Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1919, p. 1

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iorty fifth year no 1 acton ontario thursday morning july 17 1910 singlo copies five cents new advertisements the methodist churcp acton ncv i m movcn pastor poronauo willow ol jo l in 7 pin you nduy hi hool ii n invi1 i i omi round r imirkir klgjut fi i 1ji j i ki i 1 id ii 1 it i at ion wanted capable klrl fur iiiitio1 imu 111 family t two uhlu to work lm wiirm iuuo write 1 utely to ih i i 11 iioiiinson 147 h twirl 1 ark avo wo 8afc for oale a roirmodlouj imfo in rood condition 21x21x12 inuldo monnureniunl- com bination luck will noil at a burnoj for prompt halo htailkman 42 tf mill htroot acton fruito and vegetadleo i re ill from uur garlt mi ilih or- ctinrds ank fijr our weekly price until iiihold i i aumh 1 rultlund ontario 111 niagara dhilrlrt maxwell car fob ajle 1318 modi i in llrul tluiui co milt ion driven uuiut 1700 mlhui han ono mtra now iomluloii nobby tlru with cover ami tube mid nirkol phitod bum per prico 51 oio 00 apily to j ij1lu 2 2 uox 334 acton frame house for 9ale tlio friimo cottulu on dower avi nuo rood collar cxccllonl water lino kui- ilcn fruit iron scpuratu wood house nuitablo for iiurk rimont floor w ii htlwakt 1 if arton onl wanted several htauotfraphcni experience bpocd accuracy und eood ocabulury are eiuuintlal working condllloiui aro ideal apply clatlnc cxperlcnco to salcu mtiliairor cimvnorit motor company 6zg ouhawa onturlo home builders write for our lttu hook of iiouio plana and information tolllnt liow to luvu frotn two to four hundred dolluni on your now lionu adejreoj iiaijliday comiany box ci jackson hl 430 hum 11 ion ont brick house for sale tho uemi detuihed two olorey brick dwollhik on how r avi nun owned by tho undvrulinitl hovt n rooma good cellar ciment hoor electric ll ce ment walk in ood repair apply to w ii fotiavart 1 tf acum onl church janitor wanted a tan uik r for tliu muthodlat cliurxli dim oxiterienicd wltli aliani hen lint pit furred dutlej tu iam- mrnca july id 1 or particular mi to duuca etc upply to l 1 mooui secretary rnaimnr horse blanket lost a check wooll 11 hurio blanket 1 lout txtwltti ulrinun 11 crtt k on fourth lino und tlio mill ut a under will bo wwanlid by iruyin ilua piueu olle acton or with j- v wauni it b 1 ourth hue 1 card of thanks tliu uidcrilind dtulro to tixprcui heartfelt hi inkii t in acton find 1 lie wonta of iijmiithy on tho ocianlon if tho druth of our dr ir iiliitcr mius hwitxcr of miulowiuli tho iipeclal wunli of njmjuitliy from tho membem of thu ijidh alii 1 f tliu mcthodhit church 11 r iimrli i predated wo will nlwiyn rhtrlati thiun thou ltful ex preiiuloiia of our rrieiiilu in our mrro mil am mils wk mahon r 1 araiuaiuowbtvtat 31 ttorokrro cantfla proclamation peace celebration wild jiat of in complhn hio mujeaty thu hliu ibul saturday july 10 bo obaervr t uj u i iilu holluy throui lioul this t mpli i foi tho i ulc hcatlon of tho ulaihi of thu 1 t ico treaty i hemhy pio lalm that duy uu u publlo hullduy for i ion und ru uetfully rejuibt that all our t itlzoiia obticrvu it an nut h in or lor thut tho fariimii uiul othuru in thin eomiuuplly who do tliolr uliup iliitf on uatunluy nllit y not lo inceiiivunluiued ptmlludoll lu lleroby ruottd to imvu tlio ulurni hi town open uu itauul durlin thu ov nlnt oi h r1iuu lui iu iteove ii ollle town lljii july wth uu 7 wonderland coour hor thn quuld the lie tbioav jluly 11 willi 1 inla kvrkunun am mtnu oml l vlluno hmltliy oaturday july 1z iluwl wuy wilt ii llutu hi juj ii11ui n vulil j hj j- tlilli ullkv iiv tuesday july is u r 1 lul hi1i11k with laillli i red il ii i i mmi no 7 l f uu 1 am f the gardner has certain seasons for prmeniinii and would he considered foolish if he were to do thib work at any time of the year so 11 i with a merchant he too mist have ccrrain icflson3 for pruning and wccdntj out bi- stocks midsuuuner is one of these times by reason of past records in valuegiving you will naturally expect splendid savings in this sale you shall not be disappointed not fnly is the saving 01 money but in the quality of merchandise and the variety for selection the midsummer sale begins monday july 21 1919 and continue until the end of this month july 31 on saturday july 10 this store will be closed for peace celebration after the celebration a feast of bargains in the mid summer sale- b e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and lahgest stoke wyndham mnrrinnncl and carden streets guelph onl acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream fair test and full satisfaction guaranteed highest biarket price for butter fat will receive any amount of creajn you brinj in we are paying he highest market price for uvo poultry- let us know by mail and we will call for your stock highest market price foe cream and eggs open monday thursday and saturday evenings until 10 pjn acton creamery co willow street opposite government building russells k idstkmmer specials all uiuiucr gootb will he lcurtil vcfjprilleis of uoat now 13 0u1 chllllu io blol lip hi ulc following lillm 11nii1iam 1 muhunh villi 1 1ltints lulmllky glovlj uuluutli un1iiuwlai1 i vuilti llouht- uuica uy this is an extra special childrens ciuhaiii urtscs neatly mndc in slripig untl plauls wurth 2 50 to x00 slu s pars to 14 1i tfjyo years to clear at jp jl o oliildren ory for fletchers castori a groceries special ilaoralii now offered in your favorite palnuillve soap 1 cakes for 23c o cake for 58c u cakes fur 110 while our stuck lasts values jlx c russell doajinp mill st1uxt acton ont ulor gium l30 hcpt friday and saturday reliance shoe co willing to back out other companies arc anxious to secure the fine new shoe factory building council and school board will co ml to terms oiiik 11 met in i ulor ntnnlon on monday ovoiihie with un llloi mil fray pmxiit uiul tho ite tho rhulr tho rini ommlttoo pre tholr fuortcoiith mirt and imyn tht fullowlnjr iinnuntii wan 1 1 ili i it trli 1owcr coim u i iiiuii clonrral ilortrlo i n lory iroductu ltd chutnu rliun i look ham co j 11 mu kc 113 00 4 a iv 29 8 oh 3 r3 3 3c 11nlual account jiw ha murtln illtoi uim lttlmj x sumitil ilruuh lu bo thou hona uibor win hoitttuiii luui w j held tiipplloi ut itlti luboi v j itllrhii lulor c ii itltihio lulmir win koberuton lubor amj- iliti iiibji prhitlnc j ie muckfiizlu ouiuilica ihanlmuro co labor munulpul world nuppllou hydro power lumin town liall lc 00 21 00 30 00 13 t0 i 70 hi ci 3g 00 c9 t0 13 10 7 9b o 23 7 18 ilydn comro utr light jt3 00 jj703 79 tho roijrt wuji adopted a roll trove rny over jfr ii mac ken tin n u count for work nil tho iloilnncn hlioo i victory itctwcrn dr ortiy ivnd tho utivt won rnlascul in dr ural wuiitid thu hill cert mod by the lbs- ihipto klioo co tho iteovo did not eotxiildcr it pecenaary aa u letter ac comiinyliik orddml payment of tho acrount tho olork wao inutructed to re urn thn lcraunt lt bo ccrtlflcd unlcatlnu from tho i lei lance o alatcd that o mr uurlcy cf it r wui willing to tako over ruernrnt and utart oimratlonu ttoo factory hero the itellojnco iy dejilred tho counrll to tako tit r up with mr jurloy and nulil kivo uio council the prl f iultlmx unutlitrr ilnii ut anyt tutud tlyit they other firm id tiliirt uprr try iiiui h prefer that luko nvi r tho huuli utlona hi arton a iiinnlx r of ixnid houuca uril lot ttm ri luititlnc nckotlutlun of tho aulo of waterworks dolxtiiturcu the clerk wuji lnu true led to inform them that tho proji i i wuii far from the point ot tho iialo f debt ntureu a iimiililiil wan nulntcred ujsaliuit c w icvroll for emptying tho salty ice wulor from tho ico cream contain era on mill htrvet the munlcliml oltlrrr wua lnu true tod to inform mr iovr- 11 ttiut uolcaa thla practlc was ii to in d ho would le brousht to court- a llttlo that on tho matter that ertulot l nuldurublo dlbcuuslon at tho iiiwcl 1 ii iftln luut wrfk wan dtijctlcrti in n u i of hi membem of the hchxd luhtr1 win prtlit it d tho counetl uti rely i jtprejjictl opinions dr gru ih on i in the uy it in iim euuuy and ado it r i iren tho wjlor mi i v i ullll a very tlklinl piopoul mid inwiu0 ellupuual linpru hi thouithl tha mutter uliould iii d uu iiulutly an peumlylu the lu iitoded improvi incut in thin ii i ho had rciunlucd tho ivjauutllii n in i thotrhl it vry elhclcnt it i hi tlin will pruluibly ejuiuo lit r n utlnif u utehliiuu for tho aotm of lio i rujueoted a ml wit owlnc to tlio iuih r of lotu being purclueicd lriiv cemetery the miitjcr il ivii to another mcellnjj in memoriam jamis uoukuty colfcuan word luj beon rocelvotl by tho ml ti in j srw of thu druth in winnipeg of mr j ii olrman u former il ih lit of su ibury but who re moved from ht ru bvvirul yeoru uu to taka 1 irotilllon of re ixiimlblllty with tho aiiudluu iii l ulc itullwuy compttny a vliinl l 11 la drath took place 01 tuuuluy hint after un ulnctm extend i llui tho 1 mined u t- uruh in ut thu race llbi brink regret to many in hi j 1 dii t d brlil hlt news of local import- pclal ctara for tha holiday tho toronto hibiirbmi llullwny 1 puttlus on tlirlr ununl holldoy urhrtlui for tiutunluy lxtru tarn will it u acton for toronto at 1118 urn uri 10 03 pin and from toronto for 111 writ ut 9 i ii a in and 9 00 p m urrlvlnie at arton ut 11 0j u m und 10 49 p m 12000 for a walinaton animal i rrlo jlrtid of nl hot tiuvo nolil thtlr ramouii idiorthorti hull ulnford matrhlctui to u mr holx mini of ihirrami nlo till for tho tidy iium of j12 000 it hi undomtood tin y pre- vlounly turnwl down an ulmont oijually nootl ortrr for thla iiplnidld prlzo win nlnic animal rbftnjridum enumerator appointod tin i nuinerulorn for tho referendum to bo taken throughout tho province of ontario thta full on tho qucutlou of tcmitrranco it elnlatlon have boon appointed tlio lumn cnutnerutnni a loo to act for tho next provincial election mr it 1 ilemutreot milton linn lnn apiolntcd for i in hon county and mr j it howltt of uuclph for houtn welllnuton oakvlllo dowlan diuippainud three rlnku of oakvlllo lowloni motored to arton luut wciliicatlay ax poet inn to hhvo a cumo with acton pluycru there won lomn mltiuddor- ntuudlnt uml no ajrru n em en ui were mado to art ommoduto them tho oak vlllo mn loft fcellnc rather uoro ut taklns a trip f twenty clctit mllca with no cumo un racompenao thoj returnrt ua ful leu milton hovovor and hail u pleulunt cumu there l jomph church nw priaat tlio wulktrlon tphj itnv iathfr uoodrt oualutlnic hen faithful to iibi huiibaml i i i ij 1 1 uaitl hi uurvlvid by hln iw und iikx uoiu plid or ottawu ii f north iiuy junteti d jr of on tii of monlreul dullou lailuteiitltiil of wealcru lliicu it ut wlyilpm and iph who i juut reliu nod freiui mlberlu and duuihtei mrie it chixjou of ite u to whom hi iitoiiilinl llio alueeie tputhy of u iuku t ire lu of fricmla 1 iarll ulurly to juiiicm i jr uao wlfo now ilea ilanueitiualy 111 ut horn in lloiifiw hu lbury mlii jamii a iamlluhf juiu ui lqpjlerl formerly if ho i1iw olallvo muunl lirm uco lay uficmpoii n t0 wclbnlcy liuipllitl in bin alrty neounil ycur mr juitkr had tetu 111 uuu licullh i tho pimi uu iiionthu but wui not iliiuuly 111 until u tiiiuith iuo ilia fo lltl u ytur uto th la nioiith uluo mil h hun mi iunilrt lived ut tho mil il y m c a ut toronto hu h utvlvud by two uouu noniiuu i iflnelly of thu clobu ulld how hvelu uty of uio uiuiilum count ii of atfrl ultuiu wluiilixi und llnicr k teu lul luerutuiy of thu uluiuuii nation i luutltutu or thu llllnd toronto icoixi nuyti ho han been n tho punt two montliu i where ho will be par tali lirloiil itov lathor lootlrow in hlehly rrcjurtlctl horo and boat wlahoa for hlo succeas attend him llev tether truy- nnr iv ho comm to walkcrton la a eompnratlvrly younc man havlntr been in tl e prlcntluof uiout trn yearn ho will conduct rnaaii here on sunday july so etartnc ftaad to london at u mi- tint in cutlph on tuineluy nvcnlnc tho utati mi nt wuji inudo thut on iood uullmrity it la tituteil tliul ua tho covi nimeiit liud jww tukim tvor tho ton n to hub urban ilattwuy it hi the intention to extond it ntlll farther wmtwanl to kitchener ht rat ford un 1 indon und puuulhly to wluduor o- ttarnhu thla looku uu if tho iovmi mi nt had ubamlonctl tho hliu of luklni ov r the t il they would hurdly luiulcl the lino with another uiroufih thu name territory 1010 entrant claaa ptcnlo a ruut enjoyable tlino wua upent lu fun und nolic by mhai liennntt a fntroikm elana at lynn a bush on hul- urelay uflcriioon 4uly 5 tho rapriuvu afforded by tho plcnla wus very plea- nant utter tho ntruln on tho puplla durlnjt uie ewnui a bountiful pic nic aupiktr provided by tho puplui und o ruin aa do nuppllcd by mloa ijcnnott wus ireully cnjoyctl a huiipy inci dent of tho afternoon wuu the preuen- tutlon by murlo muwat on behalf of the t hum to mlim ileiinctt of u loautl ful hruuh und comb uu n token of tatltudu to their mueh ruiikktod lea- chr for her hard yoarij work in their acton nnfjemen at foruui tho niiml- ra of acton i o i u centod uu invitation thlu year to pur ticlpatr in tho twelfth of july celo- liratlon ut iexruji thvy wont by tlio 817 3 t it train and their parade up mill iitnet to thu ututluu wuu highly creditable tho i joy scouts drum und hufiur lluud uaalalted by tho mlaaca mason tuvo them u quo leud at lei kuu it wan found tliut tho aeuin orauctoko hud tho lurgeat turnout ajid thtlr bund wan ndmlltcdbn ml oidtm to bo thu brut tliul vlultod ler clui that da thu deiiiutuitrutlon wuu u cruit buciuiui tho aetou toiitlnt tnt urrtved homo by thu h u p m trulii und uktlii puradeil to thtlr luill the partrldae challano cup iumier oouulu rink wuu uutmuiiful lu wlnnlut the liuuduoinu iurtrldjiu tup from ortiiitivlllu uiul wodneuduy but tliuh pu i of dbttlni tlon jah trophy holders wuu of ahorf durutioil jucl kcunm broutht u rink from arthui on krtil iy uiul by ono uhot won hit eaino and took tho big cup north thul venl iir the trophy waa ilrit won bj dr robertno n u lloru rink ut tho lournuiuiut ut uolh luolph hull tliulhiiihl arthur tjruint villo liiui pu in u hallen1 in thu winner urn acton folio wo miln with u ihulluiu to tho winner of uiul muleh a rul obtuliut tliul imli rink iiuttiuk in i eliullmkt inuat pluy wl hlu forty ulvht houiu for thu on a toronto horn sadly afflicted loiti sutunluy uvunluk the fi londa here rettlvetl tho lutluiutlun that qui don tho ultlo throe yeur old aon of lcurio m pf us 1cujraun avimuu toixjntu hud been mruolt by a motor ir und wua norluuuly tujuretl tho llltlu fellow wuu ut the dour with hlu rmher mrmeihcroon went in to ihd hoitue fur a momunt and when ho vturned tho poor llttlo fellow wuu ixlnt eurileit lu brulurd und blecdlui ho aurtend u hut lurv i ukull und n broken icl ho waa tukui to thu went urn hoopllul but did on 1 ucuduy ufturmmii tlilu ihxhwiil family hut ixen uoiily b rof i i luoo of tu it ulilklnii tllit ujt fjll duitni thu lie tluriik1 tidleuih ltotl ml ulltl mm che till udwunl ounty hi hit r ullll llvt thrru in ly hint ycui ho learned tliu hunhlenu axlj ud ii mount lntst mid ireacotl tht n wuu for u 1 1 itie foreman autm lluui ilouue ho went t it luivt fiuiu tula uineo about tho ihhl uiul founded tho mou t iuii whlth ho coi td uutconfuly until he retired afl tlti mr la ilbe niiur of tho until u numb in mimnrtiitl uml w id nlintl with thu uethodlnt ii win i iiomli mil on- id wuu i leuliunt of tho c auum lath ii ut that plui v practical benefaction by son of canada tin school school gardens parle community hnll and high way nt vlneland station donated dy the late m f nittcnhougc bf chicago durlnt u very enjoyuhlu vlnlt to tho fruit farm of mr 1 rneut culp oon- lii law nr ltuv i m moyt r nt vlno- iand htatfon on dominion day wo hod tho ploanuro ulao of inupcctlmr tlio klllunhouao briool mhoil urdono victoria hull und park provided tlirounh tho ceucruulty of the la to mimoi ranklln luttenhoune u wealthy lumlicrmun of chlcao mr illltonhouiie wan boni in tliot part of uncoln county in 1r40 and attended tho old mono uchool houuo ut vi no inn il hlu tlon then known ua jordan harlkir ho wont to chlcacp in hbi younc manhood and eventually became odd of tho mnit pronperoua lumbermen of tho heat hlnlovo far tho old i itno abided und he cherished memorlca of hlu tkyhood daya ut the oltl country uchool durint one of hlo friuont vlaltn ho fir ut donated two euaea of library tmoko to tho uchool which were ip-al- fully tit tuptotl when u new nchool wuu ncitled hla jencroulty ujruln camo into play tho reaule hi tho erection of a commodious modern ucliool build lilt with internal equipment and out- aldo iiurroundlutfa which uro tlio modnlii of niatnron und pructlcul util ity und naturally appeal to tho rlalnjc geuerutlon tho erhool troundu contain four ucreu all tuutofully laid out tito re uro umlo pluy ttroundii uchool tfar- denu hudtioi und beda of flow era u fountuln and u ukutlnt rink and i oboe an nlldo for winter tho tchool lu iiuld to bo tho bct etjuipiio i rural uchool lu canuilu it liaii ii manual trulnlnt room a pluy room und lavutorleu lu tho buacmenl und liui imt wuler heatltiu tho nchool imu tho latent tyim of n int in dcakn and lu wallu nro artlutlcully huun wit hlnlorljl nuturu btu ly nnd other pic turci ind portraltu in ono wins lu u uchool library of over 2 000 volumri including u atondurtl cnryclopuoduu the north wlnt liua u rnunoum with u fln codiction of lntcroutlnc exhlblli arfooii tho road from tho uchool i i u t ommodlouu community hall with curttukeru rtildencu it utunda in u plot pur ihmlth lufm ntulii vlth u int uvo ucrtai a pretty bund ii in nil nwlnijn and culji und public uuthcr nil huu u mat lnu euiucity lu ideal ut u community centn public lecture t women a in- atituti inietlng i niimrut uchool truth niiilii llttrury und y m c a moct- l in u uro hold there it lu lighted with un tylono iuj uiid heuted by furnace 1 h ru lu uluo u omwirvuiory for tho um und growth of pluutn und lowcm in addition to tho above mr hltten- hounii iuvu the community uu object irsihiii in nuiil bulldlns irom vino land whit h la on tho main highway from humilton to nlo nam pullu to luko onturlo threo mi lea to tho nortl th in road extenda it in under- drained mucudumlxed und hua u four foot eement bridiii with largo nluno pllluro witlch btuulllleu thlu hleliwuy the nitrimyi ra of tho community imvu commcndlbly iieeouilt d he ifeii t ruuu deedu of mr luttenhouuo by niuiltit tc ihutioi ml mr itlttmhoui 3tlh iditur a oiflty did i ul y hlu mil lil tl i bu of f j 0o0 of tho ulp lu or tliu ikirraanuiit inulntunai luhixi hull uti mr a ii hu truutto of thin tttiiuuat adjoin lnic thu klttt uhouuo school property to tho north la the co vera incut hortieujturul i xiwrirm ntul ktu tlon un inatitutlon of liiiptirtanco und vuluu to the provlntu it ban u uum ixtr f lino bulldliiiil luru troundu und u utuff of tiiiicrlii mr culpa fruit farm of 70 ucreu hi ucrooi thu road from tl o lximirimontui htulion and itlttenhouao school it la u well manured irokrty und linn lrie ut li und nppln orchurdit rrupft rutiptxrrlea utrawberrh u und thin yojr four ucreu of uwet i rum and two or morn of tomatixai the i uniting fuo- toilea which um nuinerouii lu thlu loeullty lendur lhth fruit uml vrtu- lublo urowlm udviiiiiutooua mr culp tmplnyi tw nty or more liuh mu ilut lnu the tuiiaiii tho iiroiikitta for tho fruit crop tliii irfjjabon art unoouruiclns over 400 eruteu of atruwlurrleii were tulhrtd act prom when 1 mi rly i 41 1 tud 111 eh ardm party 1 h thut ta uluk of luut y do not haaitata luar u iiiotiir horn tnuko ud iminedlutely whut to atop or i nnw1 hut do t 1 hu i huuftuur riudu in by tin flrut movu you u lh n t huiii1 yur liiliul la very llublu to reuult in obrvica 41 yara nutivillu htuljunan myj moon itinrlolur uf tin the ulor the htuti aetly on youuuer i ulbly uf 1 tiltor m ubltidier- lelllff ica uf social and personal mm john colo and children nro hero from chatham u ittlo moore ito for holldaya hi homo fron m mrnahb vlnltrd frienda at urlntr tho week conway la linn thn hoi i duy a toitnto for mm itod iawn of toronto v billed acton frlenda ilurlnc tho week mlna jeniiln matthowa of toronto apent a few tlnya here laat week of kitchener tueoday mr and mne chnrlea ii aklna of toronto vtoltcd acton frlenda on hun mr curlon wllllama of kuult hlo marie wuu at mr w wllllama thla mayor and mru ourncy of wlnr ham aisnt hunilay ut mr ilobcr wal- und mro in olblkina i hundny a mccann and ulu tailed frlenda at oua mra ouy dultlold of toronto apont u couple of daya laat week at tho ilrooxco camp mr and urn hclood and children of toronto waited mlna haw thorn o over tho week end mian i lorcnco ihyn n y apent a day or with acton frlenda itov humid curr la vialtlns at hlu fathorn homo the ilaptlat puraoiwce ilruntford thla week ite i tank mcthcraon wtea taken uuddenly iii laat week ilia mother lu in toronto uttcndltur him mra thomb morrla mlau muriel und muater dona hi of toronto ore lultlne mm j i scarrow miuu marsaret icennody luut returned o toronto after opendlnc tho paat wo wecku ut her homo hero mr mid mm o ii drown went to toronto on saturday to vtalt mrs trow n 1 nlatrr who la voiy ul mr it nd mm peter saundcru and hlldr n und mr john ribbons itock votxl vlnutl mrs i hay era un hun lay mr und mn harold anderson of luftulu j iumo laat week to upend wit k or ho ul mr hpeijcer hua mluioa huflllaw avenue a uuitetlt toronto torn und mux lhll ulm mlllu veru korbcjj and god ilea of mich uro vloiting their her mra hush aklna dower of rhuma joe llyniis kavace jack mcnlvon acton are camplni at mr wllllum drown mlaa macule v unci mlau marlon lirown an u a few vocka with frlenda in to toronto ufter aiendlnt tho wo weckii ut the homo of mr j j kc etly mm w it vollla of toronto waa tho tuiut or mr and mrn w j could for a fuw daya hho ulwuya en joy a u viall to tho old home mr und mm aualln kelly or new york were lu town lout woek tho tueata while hero of mr und mm ii holme i lower avenuo auatin never fo recta the old canadian town which hi bin blrthplucu mr ltod i orbea and mloa io oar uiul mr w d for ben and llttlo mho murjorln motored from toronto oi suinluy murjorle la atoyins for boll tluyrt at iwr crundfathcr ur n kor- uu church tit reel mr and mm gooreo oo borne mail miunea 1- vulyn und irene of ilenaao luir n totorod to acton lout weel wjtd liavo ixsen eujoylnt hc wvek ut the homu of mi und mrs william wll llama and other frlenda mbiuca jean wilson und mnrtrucrlto hlewart both of whom paused tlielr norn ml school cxajnlnatlonu left last woek to tuko a flvo weeks course at tho normal school in klnderbarti i rimury work thus maklm tlicmaolvs ttotter tiualinel for thrlr ihuuin life ork t by month alt btm 1 inuro vloruut man lni ekly nuwip lu onuurto beep mora improvutl of luto ytaeiu u tho lum ionium ldltor mooru lun onu hta mujeutltu juutlotia of ptuce wo iicurtlly tonuatulato r mmiiu on ilia eouuttuod auteeto youthful upiiouruiieu i utucuay bjisw nuptials hx oujil vulley iitai ictvca par ilaiu of uiu wtddliltf of mlau i lllkau iw uldal duuthtr of mr und i tooi mhuw daliuiihlu to wll n htpikoy utiii of mr und mru w aithl oy aetnn utl by kuv um to 1 i lsuuuli ittul tui y euloretl uln of mo del of y ilwi btiloiui it hla youiikti a loim ntetrlty voin ideal an 1 u lurifu uuwil unaembled u tliu tark for thu ottuulon a liusvhul mutch otweeji ltoekwootl uud ai tot entertained the uusetnbluuti for thu ira i ut it of the wi nine und rcaulted in i victory fur aeton with n uoru of 4 um clturiin ilantl tullvtnttl thu oven till uu i lonlrlbuted uuinurouu uvltt tliniii nil tho pitikiuiiluli ihlti wu their ihtt uiiiuiaiieu thlu year uud i wua vtiiy tilltublu tho lonli mali cjuuitc i of llruuititou win fin ruu ill the uuillbt r of dllottlimi lutldelui ui 1 iviy iiuiiiim i wuu fully upi n elat tl und wtll lum m julinu 1uplln lit mile with u volety ar u muii uuv wlhhil ll i um puuhn ikh led thn ehall u1v luuti oi o iijc u pi ii illnj vjlh ilu euiiul tiu he t v v 1 i uu itojicthcr hia uffulr vjv u uum n hon v inur i pluytd by m la- it ul lull they who pietedutl by tht trliuu tlattr utile mluu norma win ahowuivd iiuui petula on thu path le tha nltar iho brides whu vrteo glwn uwuy by ht t futhui wuu dulnllly ul tlietl hi illk re ik do thellu h limm 1 with puurln title wiro a white hal i 1 uln bou uet of i and foruoi i tnl of uu t mill of thukttr uiut popul joyublt i i it ullll if uln t id fa th touph with u hlblu in lu utuiht i t pauls i hur i unlit uut iiluuliitj if thu lejflat mhul vul lull uu mi violin auiil i tho tlurdeil t vnui lleirt lueilt uumbuiliis 011 huilhetl laiulllhil thu iioll tl 11 ut tl in mu uf the hi lluii 1 ui luu alul tl wihi litis bnakfuut thu initial tli 1 ft on the 30 truhi to ipn u uec hoiu yiuoyn u aeojt vuiwilu am nluiauiu 1 ielbe unny b uutiful ctfea tellllut ho eattllll 111 thlth tho yountl iouphi iui held aiuulii ill tile wuu u pretty titli to fimu thu racml m r tl paula churth in imuunuliii of hct osirc ua oigauiat mr und mm j m moore und mho illot i hft eontovvn laat thursday for u trip to thu coast they will t utl 011 frlomla at vitrloui iolnta route tho lima 11jkuj wtahea them u vt ry eiijoyahlo vuit mr lobble the r itiublo foreman of tho ilexuld wil have rliuao of tho bualncuu dur- uig mr mooru a absence dr und mm t talbot harrip ol oak v 111c announce tho ensutfement ol th ir no 0111 daughter muriel kllxu lth muciouull to rower wilson krowuell lata ijeuteiumt 13th llut tulluu c ic t only win of mr and mm w w llrowuell of toronto thu mutilugti will take place tliu month tho camp on tho ibocxes which hua sivcu about a d ore 11 yuunfi ludlea a nut healthful unjuynblo outlntf tvr u furtnluht or bo broke up oil butur day afternoon tho toronto young 1 ulleu who wtre in tho party misses all 1 hull mildred matthews tt mluaih llmiuer returned to the city tlttlurluk thy hud u dolbjhtful time peace celebration saturday and sunday the w v a ilavo planned for a i1jj5 proixniminc of events noyal gnenadieno dand coming the crcut war velcrunn uro plan- 11 lnu for 11 proi rummo of uvoutu which will cnnuro tho tieaco celohratlun on iluturduy ono of tho hi eh cot demon- atrutioiiu over held lu acton there will im u bit purndo at on 0 clock in wli lali tho ttoyal urcna- dlrni 11a nil und tho i toy hcoutu iluslo 1 land will tuko jiart tho vctcrarui will bo lu the purado in uniform and tho school children will uluo tuko part tho vet era nu nro unxlous to majvo a thoroucli uurct in of thla celebration they want every lody to celebrate they uro not thiiikln of profllo tboy will im tjuilo uatlaflod if roccipta cover expeuueu fccorulo your houses ojid bualneas pn inlutn they aro oftcrlnt a prlxa of sg 00 for tlio beat decorated realdenco or store to thoae who will appear in the par ade in fvney drcmi children or adults they offer u prlxo for tho licat lancy iress anyono in tho parudo in ioncy dress will be admitted to tho park free residents of neiihborlut towns aro invited to como to acton and enjoy themselves thorn will bo every kind of lesltlmato fun everybody wrlll bo happy brltht and ay veterans uro expectod from every where und of course every acton sol dier will parado in uniform the veterans aro enthusiastic and ask for tha support of every citizen in tha avenlnt lock lonaldaon tho original understudy of harry loiuder will eivo a n um tier of selections itoy blnner will tlvo uones dances and monologues und there vrill bo lire- military news it the ten men on tho iium liana honor roll bcrnt coleman lu tho sev enth to return from overseas capt kenney la still in ksypt but d ports to reach homo next month tho other two capt kennedy and lluslcr moore olecp in klandcrjj plelds liavlmr m the supremo nucrioco capt dr tv ii lowry son o dr lowry ouclph arrived homo from tjalonlca on haturduy ovenlnc capt iawry was in tho medical service and was in lcypt and at failonlca lie waa attached to tho toronto university no 4 general iioapltal ho hud wldo ei- jm rlencc durlns thu war ssenil owen conloy who luoa just returned from itunco spent last week with mr and mm john ribbons main street mr conloy was u resident of acton over twenty yearn uco libs homo la now ut discovery u c after npendhifi u week or no with ontario friends he will proceed to tlio west scrfat perry watson arrived homo from ivimeum unexpectedly on satur day ovonliuj h npent u day or bo hero and then went to nlatara falls to ace hla mother and slater there herct watson mado eood in the army hlu uplltudu in tho hondunff of horscit noon won fur him the im portant jmmiltlon of trnnaikirt he recant and kept him on duty lunuer than tho moat of our acton men the toronto titur on monday pub lished tho portrait of plluht uoul a j oneill tho brii lit looklnt 19 year- old son of j n o nellu rcoreolown who lias just urrlvutl home lieut o nclll enlisted with thu it n a- h and went to haieluud lu 1917 ho was attached to tho third utt uud run and has been 011 active service in itanco sin may 191h a vetcrun at 19 is a record acton nus a vetcrun of similar hfio la lie hlieldon moyer mr d o mcgregor of wutcrdown had two uoiia two daughters an adopt ed uoii uud u uun in law overaeau three of tho boiu servtd us ufjacera uiul ono us u private in tho princess latu- iloth dumh tern uro tralnoil nurses one nerved in the c a m c und tho other with the american i tod cross ml aro homu and there was o happy family catherine a fow days ufi dr mccrcgor hi wollltnown in acton he was 1 d r m of this masonic district three or four years ojjo tho uitl iiuwa reached acton on monday of thu tu alh in thu concral military hospltul toronto of lie itoncis jumts miuitera win of mrs masters church iilrect lie muatcro was hi uvrtuuiu und upon arrival at toronto ho wus taken to tho hoapltal tho reutulnu wcru bruueht to aetna and tho funeral was hold ycatcrday afternoon with military honone gen eral sympathy will be felt tor tho bereft mother who hua hud mu h sor row to bear the paat ytur or m two bright yo lust aprlu ijout j tluuuhtoii lueuued uwuy 1 aeverolj mr ml mrs juntos lluvlll of wuv tutiuui beat week at thu hla brother mr oconto 1 luvlll fill lu city clurk of detroit thu itelhrler in rule lib ity und then wuul o lietiolt ithu hail ihlttuil utnllituiu iner muuuahi ity lerk ill supwitt the veteuans they will qlv csmry 0uun an op portunty njtt monday il o view to net urliifc funds fui i 1 niium 11 1 tuui tt ro und aultubly fur uuiiliu kunio adoii urcut war vt eiunn will nxuko u iioujo to house can- it murtln of hamilton hint woek thu lucat of llirmtr ijout martin iouliji1 und taken pria- 1 und remuiuod in oor- uany u tiruonur of war nearly two years wjien hu uet ured his relcaso and eauio homo to further protuebunda work lueturlit both in canada and thu united stutcu till tho unnlatlco halted hoatilltiou uuul martin uull carrtua loth u reiinuii bullet and a pleoo of uhrupnul lu hlu chest and knee whjch uro llkoly to prove llfo- lonjx rcmluiliini of the wrvleo bo has rendered his country hcrst j vletor coleman reached toronto beat ltlduy rvonlin after a lino trip on tho olympic tho military truiasport which ull canadian soldiers uppreilulc ii la u lolncldonco that iierut coleman weul overucuu lu 1917 on tho luiiiiu uteuiuuhlp hu came to aetou on iiuluiduy morn hut in com pany with hlu llfu lone friend mr a 1 mutthuwu uud wuu bivun a luuilni rttepllon oiit colonial ou- uuteil when u iiieiiiltur uf thu utalt of ul y mca ho xi monday ihe of thu uur wards in 0 1 wuitl pe j j ikinoy dom 0 wur1 iuiji 11 j llaiwoou- y 3 wu tt w culla o 4 ward plo ku lointx iat h 1 uptuln wilt ik bbjjjjitnl by tlv rdlul 1 tlau till 1 it thluiifr ua tvtr tint i in y tlut rv what tin y um uoklutc l 1 ua ull bo uburul and willing u eeuuplyiiitf willi thalr letueatl itti uio liitlvltlea of tho y m c a ut the vurlouu euuiim in liuuiii1 lluit thu kulhoilllu plui ud him in iliaiu of u y hut wlileli wuu luliilbterlnu to a tiuiitiy ilallulloii tloloe yeoinuu um vho hixr- ime l mt ihiilorn for the tlutoulu in lyuiue in ihe uoitliciii alt of htotluiid liutaiuuu of this strrt uleiuun wus not uout to 1 1 inea ten hu uu duvoully lioiwu to bo ills work wuu an important olu- uiciit lu the oultani of tho wur thoueh he had to bear the disappointment of not htlutit to tho front ho will leave in a few iluyu for ijitvtr yaiihtttt ho- wan lo vlult hu father unit other flioiida thtie an hla ulult mrs iuv j it- ihov11 ut now llilndeu alberta tmut f jvimr uaullx ut cll eoiuta hlj hrttihi larte n oil tht u null ltllilwi i v luhw uto 1 un

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