txtifx 2kttitts8 ijrivi lljiliday juni 20 1919 jfkkim la puhlulhed every thursday en jluiiii building mill isircet a clou tllinfir prlco in j1c0 per year in tittrtol additional in jiirj in tho to which subscriptions ore paid la collnboi ll ml jtatjuj transient advertisements m ia n measurement fur flrnl insertion and l for wh aubocouont insertion contract rtixcmciiln for 100 inchon or mora per annum r inc4i each imiortlon advertisements without cctl jim will bo inserted till forbid and chorgod ii- 1 mooltu ldltur and publlahor it ia quite evident that the formers of the county will not maintain two county organizationi distinct ively ncricultural largo numbers attended the re cent meeting ot the united farmers or ontario lmt tliurilay hrfwever four men responded to the call to the annual meeting of the board of agriculture at milton it seems to bo tacitly understood hint the u i o is to have the right of way for tlc present tlwnrt tfiuloo rtorial iich iii va w uc effort to do wi iin i iuhe ucccition mado by the iii niii iiiiiiission to businessmen there xpaii5tvc feeling of good will and fellow which should not be n lowed to be iarm grouping of canadian producers it uiggcf share of afterwar trade oversea timt disturbing element daylight saving will in all probability have received its doom when the present summer ends the congress of the united states last week by a largo majority adopted measur es to tcrmiffatc its operation on october 20 next their adoption of the 3chcmc this year pracitolly forc ed canada to follow suit because of the railway and steamship connections canadians generally will be glad to revert to standard time again and it will take some rather strenuous persuasion ever to induce our authorities to again adopt it r umtatt unanimity the various synods as- rjm fonfcrcuccj associations and other church tji ontario have this month declared jthcmscl- iw iliflcdly in favor or the ontario temperance dut church courts have spoken against tho qr concessions proposed and havp urged aiuwj to against the reopening of bar- iiuvoc province- the influence of the churches rcodwthc members generally mark l thtno column of the four questions to be icd on the rofrjcndum ballot- therell be no of wine and beer or barrooms in the ruy lutk lu offered to correct noon jiv notion which has been prevalent in y rofessor swanson head of the political iudcpartment of the university of sa3katche- wfrv l truto when addressing the retail that province recently he said it v the policy of canada to look upon tiu iuiiu n as mean and narrow in his outlook io r the land speculator and t too mitfnnd spent money but the war has rcat a tn tne war savings campaign tun trings and thrift stamps is following thrtiuyrll created by the war it is giving iu hear fiirulrrect perspective it is bringing ijrv l foolishness of waste it is teaching visely for th- itaptlut ot- pluotorinri if i ainucd thrift on the part of cann- jj in the following issued by the commerce the need for personil rliliw tts s now as m tn black io wimi uck realized that the most strin- ite to enable us tomeet the jsp jul l flrat hair hour if tha ji iiuyni in cuii ll ycnt for more and yet more rvruj0onhear tte very ojcitiiii- umver alt a year ago has happily rrauit ooit i4 s have a duty to perform run tlmt should be faced it is cm to carry on public works that will aid pro- jjuch as roads and railways on a considerable in order- to provide employment for the work- lvwc have also a heavy burden of interest im- js by the war and wc novo jreat obliga- k were maimed as well as to the osc who laid down their lives for our cony oblfgafjons can bo met only by a hoiiowuibf selfdenial on the part of every one an comme tfhigh compliment to canada has just been w hc rnt h george h robert jrtof the british parliament he said the other ytho measures adopted in canada to increase uifjion and conserve food combined with the fact hl british government was able to keep the sea ho u made it possible for great britain and iuiir toouercomc what was their greatest enemy nyniptiiy uf tt 1918 tbc situatipn was very cryinu over yucaine as important a problem as bluntly tulkinu r- t t your yuihitiy tif exnmple in december 1917 ui iho tiui or thi of wheat and flour sufficient thut them ri ottl who hava a hurtip of lt3 civilian population for huv un yt t has been my privilege to become your run u v it iani r measures adopted by canada you mlifcying the last two ycare of the war and troothc difficulties that bad to be encountered oiicarcmarkable ufeciency achieved production cuino lximy organized and having regard to its louif oxiurritory its diverse conditions of climate jj pwded towns and the sparse settlements morriiii nents of canada in furnishing food sup- p of tnc have won for iifo otitrhhniision of deep obligation and y lall f treci la ti o n of pnziicipal council has initiated proceedings t considcratign of waterworks in mi ejuiums soem somewhat of a reflection upon mi lovouw the municipality of past years nf kuo1 uioit- question has notjccn given more tii ltnflp before this date in our history mjui timiiicraj i singularly favored with cx- ujucui domestic purposes from wells the rrior the soil eand gravel and limestone jphvcry favorable to this as a result wc have an oii yphoid or other disease dr tioiiuiapcontaminatcd drinking water 1-argc- iiiu ty yurili q bas never before m th wiinsidcrcd- with our growing popula- iudawhj watcr under pressure both it i iftml manufacturing purposes the coun- tiuuvtu iijr taking the mean3 of securing iution as to plans cost of installation ilevcsary data a responsible and experj- jrm of engineers has been engaged and the no doubt be placed beforo the property ir approval within a few months the liencc of hulncrous other towns of actons class rtario is that tho installation of waterworks not gives the town a prestige but tho cost of instal id au4 maintenance arc fully met by the revenues fived in addition to this the incalculable benefit ia well regulated systoni of waterworks as a pru- ion from lire is very manifest the secretary of tho navy of the united states mr daniels has evidently tho courage rif his convic tions some ycani ago he decided that all liquor be banished from the officcra mess the general testi mony 13 that under the dry conditions the navy is moro efficient secretary daniels has now issued an order forbidding all unnecessary work on the lords day there is to bo no target practice nor drill and no vessel shall begin a voyage on sunday except in case of emergency this energetic christian secre tary is strongly criticised in certain quarters but he succeeds in his undertakings and 13 highly esteemed by those who have the interests of the country at heart while the union governments majority shrank by about a dozen votes on tho budget li vision the very substantial majority of flftyonc was maintained the vote was taken at jialfpast two last thursday morning amid scenes of intense interest atid excite ment in his speech sir thomas white minister of finance said this budget represents a sincere at tempt to keep stable the industries of this country in this unstable time and at the same timo to go as far as wc can to meet those who are legitimately interested in the tariff he advocated a tariff policy for the whole dominion and not a tariff framed in the interest of one class in the community or one section of tho country it is regrettable indeed that numbers of the physi cians of this province have so prostituted their honor able profession either for financial gain or for the purpose of discrediting the ontario prohibition law that theprovincial authorities have found it neccs- sarvi tako drastic action to curtail the evils rcsult- ingt some fifty ontario doctors will receive from the board of license commissioners nt once a plainly worded warning that they have been issuing far too many prescriptions for liquor and that unless they immediately give the board proper assurances that the number of orders on the government shops will be reduced or prove that the prescriptions issued were rightly issued instructions will be issued to the government agencies to refuse to honor any further orders from the offending physicians proposals arc how being made which appear to bo more likely to provide solution for lreland3 long standing difficulties of satisfactory government than any scheme heretofore advanced- an influential or ganization is being formed under- the name of the irish dominion league it is composed of men who believe that an irish republic is unattainable and un desirable but think that a prompt measure of home rule on the fullest colonial iine3 is urgently neces sary the proposals mark a large advance on the provisions of tho 1914 home rule act or the two pre vious home rule bills and their promotion by men of position is regarded as significant of tho growth of home rule opinion and the urgency of a settle ment the many sincere friends in canada of ire land will hope that at last a measure may be enacted which will conserve the rights of all equitably and result in unity happiness and prosperity for this longsuffering andin many respects superior people the timo has surely come when the abolition of the senate should become a real issue with the people of canada twice during the present session have bills been vctoeij which were clearly in the interest of the general public the first d june a bill pro tecting the streets of all municipalities from being encroached opon without permission by the big cor porations was rendered null and void last week the government measure for the continuance of pro hibition for a year after the signing of the peace treaty was rejected by this act the senate blocks the way to dominion prohibition allies itself with the barroom and renders it possible for the liquor interests to maintain tho traffic in intoxicants from province to province irrespective of the actionof the respective provinces it is hinted that the govern ment will refuse to concur in tho senators amendment the order in council preventing intcrprovincial sale and transportation of liquor will in that event ro- mnin in force until the war is over the attitude of the senate unttcrly contemptuous of public opinion must be circumvented and it looks as if this could only bo done by tho abolition of the irresponsible body the convention of liberals of ontario is being held in toronto this week with the purpose of prepar ing a platform upon which to go to the country at tho neat general elections this is manifestly timely the united farmers of ontario have been nominat ing candidates for some time their policy has been formulated and is before tho public tho policy jf the government is also well known it is therefore desirable that the liberals of ontario decide defio- itelythcir policy naturally agricultural problems should occupy a largo place this ia important remedies must be round if possible whereby tho diversion of more pcoplo to the laud from town and city may be accomplished- tho decrease of population in tho agricultural districts must be overcome if ontario is to permanently thrive the great qucs tions of the construction of good roads and tho extcn sion of- hydro privileges to the rural population de mand strenuouspropaganda social reform better niciit of soldiers interests development of mining and forestry privileges in tbefirttcrcsts of the whole population instead of a favored few aro all topics of present day interest lt shouldbo a comparatively easy mutter to formulate a liberal policy at this convention which will command itself to the elector n t a a u coo no lzuth ilncr wclvii n nllp if paper ami pencil tho lender b by nuylnic iueno hovr iiirii tho door in ouem how thlrk that 1mou in- juonn how lull mr illank in how fur doej tlilu rhulr ntnnd fioin tlo floor ho ollowu u few necontln nfler each tiuriitlin for to playii t wrllc their ilimn ut after twenty or mora fruesutrt have been niltod tho impeni aro panod to ho rlhlit hand neighbor for cor rect tot tlio leader then mcaurm each ar ticle pcrnon or thlpir wllti a tapo mewure and tho kucmch on tho ut nw checked off tho person who has the nenrent to u correct lint rocelvca a prl livc the cheerful life when try a doon for th dllioua tho liver li v vtry ncnnltlvo orenn and cast do runsrd when lhl oceurn there u iitulua accretion of lilo and tho acrid liquid niimi into tho atnmach and nourn it it in a moat dutrcaalnf ailment mid many nri pronn to it in thin condition a mun finds the beat mmedy in ianjeoo vegetable iilln which aro warmnted to epcodlly correct th dlnordcr there 1 no botur medi cine in the entire hal of pill pro para de m o are fo tniulilo wo aro pro no t almiut it romplulidiift that jimhy lined thnt no one obio lum nurferod mj wo io wliml tlilntrn bo well with un wo tako it as a matter of coumfi that o it ought to tw wo are not largely riven to rintltudn wo may hnvn rood cnotijiti o rom- fortublo holler bo riothcd comfort ably we may have health and em ployment in nuch labor aa we ore nblo and ilka to perform wo mny have a competence which put ua above an xiety and otlll wo and fault and com plain liotno one may have a better dreoa or a iiauilaomor car or mny entertain more elaborately or la ereatcr in pop ular favor than ouraelvea there la omethlus that doea not pleaoo no in stead of being flad tlmt t lie re are no many thlnjfn to make un happy wo complain and find fault wo lot a crumpled roaeleaf spoil our joy omldat a wealth of thtnan tlial nhould majte ua clad why not set tho mind on tho good thlnffa in ufot iirnoro tho tilings that aro petty and of really unnll conse quence looking for all that la kood and appreciating tho blcoalngo that hava fallen to our aluiro kor ovory ono there la something to enjoy the nun at least ahtnea for all when you aro heavy hearted count up the good thlngu or luo that are youra to cjioy- the farmerbanket alliance you go to your lawyer or legal advice i to tho doctor for medical ndvico why not to tho morchanto bank f orflnanciol advieo j if you want a loan to bay cattlo hogs or equipment if you want information as to how to invest monoy como to thoao who make a busincoa of financial matters and am in a position to givo you aound and impartial advieo th mrcs1ants bank hed offico montnul of canada acton branch georgetown branch children cry for fletcher gastoria xha kind too have always bosfcht and which has boon in nso tor over thirty years has boroo tho clgnatxno of i and has been modo tinder hla pcr- bonnl ouperrlclon alnco tta infancy allow no ono to deceive you in this all counterfeits imitation and justasgood arc bat experiments that trills with and endanger tho health of infanta and children gxpcrlcnco again experiment what is gastoria coatoria in a harmless onbstitnto for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it fs pleasant it contains neither opiom horphlno nor- other narcotic substance its ago is its guarantee for mora than thirty years it has been in constant nso for tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverish neso arising therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep tho chhdrea panacea the mothers friend genuine gastoria always bears the signature of in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought cubluhod 1004 l- b shorey manager c w crandy maoagor advertise regularly and then watch for results if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost a ss duy-at- f9 read these articles with care they may present something you hadnt thought of before patronize the people whose ads are here they are your neighbors and will treat yoa eight the money you spend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood you will always find it profiubfo to consult ua when tlcalrlnj pry oooda clothing roots and efboca un c leu ma ollciouui and qrooertca our aim ia to anticipate your doairea in acton m clean a mil la our aem la to gall you dry goods mena turnlslnsi and grocerieu tho quality and price of which will keep your money in acton wo can compete with any an o anywlicro and otrongly urea com- parlaen o c russell th pn1r 8 torn itsrtttton for uurlty and wholcsomcnoaaln iatent formulas wo parry an well choice lcrfumery toilet articles vlctrouia our sphnk wail paper bule is now on nnd very special bar- kajns are offerod a t drown consult us first when buylna hardware wo carry a complete stock of abolf and heavy hardware silverware cutlery grunlteware etc and can convince tliu moat critical or prices and quality ore right james symon ordsr your coal now delay under present conditions invariably means an advance in the price nut stave and iturnace qaol now on hand wo carry groceries aa well j c hill navsr duy furniture lrwra a catalogue it all looks hood in pictures when buylns from ua you boa the urtlclo before you buy and our best advice and service is yojrs unrfertajdaff in connection johnstone 4 co make up that order far groceries ilrlnji lt to us we can compete in service quality and price with anyone anywhere wo carry as well u ful hue of dry goods nelson 4 co w have said it defers and we say lt asain you con buy to bettor utdvontajio in acton than hi toronto bos ua when you require anythliur 1 general merchandise wo will not bo undersold l staftkman no that warm wsather is upproacblns you will require rerrcnbmcnl p drinks aro ice- cold und jnvlffuratltitf our ico croain is dcllcloun our candles frcau and wliolesome- h wiles our large ouainees connection in acton is ample proof that our meats vegetables and provisions arn of tho beat quality we aell on close marslns and solicit the privilege of supplying you borne moenc evanfl contemplatlna dulldlna if so lot ua catlniato un your ro- qlremonts we prepare plans mojtn- rstlmattrs and take contracts for any kind of building wo ouid sugucst orjcrlnir uoxt wlutcrn oool now j d maekenzre fair deal no and low prices are building up our buulncss wo carry u full line of urocerloa and provisions nd our prices will ro- llove lh necessity of further aeoreli our quality und price will atond couiparlnon mho j mqdouqall market needed by the farmers presenre o tliriving cities near by important to residents of 1 country merchants do their part town and buraju community are dependent upon each other cooperation alone brings prosperity to both itcaldcnta of towns and cities everywhere are beginning to rcallni more acutely tho fact that except under very unusual conditions their communities will prosper and develop only in proportion to tho pros perity and development that comes to the fanning sections which sur round tbem realizing this fact commercial clubs and chambers of commerce have in recent years been devoting as much of their attention to developing tho country districts as they havo to hoc u ring now indus tries and attracting yow residents they know that as tho country about the towns becomes more thickly settled and as tho farmers to- cofne more prosperous tho more money will be spent in the towns and the fnjater these towns will grow it is largely for this reason that tho residents ot tho towns and cities hava been doing more and more to aid tho farmers in growing bunrer crops and in improving market luff conditions the towns und cities have contributed more and more liberally toward tho building of good roads in tho country districts end hava pjxld a large part of the expense of maintaining agricultural experts to assist tho farmers a growing bigger crops and gettini more money out of their crops when they aro placed on thojnarket not onesided proposition but this la not a opealded proposition if the city is dependent upon the country so is tho country dependant upon thu city wluit tfie farmer raises la worth absolutely nothing to him unless ho can sell lt at a price that will pay him a fair return on tho money and time invested in its productign the farmer without inurkots would bt in tho same fix as a storekeeper without customers in almost every cuac the farmer is dependent upon tho nearby town or city for u marktl for at least his pcrishubla products in tho language or tho street it is a oftynity proposition tim town needs the country and the country needs tha town the fumor needs the assistance of tho storekeepers of tho town in seeming a market fur his products lie needs the usslstuncu of tin- utunkvopurs of the town in getting good roads over which ho may iiaul bin products without losing mora time than tho products aro wortti ho oftun tiuedu tho assistance of the storekceperu in helping him over u period of financial stringency storekeeper needs farmers trade on tho other hand the storekeeper needs the business of tho farmer ho does not ask tho former to sell him his products on crvdlt even though at tho timo ha may be liard pushed for cash und vnay noutl more credit badly uo does not ask the fanner tu help him build u eldowulk in front of hla store ha does not ask for tho bualnesu of tha farmer provided that be can sell tha farmer tho goods hu needs at iw low a price ua ho can secure tbent for elsewhere liut docs bo always get tha farmers bustncsst ask thu uvutl order man in tho big city or ask tho postmaster or tlm cjipiess agent in uuy town or city lu tho country they could if they would toll of thousands f dollars sent away to tho big cities to pay for goods thut could bo purrttasod just as cheaply und much mono copvenluitly in thu iicurrat own or city these thousands of dollars when ssnt tu thu mull onlur houses in the big cities never copio back they do not help to build good roads past tho farmers houses when tho next crops aro liarvest- ed the mull order man wont buy any of the fanners products thu potatoes tho tomatoes tho berries and other tlil mm thut tho farmer raises may lie and rot upou tho ground so for as the mall order man is concerned nt credit fnom mail order man tho mall order man wont sell the farmer 2 cents worth of tioodo on ono days credit no matter how badly the farmer wuy ueod tho goods or how utile rcudy cash ho has to wy for tlmm if tho furinern house burns down tho mall order man la not going to sell hlni utty lumber credit do that ho may build another homo uo will lake what cash ho can get the furmrr to send him and there bin tutu rem m tha farmer ends if tho farmer lias no money to pay for what hu noeds tho mall order man will find others to help swell the stream of dolors which is bo hill ii n up his great fortune and helping build up tho grvul city in which ho lives lct tho homo merthanl help thu furimr whou ho needs it and tho local merchant does help tho farmer us long as ho can but there routes u time when he cannot hu csiuiot muku mmiuy without c unto mora without tho legitimate proilt thut hu maki fium bin sulrn ho cannot carry tho farmer over tho rough ntolo i cannot conlrlbuto to the good roads funds he cannot pay thu f armor tush fui bin products we ossi in all kinds of itenh and cured meats and it in our desire to secure and hold your iatronago by fair prices and honest dealing we endorse this campaign buy in acton lt pays w lanosborouoh dsraaina in ladies silkfleeced stockings at 33c hob longs overalls at zc0 a shipment of hob longs mens wearing uhtrts expected this week tihuo repairing a speciality e k cook whan you buy shoes iyom us you aro sure of secur ing the best selection in acton our prices are much lower than city prices our guarantee jja behind everything wo scll kenney dros our bread is bsksd hlght here in acton and we guar antee its wholesomcneaa we solicit as well your patronage for home- mado cakes pastry etc wo aim to ontlsfy m edwards 6v co this campaign moots with our approval and has our hearty cndoraatlon beardmore av co our personal intsraats aro centred in acton this movu- ment is deserving of ouooeea and we endorse same ryder a mowat clove co am looal distributor ww tho ford automobile ond can supply you with genuine ford ports at reasonable prices a complete stock of tires always on hand lot your next car bo a lrd t h a coxe 1 manufacture and rspslr all kinds of furniture let mo estimate for you on the making over repairing or upholstering of your furniture which requires htteution i kuaruntce my work tho ltunilturo lluupltal 1 w j 8tuckev we do merchant tailoring our stock of imported and domes- tie woollens for spring and eumrocr is comploto we a tall d behind our output und guarantee satisfaction w m- cooper naver uuy jewellery from catalogues all jowclloiy looks good in cut whan buying from mo you sea tho urtlclo uud as well you have tho btiticfu of my service advieo and pcr- tionul amaruntee oeo hynds next time you require hoots fcthoes rubbers etc let mo endeavor to moot your requirements uy stock is complete my quality la of tho best ny prices ore right kepulrlug duno w williams cash and carry grocery everything fresh prices reason- ulo uuullty thu bcsl hugur by tho ewt potatoes turnip seed oana- lluii ocm kurmero commission miu young i ilgu cows horses fii uulu lluy for mile hhoats and young tulvus wanted chester plank main ht phono co consult ma first when you require funn implo- monui nf any kud 1 am local agant or intnruatlunut machinery and can nun ran too you natuifuctlun and oor- vlte 1 lurry 1oota and allocs us well chase parker business directory medical 71 is l tho0 qnay m d c m mcrqill l il c 1 rjdlnburjib la il iv p ti olasgow member llrltlslt modl- caiaasoclallon eta omco itrederlok hlroet acton ont dr j a mcniven physician and surgeon 0tlco and itesldouro corner how or avonua and ulghi itronts tho resid ence formerly occuplod by u m hen derson acton oat veterinary john lawson veterinary durgeon aoun ont a rod ua to of ontario votoriuary col lege j8s0 omco arthurs lib mill utrecl calls day ly attendod to ilesldenoo ulglit prompt- phono no 32 p o hex 336 harold nash farmer m a dsrruter oollcitor notary pobllo convenyancer ctc- perryman block acton ont mon1sy to loan conveyancing houra 3 p m to 8 p m at residence r h wansorouoh lsks avenue acton ontario dr j m bell d d g l d o dentist honor oraduato of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence corner mill and frederick streets miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore issuer msrrtsga licenses private omco no witnesses re quired issued at residence in evening faxx pmess ococe acton ont francis nun an bookbinder account books of all lrln mtiii to order periodicals of ovrry descrip tion carefully bound itubng neatly and proniptiy done wyndham street quolph onl over willlama store r j kerr licensed auctioneer par tho counties of haiton welling ton peel and iurferin and tha city of cuolph acton ontario sales may bo arranged by mall oj at residence at acton or at tho free press omco acton the mercury ofilce quelpb tho rjowsltecord itergus or with w j cordon harness t uuuburg sales eotrusted to il j kerr re- oelve attention from dato of listing to date of sale hat your sales with mo rssldsnca young street aoton phone 80 acton call at my llxpenae j e cheevers book binder quebec 6l esst ouelph ont books and nagaxlnes bound in handsome and substantial covors- names- pottered in gold on bibles hymn books and other books all work promptly exocutsd d alex nivbn ontario land surveyor and civil en 0 inner surveys bubdlvlslono plana he- porta dcscriptlono illncprints etc certificates for purchasers and mortgagees surveys for architects builders and municipal councils drainage 1 to ports intimates etc molean building douglae st auklpii phono 1004 ont auctioneer uvu htock ltlcair 1cktate and miikchandisl consolidated phono erin t 1- r r 3 acton grandtrunk time table changes a change of timo will be aiude on june 29th 1919 infurniation now in agents humid h s holmes aceut acton ont phoo 13 tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers wo ore manufaoturom and direct importers of all kinds of monuments and headstone work wo sell direct our cun comoro at wholcsalo prices s tmviiik our ustoniors 0 ir oonl wo have tho bent appliances and the only mechanics in tho dominion wtio can operate pneumatic tools property wo can glvo reforeiiius from hundreds of our cuntuinrra in toronto and other places whure others havo tu liavo lav suits lu order to oollrcl wo liavo the largest and best stock of qranlto in tho dominion or mora thai any ttiree dealers lu tho wesl wo aro logitf- mato doalera and employ no ugonla and do not annoy or pool customers by ncnrlln out ignorant ugouts solicit ing orders wo employ only mechanics and defysooinputlttou hamilton sons cur norwich woolwich tit quolph wtws i l