Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1919, p. 6

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ulrtha ifattujrom rnd xetli rtj 0w cfenfd for t tm following kfctea blrtha toc unim tox deaths toj memorial caron 0 10c xr lino extra far poem corn minrln at 10 itmlv ht llollevlllft on thursday may 1c 1913 to mr anil mn william i- muliln a pop wltuam lcott married imowniudok 1cknnkdy at tho homo of tho rldrn pnrrnln toronto on may 4 1910 y itcv j il ken- ncly jolui wltbert ilrownridce il 11 a of knqucalnk to norma dnmn kcnnxly 11 a only tutifihtpr of mr nnd mm it kennedy iji artmt 3ter preaa tiiuuhday junk 13 1919 brief local items mr frod helm la croetinc o neat veranda at his doublo houao on hill btfeel mr ambrose mccann haa the foundation in for bin now brick houao on iaxle avenue ttaa bltr event of uua dtntricl this year will bo chautauqua at qoonro- town juno 2c july 2 mr oordon bcardmsro la huvlnff a commodloua snrncts erected on tho hoverly house property excavationa aro being made for a now brick residence on lira john allan o lot on ijiko avonuo mr jlobcrt jscott la preparing to jmako extensive improvement to hla realdenco on llower avenue knglneer boll waa at the tansley bridco laat week nnd reports work on the buj brldiro proarejlnff favorably a me tine of the dlrectorn of acton pall fair will be held in the council chamber thla evcnlna at 730 the foundations aro belaff put in for two new houseo on church street by ueasra john and robert watson hornby now haa a fanners club with robt e hall tut pcealden and geo a kannody as aocrctaxy-trea- neighborhood new- town and country umchouoe mrji cwreo 1 iolklnatiornn who wan in uclph for a allcht operation la homo ocan and doing- well iu mark mrfjlil or tho 76th ilat- tallon arrived in toronto on ilunday afternooi three motor cyir loada went from hro u meet hlni and accompany hm home mr w qowdy took hla father nnd mother and later to meet dim and hroujjht them home in hla car mack came home foellns in tho bent of health da luna fad uun abblo campbell who liaa hpld tlo offlm of bectreaa for tho poat flvo yearn but haa resigned waa very kindly thanked for her faithful ocr- halllnafad women a institute held their monthly meeting at tho homo of mrs it bhortlll when the followlnc afflcara were elected for ibo coming year rrealdent mra w bhortlll vlcoprea mm it shortlll 2nd vlcoprcjmra b campbcll hoctreaa mlsa violet jaycra orcanlat mia annie bhortlll audi lorn mra i hutx mm bhortill mra j lindsay cnin ouelph city nand in full will fin nish tho mualc for tho celebration hero on july 1 mr and mm a ii bmlth and babo of scotsguard hanlc aro tho erucat of friend here t i j d leltch baa been appointed troaaurer of erin council to ouccocd f e walker who removed to llagtxrs- vlub tho tender of chaa mattlnnl for mcleans brldee lot 11 flrttt line for 93100 for the concrete work was ac cepted by tho township council xte stanley ulrd la home from fra where bo saw soma heavy fighting fortunately bo came out sofo and looks well advocate mr r j kerr ban the foundation of his new bouse on bower avenue well advanced tho brick has been delivered on tho site the annual meeting of halton re form aasoclatldn will bo held at mil ton on friday june 13 at 50 ocj the ladles are invited oakvllle basket factory propria tors and employee will erect a monu ment in honor of tho four employees who fell during tho war utile jack homer oat in the cor ner thinking what he should say i have it ho cried and swelled up with pride buy wareavlngs stamps thla day tho intermediate and junior ep- worth leagues held a very enjoyable picnic on tuesday afternoon in war rens erare tho pastor and superin tendents gave the children a delightful time mr john watson has purchased from john t easton tho doublo tene ment on church btreet and the double house on tho adjoining lot from mr j lane he will improve both pro perties milton the town council has passed tho housing act bylaw and it la now up to any reputable cltlxen to take ad vantage of its provisions mrs roper widow of the late john p roper milton died at the realdenco of thcr daughter mrs geo denoon near milton on saturday last in her 7th ytat calvin fleming whp- woundttttftr m one of uu en uenta in france arrived homo last monday evening ho la stll under the surgeons care under the auspices of the provincial deportment of education dr sim and miss e j jamleson as nurse are making a thorough medical inspection of our school this week geo boyusa who was sent to the county jail last week for ossaultlog burlingtons postmaster broke jail last saturday he was caught on hour or so later on the qreenless farm- russell peacock who went over with the 164th returned home last week- he came over on the aqultanla re former cnxwgono c6nnnna tbd lam nervlro to lo conducted in the church horn will bo on juno 22 on mondaj whllo marlon tho little flveyior oli daughter t br wm millar wan playing near where her father wan working nho ran behind him alid u ilrilio which ho was unjnc struck her inltrtlnjr an uflly ganli in her forehead that required oevcral ntlthea to cliiaa mr q co re o ilnrler and children acton vlnltcd friends hero on uunday mr and mru tiautli hcsiteuir visit ed at mr m crawruonn thla week mm- w a murray spent a week with friends in irln halplnn to nuroe her little nlcco who waa 111 of pneu monia mr and aim wm lelnhroan and mr and mra john iclahman acton spent hunday at mr w iennls mlsa icthel dtunjkir ouolpli waa a week end vlnltor here mrs w lamb acton vlsltod at mrs w a murroyii on hunday mr and mru j jumbert acton visited friends hero over the week mil master murray and minn bcanio kingsbury visited friends at arkell this week oakville munns church araivcraary will be held on faundoy junnt rhnsclal servloes will io held jm oh juno so and 37 the annual w c t u convention or halton and wo-t- worth will bo held in tho method a church here prospects aro bright for a bumper crop of strawberries this year acreage in this district la smaller than it was some years ago will tho farmcretlco return to oak- vlllo this summer now tho war la over rarmlnc will net bo so popular if they rail to appear bl judos sunday school has so- loctcd friday july 18 aa tho dato of their annual plcplc they will tako a steamer to wanaasa park among those returning from over seas is mlos udlth wl llama who has been nursing in the war uao for over two years and has done her port in relieving the wounded soldiers on tuesday evening a cooplo of toronto young men with their young ladles visited oakvllle nnd chief kerr found liquor in their posoeuslon mag- iatrate bhlolda was called at that late hour held court and imposed a flno of two hundred dollars star to picnickers this uhould bo of interest to all flick iilrkcru to know that the boojlia ut ui blue springs have been rented for tho season by tho iloil uoy ca1 ic acton and i will bo thcro with a full supply or oil refreshments in cluding nelloon s ico cream for ill ralhcrlngu kindly conimunlcatowllh tho manager w c lovercll iu o picnics sro olluwod wltliout per mission acton ont teacher of piano violin and other ctrl nu instuments also pipe organ wiu visit acton on tul3day of each week until further notice pupils prepared for conservatory 4xamt nations messages left at actok linn paxas altjca will rocclvo prompt attention naqoaqaweya david mills for some years on esteemed resident of acton died at his home in guelph on sunday suffered a long and painful illness from cancer tho funeral was held on tuesday under the direction of the deport ment of education dr slrrs will moke s medical inspection at acton schools next week she will address tho par ents of tho pupils on friday evening 20th insl tho work of resurfacing some of the bad places on tho trnd line- has been commenced hill losby took thtl steam roller down to a section below the mountain on tuesday and la now at work there the tennis tournament scheduled for hut week but which did not reach the enthusiasm desired was started over again on monday evening and 1 being played on the beordmoro courts evenings tlirouehout this week a meeting of all interested in the childrens shelter of the county will be held in the council chamber on tuesday evening next at 5 oclock mr j m denyca president of tho childrens aij bocloty will adddrera the meeting reports from many of tho cities and towns in western ontario show that the outbreak of smallpox is spreading and tbe m o h suggests thct dtlsenss should avail themselves at once of the benefits of vaccination guelph bos had several cases lately the pofliomco department has is sued notices to all postofllcea advlslnff the public to put their names on the outside of all mall matter sent away krary business man farmer mechanic or private citizen should use printed envelopes bearing their narao and ad- dreea tho committee of ward i klaques- lng on aoldlcra receptions bos a num ber of real live wires in its mem bership they ore making strenuous efforts to make the reception at rob crtsop grove nezt monday an histori cal event it will be a very enjoyabh affair mm dr robertson of milton died lost thursday after an operation fur appendicitis the funeral was held on saturday afternoon mrs robeit- mn was among the brst known lac in halton county her late husband some years ago represented this county in the legislature at a meeting of the oenrral as sembly at hamilton last week it woj decided to advance tho minimum s 11 j wind for the ordained married ministers from 11300 to 1 00 and tuesday evening next at b oclock from april x of the present year un married men to receive 11 400 f apprcciate9 the old man dear mr moore please allow a reader of your paper to celebrate the kings birthday by writing a line of appreciation of the interesting way tho old man in the clock tower writes hla weekly column 1 think tho editor of the fax pntas is the capable writer of this newsy column flteu piiuss reader toronto june 3 hi9 this correal km dent is entirely astray as to the personality of the old man the versatile old man has never occupied the journalistic chair ha calls himself just a busy workman editor the recent rains and warm weather have caused a rapid growth of hay and grain crops tho masons are at work putting up the foundation for harvey brldgemans new barn at k tbe many friends of mr angus mc- tavuh were shocked to hear of his being hilled last week by an electric wire and general sympathy is extend ed to the bereaved family in thelr sorrow rev geo l stephenson b a- preached his farewell sermon at eben- excr church on sunday many regret mr btsphenaonb removal ho has been an active worker he will re move to allen lord to commence his new- pastorate there the death of mr george grummet of era m formerly of naasagaweyo occurred on thursday hurt he was m yean of age the funeral on sun day afternoon from his late residence to ebeneaer cemetery was very largely attended the service was held in the church and was conducted by rev mr cook of eramoam- the pall bearers were messrs leonard mcdougall sr wm forsythc david wilson j y norrlflh gilbert kingsbury and peter clark tbe bereaved family have the deepest sympathy of the community in their bereavement dan nock dub n mrs clarridge aire t kennedy and miss moffat were appointed as dele gates to the annual meeting of the county institute at milton on june 19 on june 3 the institute held thelr nieellng at mm 8 xjrdiaya when miss duncan of toronto apoke very ably on womens iteeponalblllues mra geo havlll of aoon gave on interesting talk on the work of the in- stltute miss betty lowrio sangt a solo and a recitation was given by mlsa cole instrumental by miss alva harvey acton eolo by lillian alder son instrumental by aenevieve clar- ridge after which mm lindsay served lunch the annus meeting of the uannock burn womans institute was held ai the home of mrs albert mcreulth when tho following officers were elect ed president mrs a o clanidgo 1st viceltealdent mm u nlckell ind vicepresident ra r n brawn secretary treasurer mlsa tena mo flat convenor of social committee mrs t lvennody convinor or 1rosnudmo committee mm j nickcl celebration at erin tuesday july 1 the municipal council or the vii lage of erin and the township coun cil of iho township of erin have join ed hands in a grand demonstration and reception to returned soldiers which will be held at stanley park on tho aftenoon of july 1st prepara tions are also being mado for one or the most elaborate concert programmes ever held in the county which will tako place in tho agricultural hall at nlffht when acatlng capacity will bo provided fur 1o0 people it will be one of tho blgsest days ever hod in the community music by a crock band military rarado base ball and sports of oil klrcls don t rnij jpend ing july 1st at erin look out for postern and other advertising matter first committee john wilson reeve of erin village james mllloy itecve of erin township joseph bcnham j il oilman couaa dr abbott erin secretory on the roadttosuccesa that young man is wluo who mk a plan oranlxe his ambition and mokes ecli day contribute something toward its fuifulmcnt success often seems delayed but lu aurely on tho wy f those who aro getting ready for it over the desk of tho boy or girl slrusllnr with hard lessons that may seem at the present quite use leas let it bo written in letters of gold will study and get ready and maybe my chance will come ljott venae a charles streets toronto get the best it pays is noted throughout canada for high grade business oducatifcn great demand for our groduutea open oil year enter now write for catalogue w j elliott principal sometimes a teacher was telling her claaa little stories in natural history and oho asl ed ir ny ona could tell her what a nroundhog was up went a llttlo hand waving frantically well tommy you may tell us what a ground bog is plcaso maam lta a sausage e infoi sjummer days are mere enjoy them while they lastit wont be long colored voiles double fold i pink ilorni patterns spcunl at 85c yard black nnd while voiles double told special at 5100 lilaclt voilo with white atnpc at 5125 special colored mulls double fold in pink white bine and hclio special at 75c yd while organdy 40 inches wide sptcial at fioc yard white gabardine 30 inches wide a special at 5100 while indian head 30 inches wide a special at 45c hoys cotton jctbcjb navy and while sizes 24 to 32 special at 60c boyb stripe cotton wafahj with collar all sizes in stock at 75c 85c and 08c mcnfl balbrhjcnn underwear sizes 32 to 42 shirts and drawers special at 75c mens baihrisean combinations sizes 32 to 42 special at 5150 fancy stripes at mcnh taney socio in c browns blues white and black sizes 10 iqi and 1 1 special at 75c mcnh panama ilata with black and fancy bands special at 275 mcnu leather bella in black and gray all sizes at 50c and 75c mqn iour point invisible suspenders in white only special nt 50c mcnfl wash ties 35c or 1 for 100 mens soft collars plain hito and fancy silk stripes at 25c 40c ahd coc when you want curtain material come to this store as we are showinp a big range in scrims and net prices range from 25c to s100 per yard 4 yard linoleum at 55x0 running 2 yards wido oil cloth at 5u running yard stair oil cloths at 50c andg0c grocery specials 200 tins salmon i lb 50 tins pork and bcans tin 5 pkg3 ammonia 25c i sed oub bhoom values 10c 1 00c broom for 25c i si 25 broom tor 51 oranges bananas lemons etc- sstpravlng b3loaajom3iw3t ttoroisrro canam the toronto glove manufacturer iveerfs additional operators most modern factory conditions available guaranteed wages to experienced operatora apply to supt kerr r g long co chautauqua at georgetown june 26 to july 2 1919 headquarters for wedding and birthday fkesknts ifoitcra 187 mlvtrwari knlvfi iorkn mid tl im funry cut ilium- 1 am t i i mt wo tarry tho mo it uinplitt nti c lu town manniaac ltccnoca iooucd geoihynds acton ontaillo shaws summer schools turunto nppuit to ujiilltuiin mu ilon to rho do not i urn to in tw or thrto mtjiiilii lltno rntcr any day un 1 loitilnuo i brmluatlcm into it lixxi i oulll prco ltooltlrt writ w h qhaw president wfmooney of guelph han opened a utura dii mah act mi vrhcro ho will induct u i emllli anil uhont mi lal ijiuiiik 1 1 ordcnt for hot air 1 urn u 1 t ilufuhini will ixcolvn iiimtlai mt tlou co p jro cleaning pressing iuimiiiiu your qothcs thoroujlily cleaned m sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen we can make that old suit look like new try uj geo wallace guelph ontakio choice groceries and provisions mrs jennie mcdougaji mukt u uimmlult or ncrurlni thr itjt cioodu vvulublo j r ih un 1 itel inblo t prices reasonable your wan ta will ln carefully mul pllol home qakinq on friday and saturday mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont 727 king street weat toronto ontario qeonqktown mafic a8tray x ulsck uarc hss strayed to lot 21 oon 3 icfmjusslnjr township ownir ran hsvn sarho by iylti nxixniats 1 c ij cuttu mr a d cuiell luis been re-enfix- od os muslcs1 instructor at tha fubllo hchaol t s salary of 12s aoorsetuwiis navrcst industry in a basket factory in tho evstormlor build- in st tho cj t it sutlon mr and me smith of lkjtixlt mlch motored to town last wenk to visit their aunt mm csvsjisuxfa ated on for appendicitis at dueiph hospital last week is prosressltik very favorably court of llovlalort will bo held on monday juno 16 at tho town hall at 8 p m to hear complaints asainst tho usneaswctit roll at lvit a kurdon party under tho ausulc of tits asharova mothodlst church will bo hold at tho homo of mr h k ituddell on lridsy june 10 two urothors and a slstsr of ajvaiij oel 00 spent an hour togctlicr at tho homo of mr j h uosy on wednes day they wore itoboxt v llcsacy 8 j o llessoy 87 and xlrs oalbralui of milton st many rocrota wore tzpressed last woolc by business men and cltlwns onrrauy when it waa learned that mr c w orandy the popular msii- ajrer of the merchants i tank here was about to remove from town mr lrsndy came to ooorreumn three years ajru as a member of tho 1iu1 tfchool doanl borretary of the lloard trade and town auditor ho rrndercd our municipality valuable service llernlo i real estate it you bars u houso for sale if you want ta buy m house la acton ask r j kerr auctioneer and real estata dealer ijionu 30 younq street acton ont f grand field day for returned soldiers inesquesing on june j afternoon and evening the rntepaycra of writ oic esqucsing aro putting on a grand day of sports in mr john rqijektsons park opposite ligny school lot 6 con 3 w njilc wcm of milton when the following talent has been bcurcu fo the occasion addresses by general sir sam hughes dr a w nixou m p p wm proudfoot m p p dr r k anderriou m- p tor the concert brazil and wfrije comedians toronto acton orchestra and others sports etc base ball milton and georgetown all kinds of sports and tug of war programme will be run off as follows new time 130 to i pu shorts and babeball 4 to 1 p m addrcsscb and presentation of wutthcj and chains to returned men and clocks 19 parents of thoso who made tho supremo sacrifice 0 p 8 p m tunch and tugofwor f jama otrat north hamilton t0 crpeef to pay a hfgf j price for udcperrurtibd with an odor that cost thousands of dollars to produce would be natural but to be able to obtain such a superb pertume at a low price is a ddlghtm- curprise this surprise avalts you in the talc nerftimcd vilh jontecl the new odor or twenty- six rowers mckees the rexall drug store quclph ont b to 10 pjuc concert after which thcro will bo dancing on a large plntform erected milton bntsa band and ale norwan mcrhcraun iag- ppcr p jliyuutoa recently returned from ovenjeas will f umiah mubuj boh oternogn and evening a special invitation cxtcnpp to all returned soldier the committee in charge are not sparing cither money ior time to make this one of the moat pleasant and enjoy able days of the season and extend to ull a very cordial invitation no admission lots of room to park cars iind it iri on the stone road bring your lunch basket und cups nnd enjoy a fine day with the boys refreshment fooqlh on the grounds chairman is honor judge elliotl m j carton chairman of committee a u ftufiahkr sec tobqntowinni leave toronto union stn 915 pli wed fn madiaa nbonal all thura sot via north cochrane bay tll way ta and dlala can to taacoimr i im itunv st t wlaalntg ttcktn and informatlan from mvamit ci n ruvyb aat tlcfct omofc 1 kino etrot cat and union otatloo h l fa1roaibn opa toronto canadian national railujatjs west endjieat market hilciaus fcou iuiday and saturday hprliu iamb and all hinds f gmn ycretahlea choice ikef iorlt nd veal uinaju un hunt ireili suliplj- of i ish ti ico a avech strong healthy plants ready now tuiiulci nrv ull null o j 1 i sucka ami aator v ilnui 10o u li l i hwcct vmiuuiu 10c b canttrbury lullu tot ul lx tjlo i 15 s iw curttntluna ijt mj cahlv and latc catiuahi cauliflovwcr tomatoes celery carlv and lati flowcris annuuu ullrjy- vantu a hb1sh0p gardeiicp or bnufcad fttoha m fa1rvicw avc aoto jvicenery evns n k no o tu muln street acton ontario tllllutl lul i ull i i i 11- iii i j f lu i ual uw 1 4lii i il ur tmttiiiik ru it tpaining for success lvri kiun i l llllt ill oil iuu lo n ualiiih hi llull ll u puelph pusijie college quclph ont 1 iiuuli uij tmlnii i juu ill i ilui t on m i 1 11 ih tilth lu ml l i h lt ui tl hilutll 1 in un u i a l oouck p l

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