tn pras jijiy 3 1d13 puhlltihrd nyiry thiirnduy limii ixilmjnj mill utrccl at ton llitlon prim la si i0 pr yiar lit rlinrcotl additional t offices in the which subscriptions urn pnlil la ftdrcns label transient advertise man la 10 it fur flrnt insertion and 6 bncnucint insertion contract uvttrjlncmonts or 100 inchen or mora per annum m inch each insertion advertisements without jctinnn will bo inserted till forbid and cliarcod ii i mookh udltor and publisher nih nd iiuulnctui oillco cnnnda occupies tlic very desirable position of having the citirpns of itic country largely her hnnkcr our countrys debt is now about two billion dollars of which threefourths arc held in canadn itself oipj- sfxth in great britain and onetwelfth in the unitej stales cnnada in now pructicnlly independent in a financial sense the bulk of the debt is from the canadian people to that section of it which invested in bond3 during the war j editorial n years ntrcnuous efforts at increased produc- fntlyborc ijitiifaco results on march the quantity of wheat and wheat hour ex lis wheat in canada was in round figures qo0 bushels as compared with 77000000 jimtycar 120000000 bushels in 1917 and hcle in 190 according to the domin ium secretary of the retailers merchants in speaking at carlcton place tho other it is the 3mall town newspaper that jjsave this country he observed that dailies were so tied up to the depart- and the big interests that it is only jthe town newspapers that tho pcoplo could fair treatment get behind them he td dont bo afraid to advertise they depend almost wholly for their support gation of the dominion alliance the com- 0 one hundred the w c t u national til women and the several other tpmpcrancc ions in tho province into one body to be if3 the ontario referendum committee has accomplished as tho name suggests the or ation will conduct a strong combined campaign of provincewide prohibition between now dote when the referendum is submitted to pic instead of each unit working on its own county of ontario a branch of the ontario ndum committee will be established ocustomary discussion over the equal- jof the assessments for county purposes at the weetirie of the county council tho members puncil resident in the front of the county glues are higher and assessments of course higher basis than in the municipalities in jkfce and north of the county invariably com- to lower assessments prevailing there this jjus taken on this occasion and both acton ketown assessments were increased reeve j irotcsted that the action of the racm- uw aho increase was unjust as they had ar knowledge of relative values he con- iacton was relatively assessed as high as ptte and burlington- fcjpnadian trade commission has a wide-i- j undertaking to promote expansion of domin- hcrywar trade a return to prowar standards t meet our need our war debt in four years un up to nearly 1500000000 the interest lon this will demand the most alert business f tho people the wholehearted support given iwomen of canada singly or through their lotions to food control and other war work ihow great their collective influence could be lj immediate future women should influence scs for the home to be of canadianmade products this will give employment to iboldicrs and to the many thousands who in munitionmaking and other war liberal convention formulated a platform h ip admirably adapted to needs of the coun ts it is comprehensive fair and progressive it the issues of the day in a manner which is liblc but tho convention made we think i mistake in its selection of a leader h dewart is not the man to carry out the es of the platform that was formulated a ndas been handinglovc with the liquor in- k inception of his candidature as pr southwest toronto and who did all in the past year to embarass the govcrn- ic administration of tho ontario temper ed to discredit sucli a worthy official as yearst will not lead the liberal party as led in these day3 and as liberals gencr- see it led the real principles of libcral- tprcsscd so far as the liquor question is rqin the vigorous resolution passed at the tion condemning the senate for its rejection federal governments amendments to continue kibjtion in force either mr proudfoot or col would have made a much more acceptable i for ontario liberals generally than the man i narb nplall canadu is surely setting the pece for the british empire in the matter of adoption of the motor car as a means of locomotion whether this 13 the part of wisdom or not the future will tell in the united states there is one automobile to every 18 persons in canada there is one for every 100 in england one for every 2c8 in france ono in 102 in italy one in 1002 mexico one in 2385 and in china one in 207207 the thrifty thriftb out k ptui of the txiyu n if wo imvr tllltlffu to- thc house of commons gave the senate a vigorous slop in the face last thursday by rejecting in a vote of 105 to 34 that irresponsible bodys impertinent amendment to the prohibtion bill sir robert borden by hjs vigorous protest and the house of commons by it3 overwhelming vote gave substantial evidence of the feeling throughout canada -the- senate will learn in no unmistakable way that thap of this country will not stand to have their wishes thwarted by the servants of the selfish liquor interests of canada it is probable that the majority of the cost of livjng committee of tho commons which ha3 been hearing tho evidence for some weeks will report to the house in favor of the appointment of a perman ent commission to be called in all probability the inland trade commission the plan is to have three members of the committee the chairman to receive a salary of 8000 and the two other com missioners 7000 each well tho plan may bc all right one thing is quite certain the members of this important committee will not be under the neces sity of trying to make ends meet even under the h c l the number of soldiers who are settling on the land is increasing at a gratifying rate over g 000000 in loans to soldier settlers were approved by the board during the month of may making a total of over 12000000 loaned says a statement issued by the soldier settlement board figures for alberta are 2123114 for saskatchewan 1333794 british columbia 1120177 the manitoba office loaned 924600 ontario 589505 new brunswick 170- 802 nova scotia 134358 princo edward island 110253 quebec 122000 with this large increase in the number of producers the cost of living should eventually bo reduced an act has been passed to prevent people from buying and selling coal by the carload unless they are in the business any one dealing in coal must be properly equipped in the way of shed room pro vision for delivering etc before being granted n license which costs 25 and is issued by the fuel controller this enactment was made to protect men who invest in coal supplies all the year round for the convenience of the public this is all right if the dealers arc able to assure the general public that coal may be secured from their cars or sheds and the iiome needs supplied without the auxiliary aid given by private purchasers of carlots which have helped so efficiently in the past tho high price of coal is manifestly not due to any jack of coal to be mined in canada or the united states the last report of the fuel controller con tains the following should any one be alarmed about the coal supplies of canada and the united tates it is only necessary to point out that an esti mate made in 1910 gave the reserves of coal of all kinds in the united states with its 100000000 people as being 4231352000000 tons while canada with its population of 8000000 has 1300535000000 tons the output of tlic united states mines for 1018 was 5s55g0522 ton3 while that of canada was approxi mately 15000000 tons great britain that hive of industry for generations is credited with 208922 000000 tons reserves small in comparison to can ados supply last week the provincial license commissioners took action against a number of tho doctors of on tario who have manifestly been issuing liquor permits for financial gain a few days ago by tho erasure of the names of several doctors who have contra vened the provisions of tho ontario temperance act from its rolls the council of the college of physi cians and surgeons of ontario the recognized body in the profession in the province has decreed that the majority of physicians will not condone the infringe ment of any laws which would be likely to bring the entire profession into disrepute this action is worthy of this important body and should have n deterrent influence upon any doctors who might bo inclined to violate tho law and prostitute their pro fession th rifts for catiud bo loyal to mi nt own inliu to a c tl w h h no shall wo havo asked uu mil it tho thrifty 1 jiarry oh yea and for i ho hi t ts blgglod we will need to havo mima o vory busy work thoy a following rules 1 on i shall txi tho thrifty our motto la lliirrn j our mcmlmni must unadu 4 harh member thrift hlamp fi wo ougli for four w h thr mountain of olaoh ivrllnii thrmibtt tho utah jitiiu un of innlrru orrron and uirll- ly iiloiifi tho ufin liiitrn itlvir in crater ijup nrii nur- vlclilly ii to cor mill upop what dpii bo ulntanrn ourb i lib i nlnjt 100 by ono tlioy all ulfrncd itinlr iiumra flhull wo let any ot ly join ii iikcd jeorcc any loyal canadian who imil loo laxy tn work tn a ti mm it could coino in couldnt ho v iiutkriitod irtd way fcllowal i ouldnt w to rjiruplnc near on mo farm uiul ii n i work on tho farm uald harry thu ircaldont uppolnlod u commlt- tii to mf almitit a camp at a later tntx tine tho txiyu rt ported that tan milt imp nt a limn nndthat mr hlhhuid would co with thrra a fuimir tin id ho would cvo ua fifteen ccnta an hour if wo worked flva houro a day woll bo a bio to buy a lot of thrift htnmiin our club ha i to co ovor tho top tom nald tho hrat coiitlnicont rould hardly wait until july 1 but nl luil they were all uafo at camp thoy wiro divided into two companion llvo working for thrco houra whllo tho other nvo were around camp until their turn came after tholr throo hours tho nrot cumo on affaln for two houm tho flrnt week tho ixiyii each earned j450 they paid tz 00 aa their unare at tho camp and upent 0 ccnta for fun at the end of tho month cuch luy had at leant js tttr w h h hut norno of tho boya wore umhltlouu and when off duty thuy wunt to other farmcra tom cur nod four jim llirco uid a half and oven little art camod thrco w h h at thu utroko of nlno at night mr lllhhard brouicht out hlu hjft box and iarh iny bouahl mn thrift jstampn and put thiin on hl thrift card mr itrown thu farmer when ho know tho lwyu worn buying thrift h lam pa ujrcod to pay thcm each nlghl tho oyii vlud wllh each other tom made a bis llirnnomotcr and how the loyii watrhod it grow an tom c ha lined it each niiiht it wuji jiwt outnldo tho camp ijvcryonu paauliic liacanio interested and often odd joba were filvcn to ulo boyii mr johnii wnnted hbi lawn cut and two bon uurnrd oftin ccnta each another duy mm munaneld pnlil little art ten cento for huntlni the cebb on july 31 tho nociind contingent arrived they hud ereat la lea to tell krncwt and iut had a market borden and had already earned 10 tom and jim their partners hoped they could earn that much in august tete und itulph were inacct hunters thoy made a nurvuy of tho town sardenn and fouml that many pcoplo did not know a ntiuatilihuc ftom a juno bcrttlothey chared fifteen centu to tell tho inxjplr how to iet rid of them and sometime they winked for people thcoe boy a earned lfllio and ikiufiht 4 w h b ilcku futhcr wau a llorlat w dick 1 han id luil a lluwcr garden thoj for partliii for atoreu nn on tho tttreet they made 1c4j but uncle tom gave tttcm j100 each oo they were ublu to buy their w a s lniur other itoya will juck itay and oncar fixed up an old earago for a ulor- at flrot they mld candy then ukib hiforo luni tho girl holpd them and tho boyu uold on commission chart hiu lu ie cent icfcrc tho aum- mur wuu over thoy oacll liad tholr w h h too do you think tho t will havo lou w h h 7 i do for noma of them huvu tlvu and urj utlll working hurrah for cuiula hurruh for tho t to liid han fold low r giai thrnfl criggy proml aa lava button hut am discovered to hrhkon glana it hi an if rnllllona hot tiro f dark red h recti gray a brown iad been broken into frugmoi and piled in a vant heap 1lonosr nottlero who wended tholr slow way over the platcaua mora than jialf a entry ago were attracted by the motlntalnn of gunn and wondered at tho atrince phenomena thoy could not account for nuch gigantic plica of broken bottlca oeoloclnbi oxplulned tho whole mat ter by ldcntiryliur tho glunallko otuff itaclf the broken jaggodcdgod pnr- tirlon na much mko manmade glass were found to bo olldlnn obsidian in u volcanic substance or thu result at volcanic action and tho prenenco of uticji grout plica of tho nubntunco in thin region la easily understood when it o known that two or three and ionnlbly a lia if do ten volcanoes worn active in- the ncur vicinity a few hundred years back to begin with thin obsidian was spouted from the superheated cones of tho volcanoes in a melted state iooid when tx- ikisod to tho outortrand was of just tho rlghl compos itforf to muko uiln glanallko sulwitunco tho fragmentu are very hard and very brlttlo yot riot us brittle an glass indians usol itolectcd pieces for nrrowheuda und opearhialo as well as for ikilntlng ether implements of warfare only n brief nurfacn examination on ciin of thse niountalns of glann is naccssi y in selecting hits of a wldo variety of nhadea and colors jet black brown raylsh green even u flaming red or a rich purplo tho geologists who identified the obsidian telt us that within a itven period a few bunded ycara or no it would bo oxldlcod and changed into lakellko pumice and from that would go back into dust this is imrno out by tho fact that moutiiliui if punlco rcjtr ihemsoh e j in tho locality of tho maun tains of izlama ono ntich pmmlnenco near crater lake boors tho name pumice mountain ages ago according to tho peologls- pumlco moutaln waa a mountain ofgjass ages from now ull will ot dust aaln und thut ncorla- rlddon and now barren and unpro ductive will blovsom llko tho rose jlulhrt lien do son worm iowdent nro n pic in for woniilimnlm eh they will tain it w tlxi when dlrttlunii am f illoi lot liijiiio the it d lie 1 m in nothlni of an 1 itll in lu loitiponltloh tin ly lid ho thlld or vnrr thu ihlltll of tho llll vhomi vitality him 1 i 1 what fakirs gather in in tho united b la ten no lcna tlutn j300 000000 are annually gathered in tv nimncla raktrrt who unload worth less stocks real crtato and other value less thhjgs ulon tho public capital ized at per cont this mprcnonlu jg- 000000000 or la equal td nearly two- thirds of tho total amount loaned by tho united states to allied govern- thore ta no muann of ascertaining how much is loot jn canada in this way it a reasonable however to assume that tho per capita loss is tho name in this country which would mean that in un average year about jzg 000000 are ruked in by fakirs when ono recalls tho hugo sums lout jn fake mining oil and wild cat real cntata ventures one cannot but con clude that the rati ma to is not fur astray will tho fakir get your money or will you invest it in something uafo that will pay wellt 1ut it into war sav ings stumps and you will obtain u small government bond that in ab solutely aafo and yields 4 v per cont compounded halfyearly ekgravihg g dhiaiiiotmbrva3r rbronftoganad4 teach the children to save habits aro acquired oarly in life children whonro taught tho valuoof money mid the habit of mjyinfr grow up into good buiiincao mon andxapablo women thocaaieotwaytotcach children touavo 2 dtart a savinga account for each child 100 each ia nufflciont af tor a child liao caved anothor dollar to make an additional deposit ho or diio will havo a better appre ciation of just what a dollar utanda for nnd how much workandoolfdonlalitreprcscnta hood oftico montrol acton branch georgetown branch of camaj9a eutablilod 1004 i b shorey muuscr c w grandy mwawter castori for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria alwaya bears tho signature of exact copy of wrapper thirty years castoria l characteristic loyalty canada celebrated the ventb anniverbury of confederation on tues- 3t inst last dominion day the people of a united in national supplication the british cvos bowed in prayer to the god of battles jctory might be won and tho cruel wot cease the year peace has come and canada rejoices spirit of thanksgiving the long bitter ycara jfj struggle- for liberty and overthrow ot the eisora of the weak and helpless arc over from tojny cuiiitduvi5ffnicstlcrvntlnnr1ieroc5lidtnc- p from coast to coast joy roigna a joy mingled olgnunt grief tor those who return not again iatal dny this year is celebrated on the threshold lionstruction canada cannot attain to true lifhoadunlcss her national life is permeated with finciplcs of christianity she must build on jsis of faith i god and human brotherhood canadians learn how to live together in mutual cintion love and helpfulness the taint ofoocial t will bo removed from our fair land the faith c fathers of confederatioirand the heroic sacii- f their sons and grandsons deserve the noblest ment we can give them what nobler uiunu- could there be than u canadu purified united crly fearing god and hating unrightcouaucst- the labor unrest throughout canada the past two months or so with the attendant strikes at a num ber of the centres has been a serious experience for tho country business bus been largely disturbed the general public has been greatly inconvenienced and the fumilics of tho strikers themselves have in many cases suffered hardship and want it believed that much of the agitation is of bolshoviki origin uud events of tho past week have proven that hnaiilial aid has come into this country from sources that would undermine the foundations of tho com- muiweuiflkthc subtleitdvaiiccstjcing niadc tjy this- very questionable influence are clearly with a view to taking udvuntugo of the difficulties confronted by working men in their endeavor to copo with the in creasing cost of the actual necessities of life the labor unions arc clearly dcsirublo and should direct their activities for the betterment of their members but it is greatly to be regretted that men of foreign birth and socialistic or anarchistic principles who are not laboring men themselves get into positions by which they assume power to direct strikes and organize mob law it is a floor recommendation for canada for her authorities to be forced to admit that u few bolshcviki can not be deported and labor dis putes settled without the whole country being thrust into turmoil and jeopardy a gift to humanity why am no miuiy pcoplo in u anno uiul rivlllwil wurltl tiulmmetl of wcur- liijf overshoes why is it rvuurdo uu u uiiorty ttilnic to reject those friendly little jrtlclrnt why do younj mun ifrct to lenorv thulr axlstenco uiul yoine women boust thut they huvu not owned a imlr for years as if wet feet wcro u immiii ami colds in tho hcitl u mark ot cu bin try und vulor when mra wluirton the novollut wlohcn to dcrldo ono of her own characters oho defines him tut u injii who bail iiromlsod his mother never to so out in tho rain without his overshoes thus by one delicate stroke placing him on the lowest lovol of masculinity home tii i mr of thlu xjiitumit was felt for uinhrollus when uioy made tholr nrnt upiuurnnccji in driuim londoi cltlkuns who carrieil them were luush- cd to ncur ii by their dripping towns men who usked wlmt ruin was for if not to wet tlin world yot it would uueni to most of us that lnsuiiid had waited fur too lonff for umbrellas and thut ull mankind hud waited fur too lony for oio blessing of overshoes tho ingenuity thut enublca uu to walk dryuhouldercd and dryshod oiroucb rain und snow has benefitted humanity beyond all calculation if wu reud june austens novels thulr u mux 1 1 ik aqcurury of dutull know bow the absence of overshoes unacted the women of lnktajld ullsa beth lutiwiett und murux lucss cunno wulk round mr collins two meadows uvuii on a clear day lccauso the re mains ijt u whlto rrost otll soaks the uruund wlini ullxalmth truinus three in i luil thrru miles tbroukh wet tic ids und muddy luius to sea her sick sister at nuthurlluld tho estilult is rcsanled us uu iumurkublo thut even mr uurcy admits its intreiiidlty and with wliut lonstcrnutfou does tho society of high bury receive tho nuws thut juno itulr- fux has walked to the post offloo in the mint mrs ci tun scolds her noutty for lior lusbncss mrs weston usaurcu her that it would be belter to wult half u day for her lottcrs llian to run so hruvo u risk mr woodhouso inquires with dellifhtful intimacy whether sho chunsed her stocklnss when she reach- ud home and ull hef friends usroa thut uouicthliifc niuut bo duns to avert suth itnirudunu in the future to delivei u from bondage u tluui fioni caturrh the overshoe cumo into u wutery world thoro was a tluiu when ii l to us arfordod tho only avjlulik- iirolcttlun from slush and iilvet und to movo ultout on those ln- fil1iiuat j uuiumrin renmred tho skill of 1 niunlfostly 1m- touylblo for ladles to stroll downtown would huvo iwip for u club ot uble 1 was asked what volition or discovery hjid moot b ihtiml tho nliuiteoiitth century a small but hltfhly intelligent minority voted for the overshoe they suld that with its help they could do what doctor hohihjt hud always sighed to do thoy could bully nature impeded vuy lujlllo for ladlw iutrnmy lid wui stilts nd uu tholr un- 2bttktz4 i jtmtfbjtfifltt arnm orualsffd eyelids for dmk fy free wiiw fc morlm cy bmly co cuca wr- iui use the local press in a pamphlet issued to manufactur ers and merchants the united states de partment of labor gives the following pointed advice tell your story through the medium of wellprepared advertising talk to thousands through your local press in stead of standing idly by waiting for some thing to turn up now more than ever before advertising offers greater assur ance of profitable returns to live wide awake progressive merchants and manu facturers who employ it the message of the 1 department of labor is advertise increaseyxmr adver- tisingso that selling costs may be reduced and ultimately prices will follow in reduc tion this advice is quite disinterested and is issued by the department as one of the planks in their platform of reconstruction it is advice which should be followed and in following it merchants and manufac turers should study carefully the mediums through which they do their advertising canadian business men need that advice as much as our cousins across the border scores of wideawake business men manifest their faith in local advertising by the use of free press columns this week it pays them it would pay you try it business directory thoa qrav m d c m mcolll l il j 1 iminburith t jl f p a il lltlhraw umnlior llrltuh medi cal association etc office- trod crick filroet acton on dr j a mcnivcn physician and ourcjson ofllco and iteoldonro corner ilowea- avenun and lllcln lltrrota tho rcsld- enco formerly occupied by i m hen derson acton ont vctcninarv j john lawaon vsurinjry ouraaon acton ont oraluato or ontario votcrlnaxy col- ler 18x0 office artbum 1 1 lock itesldcnoo u1ii btrcet calls day or ubjlit prompt ly attended to ihono no 23 i o ijox 310 harold nash farmer m- a dsrriatsr solicitor notary publlo cenvenysncsr etc pernyman clock acton ont money to ioan conveyancing hours 2 p m to i p m at residence n h wanqqrouqh lsks avenus acton ontsht or j u dell o d o l- d o- dsntlst honor qraduata of toronto univer sity tho utests anestbsuo uaad u oftico at rosldonco coroar mill and frederick stroots miscellaneous marrtaoe licensed h p moor issuer mrrio llo irlvato office no tvllncssea ro qulrod ifuutml at residence in evnnlnj fsjoc igraa omoo ac to a ont francis nun an dookblndsr account books of all kinds mads to order periodicals of every descrip tion carefully bound ruling noojuj and promptly done wyndham street quelpb oat over williams btoro -r- j kerr licensed auctionar fr tho counties of llalton welling ton ieel and dilffcrln and tbe city of uuelpb acton ontario salsa may be nrransod by mail 01 st residence at acton or at the pre press office acton tho mercury odlco ouclph the newsllecord itcreus or wiui v j gordon homes itsiter hlluburs sales ont rusted to il j kerr re ceive attention from data of llstlnff to dato of solo list your ojilh with me residsncs young otrest actan phono 38 acton cull at my lxpenso j e cheevers dook binder quebec ql east ouslph ont hooks and mauuxluctt tound in handsoms nod uubatantiol covers names lettered in eold on hi bias ilytnn hooks and otbor books all work promptly executed d alex mm ontario land surveyor and civil enaln- survoys bubdlvtslons plans ile- ports ixiscrlptiona illucprlnts etc certificates for iiurcliasors and- ntortgufcczi kurvcyn for archlucta builders and municipal councils dralnaco itcporta llstlmates ctc mclean ouilding dounlss 8l auii4u piuiuo ioat oni- roy hindley auctioneer uvi htock ltlial kiitatu anu mehcuanuiiin consolidated phoiw r r 3 acton grndlrunim the double track route u17tw izizti montreal toronto detroit chicago hluipln 1allr ulil trains olid ul day irulns- kull luftinnutl trunk htuft t ui ulutrllt iauuiiiii y oruna fj lloriiiiisj rtu u il s uolb1es agent j acton ont phono- i r tho old aud boliablo grantto and marblo dealofc i5u g jiiilnl oz a uro ituinufiu tunun and uf ull kiudii of uoiiun and 1 leads tuuo work wo sail to our customers ul vruolusalo fir i thus nuvliik ou customers 40 pet xoe cloz vu tutva tho best uppuaixes r caily mocliatilcs in tho 1oii can oiierutopunuiu we can etvo roforoiks fruut of our cusluuivru in toronto it places wlicra utluiru liavb to adits in orvlir to collect wc largest and bout slock of w a slieclluty tho huilnbi or moro thaai jv akj dealers in tho wut wo tuato dcuuru ijnd employ und do nut uintoy or pusi by woiidliuf out uenorunt tti 0 isssssjs irds co hamilton cor norwich i wooiwievcry nifiht but fri- urdtty at 0 v0 oclock rfy l vuwutjkaiujtsakii ajiis