Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1919, p. 3

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qtlfc- artnn 3fm ftttbb iiiuitiday jijni g 101d re thoughtful liny ninny wicked thlnes tin into lulu of ihreiro j in ttaa a uttl whoiwi name thfyro a vrry and tin y trci there n n wty ami tond the call policeman iblr i lot it iitnp their botherlnc n rr to stay i ii rtmfmbfr d them rljrht uwny flunbeam the easy success tho art or frnttlns thin en easily la a doubtful i i cub 1 nc tim utudrnt who ran loam a irmoii no an to make a fair recitation in fifteen minute has to uavo a cood deal of cliaracter to keep on studying till thn lesson has become a permanent intellectual acquisition tho alow plodding student has no choice iio must keep at it or foil iff- tiomlnloualy ajid that in why bo ofte in ufa ho cornea out ahead of hja tal ented classmate those who make friends easily are not altoccthcr to bo envied the people with no much personal charm that there uro a way a a number offer to claim their friendship are often temp ted to deal with their friends rather cavalierly tlicy cannot lose slxht of tho fact that if a friend 1 offended it will bo very easy to win him bock or foiling in that to find someone to take his place the unattractive people who make friends by consistent cour teay and kindliness exhibited throtnrh a tone acquaintance will not risk the prize tor which they have worked bo ions in a moment or 111 temper they will conquer the impulse to bo on- reasonable or so to speak unkindly for fear of worklnf disaster that will be irretrievable it in certain thattin easy victory cannot aive the satisfaction which comes when success la sained after a struggle the rtudent who taken prises all thro ash hla school life with out maklnjc any bpeclal eflbrt does not feel any special satisfaction either but the boy who is alow and ploddirut who ha never distinguished himself especially when her- sets his beart on wlnninff tho prlxe in mathematics and atudlea remorselessly perhaps for years with that end in view tastes a rapture for which there are no words when at last snecess is in proportion to its cost it is a question whether the people who ret what they are after without half trylne are very much to be envied after all on second tho uxm easy success would appear in tho llaht of a m trim trees intelunqemtly a tho tree- butchering idiot is to be found everywhere tha pcterboro ex aminer says ono cannot understand why the men who represent the people are bo destructive and careless of tree life within a few years we have had some of the stateliest trees in cans da tho survivals of nature sincerity sacrificed to the vandalism of our city authorities in all tho citys history of nearly one hundred years the city authorities have not planted one tree on the other hand they have destroy ed hundreds within the nine years of tho citys life in- the srowth of their towerliur trunks carrylo each a little forest of macuiflccnt leafare a dellfnt to the eye and a vertitabls boon by its grateful shade and its soothing ecenlc relief and rest for the eye the city now has turned two men loose to trim trees and they are trlmmln them in the pusliatic sense there to a disregard of tho nrr principles of proper tree trimming limbs aro sawn off or rather backed off leaving long projecting prongs to bo strangulated by the growth of the trunk to die and decay in time and become a rotten spot the beginning of death of the tree the worstfeature of this im proper work aside from mutilation of the trees is that it ahows the indiffer ence of the city to the value and beauty of our trees and a disregard of the interests and enjoyment of joint owners of the tree the resident own ers whcm jrtshea or unptdently dis regarded in respect of the trees they or their forerunners have planted and which the city only seems to regard as a medium of the exercise of thd german spirit of destruction where is the public spirit of our dtisens os substance and taste that thero is not more effective protest 7 whcn looking fon friends when you are looking for friend look up irlrndshlp should o aspir in not cnndcncerulliitf moot nlrbt have frequent opportunities to make frlrnds amon- thnio who am unworthy of them but such opportunities trtiodld o gnorrtl 1h not moke an intimate of thn klrl whono roarso nitcerh jars on you pa tint net on friendly term with the claontnatn whoso word you cannot trust friendship is no mlglity a factor in tho life uial you ohould aim to rhoonn only those friends who will inspire you to make tho moot of yourself in choonliifi your friends look for ward horoetlmao we sea bulldlnftn put up to provide shelter for workmon for a tew months and very frail and ugly ntmctumn thry arc too hut when a man builds a house in which he ex- pec ta to mtsa the rent of hut life be makes it as substantial and as bcautl- rul an lie poaalbly can we should build our friendships not for the pre sent only but for the rut ure do not choose as your intimate friend tho girl absolutely lacking in ambition whose irrowth will not keep pace with yours io not be no carried away by an attractive manner or a pretty face that you will forget that there are many experiences in llfo where these things will fall to satisfy im not choose your friend for to day alone take into account tomorrow and all the to4dtinrrbwa look forward in- choosing friends look out narrow circle of friendship mentis cramped life the girt who assumes that all her friendships must be mode with a certain set loses more than she has any idea of in a southern city the daughter of an aristocratic family was reared in their narrow ideals but when oho began to think for hcnelf she discarded them now when one talks about her friends she may refer to a girl from the aamo social class as herself or she may mean the little manicurist for whoso plucky struggle against poverty and temptation she- has such admiration or she may moan a sewing girl or a shoe clerk why do you call those girls your friends virginia t an aunt asked her one day i urderstand of course thrt you are interested in them and want to help them but you cannot possibly feel toward them as you do to such girls as emily and katharine but virginia could not see it that way they are all my friends she said i cant make any difference between the rich girls and tho poor ones cep that i admire tho latter more they have so much to contend abainst and the life of this young lady pro mise tar more because she has widen ed her horizon by friendships with girts from different walks of life tn choosing her friends she looked out- look np in ftving your fxiendablps ive should aspire xook forward friendship should be for eternity look oat the world is so full of great hearts and b natures that it is a pity tomlas thero by looking in only one place tijk old man of the big clock tower burn co toronto wan ratal tliilird hy tlioinan mllhum tho fnthcr of thn pre sent fiwnnm or the lilre alllhum hunl- rienn thotunn mil tui m nntl hla itnt mniuifof tun l hiitfynn yellow un i other tuulit im illi inn on ut flo id tir tho lui nt prohibition in canada wo comment hero on prohibition as we have done at other times under the head of the ilellglous world be cause tha flght for prohibition has been so distinctly a fight of religious forces against the liquor traffic up until the opening of tho war as a war measure prohibition has ben greatly advanced and jong strides takrm toward world wide prohibition the war dealt the germans and the liquor traffic such blows as neither ever experienced be fore for more than a year all of can ada except the province of quebec bos been under total prohibition and tho greater part of the province of quebec has been dry under local option laws moot of the prohibition laws in canada became inoperative on the signing of theipeace treaty and as might be expected hard fighting between the prohibition and liquor forces has already begun the pro hibition forces are quite confident however that they will win out in the end and oil canada will be dry the policy to be pursued is to secure u vote of the people on the question t believed that the granting of the vote to women bos added much to the strength of tho prohibition forces we expect to see the dominion of canai follow tho example of the united at tea and become dry nashville advo- a street corner leson a crowd largely composed of colored people stood at a transfer point in an eastern city at tho close of a rather cheerless fall day for some reason there had seen a delay in the cross- town cars and the crowd on the corner had assumed such formidable propor tions that when tho first car came along the conductor evidently thought it safer not to stop and the car swung around the corner without opening its doors the next did ho same and- tho next the crowd was made tip of working people probably thero was not one standing there who had not done a bard days work some of the men bad been nt their places in the factory when the seven oclock whistles blew that morning of the women some had been washing and ironing others scrubbing ah wero tired and some of the dark faces looked almost gray la the pallor of their weariness but the isrperlenoe which so many of us find trying to the temper bad a curious effect on this waiting crowd after the first car passed i of the exclamations of indignation on would naturally expect to hear a burst of laughter arose when the second car ptisscd the merriment was redoubled and by the time the third had vwung around the corner the wait rig grjup was fairly hilarious the flash of white teeth in the dusky fa would have given the beholder not in the secret the impression that bome- tning especially humorous and enjoy able had just occurred the fpurth and fifth cars followed tte had examolo of their predecessors and still the crowd laughed the sixth fol lowed the fifth closely and was almost empty as its doors opened and the crowd swept forward a brawny young fellow with a broad grin remarked alnt so badw waited oftah ail ttmmo now weve got a private car it was a simple little lecaon on the philosophy cf life one could not help mpkg that this would be a much more comfortable world if all of us took our small vexations with the una sunny spirts and laughed instead of mains our tempers and scolding heforetration essential her programme it is sometimes argued that we do not need to concern ourselves about the forests of the future because the forests we now have will last us for co or 100 years or even longer that it is futile to worry about the matter so long as we have wood of course it is possible to estimate the length of time our present supply of umber will hold out assuming certain axed dom estic and foreign demands demands incidentally which are by no moon fixed this question has no direct bearing on the problem of keeping forest lands productive let us sup pose for example that under certain estimated demands our present forests whi last us for a hundred years that is no reason at all why we should allow cutover lands to become wastes or nearwastes in the first place it takes a hundred years let ua say for a seedling to grow into a respectable tree fit for tho saw the trees we are now cutting ore on tha average much older the time to start our new fo- est therefore is now not a hundred years from now for otherwise wo should have a long period during which we should bo without adequate sup plies of timber in the second plac i those who argue that no present action overlook one of the vital lcrfunctory charity charity of lbs irganlzud and statistical sort becomes tto familiar to tho recipients of it that they feel themselves quite competent to organise and direct it themselvi punch has a sceno in which a district is ni visitor u ehuwn entering the cottage i facts tn the whole forest problem in the heat or tho latter part of list week drove me out of my obnervnt point i found cooler spots than the dock tower but oven then tho hen was felt 1 strolled over to ttio-swim- mln holo at corporation pond nm i ouro did envy those younptrtcrn with no fear of cramps rheumatics or any bad aftereffects of a plunge into those coollnk waters i can re mem be- i usod to ilways count on the w tcr being wirm enough for the first np aali by tho twenty fourth its generall a little later nowadays but none ihe less enjoyed by tho participants a awlin- mln hole will always be the aaxno let them build their shower baths and public baths and everything else to try to give tho enjoyment of the oldfash ioned swlmmln hole but it cant he did youve simply got to havo stump properly named and weedy spots where only the big fellows dare go and all uuch things and good graci ous mo how would you ever learn to swim if yon olwiys had a nice gradu ated floor telling you just bow far to go youve got to have a place where you just fall off over your head and everytlmi you holler you get a mouth ful and spit it out and somebody gives you a boost and you start and swim you never are afraid or forrct bow after youve learned in a real uwlmmln hole acton s got lots of them and i wouldnt give two hoots for the town that dldnt have another thing this hot weather made mo think about woo lec not being one of means enoujjh to afford an too house and install a private supply and knowing that the big majority of tho cluzens of acton ore in much the circumstances as myself i have been wondering why some- man looking for a profitable and muchneeded side line to his regular business could not cater to the wants of citizens in this una during the war wnather i realize that to bo effective this years operations should have been started last winter or sooner but like all other human beings i never see tho wisdom of a thing until the necessity arises 1 have heard all kinds of complaints about milk souring butter being sort although kept on thecellar floor etc the milkmen and buttermakers are blamed its not the faqlt of either cf these parties wo havent tho facllttioi far keeping these necessaries it would certainly be a fine thing for us com mon people to be able to secure some ice during tho intense summer heat and i believe it would prove a good sound business proposition for anyone taking it up i will make no charge for the idea if it is new to any one desiring to fall with lu as i look out from my tower in a reminiscent mood i see below and across from me the renlflenco at the late william steel it stood at tho corner of sflll and wlhow streets ono of the big willows which gave the street its name shaded the home while another waved its branches over the gateway leading to tho barn and farm yard of this homestead like the french farmers he hod his form a utte way out of town ills barn and straw stacks and stock and poultry yards were just in the rear of tho homo and of ml lb urns drug store the farm was the twenty acres now occupied by fairvlew cemetery the grain and hay were teamed into town and tha threshings with tho old six team horse power and the hum of the threshing machine were an event of interest to all tho little folks of that farback time for a day or two every fail x remember one day the old gentle man was hauling his hay crop to tho home barn joe dickson was helping in loading the hoy out at tho farm a doxlng well developed garter snake was loaded with a coll of the now mown hay on the trip over the hills up- ololn btroet it became lively sal seeking a place of refuge ran up tho pant leg of joes blue jeans about the time ripaightb blackumlth shop was rouched joe became aware of his serpentina visitor and yells like oicumj of a coornanchs indian were ijoard joe jumped from the load of hay and the snake was finally dislodged froin the right lower extremity of tho futurv iteeve as badly ackred as tha boy while mr 8 toe i was busy with his farming operations the good wlfa bus ied herself making yeast cakes to help tbo local housewives with their bread and ulss jannle mads dresses for the lassies and their moth era after the steel family this was tho homo far years of william williams and family and they remained until it was moved back to the rear and re built ix la now owned and occupied by mr qeorge itosxcll nineteen years ago this month whan the lost reunton of the pupils of the late itobert little was being celebrated the big willow tree had been cut down and an expansive stump remained in a jocular mood tom kennedy and kd mcqarvin both mjulo ntump speeches from this vantsgo point during tho gathering tha iuac ikkss distributed souvenir sections of the old willow bearing a historical sketch of it neatly printed on the dressed surfaces as fol lows- ho iiml hln family lived nnnalm old man mrkrnslo an cxpcrlcnrr1 old country rhcmlnt wan tho foreman it n thurtell drurntnt iniemoll and j i- ufcarvin mexico city mexico con nne need tlielr careeni as ilruegliiui heror hero in hono early days many n loy about town earned a quarter on muturdaya washing a crato of bottleii for tho yellow oil wild strawberry and other products in tho manufacture of yellow oh hundreds of doxona or eggii wore used ono hot summer day id- mcclarvln went tn mr mrkonzlo and romplaliled that many of tho eggs they wero using were bad never mind 11 said tho old man theyll make tho yellow oil all thn stronger and thenceforth in they wont addled or otherwise into tlio concoction after the mulurn business removod to toronto j k mcoarvln opened a drug storo in tho premises iio went to toronto and j v kannawtn was ills successor mr kannawlns health fallerand ho wtint to asuza calif or nla where tic died dr mccarvin bought tho business whan ho went to itutte montana tho present proprietor a t ilrown becamo tho owner it was here uiat tho dell tolophono busi ness was first established in acton and here it is otlu in operation now with an all night oervlce ir a year or two during an interruption in tho suc cession of the drug business mrs mc- nnlr conducted a fancy goods business there but i must not go on further this week with ray rehearsals of tho old days i know tho old folks enjoy thoso ntorlea of former day eventn perhaps tho younger generation find some in terest in them too but i must refrain from giving them in allopathic doses there s enough in wm first brooks store and w il btorevs saddlery and itansotn adams bachelor house and big barn still in this block to fill an other column look for the yarns about these next week tnb old mam he knew the caqhicr vnuug ixiillo hiirrl on his initial l it to u pico hrlfjliln inireh wan ely ititf rtjitdl when hli filth d i nhlo to tuito thn illertimi a beautiful tribute iooplo with real troubles do not often complain hut they frequently find it aelicf to confide in soma one if you aro chosen to become a recipient of such n confidence it is a compli ment to your sympathy and to your discretion there nro some people whose bigness of heart and sound judgment is so apparent that wherever thoy go tho strangers begin to toll them the in trouble somebody on tho train on tho btroat car people thoy never saw before and will never see again open up trul- hearts to them it is tho sln- ccrest and must beautiful tribute that ono human being can pay to another when people tell you their troubles real troubles you are very dull if you do not learn something have you alkcd with any of tha soldier who havo come back from tho other side maimed or blind or suffering from tho effects of gast if you wero lucky enough to learn tho story of what some of them went through or fragments of the story for few of them cap tell it in full you must havo form ed noiv lduala of patlenct and courago and intend id patriotism and as yxi listened with a full heart and realised how far the young soldiers were fromi making a fuss you must have prayed that you might moet your little troubles as bravely as they met their greater ones ir you think of it rightly it really is part of your education list ening to other peoples troubles protection tho things our grandmothers did aro so often ridiculed that it is plea sant to read this in the american agri culturist tn an article about protection from lightning our grandmothers used to ensconce themselves as a re fuge from lightning in the midst of a largo thick feather bed and this was a wise thing to do for feathers aro a nonconductor the article goes on itubbcr being a nonconductor it 1 well to slip on a pair of overshoe during a storm no tbat if the houso happens to be e truck the shock cannot prove injurious it affords the great est relief for the nervea if the curtains are drawi down and tho lights turned on for then ono cannot see the light ning success is in yourself success does not depend upon locality ono man starts in the place where a dozen predecessors have failed and comes out with flying colors it is not tho result of friendly boosting friends may glvo a youth a chance but they conn pi hclpbim to improve it soma people ooifiplsln that umes are not what they toed to be but that form of croaking was old in noahn day your success depends upon your self party he 0elonqed to a young woman reporter on a ooun try paper was soi t out to interview leading citizens as to their politics may i see tho gentleman of the house she asked of a targe woman who opened the dour at one residence no you can t answered the wo man decisively itut 1wuut to know what party ho i clonic to plutied tho girl well take a good look at mo she said sternly i ra tho party ha belongs to of a poor woman the visitor is evidently new to the bus in can and somewhat embarraoed the cottager says to her im quite wall thank yer miss but i sin toood youafore xre frcsh it ain t yer mlsst i havo never visited you before mrs johnson tho woman dusts a chair well she says yer nits down here an yer reads roe a short psalm yer gives me a shlllin on then yer goes a complicated run in youll be run in said th pedes trian to the cyclist if you rid with out a light you ii get run into responded the rider as ho knocked tho other down you ii got run in tool said the policeman os he stooped forward and sulzud the cyclist just then another scorcher came along without a light ao the police- i man was run into too and had to run in two tltlllts any onu locality district or region has a distinctly ml verso tnrhicnco tle prosperity of the country as whole tha forest problem t a local problem 1 1c ojmiijed erfv mil fnr ms n ii 41m merchants ltank wm the qalance wheel of principle yes he is smart enough said a business man of a youth whose appli cation fur a rosponsble position had been refused so smart that he need watching ability without the bal ance wheel of principle is more than likely co treats tusplcton the sh-rwd- ness and keenness whhrh are divorced from integrity ore a menace- to the community many a youth 1 kept seeking positions while associates loai able but with more pr ndple are steadily wending their way up the udder t1id old willow tuuc wiiich oavis willow htitlirr its name tbts is a cuttlni from tha ntump of tho illg willow tree planted by tho lata william htool on his property corner mill and willow street acton in tho spring of 1su it gavo te street its name tha tree was quite solid measured 10 ft- 8 in lu drcum ferenoo on the stump and was cut down to make room for tho new merchants llank building now lu the course of erection as a part of tits warren ii lock tho warren ijlock which coveru tho mill htreet frontage of the jjiocl pro rm0m a calf s plary icltutj oyer oni jull pf jiyjstj clot my hmd caught in n burket yelid like biases for mother fo t hour i to hi 1 my eyes at a lltuo boy and frightened him lxper linen ted on how for i could spraddlo my legs tangled myuolf tn 10 foct of rope nibbled at a snxuii green apple and had a tummy ucho ltd used to bo hugged by an impud ent hired man hoard a dlurymau many mothers have rsaon to bless mother graves worm li terminator because it has rellovd thn tittle ones of suffering and madsuiem healthy lxsklne drug gist and uumev itrot hers general mer- cliant tho merc lion is ltank still occupies its quarters 1- j llasaard is now tn fhe drug store and ournoy brothers have had for successors i ll uoott 11 ii unswurth cameron moore w k m oou cos tcr co titathum l bon undd c ltuasell is tho present ocrspunt the next bqlldlng urowh a dru store has a ioiighlstury 1 bellovo this building was erected before william dtoel planted tha willow tree jtobort hwann actons first postmaster and who named thn place tor his native place near london i- gland kupt atora and the post office here it was here that james muttliews nerved hln ap- prtuitlieahlp to the snxery bualniaii oiid won a clerk lu thn imst oftlro uinkr hla uncle itobert hwaiiu later it be camo a drug store and imre the pro prietory drug business of the t mil- tou put in folto dollars knv iakk out five id tho iifialn ho ilftty ciuiioi iiui mother and atturhed htm- noir us i onvoy to papa fillwlng him down thn ulnln with hla eyeii growing larger nnd rounder us tlio money flow ci in this method if obtaining wealth was new to him but ho thought hnvknew lis destination and as tho uehcru reach ed the rear of tho churrh and turned for the solemn march i tho pulpit hln vllca ran j over tho room ulvn it to mo dud i can takn it tn iou ang les tlmcu then only when tha grasshopper ceases to hoi and thn old row tmluiimw- bawling when the finhes no longer flop and tlio huhy otoiw its squalling whop thn duuners no lnnr dun and tho hoot owl quite its hooting when the vino no lonrer runs and tho skylark titnpa itn larking when tho sun no longer nhlncs nnd tho young man quits his sjsrklnr when uio heavens iicgln to drop and old molds stop advlalnc hi it a time tn shut up shop and quit your advertising km32htf ft losinq an opportunity if you loao lour money you may find it again and ir nut you can earn more if you lose heart a good nights sleep or an evening spent with some cheerful companion will often bring back your courage uut whon you lose an opportunity it la gone forever summer colds many have their wont colds the warm months a ol very scotts emulsion after meals puts that quality into the blood that helps thwart that rundown condition that is so depressing build up your vitality try scoffs dcoafcdawbttsnataobl 1 cuctrfo railway wsst except ilurfnay except ilunday copt sunday uunday only qunday only kunday only a cast dally except sunday daily except bun day dally except hun day uunday only uunday only w hunday only knp express earn i might dodge bros havo concentrated on one style of car and have dental express make as pood a car aa can be built pikedup actan thc dodge calt has the reputation of low cost of up keep easy ria to operate and a low consumption of gasoline d ah dodge owners ore well satisfied with their choice investigate this cab and be convince jdltry fyttut youb eggs and poultry 1 dealer for acton and geor highest cash price pnid bbajglwftwawkffirtoram jilligan id mill su acton 341 1 if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of oubt the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boom vflbleware fine jircry rare tinware and granite big assortment head these articles with care they may present something you hadnt thoughto stovcs p ban the people whose ads are here they are yonr neighbors us hci and will treat yon kight u stoves oil stoves ri ehe money you spend with them stays in grculation in acton and neighbo v you win always find u profitable to consult us when desiring dry goods clothing boots and shoes lineolcums oilcloths and aroccries our aim is to anticipate your desires in acton uclean ullls our aim is to gall you dry goods men a furniaingu and groceries the quality and price of which will keep your money in acton wo can compete with anyuno anywhere nnd strongly urge com parlaai 1 d c ru3ell june victor records on alo monday call und hear a t brown coruuit us first when buying hardware we carry a complete stock of shelf and heavy hardware mllvcrware cutlery oranlteware otc and can convince tho moat critical ou prices and qunjity nro hght- jareo qymon ortjtr your cos now r delay under present condltlono invariably menus nn udvunro in tho price nut iuvo und itunuioo coal now on hand wo curry groceries j c hill roll sight unseen trade is a gamble consumer takes long chance when he buys from the mail order houe generally ia losing game method of doing business is very dd7fehent when you purchase goods fbom your home merchant whei or you wero i did tmtr did ou over make a trade alht what txy luui not risked lata jacltknlfo i u pnikultloii and how often has he i ho dlituverud what he got in tho trade t 1ml tumid out to tho udvuntaso of the navsr ouy furmtur tvum a catalogue it all looks ffood in pictures when buying- from us you boo thu urtlclo before you buy and our best advice and ucrvlcu is youra undattukliur in conmctlon johnstone a co msks up that order for groceries drill it to us wo can compete lu bcrvlce quality and prlco with anyone anywhere wo carry as well ft foil ilnp p pry fjoodu nelgqn a gq w ha said it before or his choicest marble on ni repenud of hln ruh deed win he generally found that um one who made thu propoultlon there la u little of thu mlillnc huiuiilt in tho blood of nearly ovcry man woman and child lultuu tho hurdincd humbler llkca to get u run for bio money 1 hi ilhl unmcn irtikaltlon doesn t appeal ti him i he leant thcru ui thountida of jmhp1- however who yyoqld bo prttjxm ly mlijnnnl if thoy wru uctuuet of hclnj gamble who every lay tko u ehunro on tho trtuiit cmbllnir umo in the world and wore han that thty are rtsklna their monuy on a uhjht unaoon proposition when ono of thu huiuwtiulu of ptptorui who build up und keep up thojrcp mail unit r hnm m f hi i ounlry tends his money wny to jioy for some urtlrlu that ho h m tn uh lid from tho mnil order catalogue ho is luknijr a cikiu- oh t ttlik what he i peels to get- the mull order houto may lx perft t ly honmt mid still tho purchaser stands a kood chanco of not lttlni what he uxixh ts m it thu mall order catalogues aro ulud with ihuriti th it jl h thn oyo thu deacrlp tlona ure brief ua huy mutt bo wliuu uhiuwmi i of urtlclos ore to bo described within thu iiihuikji of n imak no mutter how imnl tbo mull ordor houite tniihltr t n11 thn liuth i ho whole truth und notltlnf but the truth it would ixj un ltiipomihilit tha buyer ui simply taklns ws deal in all kind of fresh and cuva is our desire to your uttronac honest d canjpalco wear sho uatlufctlon 5teyoi imrntnhlngn snj t s when you buy shoe i from uit you aro su irur tlio best oeloipii iri juices aro much lov prices our ruiri m cvirythtjuji vo eel how i and we suy it ukuln you can buy to better advantage in actuu ttutu in toronto hoo us when you require anything- jn tleiiurul merchanduto wo will not be uudoruuld l 8tarkman now that warm weather jn approuijuuic you will require rcfreahinunt our drinks uro i co cold and invluoruttnjf our ico craam is do ik luus our bundles frcali und whulcawjio h wiles our large duainsss connsetlon in aliuujii ample proof thai our i m vutblcoand fmvtatutiu uru of the beat quality wo no it on i loao maintiia und aoilcll tho privllo of supplylnje your homo mcencny a evans conumplatina flwltilna t if uo lot us tmtmuo un your ru qlrenicutb wo jirearo pluns iunk cstliuutro and take contracts fur any kind of hiildlng wo would ujitcst ordertujf iiojtt winters coul now j o mokcnzik uuyinc sight unseen iun jtlufj t i it it ii wulk into u btoru in juur hotnu town and uik to imo un urtl lu which you niuy imva ocon udvtir tilted in your homo papt r whul would auyonu think of your bunlneiui ability or yuur counii n n ir you wullrd into u ntore ut homo and mild i uaw u plcturo in tl iuiihii tl iluy of u uult which i liked very much ilcjcuo wrap out up foi tin- hm n h mom i fie mcr r nit would think hut ym wm rrusj but ihut la mucly wha you do every tuno you auid on onl t m mii hiu yii buy ilijlit z klines oi our oread is da ilclit hero in tcto anleo its holt somen l aa well your patro nuxdo cakes pastry satuify m fheavy j toyu ths canpjilon nahk bros acton ont your next car lltlc i lu i jllfu tory 1 luoce of kutthig youi it iimicho you ney how dlflcivnl in thu i i your own liuinu tow i to buy i ribbon you muy huvu i t it u nmul hut docs im uik ywu t hiitu tha urtitlu buhlnd i ho it until you buy it un 1 iy uiticlo ut nut nlituitly tn i udu duces it fur yttjr imuihm tlutt otherv uiut ala u llttlu illrturon nclliu whm jtu t into tho utor in mill of lolling i u utovu u u yanl of 1 uro of it in thu inert huiiku advcrtlnu tulti hln wiil fur everything lkcu ho utr und l ii you tltut yiu cunt ovn hoo it tho ininu for ut ilatdly if tho liw un tin tountir tho merchant pro if it ih un not xuttly null you ho iuta uinl thut ho la ulud to liuvu you liupoct olt merchants ouarantel then if it lu i uult f luth- you uru buying or a plot a of drctw imkio ur ix iwlr of uokit you muy toiu it thu nicrcliuiit will cuarantuo tluit u will wur uu loin uu uit urtulo of tliot kin 1 could be uxpectcd luwtturhimlltbwil tril ytt ctthor tttnt howrtll ttnaiaiittti tt urttuit hn will u ol if h 11u iu tlml h wll uuiuntm it yiu will know tluit you will ivl your ilium y imki un tl lilt ui unolhcr uli of ttotku in uu lilui u if it ilx un t w ur ilk u oil mid fr thu in r hunt lmiiuua bolnf uu honetil uun in likuil inn u tinttl irfaul pot lu uiako hln wortl ifvti 1 un lii ipiwii li n upon ioui im uv- jjj j f others hi hla um uitudunity un uitioi ufforu to titistuprvsant his t fair daallnu and low prte4s are bulldltu up our bualucaa wo tjtrry u full lino of tlrocorlcj and jyovlsioiis und our prilca will ru hove the hotessity of further huuul our tjuulty and prii o will stand curopurluoii mho- j mcdouqaul after huvii 1 ull till l no v u tuko yuur uu t oi yum to vu lu nenl imiut for you will olll in mo ujiii tuko ui lltlkl louk ut it yt u send it buck uu or t builiu rr in yuur homo uunlmiil it in u iiuwapuihr 1 ud u ah ut iik bu y u moiiuy onl r a lil in ni ii 1 end me a ault if idthlf i 1 1 11 puy your dollv ety nl ui i wij ihcmid u world of trti nun and its not hunt to dtuu doini tho buyhie ity to ura whut du nm uyti i in volutin n it a you buy homo or l iinn tiiuiiu unl urtcr you ut uu i di i i lo you don t wuul 11 after nil ithltw idnht uiiiioon whtli yuu buy d t t i u ut u tncturu of un artli lu ill hi n of l m to thu i root uihtu und tho iinitltjiit with tho lustvut tlona i tom i wliutiur it muy hr and jly fui ilcllvciltitt it to inu im in tin- two nitlhuds of dultiu buul ut whlth la thu best fur thu man who n u t i manufacture and if all kinds of furtil ojjtliniito tor you on t repair inji or uphol wy furniture which rj 1 v i buumteo my w jl liuupllul w do iverch co- our slocic l t woullnnu ft lu couiploti acton never iy jeweilarv all jateilul when buyh k irticie umiprcad itenwllt of t- h ad k luolu sti 1 y lo usst iu loz my uli k u oiiiilctty ia it llm bunt my iiriiyf rupulrliin ilunu v w l cih nil qrry oro bc ju r v for illu rtmuotiul v ii tuuranuo jo -j- v iurryfanio iht but in- 30 oclock jtst r saft

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