Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1919, p. 2

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gjijr artan xts tyvean tiiuiuiuai juni c hub i jiy i on v the duoy man friend afo i in ile win nlai m t go in much leli tut ir ion junt oak the buy ma tlmo to fav- the man with i hut ha leisure i pvr has i lr putting ut until re in despair ery waking hour in crowded full of work poncels the nrt of waatlrtr thu ho cannot atop to shirk bo when you ant a fvw 4vmi janrt wont it right wv qb to tho man hu tmtimry works twenty hour lay lie ii nnd a motnvnt our sun ttro that ha no olbrer uy and fix ou while tb tj- mkam is framing an cxvuwk ggbannnanina in a n a hi isw a cub reporters real story by mrl cuttel sku j dddddddd idle uprrtatora had drifted in with morbid curiosity fur ttio wo of man the judge i iviib tailed t apldly unix ily i aklnir tared tho court r and tho ctutta f uailun rotiaelri f tho inlrrrutlnjr onli nlra ins tf l e by uuj hi id r- n dc taring tiring tu a m i throu mm t was a beautiful morfilxut la june and u breakfast room was bright and sunny but the usual cheerful chatter was missing in the ilurr family gathered about tho table iad with oh an- xlous oye on the watch hinuii his plate ate hurriedly and irt al tom the boy of the household rather sulkily prodded a cold fried ess while mother looked harassed and troubled marion alone aeemed oblivious of burnt toast and muddy coffee she wan dreaming of her career as tom named it for marlon had lately been token on the stall of the dolly chronicle one of the loading newspapers of the city true working on assignments was not very enjoy able but folks- bf whatever clasi were always interesting to marian and some day alio hoped to chance upon a real story and make a ncoop with a die article she woke up to bear her father nay i suppose youll have to let her go mother ive been late so often rre lost track of the times til have to admit olga la a failure said his wlfo with a sigh bat i do feel sorry for the poor homesick little thin- and ohes just getting- acquaint ed- with tts i feel sorry for the family too tom broke in shea clean mother armed ifraor- inr tho interruption and so wllunx ond anxious to learn english you remember when she first come all we could understand was meln broader yes added tom whenever she sees marian and me having a little fun together aho bursts into tears with that ever las tins roman meln brud- der no wonder one doesnt do her work light she cries all the time let her stay mother said marian shed die of homesickness if she had to go wnom strangers again x won der what h is about her brother that makes her cry sot she added mus ingly there must be a story some where do you suppose be died or did he go to wort youd make him a regular thad- deus of warsaw wouldnt you- mar ian was toms laughing remark well why notr admitted marian the poles haw always been a loyal people by the way mother she said suddenly i wonder if one of the families about here- hasnt a polish maid so olga can get acquainted with somo of her own people i must oee jibout it was the mothers answer just then the door opened softly and the object of their conversation came into the room hoe carried a plate of hot buttered toast beautifully browned her dark eyes were shin ing and she was smiling like a chlld pleased with its achievement the smile was infectious and the family laughed merrily as olgo proudly pass ed the toast around the table youll keen her wont you mother aula martancoaxlngly as olgo left the room and ill teach her our lan guage let mo help offered tom tu teach her the the very lateof amerl can slang foreigners always pick up slang quickly l im off called mr burr chees fully from tho hall anybody going my wayt coming was marians answer as sho hurried out of tho door good by mumso dear tu bclioroe by four well where do you go today r asked mr burtr as they stepped into the little runabout im afraid not very far marian said with a sigh may v drivfc baddy t maybe it will be a iffragetto tea or to interview a bride obe but i hope theyll glvo me something real lnterjoallng but wo all have to begin at the bottom was tho consoling answer yes 1 know and im not discour aged for i do lovo tho work well heres my getting out place oood- by dddy don t work too hard to- doy i kamo to said mr hurr uugh lnffly i junt wlnli theyd give me a chance to declared marfan ihjt that night marian came homo elated bho had been given a mil assignment and was to cover tho police court thonext morning that u where youll get the real stun alfl torn assured her going at nightt ill go with you oh no cried mrs ilurr in alarm no night work just the daytime mother the editor said i couldnt fall to nod a story thore yes plenty of human interest in the police ourt mr burr agreed i can hardly wult said marian 1 wmidcr what u police court is like well youll soon and out tom promised her and dont get excited and uct uko a cub reporter even if you ore llnw s olgu been today niotherr uskot marian dlarcgardlng her broth ers advice 1 really think who is improving wufl the answer 1 showed her how to pake u plain cako this morning sod when it came out of the wve nicely browmil he was i iiroud olw haant tried onco today and wan tjig- ing thin moriiliig 1 heard her said twin if you call that singing ui it wu a dreary thins u regular wall i wonder tr theyre all like thatr irobably one of their fu soiitfe i wrs burr i wi glad to hear her aing that i didnt ted for dlaturh rrcllnc over their romptly itau tlio e wae a jedovr t in theoack of itch for nnytlilna o ight turn up an oh ought in fur vagrancy rented for ahopllfllns ah tho miserable cato g liall the judge tumbling ur it a llltlr called the lost name un the tui a aergeant camo in with a ivunc turelgiter a ho was placed in lh miwvier box marian felt a rush at lt at aisht of the white and terrl- vn v but decided it was not the vmv uurphy said the judge- to th vuvii what have you found vm xwur hwiir began murphy this tautv m vuturbln the reautents v4 trt- wvnt knd at nlfht by lookln in ti istivaiaw tm mtmec s eyes moved with a wtef j wiuv- ntirelon from the pqllce- f 1 imam w tb judge nmm4atila have been comln for rl j lira or three weeks murphy ri g t v nd ust night i caught him tn bw act lie was standln on a kvcvb as cool as you please peekln in th window lie started to run and 1 tabbed him tlas b tried to steal anything or get into any of the housest coi only scarln the women and children to death theres been too much of it goln on lately judge it ought to be topped youre right murphy agreed tho judge but well see what tho young fellow has to aoy for himself can he speak english at all 7 lie hasnt talked it to me but hes jabbered a lot of polish i guess it is the judge turned to the prisoner have you any defence to make hi asked not unkindly evidently tha young foreigner knew that an answer was expected of him and prtnglng to his feet he poured out a torrent of expostulations and plead ings unintelligible to any one in tho court room stop stopi cried the judge in despair some one bring in an inter preter lets see what the trouble is here there was a little delay but finally the court interpreter appeared after an animated conference between the two the interpreter turned to the judge he says your honor he explained that he has lost his sister and is trying to nnd her a contemptuous sound came from murphy lost his sister repeated the judge how did be lose her another long conference ensued while the court waited impatiently by this time the room had become stul marian intently watching the prisoners face finally remembered where she was and began taking down the interpreters words ttsey hod lived a simple and happy life in ioland the brother and sister and the old grandmother but finally america called them and they bought passage but just as they were ready to aau the old grandmother was taken alck and the sister had to stay and take care of her for there was no one else the brother came promising to meet them at a later boat then the i grandmother died and it took a long time to sell the cow and pig for the sisters pasaage money bad all been spent for doctors and medicine j but one day when be camo from work be found a letter she was com ing very soon and how happy they would be when they were together again she would work too and some day they would nave a little home lie did not wait to change his work ing clothes or even to eat anything but hurried across the city the direc tions were confusing and he lost his way several times and when he reach ed the pier he found that the be 11m had docked two days before the let ter had miscarried and no one had met bis sister a sigh that was almost a sob ran through the court- room tho officials bad assured him that everything was all right one agent had taken the girls to a reliable cm ployment agency and they had all been placed in good homes but the agent had disappeared and no one else knew anything of olga maakowskl m at tho sound of tha name sprang to her feet but at a frown from the judge sat down trembling ho works through the day the interpreter went on but at night he hunts for bis slejer and that he con cluded is why he was looking in the windows marian could sit still no longer your honor she cried i know his story is true immediately there was a commotion in the courtroom the quarrelsome women forgot their dliteronces and bo gan to exchange o pin jon on the story silence cried the judge sharply now young lady ho said turning to marian what reason have you for believing his story is true because explained marian olga uaskowakl is our maid my mother engaged her from the employment n just throe weeks ago the tjme the hcllm la tided their names are the some they look alike and shes cried for her brother unman all tlie time she ii be so happy if oho rinds htm oh your honor tlnuhod marion rath er incoherently know hes telling the truth the prisoner oprang toward tho npeaker at the name olga uukaw ski but a luind was laid on him the judge looked julxxlcalty but kindly st marian are you twit a re port or from the chronicle v he asked yes your honor bo uniting families just the sunday school lessoh fon sunday junt 0 1010 my iiauiii i iiuitijiut omniinci matt 7 14 si 34 additional material lor teachers 1 sum 16 23 jrr 7 1 23 18 ib 20 john 1 10 14 a o c 2d 19 0 hob c 7 0 1 22 27 common ocrlptur 10 lly their fruits ye ah tlwm io men gather grapes or rtgn of thistles 17 even so every good tree hri eth forth good fruit but tjin corrupt tree brlngeth forth evil fruit ib a good tree cannot bring forth vll fruit neither can a corrupi bring forth good fruit ib every tree tliat brlngeth not forth good rrult is hewn down and cast into tha fire jo therefore by their fruits ye sliall know tlljem 21 no every one that aalth uho mo lord lord shall enter into tho k i tiff dom of heaven but ho that docth tho will of my kather who is in heaven 22 many will bay f ma in that d y lord lord did wo not prophesy by thy name and by thy no mo cat cut demons and by thy name do mu y mighty works 23 and then will 1 profess u iu them j never knew you depart frem me yo that work iniquity 24 every one therefore that hen ret h these words of mine and tlocth thorn shall be likened unto a wloo man who built his house upon the rock ts and the rain descened and tho floods came and tho winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon tho rock 26- and every one that beareth these words of mine and doeth them not hall be likened unto a foolish man who built his bouse upon tho sand 27 and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and smote upon that bouse and it fell and great was the fall thereof 21 he that hath my command men to and keepeth them he it is that lovrth me and he that loveth me shall be loved by my father and i will love him and will manifest myself him 22 judas not iscarlot aalth him lord what is coma tu pass that thou wilt manifest thyself unlo tu nnl not unto tho woll4 23 jajtjj answered and eajd unt hint if a man love me he will kocti my word and my kathec will lovo htm and ha will come unto him and make our abode with hlm 24 he that loveth me not kccpelh not my worda ard the word which ye hear in not mine but tho fathers who sent me oolden text ye are my friends if ye do the thltgs which i command you john 15 14 departmental topics and refsrsncs primary topic showing our loi by obedience gen 27 1217 memo verse if yo lovo will keep myop3injiodmnls johi 14 ib junior toplo obedience and lis itn- ward memory verse john 14 11 intermediate and senior topio ob ediencti a law of life matt 7 1627 john 14 21s4 prov 2 17 young people and aault topki ob edience a test of dlsclplaahlp paqtunc oupplcmento for dairy cowo lr milk flow f ur lurk f in ipple y rrdl n t 1 the rlclit urn d ull tet 1 iuk t their mux liuum r tin il tltci iln ii in 1 ntllmiklueix feud not irlvn ui ri hich ix reti urn ftil i tner who h u on huiit u iiur f t urn ii lluuo u rhlfh ho run tarry or mid immim r ftedlnc hii lii tho in lmlll ulvrd for there in no or inor o econ omlru fiod to he un rrtui iutety owltik to the i poor iiul poor imrvr htlrijr weatlic r lout very fn w wll 1 find therm wives lurpu is of cunlluge hut inln tin o uhould iu1 t ilctrr them from nlda marian hushed your llui ing- tub brother and iuui will make ruo imp pier titan lag a story the judge langhed brln lly tl0 c4uc nounced ti said you may you uve tho sympsthetf la dlanilased ho ali en turning tu marlun ha now have your wbli and big atory loo thouohts the christian ifflby live in a republic or in on empire and be loyal to his national nag yet he la at the time the subject of an absolute mod arch he serves jesus christ as his lord and king l obedience is the token of his faith when abraham heard god a call he obeyed it journeying even to a for country and his obedience showed that be believed when tho four fish ermen by the sea of galilee beard tht wqrd come follow me they dropped their nets laden with their newly caught store of osh and went after jesus they believed and therefore they obeyed from tho days of noah until now the one and only out word sign of faith has been obedience to qods will obedience u tho teat of dlsclplo- shlp we prom that wo are christ followers by doing his wlll he that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me said jesus le who disobeys the lawi his land cannot be a good clilxen no matter how much ho may flatuit the flag no more ran he he a true chris tian who fails to follow the commands of christ 3 obedlenco is often the way of the cross whatever duty is turd to per form whatever trial in uods service is hard to bear whatever costs is rince is tho cross christ willingly bore his cross far us let us cheerfully bear ur dross for htm to give for bis sake whatever wo prise when duty demands ibe it our money our enjoyment or our companionships this may bo involved in obedii to our r will 4 obedlenos to bo only path of peace that soul who full surrenders to the will of god and walku in tha path of righteousness alone lias pacc fcpds in green postures and rests be side otlll waters disc aboard oiiudiknce tub toktn ok faith oilkdiencfc the tkjt ob dim ciplkship ohudjknck till way ol tilt cltobh oulsdifcnce the path ok place readings far next week monday how to lray mtttt 6 t it tuesday persistency and humility j in iryer juke is 11 j wedm dy ljncacj of frayer luki prciiarinc for an pyuul if i at reafi of rni n this year no have a aurplus for nexl of tte annual rropa whlcli c grown and pt and fed green taklnit the place of rnnlutgo probably u mixture of pcaa 1 imrl un pacts sown at tho rata of 2h bushels pi ui ra la uno of tho lcut this could i im improved by the addition of vetches if tho aerd w re obtainable 11 plc iimr tlm burn should bo uacd a ntrlp ih itiu now n as early un poiuilbln unothur moiiio oirimi weeks later mi tliut j frruh green feed mny tc oomlntl on ull tlmeu itcd olpvcr sown at rule of 10 pounds per acre with atxtvo would civo early croon feed for the followlnc yae a good crop to l sown twro or three weeks after tho 1 foedlinr or oats is common millrt tlilo l u bl weather rmn and wuld b rndy to fod ff v tho oats wepo nnlohci a ttrlp lit oarly fonigo corn viuld then coiw in nicely and carry tho cows over on in tho uftciicroau la to corn and iilobluj feeding if fieaired tho above schomo can bo extended by nowlng fall ryo where the drat crop of oats was taken off thlo would provide the very earliest fon of crpin food for tho next aprlng which in turn vould be foliowed by tho pre viously m nttonod clover peas and twin ro n oto tho corn bolnc sown whero thn ryo wus taken off thus do- veliilni u uyutcm of douhlr croppinj in rtilar rolmtlon it would c ry to manure ouch a hold froquently uomo duu such u uyutcm of soil nmu would utiill too iniioh lalor probably ni id servo tha duulrod pu it hucji a crop can bo iuwn by i ing 3 bushels jicr ucru of a mix aunt jiartn of oata barley i wheat this should bo down as early on possible and should be pastured when it reaches six inches in height if a auldrlcnt neemge is available the 1 lowed to pasturo upon this constantly but if only a small field in available then the cows should only be u mowed on for an hour or two every morning and evening they should i kept off altogether when the hold vrry jsret tho grain should not bo allowed to got no far advanced as brad out otherwise nil bottom jrow will cese experimental farms note thn tncanurrs tliat are noeded control swarming depend upon tho in- tennity and duration of the dominance of tho awarmlns impulse which turn dependil chiefly on in tit u do and tho fitc uiu and duration of the honiy flow or dowi in nprlng and early i in many places in oouthern ontario there is usually one well marked and rather short honey flow during this criod and u la generally comparl- lively easy to prevent swarming by u imply exiiandlru the brood chamber in udvunco of requirements and giving 3 ill la hon a good practlco is to lot the brood nest extend into tha super ind then early in the honey flow o confine tlm queen again to tho brood cluimber by means of a queon excluder in tho rcut of cnnfliln and eapoclally i in jklaccs wlkro tcrp in a ittliiiuial honey flow or two honey low log is loss easy i plan of finding and destroying queen cells overy week throughout tho uwunnln uensun is laborious and not always effective a bettor plan is to j queen at thi btmlnnl of tho uurplus honey flow and destroy all cells except one eight or nil duy later in thin wuy a now quc ut raised and she o tarts laying in tmo to produco a large number of young bees for tho winter in a small apiary tliat can be watcji od all jay from tha house it hi often autlsfiictory to limit swarming to tho i prima bwurm and to prevent tlto nwsrm from hying uway by the follow log nlwo niethol tho iuceu a wings are cllppod beforo i ivayei for th walk more aiucrljiil liuugc at walking 1 in the fjet tics by j a rule says un kn ml uddlttod tu muoh iciutun may be found t transportation fuclll- of atcum olsvatcd and whcji marian umo into th court the next morning she found big bare room nut ayerly clean high dusty window un unpretentious desk and chulr always referred lo as the bench ami over on one filde the prla oners box she allppod into a seat urfuce railroads are bo plentiful that thn temptation tu ride cannot bo re- lated there is tho additional reason tliut tho american cltbteu must per- force do everything in a hurry and in keeping with this idea tho business man rl tu nnft frjtn his employmeit where in many cases ho might walk with benefit to himself in every wy on the same principle that ho takes his lunch at the rush counter tho feverish baste in eating meals coupled with the disinclination to take even moderate walking exercise is undoubt- pollce j odly the cause of the dyspepsia which generally afflicts the american people and which produces the pasty com plexion seen almost u til versa lly in the youth of today how unfavorably these complexions compare with the rosy pheeks of the young men and 11 113 thurly- james t 13- fridy abrahams player 23 33 saturluy lroyer of jcsllm 1 12 mundjy- jvayer of j thee planting ives tlio folluwlng set i planting ttuit nwiy bo 1 tr fiiocas or tne young men and the amateur la r well up n ntnd t lb ro of kamlmnh who have yet to low th above rul an ixihaligo of rules for tro of uiui to auuits 1 ih itot allow roots to bo expos ed to drying winds ouit ur trust 2 lnjiip with a sliurii knife any hrubtrd or bfoknil fyj 3 have tho boles imioo enough to admit ull the roots w4hou ifuiuplng 4 plant in good iumiu enriching with ttioroixghly dccuiipohl manure l bo not allow uny frtsli to cum in ouniiilt with tho roots 5 spread the roots in tholr natural ikioitlou and work aim loam tttem uuiktng it inn and compact 7 io nut plum deep lt ttio uppc roola he about an inch lower than tht were before b llrmove wll broken brum boa and cut bark ut least uneitatf tho luevioua years growth of wood t if the season is u dry one watr thoroughly twice a woek 10 keep the not in a good degree of fertility mulching in tho rail is beneficial the amateur la recommended v vtu j v tu iuh ii aoovtj ruin well cared fur fow people jttttterwd through the room i learn lbs dire resulu of nipulflra irecs add mulh to tlie teauty pf u th eutlng aryj wuir bavonot yet given lawn jd home us any cl risen of good tastes will adjnil some were witnesses glad of tka i r chance to make a dollar while others up ni vikui fablc uin i iico dom1sti itoijui oatu till- ujst canada lood hojid lttcnuo no iq robert nolle limited hbnhv-avey- anaqcn a f

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