Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1919, p. 1

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firsts forty nfth year no 4 acton ontario thursday morning july 24 1010 singlo copies fivo cents sfc new advertisements the methodist church acton rev i m movcr pasfor panonao- willow qu tl n in tl i lint r 2 30 ii in till lliy tyr hool 7 i lit 1hl i i i r you ahu inviti dcom1 ice wanted huilultnt to tupply fmilry refrli or it r fir tl iicim n apply at 12 mil i ii mh oi i ic1 for sale twi 1 rtuli milch own for iiulo ons a durh im irrtclii one part jersey in qulro nt r iti i t in is oi i icu qituationo wanted two tifiitu ycani of u c muthcr u url for sale klx t rco m nthn old plffil in flntf condition mutlt bo uold nt unco ai ply w c dbvi itlll rob roy cafe acton farm for sale 100 ncro farm for sale will nv tho crop lot 1 second uno t rli terms arranged apply to v wat son 4 4 it r no 1 acton for bale i shoithcrn urata cow fix ah mnlcltiil i ulr threw year roadster bred apply to i h ki nnfdy iot 26 4th unc lnqueulnr l r r no 4 a cum 4 2 safe for sale a coirmodloua safe in eood condition 21x21x13 inalda measurement- com- blnauon lock w1u noil at a bargain for prompt sale l starkman tf mill street acton fruits and vegetables fresh from our gordon and or chnrds aak for our woeuy prico lists ilcrold s farms frultland ontario t12 niagara district frame house for8ale tho framo cottage on bower avenue good cellar excellent vrater flno gar den fruit trees separate wood house suitable for garago cement floor w h stewart 1tf acton ont wanted several stenographera experience 1 speed accuracy and good vocabulary ore essential working conditions ao ideal apply statlnir experience to sales manager chevrolet motor company g2 a obiulwo ontario drick house for sale tho oerni detached two atoroy brick dwclltnk on bower avenue owned by the undersigned seven rooms pood cellar cement floor el oc trio light ce went walk in good ropalr apply to w ii stewart 1 tf acton ont church janitor wanted a caretaker for tho methodist church ono experienced with atcam hcaung preferred duties to com men co july lt lor particulars as to duties etc apply to h i moorl secretary treasurer chickens and outfit for sale abo it i to while orphlngton and black lungiihmi nur old pullets and iso of this ycarii i ullets an i cocker in three hl ken ho tun i will sell tho wholo or any part to suit purchaser sale must bo made ut once au i have to vucula tho place w c dhivlilcll hob itoy cafe acton card of thanks tho unicrslgnod desires to extend sluccru tltunks to tho many friends an 1 neighbors for their expression of sym pathy in tho loss myself and my son have sustained in tho loss of tho be loved wife and mother of our home have suatulncd in the death of the be last week unci for their generous offer of help in getung oft tho crop durinj our a boon co ut renfrew jamls w collman wfmooney of guelph has opened a storvi on main btreet acton where ho will conduct a tin- umitii and sheet metal business orders for hot air furnaces and plumbing will receive special atten lion glove operators wanted two experienced glqve oncr- atopi wanted at once good wasea steady vork ontario glove co putchrjnkut ontario wonderland cooler hare thsn outslds fripay july 9 mr fix it with doui ins ivlrbanks s i nctt comrdy holllya wash day saturday july 20 vivlett with vlvlui martin the lirltlsh g ixetlo and u big v comedy tuesday july 20 a nlnu o cluck town with churles hay an t- is uio of the lure cf tho clrciw ami a mutt unjl jt ft rurfium p l gregory u our t 0 1 i 1 i the opportunity to secure numbers of the things you require for your present use ore placed well within your reach in our mid summer mark down sale which was intro ducld here on tuesday of this week and which will be con tinucd until thursday july 31 1010 wc always hold a sale around this tunc every year in order to rid our stoc of spring and summer merchandise and wc always makp it our business to pare prices down t the core in order to enhance tho attraction of immediate buying n lowing included in the bargains arc such items as the fol mens palm beach suits mens shirts and hats boys suits and hats curtains and bed spreads dress goods various lines wash voiles prints ginghams silk dresses from new york house dresses and aprons corsets undermuslins white shirts and smocks hosiery and silk gloves kiddies dresses and skirts women s and childrens millinery wallpaper in room lots take the radial lo guelph to macdonaltys this week you will save your fare many times over d e macdonald bros ltd guelpifs leading and largest store wyndham macdonnel and carden streets guelph ont a great peace demonstration the g w v a conducted a mem orable bcmembrnrjce day last saturday a very attractive parade tim i once iuy relel ration last bat urtlny wiui an ovent which will tons ho remembered and talked about in acton tho great war veterans as noclnllon took tho matter in hand and conducted it to a very successful con l i 1 union the veterans requested that tjs tiomcn ii nil business places bo decor utcd and tho response was very grail- f it never were the homes and sur ronl i s rnoro tastefully and jrenei ally d no rated the profusion of floes wan hlchly credltahlo many citlxens wrnt to treat tains to render t ie dec orations attractive anit tliey n tcceed a featuro of tho day was the attend unco of tho 1 loyal grenadiers hand or toronto under tho veteran band master apt waldron they came by tho 10 ib um train and spent tho emlro day in enlivening the proceej lnki of tho celebration tho parado ut 1 30 p m attracted ittrjro n tno a treats were throntej tho procession moved off from the town hall in tho following order thh veteran clown nanduabteh waujron royal arknadilrs hand acton veterans qlorcjrtown banp 1 oiiuetown veterans acton hciiool children 1 ancy drlbs parade hoy scouts hani citilns in motor cars tho acton veterans appreciated very much tho visit of the ooometown vet erans accompanied by the town band they made a very credjloblo appear ance the parade passed the crand stood and hero tho fancy dress costumes were- reviewed and judged the base ball match between teams of veterans and cltlxens was the first item on tho list cf afternoon attrao tions tho score was 116 la favor of the voterans r m mcponald actod as umpire the line up was as follows vfteran8 runs j bwnckl amer 2 b 1 m collier c f t n clark s o- geo hynrtn i b 2 lolahman p 3 caswell 1 t 0 m roper 3 b holmes r f acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream pair test and full satisfaction guaranteed highest market price for butter fat will receive any amount of cream you bring in we are paylruj the highest market price for live poujlry let us know by moil and we will call for your stock highest market price fob cream and eggs open monday thursday and saturday evenings until 10 pjn acton creamery co willow street opposite government building quality first russells right prices midsummer specials alt sumnjor oooih will ho cleared rcrsrdlcss of oost now is your ctlanco to block up in tho fallowing lnc 1n11amh villi h tlotmhy t tluhltm iap11h houuis ullliultil mimunh 1muntm ulov1s1 unjjlhw1au this is an extra special childrens glugham dresses neatly mado in stripes and plaids worth 2 50 to 3 00 sues 0 years to 14 g f years to clear-nt- d i50- groceries special uorfinln now offered in your ravorite pnjmolive soap 3 cakca for 29c 0 cokca for 58c 12 cakes for 1 16 whllo our stock lquj vases d c rijssell wjlt street acton ont- ators plosi 3p pxcspt prtfsy sn astqrdsy 1 -i- nltil i r i roll runs h moiiters en e masales 3 b h kennedy c r ilrown i b g anderson c f c meecod p t savilso r f joo hynda w stewart i f tho games and races were won oa follows y motor cycle racoj martin j swut khamcr oyclo race j licoreeor v warren 100 yard open race f mcintosi ii kennedy i- warren 60 yurd dastu boys ii rublnoff w haliman 25 yard race girls mario lanii marguerite llydcr iris three icfined race 35 yards minnie ulalr and uyrtlo james mario mnwat and mario lantx three legged race open itoys 3 bmltii and g masales w johnston mi wutklns hark race roya w icaley c for rest busier j kennedy rest drummer l forbes tiro prixcw for costumes vero award cd ua follows eady s funcy costume miss sarah cross gont s i aney costume nell mclean i ancy group tho three sisters fiisland ireland and bcotland dort i the und nellie llawes with banner iouco with honor ttio concert at nlfiht attractod a larj o crowd and tha dancinsj platform in thcdrtlt shed was la rcely patron txed slock iknaldson and will slnrer of uclph tfavo u vurlely ctc humorous numutnt and the uttlo mlasea haw is cava a scries of exhibitions of fancy duiiclnir which elicited vociferous ap puiuac tlie ciny was ideal for a thriving business ut the booths the veterans and their helpers were kept on the ump loth afternoon and evening sev ins lc cream and cake cool drinks- lounuu candy and fruits tho veterans shirked nothing they out out to make tho acton peace celebration memorable and they sue cetslcd in nil respects incidents of the day mm w waller led a group of girls in pattiotlc costume in tho parade wth uttructlvo effect thu culled cnuule w their ckmc tt und provoked lotq of fun they forgot help waermlllun however the school uhildpan tonne 4 an at tractive feature of ho parade- they wtra imi py nolny waved flags like viltrut uiul perspired freely the colored pair attracted much utti iltlon it was a dliicult to rtpof their tcrsonallty o- u has bean t hums who the old man of the clock tuwur la that funny clown worked tiara and wm worth a good deal to lite day aui 1 1 oj ho plcunod tho clilldrei mlkhtlly au 1 was never coarse noi rough with them tho clown who was a returned sol dlor rroin guolph provided amuse mant of a distlitctlva character ho wor fnm p t mil eunitd tviy penny of his con tract harry titatham tiad tho honor of driving three vatarans of other wi in ho tarade his father wbo fought in tho army of the north in tho civil war of the out ted utates mr ueter gibbons who wus a soldier in tho confilitat army of tio south and mr rot art ialug who served in the aimrkiin army through tho wr t thu philippines one of tho iiumt skillfully prelhtred dacurutlons in towil was ttio pesee omblrm on the luwit ut ulltjen 1lsce two of tho voterans workrtl ouj tho w rd pence surmiuncd by wo duyes yf r lug maple loavcll imi joy 1 crown a splenttu effect y m socutoil a lse rinninalloii tf the iitlns work re yon is h f that 11 w h hikiinlouuli constructed t m i n i ha t hlh and vulofe gigs news of local import thsy llksd our boy ocouts i peaking of uie orange demonstra- tlon at fergus on tho 12th the news record soys with tho acton lodge was a bugle band of the acton boy hcoiits and containing a lady drummer and a lady bugler tills band drew much favorable comment from all tho spectators reception to mors rsturnad msn arrangements imvo been made for a civic reception to another contingent of returned odl tilers in the town hall on monday evening sslh inst autos will convey tho soldiers to the hall and they will be paraded by the bay bcouts band a good program mo bl being arranged citizens are invited to assemble at eight o clock military funsral last wednesday tho military funeral of tho late pte francis masters last wednesday was an imprcaslvo event tho veterans turned out in very creditable numbers they were under the command oi hergt major hawcs acton cltlaens ilsnd led the parade ibv j c wil son was in charge of the funeral and was assisted at the grave by rev i m- moycr tho last post was sound ed by bergt- major hawcs on the bugle an austrlsn loss 110000 borne time ago harry nlcaluk an austrian employed at the tonne lies was informed that be would be allowed to return to his native land as soon om the pcaca treaty was signed ito drew from tho post officii savings hank his savings or tl 100 00 and plan nod to leave on the kth in tho lo terval he found that be would not be allowed to leave the country yet but had not bunked his money last thursday between one and four o clock his house no 2 in the foreigners row was broken into his trunk unlocked and the money abstracted it in eluded 7g ten dollar bills and 17 twen ties a fellow austrian is suspected of the theft and information laid against him anothsr successful cardan party st alban a church annual garden party has always been one of the most successful and enjoyable of the season and tbl years proved no exception to this general rule will white and jules brazil providod a programme that was in every respect laughable from start to finish the foolish side was uppermost but people attending these functions appear to enjoy this lighter cycle of life und these two artists made a roost pleasant evenings entertainment acton citizens band wan present and gave a liberal number of welt rendered selections- rev mr maunse l tho rector of the church very capably fulfilled the duties of chairman a fish pond fortune tellers stand and refreshment tooth made up the midway attractions and were lib orally patronized thoughoul the evening ths nrw nsidncs going up mr it- j kerrs new residence on bower avenue is going forward tho brickwork la in progress on ths second story tho brick work of mr a mccannii new residence on park avenue is completed tho tapestry brick used will give- the building a bandsomo appearance mrs john allan a new house on lake avenue has tho framo up and u about ready for the venocr mr robert watson s new cement block house an church btreet lias tho walls well ad vanced mr john watson s two- story house on john btreet is up and roofed tho brick work will shortly be commenced tho founda tions are in for mr itobl scott s now bungalow on bower avenue and the frame is going up the exca vation and stone work of mr john r kennedy s addition on mill street are completed the virtus of vaccination every soldier who enlisted was vaocinsted and it was a great satis faction that there was absolutely no smallpox in the army either in gng land or france as a result all sol diers have faith in vaccination and speak highly of its effectiveness it is well known that email pox bos ex isted in toronto for mo iths and other towns and cities to which our citizens freely go have also bad numbers of casca during the past few months a prevvnlutlvu muasurr therefore will bo wisdom that the children and young ptpio especially should all bi vaccinated it would be a very wlso thing if tho local board of health of this und every other municipality would arrange to i ruvldo froo vaccination and then adopt tho slmplo plan of the military authorities requiring all chll dreu siid young peoplo to promptly attend to this important matter rd moo utlss to 6w old horn mr an 1 mm w j mclaughlin seattle washington arrived last week to ittend u few days in mt uklaujii uu s boyhood home in the trip by motor car they have covered over tf 000 miles through forest and desert over mountain ranges and broad stretches of prairie by lakoslda mid river drlva through expanses o country districts and many cities in the long trip aero the continent mr mclaughlin son of the labs hugh mclaughlin wbo died here two or three years ago ho went west when a young man and has been lu seattle for many years itosperlty has attended him and lately he bos liad longings for the old homo ho icfit several ijayn with his brother nelson in nassuguwvyu with friends in toronto und with hut sister mrs joseph soper ut lircalau an enjoy uhlo family reunion was held at tho lioino of mr neututt milaugbll sunday mr mcluukhllu thinks acton is greatly unproved though ha missed many uf thu old landmarks motor run over little glhls on saturday afternoon during th peace celebration and while motor talbwdp p and repassi rig in considerable numbers on milt street mr i i alkhutnji uuld to his uttlo six year old daughter lclolsw kaep off the street while the autoa are golug past- lie turned und was not ten yards uway when ho saw a llltl knocked down und a motor aaa over her he ran to pick up uio uttlo one uttlo think uk it wus his own daughter tuolsc ha carrlod her inter the house and oent for thu doctor fxamluatlo proved thut no bones wiiro broken though hr foot wus badly bruised oi d one siita of her face painfully uhrulnvd one wheel of the motor evidently r- over her foot and tho pr passed over her prostrate tody 11 la mlruauluus that mure serious- injuries were not sustained tim ruplur was a chovroin uli 1 theio were two soldiers lit the front mat thu linpurt when tho little girl was vuutk smashed tho ipnao cf o of uts lid lights big peace day event at limehouee citizens of ward no 5 ebquoinff welcome the returned soldiers with splendid function patriotic a ddr coo oy rev mr gcoqic umchouso was en fetn on peace day last katlirday the weather was mm the crowd large and happy and tho object f tho function embrace1 tho celebration of peace day and the welcoming of the returned soldiers of tlie ward and presenting them with much prized testimonials the even was held in high park tlie splendl i grove of tho toronto i j mo company and the adjoining field both admir ably adapted o tiio programme of the day the w v or guelph sent down a ball tenm and they camo up against the home team with the result that njb exciting match was pulled off the score was 6 t in favor of the umo- house team tho veterans were a grid bunch of sports and comn again boys was heard on all sides tho tug of war between contestants from the north and the boutb of the ward was an exciting event the north men proved to bo tho superior in muscle and won tho m on tho fealur of the afternoon how ever was the wolcomo extended to the re turned men and the presentation of gold watches suitably inscribed the list of returned soldiers and fallen heroes is as follows pte w j mcdonald sergt p wat son ptc j i hondorson pte w g moffat pte harry parton sergt alf u marshall sergt robt marshall sergt- c c iolkinghome sergt major a j srocthurst bergt harold polk- jnghorne gunner jos holloway corp k r mcgill gunner c h singer ptc kddlo welsh pte jus allen lanoo- corp a d dane pte h doughty corp fred wright pte stuart wright corp w g osborne and lance corp a 8 mlno fell in action rev r v cameron opened the pro ceedlngs with prayer and the multi tude sang that flno old god honoring hymn 0 god oar help in ages past rev a logan goggle of toronto delivered a masterly patriotic address his oration was of a character which inspired all and gave the audience better appreciation of what our soldier heroes accomplished and what peace really means two add reuses were then read one to tho returned soldiers by mr william gowdy and tho other to the relatives of the men who fell in actio r by mr fred hhortlll then followed the appearance of twenty one uttle girls or ward no t as each soldier was called a uttle maiden approached and handed him his watch to the relatives of tho two fallen heroes a wrist watch and a clock wero pre- aftcr tho presentation suitable ad dresses were made by rev mr cum kron and col ballantyne glen wllllams band discoursed sweet musla during the afternoon douglas gowdy was home from toronto and gave maerial assistance in making the held day a success mr w wilson was chairman and performed uta duties of tho a dice with much accept the i lenic tea was u social featuru which uli rnjoyed tim dance in the drill shed was evidently run on standard time on saturday night residents of that sec tlon of the town claim to have heard tho addles going well on to ono o clock by daylight saving time dent walk fairy laks bnda mr radford tlie munugir of the t ironto suburban railway luu usked tho fax 1 to caution tho public especially the children from walking over lliiry lake bridge recently a car from the west had difficulty in stopping en the down grade when tho motorman observed two utile girls sitting on the bridge there ore two dangers to oh 1 id re n first that of being run ayor by the electric car and second tho posslblutyof slipping off tho bridge and drowning in tho lake i fires cauosd by sraoksrs about two o clock on sunday jnorn lug mr and mrs robert s prowl of tho third line were awakened by tho re flection from area in ves ligation show od that the dry graas on the side of trt road had been set on fire in i places thut several rods of tho 1 fence was burned and tlie ore was running in the fluids on both sides of tho road the tiro wus in dangerous proximity to a field uf ripe barley with the help uf neighbors ths ore wus extinguished before any serious damage wus done mr b prowl is cot vlnced that the fires orlglnutod througn u couplo of men driving imst an hour or so earlier throwing their clijur or cigarette butts down at the side of tho road ths nsw tannery at hastings the hostinbs tannery at hastings oul owned by the drclthuupt lcatl co of kitchener which was destroyed by tiro in october 117 will be r opened in a few weeks it has boon rebuilt at an expepso of 9200 000 the new building is la the same a tlutt of uio former plaill tho main 1 ulldlug a two and a half story tlon built of concrete blocks covers 305 by 130 foot und is ulono valued at 10 000 on tho lower floor iso to iso vsts are being speedily installed sud when completed will liuvu a capuclty for tanning 400 sides a day making the outl ut tho second largest in the pro- vlnce tho product of tho factory oak solo leu t her will bo distributed from kitchener mr john a mcgrall formerly of at ion is superintendent quelph had a tsrrlmo ft term monday whllo the ruin storm here was uulrt there being very uttlo thunder und lightning they hud one of the no roost aturius in guelph ever expeilencod there many trees were blown dowi the streets were flooded some build lugs wuro duinuged and nevcrul persons were hurt in one store on wyudham street 3i bags of sugar were aouked unoti cr store uio water sj through social and personal mr w pearson was borne from tho city uil week- mr and mrs john mcisscucrn wero hrre from guelph mr robert g brown was home fi hamilton this week mr melfort collier was home from toronto over hun day mrs george mcbaln visited friends in toronto last week mr m mccann of oustie visited ms son here this week mr and mrs amos mason of alton were hero on saturday miss una kenney was homo from toronto for thewoekrend mr taloot of ouitc visited acton relatives during the week mrs w j taylor of manitoba visit ed acton friends this week mr sheldon moycr visited friends in stratford during tho week mr and mrs ben green hr visited frlonds in toronto last week pte sheldon moyer visited friends at stratford over tho week end miss helen warren is holidaying with friends on manttoulln island mlkbcm ettie and myrtle dills were homo from toronto over the holiday mr and mrs biggins of detroit visited mr and mrs f d epasiey this week mr and mrs w j gordon of hills burg visited friends here during tho week mr james torrance and mrs tor rance rr of ortoo were here on saturday miss barbara warren toronto was the guest of mrs james i warren during the week mrs john denny left on tuesday on a visit to re la uvea at brockvlue and johnstown n t mrs b galloway of toronto visit ed mrs w a stewart and other friends during the week miss nellie anderson was one of the successful teachers in training at the faculty of education mrs rodger miss ward and miss mackie of toronto spent the week end with mrs james mackie mrs a m church or sundrldge is visiting at the home of her parents mr anil mrs william plank mrs p c floury and miss muriel went u toronto on friday to spend a few holidays with friends there mr und mm mcciocklln and chll dren of toronto were guests of mrs thomis t bbuge during the week mr t tuahlngham of toronto visited his sister mrs arch mcpber- on and other friends this week mr cltarleo ii fhbage of kitchener wan hero this week visiting his mother who has been ill for a week or so mrs risch and miss risen mr and mrs voii of newport ky- visited mr and mrs hy bauer the past week mus moffat who has just enjoyed a couple of weeks vacation is back at her i lace tn lawyer farmers ofnee mr and mrs campion and miss mildred nftoronto spent tho week end with their sister mrs l masales miss lottie statham and mr 8 statbam of toronto visited at the home of mr thos statham over the week end mr herb buaistr of niagara fails npciil saturday at tht home of his grundmothct mrs thos statham church street- mr and mrs harry campbell mas ter george and miss dorothy of west toronto visited mrs geo campbell over the weekend mr and mrs fred smyth and thelr so idler ion ralph were ho from toronto mrs j u pearson motored back to the city with them mr charles bel wood of calgary alta lias joined mrs tie wood and the children at mr a l nlcklln s and will spend a week or two here mr and mrs mathlos lambert hod quite a family gathering over tho week encl their sons were homo from tho city and other friends were there mtss myrtle cook has arrived home after spending two weeks with ber alster in trie pa miss mabel w cook accompanied her far a months vacation mr and mrs a o t beard more and frances and knox sro spending a couple of months at minnecogashene in georgian ray mr beard more was home for the peace celebration mr charles a goods ve of fort william was here renewing acquaint anoes last haturday after an absence uf twelvo years he was a delegate to masonla grand lodge at toronto last week lle cliurles caswell sou of pie george caswell was here from tor onto this week after his father re turned from overseas charlie enlisted with canadian forces for siberia ito returned from that expedition last week miss margaret barnes of rochester n y miss mury van natter george jlunuxoncfi orihral tbouw rliien uett toronto and fllgnt lieutenant churlo v bennett of saskatoon were the guests or mr and mrs hubert uiiinctt lake avenue this week n fro the sloro ilko a river trorn iront door to rear a llvo wire was blown duwu and u small boy who grasped it wus shucked aud taken up for dcud ho recovered however at go u rock throe cows were killed by lightning on tin lnunimtu road half tho roof was bluwr oft mr ullott barn tho wrath r vans uf tho congregut tonal church was blown off and a number of chltn poys were blown down and skylight blowur in a kitchener firm wants shoe factory mr gurlcy says he is prepared lo take it over nt once and commence operations council and 0ch00l board dont yct qcc cyc to eye a sjccial meotliiff of tho council was called on monday ovenlng ths business under consideration was to meet mr gurloy ro tho shoe factory proposition and the school board loan of money for tho installation of the icaus ino syotcro a deputation from tho o w v a headed by licrgl gould requested that the council donate a plat in falrvlew cemetery for the burial of any com rades who may bo brought here a returned man had died in toronto and was brought hero for interment ho had been hurled in tho singlo pints that hove by wronu imprcoalon be- eomo known as uio potters field tho g w v a would stand tho ex pense of the removal of tho body and erect a monument and core for the plot the young mans mother was agreeable to having the body removed moved by t cray seconded by a o t bcardmore and resolved that tho council donate a burial plot to tho great war veterans association and if any by lawn on tho books are con trary to this that uio council pur chase a plot and donate soma to tho above assodauonv carried mr j u mackenzie was present re tho settlement of his account for work and material on tho shoo factory tho bill had been found to be o k except ing two items which could not be passed upon by tho councils commit tee tho certified account had not been returned from tho reliance shoe company tho matter win be dlspos ed of at tho next regular meeting this was aatisfactory to mr macken zie the clerk desired nomo information as to ola rcmuncrauon he desired that his salary be paid quarterly and wished to know what extras he wag enutled to the council advised him to render his bill and any items that were thought should not be included by his regular agi cement would hove co nsld erau o n mr gurley of kitchener then ad dressed the meeung with reference to taking over tho shoe factory he wanted tp know if it were possible to take over tho reliance shoe company a he proposed to move the business from kitchener and make tho standard of shoe his firm bad been manufacturing there ho did not sea any difficulty tn taking over tho agree ment as uio number of employees and pay roll of his concern compiled with the agreement the reeve explained that tho town had had difficulty enough and wanted to make sure of getung a reliable con cern the contract binding the be- ilance company was looseclad the council had no control over tho ex penditure on tho building mr luvett had been given uio zc 000 to do as ho pleased with mr gurlcy said ho was wilung to give a statement of assets and a bank reference councillor bcardmore uiought tho council should have a claim of at least 13000 on tho concerns the 12 000 in vested in the building would then bring thi total of kg 000 secured mr gurley said bo had 20 000 worth of machinery and stock 16 000 in stock this amount did not include leased machinery but ail machinery was owned by him he wished to get to work at once and was prepared to take over tho ugrejnct immediately he had no objection to the council inspecting tho machinery in kitchener and alining a valuo of it ho had in spected the building hero and founj it satisfactory mr mackenzie estimated that it would cost about 000 ubovo bis con tract prico of til 900 to complete uio building with boating system light ing etc mr bcardmore suggested that the council appoint a commit too to look into tho standing or tho firm and deal with mr gurley a report when handed in mr gurley atrecd to send tho state ment and refcruitcci as duoii au pos sible j tho twiiool board uucbuun wus uien brought up fop dlscusilon mr beardmoro asked dr grayo opinion on tho installauon of uio kaus tine system in viow of uio likelihood of wat rworks bulng installed in tho near future tho dr uald conditw ns ut tho school in regard to a toilet oyulcmvrcro scan dalous he did not believe a cesspool system far uio school of tho size of ours practicable ho thought tlw kauuuuo system admirably adapted to tho needs of thh school tho feeling of tho council appeared to be thut there was not enough os iteration between lb i board and tho council tho board had agreed to write tho lcutmtlno coirpany asking them to wiuwld thoir contract unul ths matter was aettlod none of uio board were present to toll the council what tctiolt had been taken and uio system was rbported bolng installed tho iteovo reported tout the bocro- tary of the board had ahown him a letter from tho minister of lducaurn which iioiii- out that uio council if they so desired eoul 1 grant uio board thu necessary funds without going to the people mr beardmoro thoui1 t the probable saving or ii 000 tlf waterworks ore ln- tnllodk wus worthy of cjt sldcrutlou no action wus taken further than uils general thresh lug over of the uattur couucu udjourued ut lo to piu cntcned the ministry when miss lucy wanted particularly lino chickens she always drove over to see old aunt kits who bad a scrap of u funu and mudo a specialty of raising chick ons for the quality folks one day us tho lady stopped in front of the cabin aunt kttu came out and hung over tier sate chickens she ex claimed in answer to her customers rciucst chickens why law miss i ut don t you all know lhcrej been u umn nice tin and 1 reuchers con fcrenco i own horct why i alt t got one chicken left theyre all dona entered lb ministry u yplncot t a british graves in france as slated by sir ldwurd kemp overseas mliiiollr of m lilt la in refer eiico lo tho work of uio imperial war tjfntvca curom bra tun there are l 000 isolated graven on uio battlenuldu uf fiuiice und belgium and tho total number of graves of urltlnh soldiers in those urean is c mi rlsed as follows united kingdom 4s3 730 canada 43 031 australia 3 131 now ituland u 393 he uth africa 4 460 south africa native ijibor corps cslt new fouiidbind bus lndlu natives 0406 and british west in lies 068 this re promiitu u totul or lirltlsh noldlera graves in irulico una liolgluui of 379 everybody i goinu to ouslph thss days running i lr uk lurou lueui i lo noh ip buucbul fn i imi i und inuulc smlmiuy yuuit in 1 mt uduy aug uut 4 itlvh hullluy fl 100 0u prizcu tho 1 it days in western ontario trains in all directions uftor

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