Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1919, p. 4

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atfje artmt 3xtt praa tiitjannay jijiy 17 laio tnu aroillau 1hbiu is imli untied cvrry thursday mornliu at tho juxs litem nullitlnc mill hlroot ac ton ontario tim nubncrlntlon dries in jljio per year in oilvum puritan in charircd additional to nmcoo in tho united htutcn 1 ho date to vrhlrh nubocrlntlonsafo iwu1 la ludlcatrd im tho udilrcrm label advjutiaino ilatoi transient advcrtlscmcnta 10 cento per lino aicato measurement for flrnt innortlon and con in nor ilnu fur each subsequent insertion contract display advorttnnnoiiln tor 100 inches or morn jwr annum lb ocnla icr inch eocb insertion advertlscraentn without epoclun directions will bo inserted till forbid and chanjod anconllncly- ii p mooiiu vjltor and publisher tuliihonu udtlorlal ami iluiilnrait uflloo itcaldcnco editorial the free press appreciates the kind words of its confreres the kcnfrcw mercury last week said the acton irec prevs has entered on its fortyfifth year ofuicfulncsi fortyone ot whicli have been com pleted under the guiding hand of the present editor mr h p moore the free press is a splendid type of home weekly always standing for all that is best in the life of the community and it is well deserving of the generous support accorded it tho fire loss in canada for last year amounted to 30000000 seventy per cent of which was due to carelessness according to an estimate by the com mission of conservation the loss amounts to about 4 per capita in england the fire loss is about 064 per capita here is a fpuitful place for canadian effort at betterment why should this country have more than six times the fire loss of england it seems almost criminal that this country should lose 21000000 a year from fires through carelessness summarized the reports gathered by the various financial and government departments state that the crops as a whole in canada are in a fair condition rains have been general in the past week but in many districts the grains arc short and the hoe crops rather unsatisfactory taking the province of on tario all through the crops will come up to about thi average according to reports from various sources good growing weather from now on would doubtless change th situation materially for the late crops haying is over and in this crop the yield was far above the normal the fall avheat and barley bar- vests are now in progress tho yield will be above the average the apple crop is not good in most localities from present indications the next general elections in canada will have asjnany varieties of candidates as appear on the ballots irf an election in the united states the old conservative and liberal parties are gradually lining up on the old principles which they so strenuously enunciated before tho war the union government will no doubt be before the coun try again on their war record administration the farmers organizations claim they will elect eighty members in the next house the labor interests al- ready have their members and arc reaching out and now the great war veterans association are dis cussing whether they should take an active part in politics- in fact it has already been decided in west torppto by that organization to place candidates in the federal provincial and municipal elections these are trying days among the young folks examination results arc eagerly looked for from day to day sometimes there arc disappointments in these results people of experience always have feel ings of sympathy for those who are not successful after a year ofhonest study and hard work in the effort to gain a certain end many young people freely express themselves as to what they would do if they had the talent of some classmate but the best method for all is to use alt the talent they have and make the most of the opportunities that come their way some of the most brilliant educationists failed in some of their scholastic examinations thcv found as young people today will find that tho experience in writing at an examination is invaluable in succeeding tests of a similar character start in again determined to win success when the time for the next examination comes around an amendment to tho public libraries act passed at last session of the lcgsilaturiv provides that n majority of the members of a municipal council may increase the amount to be raised for maintenance of the library from one half to ono mill on the dolla there will be no necessity for the levying ot the higher rate for acton library for the present but when a new library building is erected with reading rooms and longer hours for the librarian this pro vision will be of advantage it will be generally admitted that the appeal made to the government during tho week on behalf of the rural mail carriers for increased remuneration for their services is a reasonable one the basis of their proposal for their services seems to bo sane and equable thoy 03k a straight payment of g0 per mile per year on their routes how they can keep up the necessary equipment of horsc3 apd riga on a iei sum is difficult to estimate if this basis is ac ceptable to the government and is adopted the old plan of letting rural mail delivery routes by contract willbc abolished the announcement that sir thomas white min ister of finance finds it necessary to retire because of the insistent claims of his privato affairs will be received with great regret by many of the people of canada at no period in the history of canada were tho services of an experienced financier more greatly needed than the present for tho past eight years sir thomas white has given the country t3 best services five years of that timo being fraught with the extremely difficult task of financing for tho wars abnormal necessities his retineraent at the present epoch in tho countrys history will be a distinct na tional loss it is a matter of reasonable local pride that this good old county of hfiuon provided a finance minister from among her sons during tho important period through which canada has lately been passing young man take off your coat roll up your sleeves and pitch in get work to do this summer even if you arc a young collegian home tor your vacation or a high school pupil out of school for the holidays an idle summer demoralizes many a youth if your father is busy on the farm or in the factory and your mother in the kitchen while your chief occupation is playing tennis or other recreation you arc laying the foundation for an unmanly man hood get out into the harvest field take the vacant place in the factory do odd jobs if nothing else turns up but show that the education you are receiving is not spoiling you for putting your shoul der to the wheel no student can idle away his sum mer while his father and mother are sacrificing to give him an education without a loss of manliness for which a college diploma is poor compensation the onco popular assertion made so emphatically in certain quarters that prohibition does not pro hibit is now effectively combatted with evidence from the very manufacturersof intoxicating liquors themselves on the same day lost week two items of interesting news appeared in the daily papers one was from windsor which stated that as the temper ance laws of canada forced the hiram walker sons distillery to find markets overseas they ship ped by one steamship from walkcrvillc outward bound for glasgow scotland 1100 tons of whiskey valued at over 1000000 the other item stated that shipments of whiskey by the carload arc being made from hamilton daily it is being sent to scotland and is from a quantity stored at hamilton previous jto the war of which there is nearly 8000 barrels yet to be shipped poor scotland canada is strategically situated for binding great britain and the united states togothcr was the im portant position in which dr s d chown general superintendent of the methodist church in an ad dress at the methodist centenary exposition at columbus ohio last friday placed our country with this bond secure we may confidently assume ncfuturc peace and progress of the world said dr chown canada is not a hermit nation but ha3 a worldwide interest and is u world power it is a power that shall be needed to mako the league of nations a permanent force in world reconstruc tion he declared that there is u dose bond between canadians and americans the cords that bind us arc as light as gossamer but as strong as steel your fathers achieved our liberty when they gained your owqi our liberty possesses every clement of freedom except the power to destroy itself though a board of commerce has been created to get after profiteering of all sorts and some other tentative suggestions arc made to alleviate the pre sent high cost of living tho final report tabled in the house of commons before rising shows that the cost of living committee members believe after hearing all the evidence that all these things are but palliatives that no real influence can be exerted on the situation except by getting thesoldiers and war workers back into productive activity and by getting the consuming public to live frugally and use thrift they believe that the war only accelerated the steady rise in the price of commodities and that probably never again will this or any other country get back to the levels before the war however let us all conscientiously determine to live frugally and ob serve commendible thrift in the handling of our wages and incomes tcll ua the ncvvq lorul h etiln li tiftr id i11 111 unit winmik rwnicn i imii tlint tho rtixrtcr ilnra no tiro t hurtun thnt tlm fninlly in inlmicd ieveral limn thoy nil tho lmiirwi- iilon thnt tho editor dinn not rnro tu mention uicm thin in u mttdukc in moot country inwnu tho local work in llio hardent work conn re led with u iiowupaer a man may im a good editorial writer hut a flat failure ot i ho local work and vlca versa edi torial material in obtained hy study y read 1 no newspapers sometimes by untitle schtnortt personal mid local huiijte nines cant bo rtnil und cllpixjd from other iiaim it taken uhyolcul ui well an mental exertion to bet ten or twelve columns of local noyrs in a town of thin slsc it ont people take ii local paper to cot tho j oca i happen inicu ifent bo afraid to tell tho editor or reporter tliat you have friends who nro interested in your frlendn you owe it on a duty to them to lot your frionds know of their doings iartiapu you think tho paper shows lurtlnlty but junt boo if tho paper doiuint irtut you rlnhl if you nlvo it u tluince walkcrton toleacoix- thc co0pel or happ1neqq a u lun who had rrany nortrnvii and hiuy burdens to bear but who was noted for her cheerful spirit nni0 oald in explanation you know i luvo no money i bad nothing to gwo uul my- nlf do i ma do tho resotutlo i ttiat i uoulil nevor sadden anyone ulna with my troubles i have laughed und told jakes when i could have wont i have ulwaja stalled in tho facn o every misfortune i have- tried never to lot anyone bo from my presence without a hnppy word or a brlsht thought to carry- with him and making haphl- ncua engenders happiness i myself am happier than i would have boon hud j sat down and bemoaned my fat thbj coapetot hajiplncajs u ono which everyone should lay to heart hct out willi tho invlnclblo do termina tion that you wll bear burdens and not lmtoae them whether tho nun nhlnta or tho rain falls show a lad fuce to your nouzhbor if you must full in tiros battle you can at leant fall with a amlla on your face chris tian work how oridoeb dreathc ilkr us mortals bin utiol brlduou feci tho cliangen in tho weathur and must bo built to withutand them or lit tho heat of summer a brldro is appreciably longer than it is in tho winter and at various times of tho year it may bo- longer on one sldo than on tho other as when ft hot sun plays on ono flank and a cold wind impinges on tho others the breathing apparatus of a brldei consists of rollers under tho feel ut ono end so that tho end can txioier to and tro treely uccoruliitf to tho cxpuhslon and contraction of the huo elfoers irovlslon la made in tho coao of tho forth ftrldca for aa much as two foot of breathing of tlio immenoo cantl- v uov anqhi0 conoctcnce monday in rvlt frm nut durlni tho nliht ilrinmil w nt into tho down for meditation iwni idiiglnt i nm tmnklni to- lay land i shall reach when iihnc after n hard hid i uot utile i nrorin early put- lor and nut involuntarily i that beautiful io nun uooth i natiff on thrnulir uo c will there bo uny iilurs wli m ut c enlni tho nun south do cast in ujjh tho upon door into tho bedroom i u two lltllo uurj tout oponlntf 10111 under tho cover presently a llttlo difuro in his town of white ullppcd to tho hoof h collated a moment thon camo timidly into tho room climbed up in my lap put his chubby aims about my nook and with his ureut black eyes scarcli- intt tho depths of mine nskori iups will there ho any atars in my crown i sul yea son if you aro a good hoy mid lovo hod and obey pupu and mamma thoro wli bo many stars in your cruwn thnt was twulvo yrnrw niro j tut tlw other day whonuchool wus out that numn hoy applied for and oocurod i position as mennenicor for tho mackuy legrjih company ho was elated hiyoit metfcute h ha the lout job ha otoi hud out of it ho counted on miikinc enough to buy all his clothoj for next jour term of sbool tut ha jiooii icurivod thttt ho would bo required hunday ho promptly said it isnt right in vain no plpuded with tho woman cliurgo ti let him keep tho job ait mulio up hla timo on other days till was adumaitl i must have a boy who can work on hunday us welt as on other days bo sho let litrn o tho lad came homo crying ho said i hatod tu loso tho job but i think it wna not ruht to work onlunduy whuttur thoio im uny connection tw- twooo this incident and ho ono of twetvo ycurs iiuu i huvo no means of knowhik iul i nm glad my boy has o conscience and is willing to suffer for tho sake- of it homo day god will mako everything right for tho lad danlol had a comtclonoo and clod rs- membcrod him because ho obeyed it tho hoy who does that is richer by far than th muckny tologruph company who throuuh their gruod for gold break loda duy und would foioo llttlo boys to do tho sumo this is star number nu in tho crown or churlirt hulwirt llrooka llov cjius 1 llrooka to work ou hunday 1 vant do that lucky adam tho day adam was condemned to wort for a living was tho luckiest day of his ufo ho had all tho world given him to work in no rent to pay tho whole crop for himself no landlord or middleman to dlvldo profits with and every lick of hla boo wa a hck for hlmttolf uviry drop of tiwcat ho shed uihid tho land watered hla own crop and ha did not huvo to fence against his nelbbborb chickens ho was con- damnod to sweat but ho found as his sons have nine found that sweat is tho lwil medicine in tho worlds drug whnyou travel even in canada carry ytur fundo in travellers chequca toouod by tho morclianta konlt ionionol chequcu nro often rofuccd monoy mny bo tout or stolen traveller chenuen on tho other band nro canhod by banko hotolo transportation companies and stores at tbolr faco values and onablo you to ralso roady monoy whorovoryouhappontobo if loot thoy oro of no valuo to tho finder u stolon or des troyed thoy will bo replaced without ojltra charge uio thorn for your noxt jottrnoy im mrchants bank hoidoftlcolmonlpml of canada eubllhl 1004 acton branch l- b flllojlliv himier ceobcetown b11anch c w coandy umatgrnr crstorl for infants and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bpars the signature exact copy ot wrapper for over thirty years castoria business directory medical th0d qn ay m d c m- mcqill xj it u i ktlnbiirjeli k il v p fl iimmgiiw member ilrltlsh medi cs association etc ofllc yredarlrk timot acton ont j dr j a mcnivcn physlotan and ourason orilro and ilosldanoo cornsr ijowar a vends and nigln fltreus uto renm- nc formerly occupied by i m hn- dsrson acton oal vetcninary john lawoon veterinary ourocon acton ont uraduato of ontario veterinary col- lego uio ofocs arthur block ilc14enc mu1 utreet- calls day or night promijt- ty attsndsd to lizqal phono jjo 22 i o ijoi 31 s iiar0ld nash parmeb m a darrlstsr solicitor notsry pubho convnyncr etc pcnrvman dlock acton ont uotilzr to loak conveyancing hours 1 p a tfl i p m al residsneo r h wancdrouqh laks avtnu ac tan ontsht dental dr j m- dell d d o l d d dantlst honor graduate of toronto unltor- slty tba latest nnnthntln used u oualred office at rttaldanoe corner mill and frederick streeta miscellaneous uarriaqe liccn0cd h p moors issuer morris as licenses private office no witnesses re quired tnstird at residence in etenlng ptg pacss omce actoa ont francis nuftlvn deekbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of overy descrip tion carefully bound rullns neatly and promptly done wjndhtim street guelpb ont orer wfluama store r j kerr licensed auctioneer for the counties of ilalloh welling- ton peel and dufferln and the city of ouelph acton ontario the free press office acton tho mercury objce ouelnb the ncwsitocord kergua or with v- j oordoa ilamess uokcr hulsbnrg saics entrusted tf il j kerr re ceive attention from date of listing to date of til list youroaics with rr residence young street acton phono 36 a coil ax toy uipoom vith cominondiblo firuinci3 und cutcrpribc the government and other organizations of italy ia tak ing injjisures to ensure lower prices in the tost ot hvingwid peace and order throughout the country the chamber of labor has itsucd u munifcsto saying that having received guarantees that the prices of nccessilics will be reduced 50 per cxit it invites the people to return to work- the government intends to maintain order with flrmncsa and without hesita tion or weakness said the premier speaking before btliomcntlflstfriday hc-auinmarizciithcprii- granuno of the government by saying that it was planned to hasten the peace negotiations so that peace could be concluded at once with the upholding of italian national aspirations tho rapid transfor mation from a war to a peace footing is to be cffcctcj and what wus rendered necessary by the conflict and hes become superfluous and indeed harmful peace will bo abolished tho bitter conditio of the people will be ullcviutcd hy tho government which is aiming at lower priccp without which he said is impossible to guarantee social peace financial und economic reforms rendered necessary by new conditions will bo rapidly prepared the maintenance of public order hoing indispeniihlefor realization if the entire programme i unified control which played such a large part in the allied victory has been secured in connection with the great fight ahead of the temperance forces in the province ot ontario in the approaching refer endum as a result of many conferences between the temperance leaders of the various organizations a strong central provincial committee has been formed to conduct the referendum campaign under tho name of the ontario referendum committee with mr john macdonald wholesale dry goods mer chant as chairman the management of the cam paign will bo in the hands of that splendid leader of moral reform forces dr a s grant who com mands the respect of all who know him and there are few in the province of ontario who do not under these two leaders a board of control com posed of experienced campaign workers will manage the camp4igo bound from fort william and port arthur for the teeming cities o the east this is but one of the many interesting things you see on this wonderful great lakea cruise have you just o weeks vacation this aixday cruise on lakca huron and superior was planned especially for you you wuj find each sarnia to duluth and return six days on the great lakes out mora charming aull to most oi is is the daily life on slupboerd together as ono family re travel 3 roues together we pend sis full dsys in tkt gy companionship of relaxed ami rested spirits special features dancing music by full skips refreshments at iti close huronic three soilings weekly froro semis to soo port arthur and saturdays at 610 pm eastern time thre months ago the labor situation in great britain was menacing in the extreme says tho new york sun that is true a general striko seemed ccrtuin an industrial revolution was probable and what did great britain do uoyd george called to gether representatives of employers and employees and urged them on grounds of patriotism and self- interest to como to an agreement much dicusioa was indulged in hut in tho end the employers and th workers did get together they appointed a commit tee of thirty representatives of tho trade unions and thirty representatives of the employers associations and instructed them to go into the whalo mutter of labor and other industrial questions and suggest a practical scheme or reform that committee has succeeded an agreement has been reached providing for a ortyeighthour week a minimum wage dis couragement of overtime trade conferences at suit able intervals unemployment insurance and oldugc pensions this is an example of british good sen and thero is in it a lesson for americans nashvtltc advocate and just as reasonably may be added lesson for canada too everchanging interest- the thrilling experience of passing through tho locks at souu stc marie the day oahore at canadaa twin cities fort vrilliam and port arthur and the visit to our northern terminus rising on its wooded promontory from the blue waters of supcxior the city of duluth northern natljjator dady paper wuh news brought in by wuclos- a merry ckronicie too of life on ship board afternoon tea served u tko grand saloon concerts every aftemooa and evening well known artist as entertainers pic at kakabeka falls in the country near port arthur all enjoy a real-ola- feshioned picnic social hoetce- hamonic devotee her energies to the entertain ment oi the snips guests moon light chorua alter the dsnciaa everybody join in singing oldtune melodies out on deck ilound tn ere samia to duluth and return includ ing roeals and berth one way fares on ap 5650 noronic fort william end duluth iuvl for full information oak any grand trunk ticket aem the company at kumlu tourist agent write d v goodheflan eastern passcmjcr agent sarnlu one for cruise liuoklet northern navigation company limited sarnia grand trunk route ijj minia mondays wednesdays or your local ticket or icoojuls fuccxjut ottttsi amw woltl im liip tkht 1000 uluja uj st lw im tupu huhm ii tlaauwl el tmau nj mhiihii ts to quui uhui ii ll l inm 1h11 wrtlm j e cheevers book oinder quebec st east cuelph ont hooka and ruafaitnea bound la handsome and substantial covers names lettered in cold on bibles ilyron uoolus and other books all work promptly executed d alex n1ven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer gurvcs embdt visions plans jta- norts deacrlpuona blutprlnts etc cert i flea tea for purchasers and mortpajroca surveys for architrcta builders end municipal councils dralnacd kepcrtj izstlmates etc mclean building douglas st qoklpii phono 1064 ont ry hindley auctioneer live stock iul estatb and mhltcllandiau consolidatsd phone erin 4t 11 r n 3 acton grand truniy the double track route bittwccn montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dining car uervlcu alooiiliit uim on nit lit trulnu and iarlnr cars on iirlnclnal duy liuln lull information from any ormid trunk tllltet iifliit or e u llnrnln ulatiltt iasaeuiftir aiiiit toronto h s holmes aget acton ont pho tho old and reliable granite and marble dealurc it 171 rr n rr rjp nrj rrorn we oro inanufactureru and dlrw- imjiartors of all kinds of uouuiamilsi and lleadnioue work wp soil dlrwt 1 to our custointirs at wholcsalo nrltms thus hjivhu our customers 40 ir mtit wo tiavo tho beat uppuanoee and tl rnly tnachunlca in tlio ixuulnlou wlw can operate nneumutlo tools properly wo can ivd references from hundreds of our custunicni in toronto and ollmi ptnoea where uthore liavo to havo isw suits in order to oollrtt wn liavo tto largest and best stock of urunlto tho dominion ur more than sjiy lhr dualers in tho west wo are legiti mate dealers and employ no aaanru and do not annoy or pest uualumors jiy aendliiti out tgnorom aiionu oll-lt- ina orders wo omploy only iuochaiilis and defy competition iiajviilton sons por nurwleli i woolwioli ut- iusluti ailajixishj msfeysys stssfcivifcwsiiaffiii r wr aiisji-vti-j-

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