Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1919, p. 5

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tyr aetna 3frrp veaa htlkfldal juni 12 1j13 ill in t llun ik i 111 111 jmijf ull day lixij wuiitcit tiiimr tin i lruiii it a urtjuix 1 lie tnm lllln flddlt a lu in iii 1 o full pr j 1 in i 11 the hurt n t ilk in xi u ruther it n iwo ot n k i ttio lnm n rr dr wheelers prescription lr itlthnrd wlirnlcr waw preparing hubert mii li on tl hlfl ilofll trll oimiiixl wlllrli did hn ih ly 1 mi diitlnui t i iholl ulli i rump i hud i twenty yeaitb ago isauo of tho freo pr ursday juno 15 1bq0 wt ll holnrf what iiuccciiiir asked lr whootor liitiitslelly un hl nipii w illnmully threw hllmiinlf into u iliop hulliorupholulurtd i hulr did you inuko itr no and i mlaht have known i woulilu dojectedly lltfnry tucker noii of tho t c uiiri il llnllroad prcs mont la i ill oil odd of tho nrholarnhliis while jdoyd anwn judjro ilassett n nephew won tho other i fell down on my mathematics i win all ri in tho uthcr subjects i avtii ncoral a hundred in history in l ilut vyh it good did it dor oxrlalm i itobert klootolly i fulled rur all ihul jtii juiit my luck it alwayu happens m nf thliik foraoa my way it mukm no difference how liard i over tho pronchcii t woolc will 1m raised vlrlnity lhu tho ci tin r luuby mr l w le teacher or music who hiui had luuacs in acton for lovcral yeurw ujil fclvo a i lano recital on wcdhomluy ovonlnjc a number of mr leo s arion pupils and about u dozen from wilton will tako part n tho recital a burdin party will bo hold on tho lawn of tho misses lalng nut tuco duy evening under tho auspirea of tho ll worth league tho hunday he hoot urchoutra and acton comot hand will bo assisted by a number of good vocalists in providing tho proipajnmci company c uirno itlflc i writcn from camp nlururu v loft hurllnston about c o clot k and wrrn uliout threo ho urn on tho laku our tents wcro all pitched for uu und when wo not our icnaiuarku unloaded tho busln cullnd for nuppcr vo lined uu and ma relied to tho menu tents hero wo v waited upon by uttontivo wallers and on otocor curno at intervala to report any com plain to tho company hoa rrcatly improved lurine tho past w and tho men arc determined to lead tho wholo camp in bcnera cfllcjcncy i expect no c will fliruro conspicuously in tlo cotnlnc concert of tho camp ui wo havo in our mldut noma of tho beat iilrurcru and instrumental musi cians in this cump of no mo 1 000 man oled wordcnvat her homo lot 32 con 2 laquesliik near acton on juno 10 churl o tto tj daufihtor of uio lato john worden accd 37 years work hiim t looked ulmlcualy o croon tho iikiiu ii tho fim ti window it makui little nun whut i want to do ho add- l n lielllmiitly nomethlns alwayu hiundn in tho way i don t liavo lialf t hunt i und i never did have ivory ldy ilni tcnta wlmt ho wanta homo thin i tho mutur i don t know what yiu ro u doctor undo lucliard i uhoul 1 think yiu might ausecat u rem edy iui i oould nra that i havo a uijuuro deal onco a while i bollovo i rould if i hud your experience ir wheeler dollhoratoly took oft hu ulunaca i bcliovo i can itobcrt ho mild alowly alanclnp fljmpauietically ucrooa tho deuk to it in nephew who oat huddled up in a dlacoribolau heap itobcrt looked up with a cynical omllo hun in to morrow and ill r you prcocilptlnn and ir whoeli mind your own ou0iness 1 i wonder writes one of our rcadoru whotlicr tho boy a and clrht and tho men and women who try to follow tho companion a ijood advice ever fcoj defrauded whun tholr cttortu do not moet with tho iiurceatf that nimllnx conducj wltui in uio ntorlca that la not becauoo thu lncldcnta in tho atorics aro untrue but bccuuiw they uro nolcct- ed incidents they ticture tho condt- tluna that oucht to ex tut in dally life now wo cajinot try too bard to maki ufa what it ought to bo but wo muit not isnoro tho builllns condltlona of ufo that too often ixul not lone sii my cannclonco i atlrrcd by a plea in tho companion for paying- llttlo helpful cuurteaica to tho ntrunficr alonf uio way very prompt ly came my opportunity in u subway car a forlorn old woman entered tho car oho waa neceed dirty hojnrard sho mumhlod a question about hulll van snuaro that tho conductor did not hear no as aha tottered into a scat bcsldo rue i uold plcaaantly thui car doca not so to hull ivan fckiuaro you muut tmano at tho next buu mind snapped by tho time i youi y bunlneasl ahd red from that op loan of cold vutcr tho car lad stop ped and pouocngeru wcro fllliif out tho halfwitted old creature oat jalldly in her scat paying no hoed to tlio conductors reiterated change for a u 111 van uquaxo and ao forth it waa her laat cliancc ami mine i loaned toward tier onco mure l very duo who wlahca to to lo ijul- uvan uiuuro inuut cliaaro here i an nounced caauully yt distinctly with her loft liand alio folded together her left car tho una nuxt to mo und do- flaiitly stuck it out at me tho mar by puascncrs omllod who could holp if tho goiit sounded the car uiovod on and i liorely collected my senses in tlrau to allfcht at my own dcutt na tion iho wuu now tho conductorn uuslneua how ho tllucluirbcd it i liayo oftjn wondered and tho moral to follow hi r u klco and mind my own bual after certainly uut tho truth bj that tho iioor old soul was my buulneiui will alio and not i who fulled to boo it ttho who hud bcon so joonil at ull in llfo tliut ahc nrvi r dnumotl u kli won could bn uiok n to hur i a e that i could binilo with tlio otdrr paaseiisra ut my own discomfit and feci no dlspualuun to tuko it e of tho mxt tluiinunt for oim turrtil tny kuowi1i rlbhl uldo out again it havimied u fuw weeks lutor a steamboat on a luvoly tltilo n hamiahlro luko my friends und knew every cur u of uio slioro but a gray haired lady sat apart near by trylnir to cot some information from n rnmisru tlmotuhl at icnutli her eyes met mino with su much nutation in tin ni tliat i leu tied over and polutud out for hor tho b jects of lutereat wo wcro than miss liilf tho uct roealletl my oxierieiir with j former travelllug companion hut this tlnm i had no fear of uu mlaundcnitaiidliu our llttlo uruo vjicned to lot vhw struiiler in and fir wl at wio ruidvtd dim returned to i fruln her fund of oxperloneo and ejuli uinoi when i mnkud u il a trip n jural d alii eurucatly r tilviui livr so delight ii nliu luid feund to bu uliu tlutultud mo to uuv ju will your ruwurd tlwi i dei 1 tvlth ok luinds a llttlo thingt ve tiunlly worth mentioning i no iuure dedcrved this wiin u i pruua than tho others blunm lut in ivt raging up tho two ut counts i liiii mymlf iho ruher ty ii wldu mur i in of hupiiixttti und warm human rr pdllness pills bf attsa tod vslu c lublo ltlln ho the re il study of the i opcrtl otn nil 1 lriha ulll tho a n 0 h and luk uliyiu ihc thodlis nuueuu tho eotn nidi rn huvu mi t with attests tho no of their work i huso pills havo i icoiinletd for muifvttirrw au tlio t eunusem of tho jiyntrm tliat eun iot tin lr hiluiim wus rvog 1 fiinn tho unit and limy irow rt jopulur dully placed his liand affoctio nauiy- on his nonhows shoulder i havent tlmo unfortunately to muko it out today i vo just received a call froin io ludgo which i must attend to immedi ately como in any lira in tho more lug and i 11 havo tho proscription al ready im quito iuro twill meet your noods i hopo so at cxny rate j lob rt artuio and started with hh undo ow rd tho door it will havo to ihi nomathlng- radical undo klehard said jtobert it it rurcn mo it u not only ono tiling overythltig iooii wrong with mo i haveii t n thing to ijo araxetul fo koimi to disease la never countrd- lila blijislngu rnuued dr wheeler with a wisdom bom of experience as ho drove into tho country whilo such u condition is dlnagrccablc it- isn t faml unleaa there are compllca tlonu it a something though that needs to bo checked in young people the sooner tho better tho doctor was ullcnt a fow ralnutea engrossed in thought hope my prescription will work ho ald finally and i think it will strange how roberts been getting into tho habit lately of think ing himself woefully abused why that boy was born with a gold spoon in his mouth not any afterdinner coffee cither but a regular big mixing upoon all ho needs la to be mode to see and realize a few things he won t think then tliat lies no badly treated tho doctor hurried along n llttlo faster it s a peculiar habit dispositions have hut thoy como by it naturally i suppose after all in tone or generous indulgence its just as i oald declared ilobert inltnbly after leaving his uncioa ofllco things go everybody s way but mine i wouldn t so much euro who got the kllgore scholarahlpu if it werent al ways so i never did have any luck tptl uko to know how any prescription of undo luchards con change condl tlorm of tliat sort with a skeptical whistle its foolish my running in tomorrow as ho suggested but i ii just go out of curiosity it wont do any harm jujjl after breakfast the next day itobcrt kept his appointment with his uncle got tho prescription ready ho asked on entering the othce yes and dr wheeler took up from his desk a small scaled envelope which ha handed to his nephew itobert laughed as ho took il i dont ceel quite so bad as i did yester day afternoon hut ono con never tell just when another attack may como on ho said turning over the envelope may i look at the prescription now no not till you reach homo re turned dr wheeler itollow out tho directions faithfully and when you detoct a chango for the better lot me know right and ilobert hurried hor itavo no doubt but twill reduce c symptoms if it doeant effect cuir was tho doctoro whimsical t mark to himself as his nephew left the house it will u ho obeyji the dlrec tlonu take two hours somotlmo during tho day on monday and thursday down on mayberry and colfax streets read lr wheelera prescription as itobert noted on opening tho envelope after ho had reached homo keep your eyes alert constantly during that time on thursday spend at least hour among tho tlconjt factory hands here also kocp your eyes opon on wednesday and friday cross tho otis held ferry between flvo and six o lock notice carefully what goes on around you huturday spend as much tlmi uu you can spare in tho utackstuno city district hopeat tho treatment until soma benefit is obtalnod ilobert read tho puper curlouuly whut wliut tlocj ho mean he pon dered ho culls this a prescription loci ho well i cai follow it out onn wmk i guess i wont promise how mueii loiiuor 1 11 keep it up though a few dsyu uftorwurds dr whecl mot itoliert on tho street tuklng your treatment ho inquired yen sir and ilobert smllod ijueer- ly us he spoke ion t neglect it charged his uncle briefly turning to pass on l wont ono evening a week later itobert ailed up his undo over tho telephone itusy ho usked vol iiurllcularly wish to ooow ov i iv llttlo taltllet i d ilka to was ilobert u reply if you aron t going out flood 111 bo here and dr wlileuir hung up tho reelvxr in u shoit time itobert como in iho gloomy disgruntled look usually seen on hla fueo wan gone i i thluk undo itldiurd began hubert a few ifilnutia utter entering tho txiiu that is your pruicrlp niqht tennoro this a nervous affection of chili hood akin to but mora nnvcrn tha nil litmurc in the hdull mout peruoi know front experience whut nlghtma in i terrifying dreum in which yc find younielf in some very perlloi ultuulion without being ublo to mako your encaie finally however uwake und ulthough tho remembrance of the dream is disagreeable you fool it a btjiuied relief to find tliat it wi only tk drcum nightmare may li deed occur in dilldhood but it alwuyn liuu ihono dlntlniruuihlnjj cliaractcrln- iicji and tho child is entirely himself as noon an he wakens in night errors the brain noemu lo lo temporarily more deeply affected the attack occurs usually early in the night often ik- fort the child s elders have- retired a ucneam is heard up ululra und the nurse or mother rush lnir to the cot finds tho child sitting ir in lied tho picture of terror or ikrhapu out of tied und attempting to hide rrum tlio bogoy the child is un conscious of his oui roundrngs ho ro cornices neither mother nor nurse and uo long as tho attack last is uisabln to lie comfortod by soothing assur ances tliat may be u minute or two only or an long as half un hour or even longer but finally tho attack brxalcn tho llttlo sufferer ucema tc rreogntxe those about him although yet only lialf awake and soon ho drop off to nloep again to awake in tho morning with no recollect ton of hla terrifying experiences of the night children who ore subject to night ter- rora are usually of a ncrvuus dlsponl tlon or of nervous heredity and uu affection la said to bo quite commoi in eh it ire n who belong to a rheumatl or gouty family there is llttlo to do to shorten tho attack once it ocrurv although of course tho mother takes the little suff- cre in her arms and tries to sootho his terror but judicious treatment will often reduce tho frequency of tlio at tacks or altogether prevent them tho chlld s evening meal should be very light and if he is a hearty eater it would lie well to divide the meal giv ing htm tho heavier part early in tho afternoon and nothing except a crack or and a glass of milk a llttlo before bedtime avoid ghost stories am nurses tales show the child no gruo some pictures and if he is afraid o tho dark humor him for nothing la mora cruel than to force such n child to hrava tho unknown horrors of inky blackness if you havo a light in the room tuko pains to place it in such a position that it will not cast shadows putting a child to bod happy and leav ing him with loving assurances of an over abiding protection will also fortify ids llttlo brain against terrifying night the common dexd3 ot the common day l llu in th hi tho lid imj d w 1m a ot ihi itlfill people who alc dehindhand th lr ull it ireat who hi dullfuljpthe lo old fa tin r fiio slu lio rh thut did i old r ii oil si luii i liillly homdmw lulnlyj xplulmj itnboit soberly tvu iud the notion 1 don t know how i eume by it thut nobody m lot him been ijulto so liard und din ugrecublo an my own your praserlp- tlo uncle itlchard luu shown mo my iiilnlake myl whai haven t i seen undo itiohard in tliuae places where you dire ted mo to go i did keep my eyes open und such misfortune distress uiid- destitution l never even dretuusd imsnlblu one woek of your treatment won eiuiugh to show me thu furtunute follow i mi why i unvcr hud any- uitng but good luck and my lot undo ulhurd itobcrt s vuleo fullud mm for u mo muut ii ouldu t llu ilb it fur- how did yuu huppdn ihut i tlldr interrupted in tactfully lie cause i saw i my boy and foil my pro iiilbht wblu a eute add uldw ll how oo i know t k after your put cv freat ouestlo religious profcaslon v you hhvo no love for your neighbor you do not esteem each better than yturclf you find it easy to gossip and find fault wlii others you do not experience real satlsfac tlon in up i ritual things you do not fool tho need of secret prayer you do not have a keen spiritual ap petite for god s word you do not havo the hplrlt a witness now that you ore right with god you do not see good in others you would rather stay homo visit or pluy than go to church or prayer mooting you cut out church activities be cause of offense real or fancied you are jealous envious or covetous the least omission or commission which is at cross purposes with tho will of ood does not pain you these are practical issues of tho religious life and by them wo know which way we ore heading ucv j v cross in the evangelist iluy liny fur outnumber the i reut jcedii thut thrill thu worl und thoj r not u whit ictui important 1 i tho lllm who iveu to ull chlntu in value it in u lieut mistake onus nycu to tho dally one ban for dolnjr mill idn of loving klndnena und to mr looking with strained and lulou for tho option unity of something heroic tliat will put ivery lip there is i of heroism in soma of the unaunj deeds m imo of thd eoititniiii dcciln or tho lummmi day i havo no doubt tliat tho liells in tho fur away are ringing just al joyouuly for tho common deeds as for iloen a j rat deel la uflm painfully tulouji of tlm fact all the rent t ones and i do not doubt tl of heroes undjutlnguluhi d tlio u often real hcrolnni 1 i being 1 initio til and guntlo ui lid tho uid rrctful condltioiiii of ufo i duui liter who is put lent un i tond with tho fretful and exacting llu r iho uoh lo and irritubl il iiir tlio brotlu who i iobly i nurou ull these un ring i bo i in in uio fir uwtiy tin hurocu und hi roliim yro un consoloualy hemic ami tho hrro win of hla ifo often ho trudeu i on it and lrlt to exact or comptl i 1ml ru tlon and chcaioun tho hotn t of his uchlnvimint it la doubtful if tho bells hi tho fur away ring very fully over heroism of this kind true heroism vauntoth not itself nor la it in thu icaat puffed up there are as many real heroes un known and uculandercd in the llttlo towun and out of thowuy paiccs of the world as there are in the great busy world or on the battlefield tho common deed ofton takes on a special btauty and glory oven though it ia done to a common way the highest element of hcrolum in sometimes found in tho mout ordinary environment and ii hi true us no mo one has written that wo iu n ull imj huruen in our vlrtuon n our liimmi hi our livuii wo cui 11 do nuiiclhlng to uot the iwilhi ring far awuy j 1 harbor do ihipl ii umr rt a yoi t4d u piith uuirly dllu lll i ul 1 il 11 vi i e it red u hni uu hi tl spent uullliif t r cinl nnlik only half u s tlu itriujni lint wuu of ull o iho j klhd un vexing tcr wli railway time tablea at acton qrsnd trunk railway oyium oolnrj west 111 lcd 10 13 a m zlbpm c r3 p m 8 13pm qolno east 3 28 a m a a p m tl ig pro no 33 a 12 p m hunday trains pans through acton ruing west at 10 la o m and cast at 7 00 p m uprlj hi im vlluul v vhl it uffi i tii hi ml if hbo r it i imluitm utl iy i hlu u k of pro t til aj tlio l ml o who aro ulwuys be it ndhuud ut nnnwor for the tall jrea of othon as w oil us r u nort it ir handy ms in medic no y no phnlrli ti f r tirdlnary 11 in win u you lluvl ut hui 1 u ixittt i f lr tlmmwi ol i r i ut in eoldll ore llirout lroi dilul lr ul ii it lu lu vuluubh pi ui f ii 1 ulultlh f uluiull 1 l i hrul whlllf rci two wayg il thbi in tin wuy joe work in b foru mm ulop bcjiri ii is ilnmi cure if fault lu f ilu ml n t lit ip it or i don i hue milloru worm i ilrrh und tho buttle ui ultuil wormn lu won thi io jmiwd rji orrect and tho morbid condl tlonu of tho utomacji will nourish tho womij and these destructive panealte3 cunnot xlnt after thoy como lu con tact with tho medicine tho worms are dim ited by the powders and are speedily vucualed with other refuse from uio bowels boundnaaa la im parted to tho organs und tho health of tho child steadily improves afur 10 yar of asthma dr j d hallogrf u asthma itcmedy proved tho only rellaf for one grateful user and this in but one cure among many uttlo wonder that it has now becomo tho ono rocognlxed remedy on tho mar ket it hua earned its fame by its never falling effectiveness it is earn ing it to day as it has done for years it is uio greatest asthma specific with in the reach of suffering humanity keeping the record of honor a nemorial vol urn o recently seen uimjii tho shelves of a high school library is no doubt typical of tho hun drodn of such volumes that aro belnf compiled in schools and colleges ull through tho country this book c dljli ii wir lay t k tow 1 vii it ui un tin c hi iiuyii k fur play uio uk 1 1 how irs boyo avoided an irtiolograplui of i who havo had i io war records branch they it clipping all tho school t i part in helping of when and in inlerod service oiling of bra ititinutlui rront ami jf tlouj v country w h tit honor modal inttoru oont homo from tho ot a fow memorial okotchea io uuvu their lives fur thol i ao far as it could bo moiti completo history of thu mnl in war service military precision a imro drill sen cant was address u u miuud of colored rookies under m i io uuld 1 wants you niggers und ern tun dul you is to enry out i odem llben on do rlsui re floe tlon i de final word ob comma n now tieit wo a huuiii dut rovawln stun n ityra iughl i wunts nigtcru eyeballs click foreign dishes mia nrut can canton ohio- i buffered from a femalo troublo which catiacd mo much cutteriii and two doctors decided that i would havo to eo throuph on operation before i could ketwoll mymolhur who had been helped by lydiali pinkliams vogotablo com pound advised mo to try itbcforo aub- mitunjttoen opcra- uon itrellovcdmo from my troublca boi can do my house work without an iho lydis e pinkham- veceublo cor 17 diniculty i advlso any woman who u ojiucted with female troublca to pound a trial and it will do as much for them mrs mabjx bqyd 1421 cth st- n e canton ohio sometimes there aro serious condi tions where a hospital operation is the only alternative but on ths other hand so many women havo been cured by this famous root and herb remedy ljdia k itnxhams vccto table compound after docters hsto said that an operation was necc-oury- avery woman who wonts to avoid an operation should give it a fair trial bufora anhmlttinjx to such a trying ordeal if complications exist write to lydia e pinkhun medicine co lynn mass for hvico the result of many yoors utddlcnca is at your service iasy to ftaimaie- economiciil liglit weiglat you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep scats of thio model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonncau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing craippedf it hn3 big car performance combined with small car handiness and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32horsepower the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agemft georgetown ontaeio willysoverland limited trafii if t irhtr mt head office and works west toronto ontario touring car model 90 w 5l36000 tounnxr car model 85 143500 for particulars apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon acton uburbsn cloctrjc railway golna wast dally exreiit hunday dally oxropt sunday dajly oxrejit hunday tlunday only hunday only hunday only golrta cast dally except tlunday daily except sunday uojly except tiunday hunday only hunday only hunday only freiqht and cxpiiedb ixircss earrhd on all earn ifrolght dfljvcmd dally by luieciul expresa freight tiproia or jvelght plckodup at any addreus in toronto o il aqjivv agont acton eggs poultry wung out youtt ecgs and poultuy hiehcst cash price pau r milligan corner young and mill sts- acton or to p q dux 34t uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tableware ftn vnrjety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granil ware btg assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stove3 oil stoves every article is of tional value c c speight mill street acton advertise regularly and then watch for results tito workmans mastonioc made byhand iplaocebartllddihi sold in acton by fred blow have you received your spring footwear yet t if not go to kenney bros ion from tholr tho stylei for ladun aro dorolaa llau oxlonlj with a fow lines ol iumiw wo liavo oiuo u nice lino of ladles iilili cut ilabi with fawn and iat vamiia which iiv a very otyllan up pett ranee ur j i 11 ut line un 1 llollv u an u iiph tu w itl iuy urii u id hlld u it rv4umuahi cj vi uiii ulno luvi x e iii olu hi wh t o i f r ui im r vu r psir no attend od tq kenney main street ioros acton oni t5he acton bakery m edwards co cutuida lhd uuurd u unuo nu t oir mill utltclt acton white bread brown bread boston breail tea bisruits 15c buns scones cookies 1 5e loz 15e tloz likes 10c 15c 20c 30c wcddtaur caht a specialty m edwards co acton ontario btoro qoicd i very nik t 1 ri day und saturday ut 0 jo oclock msj 1w mi mminf mmmkmmr- -a-

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