Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1919, p. 4

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3 vatjfccjrv1lhiiiraovaimiif jj x wcp admt 3te prwra tiiuiibday july si 113 tua alton faa 1kbm la published every thursday morning at the pan pases building mill street acton ontario the subscription prtoo ia tlfco per year in advance postage la charged additional to offlooa in uw unllod htatea ttie data to whloji subscription ere paid la indicated od thcaddreae label advisutlslnq itates transient advertisements 10 cents per lit agate mtuuremont for first insertion ahd cents per lltm for each subsequent insertion contract display advertisements for 100 inches or more per annum 16 cent per inch each inaertlon advertisements without apoclflo direction will bo inserted till forbid and charged accordingly u p mooita editor and publisher telephones 1 editorial it is interesting to know that canada stands fifth in tho worlds production of gold in 1010 the total production of gold in the world amounted to 22107- 7g0 lino ounces or tho value or 457000045 in production tho south african dominions lead wifh a olal production or 0290848 ounces the united states second with 4470657 ounces australia third with 1002154 ounces russia fourth with 1273302 ounces canada 0fth with 030402 ounces and rhod esia sixth with 030356 ounces the gold production of the british empire in 1010 was 14229844 ounces or 04 per cent of tho worlds total as given in tho canada year book for 1018 tho liquor tralbc is the biggest enemy to the pros perity and welfare of any country it has blighted more homes than war take care that in the forth coming referendum tho liquor interests dont get it mixed up with political issues and further be on guard against tho insidious talk or certain agitators against prohibition who prate about personal- liberty every man who thinks knows verily that the drink traffic has more slaves and has deprived more men of their personal liberty than any other influence the world ever knew tho governing powers of the united states have taken unmistakably strong ground on the question of the prohibition of the liquor traffic for beverage purposes last week the prohibition forces in the house of representatives refused by an overwhelm ing majority to permit a voto on a straightout motion to repeal the wartime prohibition act they also defeated an amendment providing for the salo of 2y per cent beer and stood solidly by the one- half of 1 per- cent clause of the pending bill as orig inally drafted the cost of liviqg and industrial unrest loomed largo in tho discussions of the sessions just closed of tho house of commons a committee which began rather late nevertheless accomplished considerable in exposing the cause of the high cost of living an inordinate spread of prices- in various commodities was disclosed and the remedy which is proposed is tho extermination of combines and tho regulation of business and a fair price a board authorized by two bills which went through in tho closing days or the session the commission on industrial relations was unable to agree but the reports presented will furnish food for an interprovincial conference in the fall to the end that in the remedial legislation the s be no overlapping a western mother wroto to a friend respecting the business section of the town in which she now re sides back of almost all our stores are found very undesirable conditions piles of trash composed of papers packing boxes sweepings and sometimes garbage are found these eventually constitute a nuisance and are flyproducing conditions and also a serious fire hazard wonder if any one could write that conditions exist behind stores which are not situated in the newer towns of the west but in places which were doing business half a century before stores in the new western towns were thought fctlr industrial disputes involving strikes and loss of time and wages to employers are serious indeed when viewed in the aggregate and just now when the country needs and the people need that every pos sible conservation of time be observed and employed in some useful productive work it is greatly to be regretted that the stakes of the past month or two have entailed a heavily increased loss of time there were in existence at some time or other during the month of june 80 strikes involving 87017 work people and resulting in a loss of about 1445021 workingdays as compared with 84 strikes- 77688 workpeople and 893816 working days in may 1010 and 32 strikes 1 1888 workpeople and 46041 working days in june 1018 magistrate cohen read a muchneeded lesson to aliens who arejnaking their living in canada in police court at toronto last friday that deporta tion from canada will follow if striking garment workers persist in the disorderly conduct was the statement he made when he heard the case against sam betman who was charged with assaulting two otrikc-breakcts- be w fined 40 and costsvor sixty days in spite of the protests of counsel for the flaaolat which the strike is in progress who declared that fines were useless since they would only bo paid by the- union the result will be said the magis- trate that these people will be deported if they cannot keep tho peace here they can fight in their own country few realize the important relation which canadas wealth in water power bears towards reaping tho full benefit from her numerous other natural resources it is true that these other resources would not other wise be entirely lost to the country but they would have to beejtported as raw material in its most primary state witnna minimum return to us tho presence of cheap power which is almost invariably found side by side with these other resources facili tates their development while their full industrial value is retained in being able to deliver them as a fully manufactured product it may be even pe m it tod to predict that this cheap power will soon attract raw material from other countries especially from the united states if any further evidence were needed of the satis factory effectiveness of the prohibitory law it was emphatically given here on saturday during tho great peace celebration of the war veterans association acton celebrated peace day with enthusiastic eclat people weroout for a joyous holiday hundreds of visitors weie in town not during the day after noon evening or night was the slightest evidence of intoxicating liquor to be seen anywhere inspector harvey of the ontario license commission was on duty throughout the day anil evening watching for any infraction of the law or manifestation that there had been an infraction he says he found absolutely novkjcrm anywbereof the presence or the effects of liquor after such an effective demonstration of tho beneficial effects of tho absence of intoxicating liquorit will be a selfish man indeed who will for personal libertys sake voto for and induce other to vote for the defeat of tho prohibitory law now prevailing for his personal liberty to get drunk and disturb the peace on such a day or any- day he would selfishly deprive hundreds of the homes of acton of the comforts they now enjoy would break the hearts of faithful wives and spoil the lives of scores of kiddies who are now happy and comfort ablotn sober homes actons peaco day celebration proved conclusively the htcsingof the absence of liquor and a sober community inquiries have been made at this office regarding the publication of the results of tho entrance examin ations as yet tho official report has not been re ceived though it is understood that the results are known by the pupils just why there should bo so much red tapo and supposed- secrecy about- these things is difficult to understand in the old dys the newspapers were customarily the medium through which tho information was given tho public but to day it is different tben there was do need of whispering procedure such as has to be indulged in all over the province so tho powers that bo will not learn of the information having been given out be fore it is toted to and fro from the entrance centres to toronto and return it is time the teachers and the inspectors spoke out in meeting and told the minister of education a few things collingwood bulletin wind and thermometer thorn la a good deal of setts in thin uniwer in a contemporary wlio answers the question does the wind affect iho thermometer no wind la a imply- ho air motion and tho motion of the air doea not chance ita tern porn tore wind oonliii in contact with the human body produces a sonsauon ofcold- neaa not because it la colder than the air at real but because lta rapid ohaiuro of contact with tho body causes a aenaatlon of coldneea by evaporation tlila i sensation may be caused by rapid contact of warm air with the bod yea well as by the rapid contact of cold air the uae of a far in warm weather biingaretlef not by coo line the air but by sett in in n motion nnd bringi ra cha pinucm ott in cfitact with the human body hut it would not have that effect on an inanimate and unsensl- ivn thermomentor you cannot make mercury contract by funning the ther- momoter how to oct the news day before yoatorday a perfectly nice lady called up and with tears in her voice reprovod un for not men tioning the fact that ahe had a friend visiting her lost week wo told her that aho had not lot ua know that slip had a visitor then ahe said well you should liave known i thought you were running- n pewapapcr wouldnt hat rattle your alals homo people think that the odltur ought to be a cross between anfun and anna eva kay they aeam to think that our ave acmeee aro aujrmontod by a sixth that lets us know everything that hap pens even if ho aee hear feel tastn or smell it not dear lady edltorn are only human or at least almost human if vflu have a friend vlaltlng you if you o go aw orhfly iuorrefer tfie lists of voters on the liqumreferendum are now being prepared and it is tho duty of prohibition ists to see that the name of ejrery qualified person male or female favorable to the maintenance of pro hibition is tabulated tho names of tho chief enu merators for the province have been published and all cases of omission or causes of complaint should be referred to them at once every person male or female who is a british subject and 21 years of age is qualified to vote on the referendum subject to the usual restrictions as to residence in a district the franchise for tho referendum does not require as sessment for either property or income although old lists for which this was required may be used as a basis for beginning the work of compilation courts or appeal win be held later for the revision of the lists but the suporters of prohibition should see that their names are placed upon tho lists now with the celebration of the signing of the treaty of peace last saturday canada took her full rank with the world nations the forward step was really taken when her plenipotentiaries signed the treaty of peace at versailles with thdse of the world powers from the time the first british settler came to this country the possibilities were hero of founding and developing a great nation to eventually take its place along with the other great nations of the world many weary years have intervened since then and at times it seemed as if such a thing could never bo accomplished but the faith of tho pioneers has been justified and they who builded better than they knew bequeathed to their children a rich heritage which is now reaching its full fruition its growth has been accelerated not forced by the awful hours of agony endured during the last five years of hor rible warfare but that is now a thing of the past and today her sons and daughters regal in the dignity of their newly acquired nationhood stand upon the threshold of a now era from many centres throughout the world there come evidences that capital is making an honest effort to breach the gap between tho employer and tho laborer the manchester guardian announces an interesting profitsharing scheme which was for mulated by the marineengine builders a a gray fit co of west hartlepool london it applies to all employees office staff foreman and workers men and women over twentyone years old employed at tho two shipyards of the company four thousand persons come within its scope the agreement has been signed for a period of three years when it may be renewed the profits will be divided between shareholders and employees the former receiving 80 per cent and the latter 20 per ccal calculated on each workers wage before bcingellgible one years service is required disqualification may result for willful loss of time to the extent of more than twelve days in any one year allowance will bo made for ill ness and recognized holidays and for time lost by a general or district strike but anything else than general strike will be considered a bar to sharing iii profits certain changes in tho lower school course of study with the object of relieving the pressure of work in the continuation schools high schools and collegiate institutes in ontario were announced by the minister of education last week other modifies- 4wi4othaiffajotiooofedueia an y -the- re courses which 4he minister has under consideration cannot be put into effect before next year because they involve changes jn tho requirements for univer sity matriculation which can be made only after due notice and with the approval of tho university au thorities the minister is anxious ithat the pupils of the schools particularly those of tho lower forms should not bo overburdened with homework he realizes that the pressure of homework is due as much to the zeal of the teachers as to tho burden of tho course of study and he asks the cooperation pf all teachers in bringing about a lightening of tbu burden if dr cody can arrange a curriculum which will accomplish the ends desired without tho burden of homework heretofore required he will win the esteem of many an ontario pupil and of those in tho pupils home v wise savinos dv wibg men inn la he who docs not i hoart confucius klmliiea la a lunsuoce tho deaf can hear and the dumb can understood i tin waits to dt a great deal of luort ill once will never jo anything- samuel johnson diligence- is the mother of eod luck and god sires all thine to lid us try prank un what will happen immediately or soon from my ceasing to do that which la contrary to the will of ood 1 not and cannot know but i believe that from the fulfillment of the will of ood there can follow nothing but that which la good for me and for all men tolstoi i go and do it it la wonderful how many bourn prompt people contrive to make of day it la as thotuxh they picked up the moments which the dawdlers lost and if you find yourself where you havo mo many things pressing upon you that you hardly know hdw to begin rake hold of the first one that comes to hand and you will nnd the lent falling u line and following- after ilka a company of woudrllled soldiers and ultbaiurh work may be hard to meet when it charges in a squad it in eaally vanquished if you can bring it into line a man who was asked how he ao- oomplishod so much in life my father umght me was tho reply whon thud anything to do to m and do it leisure hours relumed from visit out of town if johnny folia and breaks his arm if your huabund chops his toe instead of a stick of wood if anything happens to make you glad or sad happy or mad call ua tip tell ua about it that a the wayto get it in the paper krotn tho him coo 1 inform or hid joke a fuv years ugu a rather facetious young man wus anated in ono at tho corridor compartments of the london northwestern irish mall from huston to holyhead he noticed thero was a fair sprinkling of young ladles ac- oornpo tiled by young 4 lovere and thought the approaching turrnol offered omo fun so ahoutod this tunnel la about two miles long and the train will be about eight minutes passing- through to- tha surprise of all the train dashed into daylight again in about 20 seconds and the scene in the car was one for a painter seven young ladles were closely preaaed by fourteen pairs of masculine arms fourteen pairs of line were glued together and two doun inverted whiskey flasks noshed in the olr even the welsh hills smllodl the young mans best recommendation a savings account is mora than a atart towards financial independence it ia mark of character one of tho strongest recommendations in the world of business that a yoong man can present in a merchants bonk passbook showing a record of consistent savings a savings accountfiiny bo opened with 100 which allows how highly wo regard tho accounts of those who desire to sate th mcrghants bank headoftieotj acton branch georgetown branch l a shorey manager h r m1mm5 manager business directory thob or ay m d- c m moqill i it a p edinburgh i r v p av 0 glasgow member ilriush medi cal association to ofbos frederick bjreet acton ont or j a moniven phyalolan and surgeon orflca and iumldanoo corner ilownr avenue and hlgln streets the resid ence formerly oooupled by-p- u hen derson acton ont touching tribute to kitchener a touching tribute to britains great field murahai the late lord kitchener was witnessed a few days alnce a large- body of american soldiers s4ld sailors were visiting the houses of parliament and ifi tho peers lobby the majority of tho soldiers ono by one took off his hat and for a second huntf it upon tho peg labelled with the name of lord kitchener although this is a breach of tho regulations and any civilian who took the liberty would be promptly reprimanded no special notice waa taken of the action which from the demeanor of the men was apparently one of regard for tho deadfield marshal spare momenta- flour cream op the west ah sizes five hoses purity the papular brands hen feedchop feeds try oar monarch developing chick food chopping as uusyal every day excepting wednesday afternoons d h lindsay acton the electric flour 8r feed mill children cry for fletchers castoria fletchers caatoria la atrktly a remedy for infanta and children foods axe specially prepared for babies a babys rnedjdne iseren more essential for baby hftmndics primarily prepared for grownapa ore not interchangeable it waa the need d a remedy for the common aliments of infants and children that brought castotia before the public after years of research and no claim has been made for it that its use for orer 30 years has not proren what is castoria castoria is a harmless substitute for castor 00 paregoric drops and soothing syrnps it is pleasant it prwfns neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance r its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it hast been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying ferexiahness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assim flarlon of foodjigrving healthy and natural sleep the cbjldfeno comf crfrtho mothers friend genuine castoria always in use for over 30 yeirs rwa csvraua compamt now io awr girl or boy wanted to learn the art of printing and receive instructiona in composition in machine typesetting on the linotype applicant must hare passed high school entrance exa minations and be prepared to sign agreement endorsed by parent or guardian to serve a term of years as apprentice apply to free press office acton isuuhaby- john law son veterinary suroaon aeton ont oraduate or ontario ve tort nary col lege 1ud ofllce arthurs ellock ltealdenoe mill fllrmt calls day or night prompt ly attended to legal phone no ii i o llax 3is harold nash farmer ma barrister solicitor notary publlo convanyanosr etc perrvman block acton ont money to loan conveyancing hours 1 p m to g p m c realdenoa r h wanbbrouqh lak awnua aeton ontarf or j m bell d d b- l d b dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity tha lataata anesthetic used if desired m lcellan eou8 marriage licenses rl p moors lasuer marriage lioemes private offlee no witnesses re quired issued at rosideneo fnevesing pasa offloo acton ont francis nunan ookblndar jloeomt books at oil kind mad to ordsbtv periodical of every descrip tion carefully botme buuns neatly and promptly done wyntttuun street odelph ont over wlluatna store r- j kerr i in n auctioneer for the counties of halton welling- toe peel and xraiferln and the city of quelph acton ontario salee may be arranged by mail of at res at acton or at thai free proas office acton the sfercury office guelpfa the newsrecord rergua or with w j oordoo nam see maker ulilebara sale entrusted to r j kerr re ceive attention from date of hfng- to date of esje i4st your amies with me realdenoa young street aeton phone fft acton can at soy bxpenee how would you look beside the noronic few people have any conception of the gigantic proportions of the three sister snips die noronic the heunonic and the huronic of the northern navigation companys inland ocean line between sarnia sault ste marie port arthur fort william and duluth think of the largest hotel you know how many rooms has it the noronic flagship- of this mighty fleet has stateroom accommodation for 588 people while its beautiful dining room on the observation deck has seating capacity for 278 this mighty steel liner is 385 feet long and has a beam of 58 feet her gross tonnage ia 6905 did you ever sail on a ship with six decks the noronic has first a main then a spar a promenade anobservation a boat and a hurricane deck all- of ateel six times round the promenade deck is equal to one mile the comfort the service the excellent meals the magnificence of the interior appointments make of these steamers palatial floating hotels there are writing rooms drawing rooms smok ing rooms convention halls observatioa and music rooms assembly halls and ball rooms hot and cold watei in all staterooms rooms may be had with baths electric light for reading over every berth sarnia s00 port arthur ft william duluth and return three sailing weekly from sanuai every monday wednesday and saturday at 610 pan eastern time j e cheevers book binder quebec st east quelph ont booka and roagasinea bound in h and substantial oormnc names lettered in sold on blblea hymn books and other han all work promptly executed dalbxnivbn ontario land surveyor and civil enolneer surveys bubdlvlsloruv plans ho- porta datipuotuiblucprtntb etc certifloatos tor purchasers and mortsaceee surveya for archltrcta bandera jnii municipal coaaoiia draina reports ttrllmmtif etc eam bu1lqino devotee st qublph phone 10m ortc roy hindley auctioneer ijvh stock ileal kstxtb conolidud phon erin 4t b r 3 acton igrandtrunkrm the double tracllfroute bbilrvaubn montreal toronto dbtrort chicago ooexcclurd dining car service sleeping cars on nbrht trains and parlor cats on principal day truin pull information from any grand trunk ticket rgent or c i lor til u district puaaenser agiil toronto a a u0lmi2s agent acton ont pho 19 v isrs th5 old an6v reliable granite md marble dealers we are manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monuments and headstone work we sell tllreut to our cuatomere at wholesale prions thus savlnic our customers 40 pr cent we have the beat appliances end the only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneumatlo tools proper we oan glv references from hundred of our customers in toronto and otho ptaoee where others have to have uw aulta in order 4o collect we havf largest artd beat stock of uranue the dominion or more than anythiw dealeriv in the weet we are legui mate dealers and employ no oaenw and do not annoy or peat oustomors by aendtrts out unorant agents aollcll- ine orders we employ only tnechanlw end defy oontpetluoh hamilton sons oy tfarwjtalfa wodtwlch st oimu

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