Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1919, p. 5

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qflft arimi sfrrclirrhfi i iiuhmdal jum- 1313 it cant dc donl win o of llfti i and pin 1 uill mi ulilul id not cm it miklity hut in li if thin 1 jii t in ontanio creeds ahor lulklnjf with thousands of iwtyu mill nlrlii in niriil districts nf ontario lr cfuiilnmii hull drawn up a fuir ro i rtiii ntutlon f what in in tholr ml n lii which ho tuiu mhodiid in tho follow iiur ontario boyu unci kir in creeds boy crsfd 1 i bollovo thut ufa in tlio country uii be muilo jitiit uu plrununt ami pro lltublo u llfo in tho ity 2 i uillt vo lliul father uml i run f rin a purliicrnhlp thut will uult both 3 1 h tlnv my futhi r ild ly thn h thhu tin fur twenty ycai10 ago tho ibub of tlio f thursday juna 0 raa pro of 1030 jhr fir tvniiiu unci ruil hlreet i oummtluuu ur how oulcm ut the j pany worka tl plod will bo u11 cumpleud for tho ion tannine com n upaco now oceu- 1 to the rjlnuthlne ou oldii1 mottilnjr for tho uiu earn tlmy upptur ape uml tucodu i camp at nlu to ik in jtovk la n gin loft niiy nothhu i ioifchihru 4 i bollovo thut hy ion f our hulutin i iitpiit of hie hot k i ikiiov thut 1 i fulfil on our farm hu l it i kill ovcry wtcd bull ho well op illollo mm to i make it my ouoincoo to ncmemdcn youtiff mnn win ny do i bollcv thut intlu unlmulu uu at by ktxjplnn twlro o will b ublo to ops of alfalfa un1 by planting iruw tnurlt lurjn r other thlnun 7 i lxjllnvn thu irctn trowing fli knoplnif u tidy homralcad that ins better contended and happier y und our form wfl lorrrrvii i hud anil will alu tholr head uliould uphold tho hono kulnod litiit y ur a lame crowd was at tho station to soe thorn off at 3 30 tho first iloyul district intcimodl ato chumplannhlp lacrojtau match of the ataitou wus playod hum on bulur- day between acton und omrotown acton won with u ucoro uf 8 0 1 married tkaiunlam11 in hi josephs church ontunnky juno 6 hy llov leather lcouy mr john touhun of guclph to minn augunu umli of only a roue it ily u mou krowlim bcnldo a country rullway station cura ago tlm ticket seller u wife had plan tod n iillp in tho yurd and now on thlji sunny juno day tho bush qulto rur- talucd tho window ojhi thrust lto cluii- tent of pink blooms insult und filled tho dlnny wultliifc room with pcrfurai jtrry tho buccagomaatcr anutho- mntlxid tho thorns when they mad him conscious of tholr nrcaonco iio never noticed tho floworn tho thornn scratched at hia alcoven juat an tho trunlui hurt hla back and tho paiuicn- ccra worried him with qucatlonn tlio world waa a hard unaatlnfactory world full of worrlco and tormenta and mal- jenant thlnes ready to do hlra injury it had olwayo been so with jerry and tho thornn and bocgtxeo olid potfaensera were only purls of tho unfriendly place in which ho had to live owed it neither cordiality or favor and hated 1l a nmartly dresaodnharjjfaced i man whoao lukeiuze woji chocked for new york oat woitlnje for h train bhe wn a nucceanful tradeswoman she looked at tho flowers thoughtfully what wante there la in tho world oho thought every ono of those rosea if put fruah on tho market in now york would attriict attention and have monsy value here they would pot brlna anybody a penny certainly nature iw a bad economist tho whlitio sounded and she went out but she cost a calculating look at the roses as oho hoarded the cars when tho train had rushed shriek- ins hy old john tho ticket seller sat down to real moat of hla lira wan spent in this dull room but ho looked out of tho square little window with a wide- kwake cheerful face how clear the uunshlne was today ho thought how it nlftcd through tho pink leaves of tho flowers tho rose never hat boor so fine a this summer slnco mary planted it eight years ago evcrythi is in ills lire had crown and done well like tho roso mary wan gray and foible but sho was spared to him yet and hob und jenny hod prospered thoy would bo homo to nlsht and mary would have a comfortable aup cr to them all togothcr god blcjj ihcml ho said thh ho thiunht of tho years of divine favor thut had been his it was aod wlin had clven hint health und had kept mary sirens it was him who hud cven him his children who had been his pride und delight it was ho who mads tho sunlight uml hod oven given him pleasure in that beau tiful roso and an these thoughts pass ed through his mind und ho lookod at the pink blansoms rilling tho dlrujy room with fruhianco tho old man a heart ov r flowed in tenderness toward all tho world uut was it the fault of tho flower that it brought a dutirunt ifllsjaace to each ono who looked at if you can join this union in union there la strength la a an irtfi as old as it la true it doesnt pity to bo isolated and solitary it is bad for business ami it is ruinous to any healthy growth of life uo neighborly do nit sponge upin each other hut be kindly aid helpful the brotherhood of humulty is noblo thought to chor ish and just us noblo to practically live private jlbaons wlfo coaxed jlbson to scud word of his whereabouts in jranco from tlmo to tiine despite tho connor j 1 boon proceoded to do uo by placing dots under certain letters in his epistle wbjch when spelt out formed a word once ho made his dots too large and tho censor rub txil them out and put some of his own when mru jlbson deciphered her mca- fljiff this is what it spoil con hasteninq the corn crop no rast with asthms almm uqu ally attacks u ulghf tho una i lino when riat is needed moa henre jho ions of strength tho ueroij pbllly the o of fjnh uml othn cyllu llih must jo lxikit1 uiilonu relief i tv rurijl iortunaloly rnle is pmillh nr j h hrllokfl ashu eilpl1y has proved 1t uilt i irouth ynrs pf iierlct a rial will niirvly ounvlnae vvflew you arv1cc 11 aqkeo ono wliom novlcp is askid by an other should ful hlmaelf lit u poattlon of responsibility hut do not unawer ns sumo uru luouuid tu do i cannot take tbu responsibility of unswurlng you two iuwiib ure bitter thun im if your friend is prrphxod and troub- kil and unublo to a o hi way give hlln th li nt of your bust judvmoiu help lihu out if your udvho la unki d do not toil tint yourin if with u jiuiluhol jujg iiiout vim woiill u t do that if youi own ijiturntu who tnvolvid ht- p uml think a la hlvoii wvii hi ml think advli thai iv ho tit th- iipcly whuiii irtvteo nimpl will pl m i id imii opinion likely for ono wl to hall tho i in kay m though if la iniw funo ii kivo ujiy i vim whuh yoiit not uniuiuluully i platk u in its tin iiilvun u vi un a iiiodul thy cloan while 1 tho vibilblii vvnipuuiii jillllm vitfilublo nils rl pinlnly dsiulollon mi ckar tho nloinuth und fmolcurloiui mutter und nntom ntngi d organs to hi ulthful ii heme thoy mo tho bot inusd illdlgitht uviillubln to duy a of them will ntahllsh thn ruth v nssertlnn und hi more to toiivlin felling hum uu thing that tun ht tan of theso pills y cgrs of which hi cotupoa mandrake tatliia of tho h i bollovo not iq luck but in pfuik 0 i behove that funning is a most honorable billing und having docldod to otay on tho farm it hi my duty to make thn best uuo of my time now in oohool that i may be the better furmor in the days thut arc to como 1 0 i hcllcvo in working whan i work and playing when i play and in i ivlng und receiving a square deal in rviry net of life airu crssd 1 i believe that i havo a right to be happy every day i bellovo thut uol s bluo aky and jotln green earth uro a part of my inheritance 3 i bellnva that i havo a right to lovo little chickens und ducks and lambs und pupplea as well an dolls and rlbbona 0 i bellovo i would lovo to koep house better than anything else and i only wish thoy taught houaework at 0 i tiellevo hat keeping a garden all my own would be great fuq and i behove that i coffld be liappy in giv ing uway flowers and in cooking vego- uihlca that i raised myself 7 i bellovo ttiat i could study real hard ut my grammar und geography and urithmntlc and spoiling if i cci do cooking or sewing with tho other girhi in tho afternoon 8 i don t want to go to town and leave my father and mother and my brothers and sisters behind while llvo in tho city for i know i wll miss them all and tho trees and uip crock and thji green grass and the old woods and ovorythlng but i don t want to stay at home and do nothing but wash dishes and carry wutcr and do tho chores and grow old like auntie i want to laugh and lovo und live p i bellovo i can learn to sew and cook anil do laundry work and dc them well und i want to learn them and i want to do them well 10 i bellevo in thn square deal for girls as well as boys and i want every body to lie happy ull tho time the old us well as the young ow a member if a rin liurilwnrn hrm attracted utten n when ho was an employee draw g n nmll nalory by his remorkahh rmory again and again as ho up ouch oil a runlornrr to wait on him i lulled him by name tim rlirl iio uu lxcn much longer in tho tunl us vn re acquainted with only u tnv thnlr customers whllo ttihi young n ho hud made thnlr beforo securing his il lived in a country nil ho went to wi rk otal n trudge r in tiio med to ship i havhijr policed bo fore j low tliat cubtomu wit and humor bertie suld his mother sorrow fully every time you are naughty i get another ty hair my worxll replied ilertle you must havo been u terror look ut grandpa magistrate how did you manogo to extract tho man a watch from hut pocket when it wis provided with a safety catch prisoner cxcuso mo sir that la u professional secret i am willing to teach you however for two guineas a party of waucs were being shown over a repair factory at ono of tho bases in rvunco this said tho obliging aoldlcr as thoy entered a nhod is tho engine boiler ono fair charm- or with a quizzical smile oskod but why do they boll tho engines and her guide softly replied to make tho onglno tender a soldlovwas waiting for tho mld- dleten train tho only one of the day after he juid waited for an unreason able time the porter hove in sight how long will i havo to wait the soldier asked for that bally train how long havo you got asked tho porter with api wires t lrrelovanco lourtecn days well said tho por- ter you d bettor walk tho torn gtowtra in tho moru north orly parts of canada might find noma udvutitugus froiu tho uav of uuperphua pliato i a fertiliser p j f ujuu lkmilnliui tnlsi ndlnts uuu in un jirlclu n the agrlimuunil uazetto for mny h iinii of ho more nihrtant funcjliuis pf iv tliusiihorlq hold roritll- lu lo b il n maturity and oxpresi a tho view that un application of it will mui miiun the ripening of the toin orup uior especially in un a 1 vtrso souson uy this menus the oo o inuy ixuch the glazing atago beforo tin ro is much risk from early autumn froat and the time for cutting hus ui rlvid ho suggfsts un upullcutlqn of iny 3g0 puiindit of auimrplioaphute per ucro hroudcaaled or drilled in on pre paired und befope planting in ordi t thut uu effect jnlght bo noted iv hhutt suggests thsf a strip ulo tgal lo should be left untreated what roke it uf bcj utoomaburi which hold unsocial et boosted u biusw li oguthsr with very urogement fiom tho im or anybody elan at lhti closo of a fikhtltttotlui r ih n howovoii in whit h it ha i n it suldiuly diojd fimii p wh lullili blu ailing ill w up yur bundt luqulr tnron orhloonibburt ftirwurd ull it wan this wuy uuuwnn d oilnj man who bad ui t l uu loud wo found whin wo hold our lul il hit w hud tun dolluru i ush 0 rrmuiy that waa thn must ud ivr hud und us it wus jusj liiliui m loin jjio buya insisted un ig ii division or ho money u binu und luivp never beon abb 1 the buys together again our ho uddtd regntfully kuuldu t taud ptoaiierlty bai oh itltrlc d by lu dr ihumuo lc hi la not u jumbluof modhlnul in thrown together und push idvirtlalni but tl ttsult of tho lareful livenligutlon of tho cuiu tlvo iiualllla tf tcrtulu oils ua uppllod to tlio human body it is a rum ion blnotlun unl it won and kept public favor from tho list a trial of it will turiy lonvlitlun o jiny who doubt its power o icpuh and ileal f altlon for ho ii vn all his life ui mul begun us a tt city ono of bin ui ihut ho culled by hud cotnn into tho a i tin no found hla ho himself could havliux seen the i did you conm to k johnr ho asked why ho bought aome uallu from trio ono evening nlxiut six weeks ago as near u i can remember how did you know his name well wo got into a mltlo talk und ho told me hb name i always like to know tho names of my cuutomchi nuh john simply touvo seen a good many strange faces in alx weeks thn employer re marked i should i think youd got clnfunrd how do you remember them what lu tho uocmtt i don t know that there a any dec- rot ubojt it said the boy showinr nlgns of confusion an ho discovered that several of his fellow clerks wen paying interested attention to the con vernation i think that customer rather llko it when you call them by name so i make it my business ti remember i make it my bualness to rem cm bcr what volumes are expressed in that almple speech i how almplo it makes tho difference between tho youth who gets ahead and tho ono who fallal the boy who blunders who forgets an important commission entrusted to him la inclined to b indignant when he is severely censured ilo la sorry of course extremely sorry but how is ho to blame for forgetting ho wants to know anybody ought to rcallxo that he did not do it on purpose and he la the hay who ntsjs on year after year at tho same salary watching wlstfullv tho associates that pass lylm and wondering why some fellows havo ull tho luck i muko it my buulneas to rtuwni txr tn that simple sontenro is cum- presaod the secret uf aucccsa give the- kiddico a chance i f inliy i i on littijstl ft uia lupulatli ul 1 h liri l pr at liaut lm ould if w id i its what 10 drunk ms lxxly in in rm ilil of do ril blood 11 i duty of tin ll thodlauiso drunk infi par doetoni luirlnm und all cltlx rd toi i tlmr to i ivu tho hlldrxiu imtti r hunm ldo now that you will take uoi dlrnt sliiiro lu the campaign fa n lug tho buhllh llvi your own hlldnm ivi ry thai to i row up healthy i itlstnn bl r uuihii hat your homi lu hialthy d and rtfimo nh juid bo l flltu i liuyul your i oomn iu h with fii uh ulr day un 1 ulghl u your hildmti iniiiplli i with regular niluhi of well i ooki d w and allowud uiuiiui uloup take un lrturiit in tl the ilritluh wu ally infii lid if iv uhl ull th club o rim info ntloi you mothi ru and infant wtlfuro ccntr help to ptnlo in child wdfa auk ut tlio similar autb ubout lilld wi trlcl mulli tin count u upl llccu tat thn health t rlty for informutlo faro work fli your din vutlonul itaby wik j i d lo tho public ready to start an i if i wtm nl luwjtr lliuiitly uo of tin i hi ruplo unit lift d in the angles what we think of other peoplo do penda very largely upon tho angle from which we view them and tho anglo from which they view us getting tl u wrong slant on a fellow ctcaxtv fre quently has tho result of making him appear to us as cut on the bias perhapa if before indexing him a bias we would take pains to give him a good fullfaced look wo might find that he ls about as square as ure it might be well to remember that he may bo taking us in from a side long exposure and that wo are reglaterlng on his mental film uu a little more wobbly than our modest opinion of ourselves has placed us it would help some if wo would assume that each other is square and bo euro that wo get a uquaro look at ech other to start with wo wt got enough i unta and angles of ortu an i wo meet and pass and catcr- 40 lot us try to look eye to eye is much as iosalble and not dovoto too much industry to trying to got the other fellows slants and angles wo ull have u few charles heston ilor- allllcrs worm towdora act mildly and without injury to the child und there can bo no doubt of their deadly effect upon worms thoyhavo boon in successful use for a long tlmo and uro recognized as a leading preparation fur the purpose they havo proved their power in numberless cases and have given relief to thousands of chll dren who but for the good offices of this superior compound would have continued weak and enfeebled at wout rn hull wuy onij any u eiifclni t ring ahopn im fou id that jouiik mm worn ocau- lonully tn lit down th lino on nnpon- ulhle commissions kicrlvlng instructions tn tho morn- lnt tliry spent tho duy preparing to nturt mhocked ut tho woato of tlnu ho luletl a bug with travelling con vunlcnci i und took it to tho ofneo t lie roily lo mtuit at short notice hm u mui h thin is when imorer ory blliihid that nr utout medical i onv ntlons and liourds of hcultb uro oppoucd to tho uno of ulcohollc llquoni in thu treat nunt of illncune whlnkfy und brandy havo hnoii removed from thn united htutis dlsi eiiuury whit h onulnu tho otntlul lint of midlrlmii uuil lu the iiulliil htutui hundixdi or medirul vli know dulgo id i tin ui 1 1 ho ul slu ohol or tln ult tour model 00 ictu n thej will o m ivho will lu unlo ally ihol in any form or in un a iriut tsrfort niuiit l niudo to uuil tho truth wo tnunt stir our- iii or run tho rink of losing what bavu gullied by yani of hard work ii ailnott mil ucih dept of hoolal hcrvlte the flowers lit wild niin lutnndctl for tin uol mo of ordinary humanity children lovo thu ii qulti couti nltd unllnurv ikiupio love tlujn a thoy gruv luxurl ous and dlnorilorly pioplo rejoice in them guthirod thoy aro lh cottngeru trcniiurt und in thn crowded town inurk us with tho little hrokon trug mont of rulultow tho windows of tho wnrki rn n vyhoiio hi arts nuts tlio i uv i iiaut f pi uro ituukln uliii ridiculed the id ci itut this weak nervoos mother tells how lydia e pinkhnrno vegetable compound restored her health nlnod if i liad i i that troin hutt inn mr hurrla mudo lfi 1u- 3he was w be lnl i know omotl lug my oil t know i lndi till what ls liit v win i thu at id lu lumliik d and nho dott n t i auk i ihu mild nho die n t kt ow ii vlk told jou 7 john lln an ul tho world mi to ull 4 lid v vhtn child re l khil lultil d that nobody ivir live up to what you learn llvo up to wliat you learn i hi not it your kuowletlfco fcel too far in nd- iincn of your pruclue ono who falls o at t on tho truth ho haa discovered las no rlfchl to xinct to learn morof vludom muat bo truniifcrrcd from tho iluii to thn life to bo woroi much philadelphia pa i waa veryweojc always tired my back ached and 1 fnic olckjy moat of tho time i went to a doctor and be said i hod pervoua iruh- s cation which oil od to my weak condition itcp m worrying most of the time and ho said if i conjd not top that i could not get wejl i hearddomuehttbout i ydm h pinkhamo vokotablo com- pomid my husband wanted mo to try il i took it foraweck and felt a littlo bet ter i kept it up for threo months and j feel fine and can eat anything now wi thoat distress or nervousness m rs j wonrnxinb 812 north taylor bl philadelphia fa- tho majority of mothers nowadgya overdo there are so many demands upon their time and strength tho result u invariably a weakened rundown denroo eonaitioa with headaches back ache irritability and depression and soon more serious ailments develop it is atauch periods in life that lydia e pinkhamo vegetable compound w restore a normal healthy co as it did to mrs worthllas eisy to handle economicaj light weigm you do no have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to 3avc money look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look at it3 ample legroom look at its spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped it haslsig car porrbrrnance combined with small car handiness and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenicnce- thc motor is 32 horsepower- the wheel- base loo inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs arid large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontario willysoverland limited wlhylcld aj owlwd un 11 lil 1hv head office and woric west toronto ontario touring car touring car i model 90 model 85 or particulara apply to i t j speight geor jas symon aclon sl36000 149500 getown advertise regularly and then atch for results r- railway time tablea at acton oram trunk railway oolno wast gystsr no 2 8 13 a m no 31 10 11 u pl no 33 2 10 no 180 c cj no 37 going cait 8 13 no 2s 028 a m no 32 a 28 p m no 3 0 id p m np 38 h z p m uunday tralua pauo thr out h acton ffolnjj wos it 10 1g a in and coat at 7 00 p m toronto suburban elsctrlo railway gofna wast 0 17 a m dally oziopt huritlay 3 32 p m dally except ilunday s 00 p m dally exropt hunday 11 03 a m hunday only j2 p tn uunday only 3tc p m hunday only got no csit 7 4s am dally ojtrept hunday 2 os p tn pally except hunday 8 1 m dally cieont uunday 9lh nm hunday only 68 p m hunday only 8 c6 p m hunday only freight and express kxprvus carried on ull earn lyeljjht delivered dally hy special oxprcsa freight ixpruss or 1 relcht plckodup st any add reus in toronto o il aqn1zw anent acton eggs poultry biung out youli eggs andvoultby highest cash price paid r milligan conxr youno and mill ota acton or to p o box 341 uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in table ware- fine variety also fmo cutlery hardware tinware and granite ware big assortment pandora stove and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves every article 18 of cxcef tional value c c speight mill street acton ring have you received youf spring footwear yet t if- not go to kenney bros and muao your selection from tholr stock thu ulylu for ladles uro jdurjtolait ilalu oxfords with a fuw llnu oi lumpa wo tuivo aluo u nlco uno of iodlea hujb cut luilu with fawn und lut varapa which ilvo u vory utyllan ujipturunio our mens uiuj of llnu and htuvy ualu uru lumi lott wltli hoyu miujlu und clilldu ul rojonubu w will uuo hivu i i oltlplutn lllli of wblto kiihiii for iiuiniiir your kapairirifl attsndad to kenney bros main street acton ont 73e acton bakery m edwards go- cumula luwl hoard uliiuihi nu b 0i3f mill street actofj white bread brown bread boslon biead tea liihiiuilh 15c do blulb seone cookies cake 10c l 20c sue 1 fie lfie do 15c doz wedding cuuea a blmxiuity m edwards co acton ontario stoc closed lvcry nljtit but fri day and smuiduy m 1 io oclock

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