Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1919, p. 6

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illruifl murriiijjba tnd d6thji are now cliaritd for at tha following ratrn illrthn cor marrlasc coc death 10 memorial cardn 50 10a per lino tiktra fir poem n jf f 3 v nivi uiaiix in ijuiiirhlnir on liunitlny may 1010 to mr and ylrti llnrry icvrrriul a on in tho leolrh illrrk on tucmlay my 27 to mr unci urn waller- iliililcll a iion i reilcrlck duiiglati hitter married hohnn cami iii ltat hi petri cliurrh toronto on ttaturduy may 2 j310 liy ltnv 1 rrtleriru wllkln- niill inaui ii ilornliy ol iloorcctown to minn mary campbell of bydnoy h h died cltee at the family renllencc wil low htrenl artnn on toradoy june 3 1019 marlon uusaell wife of an drew creo in her 80th yoar inna01 in ucattlr wash on tueo day may 27 icarl ijorolnc beloved wlfn of 1 meat lbboc non of mm thutniin lcbbaso acton uaic1 ii at hla rculilrnco in hault htc marie ont on haturday may 31 1010 orlando a ilakcr belovod huu- iwml of mam io llndnoy ilakrr and only non of itcv goo re a nnd mary j ilaker toronto homnilvimb at his late residence 79 ilrunowlrk avenuo toronto o i haturday may 21 11110 itov john bomorvllln d d ooncral trcauurcr of miaalona of tho prcnbytorian church in hla 74th year qlljr artrnt 3ttt press thursday june c 1010 brief local items watch for tho potato buff blounoma blotutoraa overywhero all night tolophono nervlco now vext hunday will bo whitsuntide twill noon 1 tho busy haying time i juno tho month of roue and wed dingo otrawbcrrleii will imj ripe in t couple of woe lea tho oehoola and the banka obnerv- od tuesday an a holiday tho flajri were flying on tuenday in honor of tho kinea birthday a htuo cooler after a whole week of 80 to b0 decree tempore tar next sunday will be childrens day in tho sunday school all over the world tho prcaent baptist church build lnff wxlb erected twenty year affo thla aummer there havo been come irrcat bods of trlllluma in bloom in the woods tho past week thero in a ffreat wealth of bloom on tha fruit trees and abundantprom- ibo of fruit last weeks cacesalvely hot weath er brousht the home refrigerators into eammlislon for tho season qroccrs and provision dealers are cot now required to take out licenses from tha canada food board owlnar to the cxccsslvo heat tho dunce end euchre party announced for this evening has been inde3nltly post poned tho irrowth of vegetation has been oo rapid tho past week that there la not much need of talk about a lata arprlnir now there will bo no county zcursioas to the ontario agricultural college at cjuelph this aummer hallway rates axe too high a systematic attempt to ralso one dollar bills to 10 denomination and to pass them off on foreigners is being practiced in london tho brampton branch of the g w v a have completed plana for the erection of a j3c000 club house for tin usq of their association tho urst tennis tournament of ho reason was held yesterday afternoon and cveolnji contests for both ladle and gentlemen were bold may was cry cool in her advances whcn dho nudo jer ndvent 6bewas fervent enough in he cloning dtiya about 00 degrees in the anode tho trustees of the methodist church havo just received from the executors of the catute of tbe late ksijy oriffln a bequest of 100 00 bcv h ir wilkinson ma rec tor of bl georges church ilorriaton formerly of st albono acton has been appointed rural dean of welling ton county tho duat on tho afreets the post ten days has been most annoying destructive of merchants goods and has given tho housewives unusual work in keeping the home tidy the county clerk has received notice that as authorised by the klsli schools act the minister of kducatloi approved of tho establishment of milton aud burlington high school districts j p wordon janitor of the schools has tendered his resignation at a special moetlnr of the board 01 monday evening it was decided to ad verttso for a auoceuor dutlea to com nienco lflth inst in addition to the list of seeds dla trlbutod in the anrlng tho horticultur al society delivered thla week to each of the mombera boxes of salvia anap dragon uaters phlox and petunias oyer 1 20q boxes in ull a toil should surely bloom thla summer f neighborhood news town and country itami of intartbt from various local tu cavarad by the pros preaa naboaqawcya irlvata arthur moor and wlfo and dauchlrr onolpli vlnltoil in naiiua ifiiwcyu luot wouk mr maruhull llulmcii huu suld bh house and lot ncur urookvlllo to mr fltaro f ijirtjyvilli ir t brltton t luolph ixcuplo i tho pulpit in mm jlx nesor church luut hunday ifiorninit uov g i utcph non b lug awoy at confrrmoo privato htanlny i letrher retur homo from otcmraa last week lie listed in tho lulh llaltonduffcrln halt we aro glad to welcomo him home again milton mr neil mcphall hoi purchasod tli reeidenco on pooler htreot formerly ownol uid otctiplod by mm dolby mr geo mann of the king kdwurd hotel toonto nicnt the 24th in tow mr maori has been trunnf erred to the hotel clifton t ningara i allu thero are at leant three beauty upots in town that are open to tho public gaxn wo refer to tho flower beds ut uio mcgtbbon house at tho pout office and at tho c i it- utauon chairman syer dencrvoa credit for tho manner in which ho has liau th back strocts fixed up and some or them wore in a mighty bail condition before they wero attended to as an appreciation of hln valuablo services to tho church during tho post conference year tho oulclal quarterly board of tho methodist church at a recent session voted a onus of 200 to tbe esteemed pastor ilov a ii mar- ahatl iteformor oakville sunday and monday last were tho anniversary days or knox church thirtytwo years ago tho church was dedicated and each year thla event la celebrated ir p a ucslop is sending some of his record holstolns to the big dairy show at philadelphia the dr has a proud herd on hla farm north of palermo owing to tho disappearance of uio beach in front of tbo lakculdo park the town will bo compelled to build a pier to protect tho park from being partly washed away sir hobcrt badcnpowoll chief of tho boy scout movement in tbo brltlnh possessions mado a short stop in oak- vlllo on monday afternoon when he inspected tho local scouts and cubs and their clever buglo band that llronto really wants oloctrio light was evidenced on monday when the bylaw to expend six thousand dollars on a system of poles and wires was carried by a vote of s3 to 1 the former steel highway bridge at bronte boa been purchased by trafal gar township from the county tbo dlructurc la a hundred and twenty feet long and might be used to oalvantago in some part of the township star erin pto a is haloey returned homo from 1 tan co on wednesday morning and looks woll mrs mclntoatvllas mosaics and tho mlsaca graham of acton were tho guests of mr and mrs long on vlo torla day tiergt fred c mclean returned homo from overseas on monday night and further than being tanned looks fine dr r c wood son of mr f wood who has been in toronto for some time is opening an ojuco in tot tenham mr j t austin has bought the pro perty from mrs walker which has been occupied for some time post by mrs c leltch tbe ladles aid of the methodist church erin announce a garden party to be held at stanley pork 32rln on friday june c rev j a- jcwett attendod the an nual conference at kitchener messrs w sutton and v shortlh wcro iaj delegates from erin circuit erin baso boll team was organised on tuesday evening last the follow ing ore the officers ii matthews br preo w a bomosbottom vlcoprcs geo sanders manager w a mat- ihews captain sid horton hoc- treas advocate farmer candidate k for this county ex rqcvc john t fiord of trofal irar clioucn to jtcprcscnt hal ton formers in next election fourt candidatcq nominated vance a htutla who disposed of uio dufterln loat a few weeks ago has formed a partnership with thomas jarrett una of uio a porting writers of tho toronto tolpgram and they havo purchased tho trenton advocate which paper they will publish in future ulas tmbitlta helm last thursday evening gave a very delightful organ recital in tho evangelical church at iclnitru miss hehn surprised and de lighted her many friends by her aklll- ful handling and playing of the organ ttha has been under the instruction of mr w phllp of quolph mr ii n farmer barrister and municipal clerk being indisposed this week his father dr t d j farmer of oakvlllo will take hla place acton for the present dr t farmer expects to be here on and off each woek during tho coming summer and autumn months to asalat his aon it was refreshing to see ilev j c wilson ba hi the pulpit on hunday in ills palm beach nult there may hare been a dbxressloti from tha form alities but there was u matiifoht com fort and freedom which could not have prevailed in orthodox ecclvalss ileal garb with the temperature flirting with ths ninattss dublin the farmers in thla vicinity are going more and more largely into pure bred stock mr john i ilobertson who recently bought mr william thompsons farm lot 23 con 1 a- queslng la shipping this wook by ex press on aged dorset bam an aged ewe a yearling ewe and two ewo lamha lo dr j a rao north battlcford susk dr ilae will show these fine impf on tho western circuit of fall fairs in manitoba saskatchewan and alberta the following is the dublin school report for may br tv- catharine kelly co clarice stewart flo jc iv madelleno gibbons 62 wll ii kelly 48 sr hi violet croasman 81 irenu morley li frank creomei 45 jr hi nelson illno 00 muriel crossman hi annle htawart ci george mino 48 gcrl scott 32 sr n llxxlo kelly 60 mlnnlo creamer 60 jr njohnny black 30 ilalpb frank 23 mcdougall r i merlo btewurt pat kollj br pr murgarut waldlo donald jr pr willie mlno no on boll qi asrerage attendance 17 1 initio mcclung tcaolior ihn llalton mrmbcru of tho united farm rn ut onturl met in uivonllon nl milton laiit wck to m inlnato a funn rn cundliloto for the noxt i nvln lul election there wuu a kh1 attend anfo o ubout 2d0 im hiding a number o wflmon mumhall campbell prcnlduyt of tint 1 armory cjulio of the county occupied tho chair when nomlnutlaiiu were ailed for tho following were propotxd john 1 rohd cxiuvo of tra jtulsaf jamis waldbhook traraurur a g fabltow trafaltur w j l ilamishiur ioputy ilrovo of laqucslng mr 1 ord wan greeted with bci rty applauiu when ho took tho platform in hln opening remarks he mild that hn woul 1 much rutlirr havo preferred not to a candldatt hut would willingly retire in favor of uomo other gontlo man i witter iuallllcd to rejircuonl th ni than ho was but 1m was in tha haodo of his friends ojpl if they tliought ho was tho man to rci reacnt them ho uan prepared to accept tho nomination mr waldbrook nudo a good epe ch sfrom a farmers n land point corillat- tlng tho idea uiat the farmers were makltur ttrcat prollui and ventured tho usacrtlon that tlio uvcragomet incomo or tho farmer did not exceed 600 q yoar however ho was too busy a man to accept a nomination and would therefore usk that hla name bo with drawn mr i arrow also spoko for a few minutes in defenco of tho farmers going into politics as a class fipoke well of tho fltnosa of mr ford to re prcaent them in the legislature an j then withdrew in hla favor mr hampshire was the last speaker and ho apoko of tho great work of tho old pioneers who coma to this county over a fontury ugo and howed out tho spltndld farmo that now aro aocn hare ho felt it was u nliamn that ao few of that chiaa liad ever represented hulton in tlio legislative hallu of tlio country ho thought that whoever was tho candidate ho should bo a broadminded man broad enough to know tliat tho farmcra were not tho only persons whoso lntcrcstu ahould bo looked after but that industry of nil kinds in town and country were all interlinked in such a manner that tbo ono could not get along without tbo other tho representative should bo a man of backbone so that when he went to parliament he ahould stand up far what ho thought was in ths best intercuts of uio people rather than for tbo party personally ho was not fin ancially atrong enough to undertake on election campaign ho therefore retired in favor of mr ford mr ford wan hcreforo declared elected ns tho candldatu to contest llalton as tho fanneru standard bear- or in tho next general elections for the ontario lcglnluturo mr ford was again greeted wltb op plauso ho thanked thj delegates for tho confldenco they had shown in him in asking him to bo their ntandart- bcarer tnd asked for their hearty co operation in electing him their repre sentative when tho elections wcro held ho said ho had always been on out and out conservative and had nover given a liberal vote in hla life and was not ashamed to say so during the sixteen years ho bad been in muni cipal ufa he had nover shown i politics except once ho was in tholr hands it was their cause and as one man could not win tho election bo asked for their hearty support in tho coming- contest- mr dougherty of peel followed and p poko at nomo length on tbe problems of tho day considered from the farm era standpoint tho toronto glo operators mo3t modern factory condi tions avaahlc guaranteed wages to expert enced opcratora apply to supt kerr r g long co 727 king street vcst toronto w f kfooney of guelph has opened a store on main street arton where ho will conduct a tin smith and aheet metal busineaa ordorn tor hot air furnaces and plumbing will receive npeclal atton- hon creweqns corners miss mar caret dounla visited friend in acton this week- mr aur clark knatchbull vlaltod friends here on sunday mrs ulngabur and bobble visited friend at hhllurg over tho week end mr dor crtppa captured four young foxes recently while working in fields messrs w lb crlups and wultur lambert have purchased a whltn threshing outfit from london genorul regret la expressed tliat tho mothod in t church here is to bo tlosod especially on account of the children mln t i rwi1r of the h uchool fur over half a century the people have worshipped in thla church but death and removals havo dim in thcd tho congregation to nuh un ex tent that the couforenco decided tho only plan was to close tho church few if any of tho first worshippers ore living hero now aud many aro in distant porta of the continent a fare well garden party will be held in oon uectlon with the closing services oi wednesday evening june 11 at blue spring park an excellent programme composed of the following talent has been prepared speeches by itovn little ltockwood and mayor acton select lonn by the methodist sundaj school orchestra acton and tho lsdlca quartette ltockwood mr 0donal lson humorist and mun steele vlocutlunlat ltockwood ilummor bros itockwoed hawaiian selections and glhers will tno part hnothti will ibq open on tho grounds a flue nlgnt is hoped for and with the attractive programme pro vded itla sura to be auocess tha admission will be 3fto and ho military news a wlro was received from col dr cameron a warron by friends hero tliat he had just landed nt vancouver from vladivqitock siberia enrouto far homo sergl james hollo way arrived in acton from overseas on monday he is litaylng with his brothor at mr hobcrt wallaces ho was accorded a cordial welcome on reaching bis old homo town tho death occurred at speedwell hospital guelph last week of ooorge william moyser a returned soldier ho enlisted and went overseas with tho tlst battery of toronto he was severely gassed in france pta lrncst brown son of mr john brown willow street and formerly foreman of tlio jn xuxss galled for homo on saturday and lo axpectcd to reach acton curly mxt week icrnio will rocclvo a royal welcome flo irnest it smith non of j r smith of whitby formerly of acton who was eoverely wounded on october 2 last la now able to bo about tho hoapltal at orpington kent hngland hla parents expect him homo in a month or two mrs w a stewart had the great joy of welcoming homo her third son who donned tho khukl i to llpicr stewart lust wednesday evening ho on 11a led in tho went am went overseas early in tho war hu escaped any serloua in juries and is now in excellent health pto i4jj1 iiruwn arrived homo from ovcrucus on haturday evening hln mother and futhor and other friends mot him an ho stepped from the train at toronto in th morning and accom panied him homo in tlio uvenlng he was accorded a hearty welcomo hero pto brown has almost entirely re covered from the wound received in the leg i missionary givings were increased inteiestinjr meeting of the gaelpn presbytcrial womens mis sionary society mrs d mccrae guelph is the president ono of the rnwt successful meetings ever held in connection with the guelph prcahytmlal womens missionary so clety took place on tuesday of last week when tlio fifth annual gathering was held at eden mills presbyterian church tho meeting was attended by soveral hundred delegates they were wel comed by itev mr little pastor of tho cdn mills church tho reports of tho various secretaries showed the orgonlxatlon to bo advancing in mem bershlp and in contributions to mis sionary work over jcoo of on increase being reported over last year during tho meeting two aplendld addresses wore delivered by mrs gauld who has been a missionary in formosa for many years in which itho told of the great work that ia being accomplished thero and by mrs e f mcl smith of lucsn who spoke on tho iorward movement of tho church- in coi nection with this move ment a committee was named of which miss little of guelph is tho convener this committee will undertako the work of placing before every church in tho prcjbytcrj the alma of tho fori ward mavemcnl durinr tho meeting mrs david mo crae of guelph who is one of lho pioneers in tho womens misslonarv seclcty was mado honorary president io recognition of the noblo work she has done sho was also tho recipient of a beautiful bouquet of roses tho irncors elected for the year ore president mrs osborne gait corres ponding secretary miss lynn kitch ener treasurer mrs john kennedy guolph supply secretary mrs lin ton gait strangers secretary mlsa jardlno hcspcler home helpers sec rotary miss chalmers fergus mess cnger secretory miss kay gall lit crature secretary mrs harcourt guelph mlsalon band secretary miss ijttlo guelph the delegates were hospitably treat od by tho ladles of kden mills and lho entire day proved to bo moat b tcrcsxlng and instructive georgetown mr and mrs a cummlngn and family havo removed to toronto mrs a kirk and son charlie left on tuesday for a vuit to relatives in ireland mrs- it d coutta of aasinabola hniii spoilt a couple of days with friends in town a fcordon iarty under ths auspices of aohtrove methodist church will be held about juno 10 mr and mrs george gollop of nortl bend nebraska aro taking up their residence in norval thcco are sdino parents in town whose children havo been 111 with a cuntoglnuu disease and they have not reported same to the medical houth orjlcrr tho law on thin matter la voy severe and suiiu parties may be collod upon to pay a rtno of not less than 1100 ir they do7iot make a report at once herald acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream kailt tcsi and full satisfaction guakanteej highest makklt iuicc iok buttot fat will itecelve any amount of cream you llring in open monday thuredny and saturday lvmlngs until 10 pm acton creamery co willow stkccf opposite government biiilding v s rittrse3n the ffoi summer days are hre jenjoythem while they last if wont be long -4- colorcd voiles double fold in pink floral pattern special at 85c yard black and white vohei double fold special at si 00 iilock voile with white atnpc special at 125- colored muila double told in pink white blue and htlto special at 75c yd white organdy 10 inches wide special at 50c yard white cn hard inc 3g inches wide a special at 5100 white indian head 3b tnclics wije a special at 45c boyi cotton jcrcya navy and white sizes 24 to 32 special at 60c royh stnpe cotton waista with collar all sizeann stock at 75c 85c and 38c mcna ralbngcan underwear izca 32 to 42 shirts and drawers special at 75c mens balbricean combinations sizes 32 to 42 special at l50 men i miry horlot tu riiyi hrowifi lifla whju mid hlncfc izti 10 wt hncj 1 1 bpctinl ut 7fic mcnh ixnuima ilotfl with hucfc and fancy baud special at llti ilcn ixnllier ik i hi in black and pray nil uiiea at 50c and 75c men tour point invisible huapcndefo in white only special ot goc aienii waah ttttt in fancy strjpea ot 35c or 3 for sloo mcnfl ioft collars plain whlto and fancy ilk stripes at 25c a0c and 50c when yu want curtain material come to tin btore as wc arc showing a big range in scrim and net prices range from z5c to 3100 per yard 1 yard unolcum at 560 running yard i yards wide oil cloih at l50 per running yard stair oil clotha at 50c and 60c 200 tins salmon 1 lb 50 tins pork and beans tin 5 pke aramonja 25c i see our broom values ioc 00c broomtor 75c 25c si 25 broom for lo0 oranges bananas lemons ejc clean mills muxsteeet we sell for cash we oell fob le83 acton i ueadquartltts for wedding and ilirtiiday presents hjcr 1st lllltru irr kiilvm i aiuii jill 1 i i vatic i ut inn 1 in y i inn wo c rry tho nu ul mu i t lt lo town mannlagc liccnocq iuqucd geohynds acton ontaiuo shawns summer schools toronto appeal to ambit lunn ats- lenta wlio do not caro to iojo two or tlircfl monxim timn you may enter any day anil continue lo graduation into n cooil petition pro booklet writa w h shaw prcaldcnt w pmp teachar of piano violin and other stwng inatumanta also pipe ortoan will vtalt acton on tuesday of cacti wc0 until further notice pupils prepared for conucrvatory rxamlnatlorm mcrutajica left ut actoji frm prou omco will rccttvo prompt attention eats all the best cuts of best quality always available and promptly deuvebed a fresh lot of salmon trout will sell whole or half mcenery evans main street llcanm no 0 452 acton ontario cuui tf ff ffttmitig llopalrlns your clothes thoroughly deified in franifary workshop ittsitd and hcpaircd by expert worufticti vc can make that old null took ttkc new try us geo wallace guelph ontario choice groceries and provisions mrs jennie mcdougall 10k a uictalt it rarln the uat oodm avallahle ircsh and i tellable prices reasonable your want will ho carefully inp phtss home baking on friday and saturday mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont kellys meat market corner mill and elgin 8trets acton i carry a full lino of meats aa i havo had many yeara experience it in uiy aim to brine lcforo my cuatomctb tho very choicest jjeato at a reasonable prlcri will jou clro mo on oppor t unity to show you cash paid fou butten amd egos wkelly acton ont advertise regularly and then watch for results otisscfjl fordtou ing cqrs and m pj roadbtfers can now be supplied with new ford electric starting and lighting 6yitons as optional equipment this electric equipment lb a ford product built by the ford company in their own factory and consisting of generator starting motor and storage battery it 13 ai reliable and cificicnt as die ford motor into which it is huilt- notice to ladies in town and country i am collecting nacn and itub- benj and all kinds of junk wlicn jou art done- with your house cleaning call up acton gubxjonl phone c box 2c1 i will guarantee- joou safls- faction nnj prorapt attention alex gilboord dox 201 acton ont phon 55 church st 3rd door from wiucry tixc iord staticlard mugiicto alu bupplia ignition i of the batteries ou ujicn imjtul dt- 12uttu viitu y aiij lijjlimijj uiuijmiwti u iixiuui jp j73 ii 73 cled inujcl xuxa iikiuj ilotuu niittua uul liiuui btjuifhncut- pma jr un fol lotj out- ltd do imc imv tit wu electrk starting and lighting h a coxe acton f oeeiler ontario strong healthy plants ready now ranulca uta ull hold out imrnty of atocks nd attar yet rjika 10o bflwt tvilllumj 10o canterbury illui 10q rjx qlwca 13q coroatlona 1so uoti 75fl tlu- 7bo 50o 1j 1jx early and uate cabbage cauliflower tomatoes celery early and late flowers ancu1 dcftrct virlot a hbishop gardener order dookad phono m fairv1cw ave acton jejspravln jo rich mono irjj i ttokonito canaw tooth paste fc iii lho wonderful ol ck klonxo l tu tn nittutli u ul a moriiliti onu l v hll u n lliuoh licii tcclh ruulirli u i uu fclvn lunl kit- exclusive guulph aqlnfh mcke es th rwkbii oruo 3tor guelph cnt at

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