lumber and aliln ctm lioii advanced in nvery section ox tho country in into fall and early winter implements urtj irrt in tho held where they were inal unjl tbls refers to plows har rnwn seeders binders mower nd other agricultural implements they uo in tho held exposed to wind rain nod snow dnil remain exposed to theso ccmtuluonn unlit they are again re quired for uno tbo hardwood used in lliti manufacture of wooden parts soon shows the result of this rnlatteatrnent an also the iron part1 in a lesser de gree and in a few year tbeao lraplo rannts are eligible andldatea for the limit pile comes a time theo implements must be replaced and the price of on new binder would cover the rost of a build log large enough 19 protect and pro long tbe lifo of all necessary working equipment for the farm doing with out tlint abed looks like anvtng mono but it certain ljdoc not save imple- mnu implement coat good mone implements and tools destroyed just tlirouijh lack of care la ooulvalent to dcntroylng money iiulld a shed for tho implanaants do sot make it nacea- utry to liave tho junk man call on you too troquently it doe not- pay tit fon tat a wehknown french artist whoso pct dog waa ailing sent for a great throat specialist though highly of fended on arriving and seeing hi hitlent the specialist road no com plaint but treated the anlmsl and pocketed hi fee tbo following morning he sent pot liaato for the artist who thinking the call was with reference ta the dog hurried to tho appointment how do you dot was the special ut s greeting- i wanted to aee you about having my front door painted saturday treat try our pew chocolate crisp superior to pauerkrlep reg coe lb saturday special ioo other wc chocolates for 33e cocoa buds better than afaplo buda to 0o0 our ice cream parlor is asaln open with much better lee cream and the same good service balk ioe cream pint 20o uriel zee cream each 3fs any quantity dallvarad hhrold wiles caiwda food board urw ha 01ssso hill 0theet spring hardware gpada atq 1m 11x5 tljti ohovsls aijm m3 91bo x3 aivd 1175 dtitllna forks 110 11x0 t1517j small diauntj forks 135 1145 11x0 and 11x0 malleable rakos 40c 4se and 50c curaka qtocl riakaa 00c csc 7c qtsal rakoft ooe 1xo 110 1120 garden cultivator 11 15 and 11x0 good steal hom 50c ho- 50c coc cc ssc lawn rakss 1100- domt lawn nkea 00c 100 wire lawn rakaa j1x0 1 10 garden trowel- icic mid 2sc step ladder a vir uircclal value in a boltod uidilrr ul 25o it toot ioultry win ijiwn 1 once lawn atea wl ha u a iaint and vaitnilh oh 1 vrity iukrohi- wc havc what you want the bond hardware co ltd phan 1012 quclph savage co eatabliahsd 1043 wymdham st quclph watches 1 fni diamonds ashi jewellery vfllah library desk qet fine china cut glass alah silverware hb silk uudrellas jh fountain pens h qneclallats in wcdiusatskballllllh birthday gtrtafhh andajhh you can stj monday at the guelph business college guelph ont and receive individual instruo- tion in those subject necessary toe a tnorougfa business trai ask tho buslneas man about our co oraea ho know the re- sulta uake anrangeuento to- day a i bouck principal when yoa need boots shoes at any tltoa buyfkom w wmuliams mul street arton famous for satisfactory- footwear hfjvsonable prices high grade furnishings anmts in nil iho new pattcrua and uluin tur bummcf wear under wear a full range of now ctuttui in iputh 1iv 1 a 1 tru knit pyjamas a now rango tn vry lruuitg hosiery qtloveo neckwear etc tho beat value ta tbe trade liil ua and aee it e nelson phone nx offio quelph friend jp no other piano is so yarm ot tone so supple of action it will gil your leisure moments with joy and inspiration write for catalogue and terms c w kelly son quelph ont savage better optical service xlwayh impitovinu con tin u la im mrr itccrul aililltliuia to our liumlu atlun ltooio otiutninciit oa well u inidroved machlnory in ho lmij tlrlodlng l4iartmcif oiwjik if u dctcixn liiatlon to lh trniin ut thla catabllsbtnt n till ituit auways impnovino acton flour and feed store the well kn or no of klnj choice nerval and national piol nothing better rolled oats i1cd clover shorts al81kl oat chop timothy tialt in itarmla 0o u llufiu f luiiatl quantity if dcalrod 1 lulccial l1n13 in thllcln r ckd oivlfl oult cam uihai a txtlal canada lod luuird i i j robert noliv hbnry awrly

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