Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1919, p. 5

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iriiriirrtif qujp artflu3trrpirrs0 tiiuhhday juiy 31 imp that oallot when you go lo murk yo no muddle juut nniiwor ull four ir iiullut mak w ktot rrixi frtii iwciy ulllt root uii brunch qimml ion uiio ithul i w vote at i i it two shall lovirnn mill thnrr7 no a tihul i lutr rtmiiii rvjjcein ip jr tihull fnvciriiir hulmt campaigning at a funeral al lky rid otil ilulli anything vurd and thcra are by tlio itnmo or howard you ut four xi np id ii i thi olu ill lllmtlotl tho larn hew jf fettnr known n xxx now wovo u im f ixittcr ty vutlng u on a wi icl to u k x k x ltf for no 1 x bo whan yon it uu four xs whl no no tl rk you will r j f b w tlkt i no n itongug k twenty years ago from the luu of the fr pfmi of thursday au 3 1899 qjuo threshing machine la lit work again the workmen are engaged in putting in a new siding and switch ut denrd- moro cou warehouses the big championship lacroaso match between onll and acton played in the parlc hare on baturday resulted in a core of alx to two in ac tons favor between j 200 and ltoo spectators saw the puna calt club and their friends came in a special acton players were goal wtttimn point shields covor point krwln lot defence f ityder 2nd defence watson 3rd defence wll- llama centre scott 3rd home fil hyder 2nd home mcintosh 1st home cornctt outside home krwln lnaldo home gumcy flfeld cap lam matthews goal umpire ucgibbon the georgetown correspondent says georgetown seemed about as much in terested in actons game with gait lost saturday an tho acton people themselves they were also very jubi lant over the result op wednesday of last week a depu tation of the council of tlio town uf godertcb accompanied by their oloctri- clan clamlnod and tested our electric lighting plant with a view to purchas ing a similar plant if this one acted satisfactorily this it did arjd tho goderich gentlemen were favorably impressed the turn of a sentence every now and then when a publlo man is molting an address some little phrase of his is seised upon and mado capital of by his enemies llko the allot heard round the world this one sentence if tho speaker prominent enough echoes from country to coun- tiy forms the text of innumerable editorials is approved by noma and condemned by others according to pre vious prejudice before it is finally for gotten we ull realize bow in the beat of a publlo address it would be easy to go a llttlo farther than one in tended to uua a term which did not express ones thought exactly but no allowances are made for a public man when ho stands before an audience it is not many years since a proralalnk candida to for the presidency destroyed his chances by an illconsidered speech he might have been vory tired he might have been feeling ill he might have oeen ut set by bd news no one stopped lo u3k lhe reason no one cared from that night ho dropped out of sight us a factor in prcsldontlal affairs public men realise the truth of this statement lly thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou ahalt be condemned it ts nut only public men who neel to be careful to make heir words re present their real meaning- soma people when they have a pleasant thing to say overdo it a prominent musician once listened to a youthful singer in a country town and when she hod finished complimented her highly a few months later ho learn ed that tho recipient of his compli ments hud resigned an excellent posi tion und that her mother hut sold her little home und that with tho proceeds they had gone east so that the girl might study music he was amased study music be exclaimed ilul why should hu study music she- hit no talent mho has no voice he had been lavish ut his compliments in order to give the girl and her friends plea sure but ha was thunderstruck when ba found his words taken literally we are more likely to err in saying what wo do not mean when we axu finding fault thaw when wo are giving praise in anger wo often utter nctiti ments which would appal u if w- faced them in cold blood indeed w are inconsistent enough to think that our frlsntls should understand how little ueh linputlent hpoochcs signify it is not unusual to have a penitent declare why you ought id have known that i didnt mean that some one has said the turn of u sentence has decided the fate or many a friendship and fur uughtwo know the fate of many a kingdom it be hooves us all to watch our upa that we may be nure of saying exactly what and meaning exactly what uostinfants are infested by worm which cause great buffering and if no properly lealt with iitu rouih run tttutlouill wjuknonws dllltult to rem ody millers worm towdors will clear the stomach and bowel of worms und will so act upon the uyntum tltut thoru will be no recurrence of tho trouble and not only this but thy will repair the injuries to the organs that worms cause and restore them to nmuitncw jfnsuna7jcednrdulht a life insurance policy for 16003 lias been tken out tin u dlgreed 176000 ilolstoln bull mighty monarch by will t tlmlyi go pit loins n funiwr of patterson now jersey ljesiijctt the animal is covered with a heavy 1rtt triauranc mr hrady who is vlcopreeldout of the westlnghouso kleotrla com pan tried to insure the bull said to be the worlds most costly for his fiill value but irjlfloj was limit of risk tin underwriter would assume for oil mr ilrady will have to pay h ier com premium or 2o00 a year ho has d cllncd to exhibit his prise ut several cattl shows as he is fearful the bull might be harmed in transit t lucun to say ha rah a tho utory didnt get into your n well it would if it hadnt u prohibition- utory itbcal all how u iiuiter will print every fool uilr utout a niitselcns itoostcr in loi angeles or a three kdol iong iea mm1 in texan ud will tell how wla- fiiinln rubtcn iiultitd und tepperoi po- tulrs ami fxxxln to raise buttered ixuliu too but their apace is too limit mi to give prohibition news all truo mrs lawlu unt what about howard t wll you mmnmber i told you wlinn i was hern before of a family by tlin uuinn of mrrrlll that hod move i into tmr nilbtorliood iktnd of gent lomun funnoni wlio talked university talk hiiwiirilwaa their imy and oni of the braiavir knew ha dldn tiinml hla time o7 on joy rldea or dune inu tha foe itut whan be came hom from ollrge vacation times ha wen rluhl out into the field and did more work than any of their hired hands ll tuugtit i ho young folku a lot of now slutiui to develop tholr muscles u worn polltu und respectful follow to old folks 1 novor saw ho was that it i ml to mo when my folku wore sl that 1 won always looking for whim wuy to do him a good turn well when the prohibition loderu lion wun organised in our neighbor hood to help make the state dry joined of course and they sot me u killing my precinct to nee who would vote wet and who would vote dry the vrry first family i otruck was the merrill family and i never was more dumbfounded than when mr merrill said haughty like 1 dont be- llve in it at ull wure not teetotaler l want my non to learn selfcontrol und not bo dictated to by tho state he gave mo a whole lot more of that kind of talk and mrs morrill stood by nodding bar heud ut every ward ho i couldnt say much but i hinted itomethlni uboul ilunqor to tho son and mr merrill resented it and said liquor will never do him any harm he is too much of u man over to go near tho danger llnu howard was away ut school then and i made up my mind him an soon as ha came home for i muiectcd ha would be a voter that vory fall bonii weeks later one hot morn ing as i was hurrying up my pics so as to send a piece out to the men in the flow mr merrill stepped in look ing white- like and said mrs worth llowird wants you to coma right over if you can whats the raittter i questioned thais what wo dont know but howard thinks youll know youre so fine in sickness ill be there before you are mr merrill if you dont walk fast i an swered well it proved to be a kind of low fever from drinking bad water in his cullcgo town and his father lamented with almost every breath that be hadnt put some champagne in the water and then it would have been all right he seemod to think that cham pagne or california wine or brandy in cream could work miracles and kept tolling his boy bo couldnt get well without taking something of the kind said howard its the very worst thing in a fever all tha great doctors will tell you so nowadays ill touch it fa oi or dear though the doctor thought he might try it you see i the doctor wail anxious to please mr merrill well i stayed by howard day and night he and i hwd our way about the liquor and he pulled through but it wiui a close shave a more grateful father and mother you never uw you sec nursing was what howard needed most and there were no trained nurses in our county i learned to love that boy am my own of course he was rather feeble for some time and i saw nothing or him being pressed with my federation work mrs worth paused as though in a reverie and then broke out two months later i saw tho family doctor check bis horse at my door and heard htm say go right oyer to mer rills theyre in awful trouble how ards dying that was all i wanted to bear but i learned later that he had gone to a college bunauet in the city the fel- lowsal got hllorluusly drunk but they couldnt nag or bully howard into tak ing a drop and so they poured it down bis throat till he was sent home more dead than alive there be lay hover ing between life and death and chok ing back a ol death finally con quered in spite of all we could do the grief of tho father and mother wus terrible and mine was utile loss but they put it upon me to make every arrangement fur the funeral the merrills had no church affullu- tions und thoro was no mlnuter within calling distance it being vacation time 1 accepted the charge at mr merrills tearful solicitation on tha condition thst i was to be free to speak and act as i won moved mr mer rill begged bowovvr that i should try to make the ieoplo understand how it all came about and how loving und obedioitt and in every wuy trualvairthy bis sou had boon which was only labor of lovo for me but above and beyond this i hud a high resolve and purpose tiwj iiowm tliut a woman was u speak at lhu funeral spread llko run nlng water this and tho horrible do tails uf tho banquet brought together a dense crowd of people few of whom won total uhalulimr curiosity lined the fence and tilled the bpaciuus grounds where under a whitearmed oak stood the open euskot i announced no text but tho wurds which burned into my soul were stlugeth like an udder i can only uuy that 1 paid the young man tho moat loving und beau tiful tribute ef which 1 was capable and that 1 ulso paid i king alcohol the most appropriate and scathing tribute or which my vitriolic vocubulary was 4uipubln then ccmo the most aston ishing innovation ever introduced at a funurul i tipoke of tha campaign wo wnie in to make thn state dry and told what it infant to yuung men like ilywurtl virritl und to unborn chil dren i mpoko of tho one thing the absolutely unv thlngwtilch could nuke tho atute dry volea i called upon every man und woman to register w row in- heaven uw w buys und slrbj by voting against tho liquor trultlc und unked them cord it vat now by signing tholr names to a pledge which in deathlike silence wua being circulated among them thi doneiaialdt howard guve hi lifo for others we are dedicating our lives to the sumo high puriasa would it not be u beautiful tribute to bun if we should lay these pledges rover ently in hia casket und let them g with him lulu tho eternal preasncot ierhumi tho dear father und mother would like to tnuko the tlrst offering- i then und there liegun u proces sion tho llko of which tho world pro bably had uovr before seen und it ended with the words aniun and anion from many lips when the last white slip had boon laid lovingly by the side uf the truilsflgured form vnciiinovoitrwag wi ember ovary ballot but three cast in dry and our county odditres of banana giiowth have you noticed that in the stores tho bunches of bananan liung imittum nlild upt that is thp way thny grow und what moot jiooplo regard ttn tho top t thn bananas is rftally tha bottom tho bunches on each stalk are called bands and grow alternately on clio ntalk the hands oiat number odd num- bono nrvyn one eldo of tho nlalk and thoee that number even numbers on the opponlte side on a full stalk the number of bananas to a hand can be definitely computed as the number of itanatias in u liand contains one loau than tho previous hand this in in variably true a section uf tho banana also dtvldou naturally into three nlcceonhnpod like a piece of pie natives of hanana- growlng countries slwayu scrape the mealy covering off tho fruit before eating it as they consider it dotrui bi from th- flavor tho rootutock which in peronnlnl nnuds up a number of suckers which licnr a circle of largo showy leaven at a holght of from eight to forty fur from tho ground after about two years uf growth peculiar scaly heart shaimjd buds develop and us thcuo mature from underneath each sculo u blossom appears which points upward hometlmes one bud will produce oyer 100 flowers tha trult is gathered when green und tho stalk upon which it grown in then cut down or allowed to wither away na it never bears u second croji two or three of tho manj new nuckeni which appear as noon as un old one lu cut are left to produce later props chsspest of all olln conitluoring the curative qualities of dr thomas rdclcctrlo oil it is the cheapest or d11 preparations offered to tho public it is to be found in every drug store in canada from coast to coast and all country merchants koep it for uale bo being easily procurable and ex tremely moderate in price no one nhould bo without a bottle of it concrete ship ends lonq trip vha concrete ship faith first of lis typo built for ocean cargo carrying and hulling from ban francisco has arrived safely at a gulf port accord ing to word received by agents of her owners tho vessel after carrying 2000000 feet of lumber from califor nia to chile took on u load of 4000 toim of nitrate and came through the isniunu canal the kaith which was poured rather than built atood the sea ex- lerionces without damage her agents said and is ready to sail for another port as soon as her unloading and reloading is finished liquor and venereal di0ease j temutn july z 1013 lr cutob w hftlreby v 11 h hn klvun bin lieiit- iiiergy to the ncloitro o eugenlrn in thin iijmirlly ho en tent thn llull fikiilimt uhohol in uny fori llu ret fitly delivered tin uddrtaii i toronto in which lit ilcult with hqut an a riu o poliion unit which coming from u itiui iiuthorntlvn iqhmkcr would hiivtrheon anifitutltiiul dr ftjtloeby protests ugulnut uny iluiiiillluutuiti or ulcohnl us u utlmulunt ulul irtrilnln thut it in ulwuyi u narcotic an it luirrollt it deudniiii thouo powum of fontrol which would normally hind er und iimvmit unuufu luprudunt uni thn thief meuiui of promoting lhu dmiti urllvo venereal dlnauacm lu fount in uli hoi whone influence is felt ut ibiuu duitlnct utugca of the proeim mil in three ileonuo formu llrut ultohnl leaiietiu reoliitinun to ttunplu- llou net otiil it le roaneit phyulologl- tal milituiite to infiit tint iimi thlrj it hi pliriitlnk tho uymploni hln m j prul wun thertiforn pilniurtly to the women of cuiuiili hotuiid tliut tivery woman who nujipoi in tho ludul- tetin in ulrohol man imm to tho ballot hf under the tiinntr of uypbllln hiuh it htntiinotit from u less ripututio uu- luirlly would tiurely have invllotl re iieiitiiiutit hut the declaration cumlnk ul th tnnnlilored juttunieiit uf olio of l ml iitulentii a in i exhueittit of il nlen tpukes a powerful appeal to iniiiy mun ami woman who bus ut tieuit thn welfsrt- of tho rucu ll nuturully followu that f r lb lmtliiiiilliel mvuitlu thi- in i it on it iriitlllf und nutinfut tory attitude l 1 taken lowutils tlio tonuumitlon iileobiil untl that in thn hillcy of coin pwto elimination the fuiriul orgunlxutlun of munlclpiil uutl liiillonul life in uupremuly inter eated in thin effect of ulrohol and ujj the ruclm life 1m involved tho itoclut forto inimt 1m eugiivi and thun utl tlimul juntlllcutlun im found for legiu- lutlve prohibition youru faithfully look out for the drioht 6pot the rutin ijelweei fuuttfltidlng am limine with u good luuny noliitt bi ul iiiihi nliteen l one they uru lon- tlnuiilly iieolfig notntithliig t rompluli of and mold uhout und dm thlnyn ol whit li i hey thiniuihly u prove un it would not lie i if you young peopli l1 idea for iv iiikn ii ii ugr to thlu eh hem live thut after you have round fault with ntnntithlng or uoiucbody you will iikk iti limine of ut larit vu uilngi liefom ytui iiuln iih1ii1k in trlticlnni iru nut menu hint yiu are li ii rlty but i nly thit yoi the hliblt t looking ftl in in itr iiniui if th thin i ultlv iniili hooked i tin ktin on fulr though tutled of hiiniilug tlwugl i he the youm mult iny tuul ill i in gteutly liuprwuil- tl willi you lltuilyt em lu lined the ardent mlibllenuett liwuln who lovml the thiiikhtur much then ou think thete in u ehunee fr met oh yeji murmured the wlpw toyly only the tthr duy uhe uali to nm now hut lu juiit thn wort nf mun im like for i it father hlieu le m i1i1 bur kboi me george und then well gu unit tii hurt the fall faiifcs toronto opsna tha season 8i wsski from saturday t the tsrror qf asthma comes like a thief in the- night with its dreadful throttling robbing its victim or breath seems beyond the power of human aid to relieve until one trial is tnada of that remarkable preparation ttr j d kellogg asthma remedy then re lief comes with a rush life becomcu worth living and if the remedy be used persistently the disease is put permanently to rout take no uubatl- tute the indian calendar among the indians time is calcu lated by moons instead of montim january la called the hard moon kebruarythe raccoon moon march the sere eye moon april tho moon in which geese lay eggs may the plantlngmoqn june the moon when strawberries are red july the rfioou rn choke cherries are ripe augunt a harvest moon september tho moon whon rice hi laid up to dry october the ricedry ing moon vcmber the deer killing moon and december the deer moon the o liar o ijepnrtnient of agricul- tun hill hui uetl thn hut of full fatru for th itnl g ueauon thoue in this vicinity uru announced for tho follow- lug ilu lt acton bopt 23 and 31 arthur oct 7 and s llrnmptoi bopt 19 and 20 iturlington scpt 30 oct 1 calcdon sept 23 and 2 erin ocl 8 and 9 knmltjfi oct 4 cult kept 1h and 19 oeorijulnnm- oct 1 and 2 oakvlllu bept 1820 itockwotid oct 2 ami 3 htroelnvlllo sept 25 toronto aug 23 bopt 0 wuterdown oct- 7 woaton bept 12 and 13 wotxlbiiliu oct 10 and 11 his fathers qoy von look like u fool thundered tho ilhikiitiled irian to bin uon juat re turned from tollegu more and more llko i tout tiled harewuimd belp- letut fool uvery year juut tlin un uciiiulnttinco nt th ohl gdiilletuitu nntoroil tho ornco ami saw the youth hello charlie back elit oxclilmen i ho vultor youre look ing mini mill mort ilku ytiur fathi tivory yui ytm kiiii chtrlln tlijilm what uic kiiveiiii k jul oll tulllllg ine paid for corps damage lu 1 j 17 1s703101 frunni was iull by thn canadian corpn lu fraiicn in net thine nt of i uiiiiih from inhiibltunm roculvuil for dumugn to i rops tlamugu to hulhuiigh datiuiga tt t ivillan vbu- leu odiiputloti of bulltlhigu otc uc- comlhig hi u tatemiil in tho report uf the ovrruuu ulnlntvr of militia husband saves wife from suffering by gettxng her lydia e- pinkkarns vegetable compound plttsburrh pa- for many month i was not able to tlo tny work trwtnp to a weakness which caused backache and headaches a friend called m y attention to one of your newspaper advertisements and imtnodlatoly my hueband bought three bottles of lydia e plnkhamo vogo table com pound for me after taking two bet ties i felt fine and my trouble caused by that weak ness are a thing of the past all women who suffer as i did shotild try lydia el finkh runs vegetable coiimound mrs jab romujena g20 knapp bl n8 pa- women who buucr from any form of weakness aa indicated by displacements inflammation ulceration irrorpilaritics backache headaches nervousness or tha hhies should accept mrs liohr- bergrs gqfmpsuon and gfve lydia e plnkbamo yegotable compoond a tboroogh trial for over forty years it has been correctjno asch ailments if you hivo mystorioas complications write for advice to lyrlla li pinkhom mcdldno ca lynn mass when using n wilsons fly pads k read directions carefully and st- follow them st sf exactly far more citcclivc thansticly fly catchers- clean to handle klil by druigtstaundgroccrucvtryialicrc easy to handle- economical light weight you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beatxty in order to save money vok into the wide deep seats of this model ninety lookat it3 ample legroom look at it3 spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped i it has big car perfornlance combined with small car handiness and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32 horsepower the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type- come in and see thi3 model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontario willysoverunh limited winylcllmaowuimocalulitrrimiiw 1111 head offic and wmfcs waat toronto ontario touring car model 90 jl36000 touring car model 85 s14ss00 for particulars apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon acton advertise regularly and then watch for results frotetit the child rrom the ravages uf norms by using mather lruves worm our county kx terminator 11 is a ntandard remedy i crjoj tho statu for the iirohlhillon of and years of use havo uhanced lisj traltlc susanna m fry refutation intho union ulgual mrmmmt railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway system doing west no 2s bunday looiajtt 813 anx lojibaum all pjn- cdirun b1x pjn 738 ajrt 111bam 338 pja 01 i mn 813 pjn toronto suburban elsotrki railway qolno west t17 rnro daily except san day 33a pm dally except bunday roo i m ijally exceit hunday 1103 a m hunday only 413 p m sunday only ojh p m hunday only going east t4i a m daily except bunday 303 tym daly exospt sunday 18 p m daily except sunday t68 a m sunday only l8 p m sunday only ec p m sunday orily freight and bxpre88 lcxiiress carried on all cars freight dallvored dally by special express freight- tiupresa or itrelght picked- up at any address in toronto u it aon 10w agent acton lellys meat market corner mill and elgin streets acton i carry a full lino of meat3 as i havo had many years experience it is my aim to bring before my customers the very choicest meats at a reasonable price will you give me an oppor tunity to show yout cash paid poil iluttttlt and egqh wkelly acton ont uptodate goods atcc speights silverware in tableware pino variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stovts every article 18 of excep tional value c c speight mill suwt acton summer have you received your summer footwear yet t if not go to kenney bros and make your selection from their stock the styles for tadlca uru docgolaa ilaia oxfords with a taw linos oi pumpa wo have also a nice line of 1adios high cut ilals with fawn and fat vamp which glvo a very stylish nplhiaraiicu t our monh llnoh of lino und heavy llals aru cjtiniilctu with lloys ulsnun und chllils ut reasonable prices wo will also havo iomploto una oi whlto juwih for your ropslrlna attanaud to kenney bros main street acton ont t5fe acton bakery m edwards co canada ifood uoard uoense mo 011 mill street acton white bread brown bread portion bread 3vii bikcuitkjlscdoz buns 15c doz scones 15c doz cookies 15c doz cakes 10c 15c 20c ooc wedding cakes a specialty m edwards sco acton ontario store clbbcd every night but fri day anil suturuuy at 30 oclock

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