Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1919, p. 5

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r q guje artou jrw tytswa thiiuiday may 29 1d1i only a dad only a dad willi u llrtil faro foinlnr iwrnn fr in tbo tlally raoo itrlrirlnk llitln of kold i r fame 1 lin has played tho iw in hut clad in jolco lumo lilm iilu heart that his nil o hn hla only u ilail r ik i j rood of four ouo of ten million men tr mom plod uiik ulonj in tho dally utrlfn ilearlnir im whips and erorrui of life will nevtr a whimper of pain or hate 1 or the uako i those who at homo await only a dad nulthrr rich nor proud merely inn tjf tl i nurnlnif crowd toiling- ulrivinc from day in day i aclnc whatever may rumo hla way illnii wlicnovir tlm i a rah condemn anil ifcurl i i nil for uio lovo of them ho fciv the sunday school lesson for qunoay june 1 1010 i1y julilk u iiultluut kaith huh 11 1 0 13 1 3 additional material for teachers matt s ml mark 1 40 43 ilom 10 17 3 3130 c 1 gal 2 20 johr i 4 ill jkjiiik with couitieo ntrn and krlm tho 1im1ii that hln father did for him thla lu tin- lino ttut f r him i pen only u du i hut tho licat of men holoctftd twenty yearo aqo from the luus of th free pru of thursday juno 1 1009 tho soldier boys am gottlntx ready for camp next week u 1 lectric ushunff hao boon installed in bt alunnn church there woo almost a total absence of tho fin cracker nuisance on queen a birthday charllo matthews tho younc son of mrs l o matuiaws ffot pos session of a giant cracker however and in d is harm in a it had hla nose and lips painfully burned within a little over nix months the hand of death has removed four olden from tho officiary of knox church messrs peter mann alexander grant james e cobban and archibald campbell qreat interest has been taken throughout england in the institution of empire day in canada the mes sages sent to tho queen by tho school children of halifax montreal and otner points wore widely published drover holmes has iwsen dlatrlbut lnff on un average of about 3 000 a week anions tho farm era lately the luuvery of machinery by john mcqueen tho local arent for tho frost wood implement works on tuesday was a surprise to many and was the largest delivery over made in thla nectlon i let ween thirty and fort teams were loaded in tho forenoon after which tho farmers wero enter tallied to a splendid dinner at affnewb hotel after dinner the bumora drov hi procession throush tho principal it tree ta themeo to tho dark where tncy were photographed married macdo jald-planh- at tho resid- ence of tho bride a parents acton on wednesday may 24 by itev w it lcytone john m macdonam m d c m- to laura m oldest daufi titer of win i lank died poitlllrf in acton on thursday may 25 mary campbell wlfo of wil liam iorbcs k1tch1nq in tioaaagtiwova on frl day may ib john kltchln br in hla s4th year the spraying of plants for the prevention of injury dy insects and disease at this season of the year particular attention should be paid to tho pre vention of ravages by disease and in sect peats it is possible by a timely application of tho proper sprays to control effectively many of our worst diseases and pests spray materials may bo divided into three classes it rat there axe tbo fungicides such as llordoaux mix lure and 11m o sulphur wash which are used to control or to prevent the development of funsous diseases such as applo scab and potato duxrht sec ondly there are poison sprays such as lead arsenate far tbo control of blt- lnx insects such an the potato beetle tent caterpillars ac and thirdly tho contact up rays such as kerosene emulsion or nicotine sulphate for tho control of sucking insects like plant lice iiy selecting the proper sprays under blned spray containing all three can bcc of these three headings a com be used and lhua in a single applica tion one haa u fungicide and a com plete insecticide combined a cood combined spray la made dp as follows 4440uordcaux consisting of 4 pounds unslaked lime 4 pounds of copper sul phate and 4q gallons of water to which is added 3 pounds of arsenate of lead or 2 pounds of arsenate of urao in panto form if the dry form la used uss one half this quantity for con trolling biting insects and if aplilds or plant lice are present one third of a pint of nicotine sulphate should be added as an alternative the lime sulphur could replace the bordeaux mixture do iot delay the am h cation until the disc tao or peat has become ovl dent by its ravages but make the ap plication is made and it la this now un age an applhatlon of ni ray is not a cure it is a ire ven tail ve do not think that one application la nitmciimit hemembcr that at this season of tho year foliage grows rapid y and a largo amour t of new loaf surface is soon exposed after an ap t plication la made and ii this now un coatc1 nuifaco which is u wjurcc of infection three to four sprays dur jmr tho season will bo necessary to keep tho leaves covered and tho planth free from disease and peats 1 uako tho applications thoroughly drenching all iaru of tho plant with a one nlst like spray a coarse spray is not us effective as a finely divided one if you havo not ulrrudy dona inakeppllcutlou at once to your e sat experimental larm or district hl kjrv30 itatlve for a hpray calendar pr apply dlnct to the central xperl imeotn iarm ottawa these calau dorp will glvo you full iniitructlons as a mtxlnk and applying- spraya for the control of ull lwnls and diseases i km delay do it ow lcxperloieutal pfcrrnn nolo common ocrlpture passso 1 now faith is assurance of thinira iwtxil for a conviction of things not 2 1 or therein tho elders had witness tiorno to them 3 iiy faith wo understand that tho worlds havo been framed by tho word of clod ijt that what is ooen hath not been made out of thlngtt which ap pear 4 by faith alol offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain through which ho had witness borne to him l im t ho was rlghteoun god lnart lie vrltnrut in respect of his gifts and through it be being dead yot npeakcth t iiy faith 1noch was translated that ho should not aeo death and ho in i ot found iiecause tlod translated him for bo lutth had witness borne to him that before hla translation lal liccii ell plouslrut unli ood c an 1 without faith it la impooaiblo to bo well pleasing unto him for be that cometh to god must believe that he is and that ho is is a re warder of them that seek after hlnu 7 hy faith noah bcimr warned of god concerning things not seen as yot moved with godly fear prepared em ark to tho saving of his houso throvmh which he condemned the world and been mo heir to tho righteousness which is according to faith 8 by faith abraham when ha was called obeyed to go out unto a pl4ce which he was to receive for an in hcrttance and ho went out not know ing whither ho went 0 by fajth ho became a sojourner in the land of promise as in a bind not his own dwelling- in tents with isaac and jacob tho heirs with him of the same promise 10 for he looked tor tho city which ha tii tho foundations whose builder and maker is god 1 therefore let us also seeing we are compassed about wlthso great a cloud of witnesses lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset ua and let us run with patience tho race that litnet before us 2 doaklnc unto jesus tbo author and ptrfecter of our faith who for the joy that was sot before him endured tho cross despising shame and hath uat down at the right band of the throne of ood golden text tho righteous shall live by faith ttom 1 17b departmental topics and rsfsrenoe primary toplo the otory of a man who believed in jesus john 0 1 38 memory verse and he said lord i believe john 0 3sa- junjor toplo heroes of long ao- mtniorj veroe hob 11 ca intcrmedlate and senior toplo somo victories of faith young people ana adult topta the place of palth in life blackboard by faith we see god by faith we trust in chiust by faith we are made iuqht loua by faith we overcome the would lasaon thoughts tho great word of the bible u faith abraham moses elijah and nil the prophets lived and died in faith in the new testament we find the nwtin faith more than two hundred ti and its verb t as many more tho question is not what was faith to prophets apostles and saints of oldt but what does faith do for ua 1 faith enables us to see god and to reffi tie uujeen realities wo can not eo ood but faith makes ood real to our souls we cannot see christ at once in glory but faith gives ua com munlon with him through faith heaven is opened god a will la known and salvation becomes ours 3 fxllh enables us to trust in christ faith in christ means tho surrender of our uvea and our all to him u bur lord and king- just as the soldier gives his life up to hid general to go where be sends to do what he bids to die if need be in carrying out his far rcahlnc plana so we give up our wills to christ until wo can amy with paul christ uvea in mol 3 faith gives to ua righteousness what power transformed peter from a cursing coward to a tearless cham pion of christ h was faith what turned saul from a persecutor to an apostle it was faith whoever fay faith grasps the hand of jesus christ feels a new power thrill through him imparting new standards of living and an energy enabling him to live up to them 4 fcallh gives us victory ovor tho world the world around ua is no friend to those who live as disciples of christ its standards of living are not our standards its alms are not our alms its rewards ore not the prise for which we strive we have a battle to fight hut faith will enablo us to win it fleojlno for next wsek monday obedience matt 7 16 29 tuesday exhortation to obedience deut 4 1 10 wednesday abraham s obedience gen 15 1 b thursday obeying god a command menta john 14 ig 24 friday hearing and doing james 1 is 37 saturday obedience tho tost of love 1 john 3 is 54 sunday tho joy of obedience john is 1 14 i carc needed in ei hefqrm educational ow uiko more the tuitions of the world uioilng not upon tho appalling wreckage of war are seeing the future in the ichoolroom of to day and are nonstderliik with ucuto and anxious interest tho wholo great matter of education this const 1c rut ion is al ready dominated by tho catchy word reform an 1 la calling attention to ilnolf by exploiting certain phenomenal uprctuulnr aspects uf e lucutlon there is much rlatmirt us talk uf tho modern un opiotrd to tho old ot tho practical as against the theoretical of training for industrial efficiency instead of for the developmonk of personality the pnjicral result is sum to bo that tho extremists the faddists the shallow vacationists are to huvu a big time with the vliolo buslnrua of education and if wi arn wn nay wak lipvsfel fl tlmt modified urm ot tmsfusslaii ujstcm has boon tdfllletisn tto american poopli ttotll i deer drinking toronto may 20 191 b ikar sir there seems to be a large number who do not know that the beer drinker seldom lives to bo much over sixty yiara of uge beer drinkers drop off with what should have beon mild and easily cpr- uble discuses even moderate beer drluke a havo a poorer chance of re uivcry fspeclklty from blood poison lng and pneumonia than the total ab btaliier the first organs to be at tatucl nm tho kidneys and then come bright a iliac use and dropsy certain to be fntul over thirty ycana ugo j number of medical mull bcliun advising their pa tioiits that thoy had better icmvo beer alone and drink whiskey instead and thsre iu fww reputable physicians who would not give the miiio advlct to day a cum mo mi j 11 ada ins on behalf it ho baltimore bun lnvestl catid the working of riuhibttlon in somo of the southern states and he ronrluljd int vhlskey prduces rnoro vlolfnco ttian beer but that beer de creases much more than whiskey tho astgregato i ruaperlty happiness ami efflilency of the community jio aaij tho heer trade ten times moro than the whtskey tradn produces the evlh belonging to tho salo of liquor us an institution tho brewers are going to raako a deeper 14 effort to compel us to re turn lu ho old drunkardmaking bar room the friends of temperunco must noe that tlielr names are un tho voters list and vote no on everyone of the liuestlons doit t miss one or it will spoil your ballot it aiinott m-h- mci u depl of tloelal uervtio tiie soldieer song3 the following wero tho fovorlti choruses or the uing ilonff nt th banquet tcncjcrfl the returned sol llrrn by tlm intermediate lied cross ttn queens birthday night smiles dearie now i know just what makes niu lovo you no just wht holds mc and enfolds m in its golden glow dearie now i see tis each smile go bright and free for lifes- sadness turns to glad ncss when you smile on mc chorus there are smiles that make happy thcro are smiles that make uj blue there are smiles that steal away the teardrops as the sunbeams steal away the dew there ore smiles that have a tender meaning that the eyes of love alone may see and the smiles that git my life with sunshino are the smiles that you give to me dearie when you smile everything in lifes worth while love grows fond as we wander down cadi magic milft cheery melodies seem to float upon the breeze doves are cooing while theyre wooing in the leafy trees sussex by the sea now is the time for marching now let your hearts be gay hark to the merry bugles sound tng along oar way so let your voices ring ray boys snd take the time from me and iii sing you a song as wc march along of sussex by the sea chorus for were the men from sussex sussex by the sea we plough and sow- and reap and mow and useful men are we and when you go to sussex who ever you may be you may tell them ail that wc stand or fall for sussex by the sea and smr this song as wc mnrch nlong of suncx by thesea sometime your feet are weary sometime the way is long sometime llio day is dreary some tunes the wrtrld goes wrong hut if you let your voices ring your cares will fly away so well img a song as wc mnrch along of sussex by tho sea weilevkr let the oli itjvg tall britain s flag has always stood for juitice britain 3 hope has always been for peace britain s focr wcddlnp bells will ring so merrily pv ry tenr will bo a memory so wait and pray each night for mc tilt wc meet of qui tho good bye mean tht- birth of a tear drop hello means tile birth ot a mile and tho annle will crac tho tear blighting trace when wo moot in the after awhile ten commandmento for the oalegman rnt lm agi able in voice i i tlco tho uv infe a nluvo t s they treat m con i uuitu tne id refrain oh sussex sussex by the sea good old sussex by the sea you may tell them all that we stand or fall for sussex by the sea up in the morning early start at break of day march till the evening shadows tell us its timo to stay were always moving on my boys so take tho time from me have known that they could trust us to do our best to make th- can noiij ccaoc britains blood will never atand for insult j briti soiu will rally at her coil britains pride will never let hcrj umo cxult fura but well never let the old flag folk chorus well never lot the old flag fall for wo love it the best of all wc don t want to fight to show our might but when wo start well fight fight vlght in peace or war youll hear us sing god save the flag god savo the king at thoends of tho world the flags unfurled well never let tho old flag fall britains sons have always called her mother britains sans have always loved her best britains sons would die to show they love her tho dear old flag laid on each manly breast britains ships have always ruled the ocean britain s sons will serve her one and all britains sons will show their trua devotion and theyve never let the old flag fall railway time tablca third 1 in t nrgtl yi u dls inrio with ill i ut it you proiuijjh w sntugoulslnk mo 1 ourui mako ll in don t talk ut i fifth toll tho truth if j ilon t expect mo to mo halk jlxth bo dnim ij iiiblo if you loo mo nomothlnr keep your pi t telephone mo uhiud urujom i ame don mill remember faro nothing i le mm than sub tin flattery lljhth howaru i t f otlum toll mo utw ut yourself whin ym try inn to sell mo uomuhlnj got mo to talk about myaolf if you can ninth think num j i iluriinta con fl lonco it lu r inuiclouu tenth bo human hilling coodi successfully u a psych ill gicnl ropoul tt iti dr irank cruno boforu inter nutlonul hales managers aiuloclutlon teetotaler tropin in i urojie aro aaklnj mint la the o rlcli of tho wrl hot tul tho rrt ch looklm u iniui tin chan nel not unnaturally oonfu m it with tratotul but an nblluhnioil x 1 tains tl at it cunilo from tho t written 1 n tho old t nivoranco jilodco books to 11 llcato ii to a ut ntalne r an distinguished from u x moii wh did not promuio to jivo up uuch m udcr forms jr intoxicating drlnlcu iui b and ale ni l we meet again there s a song in the land of the hly fach sweetheart has heard with a sigh this sweet echo falls as a scldicr boy whispers good bye chorus smile the while you kiss me sad adieu when the clouds roll by ill com to you then the skies will seem more blue down in lovers lane my dearie that change m womans life mr godden telia how it may bo passed in safety and comfort premonlo iwunaaamrr through tho critical period of life being forty- olx years of age and had all tho sytnp- tomi incident to that change beat flash es ntrvouancaa and was in a general run down condition so it was hard for me to do my work lydla e pink ham a vogotoblo com poand was recom mendod to mo as the beat remedy for my troublcn which ft burtly proved to be- i feel betur and btronter la every way elnce taking it and tho annoying syroptoma havo dianp- pcared mrs m godden 925 na poleon st fremont ohio sach annoying symptons oa heat fl nertotuasas backache head ache irritability and theblueo may bo speedily overcome and the system reotored to normal condiuorm b thl famooa root and herb remedy lydla l pinkhaiaa vcgotoblo compound if any complications present them selves write the plckham medlclno co lynn mass for suggestions how to overcomo them tbo result of forty year experience ut at your service and your letter held in strict coofldenca you do not have to sacrifice xpomjness comfort and beauty in order to oavc money look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped it has big car performance combined with small car handmess and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control 13 within easy reach and it has complete equipment every- sj thing necessary for ma service and converuenct the motor is 3 2 horsepower the wheel- base 106 inches and there arc easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tiresv non- skid rear there is the famous autojite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate xt3 many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontario wiiiynoverlnd limited rttlis rnvr 111 1 hl iniiililti head office and works west toronto ontario toorine car model 30 s13go0o touring car model 85 143500 for particulars apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon acton advertise regularly and then watch for results at acton qrnd trunk flallwsy syatsm no 29 no 14 no 35 no 18a no 37 qo 1 no wsst b 1j om 10 19 om 2 13 p m tti p m doing east 9 2b om 3 8 p m o lt p m 8fipm no s3 no 3 u no 18 hun day colnc west 7 00 p ni rains iojio tlm at 10 10 om ucb acton mil cast at toronto suburban cloctrio railway going west 0 17 a m daily except hunday 3 s3 p ro dally oscept h mi day 8011 p m ijniiy except huiidar 11 03 o ro hunday only upm kunday only 9cs p m hunday only qolna east 78 a m daily except hunday 5m pm dolly except hunday 018 pm dally except hunday im bm hunday only fi48 p m hunday only s 60 p m hunday only ffteiqht and express impress carried on ull cam frolrrht dollvoraj dally by nptilal express frelsht lxpresu or iroliht picked up at any address in toronto a it aonlw auont acton eggs poultry being out youtt eggs and poultry highest cash price paid r milligan comsr young and mill 3t- acton or to p o do 341 uptodate goods atcc speights silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite- ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves every article t3 of excep tional value c c spei mill street acton have you received your sprinq footwear yet t if not qo to kenney bros and mako your selection from their stock tha stylcj for ladlco uro dorcouva ealj oxfords with a fuw linos of pumps we havo also a nice unu of ladiaa ilurh cut holu with fuwn and pat vamps which ctve a vcry atylluh appearance of 11 n n d he our mans 111 italt uro c impluta with ilou mioses uiul lilld a ut rmuojialilo prices wo will ol i havo i iioplrilo hi o uf wbltu ooodu for uumimr your repairing atlondsd to kenney bros main street acton onl j 13 he acton bakery m edwards co- canada pood hoard lit mill utrlct uu no t 013 acton white kread brown bread bobton bread tea biheuits 15c doz bunb 15c doz scones 1 5c doz cookies l5cd cakes ioc- 1- 20c 30c wedding cakeb a sueclally m edwards co acton ontaiiio sturo qoocd i very nit but i n day und buturduy nt t u oelolk

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