Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1919, p. 2

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ijr acton 3xst jucbb thujuipay jujlv 17 191ft a oonq or- canada yoli ask what land i lovo tho most canada tls canadal or thla fair laud i rmo my boast cuiaii o coradal lrom yonder broad ut lawrcnco stream to uluro tho yukun waters gleam oil fair it a u poet a dream canada jiy canadal ueo yon ler fields of issue lied corn canada in canada where ionty nils her golden horn canada o canada fjx liuiv her wond rous glories shine to vender nunscta purpling una oh iiapiy land oh land of mine canada o canada cio read the tito of thy past canada o canada 1 what glorious ddcdn what fame thou haatt canada o canada i ho lonrr a tlmea great cycle rurs or nations weep their fallen ones thou h not forget thy patriot sons canada o canada iih jj iir i jim febiw i the best oiler in thestate tr f 1 read it in oomo book a probably id have thought it jjb interesting enough thought jolph llnrmon as no in vestigated coca shafts and bearings with a longnosxlod oil con hot its a lot different having to llvs through tea it would read ilk a story commencement day like a alorioua hunlit peak high ottr the low bills of all proceeding time for dolph the coveted diploma the gifts dowers congratulations the brief bright weeks of vocation with the- homo folks then tho trld to- the city and the gradual descent from the moontaln top to tho weary duaky plain of get- unc a job where crowds of fellow seekers jostled each other to bo first la line for the desirable opening finally there were no desirable open ings it was simply a question of taking what was to bo had want a job eh the gruff gray- haired manager of the factory looked keenly jiver hi glasses at the broad- ahoulderod young fellow before him what kind of a job nice cool clean work in tho office i suppose dolph met the spectacled gaxa with astnghtforward look which hod nmilo in it why yea he answered lf thats the kind of a job you happen to have- jtm a little slow with figures kfti mechanlca la what i like best and t x have a working knowledge along that line but fro got post being particular almost any kind of work would look good to me itm x see well stcbblns can always use an extra man report at the machine shop monday morning dolph llarmon in overalls and jumper reported at the thiith shop monday morning all right stehhlna tho foreman sold as he put the name in a frma1 a dingy notebook and then cave the new workman ton all can with a curved noxxlo and pointed to the engine grease ber up he ordered curtly and was gone with an odd look on his face dolph obeyed oxdera it waant exactly the work he had expected to do before comtnan cement hom read of begin ning- on tho lowest round of the ladder now ha bad to lire through it well there was no use whining ho began to whistle pr he the little tune was alngtnfr in his ears ho that is down need fear no fall cant tumblo ofr the bottom- ho told himself whimsically well x presume the cllmblnga good but just at present tho top isnt vtslblo to the naked eye then his natural lore of machinery asserted itself and he was soon really enjoying a close observation of a fine and powerful engine earning at first hand the science of applied power which ho had hitherto known prin cipally in diagram and theory there is something fminin u the smooth certain action of a well kept engine and dolph was quick to feel it after he had oiled the great machine carefully and thoroughly be took a handful of cotton waste and began polishing brasses and wiping plates and castings free from dust the grizzled old engineer in and out noticed that the soiled waste was not tossed into a corner hut was taken to the furnace room and burn od ho nodded approval and con fided to stehblna that the new dtor took hold like he had the tight stun in him youre the right notion o things ho sold to dolph as bo cast a practiced eye over the big m shining and spotless from its morning rub keep her auck and goodnatured if the duchess gets cranky theres trouble all over the place and dont be sparln of the oll it s good economy to use aplenty ah at once dolph bad a revelation ills job dirty monotonous and poorly paid as it was was a real job atter all thla great engine was the heart of the morencl iron works sending power through shaft and wheel and belt to every part of tho concern engine trouble- meant trouble all over the place the loss of profit to the owners the lack of work to a snall army of employees dolph ijmrmon oiler armed with the can with the curved noxxie was a person of im portance whether recognised or not on him depended the emclency of the engine this time the whistled tune sang to him an odd little rhyme be bad learn od away back in the grade more we ought to have white duck uniforms fur you and me 1 wonder if wo could manage ut said dolph taking the suggestion good faith at which the engineer ex plodcd with a roar of laughter gave ioljh a rebounding thump on shoulder and told him to be off about his business hut before ho oat do in tho engine room after the days work u begun to glance over tho morning paper ho dunned new overall thrusting their grimed and creasy predecessors into tho furnace one morning a week or two later dolph itmikod up iron his ministrations to the duchess to nee a familiar face in the doorway itofeoaor urn x worth being ohowi ever tho works by tho manager himself why hollo hello dolphl he cried lib face lighting up 1 didnt know what had become of you im certain ly glad to nee you how goes it floe said dolph gripping the extended hand dot a good job asked xrof bros worth as the manager after an as tonished look around the engine room hurried on to see stcbblns a minute pine said dolph again adding with a twinkle in bis eyes im pro bably the best oiler in the sou michigan i dont get very much pay but my works mighty useful ita my business to insure tho efficiency of tho morencl iron works by keeping the engine goodnatured 1 see chuckled tho professor sec presently tho manager returned and the two continued their tour of the tou have one of our boys back there sold prof braxworth as they moved off one of your ann arbor boys the oiler asked the manager surprise i didnt suppose one of them would take a job tlko that he added with intent to tease on old friend- prof braxworth laughed good naturedly our boys are taught that they ore to dignify their work be- said ap parently dolph baa learned his lesson he says hes the best oiler in the fitato of michigan and that the efficiency or the morencl iron works depends on how he attends to your engine lie does cht said the manager with an appreciative grin well eo no ordinary chap i think ill see if he cant grease the wheels a little higher op the engine room lsnt the only place a good oiler is needed ive noticed that nodded tho pro feasor hen who can make business and life run smoothly theyre valu able xro noticed that its a rare gift said the manager thoughtfully how do they bring it about i wonderr plenty of ojj said the professor remembering dolphs account of tho old englneers caution londnesa hope optimism they doot spare the oil tom and from what i know of dolph harmon hell serve the morencl iron works as well higher op as ho has in the gin- room the true meaning op bolshevism the salient features which constitute the rarograxaxne of boleshevism as it exists today are summarized as fol lows by the overman committee of the united states senate which has just issued lis report on dermn propa ganda and bolshevism 1 the repudiation or democracy and tho establishment of a dictator ship 2 the confiscation of all land and the improvements thereon 3 the confiscation of all forests and natural resources the confiscation of all lire stock and all agricultural implements 6 the confiscation of oil hanks and banking institutions and the es tablishment of a state monopoly of the banking business the confiscation of all factories m mines and industrial institutions and the delivery of the control and operation thereof to the employees therein 7 the confiscation of all churches and all church property real and per sonal s the confiscation of oil news- papers and periodicals and all me chanical facilities and machinery used in the publication thereof tho seizure and confiscation of all public mooting places and assembly his id the confiscation of all trans portation and communication systems 11 the confiscation of tho entire estate of all decedents ix the monopolising by the state of all advertisements of every nature whether newspapers periodicals band bills or programmes the repudiation of all debts 4 toe sunday school lesson for gunoay july 20 1010 ijy juut i iiuitmut mptt zo if i were a cobler it should be my pride s the bent or all cobblers to bo if i were a tinker no tinker beside uhould mend an old kettle like me his work took him all over the big busy factory but the engine was his especial care and pride one day it struck him that the dingy room was not a fit dwelling for the duchess consulting with trie a talngtn permission from utebblns bo set about his ho use cleaning tho brick walls were kalsomtned a soft bun the wood work was cleaned and tarnished the big cvns of oil on tins raised platform at the ends of the room were painted a dull green and a smalt granite basin set under each faucet to catch any spilled drop the cement floor was scrubbed the glass or window and door washed and pol ished but when the grime or years was removed the outlook was not pleasing the window opened on whitewashed court the door into the furnace room showed only the ooal ligations duo the nonvboiabevlst ele ments of the population ch the establishment of univer sal compulsory military oervico regard less of religious scruples and con- scienuous objections 16 the establishment of univer sal compulsory labor lfi the abolition of the sunday school and all other schools and in stitutions that teach religion 17 the absolute separation of churches and schools is the establishment through marriage and divorce laws of a method for the legalisation of prosti tution when the same is engaged in by consent of the parties 1 the refusal to recognise tho existence of ood in its governmental and judical proceedings 50 the conferring of the rights of cluxenahlp on aliens without regard to length of residence or intelligence 51 the arming of ail socalled tollers and the disarming of oil per sons that had succeeded in acquiring prdperty the discrimination in favor of residents of cities and against resi dents of the rural districts through giving residents or cities ave times as much voting power as is accorded to residents a rural districts in such elections as are permitted 23 the disfranchisement of persons employing any other person in connection with their business i the disfranchisement of all lersons receiving rent interest or dividends xs the disfranchisement of u merchants traders and commercial agents the disfranchisement of all priests i clergymen or employees of churches and religious bodies xt the denial of the exlutenco of snyj rights in the individual citisen xx the establishment of a judl csl ayttem wrclslng autocratic power convicting persons and imposing pen alties in their absence and without opportunity to bo heard and even ad opting the death penalty for numerous crimes and misdemeanors x the inauguration of a reign of fear terrorism and violence tin loiidh aupplii zh 30 1 cor ii 23 23 additional material for teachers mark 14 x3sq luko 22 it 20 acts 2 42 1 cor 10 14 21 common oerlpturc pausa xc and as they wrro eating jcnun took bread and blessed and brake it and he rivo to tho disciples and nald take eat tills is my body 27 and ho took a cup and cvo thanks and eavo to them uaylnr drink yo all of it is for tills is my blood of tho cov enant which is poured out for many unto remlsslin of nlns xx but i nay unto you i shall not drink hencsrith of this fruit of tho vine until that day when i drink 1 new with you in my iathrrb kingdom 30 and when they had sung a hymn thoy went out into tho mount of olives 23 ior i received of tho lord that which also i delivered unto you that tho lord jesus in the night in wh ch ho was betrayed took bread 24 and when he had given thanks he brake it and said this is my body which is for you thla do in rem m- branco of me 2s in like manner also the cap aitxr oupper saying this cup is tho new covenant in my blood thla do as often as ye drink it in remembrance of me 1or as often as yo eat tho bread or drink tho cup of tho lord in an unworthy manner ehall be guilty of the body and tho blood of the lord 23 but let a man prove himself and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup 29 for be that eatcth and drinketh eateth and drinketh judgment unto himself if ho discern not the body golden text for on often as ye eat this bread and drink tho cup ye pro claim the lord a death till ho come 1 cor 11 2g dspsrtmsnlal topics and referene primary toplo remembering jfcauo matt 26 28 30 memory verse this do in reman brance of me luke x2 13 junior topics in memory of the lord jesus matt 26 2630 memory verso- luke 22 is intermediate and senior topic the meanlnit of the lords supper young people and adult toplo tho significance of the lords supper blackboard the lords stjppeb a token of remembrance the lords supper a token of fellowsihp the lords bljppeb a tokln or consecration the lords stjpper a token of expectation lesson thou oh t in every church of every nomo throughout tho world one may look upon a peculiar service of bread and wlno partaiccn with revcitnce let us oeo what that service of tho supper means to us 1 it is a token of remembrance that table with its bread and wlna calls to mind tho fact that on the night before the cross christ sat down to a meal with his disciples that as he held the bread ho said this is my body as ho lifted up the cup he said this is my blood when we partake of this simple meal we proclaim our belief in his life his death for us and his victory over tho grave 2 it is a token of fellowship meal together is tho sign of compan lonshlp snd in this supper we show our lovo for one another that wo are one in spirit and we attest likewise our communion with christ that bo is one of our number at the feast sharing it in spirit with us 3 it is a token of consecration this service of the supper is not for all men like tho publics worship where the sinner is an welcome as tho saint the supper is only for those who iown themselves disciples of our lord wo keep it as the outward sign of our loyalty to him whoever receives the broad and wlno in that act renovs his pledge of fidelity to his lord 4 it la r token of our expectation not only does this ocrvlco recall tho pas and emphasise our present rela tion to christ it looks onward to the future it points to another supper where every true dlsclpl shall alt ax tho feast the marriage supper of tbe lamb in glory said jsaua houlln the cup i shall no more drink of the fruit of tho vine until i drink it now in tho kingdom of cod wo share that expectation that confidence 1 1 christs final triumph when wo par take of the lords supper readings for next week monday ono with christ- john 17 111 tuesday christian polio wshlp phil 4 1020 wednesday dwelling together in unity paa 133 thursday ministering to tun jlrpti ren act 11 2730 friday slave and brother beloved 1hllcm x 20 saturday forbearance and helpful nesa gal a 110 sunday ilovojn deed and in truth 1 john 3 1324 hcqot hiq lcqon homo time ago a man wont into a rttoro in uinnlford to buy a us ha law tho kind ho wanted und naked tho price it was 91 c the dealer said good gracious nald the man i can grt the name thing trum tho mall order hounn for xi 3 that a less uuut tt cost mo said tho dealer but i will sell it on tho snmo terms as tho mall order house just tho name all right sold tho customer you can send it along and charge it to my account not on your life the dealer re plied no cliargo accounts you can t do business with tho mall order huuno that way fork over tho cash tho cuntoipcr compiled ow lhnco cents poslogi and seven nts for a money order to tho mail order house you know tho customer inwardly ravine ktpl to his ucrccment and paid tho ten cents well i ii bo he said but he jwild it saying now hand mo the haw and 1 11 take it homo myself and bo rid of this foolery hand it to yoqt where do you hi ink you are you aro in ilrantfortl and ina n toronto and youll havo i wait a week for that saw whereupon tho dealer hung tho saw on a pe und put the money in his cash drawer that makes xi 76 ho sold it has coat you five cents more and taken you a week longer to get it than if you hud paid my price tn tho first place etfot keep to yourself your annoyancca do not talk about your annoyances ir tho weather is too hot for your tastc think or something else but yoi cannot think of something elao as long as you are harping upon tho weather borne well meaning people mako themselves unpleasant companions by continually talking about the things that annoy them they take a little- journey and when they reach tholr destination their friend has to hear how late tho train was antftbow dis obliging the porter showed himself and what disagreeable people occupied tho opposite scat wherever thoy go thoy carry with them a depressing at mosphere it to not worth while to pass these annoyances on to our neighbors th3 sensible thing in to forget them oj speedily as poos 1 mo and keep our friends from over knowing them the adversity of genius iii tell you gentlemen shouted tho lecturer this is an age when ccnlus is recoimixed it certainly is interrupted a seedy- looklojx chap with a mournful mu t- lachc in tho front row that a whv everybody slips down a sido btrcet till it goes by a twofold duty many tbonghtfcl motbea tail gjve tbdr children scotts emulsion regularly and then tat tt ihcmsehxs it is a toolcfood that contains dementa at dcedfol toaaadoltastobacmld build up uout strength try scotfg oatxtiaowmmtcomtaoml li f iimiuiii iiimiii uiu i tiunif m mmiiii u in imimihiilif n n iiiiiuirinitiuiiiimtiunriitmmf uiiintuiitiiij tin iimui courteous painstaking service from the moment you have opened your account with us we look upon you as a friend of the bank to be served in every way possible at every turn it is this spirit of friendly service that has been largely res ponsiblefor this banks solid steady 87 years of progress we will apprtciay your account the bank of nova scotia paiilan capital t soo000 rtacrvc fund 1 2 000 000 luaourtt i iso 000 000 w tt cdjuuu aa lias actosiuaocji big peace celebration at acton saturday july 19th 1919 the acton branch of the great wae veterans will celebrate the signing ot the peace terms in the park proqram of spobts motor cycl rur cyclo rtaco iloyn 100 yards dash open o yards dash boyn hgg and hpoan ilaco girls uoot and blocking raco hoys fat mans itaco co yardfl obstacle ilace open sack itaco girls and doya tun o war baseball match iteat busier itetreat dent drummer 0 b quickstep ibi and lit 2nd und lot and 1st and lot and lot and 1st and 1st and voterann i veterans i irjra prlso irlro imm priso prise prlxo prtio town town prtsn prlxo many other competitions come and celehrate evening open airxxncert and dance h lastity floor manager veterarta in uniform boy scouta and school childrens parade at 1 pm- admisaion ta park adults 25c children 10c cars and bias free refreshment booths on the ground o- sandfly july 20 union inankaffivins service run levpimemimfaim aallorino in turkey admiral blm said at a dinner in new york i it s no vruiuler that tho turkish navy tailed tu do much n ho wur tho turks wore never a nulrllnie people the story goes in fact that whin they camo to set up a nary in turn key they were very much embarrassed by tho shortafo of naval words in tholr lanjruase thoy had no word for main sail no word fur forotop sal ian t no word for poop and so on to ket over the- dim cully tho turks tied different articles vegetables and tho uko to tho different nails und ropes ind tho men learned tholr duties to such cotbfnanla as hoist the potatal now tbeiujny hearties let p ho tomato with a willi down with the onlont dotfu wm her all hands aloft to reef tljo boof dolph rose to tbe occasion and one fnornlrur tbe old engineer found hun applying transparent sheets patterned la cream and rreen to tns lass well son ho said looking- around th spouosd room tn which the duch- ta sat enthroned youve done a good job i reckon this is the only ftngtne room in tbe city with stained gloss window ttuttvs jual on thing making things easy having an easy time is synonymous wllb tenjaselealif that is your ambition wood it out of your heart no one over succeeded in having an easy time and being helpful you cannot strengthen tho weak and en- courags the disheartened and do your share of the work that staijds waiting to be dona la this busy world and at tb same tlms taks it aasy do not be ambitious to escape burden- bearing btrwe instead to be strong enough for all you navs to do counac not an oldirontlettuui was vlowlng uumo statues jtandliig by una uf tho larg est was a porter cluing up tu him the old gentleman said that masalyo ntaiup porterl itirtor yea air tho hand la just eleven inches across old man is that so i wonder why they dldut mako 1 t we ivor iorter ochl iiurp then it would havo been a foot r oruulaica eydlas our et i f- ra3 s mil mo labottta the strong right arm of business canadian business supremacy is the result of fine ideals energy and printers life advertising is the twin of salesman ship never are they separated every business profession or vocation uses them in gome fprn the mainbpring of all business is advertising and printing is the voice that carries the message to its market you call upon printing to establish confidence and good will to create desire to buy indeed your printing is yourself multiplied- to the quantity necessary to reach the vast number you can not pos sibly reach in person rational advertising is a wonderful force exert jvhen y di countrywide hut first of alland alwayh must you employ the more intimate ap peal of direct advertising- the strong right arm of business let your printed message impress ifja importance and your personality by its latittiic work of die free press 3 omclcttcd pfiom the ocean it hurt fkcntly been discovered thut tin i- i ii if doc flli urn at good tin aim lurpinffi n hens ejras tho tt hid iurir variety of dog flnli aro iultr an hirro as ordinary henn txgn the empty mhclls or rnew at these rrik limy numnllmcji bs picked tip on tlm tnw nhuro tlmy are arjuarlah flapf tt leathery utuff with tho estf in tho ntra turtle glt uru tamely eaten in all hut rotintriba you find thorn on pi moot any oandy beach ttwoen lati tu in zg north and 25 south tho turtles romt out of tlio sea ncrape a nta in tho sand lay their clks and coffer them up a hundred oiid fifty nro often foiird in ono nest th mo obb nro qikjui tho sirs of hens ocif covered llh ft whlto piirlirnont llko h lie 11 and if fresh of cxt client flavor they mako capital omelettes or can be friend or used fir oklnir hut thoy will not boll that is to say the whlto will not net as docs that of a birds egg tho fresh water turtle also lays edible eggs thcro aro both hard hull int soft shell tnrtlci in th lake of florida and louisiana also iiouth american rivers such as uy orlnoco tho turtle 1 vine in the orinoco lai dtid whuih uro txtxaordiuary rich 1 oil tho indians in ilrltlah tiulana culloct iwcnlyrivo millions yearly for making oll tho eggs of many sea birds aro exrellent eating the best of tho lot u wild tu bo that of the rnurre a bird which la very common on the ii brad or coast tho indiana of tho florida lver uludcn cat the eggs of tho alligator hut these liavo such a strong musky flavor that whlto men cannot touch them the bond hardware co umilaii 1 l rl 1 tir in getting something for nothing vo usually day all tt is worth saturday treat try our now cbocolato crisps superior to xatterkrlap lies coc tb saturday special 40o other r0c chocolates for 39o cocoa liuds better than alaplo buds lb ooo our tco cream parlor is again open with much better ico cr and tho same good service uuuc ico cream fclnt 30o urlck ice cream each 30s any quant4ty delivered harold wiles canada food board licsna no 1290 mill street acton sucess la not coming to you through luck pull or cha the history of business proea that nuccna la a natural result of training for it- training for success kvcry leader in business will toll you how much training will help vou win success guelph business college e ont training and guelph pclauxai in thla you may start on monday session tho entire year wbllo you aro hesitating others aro training pixudii act a u 00uck principal when you need shoes at any time buy fom w williams mill street acton famous fqp satisfactory footwear kfasonable prices k t im ifn 3 7 to 1dj0 cftifh iluinok i rurl a 17jm cainn hli 12x0 j27 3 76 uwn juiiiu 2 0 1300 ijlri lwl n f 1240 watrr in juki kk c0c 70c 0oc 1 10 ftl23 water tui a clvd 13 5140 jljio luwn i i nt- j ifn h 13o v r ft j huh 17o per fo t corru nit 1 itwn hi cf h i oi 20o ler fool ji inch 22o i r f o l flood r lunt liidi 25o if tt n oooiuar jiosn in ii 22c it fiot couj linux 20 una infill sc rich iltsp wtsherji lo tucli itwn hjrlrif p 0c c5c 00 2j lloao itfh- jj150 222 3a we have what you want the bond hahdwaiie co ltd phoo 1012 ouclpi1 seaside suitings altu stylish comfort able and cool sttp iq to ilay nii loo qvtr pur omplc jdect yours llivo your measure uml well mako you u suit to your order i you 11 have real comfort every day you wear it re nelson phona 40 naxt tot offlos quelpm savage co csubhahsd 1042 wyndham ot quclpf watch co diamonds jewellerv l1drary o0k beto fine china cut ola83 oilverware silk uudrcllao fountain pens boeclaluts in wedding and birthday gifts hlxpert watch and jewellery repairers savage co 70 years in bu it will fill your leisure moments witlijqyftnd inspiration writes for catalogue and terms cw kelly son quelph ont do not let your nervpug energy d wasted in needless ways unrelieved eyestrain usoj ui o ifcut amount of energy und i m ducts unduo fatigue lly rvilevlug tho ey tut ruin you huvu juiituo much more tnurgy to nublo you to work mora vncluntly und to play with mom vim ir in doubt- consuit iajjku onsj actoi foir pud foct hi- vvo tinyp n ouimly of u fi nir phlltl ne wellknown brands of kln cholcs norvsl snd national fliur- nothing better rolled oat8 red clovli1 0horts albike oat chop t timothy halt in uarrwlii q0 lh hup mnall juuntlty if destrod bpilciax link st ciiicuisn lllli aivia ouu pljc rtfioal a mal poicstio itoijwd oato tina wicar cjniiftda itood hoard llccnoo no 8q robert noble limited henry awiiey manaqer t ife

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