Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 26, 1919, p. 3

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k qlie ttantetrcbb tiiuhiliay juni3 0 1319 the old man of the big clock tower the powcn of oonq i nltljr win n in nlul hone echoen my fflndiiouii i lllllu wlltml 1 111 will it uflilriuj tli load i hluir wtrn 1 in wurj r ninnjui llm nll i tilna in lit an wo ii hi ut liltlit anl win ii i reach hraven ami meet hie iircat thronn ill ioln thu ruiul ho rim and iilnjf tint now bonn i a ihrdsau why ia home qrdwn cloven oced peot 7 tho domjnlon experimental larrnn uyutpm lias fur ytuam advocated the uuo of canadian grown rod clover ooed on tlio ground that heavier moro reliable cropu muy be expected from th lnunoorown noed than from noed lminirti d from ounio other cc try tlio uupcrlurlty of canadian crown red ciovlt iicnil ban boon demonntrat ul over mid over osaln and an a ro- nult many proercaalvo farmcro prefer it to any imported need and knowing itii auierlor vuluo raise tho red clover need tlirmuolvro rather tlian take etiunco of crttlnif unsuitable aoed through the trade in order clcurly to undornland the homi- grown toed in superior to tho imported article it should ik rcmem- herrd that hi ore in not a nlnfflo pouort of red flovjr need on the market which can ixi ald to retirement a distinct variety in fact every pound of red clover used aold in canada represent a mixture of a largo number of vario lic what thin moans may bo exem plified if wo assume for the sako of comparison that all kinds of corn varieties urn being mixed and tho mlxluro thun obtained put on tho mar kot for needing purposes the com parlson applies perfectly to red clover for all rod clover need sold in canada in a mixture of a lance number of different types of plant boms of these type are what in called wlnter- hardy that la to it ay capable of com- ins through tho win torn without in jury on account of their hardy nature othern however are tender types which in this climate are unable to ulan d tho rigor of tho winters as uij ordinary red clover la a mix turn of hardy and tender types there to always a certain amount of winter- killing coins on tho result of course belns that the greater percentage of tender types in a clover field tho creator the wintcrkllllnc on tho other band tho plants which come through the winter may be considered to repiant a stock much hardier than the original mlxturo of hardy and tender types hero s where tho value of hoao- crown ed clover seed comes in for it is obvious that seed harvested from a canadian clover field from which a largo percentage of the tender types have hoen eliminated through tho weeding- out process caused by tho win ter is bound to produce a hardier and consequently more reliable and more remunerative crop than any imported seed which may constat of a mixture of both liirdy and tender types and furthermore it in obvious that tho farther north tho seed is crown tho more aultablo it la for a country like canada because tho farther north it in crown tho hardier u tho crop raised from it likely to be in view of this wo must strongly recommend not ony that rod clover seed raising be taken up on a targe r scale especially in tho northern red clover producing districts but also that whenever possible north ern canadian red ciovt bo used lu prcferonco to imported uocd ex perl mental arms note ive been hearing tar yearn of water works la acton uvory o ofton tlio subject uoemn to pop up unually in dry season- tho olllclal ut p taken by the i ouncll last week apciiui l it tine mo action to tho thing t howtvor in my lone resldenco acton i vn bonn many improvement i vo watched acton keep otrldo with other tow no of similar alro in all nurh thine elooclrlr mixhtn good iilrcetu public buildings etc wovo always lecn pretty progreanlvo in ov ry thing but waterworks and rlslit there wo nccmrd ut a little out or date ivcry time i heard conversation on tho uub ject it uonerally ended with where are wo going tricot our water supply i know wore high and dry hero 1 000 foet above torqnto hut there must bo water available for our noedn not so far away i often wondered where it would coma from myiiolf and i will watch nnilously for tho engineers ro- iort on the mutter muy be some people think that ull old settlers aro acalnst thin now mcunu of cot tine wator but were not all us fur buck as nomo of the howlers you bear tho most from a number of uu b to tho ilty and sec row fannied t birrs mco in a while und wo cii tjio comfurt und convenience of them wi worked for und saw introduced many of tho tlilnca you youncor ccnorutlon now consider ijultc common and wo would llk to iico you f tlm youniior class arry on improve ments for tlio cenerationa to como 1 may not cot much una of tho water works in acton but i would nuro llko to see thrm under way and i wish tin scheme every oucccsn and now lot all revel a bit more in actons main thoroughfares history and exciting in cidents tho cooler weather lias very materially to collect i an adtoighino revelation toronto juno 21 1019 lcar blr to those who have been thinking that canadian were a pretty sober peoplo it must have been o brest prlsa to lud that we have been making thousands of ulcohol fiends that men who have becomo the slaves of drink to tuch un extent that thoy can not ovortomo tho habit morphine ami alcohol uro both hublt formlnc dnyru and those who nuii a specialty of creatine uuch canes toll mo that it la cosier to make a permanent cure of a morphine nend than of an alcohol fiend it la n nad nhjht to see a lonb lino or these mn waltln their turn at the liquor dispensary they are tho fln- ahod product of tho liquor trafflc vo have been no taken up with tho drunk enness poverty and orlrae caused by tho traftlc that we did not realise that it was iroduchc ulcohol fiends by tlio thousands till prohibition cams into rorco und revealed tho fact when those men began takiiur un occasion i class they did not suspect und would not believe that in time they wjqld becomo its nluvea now they are rcut sufferers when they cannot jet some form of alcohol tho police rocoris show that thoy will do liny thine ay onythlni and somo of them commit any crlmo to eel it- ii many of these liie- brnlu is permanent ly injurd and tlicro is uttlo hope of cure with others a few weeks of bono dry prohibition will set them on their foet jcaln when they get bad that thoy have to be sent to usylum boniu of them tfot well begin ilfu new whllu others never como out it would not be so bad if tho ended with the drinker but it follows tho offspring to his third and fourth ceitcrutlon until many of them dl snd others become u burden on tho community wlicro is tho man or woman sound mind who wunts this state or arfulrn to oiitiuuu h a1lnott m ii uolr department ot hoc is i ucrvico a qxntleman in lkltnhumh one bitterly eold win tor uftornoon when a bitinc wind swept ulonc the dark street in a man- ncr that made the wannest of clothltix sorm usolcas for kerpliitf one warm a crowd of yountf ehlldren poured out of u mlnnit lyul whrrr thiy hjil bon having the unusual luxury of a good mcul tho children were tho poorest of the oor und their clothing or th thluiiust und scantiest most of thom had no hboea or stoeklugs there wus not a clove botwuen them und as they topped sut on to the wet pavcm and niut tlto cruel wind they huddled together and tucked their hands under helr iinna in a vuln attempt to get noilid warmth into them one uttlo bare footod maiden had to wait ub m in tho street foi a com panion iml uii tho wind out her she dunied about on her poor little feet for ti tainj still seemed to be court- itut death for u mom rut or so a poor loy lit sltoilt itfr own ttce watch cd her 1ineliik so beerfully and so luttlcntly thru us a uuddou happy idea struck liiui he miutehod tho up from his own head und three it at her feet ntuun on that ho oalil siij iv helped y thoushlu rccill events of former days have just tho un tit of an incident li connection with tho into itcevo storey i fine residence ills hospitality ulwayi alxjunded- hhortly after moving into the now homo ho entertained tho menv era of the council and town oitlclalo at an oyster supper after tho pany liad been ucatcd and craco had been nunc one uf the ipiichlly daugh ters of the hoj mho was wsrvuib nn ed a doughty old member of tho coun cil who lias been sleeping in our beautiful italrvlow cemotcry for many year how ho would have his oystei well ho oaht i bucs 1 u have mlno hiled tho last house in thla block on mill street has a history i lftyfour yours ago oliver ixlor u plasterer of local renown lived tlicro thin hud boon his homo for some time previously ho had a daughter tilly who wan very popular with tho young folkn a young fellow by tho name of martin drum cole becamo very lntimuto with her and under promise of marriage wrong ed her tiftyfour years ago this month her baby was born but the babe s llfo cost tilly her own sho died about the twentyfirst of juno dromgolo protcancd treat sorrow and on tho day of the funeral essayed to attend tho funeral tillys uncle tjavld ijsiuheart of london who waa greatly incensed at tho deceiving of his nloco aa well aa with tho ofcrorilcry drombole met hlra warned him to stay away from tho funeral and told him frankly if ho cuino near thut day ho would sutler for it nothing daimt- ed youpr dromeole who was boarding atwm hells tavern where tho hlutlon hotel now stands camo down mill street in his blacks with a band of crape on hla hat when he waa cross ing the lawn at tho house of mourn ing mr llghthcart who wau u landing at tho back door raised his p la to i and shot hmi jlo fell was tarried to hlu room and lived a few hours tilly waa burled in tho burylnc ground in tho rear of tns old lrcsbytclun church on main street promgolo oleepu in tho dublin cemetery on tho first line where st josephs church waa form erly located a marblo headstone bears tho inscription martin drum gole died juno glh 1806 aged 28 years tho baby boy jimmy loxicr crew to young manhood in acton anl then went to london and ilnully the unud states the tragic event naturally created common in in this peaceful hamlet of half a century ago david light heart was arrested thtrc wo no lock hers in thono days lie wan in charge of joseph lusby and horftco hall acted aa coustublca and mr v storey placed hia parlor tho premises now occupied by lr john ijiwi oitteo and dispensary ut their dis posal where thoy tould guard bint until he could bo taken to thu county jail during tho night lght heart nuc cceded in eluding his guard lie mud his way down through thu tanner yards and to a grain fluid on the farm of tho late hugh mann now owned by klyiiii urother here ho lay for soma hours und finally uuccceied lu getting uwuy it wus tilnted thu he was not very ocrlounly uought after uymitthy was utiougly with tho loxloi and ijglilhcart families ijuvld light heart in suld never to liuvu uali visit cd tho homo of his youth ho diet fifteen or nlxtccii yuuru ugu tho ku lalderublo tli ull liut tho ti family uf bin lata brother john light- heart living in hamilton inherited 2 000 or 3 000 from his estate light years later thojoxior houao was torn down and tho storu uiul dwelling now occupying tlm nito wor erected mr and mrs adam dlckuoi lived in the house and dickson dc mi nabb conducted a tailorina buitliieus in the store for years afti dickson s death mr joseph tyfc who was a foster son anil known until h h ljiinnliihml us joseph il lison took mr dickson pluculn tliu hunl ncss und tlio nrm wus known us 1 yfo mtnubb mr mcnabb still liven on tho udjjliilng hit mr lyfu vtua elect ix i itouvo of acton whllu u mutubi r uf tho firm und built u fluo residence on church street part of whlth wan in- corimiruletl in thu present lieverely house he later moved to llarrln and wrut iulo business ttionc home yium ago wllon tlwi gold mining hum won on ut uosiilund ltc ho went there und organised iho jcthul group of nines these were not sutcosuful ho then went to calgary und finally to vancouver whore ho dli d two yours ugu the luto arch mi tuvhih upei uli d a alluring huaimsn tliuio for u num her of yours mrs ui ravish owns the property and mr w lilly has u meat business in the nure tills n tho hlitlirj nf that se hon of mill hind which prrliai i mndrratc nnd my rememberer ton get tho nuprrmary over my forietlrr 1 ii try and give nomo lntereiifluir fui tn of hlntory conrernlng thn nuulh nldo of mill htrcit lu tho bloru l twecu john and llgln ktrectii a cjulity is tho copunltta on u holdlern memorial that wun enlurtod nnd improved hy taking in iiidiji all attiinii promlnmit cltlkniui ilolni nny thing tovurd the proposi l mtinorlult i havent heard of uny u llvltlc ji lalt ij was junt womlorlni what wun del i no ull yni nitti members dont take this pertkinully but wo would all bo intrrciiu d lu know ing something oiuorulng your ui ti vlllcu mayho wo could all niuiinl if wo know what you were planning the old man the difference tlir ta i to llo wer thu frh i u courtesy wo find very llttli uttlo jurrliig uttlo cry uittrsti in tho homes in whhh it blooms tiuudlly und nwcetly no flow r numln forth mom bweetncia into tho world ami the liwiicn in which it has uo abiding p ui o art lacking in what cuhntltuhn one of the uwoeent elcmetiui of honio life cultivate with tenth retit cum thin tiwit t fluwrr ot courtesy a orrciniiulent mluten an liu iili ut iilniwlng huff such polltcneuu impr til ed a child a little boy in whose homo i ikiui lud for o teve weeks many yearn nio an given iermlssion to wpnnd thn o or four days with a friend in a loi a few mil n distant from bin own home jio ratuncd with lioyhih onthuulnnrtf und tlullht ho could talk of nothing but the plrasurru uf his vliilt at tho tea table ho said hurrys folks didnt have any btttrr things to eat uian wo have but thoy dldu t do on wo do at thu table djdn t theyr no mamma they wore just an polite to each other an if thoy were all company it see mod kind o queer they d my ileano and thank you just to each other wauu t tha very funnyr it ww right sahl tho mother with a blush an sho remembered her in- dlitcronro to theno formn of ixilitoiicsji at hoi own table and thoy raid goot morning and good night to each other and i leg your padon and llxcuuo me and thank you dear and harry vsuld got up and open tho door for hin mother or grandmother if thoy wcro going to lclvo the room and nobody was cross once all tio tlmo i wm tho e when you need a change thnt lie hud taken le or profession 1 ho i mm that in olhii olid id frlo i i ijutlufuilloii out or lift in ii tu douluiily thuro hi u il in jhiii point of view tin re hi huful ch rgyim u who would uli ndmlrublo bunkers or m tin rfi are unhappy pcopli tl xoplo who in u more inn atmiiiiphero would bloom lllti hut lu the runt ii tho explanation of tho jack or mil can in to bo found in nomo lark in thn individual und not in tho pci u liurlty of ll nurruundlnrii it in ery nimci thut wo nhoiild lcurn un iuon an jmjiiuiijio to dicldu win ro th i fault llni if wo uro iicnnlhlo wo nil ill do our itcut to io bouent or tiiuntii t in novir ugroeablo to preti nd to ouriitilvtii that wo uro ubnolutely blumidoui hut thu penalty for uolf ticjitlon in that wo ithall mviir get rid of iur hiinduap wo dt servo u tiuuiiro ileal ut our own hnudn ami let nit try our bent t give it whit in thn trouhle with our hoolt in it thut our t u him are ixtor or that you yourualviii uro lamyt if tho tlnit rliuiito iiehooln tho ctutnga may mean iiwoiivi nl iii uml ixpenno hut edit uitlnii in too important for you to wicutii jnur tlmo with inferior toad the uhlo ith or yoi luck ii if with your liixlpeiui of conrontratlon or yoi teri ut in thin cane chnnge yournok a jrea nany imoplc uro ull the time inuklng chang in without being uny ttor off imcauno thoy uimumo thut the root of tho dlmculty in outnldo win n it in actually lnuldo ho no of you are dlssutlaflod with your present occupation what in wronfft i your work arduous your pay imull your employer exacting yotrr priiiectn uiuia tin factory t or in tho trouble with yourself if you am mom irjfrcitid in your pay envelope thun in tlio work you aro doing if you fuel hint you begin to livo only after live o clock tho probability in that jou cjii kei p on making changes indefin itely an i never bo uny bettor off if your trouble is duo to your en vlmnroi n change il wo owo it to ourselves to lo in nurrouudlngn where w can llo ournolvis juiitlcu ifut bo fore you huud in your resignation or buy your railroad ticket te uuro that tlio noedotl cliiinl hi nut u chuue in hollow concrete cagtingtj an invmtor lu munich in mild to tmvo ov m ouiii f i r till ii dinii tilth i in rt toforn m it with in tinting hollow ion crotn ihjei ji i implutily in hyicd by imlng un roreii llni li o l i ut inlo the desired ulinpo und ulxi and afti r the oii huit ut about it tho ion in allowid to unit and run out tlnihlili iimull ipiinlniil ijirro uiul iimall nb jiita can bo unit in thin way during the aftermath of in fluenza or any other prostrating illness the logical tonic is scotts emulsion which enriches the blood antr strengthens the whole body via nourishment if you wqula re new your strengthtry scotts ocutt dowiic toteuto out 11 every 0c packet of wilsons will kltt more flies than ivs8- worth of any sticicy tly catcher clean to handle saldb oil lrue- gists grocers nnd general stores afmimtmimmmtmmjwimliftalimlw effis dothjc broa hnvp concentrated on ono itylo o car and have been dctcrmintd to make 03 good a car as con bo built the dodge cak has the reputation of low coat of upttp uy hiding jttov to operate and a low consumption of gasoline t all dodge owner are well satisfied with their choice investigate this cau and 11k convinced x no oneill dealer for acton and georgetown districts the time you cannot put out hi nr van dyke ban mil i in in in tin mill n ituin who in utlht a fir unit llv with lr and ht mid i tiila lit u ui hi in tin- only km ivli illh imihl t lit 11 otlt l w 1 liiiuit r un mil- i th it ninny ii ma km i i i innfhii iillion hn hi 111 ill to xtlm ul ill 1 lin iiiuoliliirini iuiih i of tin idlil iipalll in iik diy i liinii iiv t tin pi li in wltli ilium i tit n th it yi do not lujulli u hi hint you iiinnot put out lliw jiiuny r jutiil iiin h iv niirr nd in iiko i un nun niitultd a ittory 1 had ju it lu in ill j low mmiy frh n hi n m trum d ttuough u thoughthaii jt ul rf hmity rl it bun knv nfti n living fnt tejn in tun tfniiiy lnuhi to y till u i it vlld i ui mi and illim mill lit it in uafo for iiiuu to build linn be- iiuiii fo knouii how to put tlim out hiiutiho in m i i him rar uh ill thou io ii ml no farthti hut thin mi fill rvmt in a duiik rouii uiuiiti r tin that vii d not allow tt hum to rhu jiput huud io not uludlo a tiro you nnimt put out est i blea s 13 nm silciais for friday and 1v n i to p m kprjnx ijimh and all kind4 of green veg choice beef pork ae veal nlwayn on hurv rch supply of- fish tvlee o railway d mcemery e main street ipt hunday pt ituodajr i n i- flundax llconss no qiti ilundajr only tlundoy only mundoy only b rw h ni m i iii kqjfirriidmjdzrrpr fall in line everybody atrip to remrmbcrl in after yearn oml otlierplaccafyou will recall these joyous pro mennilcaln the rati y bummer mornjng rouna tho deck of tho noronic already tho early rincrq aro lend in k 1io proccasion tlio circling scauiia nro llanhinfr ia tho morning sua oud dipping in tho alum- merinp hue wourn ij htle for nway riant treikhtcr glulca on clown tlio lnvj la good to o olive to brcntlio the i awoptbrociea to abxro such eay con ehjp l llrookiaatls walllnp ixjunllfuliy f toftatufy thcaokcanxlbcd frcfitl nif o 1 noronic hamonic huronic thwomlbltystcnmeriitnvou8 sixteen rundre miles from polrolt to bamlo acjooa mm uiro i i r l t on ca twin ciuea port arthur onl whilom until llnolly we reach our northern torminu duluth wo aro southward box spend nix days of your vacation oa oarl ono of the good fellowship of tho dncat jmoplo of two nations i luxurious bteamcra enjo 5650 6day tnp for eoaunuoua 0 dy roual iiip erulme from buinla ujtluilin euau txith ajlfoeoa taa rivcuing dui plcnlo to uakftbcka i alt lertiiioj jl iomduji tbtouxti rlca axe eticaper t n for full inlormkuon oak an j grind trunk ticket aientlu coraiajf at hamifc of your ijc1 tlckst ur ioulut aceau wtiu taf d obo cuum tbrpo ship wjj from srou for soo ft wjuam port arthur ana dulath nortkera ktlruoo buunm ukt birni rry uoaday wdaa- dy and ualardr oaa way f ua ca ppjicauoa upeul boat trains utwhs toronto and barnl dinct rmiioaaaocueesstsil petals en roel tuj actbsrauar cruwdoelut looomuo sanua aaotjir wonderfrn j 1000 iuad lrrltatktajste auduonbt quibto aoj llittjil 1000 imlaad ooa ilirsr lupua i u it toreala ana montr ijollat writs for net i rri i i i rr sr t bs3sasssssb3sleeiegssbs s3s at es for tespltii servle tjffi new rates for long distance service effective may 2j5vhand based upon airline diilcage correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de creased clujrges following is a comparison of old und new rates for a 3ralnute talk to points most frequently called by local sub scribers toronto gavryi ov ouslph lloekwi o uramp en hmllt n ourtmy tu old kate 9 30 15 nuvy iui ttic houro cturunr whtcli rcducexl lon dmtuiicc rutea mglit rates ore la effect mc now proni 830 pni- to 1 10 fpm 60 per cent of day ruto prom 11j0 p-nl- tq 6 un 40 per cent of uuy ruto rtfftil rates are tximttsort standout tlfri local service riltes for local service to present aubacribero will be tncrcaied ten per cent effective from july 1st neact applicants for ocrvicc wiil be charged at the uicreuacd rutcj from may 35ui- hvery hell telcptutns ia a long dlttance tatiun s the beu telephone co of canada the merchants bank of canat1 stuument of iiabilitiea arul aaaeta at 30th april 1019 lvt 1 the hsrhinr cnpltal htteli raid i him i v j und divulmdh ihclmtd uml iml aid llalftiice uf ptullts un p i ilotlt mid ioju ac z to the public notiu uf lh i hank in cli i ulutlmi oeponlui not bearing int u i 1 potiltd ikiu liii lull tt in lu hm till hulaiinj dim to ollu r ltaiilt in c unudu lialuncm dim to imiki ini hiuklm lwi un l foiwiu until ill iii miyublo aicoptuu timlil 111h of i mi uabilhlui not iiclulil in tho fmn ill ladlhtics 1919 7 000 000 00 t 000000 f in ia 07i ot c lahlc jl7ttu ciuil to tut xtulimnt ptud utu in tho unit i asset at tin or 13 31 3 6 a 31 11 9h jj j iu cucc ill- 07c jg 1hc 7 mi nl lu nln 111 iather noiittnula 1 l ui mi oln dcpoiiil in tho ceillial t jht lluii yen ioiiililuli nta noten of mini liuiilti he uii un otbl llanli- uuluiuu dim by otlii juilm lu caimdu lluluiiiiji duo ui llnko nui tlunkiiil t m r upond nla hi dnlttd klilmi liubimudm 11 i uiul u anl huiklnc n i nnd it ul whci than lu lunudu ami thu unit 1 klnnlmil dominion and 1 r- 1 lul lovininont i urtluu not oxtttidlnjf murlt t vuluu llullw uiul otbr lu iitbi lb mm j on 1 iu kc not t lit un i lliiluh 1 h tunddluif munlciivul hi urltl otm i i all iiiii lu un ib ll hi luurk t l t ulonlul lubtlo 11 int i it hmiikii un i ioui i1u lu ul it 1 i hoo lliuu til i 1 1 i i i lublhtl1 f i umiuiiui lt ldi1 nth i limn hul it ml ovullllu i bti lullmf 1 lo iuvll 1 ru ilnl inbt at ut in in tbiii t i u dupmlt with th miiii r lh pun other ainu tu nut limiuitcd in thu mrcloinu 11 mltmaiu 4tu m 3j 7 1100 000 00 mu coiro uku iii ou w ohjciclj j lti u0 1j3 uc co 1 joj oil 10 u u0 71 cs 1 111h70i z t 3hj c uix iwj5f 3 v- iu fhcjt- u s74 10 01 3 jlh lr tct it j tif 7u jjg t i jhu 073 1 t a jcj tn j ci 000 1 otn ita 1- jiii lt 4o j li 1a ah it port of th auditor to tho 5liroliot dor at the moruhanta unk of ciujj in til 11 1 with lb 11 vliduii uf uh ut i 111 1 1u uml 0 of hct tlun u of tlio ttanlc a t wo tin li n bl km 11 f ii w iiuv imluin i th iilikiv llulum mint with tlio koouu if anuuiil and utu r ruonlnr ullliu ut uiu tuinl uillli tlm iuimd 1 liumi frpili tin hi am inn uiul ai nlu und iiau clmclui i viltud th nmnltlti oftbt iu111u at tlm mlilit ohug malml tin uutilii in ikui1 tht r to in tin haul at tilth april tuv1 anl ut u dlftriiil llnm duiin the ii and tmiiid hum i 11 smi nil ha wo ubo altf 1 it i ul n uiu 1 f tlio ltranclun diirlui the ui und t lu lt th unl un 1 lil 1 t ut ill b hi ul til ut f 0111 utt mimic and found tin in to iibiu with tho hilda in 1 i 111i in th hnouti 1 f tho hn 11u i- i111v otitiliud all tin liriui 1u1 ii anjl xpla hut lmuj wo iiuvu iniiltt in out ill hm ll u a lloiui f tin hunli whhh lum mo und 1 0111 110th u huvn l within th 1 ow 1 1 of thu 11 ml 1 uho llalunii mi t 1 ixiil iton up uo un loxhltlt u tii uml t hw if lb ultto hunli uituliu uiii1iiii lb i il f oui in fonuutiou un i tlm t mliiiullomi iv 1 to t v ulmwii hy tho b uilui of th iluiil vivian ii mknillltl i f loilljkn tanmil an lit in mont ul lid m ijij nf tin iii in f lklolitr- jm ml tiimtlm jhiikntriixi jlllij ilgqaillil jllliaggmjsgfpr u

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