Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1919, p. 1

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i orty fourth year no 40 acton ontario thursday morning june 5 1010 single copies five cents new advertisements the mlttiodist chuhcii acton 11cv i m mover pulor panoniut willow ot 11 ii i lm 1 mid i 3u li imimiu iim j 7 p rl 1 tutor yr ii alt inv1t1 i cum1 foft 3alc two in jim 41 tf ju it h iwnvi k ln lii mm i t a wanted i ivo lb i and hick iih t cat uk katlilen i guolph tin near lxhlhitlon grounds 33 if oafc for dale a coir mndh u i uafo jn tood condition 1x21x12 liiuhlo measurement com hlnatlon kwk will mil at a bargain for prompt nuio i staitkman 42 if mill street acton girls wanted tit work on ann undrrwi ur nlci i lean work- itftit wait a good ixiaril inir imuua apply for particular hi avih un1ttinc mildh i id 4c 4 alton coat lost limn o hlut hi rtt unit i utl loi whlh ilrlvini from ilalllnafuil ltli n in llflh lln r tlm town llix 1 wt i lhi rtflh und llulliiuirn i ill d will ik r wurlcd by leaving ut ft o i itl-l- piiu44 oi 1 in i 1 a ullv drooch lost r iur brooch with hi immtririk four i on a hcottinh heirloom kind i r will lie remurdod by leaving at tin iiiku iueuu otneo or jo 31 likaitdmoili cmcint e mew summer apparel is fi tb a pui ure for uj to offer the dioplay now on exhibition in the vuriou 1 aalnoh departments of this hii store wc havo never icen fuhi on that were better calculated to enlianco feminine beauty nor have woiecn styles that were o eleverl dc tinned or so artisticallyinadc you arc ufc to bo plcdutl witli any selections you may make from them prices iib always on a wide scale sujljno everybodys purse all the cloth suits at big cauliflower plants genuine karly snowball co for 4tc pontpald hhlpped burccosfully overy- whtre auk fur prico hat of cabbage celery and other vegetable plants hiiiolih kaima prultland ontario 428 niagara district home qulldena write for our prea book of hnuno plans and information telling how t jiavo from two in four hundred dollars on your now home address hailiday company boat ci jarkaon st 406 hamilton ont monuments lettered if you am interested in any nmoloi y work i wilt bo in injrvlow cemetery acton fn friday and saturday of this wrck i wnx for ten yearn foreman of the guclph monument work cull at the ccmc tcry or writs mo johv nicou 33 southampton st- ouclpli scxhool janitor wanted a janitor for acton schools duties mado known upon application to lho hecretary salary 700 per annum iutics to commence juno 16 it i mcdonald secretary treasure r store and dwelling for sale that centrally ultuatcd frame ntoro with dwelling above next to browns drug jitorc one of tho beat bustntu1 dltlii in acton heavy frumo construc tion if vunoend with brick would bo modern anil substantial- iirjro rellir barn in rear apply on tho prem 43 if mgi iiutii tavlqb comfortable dwellinq pqr sale tho r itoce lt t corner of church nod ltiln hlita- n- tainu uipi roonut ami ijvrpo hummer lilt- ohen jom1 rollai hhctl for ooftl and wood chicken hoima- clood welt of bard water aoft water fcood guntc i jhir iartlculnra apply to j 11 hmitii 404 uox 1 wbllby out haltjon cream and butter co miiton wo tutvo couimenctd to leather crwun for our factory and our wajotm will jll on our patroua ntiuurly aa in the pant ur atluiu cook will liave chantr of our wjuii in tho dhjrlct uurrauiullm a ion wo thank our many euatomoru foi thulr- iittnl iiulruiiucu and truut for u coullntiilloii and will alwuyo endeavor to ttlvo full uitufuetlon john ir vino- manager 4i 0 milton ontario n f moore imaciit and eainrage purltdv nd piunoa 0rfully mniilri ciiaiiuu wonderland fiimay jun j how could you jean with jjary 1 1 kfool and i ulu v toinedy qatullday june 7 lho whit i mmiu ijiw with hwui liuymwuku 1 trfet tly 1 it ndlnli 1 luiinui an 1 luti lwii cdy and tho caiucllun ltrl nunln in ivunu tuesday june 1q ui iima with ritullnu i iu1 f it k no 2 oa i lio m of lb tlreuu s r l gregory models suitable for women and younp women bifj lice3 of the orifinul prices have been cut away and your choice i extensive for every cloth suit in our regular stock is included in the pricccuttinj kec 3000 suits reduced to 2000 bcjr 3500 suits reduced to 2500 keg 4250 suitfl reduced to 3000 and all tho higher priced suits including the ex elusive new york models are reduced in similar proportions blue serge suits for pro spective bridegrooms a magnificent showing of highgrado ailvool serge suits for men and young men qualiticaof dye and texturo that can be cjepended upon absolutely prices all the way from 3500 to 5500 specially attractive values in standard styles at 4000 4500 and 5oq0 d macdonald bros ltd guelplfs leading and laegest store wyndiuun mocdonnc and carden streets gaelph ont km t mjstjf onert wall paper sale browns drug store has the bifigest display of wall paper ever shown in acton and special redactions are beiny given oa baiutrcpt siock of paper received thfe month call today and take a run through our sample books no need to go to or order from the city we can save you money at drugs and stationery mux street acton dry goods russells erjes it is easy chough for qy toro q praitjo itown rcr chandise it not wjpi a ttorc tiayi jjowevcr hut what it doct that couptt yqu cant butltl a pundtion on tnlk vou muat produee the goojti a uttlo invejtigatton on your part will convince you that you can spend your money to tho beat advantage at this store russells special value in dry cooda iuiitj mjhiinh ulirain muoi 1nh ulntdiamli ihlrih much ijujll hummul un1hu wlalt cillllhtlnh tlummijt un1 lltwualt mkn h huwmilt unui it wlail groceries tomato ilanij i i owllt 11 anth of llnrxlmm 1 vlttlo iokoii 30a ohan11i lomatoej mi iimiiuw uananai to clear 50 pairo tennis slioea at lcsa tlian toat d c russell 1onost mtu stllwht acton ont 8tor cloa jo excapt friday ami saturday dealing twentyfour hour telephone service was atrangea for before councils call for consideration of telephone matters rates to georgetown and rockwood reduced ih du ll iii callthl by hint riiuiuday nvnnliii to mifildo n mut mi itul informatliiu on tli occur hit uf u in in r ti it phono ncrvlco foi atton 111 out draw u viry utbo an iicmlil mi 11 wan imuiiferrcd fnm tin auilltoriiini of lliu halt 1 mi i 11 hiimlkr and llu ca parity wft by i nit 1 i nlml in phono c x plain i the object of w that tho council do ion from tho lit ii tolo- i wlubcd to km w how mill rltlkcnn i nnrally roull ro oprrato in betui better o rvlco ho cullcil upon mr a t brown thn local mutineer to cjcplaln mutfom but mr drown ljitlmatod that ho wlnlicd to know juot what tho coitneil ilijtlrod and would ilka to bear fro other membom of tho council mr hoardmorp belns the only other mi ruber prrncnt at that time exptnlncd hln tlculrrn in tho matter olhof place of tliu iumn or umallcr popuuttion had a tuinty four hour torvlcc he would llko to ni acton wltli rnor nulh i luoru but an ouditl indi i ibv uo i tolopbi na at pro ciment foi tho din news of local import fuld day at robertaon park a hold day in honor of thn rrtunxd noldlrrw of ward no 1 1 jipimlnir will b hold in luattrltum iurlc lot c con z tn wctlncnday juno lu j porta in the nftcrmon and a concert and daneo at nlrhl everyone wiknmo come unit brlnp your picnic baukol oon lllr ham it tin hen and otlnra will civ ehort ddilrcuco 43j heavy fine fpr qalllna qtala co0 tho canada xiooil j lour a baa punned uii act prohlbltliic tho oulo of any csnu unit for foot inculiutur utc found uufcrtllo oitan whleh imvn been mt on fur a few duyn lylnc in a plaeo cuponcu to tho un are unfit for human food anil uny pcriiun fojind trying to ilinikuin if tlnti t niiould tiny iw auilit by thn lihik ofom nj imlnti tl by thi uiivniiii nt uro llablo to a tha d da flrat meotino tho medlnc culled for lut ividay nljclit to endeavor to put the clllrcna hand into order usaln wan far from oncourafciiic not a half dost n form er mcmkni turned out to innuburnto u practice and it wow ncccunarlly pot- toncd those really inlercotcd teliov however thata band lu needed and do ulrud in actoavund that tho nenmwry talent la hero for one another meet liijf wm culled for luut ovt nlnif had bti muiilddliii with mr ulock trlit munujor at ouclpb but ii t tho dinlrcd information from him lit bi llevd a larfftr and iwttrr tolo- phuiu m rvl e would brlnjr crcutcr bniln in to tho town but tho council toull il i nikblni v tuurt en pi rutti tl th ttiu mr h row n th it addrfaaeo tli mt rllni lie fiutd ho wan very gla that thn moc tine hud boon called ua it ktvt- him tho opiortunlty of oxpluln ini buiny ma itcra ilia only re uro t wua that tlii ro were not tooro prcaent- ii rxplulncd that tho ecocmphlcal nltuatlon of acton would never allow a many telephone nubacrlbcrs ojj aomo uolgbborlnff towns acton did not have tho nurroundintf vlllasea of ashfrove glcnwilllnma and several others that coo reo town had milton had on in dependent lino which was connected with tho uelt line ho also explained that a- number of the farmers hud desired georgetown aa their central owing to tholr having rolutlvca there and every available one for acini had up to tho present boon uccurtd a number of now contractu are awaiting fulfilment which cannot ho 1 nil tailed nt onco owing to the dlfh culty in uecurlnir inatrumcntn iorty rural pliunoa arc in operation in con m lion with acton excluuiso ho could trlvo no intimate of how much would lio apont this year for the ox tension of lines by tho iloll company but lm frit that acton would receive tho lartcnt amount in tho dlatrlct as it wuj admitted tlioy wero deservln it the twenty four hour aervlco do- nlrtd by tho council was already belnc iutablulu d and but fur the wet weath er would have been in operation on may 1 but would utart on juno 1 tho rate to qtonietown ad ilock- wood had also been reduced from tfio to 10c per call mr urown a bio atul he had been busy tvr olnro tho analstlco wtui olncl nri uxtonalon work was under taken dtfring tho war in securing mono tali phono business for acton a tan- vusn bus beep nrrongod for and all the iiinmiry iitoix taken for better aur- vlc ho wuu 1uj tho council bad talun intoriut but tho work thoy do- ulrnl is ulrrady well under way he wantt il to ilvo tho beat service poa- ulbb and poliutd out only am fault with ai l in nubucrilicrei that of s tin nmno instead of tho number wbun inuklni u local oull m upon inicrrorution from uio lloovo mr itrovrn explained tiot thcro were ik h touh contrncls awalunjr fulfilment irtn up to lot e waa n open dold for acton and uio council rnbjht wrlto uio ilojrl of hallway oommlsaloneru rtp iuuuuiik that a service be catubllshod hero tho consolidated lino did not wish to ttxtond here and at wu opon fur thu llol cwmitany qutatloufi from various cltixcus were then askud of mr jlruwn jn- which uio following points wcro cloajetl up teorfcttown has no n pec la i privileges ovtr acton except a joc rato to toronto wbiii acton o is 3uv all tho farmers who hud beoncunvaniicd would bo oul- plli d uu noon un possible tho rural ruto for tho ltockwootl circuit la 20 whilo tho acton rato is iis co the fnrnum iavo to nuppty polos only trom thu road w ii y to thulr liomc mr lltardmoro dculred to know if the council t ould liitulut in ujiy way ho ui not rltlclxlnj mr browns yuk but wuutcd to know if thoy cool 1 not hnlp with the canvajia ho want t to know if his lultr to mr lllack liad hulled docldo on tho twentyfour h iur morvlcu mr urown it la tho imlicy of the company to hua a twenty foup hour unrvlln when 100 fcleiftmt uro f othiution the letter had nuthuiff to do with to ttiink this tmntrr mr llcurdinoro a hundred tele llliiiiiiu ioul imvu imoii neoured ions iitfo if piu ot nlh mid said what thoy mr irow- vou lilmuld liuvo en ijuixtl of mo uh local inaiuuror und i lould havtl explained tho whulo altua- tlou other imlnts braught out in uio dla t una ion were thtoe the council could not help vtry materially lu aocuruuf raiitructa frotr tliu fanners it con trucui wtro tiaiidud in no dtdlnltu tlmo could h act tor their fulfilment jjign cd ontracts placed in tlio dtbtrlct onilo mould do more to tauten work than uny other luotliud at too will coiun lliut in niurlinr uttentlou a eunvass for now stibiicrlbrn wflll lio started in juuw lho iloll telephone co would n k uf tho council a help and would h t them know when it would be nocd t il the lumimiiy liad uo scruples as to who nocurcd the contracts uu luuif un buy had them lho luove stated ho was very a lad all thtao hilnts hud been cleared up and tin whole motive of calling tin mr-ettng- haihwcif lu uny ioiiblu 1 lb vi 1 pi inlblo willliiit a better service ml bluuk contracts with 1 these were bejiitf fllloi o of tlio count 11 ui olhvt h tlnif biuko njv chuhohill 1411k la ull dune now am th lll ltl belli- put into sllapo id mix j a mcmuluiy o vbiitid nlutlvcu lulu tbl cd tb i nthnuu mill i mru i mtmurcby i nl with ml and mm bottom lrln wons an ore jamcn i iili jr of mount i ortitt broke blu rllit unn in crunk ini a second bund tjxr tbo ottur day mr litis ifur tho accident hud the cur taken to u carafco for adjuutmrnt but it ucnln refused to ueuit when a mlkhhor mr jthu rthurn piprior of the mcrl in lloum tri l hi hull at cngiklnir it af ti r a f w tunui it klckl uo banl that it bruku blu una ubovii tbo wruit rav cepl hodloy at 8t- albsna the itov canon t upt tledlcy formerly rector nf ht johns clrurrli iort rthur will he the preacher ul fll albans church next hunday even inn ciul iledlcy rcaupied his charge in iort arthur to co overseas wlfi lho 54th ituttalion ho nient cm nldrrabln time in prance as a chap lain hlncc his return to conada capl lledley has been encaged an u chap lain in military work first in toronto and at prcacnt in hamilton and hur r a tribute to mr philp mr w i blip of cjuolpb uell known in thlu district us u lilkhcloas musif toachci uttended a mcutlnr of mind clans ut toronto last week at tho in vltutlon of dr a h vaigt director of tho toronto conservatory of muuic tho objot t of the gathering woo to tender a reception bamiuct to dr iiol lis llann of cornell university ithaca n y- who spoke on the importance of teaching music in the public schools and credits far music otudy as theao mattura uro being dealt with in somo of the loading cities ot tho neighboring ilepubllc the invitation was a trlhute to mr ibllp au one of tbo oldest and most experienced tcacliem of moalo in tho country a p ratty wadding in toronto a quiet wed dint took plaeo laat wedncaduy at tho methodist parson ago o race htroot toronto when vivian owyndolin second daughter of mr and mrs harry camp be u became tho bride of mr john v thompson itev j w wilkinson performed tho cere mony tho brldo wore a tailored suit of brown ullk molro with hat to mutch unit currlod white rones and sweet peus she was attended by mlau ieurl thompson who wore a navy blue suit and hat to match currying red roucu mr a w mccoll coualn of tho bride was groomsman mbu dorothy camp bell dressed in white and plnl vim flower girl for her ulster mr und mrs thompson will reside on fatr- vlow avenua toronto union sarvicss iaat sunday bvoab from his holiday trip to now york itov j c wilson ba wua in fuio condition mentally and physically for tlio union services hist bunduy notwithstanding the uxccuslvo heat tbo mcthodut and presbyterian longrcatt tiomt ultehl knox church at tho morn ing borvlco itov mr wilson preached a forceful sermon ujhjii the theme of chrtatlaii love in tbo evening lu the mothodlut church hln discourso was strongly cyungellsttc in tone it wua bused upon chrbit a words to ieter hutun huth desired to ulft ou am wheat but i have prayed for thee that thy fulth fall not tlio choirs of tho respective churt lua led thu pmlsu nor- vlce with rtno spirit mm harold h nlckllu suiii a solo ut knox cburth tim ioru lu my hhcphord sunday osnd concert in gualph on humuiy ufh rooun tho ouolph muulcul ho lull and under tho dlrec utiii of uundmantrr w phllp tavu a tun red concert in inhibition park for thn ikiiellt of tho itcd cross boldlt ru comfort fund notwlttuitaiidlug tbo in tense beat there wua un immcimu throng i resent and tbo collection wua a large one mr hum cart r u 1 1 save u forctfu and inspiring address ho praised tli o untiring work of tho ladles and alao tlio band thu bund he stated waa always to tho foro when there was uny good work to be done for tho soldiers or any other patriotic onttrprlae the baud looktd und play ed will and thuy number thirty two with tho buiulinuutt r unit ox mi i with thu many old bundamuu returning from ovcrseau to number forty playciu com mr ch davidson oarioualy injurad luut wt ducuduy while nutting out tu drive to eiuolph mr cuarleu uuvld- iwn wuu tlirowu out of hla dcinoccit and painfully uhukou up as lie tuin- od out ot hluato mrs a j murray just drovo down their lana oplktislte uee llttlu driver waq full of life an i when u wide piece of the road was rout bed alio turned out to puus mr davidsons bum thoy ovldoutly dl i not ilka thi the murray ami wordm furiiui thoy turned tsuort and owing to urn upvit l which lho horses went hh uio eieniooiut uuol ami mv tuvkuoti wus thrown out uo sides being dunned fruut the full blj r wi 1mb fully bruljud mm mm ruy tunint lutk wutl ofrerotl to leuslot him liouit but he thought ho iviil eut hoiik uii tight und qho tinvu o to hur futber s on tho second 11 n th ituntluutloii she bi t out for- ml uuvid duyu but lu now improving itlllu ilstmr ltrowrrfint rroflurouil but tho council bo iiythiug uetu or llu utriktu iiiuv m vv tin i l u 1 1 onniti un 1 imllllts i n an luul incut 1 iu0 1 can idlui lr au ass t latin i und htlei tel to lvii wt t klu a of tl which wt 10 o 1uvu bn old b onto this week wore pout pc ued waterworks to be seriously considered housinf scheme hylaw panned and commisalonera are appointed a00e08ment roll confirmed tho council is doing things thin warm weather on paper at lease heron tbtlr big progrummo watltwoitkh hoiihing mciipmi- hhoi pactoiiy in opiitation ahphalt coatinti i m1ii- htitnrr ultllkjr on i iiiiiicii htulzltt thlu lu rather a substantial bill of fire for nilditumnicr weather cotinoll mot in rt gular ucsnlon on monday ovonlng with councillors ibartlniore hell and leluhman present and the reuvo in tho chair the pjnunco commlttco presented their eleventh n port and yocommond ed puyment of tho following ucoountn hydlio account hydro nicrtrl 1iiwcr lornm- g4 0 jones moore klectrtc co 160 is buperlor liectrtc co mclonald a wlhson chuinlcrbiin jimkham co canadian gen kloctrlc co le m mcixnutld and a huvlll uulltors jc35 33 ini-uai- account w j it 1i supplies j 1 88 it m mt ijonult und i huvlll uu ill torn 8 00 social and personal mn t i martin rleinln lust week vbil ted toronli i is visiting with is lz x co 17 ii 1 71 is 00 miss 12 m iove of toronto vlaited drsi w k arnluxm thu week mrs william alexander of visited mrs a motuvloh this ml mrs m mcjan enjoyed u motor outing to uxbritlgo lust ell then iblur idling omplalncd but mini nt wan iso moro than the xl him ulthougli his neighbor tld j2g5 uioro for bis property 1 1 wau purchuued mr i ling omplulnt to mako of hln oo- but thought tho euuullza hun ixlil th matter waa thoroughly threshed out as mr lolng luid no appeal to muko of his assessment tho council could not see its tray clear to lower it and as the neighbor had no appeal of any kind regtnterod 50 could not he added to bis aaseaament tbo as- oconment of both parties then remains as given in by tho assessor the assessor upon reaucst of mr hjwncer husband requested that a dog asaesaed to blm bo struck off tbo roll an the nnlraal hud been disposed of thla dng amiijumrnt was ordered to lo tuknu off the roh movetl by a o t tleurdmorc eo onded by j bell und resolved that thi uuneauiient roll us prcjontcd by tho unnrssor be ncct pled ami conflnnod urul be tho official roll for tho year 10id curried movoil by john il irishman hoc oniled by a o t ueardmoro and ro solved tluit tlio bridge on church btrcot bo renal red us soon as possible work to bo demo by tho day under supervision of the municipal officer und the chairman of the strecls and walk committee carried mr t j hurnftyon representative of tho imperial oh co addressed tho council regarding lho advisability o using a covering of liquid unphalt on mill street ho advlaed if possible u give tho street a crowning of broken utoiu und if not to qh in tho holes with t woken atone rolled or pounded in a covering uf liquid asphalt then to bo used moved by a o t lleardmore sec uuded by j lb lelshman and rcsold that tho htrectu und walks commlt tco bo instructed to order tho necessary liquid usphult for ruputrlng mill hlroet cruahod atone tu bo used if tbo neccs uiry funds uru ut tholr disposal if not nil nit carried a communication from the hydro power commission sotting forth the rut en ty bo churned was recelvoil tfteno now rates will mean no chaiu lu the oliurgo consumers nru already paying tlio ilollance ejhoe co replied to thi council a letter stating that they would ilvo the release desired by the coui clt allowing another firm to take over their building they wished to hnvu a decided auswi r on whether tbo council wanted u release by them bo foru july 1 tu cnublu them to renew their loaso lu toronto ur luaku urruiig tucnts for coming to acton if lho council decided not to get another firm mr ucurdmoru roortetl thai biter communication with the williams hliot coiiuuiiiy of ilrumptoii showed thut thti lnjuahij uucstion mould not vuublu litem to come ben he bo llevcd however tuut two ulliw llrma tho hewltsou mhoo co of uruinptm iui thu llu i ben hbo ci huuibcr itoii worn dculrous of tee c tu hu addition ul mui ufa tuflug u inotlutlo i tho c lrli was 1 mtrucud tu rrit these if iiwi luyliu the tuutt r uf the oikillllt litre beture thu tho t ounl u qutstloi wua the 1 up f r dbtt e usb il the by- aw upjnl llll u coulill iwit il bud bie liveii a it rut r udbu uetlng on mul 1 rim ted iiloni rn bail urcii upproucbcl uiul one of tin in liifonmd thu council bo woul i not u t wit iout iiuiuiicrntlon tl u council fuvoved no big uubtruui u iiuiullcrcctmtiibaluu of two wrmlxni und the iuev i ml uttlo nuuii trillion other thuu uucesuury expeuuru cntul rd by the couimlsslonerw mr il m mclkmuld was uppuhiled un tummisuloner for u two yur ttmi mr ivlthoun orbcn for u uno ycu tuii und lho kouvu or the duration lllc thu utlo tli ouiliiluuli icru la nut t tolul itiuru than 1u i ul litiuue ei tvl under tho tbo by luw wus tlwii thn uv und uiil tlilnl reudini uin iuuumhi the inuttui uf putting a teloiilioiiu in the residence of the biro chief to answer in lieu of u ilru ularm uyatuui wus illscuasod und although ih ouu clt fuvoicd tbbj io uctluubt thu uuvl tor was takcu heiuilis to various cross atroels woru ugutli dlacusacd but tlu dell 111 to pueu wuu udoptud or uetlon taken mr lit urdmore liitrrrojijilul tb heeyu as in whii lho wult- question was feullifc- to bodcult willi llu considered that lho uiutur about 1 nculvo luiuiitllntu uttentlou r that plunm and full dutu might lm u1 i im fore the latupuyvru thu first of thn peclul ittlug next older the u 1 dicllo uiu whoi mo oallinafad rtill u huuln h uii built for iur heio in tliu vlllugv ll 1- ii mulliiftii lion to ull thut itov mi j wt it huii bttu ictiijlicl lu li in ii ult ror uiiuthr ytur mr lud hbortlil wua u dlcgute tu tb hamilton timfcrcmo in nmnlon ut kllhoncr duiing tbo week ur and mrs j a macmurcby of kranmy arc spending u few tbiyn with trlcnda here mrs clrurgo j cliapman and miss cliapman vtuited friends in woodstock during tlio week mayor and mm w h ounioy an 1 children of wins ham vbjlled mr kotxrt walbxcea on hunday miss mitchell teacher of norval npent tho week end at tlio homo or mr and mrs ii llcswlck john htroct itov ami mrs m f crce ha and daughter of a ills ton were here yester day attending tho funeral uf mr cr3 mother mr icobcrt ironloc who ban been in buslneas in toronto for a couplo of noutlia is moving lils family to tho city this week mbui mary mcpherson of ouclpli spool u few days of her vacation a her home here bent week hho la now vbdtlng fr leads in hundridgo jciicra sympathy la felt tor minn ivurl ilukrr of the high bchool starf lu the deutb or ber brother mr o a lluker ut tuiult hte mario oo batur day mr alfred ulahop gardener wlvo bajiiurrorcl ulnce last winter from nil injury to lib iff went to hl joseph a hospital uuelpb fur treatment last mrs oeo corapbcll mra j il camblo und tho una and mrs k v collier and funlly attended the wed ding uf mlaa gwendolyn campbeu arid mr j y tlvompaoa in toronto uvst wednesday mr und mrs alex maude 4iu wel lington slreel lint sault sto marie announce tho engagement of their cld- el daughter annie iuxaoeth to henry car kettle tho wedding will take place in june miss liith ilenwlck who has occu pied a good position in tbo acton tan ning company a offices tho past two years bus accepted a situation in her homo town of gait hho will bo great ly missed by tho young people with whom slie was a great favorite mr jurnw l smith of toronto spent monday in the old homo iowa jlmmlo i now u foreman in tho glove department of the il g long co toronto ho was recently successful in his ot idics in chemistry at tho night cuuuiua it tho tvchnical school in win nlng flrat prito for proficiency capl the iletv j w and mnj mag- wood f toronto and formerly of oukvlllc unnoiinre tlio engagement of tholr mly laughter m grlffln to fc- ueut eennetb vera titration ila- iln a h sou of mr and mrs i x- htrutton of ytmer the martiag will take plaeo early this month 4 nassagaweya folks want the hydro they join kramoaa towaship fn petitioning for hydro connection 1010 a00c00ment confinmiid noauagaweya council mot for tho iday meeting on tho ssth ult mcmbcrn all present lb itoovc in tho chair agnowwhltloy that tbo following itccountu le paid c w htacoy for rutting bruiib dlv 21 5 00 jaincji junckluclr work with grader in dlv 40 3 00 mm i heatlbi for nafo for township hall jc0 00 carried hutcheon whltln ibut tbo ium at j2 00 lo ixfunded joui mltcjicii tho diuno being error in don tax for j ols carried hutcbeoii agnow tbat wheroofl a- poutlon from number tif ratopayoni s of tho mbnlcipojlty of nanaajrawoya 4 baa been prtuenteil to thin council tv- ttuoatjng cotlmaton from tlio lydro lloctric iower commlaulun of tho coat of supplying light and power in con nection with a nlmllar petition from jtimoiit nflolvcd thut wo forward uio petition with a copy of tbja ro- iotutioi requeuing uio connidcratlon of the namo b the hydro kloctrlo iowo- communion of ortorld car ried huteheonagnow tluxt thdnum of j300 bo paid clllmrtnon hrou for mov- lnr wherl scraper in 1018 carried forrllihutcl ton that tho follow ing ansesjimenta bo rcvltwel by ulrikinff iff ono dot to each donald cbjurk john clark it j aniloraon ooaigti pollock n b poortcr allan mohan and 11 agnow tho logi having been destroyed nnd that tho uunuiiment roll us rev lit d ami uujltcd bo confirmed and that tim uudltora b i raid tbo sum of 20 00 for udltlnrr the asaoaament roll of 1013 carried hutchton- virno that tho dork bo instructed to prepare a bylaw duttlnr in force ttu woodunilu ixcmptlon acl carrlod council adjourned to meet on juno- 30 at 1 30 ocloole john mahshall clerk 3000 to be spent for esquesing soldiers lite township council has made a grant and appointed ward representatives j3c0 for new culverts at tho may meeting of hacjueatng councll w j i ilampsblrc presented the following resolution that leave bo granted to introduce a by law to borrow the sum of 3000 from the m pit ban t a uuuk for tho purpose of making a grant to returned soldiers from uctivo scrvloe overacas unused bulauee of said loan to bo applied to tho general funds of tho township and tluit aaid bylaw bo now read the first tunc the by law wua reatl a uooond und third times and passed committees of wurdjj i 2 3 4 5 and c to distribute uio grants to uio ofq- ccra uml iwn uulhorlaed by tho by law were apiolntvd and tho treasurer au- tlnirlxed to pay to m j carton fdr wurd i a i noble ward 2 cj o lliown for ward 3 j 1 moore fur wurd 4 fn ovfdy for word f und 1 y iarrut joufch for ward c ro prtuvnt ng tbo toiumlttecs tlio amount ror distribution lu tholr respective w ards the inmsuirr wuu instructed to pay the fullnjliu uuuutitii tnwnurer of thn mitnltlthiuty r niumuuuwoyu t liquulngu ubure for bridge re pal la ubui 3 10 ikihtg luouosiiig s shuiv of t uiuulu ingol iron co account fur culvert totul 91 10 a i lot in r canada ingot iron co ui oouut for culverts of j219 70 was ur- derrd tu bo paid in memoriam midi anultlsw culi vury nu illicitly mru andrew crou willow titreet iiassod uwuy on tuea day uioriiliig 1 be elderly lady was lu ber usual bcaltli until curly iiuniluy morning wbeu uho was suddenly taker 111 with un urfcejiiiit in tlio bruin last winter mrs crc6 suftcred u very noviro utturk if indue n ui und hor ucut tlliitttu resulted from tlila mrs t roc wiumo luuldau iiuiue wus murlun ilussell was u duuglitor or tbo luto james kusaell who wrao to canada 77 years ago from iunurksiilrv hcitlund when nho wa- u lassie of tin to yeune tho fuinlly settled uu lot 2 uii tlio fifth ibie urln und here the father died 4 years ugo 1 f y llir- yrntti ngn iiw iyn ui muibu ilusucll were julncd in holy wc liek they nettlod on tbo farm unima the niuj from mra crean bo uio und lived there until their remove u artim six years ago kino sons and daughters wcro born to tricin of whom thu following nurvlve uavlu anil juiiu e uu bo homestead llev mat ihew 1 of alllstun mra peter mo ijiiuti third hue wit mrs areji mclucbern tenth hue ljiii und miss auuln ut homo mra crco was a godly wi muii u devoted wlfo and a loving tut tin r anil iur iiuuiy yearn u mclubci of th pianbyterluu chun h one o th joyu of htr ufu was tlie call t tlio uiliiujlry of her ntiu untthew vrtu lu lliu iiucuiwlul and beloved uiliitolor or the prist ytcrluu chuitji at allu ton i be funeral was held yesterday uftliuooii lu torment being made falrylow ceiuetary the chief scouts visit sir robert oadenpowall raviavw3 th scouta at toronto troop leader icsllo martin busier itobert htewort and scout stanlej- mackio went to toronto to attend the review held by chief bcout sir baden- powell of england at toronto lost week for tho information of tho acton boy scouts leslie hou written tho vol- lowing report for tho iiilcb pjuma at 2 p m on tueoday may 27 tho parado started from the rear of th unlvemlty utadlum blooi street head ed by onj of torontos noted bugle bands tho scouts marched to tb exhibition grounds over 3 000 atroni there they formed in tho order tot review the brigado waa composed of trool from all over tlio province the meet amusing troop was tho ono compose 1 of chinese ludo but thoy drilled t i perfection i on tbo ground tlio troopa formed 1 1 a half circle with tho small eat of tor onto a troopa in rront tbo cubs who wcredroastil in black bnf green ihoy were very intcrcoting to everyone when all were ready tho flair wut unfurled and tho royal aalutq wi i given with tho union jack and t i- troop flag of each troop there was a umllo on everyonua face oa tho cubs a tar ted turning nummf saulu ahead and tlien back again tu show that they wcro oa aotivo an their brother scoutn the reviewing party waa composed of sir ilobt had on powell ll col a 1 uoodertiam ii g harumon 1 and othero am thoy received each troop th iy wcro given a hearty cheer you could sea the bon wore in hui apliits two soldi era who wcro scouta re- ecited medals for bravery ax tho front they were pitched up and carried shoulder high around tho half cirol amid the eheera and nhoutn of the boys then camo u sad moment for all a mother and father tamo forward nil i received a mtdul for tho bravery 1 their eon who in trying to rescue two other boy u from tbo niagara river wnt drowned ho could liavo navod him self bul no ho wus u scout tho father said ho would novor forget tl- klndness of thu scouta and ho admired very much thut worldwide organlx3- tlun uf boys to lielp each other wo aliall never forgot tho moment ulioii with bowedheiida and ooft tnc tlal music the laurel wreath of thrli l000 brut her hcoutu who wcro killed in tbo war waa placed on tho dlatrit flug bolt by olx kneeling patrol leaders tbo hcouta uu ii lined up and wit i hutidu playing marchutl out hlr uadci iowo ii taking tliu saluto it was a luippy day though it nun uadcn powells bxut day with thu canadian hoy ticoutu 1 splendid conference session tli hamilton conference at kituhan- cod oh tuesday its gilvr anniversary thu buulneoa of tbo twitity fifth up iiuul eciuilon of tbo humtlluii unhtr miro of tho mnthodlut church wus concluded ut kitchener shortly after noon on lueuduy und thu doleguteu left for their homea on tlwi uft moon trains tlocbiriiig thut the conference hud been ouu uf tbo most successful und eujoyublu i veld lu many yearn the rupoitti of uio various ctiuimlt- locs were preu nlu1 ant uduptod lu i i ud int tb lluul draft of tho tuition lug cimiiittic wblcii ut until it uclotk tueuduy moiiiluu und bold another bussioii luforu tin t oiifcrunuo resumoil 1 bo cbuiqa lu upolutmciilu in this dlstritl and vicinity uiw ui rollowu itov a 11 iy u h lu thu mini ster of the now ltookwood iruuiuuu clrcull itov w 1 h james k a 11 d itucj to ltelwootl itev loorio i b top lie tuicm of nod- aiijawnyiii tt euallbnvl 1 liavi cupt ii t uuiitiuri h a lukes ills t hi lt v w a tu t a of 1rumouu is to lm utculhluui liiutit of 1 i ntoiiurv cburth ituuiluou itov a liuux it a- toe a from icurlcluwn to irupj vuil y uu i wuu clccttd chulruu n of mount lirout dbi trict ltv h tiuebloott uf norvul goo to lyuc lh b uu i tlio norvul in ult is to iiuvk lb v luiut lb nry cotton of the il a 1 who wuu fui iwo vtm u prisoner in icimunv itnv i v walk i ii a lu the now pun tor of dublin ltct tuilph rloiti lll bun lluv w 1 duultli it a 1l i of lutu and lliv it kwr- er fctku to mount huuiilt n itov i m moycr of acton wua re elci ted 1 inunelal tioielay of tlulj h olatriel ta a l iiith i mi t sbwe- tin 3 1 zt-smr- uvia ct5s jr x

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