Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1919, p. 6

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now charged for nf tho following rftten illrthn 60c marrlagrn coo deaths go memorial cards lo 10c per linn extra for poo mil married urfll atmilt in iloa 111- mil jn wcin by ilov mr mykrr henry medium hlln mm v illluiii mc flln hlhh mr w imn of mr in lu died rval n i llrulu i1hain at 1h 1319 c year 1iunt1 it in foi n i t wn on i may 1010 nill huutir c3rd year imciwirrt i 1 wville in t may 20 1913 aliur i lrkett 77 til yout qhje artnn 3tor 1x00 tuijiu4day may 9 1019 brief local items boon in owlmmln yotr queen a weather prevailed on the queens birthday the mercury registered 74 degrees in tho shade on monday well tho 24th wann t very pro piuous for poulo planting the warm weather thin week rum given vegetation a treat impetus public mooting to night to confer reapcellnc improvod telephone ocrvleo this is uhrop nhcarlng time and farm era are busy delivering the wool knox church ladies aid will hold their annual garden party in the park on july 1 a now electric motor has been in- stalled in prod blown machine ehop and garage soma of the uuhorraon did very well on queen a birthday the trout shown in nomo of the creels were very crodllabla excavations are being made for the new residence of mr it j kerr at the corner of bower avenue and john street one of iho most carefully edited papers that reaches this office lo tho acton fur puest ht mary s jour nal thinks rev it i- jones haii accepted tho paatorato of tho cuen ijaptlst church in elgin county ho is removing bis furniture to tho now charge tho bent money maker on tho farm is tho hon she turns gross into green backs grain into cold and from tho sand and grovel oho coins nltver it is nported the prince if wales will ojisn 1 a month in canada and oft daily cipor the now ottawa purlla ment buildings and tho toronto ex hlbltion a very creditable day wan spent on the bowline green both ladles and gentlemen were present in considerable numbers and all enjoyed this first days outing at the same tho old stable and garage on tho beardmore property on mill fat root have been torn down the tint ag greoalvo ttlcn in preparing for tho now recreation park and rink ah those interested in the rc-or- gnjilxatlon of acton citizens bandars requested to attend in person a meet ins for tho purpose in hill a hall friday ovenlng may 30 at 8 o clock j c iu11 mr georgo w beardmore s lad der of light won tho kings plate at tho contest in toronto on queenta birthday tho victory comes with special favor to mr beardmore who is master of the hunt ir tho heads of families drawlns interest from victory bonds do consider tho amount large enough to invest on their own account they might well put it into war savings 3 lamps for their children twenty four of tho lead 1 tiff retail merchants of midland liava agreed to moke no delivery of goods after six o clock on bat unlay evenings with such a system in voguo 0 o clock cloa- infrahoulil pa quite feasible tho seventh line wlilchjias been almost impossible the past month is now better but bill very rough it is sincerely hoped by thoie who aro com pel led to travel this much used high way that necessary improvements will be effected this season on two occasions within tho post four years tho congregation of be peter o church ha doc have voted to their pastor i lev w hxmactavlah an increase f ntlpand and now thoy huvo made him a present of it a ir mac tavlsh la a nomufiawayu boy at a muss mooting in burlington u resolution was med protesting against tho amend mo iit to tho hallway act giving tho dominion llnll way board power to ax rates izx lluyor coleman presided and lleovo cleaver was the principal speaker thar wore about 160 present a meeting of tho uunnockbuni worn on a institute will bo hold ut uk homo of mrs h 11 lindsay on tubs day juno 3 ut 30 o clock old tlmo when miss duncan of toronto will address tho meeting a good pro brammowiii bo provided and u cordial invitation is extended to all tho ladles amendments to the motor vehicles act important changs war msds stlmt qeion of the ljliltur in th motor vehicles act mslo of speed nn mod r vohlrli uhall lie drivmi ui on uny muiwuy within u city town vll lago or i ii r vlllnr ut a urr all r rule if iiihoi hum lw uty inllm ir hour nor uj j n uny lilf hwuy oululde of u lly ti wn vlllu1 r jlw vllluj at iv lreulcr rt if il than twi nty flvo lullm p r hour m r at a utrml inter not tli u or oiifvn win m tho drlvi r of tho vchbli ban not a rltiir vlow of uiiproni him tralllc at u greater ruin f witoixl tlmn t n tnllci in a cty town villugn or mile vllluj or twrlovo and u half mlln oulfllihi u city town vll luco or police vlllakr but tho council of a rlty town vlluico or ikjilto vlll aio may by by law set upurt any high way j r uny part thereof on which motor vohlclen may bo driven at u greatrr rats of oiwod for th punwoo of tostlng tho name nml may poao h laws for reftulatlnu and governing tho usa of any such highway ur part tliero of for iiurli iunxo rcllass driving irovlslon lu made increasing thu penalty fur reck lean driving whereby anyono found guilty of thlu offence nhall xto llablo for uio flrut njfenco to u ik unity not exceed ing ito or one weeks imprisonment ir both for tho second offenca to a penalty not exceed ing 100 or ono month a imprloonmont or both and for tho third offoncn to imprisonment not exceeding six months nolss muffler livery motor vchlclo oluxll be eq ped wltli a nofaomunier and no con trlvanco for releasing such muthor nlutl ixi attached to tho motor vohlclo no that it may bo operated from any ur at in tho vehicle llvrry motor vohlclo usod for com mercial purroia shall bo nuulpped with a mirror uecurely attached to it and placed in such a pool tl on as to afford the driver of nuch motor vehicle while driving or operating the vehicle a clear vlow of tho roadway in tho rear or of any vohlclo approaching from tho rar licensing of chauffeurs tho rules governing tho lsuuanco of licenses to cliauffours have been modi tied as indlcalod in tho following re drafted cluuna a lice iino uhall not be lasued to a person who driven a motor vehicle fbr hire pay or guln unless ho ilea in tho omco of tho mlnlntcr of public worka and highways certificates uiat ho is a fit and proper ponton to bo so licensed having regard to his char acter physical fitness ability to drive and knowledge of the rules of tho road one of such certificates touching the applicants character shall bo furnish ed by tho chief constable of tho muni cl polity in which the applicant resides and ono other certificate touching the applicants physical fitness ability to drlvo and knowledge of tho rules of tho road ahull bo furnished by a mom ber of tho ontario motor leaguo ap pointed for that purpose by tho llou tenant covrrnor in council and re siding in tho municipality in which tha applicant resides howard on conviction of person oualing motor vehicle by laws may be passed by tho coun clla of alt municipalities for paying on tho conviction of tha offender and on tho order of tho judgo or police magistrate before whom tho convlc lion is had a rowan of not less than twenty dollars to any person who pur sue und apprehends or cauaos to bo apprehended any pcruon stealing a motor vohlclo within tho municipality prohibition as to letting or hiring no person shall hire or lot for hlro a motor vehicle unless tho person by whom such motor vohlclo is to bo driven la a person licensed to drlvo a motor vehicle as required y this act or is a person to whom a permit has been issued pursuant to section 3 of this act or la a person to whom a certificate of competency lias been la sued by tho ulnlfllor of lubllo works and hlghwayu prohibition u to duylng whs re serial number obliterated no pcruon shall buy aell wreck or otherwise deal with any motor vohlclo whereof iho ma nufactu reefs serial number or similar identifying mark has been obliterated or defaced or is not readily recognizable t onus of d up roving negligence tho act provided wbon loss or damage la sustained by any person by reason of u motor vehlclo on u high way uio onua of proof that such loss ur damage did not arise through the negligence- or improper conduct of tho owner or driver of tbo motor vohlclo shall be upon tho owner or drlvor the hardest work tho hardest work any of ua are tall pd ot u perform is worry nothing exhausts us so juliky those who work contoudodly ami hupplly are capable of pcrfurtnlng an enormous amount of labor without breuklnx down nut no constitution tuultl stand eight uur a day of woiry fr morn thu i u few mouths at a ume it la tho dluuuut of worrx tnjootiwr into our work which iuakrtf it iruuhlng bur den it lu worry whloh robs our pica euree f their ilavor our liardcet work is unprofitable worlf for moat outlays ot enemy eward whether ono digs poems ho gets hlu pay in money or satisfaction or botli but tho harder wo work worrying tho less wo liave to show for it no fnrni of labor ia so abffotdtoly without com pensalloti our bar loot work lo jmecemjuuy tsafty lnjvple go through tho dallv routine because hey must work or starve if nocmalty is tho mother of invention it ts also rcsininslblo for most of the work that is done lu tho world hut no ono lu obllgi 1 to worry wo need novir thuko our hoiio be twocli worrying und outing worry never put u coat on any maim buck or a dollar lu his pocket tho hardest work we do is both unnecessary and unprofitable j thortl in a rewur dllchvi or wiltoj john w h houghton ono if ook- vlllo returned n ildlurs died at tho brdnt military hospital last week sir robert is honie again optimistic address when welcom ed back to the capital spirit of hope is dominant ottuwu may 7 frankly rocosuli lug that ha has returned to canada lu disturbing times blr llotxrt borden replying to tho civic welcome uxlended to tho irlmo mlnlsttr und muj leneral morrison doc la roil hlimtolf to bo un optimist und miner ted hlu belief that canadians would doul with tho problem of rocous true t ion us wol faithfully as thuy had fought tho tho i rlma milliliter u uusortlun received with much upplauuc wiliji was euuullid in volume only whon major uuuerul morrison in cloalug his remarks by way of final uiowugu tho canadian l mo pic atatod that dur ing four yours of war tho canadian corps liad never rotrcatld u plop und never lust a nlnglo nun the hopeful spirit that sustained canadians during more than four years of war hlr lloburt said will not bo fuund wanting in tho uvuu luuro dim tult dayo of aco if that spirit ulu lliiucs lu inaiilro thu jkoplo tliero will lo no cause for tho slightest ulartn cutuidt run u in u splendid und hoita ful thwllion io fate lilt worlu wo have irmwt cucriy and rvat venuurvui und ours la u grcut futuro if wu do not wuato our efforts i nolle vo thut alnuiui u i coplr uo hlcllly li1uwik1 will lie found boiua txltir tnethod of uolw ink our t robluma than uomo of tliouo ihuthods whlcn havp olus1oiiu1i benn lu uvldontu in tho past i am us ulronlty dotvrmliicd us uny ono to do wlin t r p irt 1 may huvo in n mi ly ilig uny exlatln neighborhood ncwb- town and country items of interest from various loos 1 1 ties covered by the free prmt ldcn mills tho uitiual i reiibytrrlal it thu wo miun 1 relet mliulinry hm u ly of thi i rnt ytcrhui liurclmtif luoli li 1 nilytrry vrui hl 1 at i hi mlllit on ruiiiliy ihcro wan u lat ultrnd ulire iho ludliu of tho rl in h hcri xt i 1 i orilliil houi itullly ftockwood tim x utoru of ho lato mm i in ha vi wol i tho reiihunro on lu iph hlr i on suiiljy aflirnooii the ulijil llnv w it lurk udmlululitid ion anna thin in ut john hurt h i ix proom in ing prciiontoil evcrton tho roatbi liavt gotten into pretty fair ordltlot u41 in tho re organization of tho i look wood circuit of tho methodist churcl will probably mean tho closing of tin parson me at tho btonn church the minister wir likely reside at ilockwood tho unnual provincial convention of the co operation of dlurlplcn of chr t in ontario lu being held this ycur li tho oldest disciple church in onto lo at lvcrt n tho ncnuionn opened j terday end will continue until xt week it is expected that there wll bo 1c0 delegates from oil parts of th province this will make uutlo a atl in our ijulot hamlet bat milton tho bowling ncason opened nrday may 4 with prexldtnt v vl prenldont match at 10 a m and 2 p owners qf dogs nro requested to procure dog tafn from tin without further jeay jsmi save cxtrn milton uteres were closed baturdjvy victoria day tho merchants ut thr town aro arranging for a half holiday evory wednesday during juno july mil augual champion an addition to tho internal furnish ings of tho mothoduit church was last week teru ily gfvoi by mi f hen uon who laid a harilw mm floor on thi has and designed and made an ai hull- cover for tho font ileformor ourlinqton mjsn jean gordon a return d mla nlonnry from india lu visiting her cou uln mr j q wilson mr and mm ildward iortcr nor dlca villa carollno stroof will leave for council bluff a iowa on baturday wli ere they will reside in future tho anniversary scrvlcca of knox church will bo held on bunday june 1 tho itov alfred oandier i d principal of knox college toronto will preuch morning und evening the engagrment is announced of cjladyo ilctt trice only daughter of thn lato hchuyler w and mrs shlhloy do i o ware avenue toronto to mr johr- itothergdl mllclioll of burlington tho marriage to tako place in juno ooxotto oakville tho court- of itovlnlon will be held this evening jijoo la to be cxpondod in roitalrinc ho tiro hall the chuholm scott co is erecting sovcrul pea shelling machines in uio stock building on tho futr grounds for canadian canning houses news the council lias gruntod tho agrl cultural society 1 000 of which itao la toward tho erection of a new build log and c00 for tbo usual annual grant- motorlsui should take notice that thn now law increasing tho speed limit to 20 miles in towns and twenty flvo miles in tbo country docsn t como into effect until juno in uio matter a- l- patterson vs tho trafalgar hoard of health tried before judge lulott a few woeks ago ills honor has delivered judgment on tho same awarding mr patterson i7g und coats not in thirty ycuru has the hpavj storms done so much damugo on tho luko front as during this wlntor an 1 spring it lu alarming to una tho in roads tho waves huvo mada on oven lakooldo park star vlpi of tho world lu our methods i for 1 no urn uu opti mist i belli vu tlail tho man who dur ug tio wur so splcndldl did their tvuri will bo u steady anil dominating for law uu 1 order un 1 that huve in canada sueh full to opera ttbtlwjj ho ut rutfunl to dlotlnc tlons of ctasa raeo or creed us will onuble canada to accomplish that high destiny whiui la hers by right of horl luri will nnuueo vo 0k41ii 1 castor a for infants and childrea in usa for over 30 years alweya bears the glgnmure of nas8aqaweya tho noaaagawoyu township bun day bchool convention hold last wei 1 1 outlay ut corwhlu method tat church was fairly well attended by delegates from tho four hunday bchools of th- township the reports from 11 10 dlff eront departments showed tho echooui lo bo in a very healthy condition tha addresses of ilov t hal penny of tor onto were very helpful and inspiring and wore appreciated by tho audience uo wore also tha addresses of ilov mr booth tho county eecrotary and hov 1 l htcpheiiooif of lbeneter tin officers for tho eoinlng year unt prcol dent r c menxlls campbellvllle vlco president john larly bocrotary mrs wm mcphail departmental hup or in tend on in children a division mrs it- c monylca becondary division buys mr hheldon trousdale girls miss inoronee marutiull adult dlvi ulon john muroiuill homo depart inont charles inking teacher train ing ilov j t stfuchan missionary department o t wilson tcmixiranre c a llsloy tho next convention will l held in ht duvld a 1 rusbyterlar hurcli cunipbolivillo a public reception to rut urn od ol dlers was hold at hroolvlllc un thur day evening lust when ubout 40 re turned soldiers were remembervd and given wutcheu uomo fumlllco of tho buys who hud bcon killed were glvun inuntol clock limehouoe mongers lately returnevd froi i ruuci spent u few dayi with mr an mm bill brown lant wek 1 r 1 t ilitklnxhorne who rt turn fr m overueau alxxit n mi lit aa ni ixin relimtntel ut thn llurr a hi itolr toronto br ii lt muruhall who returned fr m ovurneaa on thn 1 mpreuu brllnlii hi hpeiidlm u month with hln ulout llmilioune ll b nndu qulti diuii1 ulxul the old home dpevoldc tho indue i ion ncrvlrcn at bonton i nilyti rlun church of lnv bohl m iirinent m a lato f lucan the now i untcr uiici if ding ilov w 1 itoue it arfiwiw punlor ut i join warn unil ur iloc wiiu un occasion of much lit tirciit thn induction wau umler tho direction of the 1rcal ytcry of toronto lb v it 1 cameron of jeorgotown was the moilurutor in chargo durinj thn vacancy mill he was afpolntrd to pretilde ut thlu meeting and induct thn minister ilov j o cbeyne of morn ingalde congregation hwansca preach ed the sermon nnd said a fow words to tho minister and ilov j mccoll i n of georgetown spoko aome woll- tlmotl words t tho congregation them was a largo attendance after mr nnd mm urdfirmonl had txxm intrti lueed to the congregation at tho clom of tho ucrvlco thirn vero refrcuhmonti proylivd by uio ladles crin tho curly cloning teems to be work ing all right since uio council took steps to enforce it tuesday thura day and irlday evenings aro tho clon od nlghto whllo monday wednesday and baturday nights aro ojien tho iton duncan marshall minister of agriculture for tho ivovlnoe of al bertu mr crnlgg deputy minister or agriculture mr dow block co mtaslonor for alberta and j c llllol m p p of aiencoe v lai tod at dr and mm abbott a last week at tho annual mooting of women 1 nntt tu to the following were elected as oftlcom for 1910 0 ivcjj mrs j h tllbson vlco i ten miss con boy 2nd vice proa mrs- o t bcotl bee trcan mrs j m abbott audlton mm m mckechnio mre ii qsar a d voa to crew80ns corners mr end mrs qeorgo goy marti i viol toil ut mr j ilenuott s last week mr clios lambert lost a valuable milch cow last weak from parayaiu mr and mrs dreon toronto spent victoria day at mr wm dennis mr and mrs henry moore mabel and itoy guelph visited over tho woekend with friends at norval mr oiid mru j damper and ml mi i thel dumper guelph visited at ml henry dampers over tho holiday two pjcnlcn were held at the hlu bprlng ierk on victoria day ono f ml geir iwn and ono from icbencter mr und mrs john brown recoiled a letter last week from their son gunner h h brown tolling of thi delight of an eight day leave that ho hud in scotland and tho beauty of tho scenery of the country tho hospit ality of tho peoplo waa unsurpassed gunner brown also spoke very highly of uio work of the y mc a among tho georgetown mlus helen cllne of brandon col uc li liumii on her vacation mrs it d coulta of aaelnlbola husk bent a day lost woek in town mru dr k l heath returned to guulph houpltul on baturday for furth er treatment a grand concert will bo tlvon lu knox church georgetown by uie choir on friday evening may 30 mr walter anthony has purchased tho 3j acres belonging to mr w d johnston at uio south aide of tho town tho now cement walk connecting the queen titroet walk with the station platform will bo much appreciated by pedestrians a meeting of lsqucjtlng agricultural bociety will bo held in the council chamber on wodneaday juno 4 at 8 an old und rcspoctod re id on t of iuqueslng in tho person of mr george buln paused uway ut his homo near norval on bunduy may ik in his uoth ytur on monday 10th insu mr c w grundy local manager opened tho murchantn hunks now building for business and for inspection by tho bank o cllontn their friend und tho public generally pie norman uuolght and hln wlfo and buby toy arrived homo from over bias n vouplo of wtokj mo norman und his family received a cordial wol mine vis upcight is ulreudy quilt in love with canada tho mitertalnmeut rovlded by tho curlotowii minstrels on thursday and ititluy oven ings of lout week was much enjoyed and thoroughly appro clatod by tho full house which greetod tho performance on both oocaelonju herald tha funeral of the late nell uuntci buckumlth luto ehbf of tin r ire ilrt ijd uut il 1 ot t oadav th tlno men utt ndiwl hi a boly and us mr hunt ir wjj a member of tho itoanl of ltlucutlon the dcbools wero given u half holiday thu funtrul wus lare ly uttoniljd dc acton creamery co highest price paid for vour cream raiktttst anulijtxtisfat7n01gtjalmwtifi4r buttlk fat 2c hlghlet this wlek will receive any amount of cream you urlrt in any quantity of new laid eggu purchased ltc doz thia vveek opeu mgtulay thuraday and satunluy eveninga until 10 ptn acton creamery co vlllow btrbet oppojio government building ar wl ig store bmy alt 1 pair iddieh pure silk glovca the kaycr hrand in hfuck or white 2 dome fumcncr- double tip iirifcrj sircj 1 to s one btur quttljiy special at pair si 00 2 jialr iadica italian silk hose in black brown or white sizc3 bj 9 r and 10 an cxtrn jood value at 2 pair for sloo 2 pair hoys heavy itibhed hose sizci 7 v 8 hy ii and 10 special at 2 pair for 100 2 pair mcnn klack canhnicre socun mens all wool cashmere siocka sizca 10j only good value at 75c special at 2 pair for 100 3 palm mcnu merino socilb in rjray and fawn shade a sock that will kvc pood wear special at 3 pair for 100 4 ynrda single told ginnjltam thi gingham wc have in pink and blue checko very suitable for children dresses a special at 4 yurds for 100 3 nrdh double iloid gingham this cxtrn wide double i old gingham in pink check and tripc i worth 50c yard a pccinl at yardj for 1 00 4 ynrd4 crash towelling natural shade cra h towclljiij 18 niches wide worth to day 15c yard special at 4 yards for 1 00 3 yards oxford shirting oxford shirt mg 27 ifrclilj wide fast colors in fancy btnpc worth to day 40c yard special ativjfrtl tor 100 2 yardj heavy feather ticking this hcvy wutjit a c a fcathcr ticking 33 inclic wide ucgulur prica goc yard a pccjnl at 2 yurd1 for 100 curtain neth ut 100 yard wc give yon your choice of four different patterns in c urtom not 51 inche wide in cream white and ecru regular price 125 a special at per yard 100 s 150 lbs choice prunes lb 17c 200 pkgi 1 lb seeded raisins pkg 17c 2 pkgs gios laundry starch 25c 200 carij drudge for cleaning can 5c choice no i cheese lb 34e granulutcd sugar is going to bo scarce buy now orangcj bananas and lemons meleaini mills mill street wc sell for cash we bell for legs acton de ucadquauters for wedding and birthday presents boriro 1 17 1 llvirwun kdvni i r i in 1 bioiim 1 aity ut uu i hi i y lilmi wo enrry thn mi t tilui li to ittocc in tnwi manriagc licenoco 1qoucd geohynds co ipo ko cleaning preuiilni ltopairlng your clothes thoro uglily cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed an d repaired by expert workmen wo can make that old suit look like new try uu ge walace uelph ontario 3d yonao charlss btreets toronto qet the de8t it pays la noted throughout canada for hiih grade bualncau ducutl in a great demand fur imr tradujteii oien all year i niur now write for cutaloguo w j elliott prnclpsl real estate if you have a houoo for ualu if you want to buy a houou in arton ask r j kerr auctioneer and re estau dosur ihonc 3g younq street acton ont strong healthy plants ready now i annlea 20o dos i inks loo well 75c dos bweet wllllumu loo 76e canterbury holla 10o eoa lox gloves 16o s1jw carnations 5c 1j10 latut early and late cadbagl cauliflower tomatoes celery early and late flowers annuals different vsnatle a hbishop gardener ortlr goalt phort m faibview ave actq1 atl the best cuts 01 hiist juality always ava1lai1lk and promptly dejiveeed a fresh lot ci salmon tuout will slll whole or half mcenery evans llcenee no 0 152 main street acton ontario choice grcceries and provisions mrs jennie hcdougall makcu ji umclnlly of nccuriug tho llmit mhiji avjillablc 1 rcjh and ltolublo prices reasonable your wan tu will bo carefully sup llol home dakinq on friday and saturday mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont kellys meat market corner mill end elain streets acton i carry a full lino of meats as i havu had many years oxim rlcnce it lit my aim to bring betoro my customers tho very choicest meats at a reasonable prlco will you glvo mo an oppoc nlty t nho cash paid port buttktt and logs wkelly acton ont i dgebrothe otor car dod liio have ciintcntriittd on onu tylc i cui und have been determined to make u iood u eai us cun he built ifie dodck car hu the reputatiun of low c t ot up wep i uy uidmg lay u onerutc und a low consumption ut iu- line all uoljgl owrn-r- urc well utijied with then choite invlsihjatu i his car and hl convincld j n oneill dealer for acton and georgetown districts notice to ladies in town and country i arn eolu ctlng llogn and rub beru and all idnda of jynk whon you aro dona with your houso cleaning call up acton ailboord phono 5 uox 261 i will guarantco good natla- factlon and prompt attention alex gilboord box 201 acton ont phone 65 church 8t- 3rd door from whiow tooth paste rhu woinurfu cool clean feeling kluiu tiveu to tho mouth in like a inomliig tonic lven children bruuh their ti uth regularly when b unm klcnto exclusive quelph aqent3 mckee y the rtejtall drug store ouclph ont buy youj coal now i outi ui r ij a t lutirvlw pub lib bt oiwaprll ibabu lurxaoo f 1 llltl mi ii i uty kuel liurilut t i lu i llahid in th li 2 idkud a j 2 jo per ti ti i ai cm dine to harrington rttuti 1 ttiit if il r y thm f t p i4trnt to meet thu foliowliil im bablo iilreaut pi r ton mlin f n wages 1ui intreiuio iii freltit ruto to touts liulepi lulent irlii tctsnb uterutor monthly in crraiio to ecutu ioiuo if iut all of s imniuiea uroiertnlu now is tho time to order price for may delivery 10x0 terms ch on delivery lssve order with norman mcleod car of cement on hand a full line of lumber lath oj shingle at our yen j- b mackenzie qcougctown

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