Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1919, p. 5

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qrtou 3tr jlrwb tiiuuhday july 24 1910 qdost i uoaflt and tlm wi rlil 1 utu with you ki nek an l youn on tin utu if for urn wnrl 1 h nick if c nu wh ulrloi a ml wlithm in l kick lilmuiir lloont when tint nun in shlnli g loom wh ii it ill i r tii to ruin if yuu happen to fill ilnnt hi thcr ami bnwl hut rat up uinl lkmat again lloont for you i w ho n advancement lichmt for thu ihlngii imbllim foi the wprkur tlmt n found on tho top inoit round jeth hhulri vory urn twenty year3 ago frrm tho iseuo of thu free press of thumdny july 27 1890 ac tun count hunt itttnitlml throo curd on purtlin luiit wnk a uttui thru yur old girlie from toronto wlio in visiting in acton ex chilmrd tlm other evening us a cow with ii boll won hgliig ilrlvon i rust 1 oh mummii rnmu unit sen tho cow that a playing on un orgun the chumploiimhlp lurroini match of tho royil district whlrh will crato tho arm tent hi to rest und mithuuluiim among tho luvmn f this lively narnt will bo pluwd hcr on saturday ufloi noon between unit und alton a mttlo boy wiiu required to writo an essay tho other iluy tho nowu fiapcr wiiu thu subject and hero in the result i don t know how nowi- papcrs enmu into thu world and don t think gad docs fur ho haun t sot nothing to lay about uicm nnd cdlloir in tho ihtalo i think tho odltor in ono of thu missing links wo hear about and htujoil in tho bush until after tho flood thou can out wroto tho whole thing up und hjn been hero cvor ulna 1 don t think ho ever dloa 1 notir saw u dead una and nevor heard of ono being linked our paper la a mighty poor tin tho odltor hoc without undorolothoh all winter and don t wear any nock and puw hasn t paid hi nubttcrlptlon in rivo yearn over four hundred cltlzcna of acton and vicinity uttendod ht josephs bar den party at mr jan harry s homo on thursday ivenlng tikic was a sph n did uujipcr and dollcioihi refreshments at ttu tooth tho iirogmmma wun cxcollent anntlcraury hurvictu ware hold in tho congrogtionuf church at church 111 on sunday lunt tho services wore conduoul by ldv 1l 12 mason from georgetown friends uttendod from acton and nutrounding districts unl iven from cnlmlon and alton the laugh line rainbow chasers sot ut leant a run for their money aiadnciui is appreciated only by those who know what widncm la itn on caiiy to approach soma men u it la difficult to sot uway rrom them wo wonder if tliu lord loves a ohoorful giver as much on the cheer- ful river loves himself sunday school teacher wboro do all llttlo boys and girls so to who do not put their pennies in the collec- uonboxr pupil pleas mm to the cafe for candle junior so you dldn t propose to her after alir weed no and i m not solus to whan i sot to her house i found her chasing a mouse with a broom tho dimpled darling hut freddy mine will you lovo me forever uqd- evcrvon if i stow old and uglyt the gallant suitor sweetheart you may stow older but in my eyes you will never never grow uglier has your hunband told you you must economuor yco replied mm fllnurllt tut im not lotting him bother mo lien one of theme pooplo who insist on tak ing up every fad that come along doddo itn too bad about poor old jacknon and his girl neither of them is good enough for tho other noddn what on earth make you aay that 7 dodds well you nee i ve been tlklns the mutter over with both families the bpeed fiend with apologies to walt mason borne men who drive a motor cur aro reckless of their speed and rao around tho htrccu an though they fol lowud oiun toed thoy care nought for the rights of men nor laws of speed nor rulest but seem to think that those who walk are classed among tho fouls perchancs a cor nor thoy would turn no out stretched hand you 11 and to worn the piker of tho ruadcjosh ding it is ho bllndr they whist lo as they blithely spin along their merry way and cunw the tralnc cap in blue who dares to say them nay some day a bash in will occur and from the wreckase a gink all covered oer with gore will gently he unpacked kor riumuge ho ii tile a suit and counsel ho 11 procure to argue iromvft right to live and walk tho streets kecure tho bill of costs usuinst tho town tho judge will then unload will leave u cherished monument to speedfiends of tho now motorists who drive with care tho morals plain as day why tolerate the reckless wight who cares not whn hod slay tiso ultra jt bus should bo caunod their mrw hi storage put and they should always more be forc ed the strvets to walk on fool tho cub how the americantt helped win the war a writer in a ionilon popor ezplalnn miy uiriy j nut whut tho yanks did in tho i lg iicrup an n fighting much tun tin iirmy dll not iiirompllnh much thu american nown apcrn and ipoga xlnch take it for granted tliat the aniirlrun army wan tho wur in fact tho muji rlty of writers of tho other ulilu of tho linn seldom recognise any tin r nation as having been in tho iirob in face of this kind of thing the following from ono of the great ijondon dallies in of interest tho writer tolls us just how the yanks helpoil and gives uncle ham credit for whit ho did do as a fighting mai uiiix howovi r it will bo noticed dm american army did not play any irruut purt tho ixmdon man said ir wuii inn nnvirn of arnnrlro ttrat fori 1 i julendorft into thh spring oftensivn of 1018 against tho better jmilgmrnt of many of his nollosgues at tho tmglnnlng uf 191 the ono chance oormatiy hud of bringing ol tolurahln peuco was lo economise her in on to strengthen bar defensive poaltlnnu and to throw on the allies tho rout of lotillnued ontennlve this cjiunro sho would luip taken but for tho entry of america hut she dared not wait with tho prospect of having to fnro the attack of millions of am erlun holdlars it was not actual american power that overthrew hi r but tho shadow of it it utartlod her throw her off her giiim and when tho spring oftons uf 1018 broke down loft her wl n volutli n ut homo and spirit of her army in tho tli id broken hi in then was tho greatest u vice amirici rendered to tho alll the allien uguln had much to thank america for at nea sho undoubtedly g4vo vuluutye help in pi construction of now merchunt ships s form of assliilunqn whlch will be a good in vcnlnjent for her and in tho organi sation f food supplies for europe and yet oven at sett tho services of america wore prospective mo re than thoy were actual they enabled us to take rlakii that wo might not other wlnn- huvii liked to take headers of julllcoe it book munt all havo boon struck with his obvious reluctance to take rinks owing to the narrow mar gin of luporlortty oter tho enemy hud tho american fleet been in itrltlah waters at the time of the battle of jutland it is safe to say that jolt coon tactics in thut buttle would have often entirely different that ho would have loiod with tho enemy risked the torpedoing of half a doxen ships and by tho destruction of tho german navy have shortened tho wjr by a clsan stomaoh clear mind tho stomach lo the wtikshop if the vital functions ind when it uts out of order the whole system clogs in sympathy tits spirits flag tho mind droops and work becomes impossible the first uiro should bo to restore healthful action of tho stomuch and tho best preparation tor l var moleos vegotnhlo pills tleneiul use fur yiais has won them u leading place in raeduino a ttlal will attest their value wintering of bee8 oo wuoh has boon learned la repent years about wintering bees that it can now bo stajod definitely tha tho loss of colonies in winter is preventable in formatlun a to prortns uoes for win ter mny ho obtained free of cost tha publications of tho department o arrleultur which deal wuh ho jeet of vv- it in a thousand pities that th thanct of ui ner jutltnd never came on land the action of tho american army was declslvo in the way that has been described but in no other when ono hears americana toll shout the action of their army in fran- ono begins to understand haw ver annoying tho way we talked about tre dolnn of our early expeditionary army must hive been in prance the american army ro more savol tho allies than tho ilrltlsh army saved france in tho first two months of uio vtar icxcept in the astern sector of the prtnch lines there were probably even at tho war not 100 000 ameri cans engaged small as their urmy was it did llko our own excellent service its spirit in the field was admirable o ulcers and men were brave to a fault and there was about everything they did ar lntenso oameitness v lofty jdealism that cannot be praised tooo warmly theirs was a spirit never witnessed in war since tho days of tho cru aders unless indeed we except the tense gravity of havclock s army hi the indian mutiny or of some of the corps in the american civil war hrlgadcd with the english and preach troops they were equal to the very best of either hut tho american troops in franco wore no more a great continental army after n few months experience than wua the ilrltlsh army at tho time of the battle of loos and this fact came out very clearly in tho operations m eastern prance after tha great allied offensive had begun in tho summer of last yoar tho bast thing tho americans did was in nipping out the st ulhlal salient where their operations were excellently timed and went almost an tlrely to programme it is well known however that in those operations the american army had the assistance of french ttaff officers we have our selves benefitted by this assistance and it is only right that it should bo known that tha americana bsneflttod too ibjt when uio american army was thrown through iu fault of poeh- ou its own resources tho weakness of its organisation for war on a european scalo become very apparent oddly enough it was weak just on the bus ness side on which the americans might have been expected to be strong what ruined tho chances of tho american urmy in the argonne ad vance was not any failure of the troops in the attack but tho com pie to broukdown of the commissariat one period tho americana were eating thefr horses- marshal koch attached very great importance to this movement on hli flank the ilrltlsh and american ar mles rondo the two horns of a double encircling movement and if white tho ilrltlsh armies were pressing towards mens from the west tho americans had worked down the me use to the belgian frontier uie german array would never have got out of prance there would liavo been a super sedan only this time it would have been the numo of u german disaster the kronen urmy in the summer of 1618 was tired and koch relied on the ilrltlsh and americans to bring ont this grout coup the british did not dis appoint him the americans did not through uny fault of the troops but simply because tha higher orsanlsatlou of the american urmy was not up to tho required standard it would have been u miracle if it hud been for urralen cinuot ho extemporised it was not until last year after scores 1 1 hard lessons in nearly four years uf var tliat the ilrltlsh army b nun i in i x i inperabla war mi oh i no of wich the americans were lour i lug tholi work very fust but not tiuito fast vu tugh to euublo poch to bring off this coup hymns used at peace sunday thanq8qivino service in the park acton o od ouit iii5li in agi h past o god our help in ngea past our hope for years- to come our shelter from the stormy blast aud our eternal home under tha shadow of thy throne thy saints have dwelt secure hume tent is thine arm alone and our defence la sure ltcfore tho hills in order stood or earth received her frame prom everuatlnx thou art god to endless years the same a thousand sgcrt in thy sight are like an evening gone aiiurt im the wntch that ends tho night lie fore the rfislnsjsun tha busy tribes of flesh and blood with all their cares and fears are carried downward by tho flood and lost in following years time like an ever rolling stream hears all its sons away they fly forgotten as a dream dies at the opening day o god our help in ages past our hope for years to come he thou our jruide while life shall last and our eternal homo amen onwahh christian boldiehh onward christian soldi em marching as to war irfoklng unto jesus who is gone be fore i christ the royal master leads against the foe forward into battle see ills banners go onward christian oollders marching as to war with the cross of jesus which la gono before t j ljke a mighty army moves the church of god hrothers we are trcttdjjig where tha saints have trod we are not divided all one body we ono in hope and doctrine one in charity crowns and thorns may perish king doms rise andsrane hut the church of jesus constant will remain gates of belt can never gainst that church prevail wo have christ s own promise which con never foil onward then ye people join our happy throng hlend with ours your voices in tho triumph song glory laud and honor men and amrel olnc through the countless aes unto chrbu the kins amen from ocean unto ocean prom ocean unto ocean our land shall own thee lord and filled with true devotion obey thy sovereign word our prairies and our mountains forest and fertile field our rivers lakes and fountains to thee shall tribute yield o christ for thine own glory and for our country weal we humbly plead before tbee thyself in us reveal and may wo know lord jesus the touch of thy dear hand and healed of our diseases the tempters power withstand where error smites with blind noes knslavea and leads astray do thou in loving kindness itoclaint thy gospel day till all the tribes and races that dwell in this fair land adorned with christian graces within thy courts shall stand our saviour king defend un and guide where wn should go forth with thy message send us thy love and llsht to show till fired with true devotion tn kind led by thy word prohi ocean unto ooean our land shall own thee lord amen tile drain youn land it bays on tho llluiitrutlon hlnlu u nt httti brlil kit iuil which htutlilh in uwniol iiuil opiru i oil by mr chnrlcn h moon iry inturiuthlg and profitable n mi it if imvi brt i ibtaliikl at this htullon two four ymr rotations uro b hij lurried t n ono on land whir i li filrly wall tile drained tho olhjj on land adjoining with good aurfucu drnlnugi i nly narrow lands beinc ploitghe 1 and the furrows kept cleai tho soil in similar in character an tioth nruus in 19ik runner nuts were sown on lxth neldii those sown on the till drained lam were unwii much ourllnr hum tboiio on ihu und ruined und yield ed liuiihi is tier aire cooling 3cc mt bushel 1 ho ulirfure drained land could not 1l wmkut rtof jdwn ljnili jiftyrrnl rtayn inter und yielded 21 hunhaln ixtr acre routing 7i4i r bushel a difference of 34 ihjnlieln nr acre tho hlghcnl ylol 1 1h lowci mi rid to what may hi oxiiited lifter the drained land is cul tlvuted a ft w tlmi slid the drulns have 1m i u working to the hi ut u lvun tui ubhui th tha tl uruimil land yloldu 1 tit htm per u ro r ntlug co 1 if uold ut vroo r bunhol r xu 00 ituluuk profit s34 71 lit i ilnod lund y uldnd l l i 1 i jmir acre cotlng ltti if mid ut 100 pur bunhol 21 0u j itulum in fit jt 30 it will lim bo am n tht tll irulned lund iiuvu u cnuttr profit of 20 4d a goihl lime to put in the drains is us noon us tho hay harvest is over john i ixtor ol vision or illustration htutl ns conlrul ixarlmental farm ottawa ont tiik fall fairs toronto opens the qssson six weeks from osturdsy for tht c vicinity i acton arthur urmnploii hurllngtou calodon i- rln freelljn gait mil ton oukvlllu itixkw tml lueelsvllle toronto waterdown weston woimlbrrlro t agrleul lint or full fairs those in this el for tho follow- sept 23 and 14 oct 7 and 8 llopt- 19 and 20 sept 30 oct 1 sept 23 and 24 oct 8 und 0 oct 4 hrpt is and ip oct 1 and 3 oct 7 uml 8 sept 18 0 oct 2 and 3 hcpl 25 alig 23 be pt 0 oct 7 kept 12 and 13 or i 10 und ii v thorn un put sway unxlety rugurdlng their suffering hllilrtn wtion thoy havo mother iruvim worm icx krmlnator to give relief its oftocts srtt horeuiid lusting it is in demand so irrtat lu thu deniuiul for dr thomas kc lee trie oil that u irgu factory is kept constantly busy muklng and tattling it to be in dimund shown kpular appreciatioh of thin preparation which stands ut tho houd of proprietory compounils at the liu ling oil on tho murkot und it in genurully udmltted that it ut diuerv itik of tha loud parn fires ihirliu llio i mat two haying ucuuonj muny hi en havu ikciirrl in imrin anil these havu liven trucod dlrtly to tle storing of buy in tho barns i m fon it has lieen thoroughly dried tho moisture in tho hay has caused a fermentation and heating which lius resulted in spontaneous combustion and tho loss of tho hay crop and the buildings hay should lie properly cured be fore being stored it may take a little longer and may sometimes be done nt tha rlt k of unfavorable weather but it is much tetter to bo sure than keep the weeds down w drt will row whore anything im wilt grow if tin y uro not des troyd tlmy will ruin uny crop su- vlvnl if i1h tltliht 1 un lnexorubl law of mure und the wt hi bolng 1 niciltt il by iiuturai msthodn luui un immcrmo mlvunlacti in ciimielitloii with a rultlvuted trap coniitunt uttentlon la tho only rem edy once the t rop in oultlelontly above ground to tie dlntlngulnliablo cultivation of tlm soil to kill tho weeds should tie cqtnmencod und should be oontlnucd till tho crop is high enough to crowd tin weeds out this cultlva thin in ulso necessary for good growth as it permits the uoll to retain most- uro diirln dry w uther and leaves tho uurfuie in b tti r condition to absorb rainfall kuch ilny is u stono in the temple of life aim lo how tho mono four s juare normal weight perhaps you are worried because your chud does not pick up in welflht better try scotts emulsion and watch bow it helps iake a thin chqd grow ana pat on weight- there is nothing quilt so strengthening as scoffs emulsion for a child of anu age r toronto out y days a week 3 toronto winnipeg and paints wea leave torooto union ta 915 pm moo wed ftu canadian national all the way lue thurx sl vu north bay t n o cjciuw thence cn r tbrsnrh sundaid and tenriit steep- ins and dinlnj can hon vd- frl to vancouver toea thnta sal to winalpco tickets and information from nea c n lujlwmys agent city tlofcst offices 2 king tret bsat and union station toronto i 7 jantea street nerth hamttten r l falrjftainn op toronto canadian national railways easy to handle economical light weight you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep seats of thia model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped i it has big car performance combined with small car handiness and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32horsepowcr the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontario willyoverund limited wlovxnhtwdhunjmaucwhlulcoamtuwmwa hw otflca and worfo wut toronto ontario touring car model 90 130x00 touring car model 85 m9500 for particulars apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon acton advertise regularly and then watch for results miners worm iowdent were do- vised to protutly relievo children who offer from tho ravages of worms it t- a simp preparation warranted to destroy stomacblo intestinal worms without shook or injury ui the most sensitive system they act thorough- w and valnleosly and though in somo ases they may umbo vomiting that i n indtfrtilon of llielr powerful actio t hud nil t my naiumatlti properly fjival noises thu old pensioner who blew th hollows for tho organ had a most oxiiupurutlng fulling suyo tho detroit kr u i reus in spite of freuuent i monitions htt would contl iuo blowing sfiui the uiuslu stopped thereby proc dullng mint un leslrable sounds tjnetuy hiorgttinstcoulorlttncrir now lopgor tho pongregatlon h4 been set tlfterlng by ho pl man forgeifulucss and iurjng the sepna the orgunlsf neliod lbs opportunity write him a note on tha niattsr and hnnded uu cholf bqy fo tjeilyer misunderstanding the fblsperel directions the lad handed the note straight up to the vicar or ho an to und edly read he following will you stop whan i toll you tot i mij ile come hero to listen to my mualo not to your hurrlblo noise asthma can be cured its suffering is us iioodluss as it is terrible to en dure after its many years of relief of the most stubborn oures no sufferer can doubt tho perfect effectiveness of dr 3 o keltomjutunamadv comfort of body and pdoofinlmt return with its use and lights of no uml sleep come hack fur jgood ask jour druggist ho cuii supply youl thoarluivaitfsmastwpioce partridtirs madebyhand sold in acton by fred blow railway time tables at a0ton qrand trunk railway system qoinq wast no 2u hunilay 10 0ajo- no 20 81xam ffo 31 10 os sum no 33 311 ptn no 3c c09am no j7 allpjn qolng cast no 2 hunduy 6 pjn no 20 7jajn no 28 1118 am no 32 us pm no 34 glgprn no 38 a is pjq toronto quburban else trio railway qolnq west 917 am t except sunday ulpm holly except sunday 8 00 p m ially excej sunday 11 03 a m bunday only is p m sunday only 9 68 p m hunday only qolng east dally except bunday 7s am 101 pm dolly except sunday cis p m daily except sunday t g8 a m sunday only e 48 p m sunday only 8 68pm sunday only freight and ex pr eos repress carried on ail cars freight dellvored daily by special express freight kxpresa or lrolght picked up at any address in toronto q it aonew axent acton- kellys meat market corner mill and elgin streets acton i carry a full line of meats as i have hod many yesra experience it is my aim to bring before my customers tha very choicest meats at a reasonable price will you give mo an oppor tuntty to show yout cash paid fob butter 1 and eoqs wkelly acton ont uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tableware fine variety also fiqe cutlery hardware tinware and granite- ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves every article 18 of excep tional value c c speight mo street acton summer have you received your summer footwear yet t if not oo to kenney bros ami make your selection from their stock tho styles for ladles are dongolas bala oxfordh with a few line of pumps we havo also a nice lino of ladles hhrh cut hals with fuwn and pax vamps which glvo a very stylish appearance our mans lines of lino and heavy iluls un complete with hoy missis and child s u reasonable prices we will ulso have x complete line of white uoods for summer your repairing attended to kenney bros main street acton ont 15e acton bakery m edwards co canada ituod hoard license no b 018 mill street w acton white bread brown bread boston bread tea biseuitb 15c doz buns jkrdojtr scones 15e doz cookies 15c doz cakes 10c 15c 20c 30c wedding caku a specialty m edwards co i aoton ontario stprr rinrd pvrry nlfht bul fh day and saturday a u jo oclock

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