Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1919, p. 3

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til lai lpn jl ili bel rt 1j l i if r artnn 3xst iwaa jiiuithuay mini 12 1010 my otandadd in lio illutl vllllt ihik 1 1 ii ntlll thut stand tlio ret or it of my drain ami hand nd then lihouhl failure onus to mo willi work und hopu for victory to have i t nl i who oln i or nln to ixi tho sunn win n i pi ulimo am win n my hvi ry dicd in known jo llvi undaunted unufrnld of any iitru thut l havo in ado to ho wltliout prntenfio or uham lxattly what iimn thlnkr i am an i j ii imported gown uonnbly great majority or ilraliini in gowns and imported goods cundilrt their business honestly and in good faith but tho opportuni uct for dishonesty are matt nnfl onro in a ions whllo uomo unusual colncl do it co reveals fraud no in tho cane o the following otory from an artlcla li tho illuutratc uundiy mncnilnc a roi luln society womun ikui pur chuuod nbroud a beautiful gown of ui unusual shade of green tliaj uultcd her complexion wonderfully hh6 liked thin garment no wall that iiho worn it four or flvo timet which was u record in this particular lnutanco for sho was uno of tho jo who greatly dislike to bo sen in tlto jiamn overlng cown on mora than two occasions with tho green town alio wore a brooch of green oil n ciio jado oddly carved and a pah of earrings to match they were ex tremely curious plorcs of jewellery that uliu hud picked up herself in canton thy matched her gown ad mirably on otio of the few occasions whon she woro thin green drcoa olio lout tho jado from uno of her earrings mom llian six months after oho had discarded her green dress alio bought what uho called a ulmplo ilttlo brown dress of course it wao imported it iiad tho tag of a wellknown tvcncli houso oowod tn tho proper placo it wao not tor her an oxtrcmoly turpen- slvo drcrni tho prlco wan only ono hundred and fifty dollam ono day at homo alio aat on tho mahogany piano bench am using her self at tho piano when la alt dim along tho bench to reach oorao music alio beard oomethlng scratch looking down nho uaw a long mark on tho polished surface of tho mahogany bench in an instant uho wan on her fort looking for the pin that uho know must ba co mow hero in tho folds of her drcoa hut tlicro wua no pin to bo found rmally however nho dls- covorod i small hard lump in tho hem of ono ot the folds of her dress thero won a very iimall place perhaps a quarter of an inch long where tho threads of tho hora had not caught by patient work nho forced tho hard lamp inside the pocket made by the horn out through tho opening it wan tlio carved bit of groon jado that nho had lout from her earring six months before tho more nho thought about tho matter tho more thoroughly convinced nho was that her simple ilttlo brown drcaa had been dyed and wna orlgin- ally her beautiful m aowu shn determine j to find oul tho man who bought tho grn drees from her maid naid that hu could not remember juvt where co had no id it but a chcmlat worked on pieces of tho brown dress and learned that it had originally boon groon 1 sho ha j nold a two hundred -and- ftftydollar green imported dress foi fifteen dollars and then bought it back as a brown imported dresji for ono hundred and fifty dollars the old man of the big cixck towett 1 f jjc m tici u id i o 1 w m m ej j m tfel ii wont into itloio 1 tminliif and 111 ltd ll imiun 1 to partii nihil uii1 thu firm uno vv ii itfry a hon it nun tho bu i nrratnorrov to tho lifufltf in ui unit trrd till d ills jrun lati r avoiiuo aftrr orlkliwil vi r tlilrly y aru nto tho jiro- ikiiimiiouh fin tory on how r wan hullt th glnvn btiiilnnin lift thn pri mliili tlin harm mi buiilnciiii tor iiomo tlnio during aiialyrlng iltico a nolutlon o mnkd thin anon i havo boon pon- und tryliic to lo- junt what would of iium a blbit wnti r mimdl tnr i ii mattlim ii multhewn and w 11 flordoll wi in that hujdimim lb ro iitir haki huiilniiiiirii v ro ondurtcd by illnvonn and ilurfurd ff chlnliolm htuiuniin now iiuuluctn tc item nifraitlli and uooiulhand furnlti tlio n to ro uiiuijjjii mm jonnlo hroiry and iirovlnlon itur addition nf tho vi d to tho front this john arthurn bought i wonh n lirn n bar- ulni nohlon fltiur anil unit liar i fol dress and character the whole nccrct of dressing lies in npproprlatenocui seo that your ap parel fits your manners and your habits and your circumstances most men for example with or without tho aid of a dopartmcntotoro clerk man age to dress for upcclal occasions with fair propriety uioy do not wear a frock coat in the evening or a white dress tlo in tho daytlmo but there oxo subtle harmonies more easily neglect ed tho ncut bousowlfo does not want to do hor morning dusting in silk or velvot oven though it bo tattered sho prefers to wear x wash waist and skirt and tf nocssnry an apron costumu elniplo indeed but tidy and fresh thcro la also tho appropriateness of ago which uo many pcoplo overlook the extremes xf fashion tho dashing colore tho startling cuts which do well for imopio under thirty do not ault pcoplo of ulxty at all and you think you are making ulxty look ilka thtrty by following them you aro much iiuttauoo sixty is ojilj cmptia nlicd ago should woo neatness but 11 co gaudlnea and there is tho appropriateness conditlan tliu titling of your dross- to your puruo und your uocul clroum utanccs the njprcprlntcmas most of all neglected in uiis democratla society of ours are wo not all as good aa our neighbors and uhall we not dress us they do hut dress certainly docs not mako us morally good nor docs it go for toward cunccallng our do flclouceii moral or mental most of our nelghboru know qulto woll what wo can afford and think poorly of ua for going beyond it evun when thoy are doing tho same thing thomsolvcs tho truth in we aro all writing oui characters publicly all oveivournolvea in our cloth cu uvory day a fact that wo ought to upprucluto whcu- wo read what hi written in tho garments of othoni htruiii that wo do notl a tawlry habit of dressing tudleutts u tawdry life a disorderly habit of dressing imluaus a dlnordorly life a ulmplo habit of dressing indicates a simple life thert aro those who havo rich und wullchoiioii garments but who can never nut tbum on properly a button in on or u hook unfusfenod or a seam awry vou know just what thouo people uro others wwir poor plain thlugii but brushed und monded and him and tidy you know juut what thouo pooplo an and uo on through hundndu if vurlutles am grudatlouu if dmus ju aluas us inevitably th expression of diameter then it bo hooves us fo that uu woll as for otht reusotw to h ivu u eluiratter worth tx pressing i dnitioh post office in 1018 tlio itrltljih pool wartttio i ondltli office in 1018 t olll6o in spite o ilt uf rvkn ts a pi 332j000 h nporutton of tho tlo- p ho i hi wervlio uhowod ikiiirtilll of ii 100 000 but it lout uvr jr 000 000 in oporatlng toligiapha it has nver boon ablo to inalio tho tujgraph sys tem pay all hough up unlit 117 the annual loss hud ben itiadity rodmol thousands of postal omployous who weru calll into military service have boon demobilized and the movement of mall as well an the eoudnet of tho telophono and telegraph systems is beginning tn aiuuv some improvement an tiutonuutle telophono uervh o foi loudon to tost t2ti oooouu is planmd the rctont courteous vou know until tho lady wliuw inutor tar luul iuii down u innu you must ham been walking v y rore- insbly i am a very e artful drlvi i i havo boon driving a tar fui ovou yoarn laitly you vo uol nothing on m ive bnon uulklng for fiftyfour yours iwttor and moroull ruiiajl live town i havo ulod to iitmmer lrvjown und find out junt what lu lacldnif 1 foiiixl it out i think hut hated l iolnt out our weuk hlnt aftor i ruud lust wli k h i1u3i iiuvjii i docldrd i iilmply muut for otir own co try to point out tho apparent fault i road tho account of tho tolephoiio mooting und noticed that it naid there was u very incagro attendance i read in unotticr column tii at tho band reorganlxatlon mooting did not havo uulllciont prcuont for a practice hero aro two enter prises in ono week both worthy with out interest uocmlngly to tho majority of our townspeople but that roally should havo bean encouraged and at tended by every man with actons intercut nt hoart wo olool a council and whon they call a mooting for tho bo t torment of conditions many dont think li whllo attending true tho main ob jectives of tho mooting wcro already forthcoming before itho meeting called but how roan of us know that thos woro already inicurcd a few poop i o guide thoibtmd for a number of years and we aro content to lot them do it as long us wo are not both ered i have aat up hero in tho tower and watched tho uuno men attend all tho public duties in town and im not excusing myself for nonattondanco old and v pant tho spry ngo an i am woro all in tho name boat and wo ought to bo downright ushamod or ourselves if wo would only co-oper- ato with those few liven wires uiut aro und havo for years done their beat for town bettermont instead of so blamed much criticism how much better civic activities would go its too bad we havent a band and all these things but whon under thunder are wo going to get tli cm if all wo do is to mourn tho fact and whllo ftn nt this tankbf cnum- crn ting our fallings im kolng to point out another fault of human natum that is rum pant in tjomo quartern of tho town thero aro nomo peopla a distrustful of their followtownumon good intentions that they criticize them immediately they ntnrl t f itpie good for tho town if a big publli work is contemplated they start t roar that tho originator of tho idea in going to get something out of it und taxes will go up if a company con cedes a benefaction theyre going to tako it out of us in sorpo other way if a publicspirited man doci his duty as he aces it hes prejudiced and uo on it goes with tho criticism of thcuo public issues all i have to uay of this class is that youre u fine bunch of prunes arent you proud of your selves whon you think it over what wo lack most is cooperation wo let these feelings of jealousy und idontcareness keep uppermost in our minds and hinder us from helping along things for the improvement of town matters- the sooner wo tako stock of ouruolves and seo our own faults tho sooner aeton will amount to twice what it already is when you elect your council buck them up when you want a band glvo ft your moral support at least ivo got stortod on this subject now and it s something llko mill wtroct kuch week it opens tip uo many poasl bllltles for stories and ukutehcu that i will havo to lay over some of the talk on it until next week just keep your eye on ma you revellers in acton history in this instalment on acton broadway and now to resume my memories of mill street incidents of o oldo daya tho store next brown a drug ntore now occupied by w j fatuckoj us a furniture hospital ana u- k cook for small wares etc lu ono of tho oldut stores in town it has been tcuunted by many business men and many busi nesses my memory goes back to tho time when william iirst brook tho father of uio 4lratbrook brothers who havo largo buulncas interests in tor onto und who own tho trout ionds and farm just norlh of town kept store there it uun a sort of gonoral store put ho run a side lino of ground bono for fertilizing tho buucu wen gathered uwguly by the boys in town i recall ovtr fifty yi4iru ub authoring bones on a baturduy und taking thoin in pull i to mr ilnjtbrook and rudlv ing my pay in caudles from a jar on tho shelving on the taut uldo of tho ntore money for eundira wiui tieurvo in tttoito days with tho unerase l it was perhaps fortunate that therv were no movies und ice ertam coins templing un mr i linthrook i round tho bones with a plant bo hud inutallo 1 in un old auw mill ut tlio mill dam just below whtro tho waste mtu li now lot itcd he alno had uomr luni- beiing intortsts and miido llu olllee in tho wtiro later mr m luiln kepi store hare iiino old resident j will remember cliurllo muiutcm and bin diug store charlie wau ono of the kind that know 11 all ho uuu iulto li dandy hi tho muttor of his dnus and his tiprtne bottomed litmacrn ov erod hln boots mi thut bin tom just pevpud out kelly linu ondueted a llg dry goods und luuiui jujijuih here un t so did ouiuoy ilroi hi r i- their duy howevor htiwart iuii had u tin im 1 t ovd huuliiliui tlioi t chut 1t deun run a liumuui buulntia as dl 1 uluo jake ienipnoy ho of at ton jiii ceil itund and umtwhlla lmulull fame t it itolnton run u muul buuliu tiu ui well us u w uruiu and hobt mllll- gan thoiu worn vuiiouu other tenants in tho buildluk lh next tratlrtltifrt7xs3rrttrd trythf lalo w ii htoruy actons lirut ltuuv and tlio founder of the canada ulovi voiks hu mrau to at tun about ihoo and ow iuii a saddlery and huumu bunlncun hero by industry and tin inuuufaiturn uf flmlt lauu umil b built up u larho tradu in isls ht lomiueiitod muklliir ulu pultln tmrvcnl mitts as un udjunet to his buulnenu tho doinuml flrxtw uu groat that lu soon disposed of tho hurntds buiilnemi and kave his whole attention to glovui and mitts ho mudo a upet laity of buckukln gloves and hln staff of em ployees grow to a i onnlderullo numbui it wan about this tlmu that tbu itlivho shop was impuluriy culud tlio ituiv skin aiudcmy by tho youni folks and tho publit urhool utthm tun n ry after a few ytarn mi htuny took lu tho into jumi a ioori an a partnir and tho ilrtu imnm im w 1 htuny a to addition lift i udilltloii wa mudo tn iieioiiimoiluto hi miw ing imhilii a tlio hloi 1 1 nliloni own hi built in tho lu t hit k uii1 tl mcduuf all us storu wuu tl lovo factory wiui do no iff thn property tlmo und jol her iihnp uiu feed iitoro followed with i rbi and w j humphries un man i hh ihon hud a rrorury and tho lfo joint h livingston lowed die i orner lot occupied by the jo m- i to uu block has u history this wai tho homo of itunsom adams u bache lor dejcdiiluiit of the original a damn ho was u sharp imtlneaii man keen in making money anil noma used to nay not overly srrupuloua as to how ho did ho bouiht wood made contractu with tho ci t it for fuel bought i nd sold horse j ran u livery nhav d iiota and loaned money to anyone v 10 wanted it if tho interest or disco mt offered vuji at a uumclontly high r te lle had not much of generosity in hlu mnkoup tho utory la relattd that when a coraparillvoiy young man ho boarded in a certain homo in town at 0 00 per month tho oldest child of tho homo attracted him and ho often took him uon hu kneo when in tho house ono day u streak of liberality camo over him ho looked ut tho ilttlo lad on his kneo took a iwjnny from his pocket looked again at tho child but finally replaced tho coin in hlo vest pocket tho miserly nplrit won thus early implanted and prevail ed his hlg barn tho ono still stand ing on tho johnstone property was an attractive centro for horsemen and traders lit junk old harness buggies and warrjonn some said a big gallon whiskey jug in tho gralnery always kopt aci nilod was a iwcullar attrac tion to a cortain class of visitors in thouo days there was usually piled on tho commons whero the uhco factory olbbona houso and north of mill street back of bells tavern and south of church fltreot where tlio williamson mcltain storey and henderson tiro- perltes are tho year round two to three thousand cords of hardwood on the night of april 12 1870 flro brokotout in tho piles south of church street it mudo an immense conflagration anl threatoncd to spread into tho town ouolphs flro brigade was wired for and camo down on a special train with a hand flro engine this was tho day quolph celebrated- its inauguration as a city mayor chase was also chief of tho flro brigade tho chief and his men had been celebrating all day and naturally in thouo days were hardly in condition for effective firefighting an acton bucket brigade euccoeded in mastering tho flro after nomo uofl cords of dry beech and maplo hud bcon consumed- banioms loaa of avor a thousand dollars was complete for ho never wasted monuy on insurance tho last days of the old man were pathetic and terribly palnful he dlod of can cer at tho root of tho tongue w ii storey and d w campbell were his executors ills uaiets were over g0- 000 a consldurablo uum at that time but over ho 000 of this was in notea many of which were outlawed or dla- putod so that tlio cstato shrunk very considerably tho late donald mann succeeded him and inherited quito a block of his property he had been a faithful cmployco for years tho late john t nillott of jjqucalg bought this pro perty and it wan bore that dr ji c lulott of ldmontnn commenced his career dr i j il roratcr of btrat ford also pructlcod with tho itansom adams hq v as his rcjldonco ior years it wv vjoculor saying among tho people o vcton when making purcluuio on c jt of any commodity oh just charge it to itanaom wil liam johnstone the present owner finally purchased tho property erected the attractlvo johnstono block which houses his own undertaking and fumlturu business and james symons hardware business and provides a commodious rculdnico upntuiru next week i will give uomo rcmln- iflccnro concerning the next block on mill street in which one of tho truglo ovnnts of actons history was enacted till oli man foreign devilb hnpter of hlo book i mr iniiuf tu un niroiint of tho mini in un intrreiting 1 1 onto ufe in bl lor idliiud sho lilii niipf mt it ions rri ardlng tin forelkiui one of wbti h bun result 1 him km i tiu or mining niory iiuy ht in told ur a rri bnlnd rod whlulc irf iiie nyd urltliih rotuiill at can ton who was mi mout of tho urltliih olllduli of un hivenllgallvii dl ijwml tlon an i wuu anxious to know why it wan thut tho hlneiio un of tji writ foreign ilovllii nowlw it undnrntood that tho chlmiin idea of a demon in that ho in a rodhatred rnl bturdcil blue eyed bolng who pialln at nolhin- that iinuii in hlu way ono day wlwn a oilntno oltlrlal was cullini on tho rontiul tho luttrr anked him why la it thut tho chine m cult tin devils t tho ndlilal at unit hmltated bat bilnj- piuiioinl h ilnilly tuld i do not euro to li 11 you hut i nhiiuld tnku it an a grtut favor if you would tell nie i am vry unxloiin to know 1 e tell you imhl tho oilh ial why not aukd the consul lieciuno you would te angry if told you by no meaua i tcould not bsno uurcusonutdo an to ask you a ijuuitlin and tin n bo oni tided b caiisn you un fiwtnillt on tho other hand i should bo greutly obliged to you b hirf hu i ieiiiied until ho wan un able to refuiie tho oihrlal flnulty eyed tho ro mul iron hoail to foot and uuljl slowly and relurtuntly woll it is bo launo you look llko dovllii this niiturul iiuperatltion of thn people was taken hold of by tho box ers in 1000 and circulated ntlll more- wldoly by all kbida of placards both in prone und verse i havo one before mo in verno u part of which reads as folliwn tho ilovlls aro not human bengs llko you if you doubt what i biy you may am any day that tho eyes of tho dovllu in color aro blue thl cldcrly qafcty pin tho oaf ty phi and tho hook an 1 i j o l id immmlrrn invf iitlmin i in foimir in fait ha i hi ii indltiil to gin in vi torlu bin uny hnvi imptrtm i ui on it but n tulnly oho i nt mtlthd to the din unction of havliir lov nit i it nurn noun mnunii im of i ln urn ful ion irlvimo havo 1 u found in tho rulnn it tele i oiue of tin mi uro in tho tiiumiim or tho llnlvi tidty of idiinnyl anla und thn tnunoinn linn also a hook uimi eyo from ho iiumo plui fkth thn aafoty plnn am lhflk2mrisfflil mudo at loiuil u fino christ hor tho to hii mind yinm madii of bronze o lalioruto pin of im ly wroui 1 liquid drcad 1 h worth rememdcrinq booowater and hlctrlno mako a de lightful emoluont lotion for the fuco id handn in t uno ii n with s u good cloi if you uro c l large c old weather and liquid few drops of peroxide sing bleach imped for room mako ilcloth pocket and tack i of tho re frit nra tor to nstunt uuu leaner bran ullglm ollent r advorthilnr ti clallni havo hit moil tho d vlo of ullh ler ii iuii bread 1 ho abmiriuty of mull a claim is deinoitntratt d hy ln- ftinor i o lib ley of tho hop irtmnnt of chemiiitry ohio weidoyaii univer sity who ptiblhihed a vt ry olabortto study of tho food value of boor ho found ihi ration of proti ida in lx- r to protoldn in flour at i to uo of urbohy- lrtilcj iu i tn 01 and of fats uu 0 to 0 jh to furnish a hurd working man with tho amount of protcldn neeiiauiy i vory day it would b tu coujary tn glvo him 103 glumxii of bor coating 5 40 uu rompurod to 37 u ounces of flour coiling n h icntu to supply him with tho carbohydrate needed for his dally ration it would ik in et unary to glvo him g2 glosses of beer contlni 2 cu or of flour costing a a cents conquer weakness by keeping your powers of resistance at highest peak it is as natural for scotts emulsion tostrengthen as it is for your food to nourish the body if you would conquer weak nessincrease your resistance- take scotts emulsion often tau a down torunlo odi i7 ithor c nutnlil mall thine i dodge brother r dodge brol iinvc concentrated on one jtylo of car and have been jotermii iiake as good a car a can be buiat i tlic dodge car has the reputation of low cost of upkctp easy ridinp to operate and u low consumption or gasoline am dodgh owners are well satiafied with their choice s investigate this car and be convinced dealer for acton and georgetown districts an a cjirpet dampened lu ox baskets scalded oui wltli hot salt water onco a week will not rotuln utal jf childrens ntocklngn are clianged from ono foot to tho other each morn ing they will wear longer when boiling sweet potatoes bo nurd to have tho water boiling when thoy aro dropped in to provent potatoes be ing soggy equal purtt of ammonia and spirits of turpentine will remove ntalo jialnt onji fuhrh cover ilants in u living room with a thin cloth before you sweep to clean gold chains soak in soap- otids to which a ilttlo prepared chalk has been added misplaced things ho careful aunt nuncy ohl tho warning liud bcon a- uooond too late aunt nilncy curried her seventy tam like a jjirl you could hardly ujmuk quickly enough to catch her once h hud nturted sho had started in this cisolo seat herunlf in young nancys tig chair sho wuu up like u flauh at the sound of uurhcthlng breaking alio und nancy tho girl looked rui fully ut the fragments of tho loviy uhtll comb itll my fault i had uo business to put it there nuncy ut knowlcdgod i loajld it there when i dropped down on the coueh i know i ought to get up und put it on my dressing tuble ureutaunt nanc with tho pieces of nholl hi bor curefu wltht red llugi n iiiiiiweid slowly lur keen cytu liji 1 noticed nuiuyji red lidu ho nineh of tho trouble of ufu come from thliu1 bolug out of pluco she salil clothes yu m un to i pint m in r fruutln ui lug punu und lowlti 1 not call uuuo trtluhlii ni lu r i id ei p of couisu i rtalls lothtu incidents uom iiltuuint consetjurnce i dishes i uocm jih bus for mltia- lut still i would i would you l up pluclll its uiuul -auni- thut dluhiu uui tin ha v the circumstance in this case i hopo i can cacapo jury duty as i have important business to look after but whou tho stunning girl lalntiff in tho next case a jc bit her on tho ankle i guess ill uervo gays patent not bolt th for luiiu und water and water between tl cauue i friction irlcui uncmy not only of th destroys hud i t itches to rip wi end leuvo open upj a id uu u uiiuuto wuu 1 u cur uji ai politmutit uu uiiiiolntuient a puultlou only you kn it do oflci really in upt tu fll til thlniil bou au it in it nan hi hlu the lout time put it area l uurth it lotting u rtul talent tfo to wuv whllo oli uio buy wltn rods that init i inonlh it ting i i mju inli d t clutti red up i ui rubbinh putting n lino friendship lu u plueu vuuio flnu filondshlps dont be long th uo uro thu real iiiluplucciiieutn of ufa ihtro ehlld i think i cun get thin mended uftur ull easy dut disastrous rolling i in its rmliie jirlu i irniior to start u hill hull to r it in taulrr tu u than tu build up cliun lib i to po of hi hir uiutuik tlir to tfon hliu double tread d0ubu3 strength tire system vwill gue and has uwon fcntlm uutlufuctlon by this system of doub ling up your jialfwom r rimcut tir wo givo you a sand water and fric tion proof tiro yes and 00 per cent nunc t uro proof our tires havo now ntood the tost of nvo years over uomo of tho worst roads in otituilo ws do i pa ecu ilur hand wo eusinli u tho brcut bos but it fuhrh which is tho nd foundation of uviry tire r tlreu un uu tool in the hottoit in ouiiiinur uu uny llru you ever un youj err jiy our system wo ughly villuiulxu ho two cuulugj together and in no iujio do vo double thm until all bwuks li the rubric an 1 i ubbur huvo boon repaired ni xt wo huiul rlvot our putont icctloiiul plutes which ou will seo by above cut laku care of niy inch of tho edio of thu outer using nuxl wo vulcanuo u thee ply lollncr- lu ovurytlro uiakliu it lis smooth for tho iubo uu any now th hy our systuin w are puffing to work utuiii hundreds of till t foi merl were thrown nil tho noun tho ni as of men havo wrlffcu i different purls of ontario ut treat uilhuto they havo had uj tf you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town h the dollar you spend in acton will come some to boost lyaihomexampai ucad these articleaililh care they may prescrtt something you hadnt thoughtof before patronize the people whose ads are here they arc jour neighbors and will treat jou right- i the money you spend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhooc u i what did it cojt themt umph tako two 30x3h th rim tut but still has a fu of rubbi r tuad thu other ii rlui ui fabric hut tho nu on wn tuko thiso two and muku murtriit wf thenraiiirw nrt tinrlrni wm pluto tlrv loudy fot the t ur foi jfl go i tin 4i y 1 00 old uu ull 7 t0 nt ti hoi about writ hud 7 k i ltll uu ut fium tin ore if hit lid oi ivllj ilher ou h ii k 1 and tn nd mllirt und id not usu u iii uu unli j hut tovuri iiijii utllli rd foi nini ml iln ns in 1h7l mr moore ithiil and isslputliiu sy that ii iiipllih h nw anj why our linn tpi uhnniff 100 tr tent puntuia proor tako u joxj the it has four layers of fahrlu wi double them it now huu cljht thou wu icllnu it with u threeply i tdltiur it haw huu i luveil luyt in of fuhih ull thoroiiubly vulcaulcod to tin i v on can n adlly soo lacks uttd small ualln luno uo ilimuu a fair dial iu all w iuur ihio u houd tubu and do not allow air pros- uuru tn io below l0 lbs und yotl will b til hi idlll tin pay hu til tayiok a- uyan siioiii to j il lny un 1 o 20m dundss 8l w toron you will alwayn find it profitable to consult uu when dcilrlng ury aooii cluthlng ijoot1 and bhoes llneoteums ollclotlui and iroicrlej our aim hi to untlclputu your dc dre i in aetoi mclean a mills our aim u to soil ycu ury goods menu iimlahigs and orocorlcj tlio quality and prico of which will keep your money in acton wo can ronipoto with unyouo unywh ro and slronjiy une com parison d c rus3cll tho ponslar store is criterion lir uurlty and wholiaonieacs in pulcnt foimuluu wo t irry uu well choice ilrfumery toilet artlt lej vktrolau our spring wull iupt r halo lu i ory nihiclal bjr a t drown consult us first wnnt tiuyttuf hunlivaie w pirry a oumplolo uotk pf nholf hid houyy hardware him rwiip cutlery qrunltewure etc and tvn convtngo the 4nqt critical oar jirlecs mid quality are right james symon orac- your cosi now poluy under prt tu ut conditions invariably mjunu an udviuitu in uio price nut stuiii uud 1 urniu o coul now on hand wo carry jroeerltu uu well j c hill novsr buy furniture ivuiii u tjituloguo 11 all looks gootl lu pictures whtn buying from u i you uiu tho ui tit lo in foru you buy and our hint udvlt o uud uvrvleo la yours t intbirmulng tn toiituetlou johnstone co power of dollar is easily shown keep one moving and see what jt will do for your community pays multitude of debts when it is sent out of town however to pay for what can be bought at home it r is gone forever msko up that ordor for grocerlos itrlng if tl i w eotnptfo lu uoivleo litiullty und prlco with uiioiui unyhcru wu t my ui well u full hiisj of dry lwiuh nll30n co wo huvo osid it dafora and w uay it ui uin you run buy to lttui udvunluii in at ton thuu lu iiiiito h n i whu ou niiilri nyihiuir hi ljuiui mf hjnlio uu will not bo uuduiuuld l starkman now thst wrm westhai rorroiibnieut oui di hiku ar leu- told and luvlgt ratlin oui liodmyg lu tlelli louu uiu kihlllu fiuh f whplouoinu i h wllj our ltaruo duiien connoctionv in acton lu uuiplu pi oof thut on meats vcfcutubhs uud irovlulouu ur of tho lieut imiallty wo null mi clouo markluu und uolb it tho pilvitci- of supplying your homu molncny a cvans it lne rutin r wondnfol ihlnt wlun u ti to think about it what ono tout dolur will 1 if ii in ki pi ut wot 1 thui bus b en uluutiuttd in u iitrlklni niuiiiiii oil mini oteuidoiiu by means of a very iluiplo t xpi rliueut if w mc to junt how lmpoi lint a role u nllvcr dollar in a dollui bill u n in tho iito of u community hero lu the wuy to do it juut uttut ii u tuj to thn dtillui und tui n it ioojo with tho ruijuoiit that cury inrmm who ruilvi i tho dollar muko u noto on the tar n to bow hu iccled it 1 ho rmilt will bo un oyo opner her l the yny it uui k rnikh tin iuiiiim r dealer who unit mmiicuk t tho dollar bill iiiiii roi i lea fioui hroivn anil ua for thuu with lbs douiu about hut imo jim n fh plumber wij luul done onmo work for hnnvn n nlj his tnllntot around and urpwn pays thu hill with thbdouur junt ou t git n tho print t a jmall ud cdiuhig hill no ho modi till doll a with i ijjily i onto ouu rs to qrecn to pay bin bill trcen had just put thu dollar in his cash drawer whon in comes lllaek th milkman lo whom uf owes a dollar for milk dollvtrid to hit houi uuun tilin th dollar out of hlu cuih druwur and p iy llhi k 1 ui n n tlinu lllutk lun wed whit ilia la for uomo wuk ih on on hi dliy hoime uo nw lit tukeu tho dollar thut eitoo ha li htlll uu i i up hul h owed whit u hltu ntlll tw foi loin hi ill r iht ho hiul flom smith tlu luiubtl tlclltt o it i lk hlu 1 llul 111 ulllluh lip blu utouiit willi hlinth smith now huu blu doll ii iiki i iwn huu hii ubl- t pay hlu pluuibhiu i iii jon j huu uui i ui will ui 1 rlnl i and u on ull urolllil tlio cltcle what might havc happlnld we deal in all kinds v of ircsh and cured meatn and u lu our desire to secure nntl your patronago by fair- prices hoiiejt deallni- wo endorse ij campaign buy in acton it payx w land8borou j daruair n ludlii sllknrecnl stookjnbs i 33c bob ixnura overall ot 2 a shipment of jlob iongs me wearing sb rln trprcttd this bhuo repairing u speciality e k c wbn you duy shoes s rrota us vou aro uuro of ing tho best uotcctloii in acton ourv prices am mucli lowr tlmn city prices our guarantee la behlni everything wo uell v kenney broo our dreod dskd zt antee itu wholesomcneaa wo aj well jour patronage fof mado cukei paatr oc v ftl uutlsfy s m cowards co this campaign mcuta with our opproval and ho our jjrty cndoraatlon t j q car dm ore a co v ur ponsonil intereatn aro contred in acton thlf inl is dunrviiij of jjucccjj ryocn dv mowat qlove ntw uupw io that hmlt ltiowu had pun hnuo i lbui f city uud out hlu dollar to j u fi th that dollar to pay june tho iluiuur i hull out i bniixi lu a fu dlitunt id not havo hud paid hlu pi luting bill thn pilntu would huvi hud to stand iiff tho iiillkuihi whit uu utpcnti w hid n i limn ill thu ni in y for in woik h hud doiio foi ll uillkmh an i inltb vuld not i av ol thu money which white wed hliu f i luiiilci iiu lnl of ah hu nilu in ull iihupl tlt it iijuli piof ior of nitith in itlii i ii11110 it htiillh n 11 lit that dollai in 1 unto 1 i tin 1 t u v wliru the nmll oibt iiiiumu ilimiriuh thut lull 11 lu ill fi 1 snlih und joiiou and iii und th i t f hi l pi hi niiiihii town uio mhiii1 that dull ir v111 111 v 1 nm i iol i iv nii t llhi it hnihh low and tho tiling thai i 111 in ml ni t olilklng but i hu t often ovu looked lu thut bmlth tho man win ilit n ndu th dollui in huu judi uu much when he otnl th it d 1ii1111 oui of 1wa in in th hoiu ifiot fiiuil whom ik mlfcht h lvo i m ht hi iim it uuluply this 1 contomplntlnp puihilnu if ho u ll tstlmul- on e rt tllrenioiitu v prvpuio plans mako eutiinatcj mjd luko eontrai ta for uny kind of building we would sunlit ordering next winters coul now j d mckenzie fair dosllng and low prico aro building up out business uo tuiry a full lino of tliotcil 1 uud 1 riivlnlit 11 und oui puaewllt n llivo tho uotuilty of fui hi 1 iiunh llur uuullli und piieu will stand iotupurluou mrs j mcoouqall ii a hy u hiin in 1 1 u lliouuu liuii1 on d illui uiu in 1 0111 t uuli mueh ilni t o o th hm iu town bin 11 tin u ui i 1 11 11 01 v11 u liundid dclliild 1 muko u dlttuleuio jlnit un 11 d ihu will 1 y 1 iil 01 a hlludi uiuull bills u bundled w u h11 j i 1 ii 1 will pay u iioct n m iulijil bii biuc whin-llln-avii- uu uxu ixi uuu a tlwiuu jlluio und tun l pui it ho hi in a u tl f 1 lb 1 inki uptt in t 1 mi joniu ht ibiuihii nil oil t th nun y whlh hi in blui fit lliown 01 iuul u doeu llun11 h 1 h a i 1 111 thu sun dilution ihowu and 1 1 it 1 1 ull mound tho iitl until it hit huilth 01 di on hiuilhn who iim uunt tht ll luonuy out of i wn tu uid to t rortiuiu of tho mull uli 11111 uuylft onl who is hurt lliun it will ie own that tbii liuyni llojiit propoiiltlou li nhy u 1 i huh 0110 vvllh h in 111 who hnl a th i i lu lb i not huhln tlo hoiiiu nun limit whn hi 1 11 i t hi 1 in hi y out f tuwpi uny lilui than he ty tun ting huuuoir i lcviy utnalblu uum 1 u w thut 111 ihilhool il t lids upon wlutlui btiulneui lu hi twl la c l not ir tiuluiu is not iim 1 he iiinol mfilii a n d mhu fi iu111 if mid hhi faintly no multi 1 how i hi 1 ho luuj wni in i i iiihi tnuot h iou1 if tho buuhici 1 mm hi th town un in l 111 1 im un n ilih 1 a pi uu buuliu u 1 un t ultlnn fii mi niiin and woiuui in tho muinnlt y hy nptudlim thuli uiom y at hi 111 tli mi litln tln h ino in 1 huht thb hu id lit ally lhe uio butt ilu thth own hi 1 i u ht a tin y mud elicit mo duy t tin mall onl 1 hi u t tho 1110 11 t oiil hiutlnj tli homo miihuut tin lib utility but 1 ihlni ill 11 lull 01 tiull to thuu tiny uiu likely ti bo lukluie th hi 1 ad out of tlu nn nihn of theh 1m11 ihlldiun 1 am local distributor lot tho ryr1 auiomnbllu audi supply iuu with kctiulnu iord ut icauiiiuhlil lrleeu a id k f tired ulwujo on 1 ufn 1 nd rei c ah klun ti fumlturu ict itiiiiutu or jou on iho making o it j uli hu or uplinlalcriiitf of your rillilltllto whlh nquileu uttcnlloil tf i fcuaiiintoo my woik iho 1urnlturo htuiiiltul i w a- stucrj i wo do mordiant tsiltfrino uiir utouk of itiiitortod a lie woollmii for spring ui hi mil t wu stund h w m t novur uuy jowollcry front cau ui j u hiy h i h 1 in win 11 buyiui uui mo iuu sue it 111th h un i uu wull yu huu tl ih 11 it 1 f my vl e udvl u uud lit i tinnm iniartntftt gco nxt time you ho i to mioeu llubloo 1 tl utibuivm to uiit ynui rcmlre m 1 ek i 0111110- mi iio i ipy piitua iuy u utmalilm dnm w william ciioh und carry groeory jl lliill llooelie ut itulkiuablu jl jiic i coinuiiatliu oltboa la- ii kuiu in a fu i ioy jt ch t but rrfwen consult me rw jq 0 uted ulkll yoll tlml j minl 1 ir uny kind i -it- fui iiitetnutlouul mahlnei tuuuuleo on nullifut lion u vlto i ury btinlii and nho a 1 chas c pa bv

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