Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1919, p. 3

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ggiea 3xee ilrnui tluiujnay juiy 17 1010 fon future time oh lay up iroldm incmorlm j o quirt joy i to con in bravo tlocd i ucil thhiju nrromplluhcd homo wunilrrrni hruucht tutek liomu homo hourn or noirforajltlne a ilreadnl duty dune anil caren tliut could not hamper whllo nantls til llfo nwlft run oh lay up wcmilrouii mornorlea of nmllcii tliat ilrlrd hot toaru or chlldlnh iwikwu uoolhlim of pa tic uro thruuffh tho yearn of rupd if proffered water of ntrrntttti to falling- ac oh lay ui procloua mem or lea a prlcalcuu litruiif allx thorn a shattered idol you don t nocro tu havn acquired u croat ocsrtii of himmi with jill your coot lurk dallon you rjcoji i act rcatlcuo und tin- uottlodt thatn about it wcll lheroo a rcauon verno dalton did not no mo th oon to lila gldtlmo friend hush mor ton verno hart been away from ilrook- vllle for five yearn ho won tho flnit in a now oil hold and oklrfltnod uw crcani throujth buylmtlup icaaca cheap and nclllnjf them dear about tho nrat person ho uousht out upon hia rot urn wan morton no ono could bo tnora plsaacd uian hugh to bear of tho good fortune uf hio old- tlmo chum i think ill toko a look around tho old town verno bald finally all rlcht of courae youll mako your 1 1 ca- j quart cm here ill bo glad to for a apcll you nee im thlnklnc of nettling down in brook- vlllo and about any letters you want to nana mian iflak my ntcnotrraphcrwill noun bo back from tho law library and alio will talco tho dictation necessary vcrno atrollod down tho atrect whftn ho had left llrookvlllo a certain bil liard hall had boon a aort of clearing houso of information for that placo vcrno aimed tho proprietor did not rtscoffniro him and oeatlnjr hltnau next to a lounccr vcrno cradtialiy en cased him in conversation isnt thcro a lira hilda warron 11 vine in lirookvlllot ho finally asked thoro was up to uiroe years ao camo tho reply but hr husband died yes i hcad of that said verne and she married a major topham iio vanished after a year of married llfo and aho cot a divorce lost year mrs topham married a mr west- vhen she found that this fabled for tune was all hot air aho shifted him quick i hear aho la irolac lqmt a now divorce there she is now pass- ins on the other oido of tho street thanks excuse me apoko verno hastily and hurried outside to scan the portly dowdy- loo kinc woman indi cated ills face had fallen d urine ho recent recital ho positively groaned as he axed his eyes upon the belns who had boon remembered as a villi on of beauty and race through all the years h ho novcr know it but ho hod loved her secretly in thoso olden days in fact when aho accepted itobert war ren on her husband verne had left tho vfllare to try and wear out his lonclns affocuon lie had heard that her hus band had died then he resolved to accumulate wealth and eturn and ask her to become hia wife and now uio abrupt disillusionment was absolutely a ahock no use ho muttered just a wild foolish dream mo back for my old friends m the oil holds ill get some letters orv mcrton told mo his steno- crapher would attend to my corres pondence tho door of the outer office of the lawyers suite was open and verno entered he rallied into attention an he was aware that tho inner room was occupied girlish accents pleaded and nob be j oh arllnol icached vernes hear inn i know i hadnt ought to havo used my cmployera money but i did and if ho d loco vera it t will bo disgraced and discharged i am very sorry i4xxle dear apoko a aympathetlc voice but wo are havlns a hard time mother and i making ends moot still i may be ahlo to help you here is my watch and chain they will brnjr at least the thirty dollars you require dispose of them and get back straight wt tbr the world and remain there dear verne dalton bolted out of tho oluce lils mind was just in that frame wheni emotion wau readily aroused t declare theres your herolo llttlo lady shes my kind i wonder if her face lu as beautiful as nor sweet unselfish soul hq noon know when ho returned to tho oulco miss aril no flak was alone ho introduced himself oh yes mr merton spoke of you said tho bright llttlo airy whoso glowing contrast to the lady of thtce husbands caused vcrno to rcalhwi that the- world was not entirely denuded of flowers of beauty ho is vary fond of you ho is called away on a case in tho next county for a woolc but told me attend to whntovcr correspondence you had thanks bowed verno who had no correspondencu for all thoughts returning to tho oil fields had strongo- ly vanished how he improved tliat week what kreat friends those two becamot and tho day before merton was duo tc turn arllno aakod artlessly mr dal ton what lias becomi all tho dictation you were to give mot she lowered her eyes at iho giants ho bestowed upon her his volco trembled as ho said thats s6 well begin now miss arliuo ilak 1 iiuvo 1 cur nod to love you is it any user tho pink flow to her bonny cheeks but nhu was a tralnod business girl hor nimble fingers clicked out half u dozen words hho handed tho sheet to blm and thru burled her face in hor hands if you think i am worthy of you tho half scntenco read ahd as vorno tcently removed those trembling hands ho followed tho action with a kiss mary qrace hulplno to vote for prohibit on xaw mark your balvot this fashion 7 do you favor the repeal qf he present ww yev mo x tl do you fav0p- rfffethe sale of wuhc jf beer dv lilt corr x ja bo you favor- fr rriie saix of wmr ubeer by hoius x l j do you tavor the saleqfuqu0h gmerau7bvc0vr x li instructing grandpa l was tullilnjc tu my llttlo grumi- ilauirtjt over the teluphouo thj other day said an old man recently to u few of his friends ut a hotel and when i ended i said lluro ioruthy is a kiss ror you hho replied oh pshuw granilpu don t you know that u klua over the telophoiio is like a titrawhaum l- wjyrw t heart hows tliut t its not rult grand ja she said their own ideas the woald does not gel enthusiastic vtr people who havo a big atuck f idnus ullod from tho lilg minds of tho uiftb ikirrowed ideas uro brttr than none hut uioy are no ooiumou tluit tliey so cheap hut whtn oomolhuly comes uloiij who thinks for himself und produces original iduas ho can almost nuk any price fur his ncrvlies the voojilo who mukn tlio ucceeaful writers tho in veil torn tho auccossful men of business havo idiau of course hut uo does almost everybody tho thing hut distinguishes thorn lu tlutl their ideas are their own the old man of the big clock toweb the twelfth has como and gono for another year ami acton u orange walk wau to tho train in iho morning and home again from ivrgua at nlghl not being a member of the order hln has been my celebration of the day for somo time the umo wan wheil acton used to have an orango celebration overy fow years why ono in not held hero now i lo not know ujd i have just been wondering if acton as a place of holding juhlleo on tho twolfth has forever ixxin utrlken from the lint when tho acton order did hold fortn hero it seems to mo they uued to havo a great crowd i vo noen it pepper down rain for tho day and the park would still bo well nilod that spirit for celebration in acton noemu to hav departed somo time in tho next do- cade i would like to ace ono i jollification with uio orders of country around in acton when we will all once moto havo tho prlvilcgo of fjojningtnem for tho glorious twolttn- agairi i took another ntroll around town the past week just to get a general survey of what was doing in the way of bulldlnr operation- tho now res id enccs in course of erection and im- provementn to old residences havo booi many and it ace mod to show a llttlo let up from the strict economy ii these lines of tho laat four or nv years however thoro ten t the uctl vity i hoped to bto ive been waltinj for developments on the housing scheme and trero dont uocm to be any as near us i und era land tho plui the council lias donu its part am now its up to applicants to sot busy on their homes i dont krow whether the avefago young man tuuint tho in terest to own a homo of hia own that he used to havo or not but uioy aren t grabbing for tho opportunity the way they usod to be i know it takes a lot nmro to build abouse now than it used to but wages ore a lot more too and i cant ro- member when a bolter opportunity theji the housing jchcmo offered to homo builders there may be lots of application filed for all i know andthlnso may he pro gressing very rapidly all i havo to i iby is tho outward appearance and liavpnt seen much stir along this lino with tho scheme as i remarked last week tho last lot in tho block on mill h trout txhwotn lllsln and frederick htrouts has lx the residence upd olllce for a long list of medical men wlto havo practiced li acton after leaving tho hill pro perty dr shook took up hlu reaulcnco on tho property now owned by mr william johnstone but occuplod as a twin apartment by mr itobert wallace and mr w l mullln tho dr secured the two lots fuclng on mill tjtrect and running buck to bower avcnuo ho built hut houso back on tho line of the two lots and left tho firm depth of lawns which still obtains ho plant ed tho evergreens which mill thrive over sixty years ago after dc shook a removal thlu pro perty camo into the humui of fiomuol smith who was an tatcemtd rcaldcnt in the early days i think mrs james cameron was a sister of mr limit li his daughter sarab was ouo of tho first lady tcacliiru on the ulaff of the acton iubllc school hho wau asals tant to mr uttlc bomo of actons present residents remember her us their tcachor mlun ahhlu a damn taught a piivute school before this mr smiths ulvst oon alfred went to luclph and wau fur many yearn accountant for the llaymou kowlim murhlno cutnpany mr wlllum sharp lumloiman mad thin hh reuldcncu fur a uumlter of years he was u flno old gunllonuiii i hls luinler mills woru down on tho site of tho tlcorgo douglas and h bayers rarrn on the low i lino botwofn lssqucslug und nassaguwvyu the lumber was teamed to aclon and nhlp ped from hem ovur tin 1 t ii mr and mrs itobert agnow ooudut ted tho big boardhik house ut tho mill und their place wus alwuyu iiopular mr sharp was an old 1iigllnh rli kotrr und uriustutnol to apixjirlng in white flannels i rem ember tho 11 mt tltnu ho went down ntreot thua equlpltd one hot july day the jiopulaco sasod upon him in opon uyud unwiuimul the puoplu hardly knuw what lo mak of fc apliaraitlou thuni wuro thluj nuim und a daughter lu tho hliarp family tho tyu hill 1 red and a if wuru livuly ialu ji nulo wus a mo ut ladyka tlrl aftr luuvlng acton several yrnr nlm marrloil m greening of tho areunln wir works humlltoi a popular mill ptunnurous hualnuss firm during mr sharps re id o net lipra ihcro wun a inlnulrel nliow in uld tenipuruiico hall wlildi was then situ ated on main htroct wliuiu tlio road now leads to 1 a liuiuli ison u aaw mill it wun count d u hhi uhow und era tho procccls from tho door ro- colpta wore sufficient to ioy all tx- iontics and afford a treat from mrs hills affy plates of about two squares each when mr sharp sold out hut lum bering interests and moved to tot onto dr mroarvlu bought this pro perty a fow years after he camo into posncnalon a disastrous flro dcatroyud the homo and ofneo dr dowry r of guolph had just completed hlu medical course and was practicing with dr mcgarvin he was a go medalist and in tho are ho lost hlu be ions in gs including the gold medal i bcllovo tho triedul was never recovered from tho ruins a contract was lot at onco for tho flno new two story brick edifice which now occupies the ulte km snydi was tho onlraclor and ho took great pride in tho erection of this residence about forty two or threo yearn ago ir migirvin sold his practice hire und went to markham ho rotumol and ran the drug store for several years and then went to butte moi tana whrro ho died a fow years ago tho noxt doctors who occupied tho premises were dr lucius auld and dr springer at short intervals dr j itron now one of tho chief mem lers of tho utoff of sl michaels hon pital toronto then took up his resid ence here hero ho brought hlu brldo it viui here hlu nrat bom twin daugh ters had tholr birth tho dear llttlo girlies only survived a fow months dr urcnji career hero was very popu lar ho was frequdntly assisted by hlu brother in law dr j n iz itruwn who was later superintendent of tor onto general hospital and then of on of tho principal hospitals in detroit dr john m macdonald now o toronto was dr urcn it succcauor h too took his bride mlsu iaura plunk hero and iioro she died utter few years of cncrtcuc helpful cftorf in a busy prnctltloncru wife she wau tho mother of strgt hector maedpi aid tho etalwart ulxfoot member of tho 4sth highlanders who vlultcd acton friends in tho early years of tho war dr macdonald was an adopt at sur gery anij hia operations generally suc- ccaufut wore much mora numerous thun those of most country doctors iio was a great student of microbes and germs and in his leisure momenta could generally be found at work with a iiowcrful microscope a patient reildont in acton tells this iopd etqry on him blip hud gunu to him for lotion for ono of her rhliilren who was suffering frpnj an injured foot when oho got horns she noticed n houuo fly in tho bottlo she immodlatuly re turned tho bottlo to the dr and uwu-w- ed his comment well be said that u u joko on me luut it tluxts rather a largo microbe this time macdonald removed to toronto about ten yearn or more ago iio la atlji nailed to acton occasionally howove- by pallonlu who havo great confid ence in his uklll mr wllllum johnatunc undertaker bought the- property und after dr macdonalds removal ho ttnd his family rouldod there ho utlll owns iho pro porty though it is rented to tho pre sent occupuntu noxt week if i dont ro fishing i 1 try and think up particulars of noma of tho incidents respecting tho residents und buslticnu liltoreutu ami numerous fires in tho block on tho couth aide of mill street thli old man why gil land had friends in tho utot fcllownhlp of morgan cot lnjn luiil loen modo as a matter nch- ad lo th train to imo him off on the irrat ul vmituro of inukiiifi hli own place lp thin mr and huuy world then ouo by one they lrlfltil back to tho col lui n for dliux r thoudi muly hud moved tho r ha ira to fit tho mw numlkr at tho la till tlitro wuu a vacant tilocfl and every one knew 1l gdiuimi won cone and tho eleven who wrro left lu morgan cot tagn nllllrd a ulgh us they uenuod it glllu lui lujceellent kindling may tie iiowmji ipeni soukuil lu wutpi pd out and drlud youijscru alxiul much impressed ivt u that thcro wlu numerous imttaloua of hu doliiksuul saylium of iho c olorrd folks mill hhurp conceived tho brilliant idea of the boys themselves getting up a ahow tho drtvlng houao hi aid a thu barn whit li george boper now uses wus u new building thtil and wuu uccurud foi llio purpono mr tiliuips beat buggy wuu turned out to tlio mluu a plalfun was urrungetl at iho went mid of til driving house with a half a doao plunks on a oouplo of earpenter horses two or thruo iulltn nerved u thu staso curtaltt alf sharp uu cheat r hill wliii thli facts lilut uon what if ontario should failt tho immiiilo of ontario never liad a ureatcr rimiponslblllty resting uixin thun than now the campaign that will culmlnalo lu a voto next autumn on tlio ontario tuinierunco act li of prime importance bocauau tho do- tlslm will utl oct ouo way or the other tho wclnru of every man won van and child in lljo lirpylncu advocates of ho hor room or elium plons of beer are oppijnenlu of he higher interests of wnry ouuoij r uuuur truttle la a powerful limtllutlon willi self as its motive power and m bring it baek in ontario would bo a crime indeed in addrcaslns a public meet lug re cetitly llov iut r llryre of toranfo uald uomu pohtlod things about tho nporatlu ut of tho ti utile iho liquor tiallle uuid tho uiieaker is absolutely without heart it eurvs nothing for thu suffering of womt and children i huto the trulllc with an undying hatred 1 bollovo tlio groal majority of tlio womon uro gulng to vole for tho cuntiiiuuiiou of prohibition ono young woman ciuiw to me lu greit luutreas whou iiho heard of th t of frlrnda tuild big dan dutlluy wo urunt tho only oneu wholl mliui him not hy a long eliol and ho ll mako a lot of othi ru wherti li li kolug ad i m1 mark her vhui or uteiit follow lo chum up lo folltu you nvt r iuiw iveryltty liken ill lard wtill dlllurd likcj everybody may bo tliut ji thu rcuiton ob icrvntl iarku wilson and in this wise tho dinner convt tiiatlon in ruin o a general dlscuu- iuii of glllurd hlu friendu and why ho hud tlit in lcrhapa a nummary of the rcuuonu may bo intcrcating it certainly hud a wide range tho hunch usrred that gilland had frlendn i oca use he wau loyal to them iio know thu value of thoughtfulncmt in llttlo things 1 lo never rrjicixod a iriend in hia uhutuco whi ii ho had a criticism to offer he did it fucn to race ami had it over with iio wuu carerul of the feelings of hlu frlondu never wound ing them by iiurcaun or ridicule o being a loyal friend hlmitolf mid living up to a high ntandard of per nonal honor it was no wonder that j miami hail frlenila i lict lu twould bo a wonder if gill and dldu t have friends aald dob dudley un ho pushed his chair boc from the table and everyone agreed with him american negress penqic 172 per a itrjro woman la drawing th 07 ro checks or 173 q a muntli from the government for the loss of three husbands during tho war and will draw that amount for twenty ycarti mm amanda jonca huuhand died of uplnal meningitis noon after entering tho iiervlco und taking out a tlo 00 insurance policy the widow jonen merricd a man namod smith he took out a maximum inuuruncs pulley li hor favor and was killed in action then mrs amanda jones smith mar ried irlvato jackson a returned uol dler who also named her in a slo000 policy influcnxa mndu her a widow a third tlmo in leas than two yearn to expect to pay a high price for talc perfinried with an odor that cost triousands of dollars to wrxfuce would be riatwat- but to be able to obtajrt such a superb perfuma at a low- price is a dellghtlul surprise this surprise awaits you in the talc perfumea with jonteel the new odor of twenty- six flowers th fuxalt druo qlor ouelph 0nt geongetowns what i id hindi thaps tliuuijk i hu hlg iilstcu wui tlllod in longs llko cuptuir hi and a fntv of i hoyluh ttiifuiiu y father was btiforo pruhlhlllou und l iu afiaid he will to baek to his old ways anotliur utiiiuiu boeami hyuftirlcal ut the thought of hut- huu liud buuj siitod le tho old tempta tion h uuiy wwu uiuuuuuiuii for ijen uturu ami ohsr ftlltlrlijnu to play wlllt tho luvvu tlmt utfik o uluinp ut 111 ihiuor bualueus it may be lawful fur hiioflerulo arltikora or othenrj to lurm poruonal utiorty leagues that will seek to ktop tho traftlc allvu liul in tho nimiit uf all this liumpluiilng of u tlluirudlttd euuuo it lu tho boini inaktrs who n ho imfferlng and win generally uiconipllniiijly ta fo if ontario should not stand truu lu sling tl would tuka rs from hor ludlfleronco a forglvo iloncer this tlmo tho stirrer rsllavoa asthma at ones it you toultt mad thu thousands uf uusolu ito i letters rocelved by tlio mukeru from grateful uuurn you loo gvould rcultzo hit i ikuhh kellogg ti tuucu uu iplint fitted by thin asthu n iu ors of dr ltemedy all tut family tfinmly lujitj a ujtn bo puieliauod t 1 k1 uy where i outing uiroctxi by tha drummers onack club undr the patronaa of tha g- w v a of gsorgstown open a1h c0ncekt friday july 25 in tha park at 8 p m if u suiii lent number of pauuen geis in l iutrti iho ior- ontu suburliuu hallway will run a spit a to intt rimlluo ikiliitu after costuru2 procession saturday july 20 at i pra prizes fur uoya and dlrl undsr 14 1 lr ctiarllo chaplin thiu mary il kford j i or nuluiuu uiado of papei j kor twi trio tic ewnuino for thos ovr 14 1 pvr best comic 2 ivr beut ar tin tie 3 1 or beat iatrtotle sports saturday july eo t jf pm in tho park ttn hand hlll1 for iirosruuiuie your presence wilx help wo ivunt to help the g w v a o jet ullable prewlnpg a uimhi yholeaome outing with a glorlnuu ohjeel help tho euuue hy booming jhu concert and sports admission rnumrt adulu 8 children iqo klillltnlu uln1 llhl i ul-n- but ulna lu hpoitu adultu llu children loo ge0ruetoyn triday and satuhuay july 25th and 2gui jno allln homo secretary wiqt 0aying0 dy wi3c men thin above all 1 ttltiti own uflr he iruo und it uhull fnlltw an the nil lit thu duy thou uiuit not lull bo fuluo to uny man ijhakt utjir it hi thn i rtaltut of all tnluuluu to lo mithliij le uuuu you an ilo only a llltle th rtul traj cly if llfo lu not in helm limited to nnu iulnl hut lu tho fulluro to uio tho ouo tul ut llj ur w work hxholl iol lu my tialvutlon i will triiiit und not he ufritd in i 1 j sunshine thu uuu not lt r rtally truly nam hut junt a p t name tliut tlioiin who knuw her licnt um d to cull hi r 1 athe tallrd hor iuiuihlm ixtauiin whott uliu ran to moot him uu ho camo homo at nljll ihe wan ulwnjn lauihing and huppy und had nomethlng nlrti tti toll him mother called hi r sunuhino imcauso uho alwayti loved lo help and would kct ji baby happy as long uu mother wluhrtl hor l uro for hrr ilr trachor tilled her hunuhliio bccauuo uho tried to do what her tout lie r wish ed iter to thtn uho lov 1 t help iho otlur thlldron hho would nhow tho llttlo nlruni t r whom to put tholr eoatil and huts and dinner pallu and help them gt t acquainted with iho children irgkttcptk r pckewdf wilsons k flypads so- worth ot anvti sticky tly catcher clean to handle sold bj all bruo rjlat grocers and general store dodge brothers motor car dodge bros have conccnfrntcd on ono stylo o car and hove been determined to make uo good u cur a con be built the dodge car ha thu reputation or low com of upktcp luy itidini lu v to operate and a low consumption of gaso line all d0dgl owners are well satisfied with their choice investigate this car and re convinced j n oneill dealer for acton and geprgetown districts if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home lo boost free presseiy atihloiiiie campaign read these articles with care they may present something you hadnt tholightof before itronize tho people whose ads- lire here they are your neighbors and will treat you right the money you spend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood you will alwaye find it profitable to ronnult uu when dmilrimr dry oooda clothluj llootu aitd hhoeji lincoluuiua ollclothu and grodorleu our aim lu to antielpalu your doulrua in acton mclean mills our aim i to soil you dry gjikiu jjeuu i urululmju and groccrle i thu quullty und prleu of which will keep your monry lu aetou wo tun compotti with anyouo unywhero and utroimly urje eoin- d c ru58cll thu pqnilar store t cntunon i or tiurlty and wholt hinuupoiu in patent fi nnulaii wo iuny ui woll choleo 1 rfuim rj 1 oil t arlleleu victrulau our hprinu wall l hale hi now on und vury uiouil bar- off i a t brown consult u frt when buylut llardwuxu wo curry u eomploto iitoi k uf nh if und heavy iiarlwure hllvorwurt cutlery lianltovvaro vt and eaii convliico thu mout orllhtl ojr prlcca and quality aro rljjht james 8ymon order your coal now delay undur preuent coiidlllona invariably nteauu an udvuneo lu thu prlco nut litovo and imrnaco coal now on itaud wo earry groeorlou a new one born every minute mail order man need not worry about keeping hia old customers hw field is not itchtricted wo deal m all kind of 1 re di and cured mtatu und it li our dealro to itecuro and hold your putrunaito by fair price- and hoihet doallnj wo eudoruo thltl tunilvaljiii buy in acton it jiayu w landsqorough ucal merchant on other hand must give good values and service in order to houi his trade well j c hill navsr buy furntum lyoin a tatulobo it all looleu iuod lu phlureu whn huytuj fnun uu you i tu llio urth lo lkforo you buy and mr ljit udvieo and uorvleu 1st youra uinlu tuklnj in eoiinoetlou johnbtonc 4 co malts up that orel or for groccrle uriiu it fo uu wo an eonuolo in ucrvleo tjuallty and piieo wlli auyunu uuywhocu w earry ua w u full lino of dry goodu nelson a co w hiv qalj it do for and wo ituy it uluii you ean buy to better udvulitau in aeton than in toronto uto uu whim you require uiiythlui lu gtntoiul mureluuidluo wo will not to unduruold l otarkman now that warm wouthor lu upiuuaehlnjc you will jtoyulru lufruuhiutiiit out drlnliu uro 1a eold und liivljfurulluu- ur it o cniunt lu dulleluuu iur cuiidlev fruuh aud wholuuuinu h wilcb our lmruo uoalnoaa connoctlon tn aeton lu auiplo prout thai mil meata vtjetuheu uli 1 1 luvluloim uro uf tho 1kui juailty wo null on cluuo inarjliiu und riolkll thu urlvlluro uf uupplylnt our homo uolntlly a cvanq conumpiatino pulldlnp 7 if uo lt uu outtmuto on youp in lrcmoulii wo preparo lanu multu eutlmute and tako eouruhu for iny kind of bulldlu wo would uuifiifut eirdurhik t winter u ooul now j d hokcnzic fair daallng and low prlo aro bulldliiu up out buuliiuvu wo turry a full uliu of gnuorleu and lrtvliloi ii and our pt lot i will io- uovo tho uoteaolly uf furthor ntartdi our luitllty and prli will utand mrs j mcdougall it huu bein unit tlmt th li i iiik t er txiru ry uiiiiut if thin ui trim tlitiit art 1441 huiiui uiiiimiu i of tin mull uid r lumiui uuhittl lutit tin wul 1 v i ivvnty f in limiiuiunl iiiuhuiuihi rtaetiu ii loil if rij tou i v ry i u of turn u uk lln iiiuiimi ti ii mm r porta of hia datli thojo iuui may l a u iui i hut ih i mrvu o illuulralo th fa t thut th mull tit t i i on i f hi til tlii ulwuyu hn- in w tluldit lo txplol and re not hininl hi tin li i lliuil hy iho noncnthy of pudulli nil titi old uihium if tin mull oldel lioy dlueovori thut ho hull ihhi lilmiik mil vti im u eltvr licit it muj uolhluu in thw youiitf lif of th- mull di i in n why ahouhl hu worry uu loin uu hun uu ii uu i jjj jjj i th i hutui in unuilu to wltom hu may muko hhi ullurini ut p- lu gttting your money dack iho hli mll urd r hou in th tltl i ipiu to mlvu a lura iiuuihn f mlnhui from th li em t m m 1 1 v uiuiw that inuui of dm toodu whhh thuy will ut m up to ho p tutlmiu of thu huyem wliiiuv id an un to what th j will l uo liuvu ujii formuueled from tho pi uny pi turn in 1 nlluili- tl ilpllouu l lu tlo tula tlio mull o 1 r hoipi iipu t i thin lmtlnwni y by inulntulu iltjr latku firpii of ebrkii wlo utd duly it u lo uuuwt i ih i it of iruu lunuiiiou tlluuu thtlu oi n p ml uli iui 111 v uio tullol xiciimi uli thilr powtiu f j ill iii uu foil to uppiauu tlio totit- plalnlnj luhlummii hut if hit in found in l uupmi ilblo uftt un ui ehuojj of it hutu iho um ii orlei mull i u no euu for horry hu llvlnu lu n t dt ikiidont uihiii th u lorn t i to whom h huu uliaiudy lt linlu 1 hurti uiv uu joo1 ii h lu th i a u liuvi uvor b u uu und hu luinu hit uttuiillon towuil th 1 tndliii if tho uuw huh local merchant u held limltpd t- ptimro tho potiuloti of iii mull mli linn lh hut of u- u1 morehinu in ho uuiill elty or towi i tall iiiohuie huu u tnalii 1 itd tuirltory fiom whhh lu numl ditw ht tulu all lilu tu ilutuui i ut it donu duy irt i day un t in uftvi um uitioiij tho uamo puojilo iho buy tn to whom hit un iuunl foi i u in i iiumlni only a fow ihouuuitl ut tho iniit uu i lu i in o u u fi w huiidi d unuuu hu an muko hln euutomuiu hln filuli tn 1 iiuui tlum iiku to hlu utoi u ht tunlitit tontliiiio lu huulnt i i in jhll lu thut hu looku t yiid tho iiliu1 ilo whlh ho niuy t unl luj ul ih thu it u i- hlu lntitut to plvux vti ono of hln tihlt m in ll will pi lit him notliliu lo luulu u hl prollt on a nut ni i i n n it lu if th t unloiii i u not uittuil d wiyi liu put i huuo untl i of u lo in i u lo hi i titoi o ujuln 1 iouj whi h mitii lull hi i ui i m i to k t th b ut vuluoi th huul u i vim unit thu h t pi i in i li hon to li iullty of thu uiln 1mt lim thu muii who um t l i hinouiol elvo hlin hit m u y u wm til in oldet lo it in tin in lu in t oi fi in th min who until tu tin i h muy u vl luul fom th hnu in i 1 tht u will muko no dlltt i luu wliulhui ho puuieu littii liolf qltb it while hl can 1 h lleu ul ll whh h th until uii mull wilkil i i to j i ih lunnry wtittn ttn tritliit tt rv if ih nutiiu i jtluutitl wlllt llu t odii whi hh i u i uli ih ii un i o 1 l mull ilv muii k thut tho initomi lt hi klihl of muii r wuuuii win iiuu lo ink i i hum oi hu wnullll t 111v ot ill hlu oilgl iii tlio iii lt flu hit it foil h inuy lit uio thut thu u hunt r 1 ilk ly to lukv u nc ond hum uwn if lliu itttf do u n l tin ii out to hlu uuliij if hi iitiiir huu ooouhh uphlt to link i uhk iho uuliul one miml ntu h thui of 1 1 i on ulu lot 1 iu i in nl ii y i it 1 to j ii ify mm if tin y ulu pot ll 1 ui mull i muli uiyw f hmu i mlltloiut f thiu who uiu ho nmiu with th um t ill th in on ioih tyiy mhiul luu unoh bargain in itoilf i milk fhetd stooklntui at 3jv i- iuh j ovralli ut 3 2 10 a uhipineiit of hob iaiu i men- wrailur hh r t i tt 1 huu uwii ahov rvpulihiy a upelality e k cook when you buy shoos lyoai uu you aro uuro of uocur- liiu iho uaut auluctluu iu ac tun our prli e i uro much lowor uiuii city ptleei our uaruutcu la buhlud uvurythliiji wo null kcnnly bros our droad i- bakot i tlifi hiro til aetou und wo cuar untto 11 uholt luimmim wo uollrlt uu woll your putronujo for homo- liiuclu cultiil pa try olt vo aim lo aillufy m edwards a co thi campnlan ueolu with our approval and liai our liuoirty uudorautlou deardmonc co our personal intorvtu aro nlrwd in at ton 1 itlu move muiit hi detrvllu of duteou and wo imlmuu uuino rvocr a mowat glove co i am loci i diatributor 1 r tlo 1 orl automohlli and ean uupply ui willi itiuliiu lord parli at tu lonuhlo prltj a eomplelo titoek of uix ulwuyu on liund lt your mist tat tx a 1 unl h a coxe it l w ii foi tl l mpltl to tuko u hu h mo imthant hi i u null idi ma m i i thliij ut t it i foi ho t uiiuot b t t ihi ii i i tn thill ilui tlm mull uiilir mun liuu iioihliu ut uluko foi u li t hi i lut i it to 01 uli that ho tun out of at h tttlt uliu wlni tlmt h inuy iu hu uiiolh i ehuii at thut ui hi iilttr nut tuer in lom i iikuimh i ihiu fuvtu if ttu in uv i uu 11 oil ih i of hi mull oiui hnuue 1 in ihlhi ut iul ill v j uult thut ho lliuk i oithllul ut itakt li liolllo uuliliult hu h inuiiiu i in vtlil h ii lnuut hlu tmitmiiou s hkh hi th iuf d hi witht 1 munuf ncteirg and ropajr all ululi pf upiituio lt io e ihmuli for you on tho uialthu ovor ruallnif tu uphul teijiu of your fumlluiu whlrh t ultej ulloiitloii i luuiuih0 my w ik iho iirultuiu lloupllal w j stuckcv wo do tvorchant tallorutq cm utotk of lmpott1 and hum j tin woolloau for upriujc und uuminei lu tomplol wo ntund whlnd mu ouljiut und luufuutoo uatlufuetlon w m cooper novsr lluy jowollary from catalouusa all j welleiy lok li 1 in lit whtn huyhu fnui in you u llu aitltlo un 1 un w11 jtiti havo 11 hunutli of my ivl utleli u und ii olo hynd nht timo you roquiro llootu hhtou uultoiii h ll lm iniuvoi to intt youi t julioim t i my ulnrir lu rompltno my uuultiy 1 1 f tin hui in hi i utt lithl hiptlliu w will1am3 cash 0rry uroedry 1 vrythlnif fn ih pilnu nanon- ule- juuluy thu lt it hlllll 1 t wt lhalii lumlu i i g 1 ill foi u i ilyfi ul l oui il want i chluilh plank main i 1 hon mo rlrt ciiau l hakli

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