Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 26, 1919, p. 6

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xllrtha morrlre ana deaths are now charbva for t the following rle illrthn too- oiorrlasea soo dcotlib 60a memorial card m ifto per una extra for poem mannied lawfloncraiioi on wednes day juno 11 lolfi at the realdeneo ot tho bride a parents trafalgar by tlin itev a i marshall ml tan itcanln daughter of mr and mr j a ourlditc to norman ii uwwu of izaiucalnx died 1 i ail 1 n traf olitar on haturtuy juno 11 919 harah nn uwon to- loved wife of tioo n hall sjced 3 uaituy at hi michaels hoopltal toronto on hunday juno 14 1910 jnmcn harry formerly of acton in ma 76lh year withkilh at tho home of hi daugh ter mrs thomas kilty lot zs roa 7 nnjinasavreya on monday june 23 1019 william wither aged 74 yearn ijpartmtstmfrow thuiiupay june 28 10lb brief local items gcorbetowti opflna chautauqua today hal ton rail ale will bo hehl on november 17 by mr j untie glut next ftunaay will bo midsummer review day in the sunday schools tr a w nixon m p x of oeonratown ha been saxctted a a coroner next monday the barber will in crease tho price of a ahave to fifteen cento good momlnsl have you renew ed your traxx pnsfla oubschptlon for another year 7 mr a mccann ho laid down tho bride for hlo now reajdcnce on parle avenue cars cara everywhere the motor car ia holding away on all streets and road these da tho evening ear of the toronto suburban lino now leaves acton for tho west at 8 oclock tuesday next july 1 will bo do minion day cajuxdaa natal day e publio holiday for nll tho drummers snack club nual oullnc will be held at acorretown on the sgth and 26th july docfl your ptum paxra address label show that your subscription is paid to a later dato than july 1919 some of actons ntreeto have a luxurious growth of weeds and crass its time to cut them now knox church ladles aid will hold their annual carden party in the park acton on wednesday evenlnt july 9 tho chautauqua week at georco- town juno 26 to july haa a splen did programme and is worth atundlnx the waterworks ensineers have been ot work here since monday tak- lns levels and securlns data for esti mates toronto exhibition honcers are belns distributed it seems a if when tltoy appear fall la comlas over the hortiton strawberries soha here this week for 20 cents considerable quantities have been comlnc in from milton and burllnfftan cuelph wid itockwood and the country between received a refreshing shower on tuesday cr wo rot ours yesterday tho fnes paean comes recuuixly with its budget of weekly borne news it is better than over cant john shaw moline til tho methodist bunday school or chestra will play at the carden party at tho presbyterian church eden mills next monday evening mr liobcrt scotts house on bower avenue has been torn down to make room for the pretty brick bungalow to be erected there thla summer tho acton creamery is doing- a bigger business titan ever before they received seventy ono cans of cream from btreeuvllle alone last week tho members of the woodmen lodso will parado to the baptist church next bunday evening when llev mr carr wll preach the annual sermon communion services will be hed in knox church next sunday morning tho preparatory service will be held on friday ovcnlng at eight oclock when key mr carr of the baptist church will preach milton board of trad- is advocat ing uiat the council consider the in statist lo n of a sewerage eystem it is twentyflvo yean since the water works were put in there sl pauls methodise church at brampton unveiled a brass tablet lost tiunduy tcarng the names of fourteea mm of tho church whb had made the supremo sacrifice in the war during the severe thunderstorm which passed over lowvllle district last friday lightning struck the steeple of tho lowvlllo methodist church damaging it besides ripping shingles off the roof of the church hal ton farmers report fall wheat in splendid condition before the drought and spring wheat extra good too hut tho acreage smaller than it would tutvo been had it not been for tho wet spring champion a milton correspondent writes pfo champion complaining of the high cost of thing in tho county town lie says at uuolph on tuesday straw i m1 n i for 36c t in muton wo paid lo for one at boa- ton a few miles above georgetown town good butter sold at 37c while ullloului lld 60c the cost of uv lug in muton is altogether too high neighborhood news town and country georgetown lent wo 1 orgel liow about our civic welcome and presentation to our returned soldier sons we ow havn gootl hopes of our main jtreet pavement being completed a gang of mm commenced work on monday and good progress la being miss enid lltbanl of moono jnw is visiting rrlrnds in town miss alb- bard graduated this year from tor onto university in household ficlcnco mrs will llortop mrs walker and mrs klstone left hut week for buffalo mr llortop will go later wo arc sorry o lose such estimable cltlxens from our town tho ladles of tho uothodlst church last week presented mm itev j truox with an address a wrist watch and a purse of 40 00 iialtons assessment equalized ths aassssmsnt of th nin munlcl pslltiss flxsd for county purpeoss at tho meeting of the county coun- dl last week the ass of the towns and townships were equalised tut follows acton w 9 7s31 burlington 1123 1h georgetown 74i1m ulllon 11761 oakvlllo 1 40ors4 j squcelng 3 07 147 nelson 2939 13 nansagaweyn 1117715 trnfftlgar 4 44ds3 tta 17u614 miltgn pte mcclctlan son of mr and mrs harry mcclcllan of milton welghti got homo lost week from siberia lie served in a machine vtm section dr j l king of hornby is at tno mayo clinic in rochester minn on his return he becomes a partner of dr gowland xjowvllle had a bad thunderstorm last friday tho spire and roof of tho methodist church were damaged by lightning a nuiakr of trees were struck mrs wilson widow of tho late thos wilson of toronto formerly of milton died at tho home of her daughter mrs ilannant at toronto on tuesday milton is preparing for a big cele oration on dominion day the farmers club will hold its an nual picnic in f c wlllmotfs park on saturday afternoon june 28 thero will be ball gomes and other sports in the afternoon and races after supper chalazion cflln mr and mm tl ilcrry and two chil dren of montreal ore hero on a vlnlt to her parcntrt mr and urn j 1 bcltclu mrs clow entertained tho members of tho adult bible class of tho mclho dint sunday school ot lnr homo on monday afternoon last mr w beevely town lino has sold his farm to mr it uclncry for a good sum tho members of izrln loyal orango lodno wilr attend ocrvlco at all saints church on sunday ovonlniz july c when itev d ci atkinson will preach tho ladles patriotic association of izrln during tho past year ending in ma rccatvod 27l 08 and spent 12gs 97 tho value of goods made during the war was 3 970 c8 advocate campdeluville an event of unusual interest took place at the vi lingo inn last friday tho members of the choir of sl an drews church guelph made this their objective for a motor trip dinner was served by mr crawford and this was highly praised for the excellcnco of its menu by the company the party included miss grace allan who has been a member of the choir for a number of years and president of their organization miss allans mar riage this week necessitated her re tirement from the choir the members made this the pretext for the delight ful outing and during tho dinner hour ot tho village inn presented miss allan with a beautiful silver carving set congratulatory speeches were mado by mr chapman mr jirydon mr strae- hran mr b j martin mrs o p hamilton and mrs gamblo each testi fying to tho sterling worth of miss allans work and influence and wish ing her and her worthy and popular partner in ufa a full measure of happi ness and prosperity crewona cornero the closing services of tho methodist church wul be held here next sunday afternoon at twothirty oclock itev i m moycr of acton will preach tho members of this church have been handed over to the pastoral care of hoy l m moycr and he will do all in his power to make them feel that bo la a shepherd with a personal interest in the hock rev w e s james conducted his last service in the methodist church here last sunday although tho church is being closed the sunday school will rrmaln open for tho summer months at least mr james many friends hope ha and his family will mako many friends in their new home mr and mrs fred a williamson and margaret toronto spent sunday at mr w a murrays mr and mrs w lamb acton visited friends here oa sup day mr and mrs w fryer and children acton visited at mr ex dampers on sunday mr and mrs dennis mr albert and ml uses mary and amelia of luther spent sunday at ilr wm dennis bannockdurn mrs thos kennedy mrs a g clarrldge and miss tena moffat of the women s institute attended the annual district meeting at milton last thursday mr young of codaxbrook farm fourth line had quite a chase over part of his flock of sheep last week liight owes seven or eight lambs and a ram got out and strayed away after near ly n weeks hunt they were recovered up near hockwood the hock astray was worth about 350 00 haying- will commence very shortly in this vicinity bon noc it burn now boasta another one new car the farmers can uso them tii better advantage than most of the people who get them one of the beat examples of patience may be seen at ths creek near tho bridge here about three nights a week llughle uclcay tho blind grocer of acton has not many opportunities toe recreation but ho dearly loves fishing nujfcfuflcr night he trudges over here from town and takes his place at hts favorite hole at the side of the old bridge at mann brou fence i lam i y a night passes uiat his skill and patience are not reworded with a catch of guod aised trout on two nights tills month ho tuis succeeded in lauding upwurda of a domn oallinafad dr and mrs leter held of hpokane wash are visiting the former a mother mrs john held eighth line dr and mrs hold havo done their bit during the war mrs win boasell and mrs harry hilts und children motored up from oeorgetown on tuesday of laal woek and were the guests of mrs ira itossol quite a number of the young people from here attended the garden party at hlue springs the members of the methodist church here held a picnic in mrs ira mluxsbuhlaatba4tidayaf utiwuu statute labor is now tho order most of the formers urn busy work lug up their mangold crop und euwlng turnlpm mm ti ltosxell bus returned home after upending a few days with friends in acton mr samuel mcclura of the ninth line has ordered a cuiuploto steal hart to replace the one destroyed by fire a couple of weeks ago this will mean rapid replacement and much less work for the busy farmer mr isaac bennett had u houseful of visitors on sunday there were mr and mrs 1 cohort bennett acton mr and mrs b cqnover and miss alberta conovcr llrlndale and mr and mrs ward buddell ashgrove gcurge boaxell was in toronto this will hilt of toronto spent tho week end with friends horn mr a h vupatter wui home this week utl or a long business trip east kleven of our boys went to ths gat den puity u ashgrovo prlday night w itooicll of georgetown visited friends here during tho wmk giloam to kuvo regular preaching services closed in tho church hero after an uninterrupted period of sixty yearn will cause keen feelings of borrow in tho hearts of numbers of people whose fa tl era and mothers and grand pore its denied themselves to establish tho church and who were for many years its supporters conference has so will ed it however because of tho exigen cies which i have arisen hov i m moycr of acton will preach tho clue ing sermon next sunday at ii oclock old time the members have ben placed in his pastoral carp and all will appreciate his attentions it is a mat ter of satisfaction that the most cor dial feelings have always existed lie- twocn the people of ulloam and acton and when the members hero go to make their church homo with tho acton congregation all win feel that they go to fellowship among christian friends cpcyoide much regret will be felt hero at the removal in a few days of miss hattio mcclung teacher of school no 8 miss mcclung has for tho past two years been the moving spirit of tho busy bees guild summer and winter she has been successful in arranging in teresting and profitable meetings of especial value to tho young folks of the community tho annual picnic of speyalde sun day school will be held in tho grovo on mr ephralm moore s farm on satur day afternoon 28th inst this sunday school always has a very enjoyable picnic tho thoroughfare through hero aeco a largo volume of motor troxdc nearly every day but tho number of cara which passed hero tho day of tho sol dlers field day at llgny lust week wan beyond tho ordinary tho strawberry crop gave great promise but tho dry weather consid erably reduced the expected yield prom- present indications thero will be a bumper yield of wild raapbcrrlcn of which there arc a number of patches in this vicinity oakvillc hugh s wilson has removed to hin lakeside residence south of tho high way oakvlllo canadian club will hold its second annual picnic on saturday juno zs at uie whlfo school honse on tho ninth line mrs herbert kendall of montreal has been a guest at the parental hum for a few days j a xl jrvlng formerly owner of tho lower house on douglas avenue having sold that property has decided to build on the lot adjoining to tho south an interesting event took place at tho methodist sunday rjchool on sun day afternoon last when an enlarged photograph of w jl young was un veiled mr young was for over twenty years superintendent of tho school tho garden party of the season will take place about the third week in july an tho beautiful and spacious lawn of major w f katon lako ohoro cast oakvlllo for soma time post gordon joyce who has- just returned home has bean in jerusalem where he held the rank of major being tho m o in ohargo of a hospital rockwooo tho 34th annual convention of tho county of wellington women s chris tian temihirance union met on wod nesday juna 18 in the methodist church rockwood delegates were present from erin ildcn mills pal mers ton fergus mount forest guelph and hockwooa tho county president mrs it c bennett occupied the chair the treasurer mrs ham fergus gave u splendid report showing tho union of tho county to be in a good financial condition and money on liand to take up any work necessary tho election of officers resulted as follows president mrs it c bennett of guelph vice president mrs w har ris rockwood cor secretary mm tetnplln ferirua hoc secrutary mr lllllco guolph treasurer mrs ham fergus hupt of l t l- mrs h kennedy guelph the following resolution was passed unanimously whereus it luut been proven beyond dispute that conditions in canada are mti much improved socl ally financially and morally because ot the prohibition of tho liquor traffic that we deem it wise and pruntablo for tho country to continue tho pro hlhltlon of this traffic for all time burlington chief ttmlth says quite u number of uog owners have not taken out tugs ur paid their tax as yt t mr and urn peter campbell of st john new brunswick spent the pant week with mrs blcslnger locust street tho council held a committee meet ing lout night to consldur tlw tax rate and wo understand tho rote will reach tho 40 mark alunii iho plains ltoad the straw berry trop hi suffering tho hot dry weather of the past fow days doing cunslderalo damage tho loss is al ready estimated at jgoooo a tho evening service or at luke a church on bunday hov loorge w tebbs dedicated a brass tablet erected to the memory of lieut lrh g ltow- ley who wus killed in france whilst flying in july 1917 -uls- b itsntou nt- hl4iuyarkls holidaying with her sister mrn johu b rid email dr f a jicslop sold a yaunjt hul- atsln bolter l lha big pbilaalclpui4naje ror s3 900 itev thomas and mrs amy eclo bra ted their golden wedding uuletly on monday night only members ot the family and close friends were pre sent fifty years ago hov mr amy was a saddleback preacher ministering to the spiritual needs of u parish miles wide in the village of tuunloy milts a short distance from brampton ho tuet his bride to be and they were mar ried on juno 10 1s49 ooxette stestibstmkcflsmac basil keep your eye strang gad ileal thy u they tire smart itch or ilintvcv burn if sor irritated urejejlirjuinedorgrajiuutcd utemurtae often safe or infant or adult at n dratstet in canada write to fro tdoolclisclsslisiycatcsylua doeo acton want a dandt mr fdllor would you kindly grant mo spaco in tho lncs pucus for u ttyyt remarks crgiirdlng our band i uiinlc all lovers of munln appreciate a rood liinci and admit it is of vnluo to u community especially to tho young icoplo at tho plastic otage when tin y aro suitbeptlbln to good or bad influences it is well known thai music of iho right kind is helpful and uplifting if wo had a good hand dur ing the summer especially wo could have band concerts once or twice a week cltlxens would enjoy tlisec tho farmers who do their trading in acton would also appreciate il it would brighten up the place and mako it njoro like a real town old residents of acton con remember when wo had a band which was a credit to the community competing aucrcssfully under the leadership of mr j c hill wlui bands throughout tho country nnd many times bringing home the laurels or in other words tho prize money in there any reason why wo should not have as good a band to day the old man of tho clock towcj spoko about giving tho liond at least our moral support this is a good deal llko faith without works and la about all tho band in tho past received from tho town true once in a num- ttcr or years the council would grant a pittance hut i fool safo in saying it would not average 10 a year and ended with the council refusing to allow ibqm tho una of the town hall mr hill for years has practically given free- hall light heat and taught music surely our aenno of justice is not very keen to allow this nor do wo show much appreciation of mr hill a scr- could wo not havo a committee ap pointed from ampng our musical clti sens to work out a scheme fur fflvjtv- ing the band mr hilt la over ready to help but we cannot expect him to bear all jhe load tho question h now open for dlucuualon if of nufllclcnt in terest to the publlc c1tizbn acton juno 17 1919 e 0 piece of fir 616 years old tho forestry ofilco ot iortlond ore- received from ono of tho washington rangers a specimen of douglas known to be c1c years old tho tree when 12 years old fell to the ground where u cedar tree took root in the log and gfow undisturbed for 200 years tho cedar was recently cut in to shingle holts and the specimen of fir was found in its root woodsmen can ttll accurately tho age ot a tree by tho number of rings bhown in tho trunk stump when uie tree la foiled the 11 r specimen is ottlond und is thought to bo tho oldest of its kind in existence celebration at erin tuesday july 1 tho municipal council of the vil lage of irln and tho township coun cil of ho township of brln havo join ed hands in a grand demonstration and buceptlon u he turned soldiers which will bo hold at stanley park on tho afternoon ot july 1st i repara tions ore also being mado for one of tho most elaborate concert programmes over hold in tho county which will take place in the agricultural hall at night when seating capacity will be provided for 1 f00 people it will be una 4f tho biggest days over hold in tho community music by a crack band military parade base ball and sports of all ku ds don t miss spend ing july 1st at krbl look out fgr posters and other advertising matter first committee john wilson bcovo of hriu village james milloy hoove of 1in township joseph bcnham j h gibson couna dr abbott krln secretary castor for and chlldrca en uso for over 30 years signature of georgetowns directed by ths drummtrt shack club under ths patronage of th g w v a of georuotown opun air concert friday july 25 in ths psrk t 8 p m hkk1u1 tervlio on toronto sub urbjii uu ii juy fui guelph toronto and inl nncdlatu points uber th- costume procession saturday july 20 at 1 p-m- pr1zes for dgyi snd dm uwltr 14 1 furlhurllu chuplln and mury plilford j pur lostuina niudo of palei ior pjilrimic uwiuuui for thou pysr 14 1 for beat oomlo 2 ior bout artistic 3 1 or btat patriotic sports saturday july so at z pm in th park hoc hand bills fur programm your presence will help wo want to help the q w v a to gut suitable premises a good vvliolooonio out lug with u glorious object itulp the cause by booming tho concert and sports admission t nucrt auuila 6 children lge 1u iui1nuu mun ltkuu t urn 0i iuku lie ttlmrtn ailultu 16o clitmnti lu georgetown mhday ond satuiipay july ilh und 2glh jno allen him borlry er specials ig store cream scrpje suiuru it you axe thinking of u cream scrpc suit here ia u clmncc of a litctimt 40 nn wide all wool fine even twill special at 2j25 per yard shantung raw kilks wc arc showing these haw silkjj v pink red crccn und bint pattern- nakc very serviceable summer dresses or waists good wabhers 30 inches wide special at 125 per yard ladies klack lute hoso al goc pair wc have just 10 dozen of tjii3 line radium make of ulack lisle hoso in stock this mako of hoc is noted for us fnst color and good wearing sizes y 0 9j and 10 jum try a parr special at goc good quality of gingham at 25c yard just think a good gingham at this price comes in pink checks and blue stripes fast colors 27 to 28 inches wide special at 25c yard iadlca ijlaclt scree suirta at 750 thcc skiru arc made by one of tho best maker in the trade the cloth is shrunk and stitched with silk with 4 rows silk jjraid and a good quality serge special at 750 iflack lustre sluxta these skirts arc made of a rich silk i inish lustre special at 50 ijovh hloomer pauls at l45 pair thcc boys odd pants arc mode of a strong untcarablo cotton tweed and will give the boy any amount of good hard wear sizes 20 to 32 regular price 175 special at 5145 hoys 2 piece ilalbriggtiii shirts drawera sizes 20 28 30 and 32 special at 75c boys combination reel underwear sizes 28 30 and 32 special at 5l50 roo tins tomato soup tin 15c no 1 cheese lb 35c olive oil and cucumber soap 5 bars 25c quart jar spanish olives 35c 500 lbs sultana seedless raisins lb 20c finest quality blackstrap quart 15c strawberries all winter i l antic i sugar all the- delicious flavor will be preserved if you follow tho direction in our lautlc library nod use only lantic sugar ia original packages tit 2 and51b cartons 102oandiooihbags garden party wednesday july 16 at 8j0 p m in the park acton undr tho auspice of l albns church a gkeat double atteacnon jules brazil and will j white rheuo aro ioultlvily lllu filtmust wild clovcrvat ialr of titer miners ammurliii lo duy you want laiitjiu and w liiio und llrazil um tho rtal cuinedy lvlni each a hitmofut esch a tjemam hitch to o her funny team admluuioi comu anu ithlntl youil i ltlunuta cents god save the kino estabu5hed 1b72 m j hamilton whethlh hcllmu buying or bhipping gram or live ttoek the bank of hamilton will take care of ull your hnan tiul transuetions for you care ful attcutiuii to detail and court eous treatment arc features of bank uf hamilton service at all times i geokgutown bllanch w n mckuy rlanacer si strawberries frcji picked every duy w wilt supply our euioinoru with lrt clus fruit us long u tlny lust at lowe pouiiblc unecj spring lsoirib i iyituiy uiuj kiilurdoy rnusii mndutld lvud in puua ililitrit caali price iuid for lluttcr und lk mcenery evans west cn1 m11at ma11klt main strctt acton oivuulo wfmqoney of guelph haa opened a store on main btrcct acton where ho will conduct a tln- uiilth und bbcel metal ualncsa orcltni for hot air puraocca and ilumhlnc will receive npeclal atten tion real estate if you tiave a house for nale if ou want to buy a lu acton oak r j kerr auction r and rut estrntsj daalar you nci street acton ont gratps patent double thead double strength tike system will elw anil tuui lven entire uatlafattlou lty tills siystcia of doub ling up your luilf worn or rlmcut tire vq elvo ou a sand water and fric tlon iroof tire yes and st jer cent liuncturo jirwof qux urea have uow btixxl tho test of flvo yearn over uomo of tho worst run da in ontario iteniimher wo do not new lhjn riui ur io mltchea to rip wo do li it bolt tttcin aiul icavo 0cn biiacca ror 114 id aiul water lo enter hand jii i vur iriwicq tho two caxinci jiitu rrkiluii rrlctlon 1 ue ereat my ti inly of the tubes but it tlj110 tlto fahrle which la tho urvtiboi und fuuiidatlun of overy tire our tlixj uiv on coul in ttis fiotteai djy in ouuiuier iu any tire you ever hud n your car hy- our uystem we luorouutily ulcaiilxe the two caalnsj toothur uiul in io cajio do vro double ililjn until all breaks in uiu fahrlo ajij iullmr have bceu repalretl next wo hand rivet uur imtent eectlonal p la ton wliuu iuu will o by above cut take ttiru of ivirj lncl uf tho edc of tho outer tuslui next we vulcanise a thrw itly rellncr in 0ry tire uuvkliui it us xiiooth for tho tube a any new tir li uui satcni wa arw nuttlns v11h uuuln hundreds uf tlr tlmt nvjrv thrown on tho ocai iu3anquartkrs for wedding an jhittiiday presents itorcni 1u17 illvi rwnre knlvu 1 nrkit nnd ftjutoiui 1 ancy ut llutui 1 aiu y tiluu wo irry mont ontidute itor- in tow matlltlaqi llccnoea 10guco geoitynds acton ontaitto lllo tt itudlturo men hava written uu luirts uf ontario about utlcusa they havo had and whai did it mat thewt jw ex- umpl tuko twu 30xl tires ono u ruu mt imi olill has a fair anaouut uf rulilur tiiud the ulher has a s i hit an i tubru but tho tread u worn off o take these two ana tnaks ono uul f thcui and uoiid baik a yom- nioto tira rcady-for- th cwirfot4- vpn j lii antes wuultl uniountto about a tl uu in all 7 60 bom write tlioj lmo uad 4 7 10 l h eoiu ug hltih oa 16 thousand nlls aihl that front llrea they rould not uao any inoiu if intcrcslad write us and we will ond iou uur price list coverlns oilier alscs n iw us tu why our urea are almost loo imr immtt iihncture lirouf takn a j0i3s tliik it bus four layer of fsbr to w v double thorn it uuw lias lht thou wo r 1 yh a thrcviily rvltucr it nuiy hr elayen hvyers ul fuliiii ail thorouuhly vuiwanued to tin i you nil rxadlly see tacks uii 1 umull nulls hav no chaitoo a full trial is ull wo uslc use a hiuxl tube and do not allow air orv- uuit to no bolow lo lbs and you will ij t tlin lniit of run li its win u mtidliiu us tli liieiiay x i i i hmu taylor uyan ui uwi lu j li jay and co 2000 oumi ht vv toronto shaws summer schools 1 ortinlo uiicul to uinbulouu ntu tlotitii who to not euro to luno two or llimu iiiontlu tinio you inuy enter uity day and cuntlnuo to graduation into a cood po iltloo free immjijici wrlto w h- chaw 1rtnhh nt of piano violin and other utrinq inltutnenu aikj illi ohuan will visit acton on tuibday of each week until further notice puplla iiruwired for conacrvotory izxamlnallotin ucntiaia left at acres ltuxs iuai oolco will rocclvo prompt attention claanlnc pr ibapalrlnc your qothc3 thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen wc can make that old suit look like new try us geo wallace guelph ontario yonao el charles street toronto get the debt it pays la noted throuchout canada fur hiiih rrado business education a treat flcnund for our ernduatia ojmn all year enter now write for citalocue w j elliott principal notice to ladies in town and country i am collecting itujrn and itub- bcra and all klnihi of juuk when you aro doio with your house clean ing call up acton ailboord phone s liox zc1 i will guarantee ko3 utli faction nnd prontrit attention alex gilboord dox 201 acton ont phone 5 main street next kenney oros kellys meat market corner mill and elgin stru acton i carry a full uno of meats an i lux o liad many uub cxperleuco it la ray aim to brinif before ray custom era tho viry choicest ucata ut a rc4uioiutli prlc wul you elvo mo an oi imr tunlty to show you cash paid foll huttllt anu txioa wkelly acton ont to ccptxtlr pay ii i lit i price tbrlnlcixttum i mith an odor llvit co i thousands of dolui- i produce would bt lutur i ut to be able to obtjmi such a superb rxfunit it u low price ts a ddlfuu jairprlje thlj urpri uwuits you in tht 1ji cerlumed with joiul- ihs new odor of i wuily slxrowtra fll oruu tttu gullih ont

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