Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1919, p. 2

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rn r jit atttm mtt e fwaja tuuuhday july 34 ll what thev are btnqinq in australia tutu tliiporary una niton nhort wuy to prohibition itn a niiro way to k iim hid only way to bring salvation tn th dcarcnt land i know ll tin nil pull together ami this in our onjc han nhort nhort way to prohibition anil australia go in ntion il u nhort nhort way to itohlblllon it tho twmt wny to p iln tho only way to savs our people itom tho nation greatest co ootmlbyo bloom and borrow i nrewell und il repair itn a nhort way to itohlbltton and australias coins thre it n a bright bright way to prohibition it tho right way to no to uv our npbla manhood and lay tho oppressor low lot uji all voto togthr anil thin is our prayer una bright bright way to prohibition and australia n right there scottish reformer u ila8 martin wu fond of boasting that there had ben no frills on hi education by dint of thrift find industry be had become the owner of great nutehlno shop and was a wealthy man but all the knowledge of books he possessed had been acquired in a utile red school house on top of a bleak new england hill he bad come to believe that experience was the best teacher and held a poor opinion of a practical business career accordingly when stephen wright a harvard graduate stepped into mr martins office one morning and ap plied for a position in the shop be was received coldly by the great man btephen was dressed in faultless attire ligbteolored tie and fancy vest with kid gove on his hands and a bright carnation in his buttonhole a smile curled the lip of the machine shop magnate as ho looked the young man over what do you want to do be in quired learn the business from top to bottom was the reply host boys have to go at it the other way and learn it from the bot tom k the top if they learn it jv remarked the older man sarcastically very well- i am ready to begin at the bottom a do you know where the bottom is in this establishment why no in tact i had not even thought well i will tell you young man it 1 down in the furnace pit where the temperature is 120 and the men stripped to their waists are throwing great chunk of block coal into tho firebox while the sweat runs in dirty streams down their backs ill begin there said the young man irmly nrwsinc bis llpa together and squaring pis rroad athletic shoul ders you wlil ebt exclaimed the older man looking keenly at his visitor well ill notify the foreman to take you pn you had better go out and buy a pair of overalls and a jumper although i am afraid you will not work long qnougb to make the money to pay for them thank- you aald stephen politely and left the ofaos the old man as he was commonly known throughout the works chuckled at the thought of the transformation which on day la the furnace pit would snake in the ap pearance of therastldlous college grad uate the young fellows determina tion however had appealed to htm and he notified his foreman to keep an eye on the new man and u he stuck to his task in the furnace pit for a week to pot him in the main shop and acq what there was la him three or four days later he- hap pened to think of young wright and decided to know how be was getting papers lie chuckled while he read and as he finished the but sheet for the second time its brought his fist down on the 4esk with a bang which maile tho ink bottt rattle i ii get that contract ho cried ami looked up to see fcttephen wright verv qulatty wulthlng htm an amused smlls upon his smoothly shaven face tho young man looked neat and trim in pile of the overalls and jumper ho what do you wantr demanded mr martin impatiently the foreman said you wished to see me sir wmh tttut reply wished to see yout thundered the man at the desk what does he mean by tbott tho person i want to- see just at present is the man who originated this device and drew these plans- i am the man sir was stephens reply what is that you sayr demanded the older man half rising from his halr is this your work well well my boy 1 shall have to admit that misjudged pu you are a genius after all and 1 am t ob man who cannot realise that trie now generation may be just as smart as their fathers if they do not have quite the same way of looking at things hut how did you hit upon this ideat welt sir said burphen well pleas- ed at the turn affairs had taken 1 always have hod a love for machinery i shaped my whole college course with the idea of learning everything pos sible about mechanics in a historical theoretical and practical way this idea came to me soon after i entered the shop but 1 have been month in developing it and working out the details well well exclaimed the owner of the works again i did not make a mistake that time after all how ever it may have been a good thing for you to begin at the bottom now will you allow me to buy or lease tho device juwlu gladly accept any proposition you may make t appreciate your kindness my boy and i wlu tell you frankly that this means a great deal more to me just at this particular moment than at any other time for it will result in making it possible foe me to secure one of the biggest contracts which has come to these worita for years i will send for a lawyer and have papers drawn up which will fully protect you in this matter the old man hesitated a moment then he turned placed his band on the shoulder of the young m and added when you go back into tho works it will be as assistant supcrin lendeht- star monthly the sunday school lessor for sunday july 27 1q10 where is 0het where in the old mnltl o b fouuilt thai li ihtt puaxlo of today hho may ihj lurklnij in mi mo rmul villus or h mluht jhnmlbly m foun 1 lit mi mi 1ij ilrn nr nvaslile rvitort for foitiillu hot tho nlil ma lil wo all unfit f lti i till man had interested him in spite of his dandified appearance doing into the works the proprietor climbed down into the furnace room looking jong the line of stokers he saw stephen wright was not among them the shop owner smiled disdainfully just as x expected he muttered there la nothing in these college fellows on his way bock to the dmee he met the foreman that young feuow x sent down the other day be remark ed didnt last long i sea oh yes replied the foreman he stuck to hi work all fight but noon he was around the machinery asking questions of the men who ate their dinners here and showing so much interest that i decided to bring him in from the pit right away us is too smart a hoy to be handling coal itather a queer chap fussy about his clotheaand all that but ho has the making of a firstclass machinist him humph waa the extant of the e ployrs comment as he walked very thoughtfully back to bis desk a year passed mr martin soon forgot about stephen wright he had other and much more important mat- ten to eaffage his mind his business was golnanbadly he bad suffered several severe losses and was worried about the future an exceptionally large contract for mill machinery waa about to be let he bad expected confidently to secure this contract without difficulty had anticipated making a large profit through certain business channels however he bad just learned- that rival firm was planning to enter much lower bid than he could safely make and he was gotnc oer his fig- urea for the fifth time one morning- striving to discover some item which could be out when the foreman ap peared at the door the man hes before making the errand known then mtdilnary7 nnoknoy jhati ought to bather you with this matter but one of the men in the works has invented a device to be used in con nection with the manufacture of mill machinery which ha claims will great ly reduce the cost here are the plans ana spedficaslon he has drawn have been over tbem and as far as i see what be proposed to do u entirely practical mr martin had listened to his em ptoyeas statement with tl attention and almost aaai papers from bis band aa ha the transformation con tinues toronto july is 131 dear sir all over ootario premise that were formerly used for the manufac ture or sale of intoxicants are being changed into buildings for other use ful purposes ffrcw and distiller ies are being converted into factories or storage houses bar rooms into drug stores or banks liquor stores into groceries or bakeries this is occurring all over the pro vlnoe with a resultant improvement in the appearance of many streets in the towns and villages and the moral betterment of the community as whole the same thing is already in pro gress in the united states the nn tlonal advocate reports that a brewery in vtlot michigan has become church one in aberdeen wuh has become a clam cannery one in spok ane la making vinegar one in mobile is making syrup and stock feed from watermelon one in iowa city is mak ing butter one tn north yakima la manufacturing byproducts of fruit one in lansing is making auto parts one in peoria ill is grinding corn meal one in rhode island is produc ing moving picture one in seattle l turning rice tnto syrup one in chic ago is a hospital and another is soft drink factory one in salem ore- is now making logan berry juice one in washington pa is m paints oils and varnish one tn whseung parkins meat and several others are in the dairy business the huge an heuserdusch brewing plant- in st louis according to report is to be converted soon tnto a packing plant establishment one tn kansas city is passing into the hands of a food pro ducts concern many of these estab lishments now employ more workers than when in tho beer business if we add to thee wonderful changes for thf bettir tho number of men who iiy jluwp l hfjilllhit ciiiuhtian fmlowsiih acts 42 4tt 47 1hll 4 10 30 additional material for teachers 1sa iis 13 mai 3 11 horn 12 1g 16 ih ii 1 1s lleb u it 1 john 4 7 1 common script ur passage iz and they continued stodfostly in tho apostles teaching and fellowship in the breaking of bread and tho pray era 40 and day by day continuing utoil fastly with one accord in tlio templo and brcatang bread at home they took their food with gladness and ulngle ness of heart 47 lruhlng god ami huvlox favor wtth all the people and tho iord added to them day by day those t wl were saved 10 ilut i rnjouxi in ufa lord srcully that now at length ye have revived your thought for mo wherein ye did indeed take thought but ye lacked opportunity 11 not that i apeak in rrnpoct of want for 1 have learned in whnt vo ever uto i am therein l bo content u i know how to bo abased ai 1 i know ii1o how to abound in ov ry thing nnd in all things have i lea icl the socret both to be filled and hungry both to abound and to bo in want 13 i can do all things in him that strengtheneth me li ilqwbett ye did well that ye ha 1 fellowship with my affliction lit and ve yourselves also know y milttpplans that in tho beginning of the gospel when i departed from macedonia no church had fellowship wtth me in the matter of giving and receiving but ye only 16 for even in thessalonlca yo sent once and again unto my need 17 not that i seek for tho gift but i seek for the frul that in crease ui to your account 18 but i have all things and abound i am filled having recelved from kpaphrodltu tho things hat came front you an odor of a sweet smell a sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to god 19 and rnyi god shall aupply every need of yours according to his rlchc in glory in christ jesus 30 now unto our god and father be the glory for ever and ever amen golden text if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another 1 jiohn 1 7a departmental topics and rsfsreneea primary topic loving one another 2 sam 9 110 omitting lost sen tence additional material tor teachers 1 bam is l- 19 17 chap 20 memory verse a new command ment i give unto you that yo lovo one another john 13 34 junior toplo choosing our com panlons i sam is 1i 15 17 with some reference to chap 30 memory verse john ib 12 intermediate and senior christian friendships prov john ie 12 17 1 john 3 is is younic people and adult toplo tho uasla of christian fellowship act 3 42 46 47 phil 4 1030 john 17 30 zi blackboard christian fellowship in love of christ christian fellowship mutual friendship christian fjsllowimip united worship christian fellowship heputjl service tin r t w m a tlmb whi n nlil inn dluh in i i iitiirtcil iiulio young whim u klrl hud ponsed tho ruhlian of twutity lhiin r i ilift wim iut puitod in iki i i ulnit oti ih nliulf lervor thai mny be 1 o day iiha is never on t1u hliolf him u motli too buuy mid of fur too tnuili tmtortance in the great lit mlilen iilm hun n vote hlto iiiit 1 1 nil a i rum tu purilumont hho un inlhiunio thii itiintlny of tlio iiutlun to day vry cifn it mi utmuirrlcd woman who in not tinlinmtjil to ionfi tu tu forty nine yfuru hi wl h r very hint unil hrlihtcmt iiuferrcd von by ynuiituli limn to imirli youiucur womiin hho huu t xporlonru nnd upuilty hho in u woman of iiftulm mn had inunm urn to roll oltvj ul w to th u food tuo that were turned into poison but now go to feed- the people we will get a glimpse of some of the blessings that follow prohibition h arnott mr m c p s- evangelism and social service so thouqhtleimi of him after a tnleerably wet day the i happy holidaymaker retired to his hoard log- house bed thinking it mlsed little for a happy holiday by tho sea worse waa to come about 2 ajn the rain found a way in and began to drip with unpleasant persistence oi his bed he tugged madly at the bet and presently heavy footstep sounded in the passage outside what do you wantr demanded on irate female voice you must give me another room aald the visitor firmly a he went oi dressing ttte rains leaking in her like fury oh i i that all snapped the voice if you look under the bed youll find an umbrella just use tu snd dont disturb everybody a- this time or night lovefi millionaires loves millionaire are the only ones to bo envied some of them are rich a the world counts riches but quite as many are poor they do not live in pa p as a rule but kindne4 arid consideration are among the fur nishings of their homes they may not dress elegantly but they are adorn ed with jewels of courtesy and gentle ness their bank account may b small but the number of their friends 1 great they have little money to invest but every day they make r investments of helpfulness and this is bringing wonderful returns the rich man leaves his money behind blm for his hairs to quarrel over loves mil uonalre carry their wealth with tham and are enriched by it to all eternity eat less live longer tho new york life inaurance com pany hit innuod u ntatcmont that tho mortality of the company tn jcrmuuy durtiii the four years of tho war won tvvi ivo per rent lew- than for tho elovi n yturf of n nco inimodluloly rtfcduir ibe company m chief urtu ary iuv an tho ixiuuutton what it in thd rrmull or reutrictlon iii cuuii und hi tho ilrlnkluc of ulrohollo ixvoi utrm und llm i nforcml cxnrclbii tin in h u roil i n uru polled to take 1 li ticturury dve u prescription for pro longing lift rchtrictoil diet to tut ubntltiencri und proper excrcue good richmond christian advocate if i only had a little capital time and again you have heard someone say if i only had a little capital back of me 1 know i could make money with that proposi tion resohxi today lhat you will not face fortune mptyhanded sow the seeds of your success by starting a savuigs ac count wih this bank now rue bfluui of nova scotia pljipti 4139 000 bomr i u00q la w k aioulam actio uauw juioolinw lesson thoughts fellowship and communion are two words having precisely the s meaning they express the relation which the followers of christ enjoy wtth one another let us ascertain whenca that relation proceed und what it includes l our fellowship with each other has its basis in our common love of christ we love christ not us wo cherish the memory of a dead friend but as we feel toward a beloved ono who walks by our elde listen to talks wtth us comforts u in our trouble encourages u in our anxieties bestows upon us the high honor and the rich pleasure of hi companion ship 2 out of our common love of christ arise a friendship wkh each other two strangers meeting in rio de jan eiro und that they have a mutual friend in new york and at once there is a bond of union between them who ever loves christ will be awakened to an interest in others who share that love 3 our fellowship finds joy in united worship we love the gathering of gods people in the church because there we worship together and enjoy corapan ions hip with thoso whose inter est and affection are one with ou own 4 chriatian fellowship finds happl nea in helpful service in the church of the early days we ses the members giving freely and generously to aid their needy brethren wo find the saints visiting the sick performing helpful act not a a burdensome duty but a a joyful service our thought should not be of what we can obtain from christ church but what we can gtv to it and do for it as our lord came not to bo ministered unto but to minister reading for next wk monday longing for god house isa iu tuctday 1 re para tlon for worship john 4 116 wedneaday christian worship john 4 ltie thursday intelligent worship l cor 14 1012 bviday drawing nigh to god hob 10 18 36 saturday- removing tho obstacles- matt 18 lb xo sunday joyous wonthlp ia- lii it expe eye of the practical machinhtt which ran the blue sheets and took in every da- tall of the drawing that mr martin found satisfaction in what he saw waa evidenced from the smile which played about hi lip and the lndloatleoa of suppressed e which tug ner betrayecl 0rddoty ha turned to the toresisuswho had been wmtchlng am 1u urpriaofl taterawt bond tho tnaa bar ha ootatrasooaal srteo made thsae drawings r wait to itt him 1 b 7 i away and ttw qcttina his status what did mr cummlnga say to you last night clara when he was trying to button your glove queried the anxious mother why replied the daughter aald that any firm making gloves us hard to button as mine ought to quit the business t wil my dear continued the an xious mother take my advice and ekmt wast any more time in that dlrecvott brooklyn clusen eskimo candy if you were a little eskimo you would have a queer kind of cand ii is nothing but tallow but the es kimo boys and girt like it very tnuoh their mothers and sisters put it up l i bright rod packaffes made out of tlio feet of water fowl tha wn kill tin birds which are called dpveklo and then the women cut off the brgl re feet and riiw out the oonee o o make little bag or pocket of tkiii which tht y nil with ceiideer talcw for the children th ilkr it a well a you do your chocolate drop or trlpe1 red andwhlta peppermint hticks selected passchkndaua sarraab during the battle of tho canadian corps artillery orsd t lmtm snwha of all kinds t tola amount of asasnualttott could ba toca- sloni train tn length of this train would be it mllea it u wtto in the report of tho ovavtea mtohrtar of who claimed the flowers t the minister who made the follow ing announcement seems to have been prepared for untoward re u its from his preaching there uro soma flowors hone ha salt for those who are nick at the close of this service nervous mothers should profit by the experience of these two women buffalo n y u i am tho mother ol four children and for nearly thrco years i sullorod irom a fcmula trouble with paiua in my hat k and aldo tuid a konnral wtaknoas i had pn fosaionnl ntlendanco mot of that tirao but did not bcum to jot wall as a laat resort i ducldod to try lydia k plnkhnjnq vogotablo compound which i had neon advertised in tho iuwspapora and in two weeks noticed marked improtemant i continued its uso and am now free from pain and ablo to do oil my houao- work mrs b b ziattwntfa floa weiss stroot buffalo n y portland inil i hada dlrmlruximuptand snfforod so badly from jt at timcb j could not be on my foot at alt x was 11 run down and eo weak i tould nob do my bousework was nervous und could not uo down at nkrhb i took treatmenta irom a phyalcian but thoyj did not help mo my aunt recoinmended irdla k finkhams vegetahlo compound 1 tried it and now i am etrong and well ogam and do my own work and i givo lydia jl pinkhama jompound tho orodu mrs josbphinb ejotiu 036 woat baca street portland ind evrsrw sidrwotnan should try odia e pinkhams vegetable compound trkachniwam mutcimk c0vrmnmau i ibm ui iii iimmimnrmisigkieiii printing the strong right arm of business canadian buiuebh hupremticy it thi result of fine ideau energy and printer ink advertibing is the twin of salesman ship never are they separated every business profession or vocation uses them in some form the mainspring of all business is advertising and printing is the voice that carries the message to its market yoir call upon printing to establish confidence and good will to create deaireto buy indeed your printing is yourself multiplied to the quantity necessary to reach the vast number you can not pos sibly reach in person national advertising is a wonderful force to exeiwheilyji is country- wide but first ol alland always must you employ the more intimate ap peal of direct advertising the strong right arm of businesb lel your printed message impress its importance und your personality by its jualitythe work of the free press 3sdh1 help to prevent fire0fol low tmebc rules 1 lulw lll umllth mil i ill iitum n in tlm du it und utmnti or ilin h out ro uuvlng hem don t into brunh iruvui or i dlc 3 muuhiif amp llullrt a timal mudro ilulld it in tin open n thulnut a iilii or log or near hruali si iapu uwuy lhi tnleh from ull uround it 4 leaving camttnever ifavo i i niiillr avun fur a hurt tlnio with nut uuojicuink it with water uinl tlm iiv iiiik it with rurth t uunllreu nuvir build honllriit i wlmly wi iithcr ui wlioro tin ro i th hllkliunt luithirof thdr cucuplnit f r m oitlnil dun t muko them laruvi than imi it iid u i lihtlng i lnu if you lmd a 111 fry ty put ij out if you tau t get word if it to thu nvurent foilmt rutiglr ut 1 lui ubuvo rule foi tlm provontlon f flih prrpnrid by the united btauti i oteiil service arw atiually uppllcubli to t a i in on their ubuorvuncn wuuhl i fur lwwjil icsnunlug tliu trcmeiid ini toll liikoii uch ycur by tho fnro iii ii ilunil 3uqar in vlqeltaqlea an til tul unlr lh tltui of hilum in tin v ki lalilu ivliikilom iiflortu tin fi d fin ihouiiht jflor unrt ini tlmt hiulii tif thu mnro vuluaulu i i i vrtluu of our popular uiulu vuieu tuliktt are lout in nuurly all cim mu ii uk h tuulty ci oklns till la pur rularly llm ciuio with tho nugar which in uly all of tin m ouiituln though not t no itr ul uti uit tent u tho hugur i nun or tlm huicur becl among tli v mtjbluu whlh may bo mentioned tt i ki ui nnrtlmlarly rich in thin vulu ublo ftmd loiuttltucnt may bo mention i l onion turnlph of varlouu kind m ru i urunipu jorusalcm artlcliokta i uoh l untt und other lcgumlnoua tidu cufoulm tiotatoc und grotii iiutublv4 uro not bo rich in bugai hut po4uiuit uthtr vuluublu constituent fop f no all present mi h tut jiftwkl wu hulutt murrii i i thu b of iiih heart and bin friend in 1 1 uidund mi i udmlild hln manly it iriiik ut the altar 1 ho i nioiiy wuh half way through whim luuuu wnt pidu und lurno i uwuy i iuut in going now ho i i lulmid huhii ikcyl wlilnpcrvd hln proh 1 1 1 tlvo fnthorlnlaw you muthn t think it now hut i must crlott iuaac 1 junt r inombcrod i va left tho joor my info wide oimnt v 1l vull nuld thu uld man tiro in id to bother l will bo rlkht all your friend tha urn hero i saturday treat try our now chtwsolato crisp hupriur to iatttirkrlsp lleg wa lb- thlturday ppocuvl 40o other too chocolate for 39a cocoa liuds bettor than maplo iluds lh 60o our ito craam xarlor is again opou with mucli bettor ico cixpjn and tlio sajntt good servloo uulk ica cream pint 30o ufiok leu cream soon 30 any quantity dsllvsrsd harold wiles canada pood board lloonaa no 81sus mill street acton when you need boots shoes at any tlsa j buy prom w wlluams mill street acton 1amous tok satisfactory footwear reasonable prices a timely hint for men it mut yuil no itiuiv huia 4vr u ilrm li inn ntadu tu miiuturo suit ot latlllo i lluu uoiiitt ufu ujaltlllac t i mdlntiy uuily madu tlulb lh- wi msks thm cttrroet w trim yhtm tb bst w glvs vouut lstt 8tyl w fit vou pshsouy w u hui no you u i ounutiublu lkj lviru wikii lilub mbhtusd u ru tit n tuck fut ihilor guar- autotid our special a llim of tlnu puftariim in now lnii und liiixiti wonted tul iuum luiiitiaumw uoutbi to oidci ii liny joui furiosi- lntf iilim you mo uru to bo ploa re nelson phon40 hnlfh ouftph the bond hardware co kup ivo i 11 until 1 ii ri 1 fiom 3 7ft to 10 00 ouch lutiiihjt kii iilod it ji7jm nun t 200 2375 ijwu 11 fe00 3m iji vit swln 12 00 wniir mi- jin d 60c goc 70c tloc 10 9125 wulur t inn lulvl 15 aq 64 uiwn ii u inch 13o ptn fo 4 inch 17o pr foil rrit 1iwii 11 u li ti jn p r foot lm 22c t i lyu ir llou 4 i i h 25c 1 r r ot lycur lloui s in li 12o put liot impllm 20o himiu llun i 5c eh kill hllldiii iuq tail lwu t ltii i mc a5c ooo 2sq lluiio ittolu hm r21 3x0 wl havl what you want the uond hahdwaitk co ltd phon 1012 quelph savage co eltvlll amat watch eft diamonds jewellery liqmary desk sets fine chna cut qlafia silverware silk umbrellas fountain pens upcclullut in wed dim ajl ulrtlido tclf t 1xpttrt wutch tuid jcwollcri itcpalror savagc0 70 vssra in qutlnsss in ouslph do not let your nervous energy b wshirf tn nrvvfty unrcllcvud cyustrulh unw up a ttrvwl nmuunt ut tmaruy and ro luu unuuu futitiuu hy rviiuvlntt ihu jcstiuln you huvu junt mm muoh moru unoiiy to vnuhta tu li ork mutv atlluluntly and lu play with uior ylfm u in uquui conaulr acton flour and fml suw v havo a uiiply of thu r wli u now ui hang oit j drnd ol kl oholc norval and national fit u nothlna bltr n252 oats red clovetl bhobts alsike oat chop timothy hall in llarral lb uk of uuull uuuntlty if doatro spkoiaj i ink in clucklw l i oivb ouu 0aut mual 1ihai dduehtic uoljldu oaib tub unrr 0lad mm uon umnt no robert jifoble limited hn awnkv manaqvl j x j

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