Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1919, p. 3

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hb i railway time tables an old 3 ije arton x tyxeaa thursday june 19 1910 u fe octtinq the answer in thoro uny memory greener kverdim ulty keener than the old fsrnlllur problem wrestled with no lone ngot if a field la mowpil lo four days jty rivn inun how mui mora days oh tho irony of asklii will it take uirt muii lo mowt llovo tlio ochoal roomn drowsy hum- ml iff through tho open window coming croon that field of crimson clover cunu tlio boom of belted bee yrt uiat cndcsn talo of mowing whats tho good of ever knowing copt you had to get tho answer or alio ruulilnt lot you frcot then tlio fearful thrill of turning to tho uiuinbed baak page and learn 1ns jf you really truly iind it hardly hoping that you mlghl has ufa nlnco hold a pleasure that can equal half tho measure jf tho joy wo foil that wo hid tho f ix phillips the old man of the big clock towkk i wvffll i hbsskvr dni wb2m41jm 4 ffiesk ir- hpv 1 i i wi j tho luu lie school ho held irj tho kiitt til tho cra looklnj- u grit 1 os wcj uuuul j and uot shapo sl been favi been ntvji ho s3 mc of th juno 14 david jumon towns with nutlor of cstirrfi its luml hfrhwj i cd withm tho ooll lb in some iuxit to set tut trti to fallen can but ik 1 ildi be a tlio ii mi the lovinq heart it was recounted a lucky day in his life that upon which levi grove adopted meta itolfe her father an artist and her mother an invalid had como to rushton to cko out a wretch ed existence and died within a week of ono another owing mr arovc who opertitod a general store ererat hun dred dollaro it was tho day after tho lost funeral that meta poor llttlo mournful mite of ten appeared at tho store with ft note manama told me to glvo it to you and ptbase mr a rove im to work for you sho said tho old storekeeper was generally designated as a hardnated whimsical old bachelor but bis heart was touch od at tho forlornoss of tho uttlo re fugee he was lonely ho had but ono relative in the world- and that was a nephow herbert drove who had run away from him and had not been beard from since mr grove held a consul tation with tho lawyer and a clergy man and practically adopted the child shes a marvel be told a neigh bor when meta was fifteen and three years later she has learned figures and typewriting and bookkeeping tho business has grown to need those- things and think of what that llttlo treasure oaves mol every year i have put in the bank three hundred dollars in trust for her the little fund is up to over three thou sand dollars already only on ono rolnt did meta and her guardian differ the town was prac tically supported by its laboring popo tatlon at lta edge were the- woollen mills nnd around them here bad now nettled oyer a hundred trniu au their trade came to the orove store the majority of tho workers mettled up thelr accounts on every monthly pay day but there were some idle dissolute and dlihoncst workers who got be hind in their payments and moved away to other place this caused old xevl to make strict rule of thirty days credit and three days grace after that any person violating thiaruls waxshut off from ail future credit many time meta pleaded with him where sickness or lack of work were oauses of poverty to modify his system but be was invulnerable out of her pin money however meta cared for tho needs of many a sufferer for tlio neces- sluen of life meta was lust eighteen when tlovi drove went west to look after a land investment uo waa undecided wheth er he should sell tho land or improve it these irecs driven and could uo nu trees will req that measure a loving mci honor to plant grow is to said joaquli sierras tr lived this ft overlooking t cd uiouiiandu with hui owl tho hill aloi a vcrllublo uj not ull of living li tho hie trvcj indocd may plant o trco all of ui ca advlnod li loyo u troo ful uliudo ii friend 10 writ viatriarchul rchulurly day every y haired plom crobjnd tho than nfty vir hulrtd cinio thilr llillr graml u eolobrn ilrut uutliui than half u mthrtliik u plom tiafo hit luricnt ro tttcntly vumovr lull foi tlm inumuin dlun new wr iliri liunul kwuklulh whui t nioke f w fur tieelal fttttlvi li f ltidluno i uiiio rllklu dlahen wro turvc aouifi ur hrnuii dy dropping hut ht tho arvliil rmj which tho dlnh tnhi l u wol th no itilld uhinitd 1 mi hour from woim lu tan 1 i iimdy mothn ui toitnuuitui i rnay be gone two moaths he told his utile able helper dont worry about tho busi father mid meta and take a good rest worry i repeated lvl expressive ly why i couldnt hire a manager to equal you tho day after he left the great mill building burned down and all hands were thrown out of work there was intense current of dismay for the own er of the business had failed to carry insurance the workers had no source for supplies except the grove store meta liko the btulnes adept that she thought out the situation and decided to act upon her own respon sibility first cho consulted with the mayor of the town who assured her that some new people had bought the fac tory site and within sixty days would have a new plant in operation impressed upon hex the fact that many of the workmen were meditating re- moving to other points to secure work then meta sent for tho leaders among tho workers she asked them to curtail purchase as much as pos sible until better times came in the meantime she would give them credit a bronfted handsome young man come to tho town one day became known as mr devcreaux and was said to be interested as an investor in the new mill company lie became ac quainted with meta and passed many a pleasant hour at the store when bual- nens wah dull while he was reticent almost mysterious about his antece dent i there was aometlilng in his clear i pen face that won m etas confidence one day mr orove came home when he heard of what meta bad done e waa furious for the first time in hts life he bitterly reproached her i could not let tho poor peoplo starve nubmltted meta no but my ayitw what if x lone sjl that money r no leed father you say i have several thousand dollars held in trust iet that relmburee you if yap sustain any loss no need spoke a voice that start led thsrn nnd the young man lever- eaux appfoxed at tho rear of the store where thry were conversing mr grove i will see that you lose ab- eolutely nothing and who are yout demaiiooed mr irovo your runuwuy nephew herbert old levi was ashamed of his najr- rowmlndddness when the workers o tar ted n at the now plant and paid hlin up to a man and tbe day that in a meta became man and tc ho foil that iipleto to resume my opening harangue of lost week on our lack ot cooperation grumbling eta let me offer a aug gestlon to remedy in some measure our lack of loyalty to public enter prise it rather runs in my bead that at one time we had a board of trade what happened it i do not know or it may be in existence at this present day for all x know what i am aware of la tlmt i havent heard of any of its activities for noma time i dont be- llove then are many real live towns without a board of trade and i dont believe acton wlil be lively and pro gressive until it has ono of these wide awake organisations and let me point out ono thing right here there is no use organising a new board of trado or reviving tho old one unless every business man and progressive eltlxen is prepared to back it tstbe limit dont soy its nothing to youijvfl everything to you and nib and everyonelmte rested in acton theaa days after iho war seem to be full of new ideas new improvements being undertaken a kind oc frvcrlah excitement to make up for the four- year period when all energies were devoied to winning the war is acton going to be in the swim with the rest of the tow is and tho whole country in this foward sureep oiuro wo going to allow buiiinea and everything else to run past tho doors and look at us for dead ones acton always has had a fine position in comparison with other towns more push is reeded in those days to keep it in that position i be lieve the board of trade would help it cant posilbiy do any injury after the visle of john bell last week i almost felt like resigning my uuo to the old man hes got me beat by years and years and my writ ings are modern compared with what he recotiiccu i had a tery intereatlns chat with him 1 didnt tell him i call ed my self too old mvn though and i picked a number of historical points out of him that i was a little foggy on i it he telling them to you for orl glnal atuif some of these days more of mill ptreet now iioujte bhortly after lta completion in the early nprtng of 18h1 junt o week or so nilrr tho hlrlh of his r in i ed who died from innuciuui bint winter theoo reprrirnlitlvro of three jcntrauona of aclot iloreyn sleep oldo by nlilo in the ami plot hi i alrvlnw mrlry ilr hiimy lnnd of ip fiimu dlod in iunderlnnd vlln twe tyoiia yenrn ago last march tho old lioutio waa movrl to ilower avenue and in nnn tho rtildenca of mr a k nlrklln ai fimily though hii tin trformatlon prrrttl illy mada 11 a hew house tho next lot now tho homo of mr peter ucnabb and for rany yoaxa past has also a varied lilutory j cooper nhop atood on tlio westerly nidi of the lot for many years john ughl heart made flour arl appla barn in siid also did quite a tivdo in tho fashioned rraln cradles there thcre were numerous tenants in tho house 1 remember bent john llennett or mule ilannett an ho locally known ho wan tho father of mrs ilobert itllton and afterward moved to crewsons corners whrra he wu a successful farmer and where his son john succeeds him details seem to be growing as unual its pretty hot writing up here uiaso summer bights no ill just knoc off for a week in my next contribution ill toll you something of tlio shooting of martin drosngate in connection with tho hotuo on tho next lot which tragi o event occurred fiftyfour yearn ago next week tub ow man p 8 fan paxfts header made a moat flowery and effusive tpluttcr lost week he guessed at my personality and missed but i bet that my guess of his nationality as irish by tho blarney he handed out lsn t as far oatray as his was among the numerous incidents of interest in the ilansom adams pro perty in the mill and john street block on mill street x forgot to mention lu my reminiscences last week that the movies in acton were introduced in this block about ten years ago mor ris baxe and a jewish compatriot from brantford opened tho first moving pic ture show here in the frame building now used as a storehouse by bymons hardware it was named the won derland and from the first was pat ronised with full houses it was here that it ii gregory commenced his career in the movies which he has continued so successfully and now we move- on to tho next block tbe first two lots now occu pied by sunderland villa the splen did residence of the late w ii storey actons first reeve was built forty years ago from the time of tho sub division of itufus adams farm into village lots these two lots have always been intact the first house was if x remember correctly built on the south west corner by george tubby about sixty years ago mr tubby at least lived there for n lumber of years and died there mis- two sons austin who has been superintendent of one of tho urge wholesale millinery houses in toronto for many years and george who was one of tho consulting engi neers when the panama canal was under construction will be remember ed by old residents this property was later owned by thomas marshall a shoemaker lie always had a tpundhl rarden q fruit vegetables and flower tbe story is told that in tho fall of tho year when cameron fuluamea were buildi the tailor shop on the corner of mill and elgin streets for mr adam dick- son that angus cameron chester hill and the present venerable gray haired magisterial head of the from pans then a lad decided ose night to sample mr marshal un ripe grapes and pears they got into the garden and were search it g among tho grape vines for the ripest clusters when tom mar shall who uspected just such visi tants swooped down upon them threat enlng all kinds of vengeance they hustled over the fences of john ben nett and oliver ixler nnd into the new tailor shop and hid under the piles of new pine shavings under tbe work benches until the danger of dis covery was past sneaking of old mr marshall re minds me of a story ha which he was an actor in his old age this fine old man became weak mentally he had been awuy from actorf for a number of years and one day turned up un expectedly at john speights shop after a few mlnutes conversation in uullo a rational mood ho said can vou lend in a couple of dollars johnt unsuspectingly mr speight generous nature at once vospanded why yes thoraiu hires two dollars with tho ch raft eristic cupidity of his mental condition the old man spread out his red bandana handkerchief on the ground carefully tied u the 13 00 and the human family a weuknwn scientist gives tho fol lowing interesting facte about tho great family to which wo oil belong the human family the great human family living on earth today consists of 1160000000 souls not fewer pro bably more these ore distributed literally all over the earths surface there being no considerable spot on the gl3bo where man has not found foothold in asia tho so called crado of the human race there are now about 00 000000 people densely crowded on an average of about 120 to every square mils in europe there are 120000 000 averaging 100 to the square mile not so crowded aa asia but everything dense and in many places over- populated in africa there an approximately 200 000 000 and in the americas north south and cen tral 110000000 these latter of course relatively thinly scattered over broad areoa on tho islands large and small there are probably 10 000000 more the extemes of the blacks and the whites are as five to three the remain ing 70006000 intermediate brown yellow and tawny in color of the entire race c00 00 0000 ore well clothed that a they wear garments of some kind that will cover nakedness 2c0- 000000 habitually go naked and 700 000000 only cover the middle parts of their body to 000 000 live in bouses toocooooo live in jtuts and caves the remaining 260000 000 virtually having no place to lay their heads true hcnoiom it wna noon hour on a largo building in tlm rournn of cpuntrurtlon moot of un while enjoying our pipes were din cupalng the probability of rolling a lurltry or rliirken for tlio holiday which was then oravrlnr very near one young follow a bri klayor was proudly handing around a ticket which would take him to knglund on a visit to bin mothers pcopln after a year of hard min nnd mlf dculat ho wi roing to havo u rood time mont i us nnvled him them had been an old man working with us who had died latoly and bin widow n ioor faded llttlo woman had just called around to thank- tho boys personally for tho omall aaalst- ance we had rendered her during her husbands sickness onn of us aske 1 her what her plans were rtr the future and aftor telling uu how she was goltif to try hard to mako a living ehe said perliaiis she might tnalo enough money in the course of time to take her back to tho old country where alio would bo imcng some friends who nould care for her in her old ate no doubt in her tcardlmmed eyea ahe could aec visions of uie quiet peaceful time eho might have thon many thousand miles away tho young rellow looked at tho old lady and then at the tlcknt in his hand and then quietly handed it to her telling her in a few brief words what it waa and giving her a few directions nona of un could npeak but wo all tried hard to think what it meant to the old lady and tried harder still to realise what it meant to him he was truly a knight of tho steel blade selected prizto fon racing pigo i very year a pig rco l held a crime nor- martin north of irnnc a prixa or 2 000 francs 00 ilullarn bolnfj award hi tho imky rider of tho win nltig pig this rnco hi hold in accord anro with tho terms of tlio will of a wealthy tradesman of tho villa go who died fortytwo yearn ago ho order d that umonunt tho amusements of tho annual foto should bo included u roro lth plito to bo ridden either by mon or boy tho prlxe howevor waa not to be iinded to tho winning jockey ex cept on rondulor- tint ho wore drop niournlnk for iho drruuicd fur two yearn after the race tho municipal ity accepted tho eccentric bequest and these ulngulir races have boon hold regulirly ever nlncc peanut contebt riaco two small bowls on a table at ono end of the room at tho other end of tho room on a tablo have two bags of peanuts and two knives the players may choose partners in any way desired the partners play together tho leader given a signal watches tho tlrao and keeps tally when tho signal is given a player with his partner ntcpq to the table containing the peanuts each takes a knife and then the lender says go each places as many peanuts as he can on the blado of tho knife and carries it with ono hand to the other end of tho room where ho deposits the peanuts and re turns for more as many trips can be made as the tlrao will allow three minutes a good time j when tho time is up the leader says stop and the number of peanuts in each bowl ht counted and accredited to the two players each pair takes turn in playing time and tally being kept for each until all have played tho list of contestants is read aloud the partners who succeeded in tarry ing tho greatest number of peanuts to tho bowls receive a prise worlds diggest whirlpool just before the junction of the m t de dlos and the inarabaxi rivers in peru tho latter divides into two arms with on inland some two miles long between the right arm which usually the safer for navigation ut at times impassable owing to excessive drought that causes the formation of perilous rapids travelers must tn consequence take tho wide left onn down which the main volume of tho river then flown an enormous force of water is shot into the madre de dlos the inambart at its left arm junction is three hundred yards wide perhaps thirty feet in depth and flows at six knots an hour this great mass of water meets the madre do dlos itself four hundred yards wide here at a right angle the current of tho i being raster than the madre de dlos the former river cuts lis way through the latter right across to the farther bank there the inambarl bj thrown back and surges lound tn a huge circle two hundred yards in diameter to join up again with the water flowing to tho ban the whirlpool thus formed is probably one of tho largest in the world the circles of seething water curl inward and downward screw- fashiod to their centre which appears as a great hole at least eix feet below tho level of tho outer rim gchool mottoea as there is nothing so precious as time so there ore none oo prodigal as those who misspend ll a good education conelats in a com bination of good habits always look people in- tho face when you address them and generally when they are speaking to you lie sociable but do not throw your time away by a little yielding ono may often gain a great victory climb not too high lent you fall lie on tho ground lest you be trampled on coldness is often mistaken for prida and timidity for roily employ your wit well wit ill cm- ployed is a dangerous weapon- few things are more injurious than indiscreet talk lis is a good orator who can per suade himself to do what he ought to do he is jnworthy tobe a master over others who cannot master himself never wish to appear wiser or more learned than tbe rest of the company unhappincaa and over abundance our jnliapplnesita morn likely to bo duo to our navlng too much than to not havltif nough nono relish their food llco those who ore often hungry i naver knew how delicious uleep could no sold a young soldier till i came o my cot one morning after having boon on guard twenty- four bourn i dropped down just as i was hungry cold tired i said to myself now i can nlecp and tho thought was octasy there is aomo reason to think that uie present generation is lens con tented tlian those of former and oltnp- ler times this may bo true and if t la uie reason is not far to nook wo have too much llapplueas in ortener tho child of need than of over abund ance kmmirgpfflro trustworthy liken in moderate doses right through the warmer months after meals scoltsemuisioii furnishes nourishment ot tjoibr value to tn anemic or those underweight iuci your strength tirust bmuutoit- oatt dodge bros have concentrated on ono stylo or car and havo been dotcnr make aa good a car as can be built t the dodge car has tho reputation of low cost of up keep easy b- to operate and a low consumption ot gaso line au dodge owners arc well satisfied with their choice investigate this cah and be convinced j n oneill dealer for acton and georgetown distr gays patent 4a ms combination well us consider ourselves mighty w have an unfailing well buildings to get water light ull from tho same hole tn d would be beyond our wild- much however is tho good x harms of the manyber- dlstrlcl and as if that the well delivers the surface at tho rate of f water and looo cable 0 hours feet deep and eost tor has mo objectlou- jr it is used for and also for house- lp conveys it to s s aeparates out tn piped from iho house for llght- poaet even tho being run by from the ere are other itrlct and tbe irrigating turning sald whats the use of friends if you dont use them and started off he was never again bctsn in acton after mr marshall johnny mclcec who had conducted a rushing business as a general merchant in a store where kenney bros shoe stoie now standr uvsfutinevrfls fl ee u ft years ago when this building and tho block ucros the lure in which there weco three stores and lialt u doaen residence were ell swept uwy mr mckee who had married nelllo dempeey about this time lived in the tubby house the fire oc cured about tho time the colorado beetle now known as our potato bug put in its trouble some uppearaiice johnny bolyed the time us opportune for introducing a bug killer and for some time with ui help of two or three boys manufac tured a preparation of lime and parts green which was to be dusted potato where bugs were prevalent tens of thousands of packages were sold ho left acton for parry sound and mr v h bturuy bought the property and moved to the house and nuido pro nsrstlotis for tlio erection of his fit e new realdence hunderhand villa so named fur his home county in linn land in lift mr hloreya eldest sou ivod was taken seriously 111 it was thought w whiter spent in the south would bo beneficial conimxrueutly lr mrdnrvln accompanied him to nunsah in tho bahama islands the stay did him sums good but jtrsd died in the new 1 the outlook fob women is there a reward that women as women may hope for through orgunl tatlon employment the franchise and in taking up their own work la a way which will make the world better there ah mid be also a greater number of these individuals of remarkable personality of whom already wo have had nt a few examples in this coun try with its comparatively brief his tory abigail becker laura beoord madeleine de vcrchercs sarah max well an j others whose names you will remember who by being ihcjnaejre did so much far all of us uow much we need this increase la individuality and these remarkable individuals who can put into words but p making a stoalfaat nttmpt at lbs treat or wrif of the race by trying to fill th nood for the existence of these benefactors we do make their coming more pos nlble it is not the people who talk about what may be done hut those who take an active part in the aft irs of life working out idealism what we may call tho better uio in practical concrete puns who merit our support and allegiance meanwhile in pre ps ratio i tor uie ooming of these great i people what wo have to do is to refrain from merely talking about thj future so that we may devote our selves to concrete and practical plans marjory macmurchy tn tho cana dian magusino fur juno small wonder a lrctvcbman was learning icngllah and every morning read a little in an tnglhh newspaper ono day ho was eortflyvu ixibfl vot lis thlst ho asked a friend your knglu is a pusxle the friend took the paier and read should mr 1 units who sat for uie mudvllle constituency in 1sh- consent to stand again and run ho would in all probability liava u walk ovrr ibefxikrkmit double tread double strength tike system will give and has given entire satisfaction by hla system of doub ling ip your lialfwom or rlmeut tjres wo givj you a aand water and frlc- uon proof ure yes and 00 per cenl puncture proof our tires have now stood the test of five years over nomc of the worst roads in ontario ilerocmber we do not sew thorn there are no stitches to tip wo do not bolt them and leave open spaces for aand- and water to enter band and water between tho two casings causes friction friction uvtha great enemy not only ttjhe tus but it destroys the fabric which is tho strength and foundauon of every ure our ilres pre aa cool in uie hottest dy4 jjurnmpr as any ire you oyer had on your car vy our syaem wo thoroughly vulcanlao he two casings together and in no case do we double them until all breaks in the fabric and rubber have been repaired next we hand rive our patent sectional plates which you will see by above cut take core of every inch of uio edge of the octr rasing next we vulcanise a three ply rellncr in every tire making it as smoout for uie tube as any new ure vy our system we ore pouting to work again hundreds of tires that formerly were thrown on the euap pile scores of men have written us from different parts of ontario about uio great mileage toy have had ad no puncture what did it cost them for ex ample take two soxs tires ono u rim cut hni of rubber tread uio other has a good run and fabric but tho tread la worn off wo take these two and make ono out of them and send back a com plete tire ready for the car for is 00 express charges would amount to about auy i 00 in all 7 co some write they havo had t 7 10 13 and aomo as high as 16 thousand miles and uiat from tiros they could not use any more if interested write us and will aend you our price list covering other ultca now as to why our urea are almost 100 per tenl puncture proof tako 30k j vk tin it lias four layers of fabric wo double them it now bos eight then we rellne it with a threeply rollner it now liss cloven layers of rubric all thoroughly vulcanited to gether you can readily see tacks and small pulls luxve no uiauco a fair trial is ull wo ask- use a gopd tube and do not allow air pres sure to go below 0 mid you will get the ik si of results when semilog us tires prepay ex press cluirge tayijor kyan successors to j 11 gay and cu if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our tovr the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost r ampaif bead these articles with core they may present something you hadnt thought of before patronize the people whose ada are here they are your neighbors and will treat you eight t the money you spend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighfcxao you will always fjnd it profitable to consult um when desiring dry goods clothing hoots and shoes xdncoleums oilclouis and groceries our aim u to anticipate your desires in acton moiean a mills our aim ts to sail ycu dry goods mens fumlslnga and groceries uio quality and price of which will keep your money in acton we can compete wlu any ono anywhere and strongly urjro com parison d c russell the pansier store is criterion for uurlty and wholcsomencss in jatcnt formulas we carry as well choice perfumery toilet articles vlctrolas our spring wall iaper saio is now on end very special bar gains are offered a t drown consult us first when buying hardware wo carry a ooatnlce stock of shelf and heavy hardware silverware cuuory q rani to ware etc and can convtneo- tho most critical oir prices and quality are right james oymqn order yourcoal now delay under present conditions invariably means an advanco li tho vtlce nut stove and furnace coal now on hand wo carry groceries as well j c hill everyone wants their moneys worth natural desire is not to get the worst of any business trans action cheapest not always best pebson who buys prom catalogue house sees only the peice and fougets that value is thing that counts whcti you spend your moimy you naturally want to get all you can in return no ono ran utlclxo you for having that desire only those who are commonly retrrvd to as imvlmr muro money than sense uirow their money owuy all others iro careful to wo that uoy do not get uie worut of uny uitlhiii llut ono bun to bo ablo to look farther than tho end or hlu noao if ho l to bo sure that he is cutting the moat tlmt ho can get tor his money that is tho dcfinno of uiu man who buys from the mail order house instead of palronlxliitj tho unrcliuiita in hlo own to wo- he says v we deal in all kinds of ivcah and cured meats and it is our desire to secure and hotdjy your patronage by fair prices anj honest dealing we endorse tlij campaign buy in acton it pays w land3dorou bargains in ladlca sllkflocaed s looking 30a hob longs ovcralls at a shipment of bob longs wearing shrtrj eccad thti shoe repairing a opeskuuy e k when you buy shoes f from us you are ourc log tho beat sdccuon in actoi prices are much lower uino prices our guarantee la everything wo ocll kenney i buy a front tbo mall order man iy ut liotno hut in arriving at uiat con- kfii ublo tb look further than tho end of who buys goods from a mall order house la hutting tbo goods for less money than i at tho store in his own town uo thinks it ut nut his fault if tho merchant 1 hi naver ouy furniture from a catalogue u all looks good in pictures when buying from us you ece uio artlclo before you buy and our best advice and survlco hi yours undertaking in connection johnstone 4 co frisks up that crdsr for groesritt tiring it to ua wo can oumpcto in service quality aud price with anyone anywhere we carry as well a full line of dry goods nelson a co we have said it dsfore aud we suy it ugoln you can buy to better advantage in acton uiau hi toronto sue us when you require anyuilng in general merchandise wo will not be undersold l starkman now thst wirm wssthsr is upproaalitng you will require rvfreahmenl our drinks are ico- and nnrr 1 n vlgorati ng our- 1 ceyream is dollclous our candles fresh and wholesome h wiles pur lara dualness connection in acton is oirtplo proof that our moats vegetables and provisions are of the best quality wo sell on cluso margins and solicit tho privilege of supplying your home moenery a evans 090 oundas ol contemplating building t if so lot us estimate on your ro- qtrimeiits we prepare plana tuaka cntlmult nnd take contruus for auy kind of building wu would suggtet orturlng next wlnliirrj coal now j d msakenzie get more fur bis than whan ho aponds ulu inu clusluu he certainly has not ills nose in most cases the mui does so because ho thuiku u he would have to pay tor the he is looking out for no i un in hts town cannot mako uny money mul lu foiced to toout of business ho overlooks the tail tluit hu bi likely to bo us hard bit us unyuno else whey uiat mcrctiuiit ciojjcj his doom but leaving that probability out or consideration uio huotes ur ulut 10 to 1 tlial tho buyer ms really lost money on bis dul with the mull ardr man price not the only consideration if buying uu uryclu or any kttid whtuur it be a house and lot bi not thn only thing to imi connldcred by tlm habit or fcoliu mo a utoro when you and suyiim to tho uioroktcptr vllvp m you havo in tbu it a quo vou want the h for tho price you pay fur 1l but you dun t unually want lc hiiihu thing jul iu hod a mau may doludu hluuhilf into u11ov1ilk that when ha buyu a suit of clothes from a mull ordir house for 111 ho u uuvlng money but what is there u justify him in u b u wlief tbo mere act tliut hu u gettliu u suil for hlo iiihii not imuii thut bo lu saving luorioy the t iicca um uiat if ho should o to lliu nvun who runs tho clothing ill ore lu his own town and unit for it ho louhl tot u null or cluuics for 10 and uio chances ur altio tlul it would bo juul us good it not a better bargain than uie suit which ho louhl tit fnmi tho mull order huiuo for the muim sum ut not lliu irl be uiyn thut uhowa whether ho iu bottliuc a bargain or not it lu ilu quullty of hkmlb that ho fcoln for hlii niuiioy thut or u paper o f i lim tho ru any means y uu 1 ro in t 1 want to buy a uult tit tht tho ji capes lilt of cl then best sul of old the you 4ll our- dread is oakid right hero in actor antee its hoiesomcni aa well your putront mado caltcs pastry ett satisfy m this campaign meets with our our learty endorr qe our peraonsl inters are centred lr ment la deoervb endorsu sumo ryocr a i m local oist 1 or tho lord a supply you wth v ut rcaonublo pr iitock of irts uiwi your mutt cjlt uo i i msnufsctura end repi all kinds of furniture li cjttltiiuto or ou ou tho motving roualrliuj or upholuturlng of furniture which requires utte- i guarantoo my work thi f iiiuipllul nt can un0lr8lll mail order hou8l tho homo uiuicliuut un uull un biuiy ua tho ton 11 order if ho sells us cheap uuods oh tin mull uidor inun uoiu 11u eici are not as heavy as thuuu ir uio mull drder nun ho pays icon lujrtiportlon to tho buitlnerm bu iuk liln liuiu uru lina in pro obtarr y uu to the csphuituvcsuj iinraatematnubitti mall order man hi proportion u tbu votumu noil tho mall order limn uiy uuy hi tho yn goods of tho sumo quality uud nyh irdcr man leas li pintoiko u- f nulta ho epxi mnflo j f if ho wishes w eell pnl ul cit hi by tho uiuu unlur o onturiu 1 cuiin1 riicr will b c ut whih ilic wim opinioiyt rill ipuft but he ttoeeii i do thin b peopla in his town do nol wun fore ho kociia in niclt goodn id suit for tho tpuu wliu ui by buying u suit ut tluit pi leu than hu rjio but ho lolls tho iumoiutr junt whul ho of uim unowu that tho majority tfuuilly uud utylo of uooeta tbcro t ull qualltlut uud ull prltcjj ho lias tho lifrs that ho eaii uet more for bin money cuu by buying u better hu ui buying for tho next time yuu think about buying soniothlitg from u uuiil onler buuae if yuu cvii do think of suih u thing go flrnt lo your homo niervliuul and auk lu i o tho artu lo which you arc th inking or buylui fair desllna nd low pries are building up our business wo curry a full llitu of uioc ileti uud lruvlaiiiia uud our prlt es will wt llevo tho neoesslty ot further eearoli our quality and price will stand comimtrluon mrs j modouqall lour homo i b can fur his mol customers to do un he docs hla ninlu eommuiilty is tlm cimiclltlori of the pi lies and bin lull litis a junt compiul purl0i if all buyetn would tukt artlclo they are buying lnl um all go out of bun i man to worrov ready to compare prices iciibunt li m buulmna limit hu iutu tin butt vnlut ioy win 0 liu hiijit i ikkih uud hi ilocn not expel his ylhhiti li i all that hu uk in retui u for tho favors ineiii and the ihliik h dooit for thd good of his ho l tlvoi un opportunity to meet thn iiuildloui mull ouli i linn i uu lb pcrttly wlttliut to liave his ou tumiuiixil to thoun of tho mall ordtr house but ho i tu lu lint itlvcll i huiio nwko this 1111 well un the price of tha i malt ordci houeut would t nsxt tims you requirs iukjlh tihuou rubbern enileuvor to incut our rv my uiihu is oomph of tbo lcut in i hopulrlntr tluno nd carry grocery chester pl consult yh innulu t for lot ituurai ma flrt i yuu icqulru famt impl f uny hind i urn local age riuitlunal muchlmry and oftj io ytiu sittliifnttloi vlco i cut i y botitn uud ulioua chao me ct and sertl m n yvmj i parklj is 1 ct qw

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