Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1919, p. 3

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btarton3rrre3ir0j0 thursday july j 111 dirqe of a member of the middle class whan worker win nhorter dy the coat is pml alone to me with larger tales isrgsr pay the rent cornea higher too you see and so it foa all down the una from alioa and clothe to light and heat no old lima luxuries for mine 1 m thankful now if i can eat let none begrudge the pay they set on form in factory and mill hut every increased wage that a met la added to my grocers bill i do not figure in the same theres nothing- offered me i choose x pay the piper juat the urns when mmo one wins i alwaya lose life vacation thoughts many ore in a nutter over the where and how of a vacation to some the anxiety of setting started and the anxiety of getting stopped will be more exhausting than the otltlns will be re cuperating and minus will have to be written after the finis of the ex perlenca it is the style to hftve a vacation and it may be of untold mental and physical benefit to take it- if we ond one who la so circumstanced thai be cannot oln the procession of salt ca and band boxes he will express his regret in a tone as sad as the sighs of the wind along a lonely road lead- jng to a country graveyard those who are going have been thinking of the sum total of their savings account will it hold out etc one has put it thus little bank roll ere we part let me hug you to my heart all the year ive clung to you i ve been faithful youve bean true utile bank roll on a day you and i will start away to a gay and festive spot ill come home but yon will dot but passing from this the need and advantages of a vacation are many one has said when we go away to vest we ought to get away from man and close to nature we aball have rich returns in bodily and titt re freshment among the mountains or along tho shore the blood stows rich and the brain cool that is a significant fable of the ancients concerning the demigod who in battle got all his falling strength back when thrown to the earth she waa his mother a mothers touch has a virtue not found elsewhere and earth nature is to all of to if we will but allow it a physician for our sickness weariness and wounds our tools get blunted and our arms palalad and we need to be led out into nature which proves often a balm to the dls- qulted mind and out of the roaring wind or in the tiny voice ot the flows our heavenly bather speaks tbo stress and strain of modern life make these seasons of rest and changs very lnvftlng byes that have pored for months over ledgers and mud- ecrlpts need to be stretched across mountain valleys ocean wastes or waving fields of grain lungs a-wear- led of the moll and dust of town or city win be renewed in the axons of green fields or woodland baths there axe many men of business who spend 00 many hours in an office where the aun never shines that they pun lrt forget bow to shine the object therein are painted on their minds tucs ft hideous nightmare and ledgers chairs and desks know their thoughts almost better than anything else this too la the state of many ex cellent women whose motherhood com mands so much of their attention that they forget how their life once did and might again prove warmth and bene diction to all they toncb the law of a real valuable vacation would seem to be forsetfulness iv a man is going to carry his imelisws and its anxieties with him be might as well stay at home if a woman intends to take with her all her house hold cares she might as wall not call her holidays a vacation and if the pastor is determined to study and preach sermons visit the sick and carry the load of bis prayer meeting and other services on bis heart be had better remain in his parsonage the writer la aware that tplm ques tion of vacation which nearly all need and ahould seek in some fornxla at tended with perplexities we may fret because we cannot get the kind of va cation we think we ought to bav but the value of a vacation does not de pend upon its cost but rather upon our success aionguie jinn already in dicated in leaving behind us the dally burden of arousing an interest in sojne other kind of service or eniploytaent if there is nothing that has power to interest us then relaxation is largey out of the question whether we be fifty miles or a thousand miles from theold han op the big clock tower p haturdny won a regular old time holiday outside of fair days i ho von t witnessed surh u rolohratlan in arton for a few years uu1 hoi beamed down with all vengeance and contributor his imrt to making it old fashioned in the matter of being a real slmxler i ob served proceedings from tho tower until after the parade leaned out ant peeked around and saw groupa ossein bllng on willow blreel then i pa tiently waited until that long string wendod their way over the hot march and fued down post the tower enjoyed every bit of that parade from the clown lending to the newlywod darky pair bringing up tho rear then i hustled out of tho timer and jolpyld that seething mob bound for the park i got down there and six led and pern plred watched the ball game listened to the orenadlera band saw the races and had a humdinger of a day you might think 1m getting too old for all these celebrations but a man is just as old aa be feels and every time the band strikes up and everybody starts celebrating i don t foil a bit more than forty and i join in with that class as i said before i had a great day of 1l the veterans enthusiasm was con tagious- and i caught a bit of it as 1 believe everyone else did and had a real good time speaking about such celebrations there was the absence of one thing in this function from the old times used to be that some people thought they couldnt have a good time without get ting akeed up the day was no good for them unless they got rolling drunk and mixed up in a brawl or some sort my what a difference in this peace celebration nobody was drunk there were no wives ashamed of their hus bands and had their pleasure spollod for the day daddy bought ice cream cones for the kiddles instead of throw lng his nickels oil day long over a bar until be got tanked up there was no unseemly conduct such as used often to disgrace such gatherings i heard more than one remark about it and the fervent hope expressed that the drink will never again return to mar celebrations or anything else let make a most titling pence memorial by establishing these conditions for ever with our ballots when the time comes the council was rather invidious in singling out charlie deverell last week because he emptied his ice cream re tainers on the street why didnt they go the whole round and instruct tho uiinip ip officer to adylse he mer chants generally that it u a very un tidy practice to aweep out paper broken twine and other sweepings on the street fiince mill street has been clea up and resurfaced this prac tice becomes very obvious and un sightly charlie admits he only used the street as a convenience what re or less are the other fellows doing but most people have bobbles plants reading nature study amateur photo graphy boating etc and if we can only bitch our vacation chariot some- bow to one of these we will in all probability get a great deal of pleasure and no small amount of profit out ot a vacation which may take us only a little dista from boms and will not be a heavy draft upon our mmhi1 in come blabop bapgood of the methodist episcopal church south waa once re proved by a matter of fact brother who did not see how ausy servant ol the church could afford to spend whole day w a ashing rod above the shaded waters of a xseorgia stream the wise and good bishop said go slashing as a means of grace that la the philosophy of it it l possible that manyloo at nature with bpnd eyes tbey no voices but a sensitive soul in touch with ood can bear as a hymn of praise the s of the pines and the deep voiced billows the uaald newer lift ing its blushing yet confined face to the von open bis eyes to see ood these things hush bis vexed and weary spirit llks a lullaby indeed ha la as one whom his mother comfort ethv an old man said rsproaohfull to m overwoikad pastor who was starting for a two weeks vacation in the moun tains pastor satan never takes 1 vabauon wett my dear mr jones aid the pmtor ti never did believe in imitating- aatan of oourae it must be remamhered alwaya by the christian man or aroman on vacation that oar master calls for fidelity and we mustlatomr ught shi while daprtred for the time beta of ota ifeawsrtftaiows prrrllege if we 4v the dwftt v aeortgng on the urn msr tlaw h wul be bard to get mat w sign w auto claim to the ten hemetu- bertngtas wemett not mlse the rellg the lot upon which the pretty utile baptist church stands was first occu pied by a blacksmith shop built and operated by james lightheart a brother of john and samuel tho coop ers he built this shop about 1866 or fit and operated it until be decided to remove from acton and sold out to his brother in law james ryder who had been an apprentice in the shop he did a thriving trade and built up large business tbe story is told that one dark win ter night when mr hill whose store was across the street went to tbe door to bring in the goods displayed out side that a pair of fine kip boots missing suspicion fell upon one of tbe apprentices of the ryder shop- search was made and the boots were discovered hidden under tho bellows of the young mans forge about the year 1888 this shop was destroyed by fire toothing daunted mr ryder at once prepared for the erection of much larger premises he not only built a blacksmith shop but a carriage factory and a large show room in front prior to this william grant brother in law ot mr ryder bad been doing the pecessary wood work for the shop wow it was all done here for some years in 1818 the members of the congre gational church in acton decided that too inconvenient to go up to the old home church at churchill for ser vice and that it would be advantageous to nave a new church in the growing village the methodists having erected a new church the year before mr ryder waa a moving spirit in the en terprise he was a member of the building committee and treasurer of tbe qoam the church was built and the opening took place in 1b7t with dr ives as the preacher of the day tbe congregation worshipped here for only a few years the cost of erection seriously embarrassed the finance com mittee and the- mortgage held by dr mecullough georgetown was finally foreclosed later the lord s army and the salvation army used it but it wu finally purchased by su joseph s r c church from the mecullough estate in 1878 or t the ryder shops were again destroyed by fire tbe residence which was saved at the time of the previous ore went this time with the rest of the property mr ryder moved to petrolea where he conducted a large business and finally died there a utile later a smsll ahop was built by p j smith on the rear of the lot he conducted a blaeksmlthlng business for later he went into larger enterprises he was for a time blacksmith of the eaton stab les at toronto then for a time he was manager of a large steel plant at belleville to day he is superlnten dent of one of the largest steel manu factories in the west with head quart ore at winnipeg twenty years ago this summer the llaptlsts who had worshipped for forty years in the roughcast church 01 augln street a few yards away secur ed the property and built the present church rev mr mcalplne was the pastor j francis brown toronto tho architect and john evans now of ualt the principal contractor mr john flrsthrook toronto an acton boy was chairman at the opening servti a year or two after its opening the building was struck by lightning and narowly escaped destruction the being in the roof and tower the splendid work of aoton fire brigade quenched the flames and saved the sacred edifice from destruction rsv harold oarr the present pastor is the seventh since the new church opened i think the present building on the next lot where the family of austrians are now living is the first building erected there it waa built for bakery and residence jim hsmlltt if i remember correctly both mr and mrs franc is dcmjmoy tho father and mother of mrs matthews ami early settlers in acton wore burled from thla home mr matthnwa cams into posnlsnloii of the lot lo church hlroet he said it mrs i thurston and after her marriage to mr i awcelt and romovu1 to icimborly she sol 1 it to mr john cameron who erected the two com modlous tenements now on tho lot on tho oast side of this lot whoro the reeve built bis garage last fall there was a knitting factory operated by a w ore in now jf toronto tills was destroyed by fire about twenty- five years ago this fire occurred be fore our fire brigade was organised owing to the greasy wool and oils about the faotuaytho flro waa a hot one and it was thought that the mat thews house could not be eavod there was a splendid bucket brlgado formed and the lino from the neighboring walls worked vigorously in passing water up to the roof john cameron and h moo ro atood on the rldgo at the chim ney and dlrocted the water supply for an hour or more and by the united exertions of all concerned the home of edward matthews and family irus saved the original house on the corner where mr william sayers resides waa built by henry damper now of crew sons comers about forty five years ago here several members of his family were born mr john harvey owned tho property for a short time when mr sayers purchased the pro party he enlarged and improved it he alwaya has a fine garden it tvas currently reported last spring that he shovelled the snow off a portion of tho lot in order to plant potatoes sufficiently early to beat any other irishman in town billy alwaya must have new taties and green pays by tho twelfth of july you know at least i heard some no lay folks about the barber shop say ap john mcllao lived with mr and mrs sayers in this home before he took his fateful journey west whore ho was seized with typ hold fever and died the old man who 18 blind t will every person who reads this notice and knows a blind man or woman anywhere in canada kindly send tho name and address of that blind one to tho canadian national institute for the blind 16 king st hast toronto the institute is conducting work for the blind along the most modern scientific lines and desires that each blind resident of canada should have the opportunity or availing himself or herself of the benefits re present ell by this work the immense task of registering every case of blindness can only bo accomplished successfully by tho earn est cooperation of the public gen eraly that is why we ask you to send the names and addresses blind people you may know the following departments of work are being actively prosecuted by the institute industrial department for men industrial department for women department of field work department of- home training department of prevention of blind ness library department department of after care residence and vocational training the chautauqua creed i believe in our town i believe in our boys and girls i believe in clean entertainment for our town i believe in clean streets and alleys in flowers and grass plots in mjjd ings both sightly and useful i bellevo lha much of my happiness depends upon the happiness of my neighbors i believe that much of my prosper lty depends upon tho prosperity of my neighbors tub chautauqua pledge i will work for our boys and girls for our schools and churches i will help provide wholesome re creation tend clean entertainments for our town i will work for my neighbors i will give s deaf ear and a briulod tongue to all scandal about my neigh bora i will delight my own and my neigh dors eyes with gross plots instead of rubbleh heaps with flowers instead of weeds i will bury any grudge against my neighbors by buying at the stores in our town i will help make our town the best town on the map the huron indiano ghatnilaln and lo curon found the uurtinn in advance of tho other north em tribes in many rt 11 poets thny found them u nation of probably 10 000 mjula duttributod in tlgliteen vll infc- heat tared chiefly through thn towniihlim of tiny tuy kloau mo dotito n ml orlilla tho villages which worn fixed wora composed of housce not of wigwams as was the custom with many indian tliosoon tho frontier npxt to their enemies were irons ly fortified by- walls or palisades tho sites of these being saloctod with a vlow to pro leo tlon wood and water being ulso con aldcrwd sumo of the houses wero of great extent ranging from fifty to two hundrotl and forty feet long and their construction was ingenious two rows of tall sapllnga were plan to 1 in tho round bent together at tho top until there was loft an jjjoloidaco of a fool or two in width along the ridge and then lashed together bo um to form a sort of arbor or booth about thirty foet in width at the bottom and about twenty foet in height other poles wore tied securely lo these up right poles and then the sides were slteuthaj in bark overlapping to shod tho rain and snow another row of horizontal polos kept these huge bark shingles in place along either side of the interior were scaffolds or bunks about four feet from tho ground which covered with firs furnished sleeping compartments the place be nsath was the storehouse tot fuel and cooking utensils while there was a compartment at the and of the house used us astoreroom for corn fish sun flowers and other articles of food along tho upper poles were hung their bows and arrows clothing skins and clusters of ear corn down the middle ware tho fires each furnishing heat for two families the smoke escaping through the narrow opening left in tho top nf the house picture such a house aspocially in thv winter or fes tal season ii who entered behold a strange upectaclo tho ylsta of fire lighting tho smoky concave the brons ed groups encircling each other eat ing gambling or amusing themselves with idle gossjp shrtvellod squaws hideous with throe score years of hard hips grisly old warriors scarred with iroquois war clubs young aspirants whose honors were yet to he won damsels gay with ochre and wampum restless rtilldren pellmell with restless dogs covered with fleas such was the fifty to one hundred houses and homes that constituted tho huron vll luge m mentioned tho principal towns were filed but frequently the smaller those unprotected ware mov od to a new site this taking place whan wood became scarce the soil ex haustod or the location unsanitary obviously this accounts for so many village mtes being found throughou the county of slmcoe david wu llama in the canadian magazine the dov with the ae a boy in a buck yard wan chopping wood ho wan working luitloasly and liidiitirmtly when he reached an ununuully knott block hui axo struck it feebly muklni hut little jmprcoalon tin th mount iudi blows would have tloiio no more thuit bruiito the aurfoce of tho wood yet tlio boy was expand lng his energy tlrlrut himself without accomplishing anything huddonly a whuuja sounded on the other side of the fence another boy appeared with nn invitation to the listless worker to join lufn in sonio eport tho boy wtui tho oxo seemed transformed lifting his implement on high ho brought it down with all his farce cleaving tho stubborn block and sending tho aplutilers 111 atldlrectlons that boy is tho typo of many work era tiny kc p on llntlciutly at their allotted lauk using their energy ex ha us ting their utrangth but decora pushing nothing until someone comes along and urea their impulses then thny dtriko blows ttiat uro blows why dcpeiid on others for our inspiration t the literal truth two tommies wero indulging in the soldiers privilege growling about their troubles and tho high cost of enjoying life while on leave 1 order d a chicken dinner at a cafe and they churned me a dollar and six bits said one a no wo boy overheard him say mister lie said i know where you can get 4 chicken dinner for wo bits a good big one too the soldier looked skeptical but the newsboy insisted that ho was tell ing the truth and told the street and number of the blace too a few days later the two soldiers went to the city and determined to visit the cheap restaurant they found the address it was a feed store the most obstinate corns and warts full to resist tiolloway a corn cure try it- end op the hunt a young swede appeared at the county judges office and asked for a license whit kind of a licensor asked tho judge a hunting license t no was the answer aye tank aye bene hunting long enough ayr want marriage license jun11 int iss brawny scotchman was the first baser after a year or so he left town and settled in bt clair mich where ba opened a bakery married a wife and raised a family tbe hannahs followed hamilton utah b b nlcklln conducted the bakery for a time thla was where tho fttathama oomraanoed business when they cam from georgetown here tby baa not ony excellent brea1 cakes and pastry but many an artlxua wsjddlnej oaks waa made and daoorated bar for the harpy bride of thlrtj and nvweysar ago tho premise wera pwaftaned over twenty yamra ago by tboeaaa baatoq lnd aun bekn to tuamat fjlnoa then k baa bad num- tanana a few years ago wh- iftsbo patntst bud his shop ha bandatd wall paper and f ntmmgaa and talked u virtues tsiwmrt utotumnra wttrth hotim ark you a pmjqqer t or a pluggeb r plugging denotes energy driving force determination and a w 1 conquer plodding is aimless ambi tion less and often hopeless a plugger is a man who pushes ahead a plod der is a man who trudges ahead a plugger is a man who gets what ho wants a plodder is a man who never gets what he wants bees use he doesa t travel fast enough to catch up to it- to the plodder each morning hegins another day to- the plugger each morning begins a hew day see the difference to the one each day b another eight or ntuo hours of grind lng out work of performing contlnu ous dutlesrand filling in time to the other each day opens a new vista 1 possibilities chances to make good of new ideas to put into practice of more knowledge to be gained of m opportunities for self advancement u self development its the tnn of energy the g ahead fellow who strikes out and works his way up the hillside brushing aside the ubetarlos snd clambering over the rocks that tho world delights to honor the packer toronto normal weight bertalpf yon are worried became dot pick up b wdgbt bcttertry scotts emulsion and watch bow it helps make a thin child grow and put on weight there is nothing quit to strengthening as scotfs fsmylsion for a child of ant age oooufebowm twwta out tt i oil lamp our house is lighted by oil lamps end the worfc- hate most is cleaning the lamps 1 have inndn it as easy as possible in the following way i turn the wick low before blowing out the light so it wvnioko mo muth trim wicks and wipe burners every day so they won t mtnkm and blacken the burners 1 bet all th lamps in a row opi before beginning to fill use a light can with a well placed spout to pour oil from wipe lamps with paper wt hgt f newi idly wash all the chimneys setting them on the stove take pfl befors too hot and wipe with newspapo everything can b lone rapidly this way and tamps and chimneys will shine might have been worse an optimistic old hcotchman s favor ite expression was it mlcht have been waur one day a friend said to him tamroaa i had an awful dream about ye last nlcht 1 dreamt ye were dead aye man bandy that was bad indeed but it mlcht have been waur uut it was waur went on the other i dreamt ye had gone to the bad place losb me bandy i me ml older in the kirk dead an gone to tbe bad place that was awfu but lttmlebt have been waur hoo coull it haver heen waur than that asked sandy anuuted wee ye ken it mtabt bora bapn true i georgetown annual outing directed by the drummers bnack club under the patrenago of the a w v a of georgetown open aie concert pridav july 29 in the psrk ilbpm if a muindent number of tuisaon- ir mil be uuarutitmxl thi tor unto suburban ltallwuy will ruu a hpiciul to intermthlluo points after the concert costtjme procession saturday july 2ft at 1 pan phizes for beys and birts under h 1 wr churllo cuupliii and mar- i ickfonl 1 ior cajtumo made of paper 3 kor imipiotio costume for those over 14 1 ifor best comli 3 kur best artistic 3 vtit best ptrlofii spohts saturday july bo at sprntn the park boo its nd bills for programme youu pttbshncp yvhx help wo want to help the q w v a to get suitable premises a good wholesome outing with u glorious object help the cause by booming the concert and sports admission coiwbrt- adult is children iso iuctp1ini hen- jriuse cr soo ill 6o sporu adult lbo chudrot loo georgetown fltruay iod saturday july 25ui and 28th jno allen hm owirtury a tjlonto camaxst packer of wilsons fly pads win iu mnnr flies than s8 of any stick v catches clean to handle bold by ail lru4 gist grocera and ccneral store isalswsmislmllssaatsatswta dodge brothers motor car dodgo bros have concentrated on ono stylo of car and havo been dotcrmincd to make as good a car as can be built the dodge car bos the reputation of low cost or up keep easy riding easv to operate and a low consumption of gaso line all dodge owners arc well satisfied with their choice investigate this car and be convinced f j n oneill dealer for acton and georgetown districts if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost free pressbuyathome campaign bead these ariicks with care tbey may present something yoa hadnt thought of before patronize the people whose ads are here they are your neighbors and wul treat yoa bight the money you spend wite them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood vou will alwsys find it profiubl to consult ua when desiring dry goods clothing itoots and shoes uneoloums oilcloths and oroocrics our aim is to anticipate your desires in acton mo lean a mills our aim is to 8sl vou dry goods mans ifurnlslng and groceries tho quality and prios of which will keep your money in acton wo con com pots wllb uuyuno any w hero and strongly urgt com parison d c russell does business on the other mans cash capital of the mail order house ts furnished by its customers works always on velvet ths psnslsr stors is cnurion ior uurlty and wholesome ness in patent tt rniuluu ft curry as well choice ierumory toilet articles vlctrolas our spring wall ittpsi bui o is now on dud very spoclsj bar- bains uro ofterod a t brown consult us first whan buying jurdwure wo csrry u complete stock of sliulf and heavy hurdwuru bllvorwaro cutlery orikiiltowure utu unjl uin convince tho moot critical ojr prices und ijuujuy uru right james svmon ordsr your cost mow dsluy utidor present conditions invariably nutans an advance in tho price nut btovo nd tlimsoo gasl now on luind w curry urooorios as well j c hill nsvr buy fumitur jyuia u catalogue it ull looks good in plctunu whan buying from us yotl fctn tho article butore you buy and our best udvlca and servloo is yours umhutukliig in connection v johnstone 4 co make up that oidsr for qioosrtss llrlng it to us wo can cotnpeto in wtrvlto o utility and prtco with anyone anywhere wo carry ss well u full line of dry uoods nelson 4 co buyehs supply money to suppoht enterprises competing with those in which they are interested wt dssi in ah kinds of vrcsb and cured meat and it is our desire to secure and ho14 your patronage by fair prices and honest dealing wo endorse this campaign buy in acton it psys w lands bo rough bsruslns in ladies silk fleeced stockings t 39c bob longs overalls at j1m a shipment of hob longs uen wearing bh ria rxcctod this week shoe repairing a speciality e k cook it is a mighty il thing to b uble to do business on the other fellows money but ttmrn are lew people who can do it- probably tbo only business mon who us tuuu uro uble to do this are the null order men in tho big iulqn did you ever stop to think you who liave ordered goods from a pip ii order bouse and there ore probably ow who lisve not done that ul some time or other that you uro supilying the cash upon which tho tnsl order nun is doing business you are well uware of the fact that your cash must go with your itlur if you expect to receive the goods but have you ever utopiud to think wlnt that means t do you realise that you ure sutiplylnif the tuiuil tt r u hmilnrs which i running in direct competition with your lu mo uinnlutnu upon whose prosperity you end your fellow townsmen uto jupuii lunl for u livelihood the majority of mull onler hounes do hot curry large stocks f kootl xbey do not liave lo when tho mail order man gets your order accompanied by the aaii of tuump ho can jake a part of your money and go fo fhe ntatiutucturer or thu vholeulu- and buy he article that is w thetjesl of tho money h tt pu do in 1u pocket after paying liu operating touin miiilii utx liglil when compared wmh lliose or tbe merchant wi must mrry u ugc stock of lhj4 to meet tho demands nudu upoii hint in class bv themselves thure u absolutely i capital furnished by their fur iuii only cannot do i the r cluxtf of mon who do buslu trro t v n thu retail store which oils this fur he uiuitt uirry a lurge stock and in i for li lu oriltr to t pruus tlial will enal ut him to make lowur piuwa lo his uslomurs than can be node by the titurchunt who gives credit to his cu tho mull order inu invested in bis buahicasor any lui portion to he volume of tin buslnci have to pay inline l to the bank we hsvs said it bsfor and we suy it again you can buy to better advantage in acton than in toronto bee us vhch you require anything ut uoneral merchandise wo will not be undersold l starkman now that wrm wsther is approaching you wilt require refreshment our drinks are ice cold and invigorating- our loo cream is delicious our caudles fresh and wholesome h wiles our large business connection t acton is ample proof that our moats vegetables und vrovlslpiui are of the best quality we soil on close margin mid nulla t tie privilege uf supplying your home moenery e evans contsmplsting building t if so let us estimate on your re qlrstuents we prepare plans tnake estimates and take contracts for any kind of building we would suggest ordering nut winters coal now j b msokenzie fair desllna end low prtoss are building up our business we carry a full lino of groceries and provisions and our prions will re hove the necessity of further search our quality mnd price frill stand comparison mrs j modouoall 1 tu luivt uny of his own capital uiiuunt i f 11 a least in 1 to whlili he dots he does not monuy borrowed tu help him ii snee his business the mail order man figures that about onenaif if the amount he rot riven on any ordi r goes to lite wholesaler or manufacturer lu payment fur the good ordered of the remainder a part goes for postage printing maintenance of office and plant insurance etc wttul is tuft whlth i by no nvcuns an inslgulficuut tort of every dollar received gown into dividends to stockholders lu the niall order corporation all this 1ms bonn done without any mpitil other than that which tiuiy bu ruoulrxd in pay office expenses when you buy shoes from us you are sure ox secur ing tbe best selection in acton our prices are much lower than city prices our guarantee is behind everything we sell kenney pros our bread is baked iugbt hero in acton and wu guar antes its holesomcncsa we solicit us well your patronage for homo- rneilo cakes pastry etc we elm to snllsry m edwards a co this campaign slsets with our approval and has our hearty endorsatlon bearqmqre a go ouf persons interests are centred in aefon this move mont i deserving of success and we endorse same ryoer a mo wat qlove co i am local distributor for the vwd auuiuioblle and can supply you with genuine tford part at reasonable prices a oomplete utixk of tires always on band let your hext car be a jord h a coxe tiupkiw for a mlnul that y u dl t t u liulita on thu samu plan hu pouu thu i thi y in dn k that whuii you wuntud lo buy utinutli of your homo merchants look lu his latuuiu thu l seemed t ba almlhir lo um mo that y rjlc iu uttuwn by the cuulouu uil lull hit merchant would lake ynui in inuy until they arrived from a liua cos with fhe locuk inei id in t curry any ifooris iil you who uld ttu tu ina an iuk out ub urtltlu wanted hand oyer file order l for yuq f y 1 1 y hi would wait tor your goods not so anxious nut t is i initn i tun t i y hy i ut nf ua anxious to furiiuh cupltul lo thu iwnw lueix hunt the man who helps make the tuww they um to tu mull rtwr inan lu fhe fur dutuut city who dues nothing art 1 c irvti nothing tor tho jtetipe wlio tmiiiub him tho money on whlth to do bunlumm lhoy imtlst that tlu buntu inerctuint sluill cany a btrau k of iiuotla rain whloli they nah select what they wish wliwi they think u in t- their interest tu buy from him they insist uuit ho nhull uun t hack of the soods ho sells and make good any defect that may uplur in them they insist that he shall sell them whttl they wish uiil wult fin thu money until they got ready to uty it they insist 11 mt ho uhall eell gooils ut the suiue nrliea or lower prices than the moll onur hount s cliunio fur gtmhls of poorer quality and nnally they liudnt tlutt tho httinu incriliaiit shall furnish the bvrse amount of capital tlutt is icquhxl t i onduct a business on this plan the mall order buyr may say tliut ha lias the right to spend his money anywhere tie pleuets and ho luis legally hut he probably has never stopped to reflect i n tllu fin i tliut lie u supplying thn capital for uie operation of u concern which is in direct competition with enterprises in which he ut dlrrctly lntueud fur every man woman and child hi a town u directly liitcrfoltxi in the success of the business enterprises in that town if theeo business uuterprlses are no pros perous ttie town tan not ihi prvnperuum to supply capital to your competitor la not very sood buslinss i manufacture find repair all kinds of furnltureu let me null mate or you on the making uv repairing or upholnturlng of your furniture whlcii roquiree attention i guarantee my work the furniture hospital w j stuck ey summer toq ary complete lines in mens hummer tutrij light wxlght undcrwoar futicy norlts wujih tics utc tltore will i m cloavd flolli auguat 4 hollll w m- qooper never buy jewellery front qatsleauss alt jo w y looks bocii n put whun buying front urn you aee the arllclo himi us well you lutve the benellt of piy service advice and per mouul guarantee geo hvnds timnt tims veu require tnooiarbliocsttvublwirsrel ilftio endeavor tu meet your rthtulrvuleuls my stock is oumiloloiiy quality s ut the best- l r right lie pal rlii a uone w williams extra speolsl osrnalns in tea i ulm to keep u high krade of soothe you will ond in inuuy cases that my i rlua am moull us wluit yuu pay for thu nuliiu quantity of interim goods chester plank main hi 1 hone 13 consult ma first when you require farm implo mun la of uny kind i uin local ugatit for lutoruuthmul uauhlnery and can luaiunuw you satisfaction and sec vice 1 tmry boots and shoes us welt cm as e parker r

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