Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1919, p. 3

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a qjljr acton tee irraa t1iu1u1ia may 29 1010 an tho ol 11 w u dukl it i tliry uu 1 ul limn in tho w ttir a iutlonily it 1 an hr nl till tl 11 r oft 1 lx u ii 11 11 h ii hi an rul l mi t 11 iltll him mltl i r umlw i nor thai io k ho won i ill u fa rr b and ih t u till laay uw h what va think of that silked tilm the victory of the opirit two buiilnutut ninn were lunrhlnf loelli r hi u uulct mirn r of tlio com lunrolul glut und dlscuaalnjr tlio noi of a mutual friand who was in tho employ of th cm lieu a duo fallow said thin bentlo- man cordially keen clean and very straightforward a good mixer hed iro a lone way if bin father wimri t tho richest mail in co valley i nhould think that might make thins all tho cosier tor him remark od tho meant man that e just where tho troublo comrfl lti answered tho first cat will make thlnffu too easy it a tho niusli uphill climb that develops i maun muscles and willpower and thi principle holds jood everywhere how roany of tho aucccsaful mon whom you know wore tho nana of rich johnt well not many thats a fact tho admission camo after several minutes thought tel poor mons sons moke good ourprialntily often in any lino of busl ness thoy happen to fancy tholr siriijkblo to sot a place on the ladder makcii them strong to climb when they one sot a foothold went on tho first dealt or there aro any number of rich men a nana fl 111ns inferior posl tlonatn their middle ago wo both know that- ho ntlrred hla coffee reflectively and added sometime i think the pi path la tho moat dangerous one that tt younu mnn is callod upon to travel it doesnt set him anywhere f this la so truo that when a rich man ywn succeeds in overcoming the temptations that beset the pleasant path of wealth and roally docs set uomowherc ho is almost as interest lnc from that fact alone as from what ho may have accomplished instances of thla kind art infrequent and none art mora conspicuous than one of our own time marconi to whom tho world owes much aa the inventor of the wireless telegraph is a rich mans bqn who has traveled the pleasant path and reached tho coal of great ness in spite of ita perils qusltelmo marconi was born in bo logna that beautiful old italian city on the southern slope of the apen nines april z 1874 ills father was a wealthy man able and willing to elve his son all the pleasures whlcn wealth can procure but at- an ajrtj when most boys aro ploying with toys thla little lad was interested in some- thins hen id no tighhy hnmnn and nmr bias before he was six years old he wan fascinated by electricity a ub- ject then comparatively little known the 0ij man ok the mg clock tower i npent tho twenty fourth in aelbi uiul it wan a rsular quomis lllrth day itejfular consider in c the lant fnw yearn i mnin of into yearn holidays tiavo not nermed lo carry tho celebration with them limy used lo tho day hero appeared to elm down to ho hoinoco mines and visits to outside friends und uia juvenlli ball camo in tho park in the after noon tho blr function seemed to he tlio no idiom lianimet and not betnir a veteran of thla war or any othoi wan necrasarlly c xcludrtl but from what i heard on the outoldo it must linv boon enjoyalilo i believe boraowlifiro umane thi town a by law and rules and rcgiila tlona lh ere la a nomc thing that la sup posed to prohibit the nnttlns off irecmckcni wltlln iho corpo ration limits never yet iiavo i neon i twentyfourth pass by that i did no hear firecrackers in moot every direc tion i turn i don t bellovo in break injc tho law but it certainly would be a queer qu cna birthday without ore crackers thla one wait no exception and from friday night until lato on baturday night i heard them occaaloi ally it la nothinjr to what it uaotl to be however and i hope the form tunee of marred fuccu burned rinccra and house burnod that uihki to b part of tho celebration will neyer turn wo can cot uloni vory nicely without thut part of tho holiday be received the best education the treat university of bolojma could aive and had leisure to work in his own way atone the line which interested him tmol when ho was fourteen hertx discovered that a certain elec trical discharge caused electro mag netic wavea to radiate through the ether travelling with the ipoed of tight the idee of apply ins these waves to the transmlanlon of thoucht at once flashed into the mind of younjr morconl and the great idea with which he has wrought such wonders in recent years a prone aio belnjr then and there xt was then all so clear and plain to him that he could not at flrnt believe that no ono else bad thought of ar- plylnff tho waves to this purpose it la claimed now that others had noticed it and experimented olons this line but at that time marconi could find no mention of it in any of the scientific journals which ho read dllhrcntl- tbe great idea filled his mind to tho exclusion of overythtnk else the pleasures which might have been his because be had plenty of money did not for one instant draw him from his work- ho read and studied and ex perimented times without number the willful waves refused to work for hlin but ho was not discouraged year after year he kept qt it and then wonderful day ho succoedod in sending a message from bis garden laboratory to tho house the wave message travelled only a few feet but it was enough to show tho young inventor that ho was right track uncouragcd by this suc cess ho worked harder than oyer ills apparatus was imperfect but it held tho basic idea of the presont system which is so successful and quglclrni marco a i was only twenty four ha had risen superior to tho clrcumstan- ceo which hin been the undoing of many men the temptations of wealth had not been strong enough to wtli him from splendid uaofulncaa to his own age and all succeeding time after all it u not wealth itsolf which barms man or boy but tho way in which ono chooses to us wealth the spirit is tho thing tho spirit may if it will rise in triumph above the fet ters of poverty and tho fascinations of wealth wo rue or fall win out or fall mot by tho mind than by dr cmnstances poverty may hamper or help and wealth may hamper or help just as wo look upon one or the other and choaso to uso tho clrcumstnces in which wo aro placed marconi re cognises tho dobt he owes to his cir cumstances and says vory frankly if i liad been poor i do not believe 1 ahoul1 har invented or if i had invented i um not sure i should have tturk xt it si i did of tho fumo which has ciino to htm marco ul soy with tho uaie iralik i like- to bo a fumo us man it is very iitcol we may feel uullo sure that jtho spirit which wu troiur otioujjh to over come tho hand u ap of wtallh 1m not kultig to be epttllod by tho uctldont of lumo uuiuelma mukji1 is n workor fur its own sake not for what us could got out of it to ouch a ono otho things uro of minor luioctunce ii lias won tho victory of tho oplrlt don warrington famous woolen qood8 of qhctland lolandfl 1ar north of hcotuutd and but sel dom vlsllod by southern truvolera llo the uhotund lautnda they are n pos noiwiloij of scotland are rock bound in treeloss mj number utio hundred ui more although only twentythree ure inhabited mainland the largest ls- land con talus tho principal town ler wick leat haru takoa tlio placo of wood uaid everywhere it will be found burn ing brightly and giving out a thin blue exnoko tho thief industry for the raenls hailing for tod and horrltig and caring for jin sheep and imiiiios n hllo tho woin miiiiil girls excel in the mak ing of woolen tarmintu not knowing how to knit is uko not knowing how to roa 1 the yarn from which the famous hosiery shaw u hoods and oven lolliito veils are made is ssuu from lie wool of the thousands of shpei eeu rouiulng shout the fields these lnluiuln are alsu the original iitinitt if tho tlhetlaiul pony uui hirouatuut canada faui i am all bubbling over with tncl dcnu of another section of mill ktroet and aim ply can t ncttlo down to write on anything clae so hear i go at it llckoty iplll watch me closely my lofty quarters in thn big clock tower are rather u modern hanltatlon tho government building was erected qvo years ago but the building which it supplanted has u history of nearly fifty years it now stands on tho rear of tho lot on willow street and houses the store of tho acton farmers club irot floor while tho second story accommodates the popular lodge of acton oddfellows i remember when this store wan put up duncan kennedy built the foi datlnn and it was a job ho was very proud of i think cameron and xull lames wore tho carpenters and oliver loxier did tho plastering and casting it was known as the pont ofncel store postmaster matthew then in his prime had ono post pftli and telegraph quarters in tho rear and a commodious grocery and crockery store in front it was on ono sldo o this store that ilynds jewellery busl ness was established in 1877 ooorgo ilynds the present proprietor hud just completed his apprenticeship a watchmaker at orongevlllc and brother charles having relumed horoo from chicago where ho wont after tho big are of 1371 a partnership was formed c 0 ilynds watchmakers jowellers otc mr malthowa sold bis grocery business when hla eldest son albert went to chicago as an ejtpert telegraph operator and mr qeorgo mclogen of nova scotia was the now proprietor after a few years ha sold to j b pearson who was a member of tho drug firm of mhburn bentloy pearson toronto mr pearson later bought tho j w mann store across tho street and tho now tenant was i o matthews with groceries and a bakery his brotherln law p c mad dock succeeded him and did busi ness in dry goods and groceries for some time chas qoodeve a merchant iof long experience at durham followel and ho sold out to his son charles whoso inn namo was c i goodovo a co ho finally disposed of the busl ness and wrnt to fort william where ho has since filled a responsible posl tlon nobles flour and feed business was thi l in labi lulled here and con tlnued on this site until tho govern ment purchased tho property for tin fine now post office und tho customs house and the big clock tower upstairs was mutthowu hall here the meetings of tho council were held until the town hall wan buuf- the ikkb pocss had a aharo in tho history of this somewhat renowned building hera tt was founded on dominion da i7c by tho lato j ii hacking form crjy of tho guolph dally advertiser tho itov t albert moore d d was the rint ipprntico john keunoy later joincl tho ninn but th- rj wus loo mud night work for john ho always wus un early bird anyway a fow month of washing inky roilcrtj carrying iho lluoj llusa to tho homeu of oulmcrlb era rain or uhlne and taking orders on tho storekeepers for his jl 60 tor weak wages autllced when in a rem- inescont mood john delights to tell that tho paper was not so dry thou s it is now tho foreman bob olmp sun on principle declared it was im possible to get out tho wekly edition without a pitcher of bot dlnklo u bjr it is actually rrhcarsrd that uonn tluu- ut midnight the foreman and his journeymen helpers were to be fourd ijing under tho old liand prrus or on tho uduxiul desk untirily ui dcr tlio influence but don t toll this lain on the ktus pukss au inrldonl of mat- thews hull otcurw to hit it wus kiu ikilltlrul tuocl insu vfrm liuld in u- j curly duya when i i clilsholm uus tho cnndlda to agulnst dr luihortnon i tliltik ho wus holding forth and tut usu al etxdnuvorlng tu impress iho furmorn of hla intermit in their wolfaro ha do flared i um u native of liultou county in fact i was burn between two rows of corn immodlululy u well known local irishman hocklud a punkln head bo juppers t b lost the crowd and eventually lost tho election lit ir77 mr hacking decided that ui itii wriih tin f yvnwnl n uu ground floor and mr matthews wbj lioruuudod to oroot a now building ih- sldo um otiior hero tho lite ilouul wus housod for iwo yours it wus liure mr hacking sold out to moore uu1- hraith it wus frorlj tills olllco mr lalbralth went to ussumo the odmurlul chair uf the montreal dally imal it was licre tho now partnurtililp of t a ii i mooro vfua formed in 187- forty years ago lust edurch tho olhco and plant of tho imjur was moved to its proaciitslte tlio innt otllce was then muvetl into the building und re mained thoro until tlio now i mat oltli a wus eroctod only it wita moved to the east uf tho lot to tuuke romu tut build lug operations here it was utluxed as the recruiting stutlon for acton sol diers in ldlgld it since hus iwen ji is famous artjni check ei enter mod co uile wl on n wedded llf rilo dii u prrl- 1 or eljtty yrun for i ioro tllll i half t em ury m ixa i u arher idiftp wan built f ado n i nt oulcu t 1 rni h ollh i um u t r iccry u l oft ii 1 inl nundrl whir i i ttil td mr mu thnwn 11 hrnu iht tho flrnl imii vlng midline i t alio 1 u doi ill of til in u d nold tlini oil 1 i i ii w in yd 1 r lmuiht on of iho nw lllv hill ml niotlifr uoivl uc f ir a luiltn ti mlly willi tlldk 1 grou iy lllu d i 1 r wfi u uui hun iu ichl io wltl a 1 till lltltt 1 they did rujhl work hi tom ken cdy nftorwun n re it 1st of parry iou nd iuu npi r at r und d for mi m ilthnwi aflt r u heavy ru like thoo wi lml lau wi k mill hi won flcmled 1 liza cm ll iii willi tho tu ofll o for the nu ii i olll i innlly offrro d to cnrr hr r over nreet irom ttty kllxa n n yo do very well t i itsddlft y ur own ui tom und with sprightly itmn ilm lifted tier dainty skirts uhov her t mil nnklra und waded ocrom 11 mo garvin who stood in hie doorwu of tho drug store on tho opposite in vlaweit the situation with charactn lu- tlc appreciation on the next lot on which ocorgo havlll v stovo depot now utundif u dwolllng was oruited sixty or seventy yearn ugo many and many u totiunt called it home when mr lluvlll put up hla nne brlok building die old hi in was moved to the rear only u co iilo or years ago it wus torn town ait fifty yearn ugu wm 11a inl hud u ph to graph gallery there ono day his joi alfred who disliked going to school played truant and occupied his after noon in jumping freights in tho grand trunk yards taking a more venturctomo turn he attempted jump ing on an engine ho fulled foil undor the crud wheels both legs were ground on und ho died tliut night it wan in this building that kohl cralne started shoe making here also wm williams commenced hla buulncss career on his own account wm grlpps uaed it for a fruit and v ego to hi otoro and some ono also had a meat ahop there on the noxt lot kelsos blacksmith ahop was a central point far yearn until jim kelso tom dunn john- burns itubt warren hasty hall am others were attracted to tho gold floldi of cariboo uc away buck in thi sixties the blacksmith shop was then closed iater alex grant j p bou tho property and lived in the ho adjoining tho ahop for years about twenty years ago or more tho lato thomas perryman bought tho lot moved tho old house back put up tho brick oiticcb in front and tore down the old blacksmith ahop which had bo- como an eyesore tho lato it j mc nabh dr i lore dr ault and tho late a j macklnnon occupied tho premises which are now the office of h n korrner barrister enough of ancient history of mill street for this week more anon thi old man thc vcrgatill hair pin nil that wlr11 run 1 don willi u liulrpln awnmun uu ph it u lolt pull a nrli p mi ipph iruw it u null l uj 1 ir l joint of il in hm lo op u hahy iih irp n u lrn 11 dli uit i nil vi tint n u 1 i n ieh uln ii1u1 ii flrlc i illlllhook l kwl i i inih t or n hhi 1 ii i um r nu n ilothoi pin riiulute n rum tittle r n uni mnihlh ntop u link in i ro f tun u fiji k umlli u hl in u pulr of until nilr imtli r whl in un r dun r miiitu in tii i un m h i in hllln in 1 r iptii on 111 imu 1 1 ntt ul pitt r ii tii i t witiiliiwu hun wut hi i untlr a knot vuniluli iloorn lo prin tlrul plumhlnc niluro th ihmn f toltuf pihii pry nhlrt ntu hi into 1 ution hoi i loo umiill for thrm ht u lmruu hurmiii r uton dutnni 1 iiirchanlnl toyii wmilln with r fru tory iottl nlopixrn linprovlih n p nili ru liiivel ikhiikiiih iniip t huh burn n nuwile jitilrnmpti prohi n urtlndnl hutti mi hooku unl iyi unit un 1 du i button iloi i a and i ho i put on uw iliikti uiul do tor un uuliuno hll in uliort hi ifn do whiit whilu to lh i11m ii iuii llllltlll tit nt w york hit i tremendously in earnest do not do anything without doing it earnestly do not play games with out giving your mind to it do not talk to your frlonau whllu thinking of something else do mt get in the habit of performing your work mo chunlcally homo of you will object that a great many thing that occupy you are not worth earnestness whut difference docs it make wliuthor hn in a game or are beaten t you ask that fcoe- no difference ut all but doing a thing while only half in earnest makes a great deal of difference unlntureated unenthuulustic effort in any lino weak ens your iowers you cannot do any thing halfheartedly without sacrlno- ing your ability to do it well borne of you ore inclined to laugh at tho people who are uo tremendously m earnest about everything even their recreation tho young fellows who play football is if they were unpaged in hattlo or who play a gamo of chess if their future fortune depended on the outcome it sccma to many a regret table wiulo of vitality to take things do to heart but there is a good deal to be sold in favor of being trcmendou in earnest even in the llttlo things ono wio la tremendously in eamem oven in trifles is not likely to mco d crest for lack of earnestness whei big things are at stake irank 1 walsh a pnophct 10 not without honor etc tho following in u very truthful m- mark tito man who grown up in hht native town i regarded un a boy by hln oldem until h in wtdl ulurli d down tho hcllvlty of life thn i mw in u holn the ntriijfr who wrarn into a plu o hi mum nftn pimhid to tin front thurj tu yuunirmaii who turn iniwn up wltli tho town this in tin rriuion why no mn it y youug men b omo dluiiutiull d with tholr homo utirrmu dings ui d long lo cast their lot in othur ijuurturu thrcp onottjcna follow inj xuriiph r nmly wit 1 ii in i h minoli or un nl lu mid uhu in ii i im 7 on th 1 ilh i ir 1 runic kw dl th nt of york ihuiiii jtil li f tl ntool mr tlio di lr i hrlu ii lift i rd 1 i i i i t t vu1i lo un i in en 1 i ntu illy won by 1 r t ui h will nunow nu of i v i i vo thou 1 vol my i i hi mi irl willi in utid ia r 1 m u c ipliu in i 1 mm ui mi mill d uin to ii in tint ui i l i 1 tlni uiul r uumt niidi 1 t li hi ll u t uno i t l hln t h l t ho wm inn 1y i lot riupiiti i u n l u iilduuiu h w mii rulniy 1 i m thliu to y i mm un th r ui on i i ih f t und u i ii tn in dlululy tilioiit1 who or ii it wus i ncmi h i iir wmi lliidli tl who r w7 trlel i man u i i ii t ii viu who wo un w uro lhr i hi nth oi miii ui num ii uro hhndrui h mi uln h id abe inmi and w liuv toitm in i to put out tho burning ilery a wioc precaution vry i w tmiiph urn umt11 xtrwii thut i uhl to um tin lft hand i ituillly mil uiclllfullv uu hi rliht ilul mm i in un imu ing httry of on triiih mnn who ui ui ful lo inltivutn thn utl vlt n un wan iiljttlni urti 1 n i lmurd i hip lin ihgan to lia with hi rlehl hui i und th n han 1 the poi toyhi hft huixl und flutniied 11 o yl orr r pll 1 it whin i van u ih y mo futln r rut tils uotillj ilwnyu mid to tin put team to cut no day yo ml 1 j- r loft hand to t looo y rigwt ellknowr good advice mr jo p ilia wude clovoland umn hus a winter homo ut thomasvlllo georgia ono of hlu uonn is an nltwtour luilloonlutand im cuulon jilly falling to hear promptly from him ihoy sot fprth in u motor cur r ikiutii until thoy llnd him one day whun tho roads weru utlp- pery with nud iho uutoutohllu skidded and slid part way down a bank it brought tp without damago agulnat a tree mr wade could not get tt buck on the road and uppealod for help to u farmer- ploughing in tho hold below tho farmer hitched his team to tlio front axle und soon pulled tlio car out of troublo mr wade looked hack and said thut treo saved us from a bud ac cldent if it hud not been there we aliould have turned over and been tuidly hurt yes sub drawled tho farmer tliat cerfnly is a useful tree this morn in a young toiler in u balloon got btuck in it and i hud to hut him out why that wus our son exvlulmod both mr und mrs wade oxcltodly club 1 to commodious hrlrk rcaldui loslnuislor muttliuwt wuu tho t hrik building tu im ertieted in it has bean the happy homo o a farm dullctin poard a practical iowa farmer has net uu u furtu bulletin board that he calls his ntore win 1 w it is a neatly made blackboard with tho nunio of the farm tialnted across tlio top and tho name or tho proprietor in atnuluir letters un derneath the board is dlvldod into two suctions ono being given over to articles for sale iho other to articles wunletl in order to attruct tlio utlon- tlun uf those who mu thn farm th b backboard occupies a cons pie uou plsca near tho mull box it is interesting to watch tho peupl wtio go by just as anyono will atop ti look it in uttiut live storu window whether hq wishes lo buy anything or not so the tuiucrn ntup to read wliut la llatod on the bulletin hoard many eliy travulura who hud no thought ol buying ntop ufter reading the announ cements to got a few doseii fresh eggs u pound or two of good farm mudu butler uuhiotrulttor olhtrproduco not u fow cunio back fur tuuru whun they find thut tholr drat puruhune wus oatlofui ury the bulletin board uluo iml im to noil etot k seed und muculnury that lo- no longer needed whim the rurmer noods a now cow or no me seed gialn ho often gets truck of it by in eu ns of tho bulletin board it nerves a useful and pructli ul pui poso both in buying und selling what you qct out of life i lie pooplo i uto uro lho on i who i wlttt puttlt in ilefly it their aim lo enjoy ure a generally discontent 1 hose w ihcmsclv ed i lass and those who are bond every energy to making others ttap uulii the joy thoy kive do it is other things whuwjou get out life in ptopoitlonjitl to wtiat you lou it unl is uf tho joiuu kind thc vcroatilc chinaman in niiiiiik titltig upon the inarvi lou i luliiplihlllty of tho chlnino mr ihijii 1 nuut joll in his imuji cliinu from within ut i ilul p lowlni ph uu ipn tilhut to r oruntal nlh th clijn llluhi i owl in tho hop lolllut ut tin iilufliif an tl i h win if in word th world iii nt i nil uhuilunlvn induitrlouii t oiiomli ul limpiruti ttiiliirlug lio tlirlv a every whir ii inoiiiiulii in tlio uu rt on tl plain on tho intuuhi of th u an tii mcpiiit with hli mu utillit to i mwl couipetni in nil r uliuii without flim nwlmn with tlio hull wllh out hundu llmlu with the monk y without f it ruim wllh tin panther th lilnunuin with ids iiuprt mo i itl of utluptublllty i ompotii nullum fully with thn uallor on the n n with tin- frontl runiuu in iho wlliiirm uu with tin miner in the utrlli with the rallo in uiii wundorlnri ll novr r uiiku for u fulr i italic unl mvi r giitn it llo toku u ihunt iiemuth tlyj iiktoh once landed imumdiii th individual changes but the kind coo tlmitui all pivrrnmniilir thut lit mm ulomi milt him mo ii vi r hr edn or joins rvolutloni abniul ho in ver uutllo and all intuutrltn thut huvo n pthiuibui murgin uttru t him like u iiiotigoonu ho can run through utiy 1 imwiowuy although fond of u pul- hm he un live in a hut although of p he llv plpo n d be at hoi perliaps you are worried because your child docs not pick up in weight better try scotts emulsion and watch how it helps make a thin child grow and put on weight there is nothing quite so strengthening as swtfs emulsion for a child oang age doom down toronto ool li you need more than a laxative toj nil i hcj jhowrij tt 1u it nud ti jhl in 1 nr today keeps th and lo lieallliy ynttr lxxlr 5s harsh 1 i fnlltito of any of tlte vital or i t oprly afferth that constipation brlngnl now if you caltrd luative pills ol purr en lho llko lou know mighty w 1 ol to be taking thsm all the you all the uu jltnt lonrcnourth toglve ady nil tablets n trial and let thi rtinultn- show tho difference nil tuh- letn aro not inero lowel movhrn their iiurikuio in to correct the condition unr hidmm coiiatlpatlon and give ou rrjil e j iiassa1u hi to 1 ektlr 1sz wl tl t jlja tt nl fffjr xi h t v ihtohl mew machine shop fred blow machinist is moving lo ihc newly orrancd premises the host bowl ing alley on mam slrct where he will bo prcporcd lo houdic all repairs of machinery promptly am 2t5factonty motor repairs a specialty having enperlcnco with oil rjinkci of motors repairs will pc clllcicnlly executed vulcanizing tires having uibtallcd o vulcanizing eutlit sutisfactory rcpaus will bo mado to outer cuses as well u inner tubes this depir ment is managed by mr l hosu bring all youk ufclaihb hire mnin street actou mied hlow aawammftwaifligay garage carriaj georgetown hcadquartcra for buggies waggons democrats c ppirjng done promptly dealer in dodio brothers automobiles ford auton rordson tractors a i init clas garage in connection we service apnt for mtcormick cockshutt and plcurywpracjiincj ritrh hayfork and blmg ouklt- john uccrc hayloalrj sldo 1 a share of your patronage v1e appl j iv oneill hydro- property of the people of ontario you ore p owner pf 4 tticat orgamzatio l mg an uwestment 01 vcf 00 nulliou dollars you as a citizen of ontario have mi intctctt ii every pcncratnijj jilant every jkiic every fnt ifvirr oy ilccc of muclilinry uiul all huililinyt tmder the control of tlic hydrollcctnc power commission of ontario you buy electricity from yourself and jy yourself for it your intercut in lydro should mot cm with tlio power but extend to electrical upplmncca aa well the name i 1ydko uoco on apphunvca ly after tlicy buvc been tliorouyhly tested in ii li r l i l pyove thrf o to be thoroughly reliable hydro qiudlty aimpj feanpu arteij jor cunju uur ijitciit tnn nftilun tettlh o tmjjreejvtn jrwt maunu jri when you u your wm ui hydro quality junpj yutt jrouti thai ifwy fiu lltcjr full rutc tlfnt um only th firufxrr anioui vj turrciii and iiutit jot ui tcuit 1500 lighting hvdrotlutllic ivjwul commiialqn 0 0mtak10 wu tljf hydlto 1xect1uc iiiaittmilnr hydro shop a feesesese wmwxvwmmirikxrs yon advei get resi your advtrliminenl iij kree press wiu liring j of our wide iioral circulatj vertihin rolnnuib and a dependable ref ation vhich hav- been vojt only tlirougf lionebty helpful aflvirtibiiig hervice und u onscinious dhirc to give our putama 100 per cent value received for everyu lar invested in our columns phone for our service for any lin advertising you desire or call at our offic we will he glad toassist you i le acton free pn phone 11 acton ontario l ki j i fzll

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