Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1919, p. 4

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ijt artou3fwe tuiikiihay jijni 10 19j an old 30ngwit j tin rna 11 r- j tla alton 1jioi 1iuia in y c ld0 nf ft 1ati- t tu troutji m 3xtv prefix thu ilk tti v acto iialj ui tho i lien 1uulj li uiihiicrlptlon prlco in 1 lo aji in charted additional tu tho dntn lo which nubat rlpllui hlllir day ilatij trniintnnt a iver linemen in 10 icaaurcmrnt for flnit insertion and l valk urmmd 11 uubawiuciit liunrtlon contract ihut you an io i a or rooro per annum on trouble tr i advuruacmcntn without tuhlcn yout j j tin forbid and chare juiiltltm iu nlwav urn tcj lllin lulfih u 1 mooltli llltor anil lublinhc ut lilt w oil mrr3 whw i 6f olll llritokiaj in recognition of i111 rcnt wortli to tho town in hi loyal advocacy of proprcvivc movement which meant much m the development of renfrew mr w li smallficld late editor of the mercury wa tendered a banquet liy the citizen laat wtjqjt qurinjj the cvcninj an illuminated addrecand la cabinet of beautiful silver were presented him from tho day of inn early manhood mr smallficld served the town most effectively through the columns of the mercury h10 doq tdcntiricd him nk i tkn imliirully irlh ur country is yearly attracting a more and more mm yc it you novcrimmigration and colonization show that till trouble 11 teal year ending march 21 1010 the fame from the united states brought twenty yeal and effect valued at uuu7ti7105 f the opportunity th lu thursday jui 0 vbc day of canada tho munlc of tho mowhlfl lu heard sen hi i hc war germany sold goods tho builder uro iunl now q to bri empire can ine n addition to mru hcnr residence on arthur yet to get a largo share of this is mr t a ward canadas action that is the opinion of barbcrlnc buniocan him removed there tragic commission canada is becom- ii ait hia bunlnfa more alive to the attractive openings daniels or toronv tho weather pansion of trade and her exports arc sure the mo mine trajmly j c proportions curriou by afternoon the nm lndlcat nrxl day tho huiii kchooip people of our country have ever lie fichool knvinft b hold in tim vartotfltj immense volume of business and tho lant two iliya of ju involved in the insurance tho croiui in wcalrni looking unusually woil during the past fifty years in ktulna wtm cotton ln immense development has taken nmiomry ami business of all sorts in 18cu ulmno siiieo uscdwif fi insurance at risk in canada was been cavorablo on last year the amount was 3980- m 1875 hc net life insurance in force was n yc this amounted to 1585042 juno 14 by- david itaf jarasa met townahlp been nteady the report of the business of the chartered bank in canada proves very satisfactorily that this country is in a very gratifying financial position in j808 th chartered banks in the dominion numbered 27 with 123 branches their pnidup capital amounted 30507000 and the deposits to 33g51000 last year the paidup capital of the 21 chartered bankc of canada with their 3135 branches amounted to 111037755 and the total amount on deposit was 143203020 thu day of momentous import tui germany is nt hand it looks now as if saturday june 21 will be dcr tag for that unhappy country which has failed so ignominiously in its attempt to win a position to rule the world the peace terms of the allies ur to be submitted that day if the germans do not accept the amended conditions the armistice will be decjared at an end and after two days the allies will be free to resume hostilities it is to be hoped the german nation will have sufficient wisdom left to take tho course which will avoid further bloodshed y ilrntllhii- ii 1 r milu who utik to huvo ull oxli bl tho mimo ruin u fol itiwiil 4i llit oit illl iy i icrliu who nub iimii- oiilitiilut wlint tho nutilro r tho lilnnttlliuioii ulmill lt and by whom r iiiatlin wlili li nut tu wmio xhit in tlm illnt rxtlnu nf llio irrlc tln llotuii morald tollu u utory in whlih u lo lxni wltiiiiiu to hlu niaii- tori identity r ltotjti liuuliiiuii man rnlr4 uvjjir loutal ri r liiurtnufijl ti gm an iirlrr iinl but tho rlcvu in uttuml- unoti hud only riucntly lnin niiixilntrd lli uial til- iillrr would hivo lo bo iiliintllud ixfom jiiyiuciitoulil tx niiidr why i hrtvi iitid hnmlrrd i r or- 1 himi bitf im nlillrd with u iituiur f litiinllii- unl tbcro mi in i mm bn who ktmwy niof tin tin- ony one mi duly junt now tim otlwn am out to lunhoou nald tlm lk will oii ltk tin- lnnrition on my don u f olhir uu nullli lint lllltlnca- tlmt wiu uko yiii tluit will bo aitintablii tho ruin whihllod for hlu terrd taklnj him lu bin jinnii bimmitcil him up to ibx window tim clerk mu tli 1 cxhauotinq for evcoyonc a i mi tin- tpl hh h hir idwurd chu hiirrfiitrr wjui ciniloyo i mi tin for a hturltijf into in tin trtdmi iny tho tntli mid mil wud iinkri ut jildjjo to tllnn 11 t ud ovrr until tho fllowlmc diy i liava 1m ui iixulliij all lay li ho ui hi i lutlicr i xhiumtcl lib rniurat wan k tod tho rlcrk rultil tho t ext iuii and liiiiinillutoly u you n if iurr btler rouu uwho for noino rranuii o hlu own did not wuit thn rami to im tried ut that tlmo ifo iihio rtin nl- that bin iu inllhfoo pootponcd whyr nuked tho jml ohlly may it pleano your onliililii thu imrrinter nlilled r loo am in a ulatu or exlialliitlun for i liuv i btin liuteu- ini tho wholn day l tur ilwiim clarke mlilr thti tmld th nllar rd i cry important city from the atlantic except those in- the central western lovinoosting to have official figures showing no man can our c soidjejs who joined the ban not learned uvarious brarxclus of the military service uucn la uo tab m uonher it uio lone ic waa in a day when tv force ot 3000 officers and miliia of 5 officcrs onl b yet them are anks before the war increased during iv tnt 595441 oblccni and mca o shorn muit iiunt iu romcers noncommissioned officers and ctow throne ll ye sprout to a crtt buvntfor active service all countries anrcadlnj hranchca ht f fiaving done her whole duty where lh grcjt creat bountiful forcata of plno jy- oak ot beech and cedar a other ktnujt tho trco an t anact naa been of uniolij development of ftnunrthc enviable position of being the wltli vaat oj j the world in the matter of available twcr privileges wn the cceptiop of the itn tuiiffcd states canada has more waterpower possible sjdcvciopment than any other country in watcr- wer resources the united states is first among the ions with an estimated availahle horsepower ot 1000 canada is second with nearly 19000000 beurtiip onti austriahungary is third with 6- thcaa aw thoprcscnt per capita power developed in touidt45 larger than all other countries except trcii wiu economic transmission range of that racaa ff a lovlnir iff honor w tthcrc arc clustered waterpower sites which eaid joaquh the popular demands or hydroelectric uvcou- fiencrations says the superintendent of overlooitcr power branch of the department of the cd thouu with ulalv uio hill a vcrttablox livituc i ul widmjniineht journalist among the wccly tho hlu tmcu crofjntario has readied the fortieth ann iliant u trvoon connection with tho staff of the paper all of i can ae na3 editorial and business control hlvou tmoror a b4f the simcoc reformer is cele- fut iduulo lui comiianloojy q n conncc with that tho writer liven this moruh the reformer has patriarchal oak jn wiuencc in simcoc the county town b of norfolk and throughout haired bloneci- enw h w area for over half a cen- thatnftyyeam wer the late a- j- donly was vurhairod uetticm of ability and laid the founda- como their auna und of tlelr ranl children a l broad and deep hls soh is a to ceiehruiu tho unnlj nab t a advantage of isntantind wide vision hal b donly nimains i tho jsmong the newspaper men of can- l rintpodrfor the elevation of the weekly tcat an upon tho application of busi- rltiiituwo ly- in the administration of the news- uicmrvtrcincss and his influence has had much to do xhc vjcttcrment of the printing trade and its of uhfils with the general public as president of rortner press association and for ui rwwiri which imro too 1 country hundreds of people orllt t uourlalil ic pop hood cuurnfe foi years a live ho has given valuable dircc- iic activities of that organization 4ile to stare definitely particulars mtihrm wonn tc ttlo coining referendum nil l ltu r iioflltuiy in tauui2- act and the umcnrjiuents itl critainlyhrtnt- mi an end they urh c the irst general provincial ami iiinuitin iicn will have a ihance to volte tho linn um f jblic uestiou those entitled touotoiho uyoteii- cfluin will be all men and women dcvoijpmcni subjects resident in ontario who are tmtfc of h in niunicipal voters lists wil in this election but an enumeration of l entitled to vote will be made within the vancouver luitvn cnumcr specially appointed for tho inuiui diau new yi enumeration will oomniencc ui wervvrj-urehw- tica d a little later in the a there will be more than the scmliny of the lists prepared by the enumer th time orijinarily the organizers of the us wutcli the lislu to see that no one mt no one is put on who is not properly tc in addition to the organizers of the crutizmg the lists the temperance representatives of the liquor interests the lists with great cap it is desirable man entitled tu vote should receive soqie reliable source that her name the enumerators for her the secretary of the retail merchants association of canada made a sane and reasonable suggestio when he asked the cooperation of tho canadia manufacturers association toward holding a joint meeting of manufacturing wholesale retail financ ing distributing and labor interests in order to for mulate some plan for tho betterment of canadian trade for their mutual advantage if these impor tant bodies can come together for the discussion of plans of mutual interest much indeed will be accom plished toward arriving at some solution ot prevail ing unrest a dispatch came from tho military authpities in england last week to the effect thainsery man and woman who donncdjthakidurrrig the war would be the recipient of a general war service medal this is only common justice medals for special services will be conferred but every soldier and nurse whether they got into real action or not deserves this small recognition of their willingness to do their bit in the great war it is stated that the first issue of a ribbon for the new general war service medal has been made the decoration will be issued when ready to all men and women who have served any where during the war in any capacity th allied victory medal ribbon and design which have also been decided upon will be rightly issued only to those who have served in a theatre of war the toronto star propounds a very revclant ques tion in the following why do so many foreigners carry large sums of money about with them can they not learn that our banks in this country are safe and that money can bo securely stored in tho postal savings or that they can buy government bonds which arc good as the gold many of the foreigners of acton who have been making good wages all through the war have been hoarding their wages in leather belts worn constantly some of these belts arc known to contain 2000 1000 and 500 they fear our banks and post officc savings deposit privileges on the ground that their savings might be confiscated by the government largo sums of njaiey large in the aggregate should in justice to the country be put into circulation roumania would like to copy canada roumonia the gallant little kingdom which was our atatinch ally in the war and to which canada has now granted a credit of 25000000 roumania before the war contained cooooo square miles has a total population practically equal to that of canada with tho addi tions made by the peace treaty roumania will pro bably have jfrom fifteen to eighteen million people mineral resources arc important though only partly worked the principals arc rock salt lignite and copper the roumanian oil fields in 1010 gave 1- 344000 tons of exude the private capital invested irr home industries was about 100000000 the thrifty industrious nature of the people their love of home and their intense patriotism are assets which cannot be estimated but which are qualities which will be appreciated above all countries in canada mr lloyd harris head of tho canadian mission iu london states that tho way in which roumuniu par ticularly looks to canada for guidance in the present juncture is the most flattering compliment to can adas record among the nations in the last twenty- five years you have built up they say in effect a vast country from virgin soil we also have similar conditions and we would liko to take canada ns our model the globe last fwcck published u startling state ment by mr a r uulcom chief metallurgical in ginccr of tho acme engineering company of tor onto concerning u matter which seriously affects the high cost of living in respect to the prices demand ed for clothing and materials of their manufacture mr balcom says for some considerable time i hate been umkiiig tests mid analytically exuinuimt the snnplcs of goods secured from various socalled r pu tblo4juiiiuiauu f aclurotjiiccitytjr onto and the discovery is simply appalling as example one reputable business house sent samptcs ranging from 45 to 75 for an ordinary suit the higherpriced ones being guaranteed to be all wool and on examining these in no instance was there ten per cent of wool in any of the cloth on tlie contrary the cloth waa spun from woollen rags put together and a small amount of wool thut is known as new wool und tho furclippings from vari ous furbearing animals i fail to find a yard oi cloth anywhere than can possibly cost one dollar ut tho present price of labor and material and i uin prepared to prove my statement this letter was sent to the minister of lubor the globe comment- no doubt mr balcom is prepared to submit his evidenci- at he has invited correspondence on the matter if lie has made no mistukc his discovery is simply appalling the public wants tlie searchlight turned on high prices to see what profiteering links beneath mr balcoma offer must not be rejected whlhc do thc crowds come from 7 rouiono ban iltixl ultonllo i to tho fin i that mi one llieji at to in im coun try hi tho hurrylni tiulua paauluu towmi vlllurin mill cltlco by the hun dred tho leant little hamlet haa itn crowd at ivory utatlon waitliik for tho train to puna in the bl cltleu where a uky i rap r in ulu up men gather by tho iicorci and hundrcda to watch the machinery llfu tho mannivo iron ilrlra and no tltlnkln pcroon can belli unkliiff the mention where do tbno crowd- come from how la it thai in the daylight houm hundred ami tbouhiimln have loliiuro tu olan nbout looking for umubcmyht the iiieutlim la capecluffy important mi it co icernn yomaolcf are you one of tho poopui who arv tiothln ixittei to tin than to wnll nlxiut on a illation platform lo o a train pull int can you tiftori to ntaiul on a utrcot corner a half hour oi more lo watch a work- man ili an wlmlowii on tho top floor of til loro upponll if im nomcthlnc in wnni you hvo toe much uliiuro tt- hi li rowdn with nothing lo do um a imnuio tu tho liiduntrlmja- h- t it that you caiinitiiwvnuntt in ihoh nmiilmr jwtitim1 who is he 1 kecping othcno waiting a iijiu wbono name hiui i unm hi lit ti honor for iinoiit two conturlen said r hlmnolf that no man ever wulted minute mr him and in that cane hlu frlcmln and uaaoctatca were very mm li in hla debt homo of you who do not coiiuuht yourself liiipuuctual by an incatin would not llko tho tank u figuring up tho numlur of bourn yoi have kept othera waiting hut what over our pant record ban wen wo eai at hint icitolvo to cmutato tlm vxampl of ihln ildtimc gciitumun and in th futuro kuep no one wultlug ovoq for i moment farmers business for uio pant 54 yearn thin bank han riven iiarticular nttcntiqn to tho buiiineiui of farm era wo havo helped many over tho rouph placeo and havo aided many moro to tho highest piano of uuccciiy wo aro prepared to extend you every aid within legitimato banltlna practice como in at any timo and talk over your aftaira with ua vou aro alwaya welcome rocked to 0lccp an old darky went to tho jud ami wanted lo have hla wlfu arnutud for rocking lilm lo nleep wliy man anld tho judgo you cant havo your wifo arrcuted for rock ing you to iilccp thafn all right judge replied tho darky but you olioull huvo wmi the rotk try day the qcientific child hubert the four- yearold non it- nt j ik- man bad lived hi the oi of hln abort llfti dialling to make i ho little fellow took hlni on hbi kneo uitl nnued aro them any falrlen hi our wihhiii here holortt n rcnptindcil itobcrt prtmiuy but tbero un plcnty of edlblo fungi my woik in luird tho hoiirn are long vet tho iwyii all envy mi tin- girhi run to the gal to mt au i pjui their homo many a loolhtrn hoirt j broke hy my vlilt yet ulw oil it notice to ladies in town and country i am colloctlnc iun and hub- be und all kin tin of junk when you aro tlono with your houuo cleaning call up acbpn jllunird imiono ts ilor 26 i will guarantee good aatla faction and prompt attention alex gilboord box 201 acton ont phon 65 church gl 3rd door from willow strong healthy plants ready now iannlen aro all hold out plenty of stock and aatars yot ijuka 10c oach 7oo dox hwctl william- 10o 75o canterbury llollu 10o 0o i-d- cloven 15c 10 caruatlona 15c 1x eatilv and late caddaqe cauliflower tomatoes celery early and late flowers annual different variation a hbishop gardener ordera bookad phono m fa1rview ave actoj talc 1 onteel to expect to pay n high price for talc perfumed with an odor that cost thousands of dollars to produce woqld be natural but to be able to obtain such a superb perfume ot a low price is a delightful suiprise this surprise awaits you in the talc perfumed with jontoel the new odor of twenty- jx flowers mckees tho roxall drug qtor guelph ont war sharpened his wits tommy junt off train with toil- nlderublc tiackajro cabby how much hf it for me to latchford cabby two nhllllnca nlr tommy how much for my bnc- rer cubby vrt air tommy take tho baaje ill walk tltitltn better still yix whm jack murrkil her bo thoubt nhe waa on ante i but ii wan not lone befure ho found uut hlu niui- taki- dhuipikiliittml iiht i aboull nay not uo found ubc wan a food cook fflrlchl0tw5t ttoronfto oumada safety deposit boxes in youu own bank a inrim of ilrly four 114fty ih iionlt boji 11 in hrco uikui liuu immti 1iiiiji1i 1 in llu vault 11 in mrcliiinlii iljitik of cmiailu arlon thivio ihxiu ur limnur iiruof imv iidiiiio itkkii anil ucruri lo rurli iruitoo ulmlnlily mxmir iirotitliui fnun fl r mi imirni you huvo your own lny tlu inlul in vi ry iiuiull anil tho iwxca urn coinmcxllouji moo tko nmtiiilir llml nrluiu uim fur juur ilocutllcllut ujul vnluiihlcui hoad ottico mantrcal acton branch georgetown bkanch of canada establislmd 1004 u ii shorky mnnttgcr c w guandy lmiiuuer always bears the signature of castor for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria for over thirty years exact copj of wrapper imm1mwmw1m1mms oldfashioned business used to be run on tlie come in and take it system a man opened a shop and waited for cus tomers to come around- if be waited a good many years they got used to his presence and did come around modern business is built up on the soliciting system tlu retail dealer buys of the man who solicits his trade lie very rarely bothers with people who dont care enough about his patronage to solicit it he feels that they are so out of line with tlie modern tendency that they are not likely to be uptodate or enterprising the public feels the same way they wait to see wlo solicits their trade before de ciding where they should buy if a man does not solicit their trade in any way they decide that lie is out of the game as advertising i the only thoroughly practical way of solicitinng trade at a rea sonable cost it is the only way to make it appear that a dealer is playing the game of modern business- the leading business men in acton have unshaken confidence in tlm krke fress as an advertising success have you used its columns try 100 inches and see tin convincing result business directory thq0 quay m o c m- mcqill i ii c j iunhurih 1 il v i tc i llaiiow member ijrltlnh medi cal aiuioclatloii tc ofllco irroflorlik ijuwl acton ont- dr j a mcnivcn physician and ourqoon omco and honldonro corner ijower vciiiio and klln htrcotn tho ronld- ii co formerly occuplod hy d m lien or nun- arlon ont- vctcninanv john law00n votorinnry ourgton acton ont uraduato of ontario vctorlniury col- lc lflbo odlco artlmni ijinck hcnjdcno- ufll htrcct cfillo doy or nlnlit prompt ly attended to phono lo 2j 1 o iiox 336 iiak0ld nash farmeet ma- darrlstar solicitor notary publio convanyancar etc pcnnvman dlock acton ont mon1jv to ixjan conveyancing ilouru 3 p m to a d in nt rcaldcnce h wan0orduqh lko avenue acton ontri dr j m dell d d g l d o dantlnt honor qrnduato of toronto unl-r- lty the latentn anealhctla used u dealrd mltlcellaneous marriage lichnbeo h p moor- luuor marriao- unaa irtvlo onico no wltnomi re quired inauod at rem id en co in evtminx- fuat piukj- onico acton ont francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kindn nuido to order periodical of every descrip tion carefully bound jlullnjc neatly and promplly done wyndhara street oufph ont over william- btore r j kerr licensed auctioneer for tho counties of ilalton wellinb- ton poel and ijufterin and tho city of quolph acton ontario the kree prosa ocqco acton tho mercury omco quolph the no wa- ilncard iterffua or with w j qordun ilorncjw maker lllluburu sajcs on trim ted to il j kerr re ceive ttttonuon from date of llnlinff to date of ealo uat your aulas with me ronldonoe young street acton phono 38 actoni coll at my kxpenso j e cheevers oook binder quebec st enmt oualph ont uooltn and mujailnco bound in haniluorao aiid hubntantial covern noroco lettered in c on hlbleo hymn booko and otlicr booka all work premptly executed d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil hurvoyn bubd i vlnlo no plana ilo- portn ncncrlpuona iilucprlnta etc cortincalca tor purchuaera and mortemrocn burvoyo for architects uulldcrs and municipal councils uraliulco ltoporta izollmatcs etc mclean building doualem st qulilph ihonu 1004 ont 1 auctioneer ilvi htotlc 11uai 1jhtatu and muucllanijiai olid tod phone erin 4t 11 r r 3 acton grandrunny the double track route hlrrwiun montreal toronto detroit chicago llldiiiilu ulht tralnn and lllial day trulna kull liifoimatlon fioui any qjivd truiiu ililenjuit oi c 1- horulny dlntilil ituitiuiur alii toronto ii s holmes aceut acton ont plmiite 13 tho old and ileliablo granito and fciarblo dealers o aro manufacturers end direct irturn uf all itllida of monuuioiuai lioudutouo work wo noil direct ur cuutuuiuru at vbulcnalo prices imvliitc our i unloinnm 40 iur cant huvo thu biul unpllanccn and the tuochniilcs in the ikimlnlon wtto r oiuruto ihiiumiitto tuoln iiruejly an civo lofuruiucu fnun huudreds ur cuutouutii lu toronto and other ioii mt ik nt uio oil- tli wo huv or uiujillo i than any tlirt loolljlc inipotothfflptbmrabramfflnmfflm ujo wul u tl ultn mil i niiiuy no auei ilu nut annoy or ihjul cuatuui wmlinit luiiiuiit uuouln eulb ordirn- wo emnluy only tuecluu aim defy cunipoulion iiamilton soi 1 cor norwich woolwich mia o j wkshm

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