Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1919, p. 3

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lie artott 3ttt xsbb thuiisday july 11 1 a sensitive chap him wntklno wan a chap who used to hot his reelings hurt moat every time he lurried around ho tttoushk folks donn htm dirt if thny it iiegloct to run acroes the street to shako hu hand ho used to have a notion that oiks sat u round and planned to slight him everywhere ho went moat everything youd gay hod twul till it would mtm to bo u nlur at him bo mo way at parties when tlie kir la would set alonn and cicala blm was klwaya nun to think that they ttcro making fun of hun at meetings whan the preacher threw out hints as preacher do him always took em t himself kept putlng on ha shoe if folks would count the change hed ftve it made him mad you see nought that they had their doubt about hi honesty hes dead and one he didnt leave a treat deal when he went in looking high and tow far alights his time was mostly spent and i suppose if hea abovo whero people st their wlrga and draw the tickets for the horpa and golden crowns and thine ilea setting back and thinking- that the happy angels there are laughing at the way be looks in the clothes he has to wear grass ano clover ensilaqb when the term ensilage is used in canada tt nearly atwaya refers ensilage made from corn for the rea son that com is practically the only forage plant which u used for ensilage in thia country there are however a considerable number of forage plant which may be converted into ensilage of high feeding value but so far only such plants which cannot very well be cured into hay and which at the a time produce bulky crops have been utilized for the purpose for the reason classes and clovera are not looked upon as belonging to the c of forage plants from which ensilage may be satisfactorily and economically made and yet the first ensilage pro uuced in modern times was made from gross this history tells us that the peoplo living in the countries bordering on the south pastern coast of the baltic sea in europe made it a practice long ago to preserve their grass crops in a unique manner trenches were due in the ground to a considerable depth and filled with freshly- mown grass the grass was p as hard as pos sible and when the trwehev were well filled it was loaded down with large stones so as to be kept under heavy pressure after a certain time a pro duct was obtained which to all in tents and purposes was identical with what is now called ensilage this method of converting the grass into a wholesome and nourishing- food was later in a somewhat modlfled way applied to indian corn in france where as a matter of fact j the making of corn ensilage was first successfully attempted from france the method was brought to this continent where it was perfected and soon gained uni versal popularity wherever corn coald be r remuneratively cor fodder it 1 the irony of things that while corn became increasingly popular as an ensilage crop the fact that com mon gross was the first crop used for ensilage purpojes wai soon forgotten so much o that at present only com poratively few farmers are aware that areas may be advantageously made into ensilage and not only grass but clover and alfalfa as wen may be converted into excellent enslbige some experiments with grass- clover and- alfalfa ensilage red to dairy cow which recently have been conducted at tne dominion experimental farm agas si b c strongly indicate that en silage made from the latter forage crops constitutes a most valuable feed the use of which spells profit to the dairy farmer the practice of patting the grass and clover into the alio in about the same manner as for clover may therefore well be encouraged es pecially if weather and labor conditions at harvesting time ore not favorable to the making of cheep hay of the best duality m o sialte dominion agrostologlst i tub old man op the dig clock to web in this a healthful townf enquired a visitor who was inclined to settle in acton of an old resident in my ilea ring last bulimia y ye it certainly la was the answer when i came hero i hudn t the strength to utter a word i had scarcely a hair on my head could n t walk across the room and had to beatified from my bed yoi surely have improved since then ro piled the home aeekef with some en thusiasm how long have you been her7 xsu born lire replied the native us he made a bee lino o thl barber shop to rehearse the joke with jack wordan and sandy mclean if you were up here in the tower with roe and as early a riser as i am but the early rising bin t exactly nee easary you might see every morning auto loads going- away in all direction the occupants of these com haven t their outo vels on theyre not ait dressed up either in fact if you were to ask where theyre going- they wouldnt tell you fneywere out netor- lng theyd juet simply say were goln plckin berries they go past here at all hours of the day bent on expeditions of that kind and 1 can tell every bllnkln load thats going on uuit quest moat of them turn down the second line but a lot go up mill street and out over the o t r tracks see them going you might think it was a picnic party or camplngout trip which they were benl hut oh when they come back that a another side of the story the picnic spirit stayed in the berry patch it was a real days work filling those pails then some of them didnt get their palls full ive been down on the corner and other places listening to the after story of various trips picking- berries i could tell you some great stories of incidents or these excursions fact is i believe i could fill a ojnall book on it but to do that and make it interesting i would have to mention names and some 6t the excursionists dont see the funny port of the incidents jia- way we stay- athomasandplcklnyon gar dens folks do just ask around for some of the berrypickers jokes and believe me theyre good ones zimmerman and hill iwya aeordle hume jock tillngerland and a number of other boy a with good memories noklng after this perennial tuber yearjfter year in october or novum bcr after the froat hod cut down the stalks next week we vlnlt coates big coop er shop and see thomas ucmuckon levi iambert jim hutler frank coat- oa and other coopers at their busy toll on the next lot cast thk oid man judge was too curious a philadelphia negro eras caognt with a number of hides in his pos session for which he could not rea sonably account and was brought into court charged with stealing quilty or not guilty t thundered the judge not guilty i emphatically respond- uo negro then how do you account for the fat uui voj were id possession of two fivedollar bills when you were arrested althdmfti you are known to have seen jnembkuud for a year t demanded bis honor jes 1st me relat the circumstan ces mr judge and that three hides of which you claim to know nothing were found hidden in your 04110x7 i dunno jedge but and that you were seen coming out of tho tannety with three moret w tho negro scratched his need in years ago built the present brick build my miqd went back with a click to the days- of long long ago last week when j noticed jrorn my lofty point of observation john tone rector hearse going by conveying the body of a de parted one to our beautiful olty of the dead x thought of the funerals of sixty or seventy years ago fleeted upon the days when that godly man john speight with all his tender regard and sympathy for bereaved dtl- xens of this hamlet and the surround lng country was the undertaker when the time came after the funeral ser vice to convey the coffin to the last resting place some kind- hearted nelgh- bor wquld offer his wagon or sleigh for the purpose over and over again have x seen alex brown or asa hall or peter jjann or john warren or john warden or christopher swacknamer or some other neighborly resident drive from the bereft home with the coffin tn their rig then about forty five years ago another epoch was reached tn local history when mr spelgi t brought from sfarkham a beautiful new hearse mode to his order tn bis father great factory there then twenty years ago when mr jos a speight who succeeded his rathe passed away and mr johnstone succeeded to his business his hears of newer mode was greatly admired and now the motor hearse the but thing in funeral cars is with us evidence of the enter prise of the proprietor i almost felt like shedding- a tear the other day however when i noticed the old speight hearse lying in the undertakers yard dismantled andk forlorn almost sym bollo of an old wornout human being like myself the first pecupant of the lot on which the fine residence and office of pr bell and lite coxy home of mr and mrs win bwarkhomer are situated after the adamses ceased using- it fr port of a wheatneld was qeorge steel after th death of his wife and the departure of his son qeorge to idaho ha became a sort or a hermit he bad a little seven by rune house there and lived alone and it came to pass to tne fulfilment of time that be died it is a coincidences that he was the first person burled in fairview cem tery which property had been purchas ed from his brother will upon which he alleged some kind of claim after belngv vacant for some time it was taken possession of by wlllbun walker an impecunious pen sioner of the american army he bow- ever did not live there alone he had a wife and eight or ten children just where they were stowed waa always an enigma with the neighbors house keeping- at the walker house was primitive rather than aesthetic and this was true respecting- the clothing of the numerous progeny one flue night the house was burned and the walker family barely escaped with their uvr some observant nelgbbors positively averred that there were really many uvea lost i this ore mrs anna morrison who was resident and business woman of acton back in the sixties and removed deavertnu returned aftrr the death of her husband and twentyfive or thirty the brake of conservatism there is a difference between re- epoetins other pwpton opinions and agreeing with them it would be a monotonous world if everyone thought alike there are some communities where practically everyone la of tho same political faith and every ono knows that such a state of affairs is inimical to progress the man who gets the nomination on a certain ticket is absolutely sure of election regard less of his fitness or unfitness for tho place kor political health dl terences or opinion are desirable in social life diversity of opinion contributes to interest a woman of very slight intellectual attainments was married to a man who had read a good deal and was very fond of airing his views occasionally in the dla cuoslons which arose between him and ills friends aomeono present would ap peal to the wife her invariable r ply was i agree with my husband thn peoplo who alwaya agree mako dull companions but while differences of opinion arc favorable to health and interest n uis- rcspect toward the opinion of otheta is always unfortunate all of us know- old people who apeak sllihtlngly of what they call newfangled ideas ami young- peoplo who are equally intoler ant of old fogy notions and in this way neither derives benefit from the others point of view moat elderly people need the stimulus of new ideas most of the younger need tho brake of conservatism aoh could help the other provided each respected tho other respect your own opinions but re ipect those of other people too as differences in temperature account for the breexes which keep the air from lteoouilng stagnant ac differences in opinion keep the intellectual atmos phere stirred up it is a good thing that we do not allsee alike and it is also a good thing for us to respect anothers point of view even if wo find ourselves unable to agree with lu a tin can tragedy this tale concerns two dapper in dividuals who recently visited belle ville and engaged rooms with every appearance of making- a prolonged stay their stay was abort however but their visit will long- be remembered by a number of thirsty cltlxena with feelings the reverse of pleasant strangers were not long in getting busy and soon the word was passed in strict confidence that gallon cans of good whiskey could be obtained from them at the reasonable price of fifteen dol lars per can customers were not lacking and it is alleged that over fifty cans were apeedlly disposed and hurried avwy to concealment ty the eager purchasers sad to relate when the cflns were opened they yielded only a couple of drinks of liquor and when the spirit fountain so suddenly dried p an in vestigation showed that the cans were of a peculiar make with a small top compartment containing liquor while the greater part of the con was filled with water an inside cork keeping the liquor from pentratlnx to the water compartment fifteen dollars for about fifteen cents worth of whiskey and nearly a gallon of water seems rather a top price but the buyers are saying little or nothlne of their experience and prefer not to be interviewed for publication several of the trick cans were found in belleville back yards battered and broken with gaping interiors showing- how the game was played the strangers were quick workers and after gathering- upwards of seven hundred and fifty dollars in an in creditably short tune they vanished to shed their light and their cans upon some other community intelligencer silence for a minute tbnjarted o t looky here mr jedge if you is gwlne to git so troublesome an so kuloltlve bout this little matter ts lest plntedly rwitie ter take hack what 1 said bout not guilty an make u gnltty principles in practice an interesting thing about hon n w howell and nil wife during their stay at ottawa lias been that they ln- olst upon saying- grace bexore meals when they are at the chauteau laurler mra xlowell herself will say grace when phe is entertaining the wives of the cabinet ministers or other ladles of ber aoqualtnance meet people of course have court esy neougn m soy thank you to the almighty at home but very few do so when at a hotel or publlo retaurant this is a reminder of a little inci dent that happened at the ilussel house in ottawa a few years ago when jt was the principal hostel in the city sir wllfrtd laurler was passing through the dining room and be notic ed that at one of the tables he was approaching an old gentleman -ttsfctng-er-bhwlna- l- wilfrid and stood with eyes reverently closed until the grace had been said humidity humidity u a term which u in com mon use but it is doubtful whether many persons have a definite under standing- of it it refers always jf course to the moisture in the atmos phere but does not always mean the same proportion there is at all times some moisture in the alt but the amount expressed in the number of units to the cubic foot of air 1 the absolute humidity when we speak of it we usually mean the relative humidity which la the difference between the amount of mois ture in the air and the amount it i the present temperature aturated could holu at i if it were sett if one be troubled with worts and corns he will find hotloirays com cure an application that will entirely trelieye suffsring lnx she kept store for a time then because of advancing years re moved to toronto to be near friends her son thomas died here and since her removal both alio and her daughter emms have deceased dr bell pur chased the property about a decode ago away bock in the seventies johi coates who was in the cooperage bust ness here for many years owned this lot and used it for a stave yard some times he would have half a million elm slaves and heading- piled there the staves and heading- were manufactured by moore brothers thomas edward james and john t their mill on the main street front of tne farm now owned by mr hcjsvoy just north of the grand trunk hallway bam mooney jim wild morris bayers and others of the employees of the mill used to team the staves and heading- down to this yard one day bom mooney reached the yard with a cart load a few minutes after twelve bom was unusually hungry that day and he knew his mother was having- new potatoes and fresh fried pork for din ner and he decided he would defer handling the thousand v on hls lood until after dinner he propped he tw w u and unhitched the horse alas and alack when he was leading the horse from between the heavy shafts a trace- hook caught one of the shaft supports down came the cart with its heavy load lloth the shafts were snapped off and the atavea were thrown from their carefully arranged formation in all directions needless to say hani little enjoyed his dinner that day his honest heart prompted him to tell the boss at the mill just how the trouble occurred and upon the principle that accidents wll happen in the beet regu lated families the kindhearted ed ward moore said never mind banuny youll know now never to try that plan again bant was one of the most use ful and highly esteemed employees of the mill until the removal of his father william mooney and tho family to a farm in bruce county bam after- ward studied for the ministry of the presbyterian church but died before he com plated wis course for- many years thejre was a fine bed of artichokes right at the nortn boundary of this lot near dr arrays litis fencer i remsittbert swains the cultivating personality to strengthen your personality i to increase your chances of succea there n some people whose person alities are so undeveloped that they make hardly any impression on those they moetj they ore bound to be over looked and ignored except as some kindhearted acquoltance makes an especial effort to give them recognition the men and wpmsp who make their mark are inevitably people of strong personalities but strength is not tho only thing for which you should strive aim too to achieve a pleasing personality some successful people are very far from agreeable and in that case their success is only partial to make money and fall to make friends is a bitter sweet victory to win tho admiration of strangers and fall to win the effoa- tlon of intimates is to muu the beauty of life strengthen your will cult vale your determination moke the most of your personality but do not neglect to acquire charm winsoroe- ness affability no wonder they shouted a young married couple who lived near a famous golf course were en tertaining an elderly eunt from the depth of the country well aunt mary how did you spend this afternoon t ssked the hostess on the first day oh i enjoyed myself very much repled auntie with a beaming smile 1 went for a walk across the moors there seemed a great many people about and some of them shouted t me in a moat eccentric manner but just took no notice and by the way oho went on found such a number of curious little white things i brought thorn homo to ask you what they were and the dear old lady produced from her handbag about a dosaii golf balls the future counts the boy who a tarts out in ufa drlv lug a wagon gel llg- wages if he drives the same wagon all the reat of his lira he will still get the same wages if the boy leerus a trade he will start for smaller wages but he will filially ik a ek workman e c detnuud twice the wages wlvtctithefiiahwnff drives the wagon will receive which would you rather dot a practical joke practical jokes all belong to th same somewhat dlitraputablo family they have a way of caualng real traublo when you expert eomcthlng quite dlf foront from them tho oil nlulre used to say that it was better to avoid them altogether and wo agreed with thim nfler a certain incident that oo currod in march lit70 addison and i were getting out bird a eye map in lumber from ono of the foreet lots of the old farm to do fray achool expenses tho lot was five miles from the famihuuse ami wo camped out there in the woods for ten dnya wltl one helper a young man named asa doanc a younger brother named abnrr was working for tho old squire on tho farm this abitor then alout twenty years old and very bright in his own conceit had been much given to playing tricks on addl son and me as well as on his older brother asa while we were up there at the lot we klllod in old bea that hud junt emerged from her wmlir d an and when we left camp we hauled the car- cava homo on a sled it was after dark that ovenljig when wo reached the farm the born chores for the night were done and the folks all in the house through the lighted windows jvo could boo thorn in tho sitting room thoodora reading story and the rest listening ah iioano among them shall we call them out jo soe tho bcart addison asked no said asa with a glance in side i know something better to do well play a joke on ab with it ho has to go out early mornings to feed the cattle you know lets put this bear in tho born where ab will run on to him in tho dark addison and i bod no objection and so going quietly through tho yard we opened the barn door easily and after soma thought selected as on most favorable place the narrow pas sage that led from tho wagon house tohe barn floor there wo proppe up tho old bear so that eho appeared to be standing on her hind legs was not very light in the passagt any time of day that done we went in to greet tho folks as usual tiad our supper and after chatting for an hour retired bed leaving things nicely fixed as wo supposed for abnerl but as we might havo mistrusted tho cattle in the barn soon amellod the bear and about twelve or one oclock two or three of the jersey cowu hat had calves in a pen from which they were separated began a low dls tressed lowing- the plaintive sounds roused grand mother and after listening for a time she waked the old squire and told him she feared something- was wrong at the born the old gentleman was now geltlng a little deaf and being ored from the days toll persisted in falling- asleep again a rand mother however grew nu aus for her jerseys and at lost rising quietly liehtwi brr bmtrojm candle untt went to the kitchen to get the bora lantern but as it chanced tne oil in the lantern had burned out and so oho went on in ber slippers with her candle picking her way out through the wood house and wagon house to tho passage that led to the barn floor there was a slight draft here that flared her candle to shield the blase she placed her hand in frpnt of it and that of course prevented the faint light from shining ahead but she knew the way well in consequence the dear old lady ran squarely against that bear bo- fore she saw the black object there in the dark i it frightened her nearly to death for she felt tho creatures shaggy half on her hand and arm in fact aturobled against itl she screamed and turned to run back dropping her candle which fortunately went out in the dork wagon house she ran into a pung that stood there bruised her self severely and bumped her forehead against one of the supporting posts of the floor raising a large contusion that showed black and blue for a montl afterwards finally she get back into the house and had just strength enough lett to wake the old squire again and say joseph theres a bear in your barn i when down she fell in some thing qui to like a faint from which the old gentle man had no little ado to revive her with the camphor bottle the moment she had regained her wits she exclaimed again ttiat there was a bear among- the cattle you roust be mistaken ruth the old squire sold to her youve had nightmare i gueos you have been walking in your sleep no i havent joseph she cried you muni uo out but take the gui and you will have to fill the lantern wh my incrthluloui the old squlr j filled tho lantern oxd mi out but when he reached the passage in tho barn floor he stopped short and beat a retreat fur ho had caught sight of thnt old bear h landing up there large as life bushing back into tho bouse he came upstairs for our old army musket it was the noise hu made on the stairs that waked addi son and me something- is wrong below addl- pi sold for wo plainly heard the sound of a ramrod driving down u ban cartridge with that we rose in haste and going down came upon the old gentleman in the act of capping tho gun tirumpwjat is the matter wo asked at once boys there s a bear in the barnl he exclaimed in considerable excite ment addison gave u shame faced look at me and then of course we made u clean uroust of it as a rule the ow squire was vory patient with all our youthful prortk liut tliln time ho was slurry ills faded blue tiym snapped for a roomeut ho said nothing then set the musket carefully away and remarked if studying iatln and going school a j teaching- you nothing better thim to play pranks on your grand mother at dead of night you had bet ter hire out on a farm and now one uf you hitch up and go get dr daiiftrth j am afraid your grand mother la seriously hurt fortunately for our peace of mind the old ludy a injuries did not prove serious and that abner doajio slept through the whole thing and came down wmiting the next morning c stevens j explained there is nothing like being down to mln judiclology a prisoner up- 1 before judge blank tho other day for tentence the judge looked over to the prisoners attorney two years and ten days he an nounced whats the ten days furt askod counsel for the defense war tax replied the court wise sayinqa by wise men o w at lit and fight and pray the- battle -neer- give lleuov tt boldly day by duy and help illytne implore uoorge heath ufa- la not so abort but that there la always time for courtesy lmerson a phi thai liahuns liu to the kn who is a victim of indigestion the nsactfon of business becomes an added misery he cannot concentrate huf mind upon bis tasks and loss and vexation attend him to such a man parmeles a vegetable pills offer relief a course uf treatment according to directions will convince him of that- great exoellenoa they are cptfideutiy recommended because they will do all thai is claimed fur them manners are not id uf loyal nature and i but the fruit noble ml n i if you complain of tack of opportunl les you will miss what you have no roan has doni not done his best his duty who has tor stomfw m tye tree wrlfs h mswisw cj c cfclcagtt millions joe paper cups the proccfih patented fflr he turn lng out of pppcrcupn in tnochunlcal the mnctiluen urn driven by electric mn torn of two lionto power cm h from the time the nlmet of paier enters nt ono nldn until it in d- llverod to tho uuer through one of tho vfndlng cases it la nevrr tnu- lied by lnuul in tltla tr a million from plain papr to drink in if receptarle tho cup focn through a cutter a stamping machine that uhapes it iwrudln bath that makes it uteri lo and at the sumo tlmo tlxoa its slupe and inully th rutin h a wrnpplnit ma rhino that count olf qunti title of from inn to a hundred ami puckn tlirm in urtoons for dellvury to tiia nin it in said that 1 000 0d of theno nupn arn turnod opt every day the marks of aggressiveness they say remarked the moral iser that akgresnlvfl and impuulvo people usually liavu black oypt- thaln right rejoined thn dcmorul ixer if thoy are not born with thorn they manago to ucqulro them later indianapolis htar summer colds many have their worst colds dortru the wann months a very little of scotts emulsion after meals puts that quality into the blood that helps thwart that rundown condition that is so depressing build up yout vitality try scotts brott a uoww tuna u ch1 lions b3rioajijswi5t toronto canao mlml dodge brothers motorcar i dodge bros have concentrated on ono styjo of car and have been determined to mnltc as good a car as can be built the dodge cau has the reputation of low cost of up keep fasy riding eav to operate and a low consumption of gaso line all dodge owners arc well satisfied with their choice investigate this cab and be convinced j n oneill dealer for acton and georgetown districts gj i ivjlv to k lui t wli-lv- if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost free press buyathome campaign read these articles with care they piay present some thing yon hadnt thoosfatof before patronize the people whose ads are here they are your nejhbors and will treat you bigul the money you spend with them stays in grculation in acton and neighborhood you will always find it profitable fo consult us when desiring dry goods clothing boo la and bhooe uneoleums oilcloths and groceries our aim la to anticipate your desires in acton molean a mills our aim la to sell you dry goods moq a lturnlslnfs and groceries the quality and prico of which will it oop your money in acton wo can compoto with anyone anywhere and strongly urge com parison h d c russell i jt the panslar-gtere- criterion for uurlly and whuwsumancas in patent formulas v nsry as woll choice perfumery toilet artie ion vlctrolaa our hprlitg wall lupel hiilo is now on end vury uueclul bur gains are offered a t brown consult us first when buying llardwuro wo carry a complete ulock at aholf and heavy hardware ttllvtrwuie cutlery uranitowure etc and can convince the most critical our prices au4 quality aro right james 8ymon ordar your coal now delay under preaant conditions invariably means an advance in the price nut btovo and lumaoo coal now on hand wo curry groceries as wait j c hill fortunes made without effort froflts or stockholders in mallorder houses stagger the imalnation customers supply capital one man makes more than 250000 on j25000 in vestment in nine years hundreds uke him llou there la a but u lai io way to muku monoy uy diulltiit with tho mullordrr by buyliu uuudi rum unni we deal in all kinds of itrcah and cured uuuts and it is our desire to secure and hold your patronage by fair prices and honest dealing wo on do roe this campaign buy in acton- it pays- w landsborouqh bargain in uudlus bllu fleet od htoiklnktt at 53c llob longs ovwralls at 13 60 a shipment uf hob lonj mens wiarlng hh rfs x tud tluu week shoe repairing u apvclality e k cook tho own wlm thluku hu lu tuultnif monoy by buying his goods from mall oritur houuus liiu only tu r- d uf ilio untaxing proflta mado by himo uf ihuuo big corpurutloiu to rmliiu that ull tho monoy is being mado by the man on tho utln i on i of thu tunl the atockholdur in u i lg mull 1ina he ailn but he iille up hli nmti ury nwl hoed awltn to truil uhout alocktiolder in one of thn lutt m ll tliuiiilul journal it kivs hip mall order bualiioan thut nligtild hu uch things poaslhlu r toncuni tolls not and neither 10 fuul that it makes the ordln huru is the experience of tho i t uiilortm um told by a rellublu itu the hinldu workings uf thu tunul to thoso who httvo mado nvr buy furniture itruni a catalogue it all looks good in pit tun- when buying from ui you bee hid urltu before you buy and our beat udvloe and service la yours undnilakliig connoctluu johnstone 6v co make up that ordar for qroeerlaa llrlng it to us wo tan compete in service quality and price with anyone anywhere wo curry as well a full line uf dry qouds nelson a co we hiv 8ld it bsfore and wo auy it again you can buy to better advantage in attoji than in toronto hou un wlitm you require anything la general murhuiidlae we will not be underauld u starkman now that warm weather la upiruuthiuf yoy will roqulro refreshment our drinks tiro ice- cold and invigorating our ice creuin is delicious our cunjlea fresh and wholesome i m-wiles- our lara business connection in acton is umplo proof that our meats vegetables and 1-ruvlsluiu- arq uf tho beat quality we suit un uluse nuusuiui abu eollut the privilege of supplying your home mcenerv 4 cvanb co rtump lating dulldlndj 7 if ao lot us estimate on your re qlrementa wo prepare j lane make estimate and take contracts for any kind of building we would suggest ordering next winters coal now j p maokenzie fair dsallrgj and low prloea are bglltilng up our business we carry a full line uf qroeerlaa and provisions and our prloea will re lieve the necessity of further aeorch our quality and prko will stand comparison tjftrs j modouqall how the game works in lboa th in hum boufcht coo hiiuuu of dock hi the mull order lorporation in qucutluit wlun tliu hik k wuu soiling around 140 a share the 600 shares xatliir him u utllo u ui thuu 115 ooo in 1011 tho com hatty declared untock illvidtii i of 33 t3 iter cent in other words the mimpuny after puying cuhii dlvul- mu rvgulurly luid ac umuluted a surplus profit of tmo lhlrl of tin umuuiii f capltul invested in tin- business but lnsteud oflstilbutliig uin pronl among tho stockholder tho company kept the uuinuy in tliu imwiium uinl issued stock for that amount to the slolkhulduiu hy tlilu in lion 3uu more shares of aim k woss issued to tho mun who hud nrltlnully l ought too increasing his holdings to 800 shares without bis lmjug tlibany more money into thu business another stock dlvldttul f w n mill was deuurv1 in ll6 and this udded 400 shuv mori to blu holding- wing him 1 200 shares in ull a third stock dtvlduild if u uti i nt wuh tuld early in 1917 bring lng this man a atomic holdlin-n- tip to 1 too ihurim ullll without his having imld in any more money on tlilu 1 coo shuru of stotk cash dividends of h a share are bow bulng iul l tblu liivtslor thorn fore is now to eelvliijc 13 000 ayowr from blu original liivustm- nt about 2t ooo im1 as tn stock u now worth uiouiil jih0 u nhurr the present murknt ne of his stock is j 40 001 ivhig him u profit of s15 000 in uddttlou tu luau dividends wlilili lw nulvul during plrni your umuuntlng to muny more thousands of dollm whsnjyou buy shoes from u you urn sure of occur lng tho best aaloctlon in acton our prlctji aro much lower tluui city prlue our guurautoo la behind ovciy thing vu sell kenney bros our bread is baked hlght here in alton and wo guar anloe its wholesome news we solicit us will your patronage for homo- mudo cukuti pastry etc wo aim to satisfy m edwards a co this csmpslan moo id with our approval and haj our hoirty wndorhatluii beardmore ov co our personal interests are centrd in alton tblu movo mo nt la dtmrvuig uf uuiuaa and wo endorse buiiiu hvoer a mowat glove co i am local distributor lif tho lord autumubllu and can supply you with gunulnu ford pai tu ut ruuiouublu prlcus a lonu uloik of tlrm ulwuys un hand iul your iiujct iur be u 1 ud h a coxe only one of hundreds this is tho story f just nn mi mil iitnekboldur in ull orlii touioru a profit or iiiiru hu bi ulitt years oil an invcsliiu i but it u niuuiclul history r this mid other muluiinloij mi lions wbll this mun iiudu tin hoi lai together and tho rusul huuill won lur tl in dor houses can llvo own palatial prlvuto j furnished the money li yehtaeml4 hl 0irwi small towns who bnv offer u tho mull oi mluloit uf dollars liuva roucems ibulr tnlllloui lbi nd t lu ii io it out titutjo by one snuill atuikbqlilctr ttuui icoout ll rwuds like tlutlon ut itupdiads of other sluckholdoru lu limn i tno uf wiiom huve made mil- u add thu pronts uf ull those stork iioin tliul stuggtirs the lmughuitlon wl wn tin utoiu of the big mull lu in tho highlit priced uutomubllsj uy sluoooo pulntiiigs llut who bus i lu s unit tho autumubiles und the iutl flptft i iiir fiiiiinrv mv ilitun mi ilu stiuum uf nionoy riuwlng into the houmi luivo tnudu ull this tolble their i ui in to tho big itlis lo build up ihcao grtwit i huvti provided lhu automobiles nit i totkliilliia lu those corirutms present from mail order buyers rtioso men who mvu pllod up u business huvo not ovaii bud io j y tjiey um now druwlug iihuly illvl und the small lowtm hi mruus uln shown in tho cose of tho nutkholui invustod thu goneroun mull ordur 1 2i6 000 worth of stock und bo m hut il he bus itevt r uvun liutl o so um tlitt kniicrous mull mdii buyvii liuvu u plattor thore s money lu tho mlill oubi buuliirss without a doubt but lis un tho sldo uf the man who dots tin soiling und pot the one who does tho buying if you must do tiualiitnn with the luull order bouse buy huid of it stutk und lt thu follow lu tho next town buy you auto mobiles und private ysthm vhlli h tiukghs with tho hunt times that ioiiii from diulnliik his tuwn of tho h thui tiooa to kenp yoit in luxury b big furtuuus in tho in all order much uf the stock from which ids the people in tho country uvu lutuuht it for them this la just moiuionod who originally liuyiiu huvo itiudo hlu u preaeut if iil- bud tu turn his hand over to to muuh us write a latter to gat it- ivu handed it tu him un a guidon i mufture and repair ah kinds of fllnuuiu let liw eatliiiutu or you n tbi making ov rvitalrini w uphoulolng uf your furniture which r pilico uttuntlou i guuiuiituu my work lliu 1 umltuiu hospltul w j stuckev summar tuu outtiiliw un tu uiia humnui oullhs liuhl wvuht midriwi ru ii y uoi ku withli lu utix htori will ui i loud fn iii au 4 to ix for imlliuys w m cooper never buy jowaltsry from cat logos all jowslluiy looks add lu uiu wbun btylug frum ino you utw tho urtulo ulul uu will you huvo the twiiullt of my burvufl udvliu unit pr suuul guuruuttu qeo hynda sat tlma you rsquira lioota hhoos lluhbvi bikdcnvwr to riimii yi ulto uy utotk is loiuputoiuy quality is of the bout i ivy prh w ui o i ight llepalrlng dune w william3 extra qpsclal darualns in taa i uiiu to km p u kilgllwiub uf hoods you will till 1 ill injliy 11imoh but tny rli i un umull u wluu you ihxy for tliu mi mi quuiitlty if lllfeilul ohestch planlt mulii ht lhou l3 consult ma first when you loqulru rarty lmplu imtilh of tiny kind 1 um loiul ugont for inturnutloiiul mu hlnury um can guurantoe yuu ititllofut lion unit sor ykit i airy boots und n ms it will ctlas e parker

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