Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1919, p. 4

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pactonlmmt 3x raa0 thuiumay junk grumps- iday jtjni 1 ioja a passu in puhllutird nviry thunwluy uulint llko to ira p nw itaaa hulldlnir mill lit rent acton rtovt llko nnimixi uo slpuon price lo j 110 per eur in mrithr liu mont unyjnlftjimrjf additional to olllccn in tho than bo u irimii itu tto to vrlilch nubarrlptlona aro paid t ilddln bug ailabcl kn llddlo ull day lonjr cut ihuvtiiij transient advcrtuwuheiilj 10 ijxjnt mi u trruinp ltb wvojiuromriit for flrtit lnsnrtlou ami 0 arli uubnoqunnt insertion contract i tliini uttln fltlilld tfl for 100 luetics or moro ev mmuin fapuiln in tho fall t lnnortlon advcrtlaotncqla without lprulnln all tho imevlll iw 1 tin cried ull forbid and chorsod nt ilk brurair thir m a hodl x ix 1 uooiih lldltor and 1ubluhor live on wiitmn kri tho innrcn i wouldnt n n a wb- ofnco lit t ruthrr l a ytt drum i thriii huiit i thiyi tn- no uwrful il l krumph ihr id i ithrr ukln editorial wi frorr iiia rc just issued it is uiowil n of canada there arc 5g105o twenty ypotth ig years of afjc and over of 7havc become british subjects by tho lasua off i thursday joy stated in the report of he canada t iard or the latter number 2518 tho now brldgn mover tho mill ott 1 some part of the british domin- jproachcn thrrubq tfifc j canada whp renounced their two tino now barp only to become repatriated at a in thin vicinity thu farm of mr wi 1 tho other on tho 11 iloaby li yfijs canadian pcoplo to get a vast vision j dfdortunitics in europe it is not trade mr fwho mr lcoo arte f doxen from ml tirm and another but trade between and a sister nation that is the lloyd harris head of the canadian a iudn pjdon up his return to canada ro- uiwn of tho ml8 k iiay ovoninn undhjrna states that if canada would grant epworth lagr- crci to rumania not necessarily orchestra ami 1 b amtattrk frcdit ttc could get ft thcir trade for vocalists fitn j appears as if a new era is opening camp niasara in the matter of profitable trade both about houru pitched for us knapsacka uuv for u soldicr ns wdn a name for himself to tho rn0 waited txpggy of the land loan scheme which is highly by his p payment of the first instal- crcatiy mxvti the first payment on a land loan ana tho my the soldier settlement board has been tho whol ofr i expect dhn m mcdonald of steep creek prince in lho jti and i3 a month in advance of tho due afl wo beat uinwnay 8 1018 mr mcdonald secured a loan dona irw q section the money was r the purchase of a team of horses wagon k5sbrow and harness although the interest yable until the 1st of june mr mcdonald a cheque for 6419 as first payment first amount received by the board in of any loan jhrcd goods and in farm products won the voters lists for tho year are being in the various municipalities of ontario rll everywhere to remember that many of the in each municipality arc entitled to- vote at tfamcntary and municipal elections the ml clerks naturally use their best endeavors bctr lists as complete and correct as possible the past notwithstanding this there have been ters list3 generally numbers of errors and s of names it is hoped that men who are need in suchrnattera and who hope to win the r cooperation of the women will gallantly do an to have the names of these new electors workers placed upon the list3 prompt action c advisable for not many wcefcs will elapse jjjflthc judges court of revision tho final appeal tbattera will be announced hyuai static btioftaker at a great public gathering in the united js the other day declared that one of the signs fbe new morale which he observed in the world abor was the comparative absence of disorder jinnee tioh with recent general striked he jally mentioned the case of seattle as illustrat ors new selfrestraint this may all be true oic hanson of that city has another ex- nounc he said this in this strike prohibition aeattle more money than was lost by the liquor wtcrcsts when the state of washington went dry ran arrest ior violence in a city of 410000 people a piece of property destroyed thats because key is 20a quart here when you can get it oark advocate and the same cdmment may lia respect to the great strike which pre- umi winnipeg the past month with over vj die on the streets there has been no thy wif and comparatively little disorder the cause 7 creditable condition is declared on the floor wollouse of commons on the platform in the e aiiai tllc p p l0 bc largely due to and foeilvthc saloons arc closed and prohibition of tho tnj my koqdjj the anglican church is tnkihg n itrong poiition araint the rcopening of the barroom of the coun try the anglican synod resolution on the liquor trafliai finally passed at kingston lust week read that whcrcni wnriimo legislation enacted tlcrhig the bars during he war has shown what benefit such lciation would prove when properly enforced he it therefore resolved that this synod hereby endorse and urge legitimute effort to be put forth in the com ing autumn campaign to keep bars and suloons closed thcrcsignation of hon t a crcrar minister of agriculture in the union government indicates sonic disintegration of the coalition effected at tho last general elections the resignation has been accepted by premier borden it is understood that mr crernr took definite issue with his colleagues on the budget it is expected that during the coming budget debate mr crcrar will further outline his position on tin tarift the rumor is current that several other mem bers of the union government cabinet wilt also with draw it is interesting to note canadas growing utatu among the nations replying in the british house of commons to mr norton griffiths right hon bonar law stated that tho government intended that representation of the dominions- in the league of ations should bo as full as i that of the smaller sov ereign nations representatives of the dominion of canada and tho other dominions should bc eligible for appointment tcr the executive council on exactly the same terms as other members of the league who were not permanently represented thereon if the plans now under consideration for the cele bration of tho signing of the peace treaty are carried out they will bc impressive and mark a distinctive epoch in the history of the world it has bcen decid ed by the leaders in case the peace treaty shall have been duly signed to hold the national peace celebra tions on august 3 4 and 5 sunday august 3 will be devoted to religious services of thanksgiving august 4 is the fifth anniversary of the declaration of war by great britain against germany another consideration which wa3 doubtless weighed in select ing the dates mentioned is that jhcy cover a period generally devoted to holidaymaking and conse quently there will be the minimum dislocation of public business capt c g powers mp took verystrong ground in the debate in the house of commons last week on the labor unrest hesaid if the free air of canada does not suit the undesirables let us deport them let us deport them whether they are from the slums of carsaw the ghetto of rome or whether they arc the scourings of whitechapel or the dock rats of liverpool deporting may be a salutary remedy to a certain degree especially regarding the undesirable agitators whoare not naturalized subjects of canada if however a more careful scrutiny of those coming from foreign countries to canada is undertaken here after by the government and the emigration authori ties canada will have much less of unrest and moro general assimilation of the peoples residing within our domains the future ot the two political parties is now a matter of considerable speculation with union government affiliations the farmers new organiza tion and the spirit of unrest in tho labor world the future of politics is difficult to predict in addressing a public meeting the other evening hon geo p graham of brockville said tho timo had arrived when the question had to bc decided as to whether the principles of liberalism or toryism should be applied to the work of reconstruction he believed that the liberals who had gone into the government had now fulfilled their full obligation and ho would not be surprised if ere long several of those gentle men would be found again working in unison with their former associates it was time also to banish discord from the general affairs of canada to remedy the general unrest increase of wages improvement of conditions would help out but are not the cure canadas greatest need today is aggressive sane leadership atinister white presented his budget tor last week it was with not a little misgiving his important document was looked for the fiance minister disclaims the intention of making ijjcnoral revision of the tarift at the present time jqjua by inrcrcjice declarer that the change now ijot farreaching importance so fur buthjky urc in the nature of reductions the nriautvslr five per cent on importations from i is repealed and the surtax of seven per cent on the general tariff is repealed selected list of manufacture without rcmov- ihe surtax upon the raw material reductions qhujc iri the customs taxes on certain agricul- ilcmcnts the manufacturers of these impensntlt bynrcduction tn fuilwuy to place them on an equably with jrtra in and about chicago the railways jrn arc compensated by a removal of part u on bituminous coal it is clearly a coin- use scheme upon which a good deal of figuring in to bc d0ilc in ordcr t0 bcc h i otccls i3 ronnersrihe implement muii the railways and the j pw generally- the loss or customs venuisl be made up by an increase in the income vies 7ibifrfi profits tux will be continued for hr tahff s whole the tariff is not as radical s miiwims i looks as if an effort had been the friends and tho foes of the jdging from current comment neither ur foes are greatly pleased with the budget jiulitions make it a most difficult tusk to wishes or nil and raise the revenues the requires the canadian senate has surely outlived its use fulness it is a menace to progressive legislation of interest to this country this has been manifested over and over again during the past few sessions it vetoes legislative enactments calculated to go fur for the betterment of canada it votes down mca surcs of vital interest to the progress of our growing dominion last week this irresponsible body null led a bill which combatted the disposal of the rights of municipalities to the big corporations the con trol of the streets by municipalities thou id bo an inalienable right and no corporation should be per mitted to trespass thereon at uny cost without con sent yet tho senate has just killed a bill which sought to render impossible further infringement in this direction and tho jocular manner in which they deed tho unfair deed lent undeserved affront to their action the temper of the pcoplo of canada is about at the point where a nationwide demand will bp made for the abolition of the senate a ftcmcdy for insomnia rili ii h no 1 mauler who with nthrru ji whllln7 nrrny nn hour in lliulrn rrit ollhr complained tliut h had hern llnjr vvoll hitely llndlfinl- 1 hin rniilito by tilling it imomula t that they had it ntluned lrl- i for vihiiiiij nleen ann rin thitiir to nulitr hut yoi bn ixlnc ull lib art allon mid in iirur u blank aa absolutely utoi lta un net it ruunliu i and inmmtiiik it to dwell oi or to co roamlnir the dooll of thc open heart ntle uf vlrulnl iy t dutiful uttln rouirtry rlu teen bin led tin re ou huii thrown u of leuv l ever dm ivy ilmiti hlnimrliik vlic i outdo hie lit o nnid in din- rtiytliti ntll i niui tiuit in nru ovqrtlmi i old nuruery jlnslo tho j tick liullt i repeat it iy fro in imulnnlnic to end n unit ucaln to pry boo till he and rtunu tliut tho wonlu cull up imitiiiilly i hutiuliiff junt an t presently i ik- sin ti id a muii 1 up iui i hut tied nun 1c tho prltnt all nhuven and uhcini llki tho row with tho rrumilul it in not lonjr after that beforo into ri1 nlumber that luuj um u wakened may be by tho icrbana it bun mmu ulihin and bird chutti a little whllo in the t ami to llnton for i uit hut ahikii ull yn oreen tbilisi 1b bti mi yo ho ionl filty til unit in ue i hftllnvo ill try that nald mr j ikl i tho urlioolmii ter it aoundt j if it mlkht wtrk i ju1 you over try reckoning interval un u m- in of induelnc aleeivt aakcl lumiior hlnrw tho carrluco maker an j rule im not much aubject to inuormila be went on xlencrnlly im nuleep atxut tin noun un ray head touch it tho pillow and i atay ti till my iettlncup llrao four or nvo oclock iccordbij it uio uoavn hut i not un inkling of what it u llko when 1 ua itjiiie ovtmlfiht nl my ucphowd in tbn city our years nco or o they muko 1 1 i in vonlnno and it mut lutvo boon clnuo on u ten before i got ott to lcd itrineinbcr that you dont liavo to urt up at un mo uiicurthly hour uncle muninrr uiyu buulo wo dont liavrt breiikfant until clhl well i droppod rleht off to nice p nu lni uu usual but whan i vroka up mni tiiiiici on tho electric tleht atuio heiul of tho bod i tound it wan only thrto oclock now then sayx i to myaelf fll- liuvu to cot another nap hut that was easlornald tlian uotio tlio hurxlor i tried tho wider awako 1 wan i aueaa it wan lnoomnla fast euourh finally i not to thlnklns over my iwiut life woll probably id ilonu worsn things in my time but what i nee mi- d to fasten on was a llttl liualneim transaction vlth the widow wljjcn- i eolil her a ulcbjh at my own price an 1 uio very next day jastx one just llko it to cnpn gray and ho lieut rqo down flvo dollars and 1 mudn aomethlnc at that in tbo clr- cumstanccn i felt as if it would bo no muni than fair to go to ilra w biffin und mako bcr tho same discount hut you uro apt to lot sucli tlilngn go and pretty atton oho took sick and died hho had no immediate family and tho property went to distant connections out of tho province bo i kind of lot the thine slide as belnjc of no sreat consequence anyway hut it loomed up blc thcro in the dork und at last i had to promise- my- iiclf that if i lived to get homo id bet cliar pf that live dollars nomohnw at that time a itcltflan relief fund was buliift ralsrd and i concluded that it ico u lil plcnuo nor uu much as anything if uho could know it to put down u nubucrlption in memory of mrs maria wljrgli havlnc settled that i felt coaler but not real sleepy and it sull seemed a long ways ahead to breakfast time then it occurred to mo that about uliihtciin years interest uusht to so with that nvo dollars and 1 fell to coilsidcrlnic how much that would tx i um prutty trood at nguring in my head ri ud 1 could liavo worked out tho ulniplu interest easily but cora- mmiil intrvst lu jiiothor mutter llow- ovit i begun costing it up and i roi ui fur uu tho fifth year then tho next thing i know hualo was ulnslne out urrakfaat uncio humncrl so iou see reckoning interest arot tho better of insomnia that time mob- be though purging my conscience had uomutlilnk to do with it you are wol- como to loth uiouo remcdlca mr jen- kltiu ho addod with a friendly wink in case tho squires doesnt work the right way thcru ui a right wuy of doing uilnjca us wll uj a wrong way to know just tli manner in which a hard task should lxi undertaken is to bo half- wjiy towurd lta accomplishment- a tli hi excellent illustration of thu udvantut of knowing how when r duty niumt bu met a brawny sucfootcr driving on w- l rem wagon aiearal uro day in front of a comfortublo uptuwn mansion ho rung tho door bell and uald tliat ho hud come- for a trunk lie was exacted und tho trunk was awaiting him only a 1 feet distant trora ths front iloor the great fellow evidently a green tinnd looked at ut trunk doubtfully thats a pretty bis trunk ho re not so very larse returned tin mulil who hud lot him in and wtx itood by holdliic tho receipts which lie bad clumsily mudo out for her hho wua rljht tho trunk was iiiiiuiii uiio only uud wua not ospecli ly licuvy after co n tern plat lug it for a moment if rcat fellow attempted to lift it in npllo of his vujjt dimen slons and upparent strength bo iuad poor work of tho job tbo muld daiod not oftir uny aakuestlona but stood by wuiihlng bltn hclpl liy dlntof much pulling and pushing the trunk wus ut last uilvuiicwl to the huad f tho front steps so mo nlno or ton in number here panting and pull tin tbo inexpert expressman paus- yvts the descent ho luid vldcntly no uleu of any way in which io ioul1 tiuiufftort thu trunk to the ukoii yicpttiy main force iiu bad just luht hold of hui uu- vividly ilmrto in thu liiual liieou- wuy wbou a fellow i pouctl along and saw id the of lie tint it the tbo 0mi1 elu id plnir liuit that hrouuh fruit ful the loft with inco a nmtkl of tiodu love which in always urrtuudlng thu hturtn of men ulwaya miklng an opeuhiu and alwayc ready wh in that openlnc ut found to pour ituelf through the bourt in u llvlnc mlri lot there is ulwuyn tbln grtut hioihuuit- iblo ht ro of lov preimlug on all beafts alwayu wulting always ready to ititr uul itlvo ibiolf for uio ro- freshmnt of the world hut it muat hrst mni tlio gutowuy of the oou keurt j nut us tlui ivy could not ct into the cliurnh althoush it felt over every inch of the outside wall until it rumo uikiii that one inn imno in this ifrcjt rercrvolr of healing lnvo may never pour ituelf into tho world nave thriugh tliouo hearts that liuvo openoil themuolvcs to it- just as muaio must liavo ih instrument of uomt kind to glvo it voice so gods loyo muit havo an inntrumnnt of soma kind to civo it voice so gods lovu must liavo a liumni heart ttirouuh which to bring aalvatlm to tho world the audits and saviours of mankind have boon those who sui cdii lus thimnclvou liavo oiiened their htarta wide to this grrnt inrushlnji love the world can novbr have to j much of it iove and more love thit iiait boon its need down through nil tbo ukw and will bo its neeil forever llut nu tlio need is ln- sxhauslile so is the supply nil thut ia rcjurixl to bring tb two toijether is the medium of tho open heart a elft that tht least und miuit iriiorutit of us cn okcr for tho salvation of tho world no man or woman should hobble painfully utout because of corns when so certain a relief is at hand as hol lo ways corn cure government education dy mail new zealand is about to open a now corroaiondenco school which wilt bo under state supervision tho cours es will be mailorder education re garding future necdji of now zealand in trade this is part of a goncril british program that laalrttrdy up pcarod in australia thepkl as in america if a boy wants trihhine free while doing other work hla govern ment shows him tho way to grft it icapness lxtermlnator pu all and it can 1 of mother lrnvi inward liberty no cocd action will hinder thee if thou bo inwardly frea from lnonll- nato affection if tbou intend and noek nothing elso hut tho wilt of clod and tno cood of thy nolfihbor thou shalt thoroughly enjoy inward llterty thomas a kemp is draw on your customers through tho morohnxitu bank with branchcn in all parti of canndiii and corrco- pondontn abroad tliia bank ia in a poaltion to prcocnt drafui promptly havo them l accepted and cguecc paymont with tho iaaut poauiblo trouble and cost to you tho manager will bo rlad to tako up thin matter with you safety deposit boxes a uerhwor thlrtyfinii limtallld in tho vuult or tb boxes nro burglar proof liuvo altuoiuuly uccuru protection froi key tho ronuiilii very small l munncir and uccuru otiu for yoi in your own uank fily dpoilt uix id tho imjik nu in throe ulxcs has boon tir unadu artou these ind utrurn to each leosoc hern you havo your own uro commodious hoo tlio anil valuablon i business directory thoq quay m d c m mcgill 1 it c l jiiiibunb 1 it if i ft t glancnw member ilrltlah modl- cal aosoclatliiu t onico itroderlrlc ttlroot acton out dr j a mcniven physician snd ourunon ointo and lleulduiico comer iuwor avenue and ijigln tltrcotn tbo resld- nn lo formerly occupied by li m hon- demon acton out veterinary john lawoon veterinary ouroson acton ont uraduato or ontario veterinary col- leco 1880 oljlro arthurs iilock itealdanoa mill htrcel calla day or night prompt ly atlendod to legal hood omco montreal of canada established 1004 acton branch georgetown branch l d shorky mfinaccr c w grandy manaffcr children cry for fletchers vvvrtvi castoria tho kind you havo alwnyn bought and which has been in oso for over thirty years haa borne the denature oi i and has been made under rt per sonal cuperviblon cince its infancy allow no one to deceive you la this au counterfeits imltationa and juntasgood are bth kipexlmejjtb that triflo with and endanger the health ef infants and children experlcnco nrain experiment what is castoria costdtia a a harmlesa eubstitnto for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrapa it is pleasant it contains nhthft opmnm morphine nor other narcotic substance its ago la its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea njlayinr feverishneso arising therefrom n by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural aleep 1 tho childrens panacea the hotheia friend genuine castoria always pbeai3 the signature of iii use for over 30 years the kind you havo always bought au citizens of canada who have the bci intercity of tliii country at heart who love tho preservation of he public peace and who realise the benefits of pro pcrly tibnbtilutcd authority will appreciate the action vt tlw houue of commoni mpiovtiltithut btapt im taken to alunip out bolbhcvibin in canada it tu very intercbting to read what samuel go in pern president of the american federation of labor has to say on his return from europe concerning bolshevism tho new york tunes reports him aa saying all of you who know me or know of my attitude towurd labor conditions know my absolute opposition to bolshc vlsm tn theory and bolshevism in fact in theory bolshevism is an impossibility in fact if it were put in operation or could he put in operation it would mean tho decadence or perversion of tlio civili zation of our tune i am not willing thut ull of the genius of past ages should be hung to the winds andl am not willing that the little service thut 1 may have been able to render during the long ycas that i fiuve attempted to jinprove conditions ii constructive wuy should he destroyed by maddened desperation electric starting and lighting no car has a better starting and lighting system than that now available to purchasers of ford cars it is a ford product built into a positive starter as re the motor itself a powerful lighting system uni form under all engine speeds on the open models touring cars and run abouts it is optional equipment on closed cars sedans and coupes it is standard equipment on all models the ford standard magneto also provides ignition independent of the battencs see the ford car with this new equipment itidiiti nu 22 i o ilux 33s hakold nash farmer ma darfiator solicitor notary public convonyancor ctc pcrryman clock acton ont mniy to tjjah conveyancing 3urn 3 p m to 8 p m ut rcaldonco r h wanqonough lake avonuo acton ontartf or j m dell d d s- l d o dntut honor gradualo of toronto unlvor- ity tho latcsta onesthotia uool if desired miscellaneous marriage licenses p moore issuer msrrlsa ljcno private oltlco no witnesses ro- qnlred isauod at rosldcnco in ovonlnt- faxr 10x09 office actan ont francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds nude to order periodicals of evorv dcacrlp- i carefully bound rutins neatly and promptiy done wyndham street auolpb onl over williams store r j kerr lioenaad auctlonaer for ue counties or ilalton wolunj- ton peel and dufrerln and the city of quelpb acton ontario bales may ho nrrans txl by mall oc at residence at acton or at tho free prcsa offlcc acton tho mcreurji oqlca uuelpb the nwaitocord ferbttn or with w j gordon hamas maker tlulsburs sales entrusted to r j kerr re- ceivo attention from date of llatina- to dots of solo ijjjt your sales rlth mo reskunce young street actan pboao 8 acton coll at my ixpeasa j e cheevers book binder quaheo st csst guolph ont uooks and inniralnea bound in liandoomo and hubutuutlal covcra names luttorcd in irold on iilblea hymn ilooka and othor bookn all work promptly executed d alex niven ontario lnd survsyor and civil enaineer surveys bubdlvlalnnn plana ilo- porta ioacriptlona illucpiints etc certincatcs jar purcluutero and tnortsacoos hurvoyu for architrcts uul id era and municipal councils dreinaco itcporta hstimates etc uolean duilding oou st auuijh ilujno ioc oni dont mis one years local news for the sake of 150 uuuiuilururm qjij dlrimt hkirttirs f ull llmlu of uonuiuoiilal 1 llnaitstuuo work- wu ooll direct to our i uututiuru ut wliluiulo prlo thus uavjiu our ruatoutuiu io por cunt wo bavn um bcol ihju11uiili1 tuid uio nly tiiixluiiilcit in thu lhjinluloii wlio cm i uimirat piinuiiiutui tools pruierly vvocuil twu iofornki fion liundrtmlo of ijur cunlumrii in turonlo and other pliices wbvru ut horn liuvo in havo law muiu in orur to ullit wo liavo tlio larunul uiitl lxut mm k of liunlto in thti duidliiluu or tnoiti than uny llirua dculurs 111 dm vvvjit wu uxu lcjrttl inato dcauru untl tuitiluy io auutilu and do nut uimiy or iuuf uuntuuiura by tvidlik out utnoiutit atiunts solicit ing orurrn wo uipny only luuchantcs und jury coin put it jo ii hamilton sons cur norwich woolwlub ula qualblt swht m ftsfft i i if hi w z5h3

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