Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1919, p. 5

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qttpctimifttollnbji riiiinnia jijm an old dong with a new tunc the most amazing man in america mtirlro hut odiiillnir than ti thin m licit u tut hluiui you of dtciihrau v rjlil il will no vi r at yi luyii nl iiuido ity th i hln mrly child o nrlumil at nix of lilii luus and i teacher ut tlm un ixjnii loo do i lili mi win rly ull tin i lio cut rum he only i mill h oc8 tryini fo of vrn 1 n off mujiiii ho bo lulln hint youi it you iovi till troul il prnrnlm urmuu uluill imi fow rouble trotilili troubles ymi lllfiihcth i al twenty ycaps ago thursday ju a fr prm 22 isao much i n thu mujilr of tho i la lnnrd utrulu tho builders urp just now complet ing an addition to mm henry uaucro residence on artliur ktrool mr t a ward litw purcliaood a barbrrins business in uutowrl and liiui removed there with hln family ho sold his business to mr w ii daniels or toronto tho weather indicators curried on the morn i nc trains will in futuro bo carried by afternoon trail indicuto tlio prognostications for tho next day tho hii h hchool i ntrnnco and iui lio hchool iu vliii oxami nations will bu hold in tho various iiiili hehoolu tho lout tiro lu y ii of juiu tho crops in west rn ontario am looulnc unusually willi tho airing brains were tot tin in rut her inter than usual and much of tho hind won wot mid uongy anil liard to ict into proper uhapo slnco scidiru tho woather haa itccji favorable und tlio crowth lius boon auady married itobs mcdowlll- at tlm resldcnco of tho bride s father on wcdneaday juno 14 by ilev ii a mncphernon david ltoui to minnie daughter of jurao mcdowell all of lsquealnc towpslilp rlitiiij- pdli- loving a tree no can be truly tender win litts not learned to lovo a tree ijucti in tho statement of a phllo imiphtr it tho lone lone ncu that wan in u day when ufo wan far lean complex in a day when rucn and trees were better friend yet thcro tiro a food many of learn in tho heartening worth of 1 iiik a tret and to lovo a tree must plant it euro for it watch irrow uirouch tho years from a tiny flprout t u great blunt with wide op read ni branches hero in canada where the great creator act buw bountiful forests of plno undltrand oak of booch mid cedar and countless other kin da the treo as a commercial omi naa been of untold vatuo in tho dovcloprm at of tho country hut oven with voat areas still rcmulnliiera a nation wo arc scttlnc beyond tho way at cjtlmnun tho value of a tree by its lumber iiculo so our continental highways of tho futuro urn to bo shad ed with all flm great trocs native to tho noil in which they ucd sot in noma purtn ilanu aro under way to uet out trees iui loallng tncmortalii to fallen canadian heroes on ft reign buttltll dds 1 ich tree so planted will beur thu name of a canadian hero and these trees will lino thtrboulcvards ilrlvcu and lilfhhuy s truly there could no uo better memorial for such trccu will require tare and attention- that measure of eorvlco which assure a loving memory for thoao uro trees to plant a tree and to watch grow la to keep doner to god bald joaquin miller tho poet of tlio hlerraa truly tho western bard bc- llvod thin for on hia country place overlooking uo golden gate ho plant ed uiouuandti of treeu carlnc for them with lilu own luind ho lived to oco the 111 11 slope uius planted beconio u veritable uylvan rctrxat not u of us liavo tho iirlvllea llvlnc in tho v mo frco country where tho bin trees gniw not all of us indeed may luivo tlip ojijkjrtuujty to plant a treo un uoll ull our own but ull of uii can us tho philosopher of old uilvlsod learn to lovo a tree to lovo a troo for its ixiuty tu delight ful uhutlo ita lotnpuiilonshlp ts to win y utliik on hatch them hoppod one of ilia umcuitnrf and jp an drowned 1 i nownboy on tl nd ho in lai led 111 tho baggage en ei to eollcct write ai i for u weekly d printed on a tnovlnf truli illu i1pwiii411w r not taking up ull hln l lino on im t all liu started a labor utory in one mil of tho baccago car mid mart oil to xperiment ono day u iitlek of phouphorus fell on the floor mid th ar uujht lro tho angry njnilurior took llluou and his labor atory and throw him and it out of tho cur ut tho next plop boxing tho boy i rum no hurd u to injure his hearing and from tlmt day idlnon was dcufl when ha wan sixteen ho becamo o telogruph operator hut ho woo so much lnttrrsted in trying to make improve mcnu on ho telegraph instrument that lie left messages unocnt and undeliver ed ani wus dlscliarged then ho riff grd up a una between his house and that u boy friend a block away and am unci himself every night sending mcifini to ill frlcnx lie now ll a job in on olllco which wan jvorun with rats ond in a short llrro ho ha 1 invented a device which elcctrocti od them by tho score then ho turned ils uttcntlou to cockroaches and by anotl cr device noun had tho pluce ov rod with dead cockroaches ho was forthwith discharged again in 1b70 ho went to now york with out a cut in his pocket ho begged n bit of tea from a tea taster and this wus hlu llrnt breukfaut in new york tho iiumo city which later was to show r him with jlnnem d green and hon- on j day ho oat hi a room watching i utockllrkcr ut work huddcnly a imnlr on tlio stock market ensued ord when tho excitement wan at lls height tliu stock ticker broke down every body tinkered with it but nobody could fix it illson flnally asked tho superintendent if ho might try and within live mli utca ho had it fixed tho ustonlsred superintendent asked the sh tbblly drcnaed young man his name and requested him to como around tho next day ho did no and was offered a job 111 glvo you 300 u month said the superintendent idloon was already deaf and put ting his hand to his car said will you repiit that over agalnt tho iuicrlntendent irpcatcd joking r oukod lllson ho had never seen so much money together in ills llf- lot uloi e earning it very ratnu hlu clrrti i worked on it d vgotahlo ir ho itauii tiilti nrrltor uvea patriarchal uk in regularly gathers oi day every ye ir u haired pioneers im cruijitd tho plulnu ofty years af not far from a bftii shade lliero a curtain suinimr nnniny of whilo- nd wonien who ox team more with thuufl ull by hiurki a trod come tholr their grunt i to celohratu thn uimlv llritt bathtrlng undir th than half a ulury ai motiiig tindr tho big ti pioneers gavt tliunkn t uho utid tho ion daubhten luippy family trmiry of that n old ouk ntore i at that first i those hardy tlod for their rival in thin land of tho 1 u west thei thtnisulvrm faithful to tin msvlvcs tlujir chlldr and tint ul of a louur ussot latle formed u emiinunlty s heoamo i college urn u i entro f a jlourlshlug t hundreds of people it uij hood oourage fortltudi ind ull thuy pledged to nmulii over true cer ilin alno tin y oruulsd into a uimmunlty that n mlkbt iwi better cduiuted if tiuvu tho ajvuuut thus was ool that lilrr uiid this ol dv spreading a vsnt prtm hci ilty milhrit worn and phi 4 tablo t 1v if ool lil hi re ii who uhot ililnr them 1 hoy ainly hi lug all worm trouble id riiuy uro u utt enitholjih nul itlm midulnc mrmllhl inn of dlejtlon that llu lilsu mid imparting u healthy lyolcm inujt 1m ik hi la to tmio i tho devsnpincni immense indian food dishes i in lrjit food olshrs in tin world uiro meiitly bought of tho indiana of vuni mwtr island mrituh coluuiblli fl tho museum of the aniorlean pi- diuii now york city these dlnhen were purthuuiil fnm u iilto named kwuklullri vvhuh in 1 mush means i mouu of tho world tiny aro used ft spetlul festivals when ireat uuiii hulm of iniuuiis tulhor lo teluhrato 111 rellgtouo oi iltual festival tllp dlslirn aro curved out of wimwi and soups am hroiifcht to u boiling point by dropplhk t tia into tho tihmi dm rurvlnt fl t i resent ttio t lun to whh h tho it lull 1m1oius whh h in one lustanio in tho wl and in another tho 1aglo no eh u hour rroin w kf iul 1m nit tin moth i tltullialot ull be ullo nl 1 ut montli it wus not long before illlaon began to patent things and ono day ho patented a device tliat tlio western union telegraph wanted what would seem to you a fair sum for this patent t asked tho presl- udlnon dldn t know and sold that ho would leave it to tho president would forty thousand dollaru seem ritht ho was asked up went tho hand to tho ear again mill ldtnon asked onco more plcuao tho offer wus rcicatod oh yes said idlnon never for a moment taking tho offer seriously a week later ho got a check for forty thousand dollars ho looked al it uml dlditft know what tof do with it and when next ho was in the vicinity of tho hunk on which it was draw took it there liunded it to tho cashier and waited to ace what would happen well asked tho cashier what do you want to do with this i dn t know blandly answered ldlaon do you la it any goodt the nmaxed cashier called the presi dent hdlson wus asked into the office while the cashier sent a messenger to thu western union asking some ofu clal to come to tho bank at onco tlio president hearing of it went down himself sensing what was up ex plained tho matter to tho cashier and suggested that ho glvo tlio amount to idlson in billj of umull denominations and then stnd u dctectlvo behind itlm to uoo tliat ho got homo safety when ij11wii was handed the small mountain of bills ho nearly swooned lookod at tlio bank president smiled and still thought that ho was being joked with when it dawned on him thut the money was really his he naively asked tho president what will i do with ill the bank official took compasulan on him showed him how to open an pcmrn und draw checks vgalnst it ivdlson could not gel accustomod to largo uuins of money liowovcr thru rutno hlu olrrtrli light 1 d years he worked on it ho touted oh wtlm for ni no l fullllll ii vi ry nook i i tlm world wan neurthrr i inaliy in i t it ami then nobody would luiv it iim rylxmjy wnn afraid of it no body witlilnl tho tnynterluun llttlnwlrri in homo or offlco thin in hard ti realign imw but that wan in 1hb1 1 liinlly j iicrpont morgan got inter ested he becamo ono of trillions frhudii und belleveru ltlg it up in my ofllia ho nuid to llliion id i ii see if 1 ant ot iiom of my friondu to lei you kill thorn or lurn us thrlr ut re nl tlio jamo thn two hundred and twenty flvo build tints win hnnlly induced lo let 1dl nm n when lo brought into them but he hud to give their owners frto eur rent for three months before thoy would 1ki1ovo in tho umuxing rnlraclo think of that now hut that in how 1dlnon got ilnrlod with his marvel loini uttlo uimpi win ii he married an 1 came bu homo from hlu honey moon u fit of ulmorptlon in his work nolxcd him ho was w ilklng up the road from the ntutltn when a friend atoppod him und asked huvoii t you forgotten jumi thing mr ldlson 1 orgotlen nomothlng uukod ldl uoji an ho cupkd his hand to his head to sen if his hat was there and slapped hii dlff rout liockoui no i can t think of anything how about mrs j dhioriv asked his friend good gracious repllod tlio lnv n tor an lie turned and saw his brido of two woolen standing luughlngly on tho putform a nieo husband you are ipld uho jokingly just tho opposite i should nay said tho literal inventor wont hup- pen again though ijut it did only a week later 1 there fa nothing that riles lvdi more than to call him a magi clan o gcnlua acnlust uahl ho said ono day 1o you know what genius is ono per cent inspiration and ninety nlno per cent perspiration jdijon has taken out mora patenti than any other single living man one hundred in ono year la his roeord lo bus now over ono thousand putontu reclitt rod in his name h ha i lost all of his monoy time uml uiuln his tremondous experiment of trying to extract orcu from powdered rock by magnets cost him hwe years of work an i at tlio end ho hud lont two million dollar j its oil right ho said when he dicldd to stop its for uomo fc jveeim ino from getting a big head wan bin final comment nerw lut a take up tho next thing and at that net thing ho went heart and soul i im rot an inventor ho surprised his friinja by sajlng ono day and lio ion t ho is a marvellous practical adapts ha didnt invent tho tele graph t e to phone tlio electric light the tain dig machine ho lmprovo them nnd mado theni practical for everyday o him ikn hut huvi air laid do art i f i ivl h i tho iun conotant thouqht f my iiltlvatlo id hlu futlk lid ull of ills ud of a ntemlo i lived to bo i ei ut uuleiiuutu idlno llvln ovtniluii 1 irta oil for all men the r tlio hutu rman th ut door lubnir uml i 1 to injury and tin 1 1 lu ii thomas uln un 1 f tlthful frien i t tin olllc all npluu ix y i 1e n ulul droit ban in un onnultid beforn slid inuudlng r tr valine men to art with tint i r id if thn dtiyn uheud t nuil vjn u tlm f a inn h the rlnt piuin of riwur fori o mi ii to us iay tho i utl niiui mines sink nhuftii ami tiling deep for thn for thn tfiiltiii i hi ii in of bruin of opp o- tho u ull i in ull homo medicine a city of 2jmqjxm done dry twlnt to un alarming outbreak o innuiiia th uuthoriticn of the grcu mtuto of reunsylvujilu eloued ull hum i ulooini theutrcs movies iichooln rliur his anil olln r places wchoro th peoplo atl3j thn prtihiliitlon onl lunt i twmty llvu duyii but tho result w n ru iurkulli that iimph to vllably wrotchcd from athm lnmly ii l vigor of tnliiil impair 1 ly tho vlnltutlomi of iinlhmu who run livk n ml it tho loud of m eurring utturks und keop ixtdy am mind at their full cmdency ir j ij k lllgi asthma reran y uiml tiutra 11 o loud by r moving tlio uuiie u doeu r llovo it dout rtutoru tin uulten r to normal bodily trim uni mental hupplnma aitiuilly put lu opt uhould hu utl in nltudn llkt ihll tin hlu next liv ilioii tin famous earlmin telephone truliuinltter the wsttrn union company offered him j100 000 ho coul i not irunp the lb a of iuch u sum and wouldu i take tho nioimy hufcr with you ho said olo inu ulx uiuiiii dollars a year fur and that is t nd this uiiiuxluijy im run it ht uuli lly whut thoy did business ar liiututed 1 1 mo tog ru i iim1i1 idred ho sold ills eleet pa i ni- enmpaiiv for another thousand dollars 1 ii only upend it if i havo li wus bis unument an lug huh firm cubled llluou und oittriu lilin thirty thousand fur ono of his iiatoiits too ihu p ij11bhi tuild u fiuiul timi heaii rejeutol ijjluou tho thlnj ian t worth half to them it is ours hu uhlud buck within u foitulght he rccelvcl n draft for 1cuu0u it hutl turned out of eourui thut tho kntllah llrru liuil lllruiit tho ulitntilt in ihuililii mt ut int wus lcdlsuu s umuieut 11 in liiventloiiu now mine thick und fast tor ho hud live shops worttlnj ull fiusy i 1 tlm atlt lh und then uph ewrltlnt thu produi d thu liistou hu mu bills on tho aplk slikiittst utlentht lings wire juudrupluk teletruph ho liivtntid the inluiu n he btiuu lo fiol will uiu blue until ho hud rcueut ikirfot toil ltvm- order foi lheu jlus tl bill on hud a taxis the e next earn th pe udlson bud all rlih selves ho tilt ii 411 f pivliva bis bills wm ho eur fully put ull and novcr paid tho to them until haul rn brought and a eourt out wus brought to him in invariably paid the umuuit legal rust und nptked that not i ml aplke over which hu ign iaid ho trculcd all i sumo way imn his phuiiogruph und when rd 11 uctcdulous and believe turned ventriloquist tuke thu thing yoiir xld und left tlo loeiiu jubilation i worktd on that inut hhio iforo h would put it on on of his lv islous and flvu said u lust ui t i will ulek of it btu lluoj judgment what do you think la tho greatest safeguard ugulnst temptation 7 u min ister asked kdioon ono day i lout know replied iidluon i iiovii had any experience in iuch nul ti m ive never lued tlmo to bo tempt ed to villa to any law ldlson has not been inslda of a tailor uhop for tvrentyilvo years thi n h was measured for a suit and over uinco whuii ho wants a now suit ho calls up hlu tailor and orders another suit just uko tho last yes the samo honoramean very uttlo to this re markable man tho university of i eiinsylvnnla has tried for threo yearn to tet him to como to philadelphia to havo a degree conferred upon hint sorry ho answers too busy keep it for later when oxford university in lngluud wanted to confer a degree upon hint it was tho tame what crpsu the ocean for that too busy too busy was his reply when the lyenui caught him in porta in 1889 ho wus mado a member of tho icglon of honor but absolutely balked at wear- in the sash that accompanies it no sir ikjdtlvoly ho said no sauh business for me ho did consent to wur the coveted littlo button mi tho laihjl of his coat hut that wus tho limit ho would go with decorations ono day ho received ono of thu most dlutliigulshod medals that can bo con- ud iphl howovtr funilulmt t i hurd fueti h it tan 1t don ut d ion with mi tun in thin real elly con tulitlm vi r 000 000 poplu llijuor uellhu w j eompli it ly slopped homo of till m iiilta wtrt mo ier ut ru ductlou h uu number of urrc is and ulliu at hu lowtut ebb lu th a police rtconln o the eity lolico uo u tenant iiiiuvr uild after flvo duyn of th dry re me ono man urrci ed to day it ii uiitnlleable it b a reaj holiday for uu and it has been thun iliiti thu saloons wtru shut down who ituyii prohibition doonn t p hlbit7 artr j rurtlra oxpi rionco of th ixinintu o prohibition it lu no t to im womb r d ut that ii iinuylvunlu floctol u g v un r pit l to huitort r uitlouul i lohlliltli i and a lj liituturo 1 i favor of ratify 1 it tho prohibition amend the remedy dltttrie ilthl bills bbemrtbimrfb or heaviness after meals aro most annoying romf estatsod of ndddybpepsiil kmfqids pleasant o take neatxtuise addttp and help restore hic way out medicine how lydia e pinktiamo vegetable compound is prepared for womans use a visit to tho laboratory pphcro this bucceasfol remedy la mado impreaoea oven tho casual lookeron with tlio reli ability accuracy skill one cleonlmtxs whidi attends the making of thid c tnedlcinn for womans ilia over 350000 pound of voriaaa herbs aro tued anuauy and all havo to bo gathered at tljo eason of the voar when their natural juices and medicinal sub stances ore at their best tho moat successful solvents aro used to extract tho motudnnl properties from these herba every utensil and tank that cornea in contact with the medldne la sterilized and as a final precaution in cleanliness the medicine u pasteurized and sealed in sterile bottles it lb tho wonderful combination of roots and herbs together with tho skill and caro used la its preparation which has mado this fomooa modicino so successful in tho treatment of female ilia tho lottera from women who havo been restored to health by tho use of lydla e pinknams ve com pound which we ore continually pub- lishlug attest to its vlrtuo easy to handle economical light weigsis you do not liavc to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep scats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped it has big car performance combined with small car handincss and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32horsepowei the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tares non- skid rear i there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages ent t j speight georgetown ontario willysoverland limited willi yiltlirnnilftirlnitftitir ii lltr wiliwiwi head office and wonu west toronto ontario tourink car model 90 136000 touring car model 85 149500 for paiilcularri apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon acton advertise regularly and watch for results len bsuluaudbh c railway time tablea at acton orsnd trunk railway oysle golno wast no 29 h13 no 31 10 18 u m no 13 2 10 p m no irtt c ul no 37 f 8 13 ii m qolno cast no ifl d 28 a m no 32 3 a no 34 0 id no 38 h1z v m hunlay trains 1000 throujh acton bulnk went at 10 11 a ni and ea st al 7 00 1 ni toronto ouhurhan clectrlo railway qolno wast d 17 a m dally axropt hunday 3 33 p m dally oxreit ilunday b09 p m dally oxceit hunday 11 03 a m lunday only 3j p m ilunday only 0 c 1 hunday only qolno cast 7sam dally oxclt sunday 3 03 pm dally excopt hunday b18 p m dally except ounday nta am hunday only 648 p m bunday only 8 co p m hunday only freight and cxphc30 xprtss carrltl on all cars lyelsht deliver d dally by special cxprea rolelit iiprjui tr rulchl pickodup at any addrcao lu toronto q il atlnlw alton t acton eggs poultry bring out your eggs and poultry highest cosh price paid r milligan corner young and mill bu acton or to p o oox 341 uptodate goods at c a speigirrs silverware in tableware fitto variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and grantte- wart5 big assortment pandora stovcj and liangcs famous heaters small stoves oil stoves evcrv article is of excep tional value cc ei mill street acton spring have you received your spring footwear yet t if not go to kenney bros tlio utyluj for ladies uro dariiolaa itajj oifordu with u tow lines ol ramps wo uuvoulso u uleo lino of ladles high cut i tain with fawn und pat vainju wiiili lvo a very utyllal uppearuneo our menu lliuo ut lluu and heavy ltulu ar 1 01111i l willi lioyu mlaues and child u ut rtaauuublo your repairing attonded to kenney bros main street acton ont she acton bakery m edwards co cuuuilu leml lioaril mill utrclt iwnu li 01 acton whit- iwad brown itnad boston bread tea biscuits 15c doz buns 15c doz scones 15c doz cookies 15c doz cakes j 0c i5c20c30c wedding ule a siecliilty m edwards co aoton omtaiuo store cloocd lvtry niyht but 1 n- duy und sutuiduy ut 0 10 oclock

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