Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1919, p. 2

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hpartanjffmpr thuiuiday jtlnl jfl 1019 the little 5huttcr0 iwhlnd tho llttln shutters along iii utile nlrrct wlmt trait dim uro 1 1 up ill in thn busy throng k by- bohlnd the llttln nhutten now litlitrn i at nlih- in tli tho llttlo abutter a hi of light ih tv all djwi ihn 1 it bohln 1 tho llttlo what ivrrown ilw wlmt nmolltudrs what intorvnlj f o if tho thrunga that tio and rmi wlmt ntolljs woi of aadui 9 brick row rll wlmt cheer f hnppilten o indifferent mn coud tee rouid unfold for them of gloet bohlnu tlio llttlo n hut tern tho ynunff luko up their uicama bohln 1 tho llttlo shutters thn old oeo fa dine gleams tho whole woo atreet along homo vvlngu aro folding in ilea pair uomii opening in sweet song i f mcic lance between thr theril ho t done nqw glad it linn lc mc thin ay i j know i i riimo oyer to til two yardn think that urn rather a llttlo hot there moon but i thliil to lo workin out nuyn thitt tlio rood fur you irkln ittltk ich it hut lfitn clou i wo ii junt thro dure anil i w i waa ral lath uayo you put them tools 111 some money ho off ik harrow dfld tho money win lrlvln you i for ul brury y good i any a i for good men it lake it out of what to pay you now t that wheelbarrow ui tlio nlablo ami ill cot o puy yo marled with tlio wheol- wmt into tho kouoo uf te neu i ruinn out phoole nto her nnl no i wont il elnathan nudd leaned over that separated hla ardon plot from that of caleb peas lee and surveyed his neighbor and friend with an exprcs tilon ot amused dismay on hla usually placid face mr peon lee recorded him inijulrlngly if a man explained mr nudd in reply to caleb look depends on the impression ho getd from a womans directions holt land sometimes with hla face in tho crave i no to apeak i dknow when 1vo cot bo sot back as i havo jest now and yet i follered dl recti oia closo enough to satisfy most anyone whats pesterin you now asked caleb phoebe replied mr nudd simply phoebe ilracy was mr nudds sis- tcr a woman of undoubted atrength of mind and directness of speech calob nodded sympathetically sho now he exclaimed mr k sighed and shifted his feet uncomfortably this mornln while i was workin here in tho car- den ha began phoebe come to her back door and hollered at mo to como over said she wanted to tell mo what she wanted done today while she gono to bangor wal there was my garden etutt jest surferin to bo hoed but whats a man to do when its a wlddcr woman and his sister to boot jt was news to me that she was goln lu bangor at all fust place and j didnt know any reason why she could not ahet up tho house and so sames common if she was bent on coin on a brillnhot day but there aint much use in anruln with em so i put down my hoe and went seems sho was coin to have a boarder come tomorrow as i under stood her and she wanted some things dono round tbe bouse outside before he cot there to make it look kind of tidy and nice though x dltnow where jn tun lent youd and a place thats any more scrubbed and swept and tar nished than that yard is ail the time and i mebbe hinted as much to her hut no matter bout that i might jest as well havnd tny breath i asked what she had to co for a day like this with the sun beatln down hot notion to fry an egg on the doorstuu but all the satisfaction x sot was that she didnt have food no ugh in tbe house to feed a hungry ground sparrow and the boarder comln there was nothln to do but she must traipse off to bangor with that old boas of hern thats lowern ary cot team i over waved a cad over and get somo provisions when phoebe ex plained mr nudd by way of paren thesis sets so reduced in food that sho aint sot nouch to victual an army sho thinks shes coin to starve to death and then theres no whoa to her mr pcaslce nodded uadcratandlnkiy wal mr nudd went on i flnly mado out what she wanted of me bocrns aho hadnt been able to tflnd any fallow that waa knoo round here so v she womanlike took what she coutrr get and that was a fellow that had been clerkin for benton in his otoro for a few days a fellow td never sot eyes an tihod made out such a pitiful case to benton that hod acrecd to let tho young fellow come over and clear up round tho yard and tho youns fellow beln wlllin they settled it that ho was to come over as soon us ho sot the work out of jie way today what she wanted mo to do was to sort of overoee tlio thin show him where to wheel away tho sturf ho ruked up and where to wheal somo travel unto tho walk and rako it off level and smooth and she charg ed ma o nee that ho dune ft rig lit and didnt shirk or loaf round while ho was here mebbe if hed showed up in the forenoon while i was workin round my curd in speculated mr nudd it might liuvo turned out different but when ho coma lasln along sometime after dinner and when 1 thought of hlie pulhd up tho liosa when sho saw mo comln talnt any great job to halt that boon holl stop quick nouch to throw a man over tho daobrr if you so much an hint tluit yc wlllin for him to atop wal sho cast her eye aver the yard kind of sharp but even she dldn t see anything to find fault about no i kenw tho job mm done wall nough for anybody wall ho como didnt hot sho says kind of satisfied how long did ho work and what did you liavo to pay hlmt tin como bout half past saya and ho aln t go no yot bos in the stable puttln away tho things bos had to work with and i paid him anything yet im goli pay him when ho comes out oh well oho says if nos here now ill iay him myoelf and you nccdn bother with that sho got tho old hoai under way again and started off lo- ward tho stable jest as sho got to the door tho fallow como lout by her face that ho wnnt tho fellow sho was expcctln to soc and i kind of wondered this aint tho fellow i hired i sho snappod out to me and then sho turn ed to tho young follow again who bo you anyway 7 she saya tho young follow kind of grinned a little and i dknow what it woo but i begun to feel a little ml to uncom fortable sames you feel when you set in a draft and gat a chill well ho says i m a young man that was ordered to tako some outdoor exercise in the country for a few weeks but i wasnt intending to tjaka quite as much the first day though i think its done mo good my named bald ing he says didnt you get my lot tcr saying id bo here today or to morrow t phoebe sot back in that wagon seat said mr nudd soberly and sho gin me such a look as i dont want to cet again from no human beln dnathah nudd sho nays and her voice fairly shook sbo was no aggra vated do you know what youve been and dono youve worked my boarder like a nigger in this nun all tho after noon tiy that tlmo the boarder bad real ized what sort of a tlmo x was littery to have and he begun to laugh until i thought he was coin to choke and meanwhile ho was helpln her out of the wacon is best hr could teeing that he was slutklng so with laughins and knowln what 1 d havo to listen to if i stayed thcro after she rot out and cot started i thought id llud of sidle over a fpcll and glva her time to cool off a mi to but- said mr nudd justlfylrjr himself plaintively how la tunketwas i to know the sdijday school lessou for ounoav june 22 1010 bavin to slay round there in tin cookiu nun ull the after noon jest to look uftur htm it sort of rtlod mo and i tnndo tip my mind that if i did stay there hod work he looked to mo mort like a fellow tliat was fitted to be clerkin for benton than to be curt in stuff round lu u wheelbarrow but lltut want any of my business so i sot him to work aa soon as i sighted him when ha como into the yard i mot him there with tlio wheelbarrow and rako uud shovel nuw nays i before yuu do any thing um you iltnl tint nut and h it up thtiu on tho ijrui uud then ill tell vn what deer not fit to drink toronto juno 0 1913 dear hlr to put it mildly beer is not fit to bo used as a beverage i am not speaking of tho old- fashion od beer made of molted barley and hops that is not made or- sold any more my authority for that statement is tho brewers themselves before a joint committee on food standards at tho mackinac island convention of the association of state and national food and dairy depart they sold malt beer is extinct in america so why resurrect itt apart from that wo have the reports of the importation into canada of rice corn suirar molasses and so on for the manufacture of beer and the american society of equity composed of three million farmers saya that many corporations seem to be fla grantly foisting on the public an in ferior and actually harmful product composed of cheap crlts and deloterl- ous ingredients which sella under tho name and label of pure barley and hops product- ufcer wpropcrly tho product of malt ed baxloy and hops but that now sold is an imitation it is made from rice corn starch glucose artlflcajly colored aged with drugs and preserved by drugs corn and rlco are active pro pagators of fusel oil tho most deadly poison found ln beer and whiskey one trouble about modern beer ts that it is very difficult to keep it from polling and consequently large quan tities of preservatives are used a brewer wasv recently compelled to empty hundreds of barrels of spoiled beer into the river and it killed all tho fish and soma years ago a num ber of eoplo in kngland were poison ed to death by beer an analysis of the beer shuwod that it contained uii excess tit arsenic presumably used us a preservative lire won hive been known to advise their friends not to drink boor and it bus been cutrt thnt many brewers would quit business if they wero com palled to drink their own boar murk your cross opposite every no on tho referendum ballot paper if you miss one it will mxill your balto tim bruwars are hard ut work don t bo caught uiii reparod ii aiinott mil mclb dopt of boclai hervluo necessary precaution thought ho looked some sur prised at my speaklu to him so sliarp but bo ook his coat off wlllin nough and picked up tlio wheelbarrow hand les handy so 1 knew ho understood what a wheelbarrow was for i p luted out tho pile of gravel tliut was to ba wheeled up iind spread on the wuu and told him what to do and then i waat buik and gut on my puxsa wbcie 1 could keep in eye on him and sort of stir hlin up if need be it mm pretty hot out there wtvre ho was workin and for a fellow ttuit had boon workin undercover in ben tons store i thought bo dona well not to glvo up tho fust hour and quit once or twice i thought ha was goln to for ho looked over where i was tiiuf once ho started to say somethln but i i jest motioned with my hand fur him to get to work and ha didnt say a word but buckled to it agulu ill say this fur him he worked fuat- rute all the tlmo until he got the job dono comln no lulu lu the afternoon it took him uptl bout n upper tlmo to finish it up but he got it all done at i wur brought out mm nulleut trult of tho canadian pooplc euld squire blank tlio other duy hi la udapta- blllty i do not uppuio yuu could liuvo fuuid anywhere qum hi the world a body of men no unversed in war us the uvitrago cunuduiu a grsat many in fact the niajorlty were as green us young ikdley gldloy was a raw recruit just cn- rulloxl in tx crai k cavalry rcglmout and puylna his first visit to a riding suiool haros your borne said tho in strut to and lldlcy mlvuiiced gingerly and took hold of tho brldla then ho eianitiitl his mount minutely a po 1 ntt njf mi t h tnnn d 1 a gt rt b as ktrf whats it got that ntrap around its waist for well answered tho instructor without crucklng a amllo all our horses wvo a sense of humor itiey like to laugh and aomotlir wl there are recruits around vo havo put on bona ira us to ko p cm from bus in their sides i1v jlziitm u jiullliiut jovi i cor chap 11 additions msurlsl for tsscharsv i xiv 10 id ieut g a t iuko id i john 3 10 1 john a 1 si common script or lesson i if i apeak with tho tongues men and of ungcla but liuvo not lov i um becomo soundl dunging cymbal 2 and tf i have the gift uf prophecy am know ull inyatcrlea and all know- ledgn uiul u i havo all faith no us to remove- mountains but hays i havo nothing 3 ajjd if i bestow ull my goods to food tfie poor and if i glvo my body to ba burned but liuvo nut love it profit ctti mo nothing 4 ivo ufferoih long and is kind love enylcth nut lovo vsunteth nut itself is not pufteed up t doth not be havo itself unseemly socket h not its own is not provoked takcth not account of evil itojolceth not in unrighteous but rejoice th with tho truth 7 lteamth all thlngn belle veil things hojteth all things cudurrth ull things 8 lovo never fallotb but what c them ba prophecies hey shall b dono iwiy whether thcro ba tongum thay shall rcane whet tier tlicre b knowledge it alia 11 le done away 0 for wo know in part and wo pro phesy in part 10 but when that which is perfect is come that which is in port shall bo dono away 11 when i was a child 1 spake as a child i felt as a child i thought as a child now that i am becomo a man i havo put away childish things 12 par now we mo in u mirror darkly but then face to face now i know in part but tben shall i know fully ovnn as also i was fully known 13 but now abldath faith hope love these three and tho greatest of these is lovo golden text now obldoth faith hope lovo theso throe and tho great est of these is lovo 1 cor 13 13 departmental topics and rsfsrsncss primary topichow to hbow our love luko 10 2g37 memory verse thou nhalt lovo thy neighbor as thyself malt zz 33 junior toplo ways of knowing oi lovo luke 10 3737 john 13 15 memory verse l john 3 is intermedia to and senior toplo tho great cut thine in the world 1 cor u luke 10 2627 john 13 34 3c itom 8 38 10- youtur peoplo and adult topic th strongest bond between man and nn lions i cor 13 luko 10 25 27 john 13 34 15 bom s 3s 30 lesson thauahu to every factory or mill there must be a motive power tho church of jesus christ is tho dlvlno institution for transforming this world into kingdom of god unlike ull other forma of religion its mutlvo power is love 1 wo are called upon to lovo god our father wo can love a being whose almighty power is employed hi bless ua to provide for our needs to pour his own lovo upon us to shield us from danger to bestow upon us eternal life 2 we have every motive to lovo christ our saviour we love bo causo ho first loved us lovo broucht jesus to earth to live as one of us to share our sorrows to stand as our consummate example to give himself up to dlo for us tu redeem us by bis precious blood 3 wo should lovo tho church gods people lovo oaa another sold jesus on tho last ulght of his earthly life let us love cods peoplo era- braced in his church both at homo and abroad oven in fardistant lands let us cure for the church of god tvo to u work in it pruy for it live in its fellowship 4 we ohuold lovo all men our broth ers it is not merely saints that god loves it is sinners as well christ died not only for tho sheep within tho fold but for the lost ones on the moun tains as he loves and yearns over men so let us love them and by loving effort win them to his service blackboard love godoult katiikr lovc ch1ust our haviour- lov12 the chuhch dcjph people love all mun ouil uhotii- uiis rsadfnas for naxt weak monday god our crcutaor gen 1 scj1 tuesday obligation to god lsa lie 10 wednesday grucio c5 1 3 thursday bcsihuiu- phil 3 714 friday iruy when to cut grass and clover tor hay in that id u nuiirul imliof tl ut a uoinu whut in re lit d tontmun i my bo cured if u other us tlstd lxau a bull ir m luliud thai ttlnii la ponlpo tho liter eultli u it lu ovttl b ullty of buy n if tho uttlnu c1 uud in u is pru- llovad that uy bo ojj- wero dono in tho iu o of uualrn cr udu whcu mixed lover uud timothy alone uro tho fundamental a few mi ttcsuoim immd on or timothy buy plants ox no ri onto muy bo f mud nut to bo out of ordor timothy tnd ir durd hay plants i grown together tho i luver la eon tiibutlng tho bulk of thn buy crop the year iftr aeadljig and tho timothy is furiiliihlnu tho bulk of tho hay the following oar or yiuru rluppoalug that a farmer has u field of nixo1 rlovcr un i timothy whut would 1m the bent tlmo for him to cut it fur hay 7 tho rlivt develops urly and in ready tlmo bforo tho timothy has reached its bent ntauc shall tint ty when i itu prim thy is 1 iu hot timothy vltauoi to god a cod tlf saturday obeying god 10 sunday lovo to gimi and cor 13 113 designed to succeed ihwiirjbt tli roughening uncora proiulnl u fall uro in better tlian not succeeding sonu of you may bo of tho opinion tliat tho two things identical but tliat in a mistake must of tho peoplo you know nucccssful they plod uuinff doing their wjrk without enthusiasm ami without enjoyment ono of tho greatest mlsfort to 11 vo on mldwtiy between aucccnu uud failure doing tiothliul well find lug no juttnfactlou lu tho days task hover ublo to go homo ut night thrilled with tho coiumltuama of something worth while accutnpllbhcd and that ivuhutmidlmr i with it may n iovi loped mi might bo the kauoti that the clove vulqablo jmrt of the by cut i tt urly tho clover lu til von a chuncu to nruiwrutu and to produi t ifratlvo tccond crop which it mucht lull to do if tho cutting for hay is dcland too long for tho nuke of tho timothy lmothy forms tho principal part uf tho hay roy which it gen erally docs two years i seeding o hay it is importui lumdlo it for hay in a proper timothy like most other grouses has a period of its own when it has tho greatest feeding valuo and when tho hay miclu from it lu apt tu furniuh tlio maximum foodlng valuo per aero this period ts tho tlmo of bloauomlng at that time timothy lu ruhcut in hash and milk producing conaututcuta and if cut for buy when in bloom tho besl quality hay may consequently be lied it is a mlntuku to buliovo that tmttcr crops may ba secured if cutting is uomovhut delayed homo nllttht h crease in tho yield may bo obtalne but what lu calucd in quantity lu lout in quality uud feeding valuo pound for pound undur tho clrcumulanccu early ting of tlmotliy for liay must of n elty bo recommended as tho most economical mclhol of securing u hay of tho highest povslblo vuluo lxperl mental iurms noto is the lov flominq from the skies of tho inuny uses to which aviation can be put there is one which la j i i resent engaging oftlclul attention as wi ull know aviators whenrty- ing uve the sea in fvn ueutlun can sea a ong way down into the wator a fact which was made full uae uf in the cuursn of submarine hunting from un alioputnc ahoabi of ibh an bo observed when their presence la uunotlceoblo from the surface and the hikckkutlou la that tiahed observ ers ahuuld bo empl prhul- pal flnhcry grounds to nlgnul the pr senca unl wherealhtuts of ihtuu nhoalo to the waiting trawlers below which multitudes living to full outright lias boon tho begin nine f bettor things for multitudes a brilliant surgeon in an eastern city inudo u failure ss u shoo clark mi when hi employer ducturged him 1 told hlu frankly that of all tlio young men 111 his employ in twenty years bo was the moat hopelessly stuild j literary man who la ono uf the best patd writers in tho united slates mad a complete failure us a farmer 1 either of these hum had como shor of ubdolule failure ho might liuvo otiu on in this uuconkcnlul work neither sue ceding nor fulling till it was loo late tochange lvery ono of yuu la designed to auuocil tho llie of your possible success may be humble bfit it in very much hotter to bo a real success as a cobbler than tu be un unsuccessful lawyer make up yuur mind to ba tine thing or the oilier give yourself to tho work lu hand so whole hearted i y thai you will ruako a success of it if such a thing is posnlblo and thou if you fall look for tl o placu that la walling fur you the place where your lability uud your enthusiasm u yout earn ea turns will iuuiil to you ua tu many another downright failure nay open the door to opportunity an alwaya ready pill rcgul ir habit medicine is of little con ecru but tho greut majority uf men of regular hubll tho worry and rarvh of business prevent it and out if tho irregularity of life dyspepsia indication llv r and kid ney troubles a a protest down uyutcm dimands thcro lu none better thai vegu table illlu tin uro hlmjil their romihjsitioii un i can be ii byflio moat dulleatcly conulltuud llano ball hi lycncti no christy math thhi utatcmuu ho sayu buaobajl v gamo in kraut o think it brutal games between nunninq no r1qks jjn bavin mo tooth out tomor row xjuin to vo guar 1 should think so vou don i tet mo atltln in the dnrk wlv no dentist cornu siiiiot txlru when holluwuyuj corn cum rt applied to thrm innauio it goes lu the root aad kills tho growth traffic specifications 4cy under valvoln lit ad 40ji ji motor covert iraiuuniviuxi borbrcbccjrdocclutehir ktugo ton magjtetd with impubwj w art- ex 4pleco cast shell cellular lypc radiator drop furs- front rtzla wilh rourr bcariiu huswl rear axis internal car roller bcjnruca heavy type -icmi-ellli- tic front aixl par hiu1hk uu ji uctuiukcl fralnc surwlud 1 tik tlrcaj4x3k front und54x5eur 1 33mch wheel baic 1 3j- ttvb leiurth of frame behind drivers scat oil cup lubricating syiicm ehawa m luted atrlled uiui var- nhlicd uxivera scat andcujnou regular cquipmcitt ctuh price y o r port credit 2195 itulu allltanglx maiitif jcturutl tiy the traffic motortruck corporation 1 i st lp u sa i he i ral fic 11 the lawest priced 2ton capac ity truck in the world built of ttiiuljrlizl unui one i railil 1 ruck will do he work of thitu xcain io t lu tier quicker for less inuiicy ami with one third tho hull fpsts nothing ivhen not ruuning a nujliiy iruik 1 tic jit otjly lu iiflcr quuniay iiroduciioii lias utadu the tijiik low tf it a povnbu fbereja u 1 jliu pnluccl every 3s mliiutca wi suffly siaici- uottlls tuul lxflitjs uaiilks ulso iiii batlmkls costlilnahot uoiiy tliia eoiiibmjlion b uttered 111 u low iuliinlei uit a stale lttiy 411 ixprej lksly u gluln liox uotly u cittlu haulnu lltitly ujj to a platform lkxiy all mado with willi bcjsoncil oak amply nmforitd with lion work will ik a 1 olcli i o wa w tisftlc daalr lu 01 vlluao in hlu r iloiy 7 r motor sales machinery co uinitcd ontario distributor port credit ontario tc our wiiuiom jfl utc new summer tiyleu t slnnrtts ioyo sailoub wldoita uud illlscoii 1oy0s kwry stylo worth while sifio to h09 iiahekdasheky suiniucr underwear hooicr shirts uclta etc re nelson phono 40 naxt post oftioa qullph arton flour uud i siuie wo have a supply of tbti folltwliiu now on hand tha wsllknuwn uranda of king cholca norval ad national flour nothinrj bettar itolllo oatu uld clovlil ohortq altjikb oat qhq timothy halt lu llnilii uu ii iijihj 01 umall quantity if d iiicai kpi clal 1jnu in ctlltjlvln vlisi uivijtuu cal1 mlal h iluai lomuitic uqlli3d oatu tu13 uljv canada 1 oud hoard hecipo no bo robert noble limited hcnry awrcy manaqei

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